1955 Minutes
January 12, 1955'
, ~
On hand for the'regular coundil meeting were Mayor'Trimble, a.nd,
counciime'n P1,c~ett$' Swa.nson, S,tillings, Lou~zenh1ser a.hd Polla.rd.,
Minutes of the prev.ious meeting were, read and ~cce1?ted.
, The treasurer's report was present~d up. to date but books. were still
open so report was' i.mcomplete.' . J .
.' - .. ...
f~ : '
~fhe' following bills were ordered "paid on .mot'ion
Swanson 'seconded by Stillings and carried.
. C.urren t oExpense ,.,
Geo~ge F. Coke.Co~--~~-------------$57~51
Blake fS Cafe--~----.....--------------- 21...94
St~ P&ter HospitQl-------------~--- lO~OO
D & H Mobil Service-~~--------...---~ 13.56
John Wi. Cullens--..:------...... --------- 48..00
Tpimble's Hardwlare-~-------~-------5.01
Dorothy Cull.ens---.---------------~- 4.90
Ye.lm Telo. c.ompany------...----~-...:---'~ 23.,85
. Wayne Bean--..;.---~....--------....--.;..------ 6:'.88
Stand. Oil of Calfmrnia------..;.,----- ,38.99.
Joe'S Place------------------------ 16.23
PeS., Power & Light Com--~------...-- 22Ql20
Brown Bros. Garage....-----cs---~------~ 25.68
.,Fleming Harvey ,Motors-~-...~~.:;~------'JI'> ]:-).' 91
Dept. or Labor & Industries~----~-- 18~71
Emp~ . Security Dept.-----------:------ 42~78
made by cOurlc~iman
:: ':- ;;, 'C;'
, 0
Jane) Current Expense Bill~--...----_...--
. -. . Brown' Bras-. Garage----~------....- 8.42
Park r 0 9
P~S;. P0wer &: Light Company----,-:~---;;. 1..00
WI.. ter .
PoSo Power & Light-------~----------51~26
Brown Bros. Garage-~---....------------ 1.,89
France's E. progseth...-~------------~- 10.75.
Trimble' s' Hardware-..;...;.-...~------.;;----- :2.88
, Floyd" s Pumps-------...-...--.....;..;~-~---'...... 11.45
, Drsnt1;.1121:e. of Int. . Rev. --.-"';---~~';'--"" .56.,30
Tax Commlssfom of.Wqsh.-------------255..53
Street G. - , .
p.a., Power & Light--;...-------...----.;-- 45.,58 .
ErnP. Sec. Depto ---...----~-----_:------ 1.5..68.
G_rbage ... .
~e~t. of Lab9r & Ind.----~----~~---- 23~58
D & H Mobil Service-~-----~------~--.27.11 ~
Emp.Sec~ _Dept.-...-------.:,.~---.:.---..:.-~ 42'.78 .
Mayor' Triinble requested opinions' .againon outside garbage., customer's
:r'~e8tt. It was unanimous.ly:;c.oncluded t.o. continue . advance pa.yment 8iB., .
six months at $JL~..oO: per months 1 , The clerk. w.as asked.. to..mail the bills.
to ' ... t' .~
. '. ~
c \
, .
ItWlas 'reported ".by Mayor Trimble that ,the c.01.mty .desired .to .doma:t:e to'
the " town 6'f Yelm ti strip 'of property by the"Standa.rd 0,,1 preEae.s1. No
a.cceptance action. was taken....at, this. time0
, 0
, .
Next came the discussion, on .ex'cess. protrusion. of, shrubBery.by Pa.ul
, "Tr~ex1 residence which .W'lS., c.orisidered ..to 'be. .. .tra.ffic.. he.2rard.'- ..' Councilmen
dis,,~ussed this at lengths ,anda.ll pres;ent,. thought. i.t nec.e.ss,ary to ' .
co~tact Mro Tru~x conce!~l.lng, thi"s: m;3. tter. . Q
~11 ton Johnson'reported the ~ garbage ,b,ruck was. badly in' need: ot: a. hoist.
Di~cussion occurred on a 's;ui table ,:hois.t .and pric.e'sbut. nOr'action was
takenG .
Friday the 14th of January, was set aside for the cOUncilmentand Mayer
to survey the town at night and find the' m0st necessary .locations for.
;l} :r;le't-v s tre e.t lights e ~. .:
, ,
Marshal Cullens !l,eported the police. car had. t:r.aveled 16, OOO~'riiiles ,and
was in dire need of .new t.1r,es.. Discussion occurred but no act.ion was
taken. - 0 .
'The t0wnfathers decided it possible to have P,:uget Sound. turn the meter
'off on the 'park 'site.
Also reporte~ by the Mayor 'was the f 8,:Ct that the county would give (the town.
sO,me gr2ve~ for the streets and all councilmen agreed that sorne grading
shau+d be done,first.
A request1DluDm the State. .Cerisus,tBoard was pr.es,ented., 'Pickett offer~d,a
motion to take the cenSU$. for 1955, Loutz,enhlser, .seconded thIs motion and
it ca.rried.
The Thurs ton County 'Heal th Board h~d an ordin.-nc.eon s'.ewage ~~hiCb: the'y
wranted'.Yelm to approve. Mayor Trimble ple.nned. a6 att.end: the Health
meeting January '20, 1955 so he waslef.t with. the re.spons.ibility to gatheJ;"
further information on this' ordinance.
Marshal Cullens gave hi~ .report, for December and also for 1954.., I
_ 0 ~ b ,
Po~lard Offered., a, motion to calla.caucus.. of, "Clt:tzens.,.P,artyn ,February
8,' 1955 at (8.,.p .M. '" ~wQns,on seconded "this motion' and. it c.~rried. 'fhree
councilmen's' terms would 'expire, in June, of. 1955.. .
