1953 Minutes
\... (
l, , Z:'
,- '< ~,
Deeember 10, ~952
On 'hand,for' the regular ~eeting.'of: the .C.otincll.../of. the.;. Town ef:, Yelmwere
Mayer Tr:i.mble arid Councilmen.,,, Brown., ..Sw.anson', .P~o'l,lar.d,. Pi'ckett, and"
Loutzenhiser. Milt I John.. and...C1tiz.e.n...O....K.....Edttai!ds.."w.erea.lso present.
Minutes ,.of' the" previous meeting wer~ read and appro'ved.
The treasurer's report ending November 30th was pre~ented and accepted.
The f0110wing bills were ordered paid on !j1otlons made by Councilmen
Pollard, and 'Loutaenhiser' and carried:
'CnrreDt Expense \'
n Pickett Drug S.tore....-...-----...----~-----.......--$ 1.59
Thurs.MasonOlympla Health D:r:8t.-....-------~ 67.50
Associfttion of Wn~ Cities----------~----- 25.00
Regional Public Li bra:r>y-----------.--:------520. 55
Wolf's---~----~~------------------------- 5.40
Trimbl'e's Hardwa.re ---------------------- 5.04
.' John W .Cullens------~--......----------..;.-.;..,-- 19..12.
Nisq~ally Vall~y News--~----~----------~-~~48.40 ~
P.S.~ ,powe'r & . .lJlgp.t-----.------------------ . 13.14 '
Brown Bros. Ga.rage-~--,-,..---------...--...---- 47.07
E. Robert FrrstO$----.;..------------------- 128.98
St.ridardOi~ of Calir.~~~-------~-------- 49.18
Ye1m Tel. 00..--...-----.:.....;---...-----:...-------- 26.75
P,rk . . _
, P .S'. .'P0wer '& .~ight--------------.;...---...----
Water'., a
P1S. Power. & Lfghts----....--------..;.----~~--
Tacoma-Rainier AutoFre ight----....e- - "';'- --."~';"
.Sparling Meter.Co.--------...-~-----~-----~
Trimble's Hardw~re-------~~--------------
, ,P1.on~er, Ine.-----------------.-------::---"':' -
. Brawn Bros. Gar,a,ge------..;---.......:...:...:.-.;.;--..:.-..:....-.
, -Penn Salt Co. --.... -~------.;.. ---.:-.:..:.--~..;-.---'
1 Street '- -.
Tr 1mb le Hardware- - -- -- -.... ~ -- ---..;.,- - -........ - ~ ~'':'-
Brown Bros. Garage----~-~-----~..;.~.-~-~~-~~.
P.S. Power & Light----~-~----:~~~-~~...----
G~rbs.ge .. ..-- . "- ,
Brown Bros. Garage------~--~=~---~-:~~~~~ 13.82'
o ' .
. 'l;.J9-'
2"~ 89
5~06 "
- 3J 50'--
-t,. '.
. C'Orrespondenee was. 'read from Kelley, . FarqUha'r; "& Co . acknowledging ree~ipt
of . information of ptlferage <In ttie'ir w~rehotiEre located <inYelm.
M~. 'Edward.s, by Milt's request, was en 'hand.to discuss gra.d1ng~t'he alley
by his s.tQre. Af,ter much consideration .Cc)tme ilmal1 Br@wn offered 8. motion
t0allew Mr. Edwards to grade down the' all,ey appro' xima te.ly 15 inche.s,
to fill in' 3 inches ef b1e.ek top "tiridto' Keep ".surface even. from" side to
side.' L0utzenhiser seconded. this "motion' and' "d:.$ ,:'carried.
;., ....
. Mr'., Edw:ards offered a suggestion"that' alleys of 'Yelrn ~should be widen~d.".:~
Town officials agreed but stated they would consul:t the Town Attorney
before .any action would tBke ple.c~. " '..
e .
Mayor 'Trlmble -reported that the News Tr:lbune would. grael:ously provide
parking equipment for bicycles fer -the news "boys;' c, ,"..
-_. ...~. . . . ~..~ ~\
Mr. Hugh B~anson expressed the n~~d for. pl~ck t~ppirig slang. the paver-} , ,
ment . on Yelm Avenue. As the Mayor B.nd .some Councilmen had " a1re8.~Y' made !
cont~tc.ts and yen tures into this dire' necessi.ty;' .the. Cterk 'was . a$ked' t,G . .
wrl te direc.t to D ireet@r Of Highways, Mr. Cl8.:yp,ool .to seek. advice and
. a~s.istan.ce in l.mprovlng the Avenue.
. Arter'" a discussion on the necessi.ty of power a~d' lights at Location-#
l_P1,.mlp Heuse, P.ickett offered 8. motion to requestpuget Sound to diso;.,
Iconttnue.'power,and l1..ghts service at this same locatlon.' 'L~utzenhiser )
seconded this'metion. Speeial attention was given the' above motion., As
Counci.1nien. ~ickettt and Loutzenhls er wi thdrew their Jnotlons the' ae.ti@ln
was 'null. The Wet.'r and Garbage committee w0uld make further inves'ti-
gatierr into the future need: of, the' pump' at Location # 1.
, I
,Mayor Trimble rep'orted that the' Count'y ,'~nd, ~Y.elni.'might..w'ork out. a. loe& tion
ro~ ,& Garba.ge Dump. Further cOFltacts :stil~ had,t'o'.be. made.' It was
suggested th~ necessity was great for tending.to. the present ga~bage
dump. . , ' ,.
, ~,
" . .
Co*ncilman Pollard suggested th~e streets badiy n,eed'ed grading at thia
time. MaYDD Trim'ble stated Mr~ Gallear would be contacted tGJ do the
ne~es sary street Improv,emen ts.
The meeting' adjourned'.
Mayor, R.A. Trimble
. ~~~/~
. '. e r k , r8.n C 'e s . E . . r 0 g,s ~ .,' __ . .. , ,
.ra,l)uar~ .l.4,,:. ~'i.953
On h.and for the. first Oregu:l:~~~'mee't':ing ,of '-the <Y6mlc.il'in 1953, were, ~ayor
Trim.ble, Councilmen S~ans0n,. PQ]~).ar4, LQ'Y-t,z~nl'!.lser, -Pickett. !nd Brown.'
Citizen Paul Truexap~e.req, upo]1. the ...seene 19te~. in the evenin.g. ' "
Minutes of: th.e prevlo~s mee,~,ipg w,er~ r~,E!-d ..and approved.
The tree,surer" s repor~ was' r'ead 'a"nd 'a,-e'e-ept-e'd'~' ·
The bills were read. Pickett offered a motion t.o ',pay all bills' except
the bi~l for street gr8lding~- 'Swanson'~ seconde'<i' this motion and. it.,
carried unanimously. Contacts would be ma~e co~cerning the bill from
" Thurston County Road District No.1. The following bills were then
, f
Current Expense -' ,,\.
Yelm Telephone QQ:~~------~-~-~-~-$ 21~8o
DorGthyt s Cafe--.:.:.----::::~.:_;::~-_~'~__- -. 6~'95
Fields Motor C'o. -.;_..._-":'':''---'':_-~':_'';'''-'57 ;'04
No~ton CleaherB---_-------_____~- 3.09
.Mosman Agency--,--':-,---':"-~":"-~--_~":'_'" Il.~'oo
Joe's P1ace------.;----~:~~:~~.:.~___ 5:32
. Blak'e' s Cafe-----.;---....~-.:.:-_-..:.-_.;".___..:.._ -24;41'" --,-
Stand oil of CQl.---------------__~ 54.72
~P. P.S., Power & Light-...--.:.':-::.::.~..:~-----. '32:18
Dept. of Labor & Ind.------------_ 15.66
Employ. Sec. Dept.--------------__ 27.92
Par~ Q, ,
P.S. P0wer & Light 00.------------, 1.11
", Water
Yelm Lumber Co.-~---~~--~---------
. P. S. Power & Light 'Co<.':-.-,..;.----,-----
Collector of Int.,Re~.QQQQQ~------
Sta,te ' TaxComri11ss1,ciri--;" --..-_______
Street. ,
'P.S. Power & 4ight Co.------------
Dept. of Labor & Ind.---------~-~
Employ. Sec. Dept.--------------~-
Coll~ctor of Int. .Rev.~--~----____
D & H Servlce------------_________
~ -, ...... ,,::.
, (
, 53. 20
248.23 ,
Trimble's H~rdware----------~-----
Frances E. D~6gseth~-~-~-~~-~-~-2-
;"W . ..:-" ~. f ..../ (..... ..;;. of''': ;'" ': ...... ~. .:..... ! ~, "'... ........ # ...." .. "'... ,,_
Paul Truex was on hand' in the"interests o:f Yelril Sportme.n's"Club. He
relayed a reques t .from the local Club for permis 8 10'0 te operate "9.. 1lirle
range in the berryshack.located just beyond the Irrigatlo~ Qffice with-
in-the town I1mlt~~ S~rkou8 descussion resulted with due consider~tion
for all parties or p!'rsons that might be' affected by the specirie 'lo~..'
ca.tion. No defini te action was taken but the a,ouneil inclllsively
thought the le,cation an undesirable 'one for the, project In mln'e. '
~The correspondence read. ~a.'s ,'a copy of the letter sent by the Health
Dept~ requesting 'ground for a ga~bage dump. Securing a garbage dump was
shelved for further,developments.-
..' I
Delinquent water and garbage bills were requested and cared for 'in the
,u~ua.l ~anner.
, ...:
J '.
o ~ 0 .;
Motion. was duiy made. and carri~Q.. by .Plcket.t and.!B~o.wn to hold a Caucus
f?r ,the purpos~ of :[el.ection) of ~hr.ee -.councilmen.., F.ebr.uary 10th, at the
Town He,ll at 8.00 p';M. .
As theYelm Theatre. had not paId aI1Y admission tax. in 1958, the. CouRcil,
:requested the Cle'rk to send Mr. "Willard a lette,r reminc\ing him. of ,tl}e.
deli~quent payments.
:l , ;
Joe ~10ngi relayed the message ~o theCouneil that he inte.dde.d to rent'
parking pla.ee for trailers to 'the Bonneville laborers and WB.rlt-ed ,to know
the ~ininium of we. ter that would obe. charged for each tr8~iler. Ordinance
cS.lled . for $2.50 minimum, and i tt' would. .apply to all U8.e.rs. .
~ ' . ... > ~ ". J )-
Mayor Trimble informed the Council that Mr. Claypool had :responded on the
inquiry to blacktop ,the stri.ps ~long. Xelm .Ave~nu.e." He sta.ted that thE)
mat~er would be . investigated f~ther. .and. it: pos"s1ble( the :r.eque.st would
be fulf,illed this year. "I . ','
. 0
Councilman Po'llard declared he had received complaints on boys climbing
th~ water to'wer.. Councilman Pickett s-qggested the water Supt. delve'1ntG
privGs: of fencing the tower, pump'and driveway and'report to C~uncil
18 te~.
/:0/ a.~
H.A.~rimble, Mayor
. .' ranees E. Drogseth lenk <
February 10th, 1953
The ,Pi tizens Party he,dd a esl.J.cus in'the Town Hall, Sebruary 10, 1953 -
at -8 0' clock. Art Tr irnble W8,S appointed chairman, 8.I}d Francos Drogse.th
s~cretary on a motion by Ed Pmckett and a second by Earl Pollard. Motion
ca.rried. '
" . .; .
The following citizens were'oq'hand for the mominat~on party: Art
Trimble, Ed Pick;ett, Jack Loutzenb.iser, Oscar Swanson, Earl Po'llard,
Ed Brown,' Paul Truex, Mildred Ellison, Jan6 Edwards and Frances' Drogseth,,'
On. Motton duly made and c'a.rried', Oscar Swanson was nominat4!ld for.
Councilman. to serv:e.a term of two ,ears.
For 'second position as counciiman Ed Brown nominated Ed Pickett; Loutz-
enhiser'seconded the pomination and the motion carried. unanimously.
, .
M~lin'Stillings was nominated.for Councilman nUmber thre~yi6'GrEa' t..errn
Gof two years. Metion carried unanimously. .
Meeting adjourned.
~~~(,e. J!(~
February 11, 1953 '
... Ma.yor Trimble preslded at the reguihar mee;:ting of the Counci.l with
Councilmen ero~rn, Leut,zenhiser, Swans'on, Pollard, and Pickett on hand. ..
Inter'este4'.cttizens present were Milt. Johnsori, Marshal:Cullens, and ..
Harry Southworth. '
Miriut~s of the previous meet1ng and Caucus were re~dap~ ~a~proved. -
Th~'treasu~erts report was ~ead and accepted.
. t:l . 0".: "
/ . The bills were read' and on motion made by LoutzJenhiser', a second by
Brown, and ~ unanimous vote were ordered paid:
'Curr'ent Expense .
M6s~an Agency----~----------------$ 5.00
P.s. Power ~ Light---------------- 46.96
F~oyd cummings~--------~-~----~--- 7.57
Yelm Tel.' COe--'...------------~-----~ 26.75
LOwman and Hanford Co.----~-------, 6.95
W elf' s..:.------ -....-- ...------:"" -.:.------- 9 e 47
Pickett nrug-----------~---------- 11.01
v. _' '.
50. 25 .
8 J. 00
, t
Mayor Trimble then relayed 'the opinion of Mr. Frank Willard that he still
desired leniency on pa.yment of admission tax. As ordJnl\~c.alled for
payment of same tax no change could be made without voiding ordinanceo
The Council requeste~ the clerk~to seek information from Association of
Washington Cities on whether or not admission taxes we're decre~sed due to
the increa.sed number of televisions in use'. Dafini te'actJon was po~t-\
poned a t this time. 'I' .,,"
Loutzenhiser offered a.motion to turn over all. delinquent ambulance
bills of 1-2 years to the town attorn?,y for collections,. ,Brown" second-
ed this motion and it carried :hnanimousIx. '.
"\ ..- :, .;
. ' ) . . . '
<> Further plannlng on the fence around the water tower and pump house
occuered. t Mil t 'Johnson presented his plans and Rfter a thorough exam-
inationof plan7B::own offered a motion ,to level the ground near t~e tower
and purchase mater1als necessary for the 90foot by 90~foot area fencing
project.. Pi,ckett secon~ed this .motion 'and it carried una.nimous.ly.
As the back of. Town Hall badly needed pa.intl Milt Jolli~son wa.s' requested
to perform the 'Job when time and weather conditions would.permit.. I.:
The increas'ed light bill for tn.e.Town Hall caused considerable question.
1\. suggestion was made~ tha.t Counci.lman Bwown meet with Thurston County r
Fire District Commissioners to iron out the responsibility of the increase
in the Puget Sound bill.
~r.~. ~,
- <)~
, Counc i.lman Loutzenhiser brought to attention of officials that 1-$ would
be advisable to ]a y ;!-i.nch pipe on Park 31 te for the purpose of supplying
water in necessary loca.tlons. After delving into finances of the ~ark.
Fund and the need for the 11ne~ Loutzenhiser motioned to allow Milt John-
son to purch.ase the necessary pipell-inch.) and fittings; to lay a I1ne
from ki tchen to entrance and to include. 2-inch .valve and ris'er. Pickett
seconded this motion,. e,nd it carr.ied unanimously.
, ,/ "l--d/.' 'I ~ .
" erk, Frances. Dro, e~h
" , ?fr r:t~
Mayor, H.A. Trimbie
The meeting adjourned.
. ...,;'
c > 't. "
Harch 10, 1953
Town Election resul ts for Town of Yelm were as follows':
. I
Councilmen for a term of 2-yea.rs:
'. Marl'in s:;tillings-~---42
~.E. Pickett---------29
Nat~ Henderson=-----~ 8
Roger Eide=---------- 1
Councilmen elected 'for a term of 2 years, were Marlin Stillings,;
a.G.Swanson and E.E. Pickett. ~.. f: ~~nJ
q~.. ~.
Ma.rch 11, ,1953
Mayor Trimble presided at the regular council 'meeting with Councilmen n'
Pickett,' Swanson and Loutzenhlser on hand. ,Pollard an9. Brown were absento
Mtnutes of the previous meeting and the Town 'Election were. read and
accept~d. "
The report' of Town tree.surer for the month of' February wa~ presented ~
and ac.ceptede
,On'motion offered by Loutzenhiser and seconded .by Swanson'the following
:bills wer~ ordered paid:
Current Expenee, '
Yelm 'reI. Company--...:..--------------$
, -' ~:lvera Johnson---------------~-..._--
Eva ~orton----------------~--------
Stand. OJ.l of Calif~:----------...----
Brown Bros. Garage--~--------------
P.S. Power & Light~-------.---------
Tr imble' s Hardware--- - -------- ,- -...--
NisquaIly VaIleyeNews--------------
Park I
. P.So Power & Light CO.---------r----
~ter .
Penn Sal t Co. ---~-----'-----~-:.:.---.:.---..
Tacoma Rainier Auto Prt.Coo-~-~----
'D & M Typewriter~Co.~---------~------
P .S.Power' & Light----.-----------....-~
Street , '
<<.1 .F. For be s coo - - - - ;.. -... - ... ... - - ... ... - ... - - .... '- ... - ... ... l.t 1 0 In
Brown Bros. Garage----------...;-------. 1.55
P.s. Power & Light--.:.----....--------.:..- 'l-l-5~58"
Trimbl~ 's Hardware------------------ 1~-.27'
Brown Bros. G8.rage----------~------- 11.29
32. 0 e
. 8J-'"
. J. 50-
16 3" 9 6~ ---
.3 0 [~O .
Correspondence included a reply from Associati6n of Wash~ Cities stating
that to their knowledge no ~lt~es or ~own8 had rela~ed on admission
taxes.., Ptl.rther discussion on tbe-delingquentadmission taxes of Yeimf
theater resultedo 11otion was duly made and carl-.ied to turn the collect....
tion over to the Town Attorney.
Ordins.nce 69 pro'viding for an emergency appropriation oJ' funds :for the
street fund,:-had' it'Si First reading and W8.S passed to the Second reading
on motion by "Councilman 'Swanson~. '8. Second by Pickett and a unanimous vote.
The Second Reading of Ordinance 69 occurred an-d was again passed to the
, Third Reading on motion by .Loutzenhiser with a second from Pickett and
followed bv a unanimous vote.
. v
M(~:yor ,Trimble brought attention to t.ime for tEl.king the Census of Yc:::lni
atf;ai-~n~~Q]Jr--'irSCe~uS:..JIGJt~'Oe"rdl of the feasibility of counting Yelm's citizens
n 0 oJV~,:) with a unanimous opinion, 'tha.t it. be' ~oftunt1.1 195L{-o
1'1:"2'.11 ~
.: \:J 1 '7 ~ '"l":~J t,,:".<;... ~l' "" ~. ~'< 1\ \\~ \>>;.1' \{ f....~ ':\;. is _,!!i!f~:":U. ". i~ ..:: '.<l ~ t'/i\ j'rJ .Ii. t'l :~'-~. .tl\~ \.\\A ~~9 ~~",.~t~'!'./l r;'~'Ip,~ . ~'i!;:'.;lr;.! .~r., . 'i'~~~.' \., 'f~J~!U",:;il}\l',-',') . ~ Ii \'il].'
fl~;@i$~ "iJ.~ ..R",o;' 1, LOlu,t'.z'e;R>1:aa~SeF:"~ re,a~alfea~ aU,," 81:l!g'ge s.t<! ero.~~il'tlhr0ugh"~ 'CO illlqa qmaR'~i' iU@,~4~ Z e'Rh~:i8~er
, tha,t, the Mayor appoint "a .chai.rman, or commi ttee. for, the, Stat.e Centerini.al .