';;t -0 \
The Highway Resolutions were 'again. presented to.tnetown officials.: As the
stipulation requested by the town fa.ther~ had.not .been' included inthe'.latter
s'ent~. Stillings offered a motion, to tabl~..Qctiol1. on the Resq>lutions until
the town attorney was available for further .advice.. ,.Loutzenhiser seconded
this motion and it carried.
\ Q. ~ . ~ . '.
Several Co~cll:lmen relayed oomplaints on damage.done'by roaming 40gs in
town limits. Every6ne agreedQthat perhaps.,' EditoruDon 'cd~4.d assis.t. .,again
in appealing for continued control.of.dogs. .
The meeting "adjourned.
/F~j)rOgSeth. C erk '.- ,
;1i~ ~.
". 0
H.A. Trimble, Mayor-
February 8, 1955 ' .... -
A cauous was held by the Ci t1zens -Party in't'fie. Town Hall, 'February "8th,
1955 at the hour of 8 P.M. ,ehairir.ian:fortlifs?caucus was ,HoA. Trimble and
the secreyary was Frances Drogseth. 't,
~ .
The following .1s s,. list of r.~glstered "foters:wi thifi"town limits in
attendance: .
o.C. Swans,on, JQ,ck LO,utzenhiser, ~Nate Herid~r8on, Lyle. rrrncy,' Ray Norton,
R.R. Coates, Merle Curry,,, Earl. Pollard,'Doyle Gallagher, Dick Wilsqn ,.
Arnold D~g~e~h, Ed Brown, Art Trfmble;"~dFrarices-Drbgs~t.h~ \" ,
Charlman Trimble "requested ri.omlnation~ for. Councilmen number bne. t .
"Loutzenhiser nominated O.C..Swanson, Pi~kett seconded-this motion. Loutz-
enhiser motioned that a ~animous vote be cast for D.C. Swanson, Merle
Curry seGonded this 'motion~' Four nays resulted 8lnd six ayes.. O. C. 'Swanson
was nominated _ . '.
Mr. ~~~m~l. stated nominations were open for councilman'spositlon no. 2.
Earl' Pol.l~rd nominated a.orgs Brown.. Merel Curry seconded ~his 11lotion.
Ne. te Henderson nom tn~ited Mar~iri Stillings., Lyle Tracy.~)secori'de:d i thIs
nomination.. Ed pickett moved nomination cease~ Oscar Sl'TanSOn seconded
this motion and.it carried. A, secret vote wa.s c,(st 'with "7 votes"for ' 0
Marlin Stillings, 6 votes for George Brown. Marlin S!,tillings wa~ .1L' ' ...
(~noro1nated to be placed on the ballot.' _
The chairman declared nominations were in order for councilmanfs~
p~si tion no. 30' Ray Norton ;nominated Merle Curry_Ed Brown seconded .tq.is
mot~on.' Nate Henderson moved that nominations cease~ Earl'pollard .
se~c onded this' motionQIld a. unanimous vote followed. Merle' Curry was
Ed Brown motioned to" adjourn. ,Arnold Drogseth seconded this mot1on'~nd
It carried. ·
/ .
/ '
:~ . ,~~:" ~~
February 9, 195$
MaY0r T;raiWb1e;,presid\ed at the regul.ar c,ouncil 'meeting with Councilmen
Pollard,,;. Swanson, Pickett, Stillings andLoutzenh~i,ger on hand.
,Mont. MQKenzie w~s also present.
The minutes of' the previous meeting and the caucus w,er.e read. One
cGrrectionwas requested made in ITWnutes o~ the re,gular, meeting, to-wit:
The County offered to sell the town gravel instead,,0f giving it as was
read., Minutes 'of the cauc'us ~ere appr oved ' as read.
The, following bills were read and ordered pEtid' ,on motion by Loutzenhiser'
Q., second,hy Stillings and a tUlanimous vote.
Current Ex!)'~nse '- , .' ,-
, Poch~l Dist. Co.----------------~
, Fleming Harvey Motors....-----------
Pickett Drug--~-~~---~--...--------
Nisqually V~l~ey News-------,-----
Trimble Hdw .-- ~...- --.:..---- - -- ---'-_~
WOlf's. shoprite""'--~----...--_______
P.-S~ Power '& Light...,------:..-...-....---
Ye 1m L umbe reo:. ~_... - -- - - -... -- - - _ _ _ __
Fields M6tor Co. ------'---------__
Yelm Tel. Compa.ny.:.-------~,--....----
Stand. Oil of Cal.---------------
D & H MobilService~--~-~--------
, , P. S. Power & Light--------------- - .1.00
W ta t er ' " ,l
Western Util1ti~s-------~-------~
N.P. Railway Co....---------------_
P.S. Power & Light----------~--~-
,Badger Meter Co.-~---------------
Street U ,
. Paciric Sand & Gravel-----------~
'Trimble Hdw.-,--,-------------:--,--_
P..S. Power & Light---,------,-----....
,B & H Mobil Service------~-----~-
Garbage ,
Mosman Agency----,---:..------------ 2'.10,
Fields Motor Company------------- 36.,81
'Monte McKenz.ie wa.s present in the intere,st< of the property: that ~he
COll.nty ofr~red togi.'Ve tq the ~own of Yelm. The Town Fathers disclissed
pros and cons of ac'cepting this property. 'Pollard offered a. motion
,to' not accept the property f'rom the County, Loutzenhis~r second'ed' this
motion and'it carried. The clerk was instructed to respond to the'
County directly. :
$ 1,.03'
9 ~ 80--
, 5;..23
., ,
62\~, 08
22~. 25
55-. 42-
, .'