"Terri torial Cel.ebration, in casle the necessity aros.e., Mayor. Trimble stated
he would 'appoint /a suftable chairman afte~." .~ak~~g e., f~1N conta,~ts.
<'I.T ~'l' ~ It ,\0 (J./.\
i ~i-
~":H~,f~ .t+,.1 fJ>"'~'"
ii ~ t,\ I. i,;,'~ o;t ,j" >i. \\'. ~~~\
. ~..{t- r"
; II
Jack Loutzenhi~er exp,ressedd.esire to be . permitted .. to vacate the 'alley'"
between Mosman and'McKenzie on .Second St':r'eet 'in Bl.ock three, Lot"7~8,.9" and
10. A~ further "le~al papers had to be presented, definite action w~s
tabled. ..... __.
-- .
IAs a member'of the Park Committee in the Liohs,G-lub, Jack Loutzenhiser
relayed the wishes' of the comrni ttee to enlist the Town's aid in, building
resj;rooms on the Park Si te.' After serious --discllsai'on Counci.lman $wanson
motioned that the Town furnish 2 toilets, soil pipe, and fittings 0-,
suitable for pub.1ic restrooms for the Park. Councilman P1.ckett seconded
this motibn. and it carried unanimously.
Councilman Swanson presented a complaint from Mrs~ Dain that the stray
dogs ~erelbecoming an unbearable nuisance ana reque~ted ~omething be done
abouT contro lling the stray ani,mala. Lengthy" disc'uBalon follewed but no
definite action resulted and the problem was ordered tabled.
.IMe'eting adjourned.
~f, H.A. ' rimble
~FrancesE. rogseth~. erk
April 8, 1953
:r-rayor Trj..mhle presided at the regular Council meeting with Councilmen
Brown, Loutzenhiser, Pollard, Swanson, a:nd Pickett on hand for th,e monthly
problems. Ed Pickett acted clerk.' Interested citizens were Marlin
Still,i"ngs"M~'s. ,Rhoton, Mrs. Dain and Mrs. Ockerstrom.
Minutes of th,e previous meeting were read and approved wi th an addi tion 0
requested--that Milt Johnson was mpstructed to dely~ into price lists of I,lL" .
licenses a.nd tags for dogs and present the. informati,op.. a t the following
meeting." , . ..." _.u_ ..___._
On motion' made by B:eown, ,seconded py Jayk L.Qut'z~npJser and followed
by 'a unanfmous vote the following bills were o~rdered paj.dl: 0
Current . Ex.pense ". . . ,
, Dept. of' Labor & Industries-----.:..'--.":'..:":'--..:.~--,..:.:..:...$--2: 00
Thurs....Mason-Olyrripia Health Dist.------------- 67~50
Yelm, Tel.' Company----.:.------------------------ 2L~~q.5
P. S. Pbwer &' Light Col,---':--- ---------------:--25; 91
Pioneer, Inc.--------~----------------:...-~-----, 5~22
Wolf's---.:..~----------~--:...:-------------------- .4.01 0
Field"s Motor Company----:..-------~--=-:..---:....-~ 58.57
Stand. Oil of Calif.-----:----~-------~------~O)2~12
Park .
P.S. Power & Light Co.---,.:.----.~-----:...---.:.'---..:- l~Jll
Trimble Ha,rdware-- --- ~...._-..:.- --- ----...---.-~.-:_-':"":"- 9 .~05
VtJa ter
P.S. Power & Light' Co.---~----:.:.--~------_:_.:__:_--- 48: 73
Yelm'Lumber & Hard.-....----;..----...---------:...-----. 5~97
Penn Salt Co.--------------~------------------ 3~6l
,Tacoma Rainier Auto Frt. Co.--------'-------.:..:.~... 3~50
Trimble Hard~are---------~--------.:.~-------~-- -3.59
Trimble Hardware-----~------------------------ 7~13
P.S. Power & Light Co.--------~---~-------~---,45.58
Q-arbage . . \ " . .
Mosman Agency-------------------------7-~--~-- 43~BO.
Order of busines~ was suspended to give the interested citizens e. chance
to express their desires on their respective'problems. Leng~hy ,discussion
followed on the nuisance of stray dogs. Jack. Loutzenhiser volunteer~d to
" contact the Humane Society of Thurston County to seekadv:ice and procedures
of handling the ppobl~m. The clerk wa~ requested to write As~o6iation of .
Wa,sh. Cities ,to 'di.scover in what manner other tOirJns our size were coping
with this same problem. N6 definite actioh resulted to await further
'Mrs. Ockerstrom stated she was local correspond€nt of "Daily Olympian" .
o ',,, \
l' lCH
" "i):,~
and mtlde a request that news",be, communfcatep.' to her.. H .;
',' ' \
Counci'lmanPick'ett~, offered a mo.tion tIla t C,Ounc\il chambers and clerk', s
office be, renovated. also that colors' be, chogen:-by the clerk and 1balbor
s'upplied! by Milt a.t his convenience. Lou'tzenhiser second,ed' this motion
',and i t carr i ed 0
Ordinanc e 69 had its ,third readihg. Ed Brown moved to finally pas s
this ordinance, OS<<Ar Swanson' seconded this 'motion and it ca.rri,ed unan....
imously. _ The, 'ordinance was orde,red published.
, '
The treasurer t,s repor~t \was read and accep\ted.
Some discussion took place on the topic of police and fire department
radios for ~he respective vehicles but the matter ~@s dropped.
fJ.'he Flre Cominiss:i.oners offered a suggest:.i.on that perhaps for 1954, 'tl:t$
Town might relinquish '3 mills to the Fire District and the District in
turn,would accept more financial resp6ns:~U.l1ity'af' its, own expense.
Jack Loutzenhiser. and Janet'te lloutzehhlser presented a. petition for
permission to. .tSTacate the alley within the premises, an lots 7,8,9" 10,
Block 3 of McKenzie's Second Addition in Yelm. Councllman Brownotfered
a motion.to'grant the a.bove p~tition of 'vacation provided the two',
Leutzenhiser~,pay all costs ef same. Swanson secorided this motion
,and t:lt carried.
A discussion occurred on theatre tp.xes and streets but no. definite
action resulted.
Councilman Swanson offered a metion to. purchase 250 warning tickets for
the pelice depa~tment, Loutzenhiser seconded this motion and it
carried. '
'The meeJ":,ing ~our
,~, z.
...... ff-6tJ~A
<,]~~1alfor, B.A. Tri.mble
-t' ,
May l~jl 1953
On hand for the regular cQuncil meeting w~re Mayor Trimble, Councilmen
Brol,<ln, Pickett" Pollard and Loutzenhisero Councilman.-elect Stillings~'
Harshal Cullens" and Milt Johnson ,also. att~nd€Jd this meeting.
, .
lVIinut~sof.!th@, previous meeting were read and approv~d.'
'Th~ tr6a.sur,9r Y s, report was read and ac~ept~do
I '
The fol'lowing bills w~re read--on motion. by Pollard, a"second
and a una.nimo\ls vote the following bills were. ordered pa.id:
Current Expens~
Yelm Tel.Comna.ny--:.:..----------=-$
Stando 611 of~caiifo~---------~-
Pionser, Inc.------~---~--------
Fra,nces E. 'Drogs eth----------.:..--
Yelm"Lumber Co:----------~------
PoSe Power & Ligh~~-------------
Nisqually Valley News-----------
Pickett Drug store--------------
,D & H Mobil Servic~-------------
Park Fund ' '
P.S. Pewer & Light---~----------
W:a t er
Penn. Salt COo----------':"'-------
Floyd ,Cumming~ Shop----------~.-
P 0$.. Power & ]1,i ght--- -.;.~- - -... ----
Pacific Sand & Gravel-----------
Nisqually Valley News-~---------
, P.s. Pow~r &Light----~--------=
, G8.r<bage
D & H Mobil Service~--1---------
by Brown
19 089
14. 78 .
LI~5. 5~ '
,1._1(!4::'i',,"t"''l''f~1 ,..,
')U' .
JilI'I ',," \ -; -!.(
~.~ .~j;.t... ~\ ,~ li /1 '.'. 1,', }j \.... ....,
~ .I. "~ (-I j,:
. ~
Ii d. 1..... ~ ;lJ;l ~""'\ {:l:~ Ci!H; ~a/W.;y" 1,\;J;}h \;..l'-~
'F i e ld,",,,,s' NG~tre'F"1ll Co .'<wJA_,t-r-u..m.F.''''!!'!: ~ 1"r ~ +!' .,., l"I' ~ A' F.' $:t'.t 19';"22
New Wat'e:r Const,ru,ction_Fund ,''''
Yelm Lumber Company--------..:.-.-- 190,,55
D & H !\1obil Serviee....-...-------..;,-, 16..48 "
Correspondende read was a reply frbm Association of Washington Cities
on the methods of handlIng the ndogll problem. The'commen"ts and annual
report 'by the Sta.te Auditor's office was present$d. A letter from
the H~mane Society was receiv~d sanctioning a dRg pound by the water
tower B.nd stating the mann~r approved disposing6t.he animals.
, ,
Resolutton 72 wasrea,d fl.nd passed on motion offered by Councilman '~ickett,
a ,second b~ Brown end followed by a unanimous vote. The hearing for
vacation' of' 'the oroperty was set for Junt} 10th at 8 P.M.
Councilman_ LOlJ.tzehhiser reported lnformation from the Humantli Society
that it was in 8.greement with wi th disposing ,dogs in a qutck human~
ma,nner~ After much diseussion' it W8.S d~cid0d that the Council would
appeal to the citizens of Yelm to; cooper~te in keeping their animals under
cohtrnl,so as not force the Council to take action which might be
costly to the offender as well as to the Town.
The~ fac.t that th@ term! tes were eating up the to\>In hall proved to' b~, a
~erious problemo The Mayor requested the ,Marshal to contact th~
exterminator for s@veral pleces in town and have him tend to t:a~ situ-
S.ome discussion occurred. concerning the bad condition of the stre(j)t by
th,e Washington Coop 0 but no definite' action resul ted until further'
~ study of its condit&on could be madeo
After consideri.ng, the' Centennial part:tcipation for the town, it was
decided to drop the matter for the time being because of the great
amount of monies it would involve.