-19 ~ *4
-- 1~5o- ,
-48:~, 84 '
It:~:61 '
(.t l".c.
Mayor'-Trimble relayed.a reque~tfrom Mrs. Elsie'Ce~se ror a paihted
, crosswalk f?lgn at the intersection of YelmAvenue - and1iice" street. -
,Milton JOru1son was' given ,the go ahead, signal to fulfi,ll the requ'est.:
. ~.
Pl~-cin@"a window in th53 town ,hall vault wasdlscuss@d at lengths again.'
Polla.rd,orfe~ed @. motion 'to' permit" 1"1ilt Johnson .lto place ~ 'vliildow' over
the, safe in the same of'fice as soon as he could. Loutzenhiser
,seco'nded this motion and it carri ed.
The necessi ty of a ga.rba.ge hoist a.gain" arose. Piscussion at length
, occurred' on types and prices of' hOi,at.s.. Swanson motioned' to allow
Nilt Johnson to qheck on a suinable; hoist,: to, ~e~flre pr,ices :Cor mount-
ing and ~o purchase' one conside~ing both,price ta!ld construction.
P0l1ard .seconded thismotiori~ and it <?8.J:l.rJedo ·
, ,
The' Hayor stated too t Warren Simmons desired to~ pI ace Q' 3' "Qy 4' sign' on
the road by intersection of" Ye~m ;Avenue ~nd LO,ngplireStre'et_ Pollard
offe~ed a 'motion to permit War~en Simmo~s_to place this sign on" this
,inte,rsection, Pickett secon~ed , this moti<?n ana it,.carried. .
Resolution,77 was read ,and eli scu-ssed at leng'tb.~ Stillings "motioned to
adopt Res01ution 77 I; Pollard s'econdeq, thls motiQP., Intens i ve dtscussi0n
. ~gail1> resulted. Stillings ~nd Pollard 'wi,thdrew ,their mqtions~ .
Hubert F'ields requested a buildtng permtt to -extend"his garbage
building ,using ,alum,inum Siding, hot t8.~ reof to' comply with the (
'<, town ordinances'. ,Pickett- motioned to allow. this building permi t"
Stilling~ seconded this motion and it carried.
. ~ ;/.
. As. the Mayor had had numerous complaints concerning the: ,..pres ence or an
outside pri vy on the property or Murs. Les Hall, on 4th'Stre,et;, the',
Couedl ordered a letter be sent ~ this' party ~sking re~oval or ~he
Counci lman Pickett., offered a motion to consult A ttorney Fristoe about the .,
propused,: ord)inance received from 'Earl C080 Loutzenhiser' seconded. this
motion and it carried. ~
The meeting adjourned.
7i:AA 1~fl
H"A,o Trimble~, Mayor.'
:1 ;
J '
y .'
Ma~ch 8, 1955
Election was hel4 for the purppse of-electing three councilmen fpr~
a term of two y~~rg.. 59 ,vot,es ~ were, cast and the resuiits were &is
. .
Marlin Stillings--------------;49
, o.c. Swanson------------------:-4.6 ..
Merle Curry-----------------~--51
Ray lIorton-.------....-4""'---;...------;-ll
Earl ~ollard-~----------~~----- ~
Paul Truex---------..----------- 1 . .', . . .
Earl Johnson------------~--....-....; '1'~ "
G'eorge Brown------------------:- 1,. -~
E~E. Pickett----~-------------~ 2.
ROB..er Eide-----,........- :..---------- -- 1"
H.~ Wolt----~~---------------~,2-
The three councilmen elected for a termor 2~-:ye~rs ,a.nd. t9 take, off,ice
June 6,~1955 were: - :
Marlin Still~ngs
... <!~
n: ~
O.G. ~wanso_n",
- ,
- "
Merel~ 'Curry /,
March 9,' 1955
Mayor. Tr~mble presided at theuregular Co:uncil meet.1ng..w1.th C.o~c.iime!L
Loutzenhiser, Swanson". Polla.rd and.. Stillings on. hand. :Counc11inan" .'
P1C~ijtt ~as absent.
. \
J . ;",<
'~s;;.:"'.M.;t.n:4t.es 'b:f the previou's 'meeting and the elec,t1on were read . and appr'oved.
. ,:~~:;:~SfP~'~':.~~easurer' s, r'eport was read. and approved.
'-'.......;;~,::'~~~:,J:.~f"'~:< _'"' .... , " .~
The'.following 'bills ,were ordered on motion by Loutzenhiser,.a second
. by Pollard and a unanimous .vote. '
. ~,urr'ent -Expense. c
, Yelm ,Lumber. & Hdw..-----~--":"''"'':....;.---...--'':'' .8..70
Mosman. Agency-...-----~---'-.;.'-..;.-------~-.- 2.10 .0. .~ .,......,
Bro'tln Bros. Garage----..;;-...--~.-----...--~ 4.58
Brown. B'rcs 0 Garage------~---.--... .;.-----54.,90
Brotln Bro~., Garage-------------.------10.30
Frances E.Drogs~th------------~-----13.68
P.-So P'ower & Light---------...---,--~---18..53
Automotive Equip.Co.----------------lO.30
Field's Mo.:bob Company----.:..-----------)2..92
.Yelm Tel. Company----~-------------...-2.5.95
Nlsqually ~alley News-----~---------- 2.$3
Trimble's, Hardware-----.;..------------- '7..!~1
Eva Norton-----~--------~------------.7.00
Louise Pollard-------------~-~-------12.50
El v er a Johns on- -- -... ;...- - ....... - ""'........ - - - - - - - -12.,50
Standard Oi~ of.Californi8----..----~~70.91
=:./ ,-' ~
n '~,1, :, \ .
~'), t :,-{l;.~..'l\ \
WJa 'te~ t e<r\.. , (
Nis.qually Valley NeWs---,;,,--:~~-:"_----- 75.00
PeS. Power. & Li.ght. Company-....--;;..---~.-- 45.92
\. S',tr e e.t . . .- --
P.S. Power. & LightOompany----.::..---..::.:;... 48..'2.8 G
Thur.s. Cqtinty Road Dist.~-.:....:;,--.:..------l28..58
Garba:ge . .
N'-isqually Valley News----~-----------. 48.:23
Brown Brothers .Garage-------:..-------- 9..57
A Garbage.hoist for the truck was,d4scussed again. Loutzenhiser
motioned to purchase a, new hoist. for the truck,: Pollard seconded
:"\ .
this motion. ,and it carried: una.nimously. .'
Mayor'Trimblerelayed, the request from Bob Wright for' a .bus stop
. in front ot: .the. 'prairie ,Cafe,. Many angles had to. be c.onsidered'
and the decls.ionwas . that. Mayor Trimble "would consult the' town
attorney before. taking definite action. .
The delinqu~nt' admission tax. was re-discussed as the, Yelm Theatre
was 'to open .under new management.. The mat.terwas l~ft for the t:own o'
&:1{ torney to cope with. ' "
The ci ty of Olympia. had offered. many art Ie lea for s ale for; towns.'
The. Council and..Mayor "deeitled it wise t..O look,. :into.. the ,pumps on
sa'le for .fut,ure use by...the wa.terjjepartmente. . .... . "
" . ""h-
. The ,me'eting adjourned,_
,H..A. Tr mbl,e., M~yor
. ,
~"'. '''''' ~ 6#
~"Ai$ ~
. ra~c~~ E. ' rogs~th, . lerk ,
. April 13, 1955
At the r'egular meeting, Mayo~f Trimb1e presided 'with Councilmen,
Polls. rd,Stillings iF-icke tt., . Loutzenhis'er on hand. C6unc ilman
$wanson was absent. Ci.t.i'zens 'Robert Wolf, ,Da.niel -Bla.ke, H.E. Wolf....
were present; also Dr. Tracy. Map-ley and He!!;'. Wolf.
, Minutes. of the previous meeting were read and appr~ved.The treas-
urer's report was presented and ac'cepted.
The' followingbilis were read: ' On. motion offered by ,.Pickett.,.. .se.cbnded
, ) .
by Loutz.enhiser Alpd Q unanimous vote were order'ed paid: ' .
Current Expens'e' .
Dorothy's Cafe=~------------~---$
Pidneer, Ince--~----------------
.P..s. l'ower 8: Li:gl1t-.:.--------:-----
B~pwn Bros. Garage--------------
D & H Mobil---------------------
y"~lm Tel. Company--:....--....-------.......
S'ta,ndard Oil of Calf .~---..;.--'-_......;
Lowman & Hanford----------------
Nisqual1y Nalley News-----------
Pr~iri~ c~re-~~------~----------
Dept. of Labor.&.INd.----------.:.
Thuras'ton Mason Health Dist. -----
Thurston Co. Civil Defense------
Regional Public Library------~--
, Emp. ,Security Depto-----------.--
~ Badger Meter Mfg. Co----------~
Penn Salt 'Mfg., Co....------------
N.P. Railway Co.---------------'
P~S. .Power & Llght-~-----------
'E.l'Jp~ Security Dept. ----________
Diet. Dir. of Int. Rev.--------
, Dept. of La.bor & Ind..--------....-
, SttI!:e e t ,. ~~ ~. t~
Paci.fic Sand & Gravel-~----->--- ?7 .40 .
P.S.Power & Light...-------------. 50.08
. J
! "
. 20.43
. 18.90
24,. 25
l7~ 21 .
20 .48
18...7 3
, .....
. (
. .
, /'1"",
Garbage ,
M9~man AgenG~--------------- 43.30
. ID & H Mobi.l, Service-:-----~ 11~.51...
Emp.-Security Dept.--:~----- 37.66
Diet. .Dir., of Int. Rev.----.... 16.20
'!l"" , .
.-: ~
.Daniel Blake appeared before;: ,th'e 'Council to inform. them of, a boys .
club tha t was newly organize9- and tha.t it w? u1d conduct i ts m~etings;
and forms o'r recreation. intpe.. :f?uild1:l?-g formerly accupied.. by Town
& Country Shop. U ..
A petition ~aspre;~ented by Dr. M8rlley in the interests of the, ' .,
M~thodist .Chur~h,Robert and Kathryn Wolf, and C.M.. and Viol.a .Me .0"-,'
Faul r'equest.ing annexation to' the town of a special mapped terri-
tory. A~ter lengthy discussion Loutzehhis~r offered Q motion to
s'et a da. te for hearing on the annexation :for April 19'" .19.55 at tl').e
town Hall a.t the hour. of 8 PeM. Pollard seconded, this motion md.
it carried unanimously.
Ordinance 75 'providing for filing of de~larations of candidacy .for
elective town officials wa.s rea.d. 'PollB.rd .offered s. motion to pass.
Ordinance 75 as read, Pickett seconaed this lmo~i.on and, it carrfed.
The second reading of. Ordinance 75 brought a motion fro,m Stillings
to pass this ordinance to its third reading,. Loutz~nh.iser ,seconded
this motion and it carried.