Co'M., McFaul: requ@ste.d a water hook....up on their newo location outs'id$
,tONn Itmi ts.' It 'was. decided to run the line -across Fourth Strliet
a t Van Trump'o ." Q
The meeting adjourn~d.
Hayor, H...A 0 Torimble
Resolution 72
WHEREAS, the owners of more than 2/3 of the prop~rty
abutting l~on th. hereinafter described real prop.rty have pe-
titioned the Council of the Town of Yelm for the vacation of the
following described property, to-wit:
~hat_~oDti9~ of the Rlle~ in Blo~k 3 of McKenzie's
2nd A.ddi tion to the Town of Yelm, County of Ifhl1rston, Ste.te
of Washington, as sh.~n 'by tq~ _pl~t. ~hereof on fi1~ in
Volume 8 of PIa ts at page 104, records, of the Audi tor' of
Thurston County, state of lrIashingtori~', lying and being C
between Lots 7,/ and 8 of said Block 3 and Lots <1 and' 10 of .
said Block 3, . -
WHEREAS, the Mayor and the Council of the'-'Town of Yelm
have det~rmined that the said p~bperty has never-been opened as
'an alley in the Town' of Yelm and have determined that.a hearing
upon said petition should be held, "I-JG-W, THEREFORE, be it '
That'Wedn~sday, the lOth day of June, 1953, at the hour
of 8:00 P..N., be,. and the sam~ is hereby fix@cfasthe date and
hour for a hearing upon the consideration of the vacation of the
said property by ordinance, a.nd: be i ~ further res'olated
That the Clerk of the TOHn of' 'Yelm is hereby authorized ,." "
and di rec t~d to pos t notice as :,equi!:'ed by law of the timffi and
p18.c.$ of the hearing, up~n the' peti tion for the vacation of the
saj,d property., '-'
.....e.. "'"
" ,!~'J .f'i:~(\~~' ,.':.'...\I1'AH:-'.,~ ~ !~~~ !,;.~ 41{~... ~ :t:",CL }h. r:O " tl ,.{" . " ,1"" fr ff .
11 ~"".'
. .. :,.D),
. Fa.'ssed ,this 13th .' day. of' ,r-1a1,. 1953.
. M~YO R?
~~~ ie:~'
. Town C er k. .. . . ' I
Jun0 10, 1953,'
On' Monda.y June 1, 1953, Dc C. Swanson, .E.E. Pick~tt, a.nd Marlin Sti'll,ings,
w~re' sworn into th@ of~ic~ of Counci1men for th~ term of two yoarsQ .
Judge J.S..Miller officiat~do
J.18.yor Trlmbl~presided at the regvlar Council meeting with Counci,lm~n,
.. Pqlla.rd,. Pick~tt, Stillings, Swanson ~nd Loutzenhis~r on 'ht;1nd. Interested
.yi~itors were John Hal~, Kenneth MacAuley, Marshal John and "Milt.
Minutes of the May:meeting were read.~nd .pprbv~d.
report for Ma~ was presented ,and accept~d.
The Clerk's financial
. .
The h8aring on vac~tirig t~at po~tion .of the alleyiri Blo~k3, of McKenzie's:
Second AddItion to Town of 'Yelm'was:held and there wsreno citizens
pr~sent to oppose the vaca~ions.
Ordinance No. 7..0 had it's first reading and, was pass~d t'o th~ 'second read...
ing, on motion duly mad$, second@d and passed~ Ordinanc@ 70' was' r~ad. . ~he,
B~cond tim~ ahd passed to .,i ts third r~ading on motion offer@d by Counc1.1-
rnanPickett, asS@cond oj Councilman Lo'utz@nhis($r and followed by a
unaninious votQ.
Th~following bills wer~ p~~5ented and ord~r@d paid on motion by Council-
'man'Swansonjl a second'by Loutzenhiser and a unanimous vote..
Current Expen8@~ ~ '
Wolf's Shoprite Foods---------------$ 2~50 .
Stand. Oil of Califo~-----~--------- 26:59
Trimble' s Hardw~re--'---------------- 23~.64
Earl Ha~pe~~------~----------------- 2~32
Emp. Security Depto--~------------~- 2~19
Brown Bros. Gkrage------------------ 16.47
Nisqually Valley'N8w3-----~-~------- '6~88
w~s. Dar.ley & Co.---~..:.--------_:_--...-- . 4~09)
P.s. Power & Light COe~-------~----~ 22:20
Dorbthy"s bafe-:----------~-----~--~ l8~03
H.A. Trimble~----------------------- 2?~12
Ye ImT,e1 0 CO Q.---- -------- --------- - - 19.00
;r.ar k ~ Fund .
. PoS,. PO~Ner & Light C.o..:.------------- 1.11
Water . .
P.S. Pow~r'& Light Co.-:..---------........: 51~.45
Brown Bros. ,Garage-~----~-----~----- 20~19.
.' y ~ 1m L urn be reo. - 2.. - - -::.. .:.. ... :. - - ... - - ~ ... - - - - ... '3 0 1 9
Tacoma Eainie~ Auto Frt..Coo--~------5.25
Tr1'mble's Hardwa're---:...-------------- 20097
PrS. P6wer & Light---------------:-~ 45058
Garbage' "
. Brown Bros o. G~lrD.ge-----.------------- 13.02
New "'fa ter Cons truc tion Fund~~, .... m... .-.- .--. "..
T:rimb1@ t s Har.~ware------------------ 9.46
;fohn Hale and Itenneth IVIacAuley presented a resolutIon in behalf o~f the)
Am~rican Lt11gionoThe resolutlon which was read" bore requests to establish
cross walks at th& corner of Second and Third Streets on Y~lm Av@nue
and that the same be mark,ed wlth blinker lights to slow traffic.
As the Town already had crosswalks. marked at th$~e locat~6ris, the prosp~ct
ofoverh~ad lighted signs was consid6r~d. Action ~@sultingwas Q mcition
offer~d by Pickett that th@l Clerk' s~ndl a requ~st to the Stat~',HighHSY
D@partment for aid in construction of lrght8doverh6~.d crosswalk signs
on Yelm AVonue at corner of S~cond S.treet and Third Street. '" ,
. ,
.In th~ correspondence was a reguest from the Thurston County Civilian
D@fense'Dir@)ctor for a sum of,$7,,50 monthly as its share for the
Coun ty' s 'defens ~ progra'm.
.... '
After 3erious di8cu~~ion on ,the financial sharing of the aounty~s'Det~
~nse p:raogram, L9utze.nhi~~::r) offeJ;>eg, a ~motion to t,t-'l..t)l@ tti€; a,at.1on nnt:ll
" 'th~'~uly fueeting so esto giv~ th~ orficialS,ftchnnce to contact the ~
loc~,l l.efen~ e chF..!,1 'rmRO ~nd, th~ '1'o'(<.!n '8 attorney. Swanson 5,econded this
'motlon and it c~lrrted. '..I.',he cle~1.r. 14J:l~ tn~truct.~d to 8end l,eJord of this
" ~ction to Carlton 1. Se~,ra.
IVJ.f.lVOr 'frimbre- 'presented, the pla,n of the Town purchasing a 2-way radio
for tl!.e police Department. He stated ,that the 'facili ties would be used'
,by the Fire Dept. also 'and the town would be on the same wiaveband as
Thurston County Sheriff. Much discussion resulted as to\whether the cost
, and overhead would balance with benefitsderlved from the presence of the
2-way,radio system.' No definite action resulted as the or~lc~ais de-
si,red ~6 co~taet other towns of. same size and Association of vlashington
Cities to discover more particulars.
JV!arshal Cullens, reminded the Council tha t some of i ts ordlnan.ces~ ,
,were not up to date with state laws in that (the pOlie,e-judge was limited
in"~pronouncing penalties and sentences. The mars'hal'suggested ainendments
be added ,to so bring the laws to comply with,the ~tate statutes.: Co~cl1-
man Pickett offere"d. a motion to amend the ordinances necessary, to bring
them up to da.te with the state laws. Loutzenhiser seconded this motion
and it carried.
Tpe problem of collection of delinquent" admission tax from Yelm The8;tre
again arose. .'Pollard offered a motion ,to request Attorney~ristoe to'
take further act,.ion in c'hllecting these admisslon taxes, as the ordinance
requires. Loutzenhiser seconded this motion and it carried.
'-The, neeessi ty of stop signs on certain street corners brought a motion
from Pickett to place Stop signs on Third and Jefferson; Third~end Wash-
..' ington;:: First end Van Trump and First and..St.ev:ells,. The "motion was
seconded by Pollard and action carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned.
:}/ flj~
Mayor, H.A.Trimble
. ,
,June 30,1953 '
On hand for a special meeting~of the Town of'Yelm officials were Council-
men Swans on, Stillings, Pollard" LoutZ'enhiser and-~Ptckett. Mayor'Trimble
pr asided. Q
Ordinance 7~ which' provided for an emergenc'y-- approprIation 'o'rthe' sum of
:$1.50$qO to the current expense fund fO'r increased'clet'i'cal, costsroi' the
period from June 30, ,1953, through December 31, 1953 had Its fi;rst read~
irig.On inOtion hy Loutzenhiser' aria-',S'ec6nd ,by: P'011ard and a unanimous vote
the ordinance was passed 'to its *~'Drldreadingo . '
Swanson of fe~ed amotion to pass Qndiri:iarlei!aNoi'~ 7tt to' its third reading.
:iPollard seconded this motion and It c'arri.e'd' 'unanimously.'
The meeting of the hearing for the proposed ordinance was set for ,
July 8th" at the Town Hall at. 8 P:l-1-1. The rio~tlee ltlor hearing was ordered
The meeting adjourn.ed.
lto'-6l( ~d .
ayor, H.A~ Trimble
~ Ii'~
( .