The Mayor and Council request'ed the clerk to publish notice of
call for sealed bids for the' trailer. pump which was to be sold. Bids
would be opened May 11, 1955.
]Vjayor Trimble reported that taS a r,esult of the Uiirili'an Defense
meeting the group requested use of the driveway in. the Fire Hall.
toward 'the back for civllian defense. '. The council."decided to .,consult
the Civilian Defense Director for t~e responsibility of tho cost.
Mayor Trimble presented the plan or placing permanent button street
'markers at the cDossing of First. Street,.and Yelm Avenue., After
de;liberate .considera.tion, Picket't offered it motion to:. authorize
Milt Johnson to place these but,ton markers every~ two" f'eet on the.
intersectIon' of First and Yelrn, Polla.rd s.econded this motion and it
carried., fr" 0
~",' ,.l.i~.....
'l( ~
\ -
DIscussion arose concerning the new assessment of taxes to be paid
&S, a result of the audi t ofQ the Te.x Commissloner_o It was decided to
pla.ce t~:e matter in the ha.nds of the town .attorney_.
"~. I
The meeting adjournedo
a .~~~
[~es E. Drogee, : '
o ~pri~_';L 9., 1. ~55.._.
~ .
. 4'a~~
. ,~~ypr.~.A. rimble
A publIc hearing was heldI foor the consideration' of annexati,on of the
territory petitioned .by the 'r1ethodJ.:st qhurch~ R~~e~~,l101~s, and C..Me
McFau1s.. Pre.sen t at this heOaring wereMayo~_ Trimble, 'Councilmen
Pickett, Pollard and stilliI1;cgs., '" ..._ c
.q No c~ tizens or vis itors were~ pres~nt. .' .' 0', ','
Couneilman 'Pickett offered a motion to' adopt'Orainance 76 as read.
C9unc,ilman Pollard seconded ~thls mot ion apd Jt c.arried nnanirriouslyo
The. ordinance was ordered,'puplish'e,d A.pril 21st,'.~..~!1do Apri128t?,~ ~955.
The me e,t lng e:d j ourned.
. .
" 7Id4~
Mayor, . R.A. Tr irnble
~ .' '.~'~' .
~es E.D1)~
~ ,.;Hr~.
.....' '\ ;J .
'. }:
. ; ~~
", r
April. 27 J 19.55 .
.Mayor' Tr~mble called a' spe~fal' me.etii-lg of' 'the Counc:i.).men of the .Town 011'
Yelm.' On hand were' Mayor Trimble with Councilmen". L.outzenhiser,
Polla.rdJ, Picl{ett,l1 and Stilli:ogs.,~,,-s.wal1son was absent...."
,. ~ ~. ~
Ordi,rlance 77 was .rea.d 'find diecussed s;t leng'ths.' ,Councilman Pi,ckett
m6ved~ that the rules of procedure .be suspended and that' Ordinance'"
,NOe 77 be pas.seQ. to the Third Reading.. -' CouncilmanSti'llings seconded'
this motion and it carried,~animously.\
Fellow,lng ,.the Third Reading Qf Ordinance ,No.. 77, .Councilman Pollard'
moved...that Ordinance No. 77 'be adopted and that the clerk of .the Town.
of ,Yelm bedir.ected to' cause; th,.e.~fis.me to be published' in the .official
paper of the Town .of Yelm~' Councilman Pickett seconded this motion
~nd it ca.rried un~nimously.
. .'~ihe meeting adjourned"
..~ ...E,.c>;::~
. Fran~~gSeth. ~
e. 0 Jfd?1:~'.
Mayor # ~H. . ~r~mble ?
May 4,. 195.5
'11. special Council meeting was. called with Mayor Tri!flble presiding, QIl,d
Coune-ilmenPicke'&t,. Pollard, Swanson and Loutzenhi.ser on, hand. Council-.
.man S'til~l.ngs 'was absento .'Citizens ?Robert Shay, Nate Henders.on, .
Merle Curry, Velma ,Curry, Eugene ~roshong, ,and Donna Groshong were presento
C.F. Mas'sey r~had requested a permit to build a greenhouse, on Lots
9,.7,,10, and. 'lIon Block' 4,' Solber.g Second Add! tlon1, in Yelm~ . ,Aft~r
seriou~ study of the relilUest, Loutzenhis~r motioned~ to a.llow this.'
bullding permit, Pollard seconded this ,plotion and it. c'arried unanili1o\lsly~
- . "- . , '" ~
if ~e(}o~d reque'st" :Cor building permit was\ given M9.yor "Trimble for
. c~nstruction of.8. church. ,by Yelrn Congregat.ion, of Jehovah's W,1.tness on
. . co~ri.er of S'econd'Street and McKenzie, Lot 1., Block 6. Af1';er serieus
, . and lengthy discussion, Councilman Pickett ofrer~d a motion, that
permit fpr this. construction be rejected due to being in conflict with
,the. laws of~Ord1nance No. 77. Pollard seconded this.motion'and itQ
car,riedl unanimously~ . ",
The meeting adjourned.
."~ ."E~
~Oga~th. .~~.
"MAY111.'c 195$
MQ'or . ReA. Trimble
~ ~
May.or .Trl~ble pre~lded. a tthe regular mee.ti~g .of the. C,ounc11~1 tho
Counctlmen .Stl11'1ngs, Swanson,.; Loutzenhi.'s.er., ,P,ollard .8:nd..~P1ckett:,on ~~<i~
-Citizen' N.ateHend~rson,was.. .al,sopreserit.. . ". . . '
~ . . . ',' -,t;
,Mi~utes of.. the previous"meet-lngs. were.. read,and ac\c.ept~ed.':
rap.ort: wa~, read and.accepted.
. .
The .treasurer's
. . 1:1- . O"
One.. s"ealedbld was recel.v.ed ',on..the. 0.,0. ' Trailer:: pumper which .WEtS.,. .f'o~ the
sum of.$27.5.,.oQ' "by V~ .flodii1s,..: Loutzeriliis,er offer.eda.}!iotioD._ to accept.
. the .bld:of: $2.75..00 .trom V.' RQdius,. ~wanson~'seconded.thls'.; motion and it.. ,
,1" 5 2'.... ""'<' ""'~ "'. ... ......,." '. .""" '" ,;oj "'"" '''';;; ..,
. '"-' ;.~",t...AJ>>.'~;JI'" ;~',~~U"l ~/l.l~~W'.l.~b. r~lt~, ~.......~ '~, '~..t~%i~';J~i'lOtj.'1' i'.h~\f'.~ .~\:". ')~)).#<,~'~l-","'"
,!<Ji ~. .~.....~ :- ,)1:.:.1 q'.'ii '~"'_ 6.~h 'l..~ 't.t.t \-
.It:.r-;;'';~~'~' ~., '.~>JI."~~'''~ '1~'!M>,tjI.' .ilIA;\INtw'l.~m~ V,.llII"Wf>t-lt1.'t 1~p1';}.'~'~!#A~,{t>l<.~"'\.= :!:l'.~:~~~'~\;4JP ~.-.'.&if.l ~'Ull~;:U'.!'';;'=:lt~.;~l:''~~ 's;.~.lA
. ~e.~'~tOl'1_O,Wiiig.<.b1iis".w.eI-.eH'~O,I!dered. p~,ld...af'"ter" ..~,le:ar.iiigwthe..garbage, ,bill
, wit,h""F.i e.ld.! s, ,Mo.t.or, ; "Company ,'..wi th,. Mi.lt,. J:ohrlsonl" ...:.Mot ion,:was.. pff a,red . by.
Councilman ,,~w8.nso.n,.. "a. .s e.cond '. f.r-om .Pic'ke:t't".. and.; a UJlan1mous vot e:
Current., Expense-, I " .... (. . .
Standard Oil --'!!"-~-~,~--,"":,-,------,.----,, 39.29
Nlsquall.yValley ,WBWs:~~---~~----~...~-125'.lO
. TrlmbleHardwe.r.e.-----"'!"--~~.-.--------- 7~68
P .8. Power ,LX. ~lght-~-.--.-~-,-;..----~--- . ;l.6~ 85
~1 eIds. Mo,t.or.. .Oompany~~-...~-~---..~~.i.;;...-' ~3~4.8
W's.rd.W. .'WeBton.;.-'--~---, -~~--,' --"!>-""----. 8~'~i.,O
~ '. I
Fie.ld 'a. Motor Compny--"'!"-~----------- 7l~ 6
s.t. .Pete'I' Hospital;-"!"-~-.--- -------- lO~.O.O
Yelm Tc;l'. .Company~~.~-~-...;.;..------~~~-- ~7 ~80
,Fleming Harve.y-~----~-.------_...------ 12.34
VIi'a ter . " ,
Sparling Meter Company--------------. ,14.0.5
P.S;. 'Power &: Llght--------------~....,-- 47 ~,02
. 'Frances E. Drogseth.;.-------------~-- 4~'40
Tax.' Comm.. of. .g.t. ,of Wash.,'lIl!"---~-~---112. 00
street _ "
Thurs. Co. Rd. Diet. No..l~.-~--...-~--483.~6
Yelm, Lumber & Hardware--:-------:----- .2.06
P.,S. Powe.r & Light------------------ 50.08
Trimble 's Hdw.----------------------, 10.63
Garb:age, . ,,' \ .' .
Fleld~s' Motor' Co.,.;.---~------------~-475..89
Mayor Trimble..re.mlnde.d .the..councl1men ,elect.t.o .1;ake their o.aths ot
'oft-ic.e~ ,the. 6th .,oof' June. ' .' -- '.~
x . ..
As the conv,entlon,..of.Association 'or.Wn~ ,'Cities.. would b.e,:ln Tacoma,
~s,eve.ralcounc11menan.dthe pMay.or .~tat~~.they w,ould,.,at,t.end.if'at all.
pos'st 'Qle . ' .
Q ,
Ordinan, ce'. 75 had its t:p.ir,dreading.. .On.'.motionby.Lo,utzenhiser..,.a:"s'econd
. by .S tl.1.1ings ..theordinanc,e wa~rinallY' adopted. and_ orderedpliblls'hed.
. , ' \
Nate Hender8on,present~d, 'a ..~.tl.tion~signe.d"by. .Hank ,}301ender; . . George 0 0
.t.lder, >Wal tel". .Mills,. Arn6~d Drogseth:;...Frariced..Drogse.th.,..' Nate .Hendersorl,
"m d Betty Henderson...reques.ting...va.cati on 'o:r~'tha,t,j)or.t.iori :.of 'Wasn1ngton ,
. . St.. to the Town, o:fYelm, ly1i1g:s0uthwesterly';'orLot's~~ 3.'and'4:'of B16ck'2, .
.-of'McKenzie's. Addl~lonto the Town of .Yelm.and immediately'adjacent
thereto'.-and lylng:be.tweenthe westerly' line :6f...First'Street . to' ,the:'Towri'
or. Yelm and' the .easter.ly..llne: of the Northe.rn. Pacific Railroad Company'
. . right-or-way..,' . . . , .. .