:AA~~/ '., .'
l'er~; lir~nces ,E. : ro, ,~th~ .'
) ~',
.>, ,,"',#,-Jua~VA -.8" "",195.3
'.' ( .
'1.1'.\1:~ .
Mayor ''rrimbl-e presid-ed ove-r. the regula~ council meeting with qOlmeilmen
Swanson,.Stil:Lings, Pickett, Loutzenhiser and Pollar~'r,present.
Minutes. of the previous me~ti~gs were read and apprdved. . The tr~asurer'~
~~ep_6rt was read and, 'accepted.
The f~llowln~.bills,'wer~'nead and on ~otion'by Pickett, secoRd by Pollard
and a unanimous vote were ordered paJd:
. Current Expense ". '. '
Emp~, ,Seci.lri ty . Dept. ---------- ~---,---$ 42.96
Dir. of.lnt. Hevenue-.;.----...~.;..-e---"'!'-- 59~4o
P.s. .PoweI:' & Light Co.--_..._-";'-~---';"- 13;19
Ear 1 H arper-- - .;,.-- .....;,. -- - - -..... -- - -- - --.-- 1 ~ 5$
D & H Mobil Service-~------~-~------ l7~74
Dept. of Labor & Ind.~~--'-",--------- l7~'5'5
-Regional. P.uhl,i.B Library-------------~28..51.
"Mosman 'Agency--~-~-------~------~--- 35~00
Dorothy'~ Cafe-~-~------~----------- 6~13
Joe's Place-..;,....-......-:.---.;..---------""'-...~- 22.15
Field's Motor------~-----------~---- l02~77
YelmTel. Co~pafiy-------------~----- 35;00.
Stationers, Inc.----...----..------~--.;.. , .74
Park '
P.3. .Pug.~:t. Sound 'power & Light-'--~-~
Wa. tar",':
Emp. See. Dept....... .:...._-.:.- -- - -- --'-.. ---...
p.S~ Pow~r ~ LightCo~---------~-~--
Tac6~a Raini~r A~to. Freight~~-------
, Penn~ Salt Co. ~---;...-.:.;~-~-~-...----~---..:.~
Yelm Lumber.Compa.ny-.;.~------.;.---..~.:.~
Dept~ of Labor & Ind.------~~--~~~-~
Street '.
, "P.S. ~ower & Light~Co.~------~------
. Y~lm L:umber 9omp.any~-..-------~-----..;,
~Tr 1 rob le Hard war e co.... .............. ~ - .. - - - -.. ....... ... -..-
G~rbage"r", . . .' I.,., - .~. . f ..
. Emp. .SeC. .Dept~..;,-~....;.:-----,;,..---.,~...-_...._-'
D-& H-.Mobil\S~rvlce~~...-~-~--~~-~~~:~
Franc e s E. .Dro,gs e th--':'-.. ...'.. -.. -... - ~ - - - -"..
I ....
.< .
, ,
\~ .'
, {.l
45~,58 .
. 5.67
.. 9 ~ 5'3'-
25~23 .
o\fai~irc:e~ 7jcrj.~aa~f1?t:s1tthi!:.rcPffielfd1.ng::d:1.:TO:nH.mt)t'iibnjffy t'F09..1:iatrd, /a s acorid by
Stl11ipgs . and a unanimous vote -'the ord,in.'anne was adopted, and, ordered'.
published. '-,' ,"',. .. ....
l,i .
As no' on,6 was present to opp.ose Ordin'ance "71, . i t'had '1 ts third r~ading.
LoutzenhIser offered'a'motion to finallyaaopt-ordinanee 71, .Pickett"
'.seconded' this motion' and a unanimous vote followed. The o'rdinance wa.s
ordered publlshede .
,t,:,..~.. "
Harold E. .Wolf was present and requested aid from the . Council' fnd'ispo.sing
of surpl.usgarbage the. t could riot "be handled; by d)nly two gatherings a week
,.the g~rbagedept.' .made..' The Council contacted Arcl1ie Ferguson and' perrrii-
.s'sion 'was granted Mre Wolf to haul,his rubbisht,b .the rented q.u.mp at 'his. ,',
convsBience. -
;; '"
. Mayer' 'Trimble rela::yed ihformatfon $to tne '.Coime'il concerning the req:uest
from American Legion on crosswalks. TEe Mayor s.te:ted'tha t any lighting
he.d to be. approved by the state highway departm.ent.." but. the town had .
to, stand entire cost. -The de'partment suggested 'inc~ea:slng lights to' '"
SOO-watt., Cost of installation' of each light wou~d be at least $200.00.,
After much discussion, it was decided best to table action un~il buaget
time. . . I . .
Mayor Trimble stated he had contacted Fristoe about' amending pres'ent .
ordina~ces to bring 'them up to "date with sta,te laws 'so as to. give "the
p01ice'judge the power due him. The Town Attorney .was preparing the
nee~ss~ry amendment~. ' ..
~After 'further contact w:l th t he town's a ttorney on the' de 1 iriq'uent
.adrnissiollf:.' taxe.s ofYelril Theater, Trimble announced.the payment. had
b~en p:romieed up to date.
, I
l;l),S, ~~. ' '.,
i 'J}['~ 't",. J1~.;-"~
'<'>r "",,",'
/..... --.
~,....'! U'1f!:.tN '~'t' ;.v .1,1 ..~.(~'*: <1'\ .J .:!f ..~ ,A; -i I!~"'~ ~l.:':':;: '-1iI..' It .,.~u. ~. "d'l'':';':~ :"i
'17ke".#depo'tl;"'age'nt""['M~1.1,er'j'd''''req1:les,ted.' :the town t'o ship by, raila.s it was not-
any higher in cost tha.t, a.uto freight. ,The Council unanimously decid'ed to
grant this' :nequest where' pcs sible. "
. I , , I
'P:ollard brought at,tention to the Council of the bad condition of the ent~
'jll1B.1Ceeto the park. The roa tter of rest'rooms a,lso arose. As time would ,not
( permit installatlon and building of restrooms before the Carnival the
improvements would ~e left until a further date.
, ,
Pickett stated the nec,essity'was great for "noParklngn signesin,alle,..
entrances. especially the alley' on First between 'Jefferson and'Ye'Im A'J'enuue.
Pickett of.fered a motion to p~rmi t the, Street Supt.. ct.o purchase ,.th~" riecess-
.ary signs and place. them where necessary., Pollard secondeq.,~this mqti:on .O~' r.~
and , i t carr i ed. c", "f
; .::
· The ~ee.ting adjourned. .' '-,
- -., -:';f:-aJ~~
Ma,yo,t'., H. A . T ri mb 1 e
August 12, 1953'
,A'cting Mayor Pollard presided ~t th0 r~gularAugu$.t meH,jing with CouncilmtDn
Swanson, Stillings, an~ Pickett prasent! . ,
The minut~s of th~ 'pr~niious me~ting..w~r~': r'~.ad' ~nd'. a.pnroved. .
, The tr@asurer' s report vvas rea~ and A.CG$p't.~do d'
, The follow'ing bills were presented ~,nd on' ~~t'i'o;' 'by
Swanson and unanimous vote w'~re ord~.!,~.o. ,paid.: __ ,,_
Current .Expense . , ." 0 _ . , ,'. , ~ " ,",
Mosman AgencJ--------------~----i 50020 ' '
D & H Mobil Service--------:---~ 28.03
Chas. Donaldson....- ca'_ - -- ---.......... -- --... , .9.23
Yelm T~l. Co.--------------~---~. 19~35
Pickett Drug' Store--------.-~~-.....~" 1,\..,92
Pioneer, Inc.------------------- 53.74
Blake t s Cafe....:-----....----.-----:--_;,;" 25~5l.
P.S. Power & Light----------~__~ 9~~2
tarry Johnson-----------------__ 1.97
Nisqually Vall~y N$ws----------- 18017
Park '
,~,p G S OJ P,ow e r & Li gh t' Co. - - - ..: - - "':' - -_
Water t.
Northern Pacific R~flway Co.----
Brown BrOSe Garage--...-------~-~-
Penn Salt .Co.--...---------....-----a;--
PoS~ Powe~ & Light Coo-~--------
~,tr~et, .
Auto Freight Co.--~---------_:"'-~
P.S. Power & Light~~----------~-
Trimble's Hardw~r~-------~------
Wash. Stat~ P$n~--~~------------
,:fi~ld' s Motor Comparly--------....-- 52056
Pick$tt, a second hy.
81. 18
o _
In tne corres'pondence a lettGr rsad w.as, from Housing 'and Home, FinanC0'--, .
Agency r~questing information on. the $3,.500.00' that 'was sup,pos~dly loan<<t)'d
' to th$T:own of' Ye1m in 1945 and 1947. AsJu:..ry:rf'~w councilmen w~re aW,s.re '
of this 10anhbaying GIver' be~p made,J th6 rnatt@r would b~ delved- into befor8
the next regular m~et~ng~ ,",
Thurston County Civil Df)f'ens~ 'S$nt a r,equ~st ,for a representativ@ tQ attend
, a me~ting August 17, in 5}lympia~ The' actiiig Mayor tabled the nomination until
he could make further contacts. , . · .
The regional public library informed the Council that if they want~d to
contract for Library service they would TleedJ to budget ~ mills 9,f.the ,
ass~ssed valuation and P.U.D.'s. A reqdest was rslaY0dfrom the ~s~ociation
of Washington Cities for a good map of ~G1m whiCh they would like to k~ep'
. in their files for reference. A l~tter was read from Milton Johnson which
was a. request for th$ Councll to consider for 1954igiving him a 40-hour week ..
and two weeks paid,vacation.
. .'1
',J ,
, ..1,,191
.' ) ,
. As many requ~sts had' been made conce,rning summer.. water 'rat~s to be $xtendel
the Council discussed the matter to lengths. 'pic'kett~' off>ered 'a .'motion
to' conti-nue the summer water rates untIl September 23" 19.53. i,tillin g s
~econd$d' this motion:-~and it carrled una.nimously..