,Arte~ ,?rtel' dl,aCUs$16n.Re:.a?1~~~,6n.7.~:. C6~~er~in~r:~?e.'..'~t>:.o'V~~;. p~.~itlo:nwas
read.,: Loutzenhl.serorrered,a.motion,..to ,adopt "esolution, 7,8."P.ol.lard.
seconded :thismo.tionand..i.t e~rl.ed. '. ..~e. dat.e:for theh'e.!iring,was set.;
rorJune8th~__1955 at.. a., P ..M...and..the clerk was . r.equested. ..to publish the
notice of hearing. i
. ~ -. )
:'fhe loc8.tion,for.c.ommunlc8.tion.,heaqquar.t~rs, .again "arps,e.. Lengthy" dla-
, cuss10n .followed, with.CoUIlC}llman, P.ickett ..suggestlng,'vt,h8.tthe, Mayor' 'con-
cult. .the.Fi,E'e Comm-1ssioners., ab.o,ut . allowing .the.. ..partit.lon. in.thet1re .
hall. for C. '.;
Mayor Trimble re,p,ort,ed the root on, the" Town Hall.needs a.t"tention. ..Follow-
Ing.thew,~~1\cal\!6Rn,. .the .town fathers: ,dec.id,~d,".to. investigate into the proper
materi.a..L...t;o..,.repair. .ther,oof~. '" . . .. . .
I .~ , , I . . ( : I
'.. The clerk. wa'~ requested:'..to e.nllst editor! Mil~er..!,s ,aid, li1ipublishihg 0".'
reminders. of the need.of. building, .permit,s.,., .spec.ial..p.erm1ts 'and'-.the hec'- .
essary data from. the, ordinance ..in.~ffect." . ,.,,":'
.. 'It .fI.. '>,
The Mayor reported. the Count.yo of'fered, t.O sall ,the. TO.wntheold garo8ge
dump ;Located .inGoldsmi.th. Grove. . .
, "" . \
As' the need .for" ,a'ground. 'obse:rivation'p.ost came.' up; .the,.coUnci!. arid" ,
Mayor' decided. to" recommend ~o ,~he . Liohs.c.Club the u'Sf:).or~ the hamburger :
'stan~. ' " .'
The Mayor and Councilmen, ()'rdered cut-off notices s'ent ~to. the delinquent
garb-age' and Water eus,tom.ers.. '
, The .mee'tinga~JPurn~d, . .
2;. .. c.ff~
~ .1.
. ~ . ayor '.. .
" ; :', .{ .'
1 ~;j'" '.
, -, t.' .
r :
h;~;i4'"liMl ..f
i~j, ,-I
'15 C'l:
'> --:.;:
." il.t.
June 6, 1955.
, ,J.,
On Mon'day. Jun.." ,6th at 6:,45 .P.M.. r-i~~j;[$3tjl~li1ngs", O~C'.' Swanson, and
. Les.ter M...Curry .were~.swo.rnin,.as. CoUncilm'en for the Town of~Y.lm
by Judge.J.~.' Sparks. .
June.",8, 1955
Onhalld,.for.. the. regular. Counc.il. mee.tlng were Mayor . Trimb.le p.residing..
Councilmen Swanson,.: S.tilliilgs.,...Curry,' Pollard.,. end. Loutz.enhiser. Nate.
Henders.on, .was also_preBent~ " '.
... ...-\.. ..
~o citizens were .present.to voi.ce objections to. Reso'lut1on.:No;t8.
.Ordinari.ce.78.dra~n up..by the.. Town At'torn.ey had"its flrs.t,re~ding.,
. Swanson .of.r~r~d. 8. mot.ion to pas,s. Ordinance 78- to its e:econd reading.
Stillings, s.e,cbnded:.this. mot.i.on :and>! t carried.. r Ordinance No. .78 had
its . second readthg$PQl1S.rd~offered. a motion' to pass this ordinance '/
to ..its.. third end. final. reading, . Still.ings s.eoonded this' motion and. j
.it carried. .
Minutes of the prevl<?us meetings" were r.ead and approved.
..t:he tr~as.ure:rt s report WQS read' B;nd approve?.
'\ ..... .. i . .'
The following bills were read and ordere.d paid .op.. mo.tion
Q. second by Polla.rda.nd 8. unanimous' vote:
.Current Expense . .; . . . "; , ,. , .'
. Thurston' Co. Treas. ..-.....-----------;...-~,:-;..-$
D &_HMobil,Service------~----~~-----~~-
Frances E. Drogseth~--...~--~-------------'
Yelm Tel. Company--------~--------------
Pioneer, Inc.--~~-~--~-~-----~-------~--
'Ni~qually Valley. News-------~---------.--.
, St. Peter Hospital-----~--~-~-----------
The Stationers" . Inc. ...--..;.,--:-----~-...-.-...---.
Capi,ta'l City Map &.Blue.print.,Co...~--~~.~~-
Larry J.ohnson- - - ~ - -~.- - ~ -... ~ - ---~... - - ~.;. -...--
Stand'~ 011 of. Calfl~.~:--,";'.';;"~';;'--_"'_--------
Thurs. Co. $heri:r.r t S'. D.ept~~-~-""!'----- ----
A. R'eed Wile on Company-----....------------
, 21~.04
.< I
Thurs.. Co. ,Treasul'er------.......----.--~...---'....
VIa ter '
Yelm Lumber.a: Hardwarec.---------..;---...---
Brown'Bros. qarag~-------~-----~----~---
'Thurs. Co.' Trea.surer---~-...--=----=_.-----
street .., .