The meeting adjourned.
Acting, Jl.tayor, tarl Pollard
. f{i~~~
. "C~ances " '. Dro . tln. .
, i
September, 9, 19.53 ,.
. I~i , ~
On hand for the regular c:~uncll 'meeting of Town \ of Yelmwere Counci Imen
Pollard, Swanson, pickett., Loutzenhiserand'StlllingslN"i th Mayor Trimble
pres iding. Interested citizens were Les Clarambeau,> Hubert Fields:, Bill.
Gifford and Alr Birkland~ .
Minutes ~ of the previous 'meeting were read and approved$.' The treasurer t s
report for AUgust was rea.,d and accept~d,. '
- ,
On motion duly made a~d seconded by Lout~enhiser and Swanson with a
unanimous vote" ,the follow"ing bills were ordered paid:..... _
Current Expense '
Brown Bros.' Garage-----------~-----~$
11"lolf i s Shopri te----.-- - ~---~--- - -----
Earl; Harper-----------~-------------
P,oS'. Power &, ,Light Co.~----;--...--.----
Sta.ddo :Oil of Calif 9....---------------:
Yelm Tellt .Company------,------------....
- 'Park'
P ftS ~ Power &; Light----~-------- ...,----
. 0 t
via ter-
N.Pe Railway Co.--------------------~
" P.S. ,Power & Light....---""(,----:---,----...::;....
S;treet ," c
Ttiurs~ Co. Road tiist. No. 1---------
B~o~n Bro~. Garage-------~--~---~~--
P .Sq Power & Light.....-;-~;".~-":"-~-----.----
Yelm Lumber Co.---------------------
. Brown BrosG .Garage----....-----.::--...---- 8.57."; "
Corr'espondence included a letter from The Health District requesting
$292.80 for. the y~ar of 1954 if the town des'ired ,;to be included on the
vlist for 1954. Also a letter was read from, J.W. Cullens requesting
an increase i~ pay of $50000 per month for the year of 1954..'
-- ,
2e81 '
12'. 35 "
-23. '5.5 .
1.50 '
4.5. 58
. ,
Mayor Trimble" relayed the' information to,'.thEt. member's tnat Attorney
Fristoe had attended the. Civilian Def,ense _meeting in Olympia a.nd stated
that if the to'V\Jn contributed to this, organization it would be supplies with
a two-way radio. " The amount of contribution iNould 'be '16~-lper, capita or
$78.,00 Q' ,.... '-, "i - ' ,
<: ,
Mayor Trimble invited Mrf Clarambeau to state his 'wishes which wa:sthat
he desired to raz,e the two garages on his pr.operty and receive permiss,ton
bo build another one in the same Iocatiorli-9 . After considerable'dis-
cussion Loutz~nhiserJ motioned to'instruct Chief Brown "to permit C1aram...
,beau to r.e.ze his two garages and build 'on approximately 24 feet by 26 feet
"on alley .oft'iLht 1. Block 1. Pollard seconded this motion and it carried.
Mr. 'Birkland wa-a; present pin' behalf of citizens' res.id4.nggon Third and
Washington and requested "a street"light, on that par.ticular' corner. He '.
also sta.t-ed that if the street could "be widened by the MJ~iJ~., Church he
, would gladly cooperate. in any way' he could. As these requestsl^Tould 'in~'
volve financial consideratiQn the~matter w~s tabled until budget time..: 1
, Q' .. .
'Mro .Fields spoke in beha):f of the- Thurston Fire District No~" 2' re-
questing that the town relinquish 2~ mil~ in its behalf' for the year of
19540 ~ Considerable discussion reS'ulted~ . Councilman Pickett <6ffered a
motiontba t the Town of Yelm' give' the 'Fire Distric,t 2i mi.lls for 1954.,
Loutz.enhiser s,econded this motion and it Carr'i.~d _unanimously.
'c'~~ncilmal'l Stilings moved that the ~1ayor and Clerk be a.uthorizedto.nego....
tiate'anagreement~with the 'Fire District No.d2 in leasing the Fire Erall
and equipment" for 1954 for t};:le sum of ~50..o0 per month.. Swanson s~econded
this motion and it'carried.'-
, 'C ?
A tentative budget was drawn, up and Counci:lman Swanson of .fered a. motion to'
a:doptthe same .budget., 'Councilman Pollard seconded this motion and it
carried. September 30 s.t8 P?jJf. was set for the hearing date and the
budget was o~d~red published. .
. - ~
Town of YelmBudget for 1954
.:~J~.:~.l;.~-::~'y~,ES TIM-A. TED REVE1'JUES~~~~*~}.:~ii-~~~
Taxes: . 10 :Hilxs---r---------.:..----^---$
L.icens e5'--- --- .:.---- -----~----.---- -_:___
Admission Taxes-----------------------
Liquor Revenues--------~--------------
Hotor:Vehicle Excise. Tax...-------------
Police 'Court Fines-----------------___
Ambulance Fees--------------------____
Fire Hall Rental--------------------__
Balance on Hand--------~-------_--____
Balapce on HandGG---,...---:...,----------____
Consumer Collections-=------~------___
/,..j ,
Balances on ~and-.----------~~-l-~------
T,ax e s 2i ~ 'M f 11 $'" - - ... - - - - - ... - - - - - ~ i -... - -.-.-... -
Motor'Vehicle Fund------------________
Balance ~n Hand-------..;...;.----"'t-~-----_-
. ,500.00
1, 254. "'4.8
2,100.00 $11,320.12
. .
, 50 . Q 0 . /' . .
1.,500.QO .~~8~~y';~O~OO \
.. -:'!-
82~_. 05
IlL, 648. 4L~ "
2QO.OQ. '.. '2,,672.1-1-9
.GAR.BAGE ~. _., ..~. __. .~~,
Consumer Collections---------o---~-,-_-- ,,2,40.0..00. _'.,
Ba1ance.on Hand-~--------------_.--~-__ 400.00 2,Booeoo
mnilaB:6eJ:.) enfHamd'vv. ~.l)6ndPR.as.e~"et ~ ~- _._,___
Balance on Ha.nd-....-----------~--.:.---.___
- ~-,
- .., .. - - ~ .. # ". -...
.2,-850.~Q.o. . ,,'2'l8,50. 00
379. 60
, ~HHHHiJ..t:~;.Es time. ted Expendi tures~ '} fo~ 1954**~H.~~~Hi"~:.
.CU.Rlif EtI 'fr..EXj:1EN.S E '"
~Clerk Salary--~-----------_---~__...._---$.
C 1 e r k Exp ens e.... - -- .... - - ~ -:0,"" .... .... - _ _ _ __ _.... .... _ .... .... _
Clerk Relief----~--~-----~_-----__--_~
) Office Capital Outlay--------_________
.~Att~rney Salary & E<<pense-------------
Mayor & C.()unc.ilmen....~~pense-------__---
Surfity Bonds-----~---~~------___------
~olice Judge Sa1ary--~------~~--______
Police Court, ExDense--~--------~______
Registrations& Elections------------__
?kssociation o:f Wash. Cities---------.--
Publishing ~ Advertising----------~--_
State Auditor-~------~___~--_--_----__
Medicil Aid & Iric~ Ins.-~------~----~-
Social Security" ----~..:.__.__--------_____
- .
. To wn Hall Exp ens e - - - - .:. - -_ _ _ _.: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
,~Health Servieeg--------~----~--___--__
--I."i brary----- --- - -----...._ -.~_...__...._______....
---'Mar s ha 1 S al ary.... - -.... - .... - - _ _ _ _ _ ...:... _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l1arshal E.xpense---------~----...---__...-_:
Jail Expense and Meals----..::-------___....
Ambulance ~aintainence---~~-------~---
Outlay~-police Dept.-----------_______
~i viI Defense Protection--..;,----.------_
9000100 .
~-92 80
~' .
6~.9. 2J+
. 25.00
~ 78.08
o .
~ !; .\
$11$J20~ 12. .
~ '
. Q
( :'12'1~
PARK - '
,Maint?:inencei, & butlay-----~--...;---......~'
....,. .~
" '
I"' '.Jl!
, 'Sunt 0' S,ale.r:y--- -' - ,..-- - - -- --...... - -- - --...
Cl~rkts Salary---...------~---...------
Office ExDense-----~---------------
Supplfes-:----'-- -- - --------:- - ---000p- on
Labor'& Repairs-------------~~-----
, 'Pow,er '&, Lights-----.:..-----------"'"'---
, U,ti*,i ty Taxes~_::_---~---~'-------_.....---
Socia.l Securi ty-----------,--------:--
Meod.. Aid & Ind. Ins 0 ---------....-----
, C~p-i-ta IOu t lay.... - - .... -- - ~ -... - -,- - - -.... - - --
/Bond, Red'emption--->- --,....--.:..---------...
'Bond R~serve--~----~:-~------------
( . _ ~~"'. ..............:__~~...._.......-'~. ..... ~ _~.....~...m",".. .., ,')
'-Bona Reserve on Hang~---...-------...--
250. 00
1949..00 .
28,,50.00 $111;,600.00
; 'J
',';:.1' ~
~upt. SBlary----~------~-------~---$
Labor & Repairs------------~-------
Ma teria1s--- -- ---- --- --.---- --...-...---~
Truck Exp ens e....- - - ...,- -......... - ~ -............ "':" -... --
Street Lights--------~----,------...--'
~ "
Indp ~ns.' & Med. Aid--------------~
.. So:ci a1" Securit y---"--~-'---- --- -.;.- --;...
Capital Outlay~---...----------------'
125.00 '
60.00 $~~2,,67204.9
Pisposal Sa1ary~---------...---------
Clerk' s Salary---'::'~- -----.:..-- ------;..~-
Office Exp'ense-::" -- --'!"'---.--- -- ...-- --...
Truck. Expense---------------------....
" S'1l;ppli es......- -- --.... _:...... - -_co - - - - --;.;...;, - --.;;.
';~'Dump Rental--------~---~~... ----~-- .......~
, Social' Security...;-~--...----~---~-----
Med~ Aid . I~~o Inso-------~~----~'
Capi~al out1ay------------7~~~---~~
Capital Outlay ----------~--~~...---~'
J 0.',
'" -'25'~ 00', -
:. 300'.00'-
, 75. ffO;:
46.00' '
14-5000 '
, 209.00 1.~~~OOoOO
~t .
379;60 $ 379~6o
" _ ~.' "$29$:183.,,2:],
, ,,>
. , ,
. ,
Loutzenhiser relayed the desire from cItizens for more stop signs
especially one on intersection of Washington and' Second Street. Mayor
Trimble asked the street committee to investigate the necessary locatio,ns '
for. stop signs and to please repor~ a t the n~JQ,~ regular council" meeting.
Meeting adjo~rned.
MayorH.A. Trimble
September 30" -- 1953
On hah<t~:~ror a. special meeting10f the Council of Town of Yelm were Mayor
'. 'Trimble, and Cou:Q.cilmen 'Loutzenhiser Jl S~anson~ _ Pollard, ,Pickett ~ and
," StillIngs. ' " 0
Ordlnance 72 adopting the prop'o'sed"1954'bua.get a.s set~forltHn by the
Council of 'Town of Yelm had its First Reaaing~ Councilmen Loutzenhis'en
mo:tione'd that in view of" the fa.ct ,that there were, no complaints on the
proposed b:tldg.a'tt that Ordinac'e 72' beppassed to its', Second rea,dingo-
Swanson se,conded this motion and carriedf>
'Ordinance','72: h.ad, lts' second reading and on motion duly'made and carri'ed
was p~ssed to its'Third reading.
The ,meeting",adjournedo
Ma'Yo " H ~A.' Trimble
..,...... .'
October" ~'1 '-1953
On harld for the hearing oof the budget were, Mayor. .T.rimble, and qounci 1
t men Swanson, Pollard, Ptckett, Loutzenhis-er.o
!9rd1tB~nhcelo~i:ohad its Third r.eadlng.. . ptcke tt motioned to adopt ,this
ordinace, Polle.rd seconqed the motion and it carried1unanimouslyo'
The ordinance was order~d publishedo -
The meeting adjourned.
.~ ~,~' ~ .'
~".- ' .' .'"
l:erk" Frances E. DrOgS~
. .',. ~ . .
Ma.yor, H.A. Trimble
" October 14,.' 1953
t;. ," .
lJIayor Tri.mble presided at the regular ~'buncil meeti~g__~ith CouncilmE?n
I:ollard, Swanson, Loutzehhiser, P~ckett and Stillings in place. Interest-
ed e1 tizens in attendance wer.e Mr.. Southworth, Mr. B9wer,Mrs. ~f. Lou.tz.en....
his er and Mrs. Lou' Pollard.'
. ~
The minutes of the prevlous meeting s "were read and app'rc;ved. The
treasurer's report was read and approved.
On motion. made by Jack Lbutzenhis~er" a s~econd by Eaii:i~ Pollard
unanimous~ vote the following bills were. orderedpaisi.=,",
Curren t Exp ens e ~ .
Earl Harper----------~--------~$
J.S. Miller----------~-------~-
P.S. Power & Light---~---------
Mos~an Agency--------~--------=
Pickett Drug--------~~--------~
Fieldts Motor Co~...._-_:..---------
Yelm Tel. Co.-~------~--------~
Trimble's Hardware--~----------
D &H Mobil Service~-----------
Nisqually Valley News~----~---~
Emp:. Securi ty Dept. ------------
Dept.~ofLkbop~& INd.~---------
.Dist. Director of Int. Rev.~~--
Yelm Lumber Co.----------------
Parker's Radio Service---------
Park.... ) . '
P.S. Power & Light....-~----------
vlater' . ,\
No Po. Railway co.----...-~-------- 10-50
Capital Bus. M~chines----------- 11~74
P.S. power & L~ght------~--~--- 50.34
M\ill. Supply Co~---------------- '113.74
Penno Salt Co.~---~------------ 2.22
~~anries E. Drogseth--------~--- ~.55
Trimb1ets Hardware---~--------- 35.57
Emp. See 0 Dept 0,--'" -...- -,,;. -:---- - -- 27 0.45 .
De pt. 0 f La'bo r & Ind. '- .... - - -... - - - ... 230 01
street ~
Tac. Rainie~ Auto Frt.----~-~--
PeS. Power ~Llght Co.~-~-~----
Trimble's Rardware=~...------_:_-
Capital,Bus. M~chines----------
D & H Mobil Service~----------~.
~nd a
'1'17 .2'5
. 24..70 .
100'.5 6
110 7~.
As a "Children at-' Play" sign wa.s reques:t'ed on Third S.treet py AIf
Birkland the Council requested.l"1ilt Johnson 'to tend fb the mattero
( , .
Mayor Trimble relayed ,the request from Supt. Stevens for.a fire hydrant
to . be .loca. ted nea.r the bus barns and ~ the school. Discussion followed
,and the Council-asked Milt to get the approximate total cost of ,the \
installation and report at the Novem~er regular meeting.
.1,.23~,. .
The matter of ventila.tion in Town Hall again arose with the. discussion
resulting ,in a request for John Cullens ~6" formulate hi~~. pl8;n' and. total
casot .of the system and inform the' members as soon a.s he coulde '
r1a.yor .Trimble reported that a'n 8-foot bla.de grader h'ad: been off,ered to'
the -town ,for the reduced price of $1,350.00. Due .to lack of funds ,:the
'possibl~ purchase was dro~ped.
JL great part of the evening was spen~ in discuss i~g improvements to the.
. Park Site., The mayor reque'sted each chairman ,of' his par'ticular group
to_ voice his' opinions. and to render his caid. Janette Loutzenhiser, Park
B6ard Chairman, reported that the Button sales money was earmarked for
re,strooms' on park gr~unds@- AsrMr. Bower suggested .h",e thought the ..first
necessary .step .for improving the park was the planting of trees, the Mayor
soliei ted his a.id in contacting the right party for securing trees free,
or f6r a nominal co~t'., Earl "Bollard was appointed to' get'the needed
measurements fo'r ~res.troom building or.8. combination of storage and rest.....
room. structureo The Mayor asked Marlin Stillings to gather information
-for the approximate cost~f'the building. As President of the the Lions
. Club,. Pollard would furni'sh the' amount o,r funds the" Kions' could con....:.
tribute,.. and the ParI<; chairman,' Janette Loutzenhfser would attempt,
secUring pers'ons .to ai,d,in landscaping and planting the available trees
o,r shruber'yo- .Much discussion occurred 'on parking area for the park.
All seemed to agree that In and Out entrances on the ncr thwest end of th'e
park and closing tr?-ffic on all other side.,s of t he groUnds was. the
practical method~'
lis' Yelm' Theatre ha.d not responded in payment of ~dmlss.:ton taxes, ,the
Mayor requested Attorney Fristoe to aga;i-ri contact MrQ Willard about his' . '.\
de"1.inquent fees G
The meeting adjourned.
( .
RoA. Trimble, Mayor
, .
, "
November '11, 1953
On hand for the regular council meeting were Mayor Trimble' and Counc'i Imen' I
Pollard, Loutzenh~ser, Pickett,. and Swanson. ^Co~cll:men Stillings. was
absent.. ' .
Minutes 'of the previou~ meeting were read and approve~.
The treasurer's report wa:s read and, approvedo'
Onmo~ion made by Pollar~~ seconded by' Pickett and followed ~y a unanimous
votei the bills listed b~low were ordered paidr
Current/Expense . ,
yelm Tel~ COo-------------$ '21_60
It 0 s an Q f S - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. 02'
Stapd. Oil, of Calif ..------ 391ti58
Nisqually Valley News----- 33.26
Wolf's----------~--~-----~ 6&93
P.So Power & Light COo""'--- 16..4.0
Ray J. Raab----~--~------- 47~25
Park ,
P. S.> Power & Light Co. ....---
Water .
Piofieer~--~--~------------ 17~61
PO) S <<> POv-ler & Light-..:.------ 44e,66
p.e m.' S,alt Co."....----- -- - --- 8061
, St.reet
P.Se PQwer. & Light...------- - 45.58.
Field's Motor Co.--------~ 16.89
Larry .John.so,n-----------....:- 31.52
As S_hirley Rosano had request~dc to 'purchase the' old chemical cart" .Council-
mQn Pickett ,offeted a motion to permit this .sale for $5.00 with the stipula~
.tion that. the ,entire, cart be rennoved' from (i ts 'loc'a.,tiono Councilman Swanson
secQnded 'this motion an4 it carriedo
. c'
As ~e '~c~'ident, which occurredwi~h the paddy i'ITagon df,tmaged a Hawthorne t:r~e
belonglng to the town, the clerk was requested to contact the rtght pe_r~'ty .
.to place a claim Tor the d~ageo
"( ,
SInce mor~e c~i tizens requested aid in decree.sing speed and".the installa tion
6B more str~et lights, the street committee and Mayor set a date ror. SUnd~y
to make a thorough investigation fC?r the 'hec~ssary locations for 'sign~' md
~ ligb.ts. ~'
Iv1arshal Cullens stated to the C01IDCil that it w.ould be wise for the to'tvn to
purchase ,a monito~ to place in the hall to aid in making the radio appar-
atus- more' ef.fective and efficient.. The-. Council requested. _ thema.rshal to
inv~sti'ga~e into prices and ne-cess~ry equipment and report back to'them._
~he..' meeting ad,J ourned.'
.~t. .
Clerk,,- Frances. E~~
... .,'
/f( e1u~~.'
MayoT, H'.A. Trimble
D:ecember 9, 1953
On hand :for the, regular c ounci 1 m~eting were 11ayor 'I'r:tmb;Le' and Councilmen
P1tck~tt, Loutzenhiser, Swanson, and Still1-ngs. Councilman pollard was
a.b,sent. "'
IVlinutes o.r the previo'us m~eting l,.Jere read and approved. The treasurer's
~~port wa~ read andaaccept~d.
The following bills were read, and on motion by Swanson and see'anded by'
S ti lihgs 8-11.d followed by a unanimous vote were ord~r~d paid:
'Current Expens9 '
Pickett brug store-----~~:--~-~--$
PoSe Power & Light---------------
Assrt. of Wash. Cities---~--------
Thurs. Mason Health Dist.~-------
Regional Public Library----------
Ste :Peter Haspi tal-------.'--":'-----
Yelm Tel. Company-------~----~---
D & H Mobil Service---~~-----~---
Stanq .Oil of Ca10----------------
Trimble's. Hardware---------,-z-----
Brown Bros 0 Ga.rage----------~----
Ee Robert Fristo~----------------
P.. S.. Power C"~& Light-- -- ----;'- -- ---
Wia t @r
S.P. ,Railroad COo----------------
Brown Broso Garage--------..:.------
W~So narley , Co.---~---~--------
'PoS.. Power & Light---------------
'Street \,
P.. S.. Power & Light....- --...----------,
Trimble's Hardware----------------
Nisqualley Valley rt~ws~-------~---
D& H Mobil Service---------------
Brown Bros. Garage----------------
L~o 19
. 81~,... 30
, I.~
l-f-.:J <t>Z3
o '
L~5 .,58
ft.). .c;
In the correspondence was a letter, includiDg a resolution from Thurston
Coo Clvil Defense Board which the Boa'rd had adopted andstatJng,.tha.t
Y~lm' s sha.re of i~.xp@nse wa.s 78.,00 ll'or,l"1~~4. ,-': ~ ~
Q r;
Considarable discussion took place on the monitor for th~ police d~part-
ment but .further investigation into priC~S,pJDDhibited any actiono c c .
The Hayor reported that securing Russell .Eide? it. prop~rty for ,'a garbage dump
was out and the Council decided it b@st to search for-a different locationo
.- . The c'l~rk l.'I]as ins tructe.d to . contact the N #) P? RailVJay Companyconc.erning
~ . a private road or- cross'ing~, Stillings mo~toned to :i.nvestigate ct.1iltxyrtnengpld
. ES t~P.Lt.ieg E-fflMl de' qr.idt C8lb o1tt:! ,:2::eiJ1gl1i le<:st:Sb1uJ:trt3:~ $ flrt (yt~fnJm.l;,~b dt e21 f po S sib 1 eta see ur e a.,
private .crossin~ for the garqage departm~nt to purchase th~ property~
.... '
. .
iack Loutzenhis'er' s~conded this motion and it carried.
. \_ ... , I ,
The Uayor'relatec;..8. request from 'Warren Simons' .for a proj~ct f.or his _
'1.j......H boys. that "would be worth"l,~hile improvoment for the communcttyo ' CoUncil':
men discuss~d(thi,s ?-.t length ,and it seemed feasible .t.hat the boys co.uld
aid much :on the park 5i tee ; 0
Loutzenhiser offer~d a motion to reques,t Attorney to draw, an ordtnanc~
to free the pawn of ~bandoned 1C0 boxes. Pick~tt secoridedthia ~otion
. and .it carri~do'
[)~linq.uent. water and garbage bills were' s~rio'usly investiga.ted withe.
motion from Pick~tt that all garbage customers.out sidlB.of Town limits pay
t:or garbage s ervicee six months in a dvance if they so d~'sired the.
disposaling court~5Y. ,S't~llings seconded this motion ~nd it carried.,
frhe clerk wa.s ordered, to notify all, custom~rs of this' ruling.
..-' . I \ '
Motion was duly made/a1ldcarried' to sl!tnd discontinuanc~ notic@s to.
Ervan Potts~~. Beckendorf,: Joe's place, Bob Sh~rman and Connie Hals tead
to obtain payment on their delinquent biils by Decemb~n l7thc
Discussion of purchasing a new police car lrJas then taken up and
Loutzenhiser offered a motion to advertise for bids fora n~w sedan
delivory, for "use' for policing and ambulance serviceG Pickett seconded \
tbi's ';lUotion' and it carri@d."
'rheme e t ing' . ad j ourne: d.
. ?I(jJ~
Mayor, R.A. Trlmble .
J,anuary 13, 1954
On hand for the regu.lar council meeting t-fere ~1ayor Trimble, and .Coune,il-
men Stillings, Pi'c~ett" Swan,son, Loutzenhiserrand Pollard. Interested
visi tors were J~dge Miller.9 George BroVlTn" Don Hiller and Mro Westman.
Attorney Fristoe was pres'ent for legal adyiceo .
Minutes of the previous meeting. were read and approved. . The, tre'asurer1s.
report ~as presehted and accept~d.
The. following billa; were read. . On mot,ion by Swanson,
Pollard and. a unanimous vote they were ordered' paid::'
Current Expense ' .
'Dept. or L~bor & Ind,,-------------$ 17.73
Nisqually Valley News~-~-----~---~ 6.86
Tri'mble's Hardware----------....----- 1.94
stand Oil of Calif.--------------- 79.31
Field's MO.:bo':ID Co. ----------------- 25" 10
'Employment Sec. Depto------------- 38.70
Dirqof Int. R~v.--------------~-- .96.50
Ray Norotn--,-.::.--...---.-;------.:.------ 1,.55
Blake's Cafe----~---~------------- '30.80
Yelm Tel. Co.-------------~------~ 15.75
Rosan~'s.------------~------~------ 3.50
Wolf's--~--------------~---------- 3.91
Wolf's Shoprite------------------- 3.16
P.S. Power & Light---~-------~---~ 22.68
Park )
.P.S. Power &. Light----------------
Water _
Tax. Commi'ssion of Wne....------------
Dept. of Labor & INd.-~-~---------
Employ:. Sed". Dept 0,-- -- - -- - --------
'I~'. p.. RS,i lway- - - - ------- - -- --------
Floyd' Curnmihgs-----,~:..~'-------------
P~S. Power & Light~---~------~----
Frances Eo Drogseth~------------~-
Street .
Trimble "s HardlA!8.re.:..--.... -- -- -- ---- -- 23.26
"P.~. : POil\fer & Light--------"7------- ~-.5,,58
Garbage .
Mosman Agency-------------------~-'
a second by
1. SO
~.6 0 77
L~. 20
Bids on a nell'! police and ambulance car, for, Town of Yelm 'we~e then opened--"
and reado Companies submitting bids were Flemi'ng-Harvey,' Van Eaton Chevrolet,
South Tacoma Motor, Company, 'Brown Brothers Garage,,' lrlalker Chevrolet..;, Capitol
. Ch,evro1et Goo and NaIlon IVIotors, Ine" ,Offers were' carefully studies frQJll , /
a1'i 'apgleCs intQ:' the late hours of the 'night. As 'no d'ec is ion C9u1d be reached
, without furthie\t"discussion and study, Councilmap S1rHlnS,On offered a m,oti'Qn
,to recess; until'Wednesday, t,.Tanuary 20th, at 8 P.,Mo ti ' Pickett seconded this
'motion and the vote was unanimouso .
Judge MilJe r was present to, appea41 for aid in controlling ja.Y-148.lkers in
Yelm.The judge declared the Washington Partrol stated Ye1m was one of
the worst ..towns in the state 'for this offense" As 'Judge Hiller sugge~ted
pleading with the public of Yelm to cooperate in this. matter would be
pe;rhaps. affective, the Hayor and Counci.lenlisJb.ed 'jitJhe aid of Nisqually
Vall~ey News in rr.e,k"ing this plea through i tspap~ro. )f this falled the
laws,would,qe enforced and fines paid'41 "
~~ .
Ordinance 73, had its first reading~ Pickett offered a motion to pass this
ord::tnance to lts' ,second re~adingo.. Pol.lard se'conde.d this mot1o.n and: it .
carri edo. Or,dinanc,e 73 was secondly read and on motion by Loutzenhiser,
a. second by ~Swanson and a unanimous vote was passed to i,ts third reading.;
Correspqndence included a letter from Thurston County Defense giv:i.ng
the budget for the yer;8.r. 1954 ,Hi th Yelm's share being $78.00.. '
Mr 9' o. K. Edwards relayed a r eq ue s t to the coune t 1 to"e ons ide r push lng up
the marshal's hOUB$ of duty two hours--lO P.H. to 6 A.M. t..rhich would
perhaps, eliminate mueh temptations for burglarYe . ~1uch discussion and'
cons~deration followed buy de,cision was that traffic,1t-J8.s so heavy in the
8 to 10 hours that the hours should remain the same~
, ~, ....
T1r. Sim Rogers requested t,hrough M8.yor Trimble that the Town draw up an
ord i,hanee to compel owners of buildings to install 1corre.ct dr~:inage~s ,r .".'
and clean up their buildings,o As Yelm is part' of Thurston County Heal th
Distriet1; the Council decided this was, -9. Co~ty problemo
T.he ,meeting r~cessed'Q
Jaquary 20, 1954.
Hayor Trimble and allcouncilmen1rJere back to complete the meeting of
January 13th. Ag~in bids i4ere studied to suit Yelmf s budget and still"
handle the duties of a town" Loutzenh~ser offered a motion to accept
Fleming-Harvey's bid for a 1954 Ford with 130 horse power3 with fresh air
heater and wi th directional signals. Also qthat the t'ovJn tvou1d pur.chase
extra--the right garid jump~up, seat. Swanson seconded this motion and it
.carriedj une.nimous ly 0 .
. ":'
Councilman Stillings offered a motion .that the to;V;n of Ye'lm do. not t,ake
a census in 195L-!-0 Councilman Pq~_lard sec.cnded ,this .,motion- and ,it c8.rried~
T~e meeti~g~djourned.
Frs.nces E. Drogseth, lle:rk
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HoAo ..Trlm ,Ie, Mayor
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