Trimble Hardware-...;-----------......---....:-..;.--- . J2~89
Paciric Sand & G~av.el-----~--~--------...:- 16~1+9
Thurs. 00. :Roa'd .uist..-------~------..._--- L~83-.46
Garbage .
Brown B~os. Garag~-----------------~~---~ 21;00
D & H Mobil Service----------.------------lmO~o7
Thurs. .Co.Treasurer..-------....-- -...:------..::.- 1.8.03
Commissioner of Publio Lands------=------ 30.80
21.28 .
\ Thepossibili ty of a ttending the. convention 'o'f' vlash. C1 ties was hurled
around wi th' the Maypr and s\.everal. councilme.n stating they would attend,
if possil?le.
C~ating the roof of, the town hall was .re-discussed.with the result that .'\
Mayor Tr1mblt!i) would ..contact .the Na:tiona.l Sheet Blower conce.rn in South
Ta.com.a .for its. opinion'on. the. r.1gh.t .method to~mploy'. \
Northern Pacific had requested, quotation of cosj~ .to .them for use of
water in the event it was needed at .this, 'station. A deniai,on was
r.es.chedto ,charge the N.P. the rates .the. or.dinan.c,e demanded. In line
)with, water users the town fathers. d1scussedthe. fr:ee use of water, by
the .army .and the c.ounty. ..No..decis10~ .was ,reached at. thi.s time. .
1,;5.4 ,: .,,"~"'~~'
"~,~",\~...~~t!/.~~. "'i'''~'1:'1\/.J
,lI'Q ..'Of..'1.- 6.1 ,h.r~"'O;."". T ~I)' {""'i . 'if ~:1 ,
I{...~ f \ <;,,'\..
;'.l4;~"i!i~ .f ! /.(-'....f~~J:,~ ~ '\ \....
If;'~ \ ~u:; ~
t f"iii.\~ 1II,..~',J. Jt:~ '\.' \. ..~>~ 3'( ~~r~
.F~,u...r.t~:W!'~ ?l \ ~,
.,'. .. , , , . ,. . , -'., ,. ,..' ,~ '. ~- ," ... .,. ,\ '
J/I~~, ~m""";' Jj).' ~ } "~j.f 1i ..to....,,',:. I~~, '~"-'4 ,{ ~ .I;!~ "":. 1:~. ..hi If/" ~. JI'.! At ~i: ,;q,. ~.~ I ~ ~,.;r~ lfJ.l;\.$ 'U: 'l~~' :~.';t i\ ;J' I!.i. t,\.to' "..A.y "40:.... e t' 1<..' 1'1f j! ~ ~ i!,,> \~ ,\ ~ ,i\~ '.~, '~J':" ~ 1 ~ ;y lIWto '.ti'::,\ iW t",-I?'
.The poed3ibl1i:eyo..f.wideningThlrd ,Street,b.y the, Methodi:st . church
reappe,ar'ed,..f,or..di,scussion. -- Conclusion was, r,eached" that, r~a.yor Trimble.
should . a.p.proach Mr..'Pflu.gmak'er on his ,willingness to cooperate.
The Clark was requestedt.oRcompute. tl)e ,water charge~. up to d~te for
.the County.
," it request for. puildlng pe"rm1 t . .was pre~ented by Oscar Benson.' After
geliberate consideration, Pollard offered a."motion to allow this permit,
.:)wans on seconded-this moti.on and ,1 t. carried.. The permit would be
turned over to Bldg. .:&nsp"ector~d;,Braown.' '.' .
~,.:written ,resigns.-tio.nwas hande'd t.othe,Mayor.':by Mrs. 'Drogseth,.affirming.
her oral '.in.ten t'i.ons. of May 20th,' to terminate .her pQs,i tion as cl.erk' D
July 1, 19.55.
(P.S.As my resignation was not read. May I take this space"
oto sincere'ly,thank'you all tor .six pleasant ye.ars in of!1ce?).'
.- , . '. .
~ ......... ~ ~ ''''~...; ~ t"!!'1"..",,",___~ ::
,. '"",'. l~ ~:I'''' "'- ~ ~"..'"
MAYOR,- ;H.,,:"A." TRI~,~:GE ',l.,,: ....,~.
. t
Frances E. Drogseth,
.. . ~ ~ ~ .
p .
. '
'9 ~u~
,- ..
')' '~:,
July 13, 1955
.' .
, J'
Th<e' regular meeting of'the 'Town Council wHshed<;i with Mayo~' Trimhle .
,pr~siding a.nd Corme'ilmen, .Curry, Loutzenhis.er,.; Sti.llings., Swanson
.- and, Pollard pre"s'ent.
Minutes ,of the previo~8 meeting were readan~ approved.
Thetreasl1rer's monthly report was read and ap.proved"
The following bills were presented and on a motion, by Loutzenhiser~
and' seconded b'y Curry and by a unanimous vote were ordered paid:
Regional Public Library --------~-~-...$154..67
Yelm ,Telephone; Co. --\-------------.,.-- 26..30
Mosman Agency ----~..;,--...----.---------~ 7.50
Brown Bros. Garage -----..;.----~------- 44.71
Pioneer, Incorporated ---------~----- 9.61
Standard Oil Co. --------~----------- 40.19
Pic.k,ett Drug Store. --~----.;.;...--------- 23.11
'Niql.lsl1y Va.lley .News' ...-----....---~----.... 36~ 63
,,_~,,;l: 5.Thurston-Mason Health District ------ . 73..20
Thurs ton County Civtl :D,efense. -----:--- 24.25
Clair Lewis. Estate ~--------~---~-_....- 16.72
Mosman Agency -------~-....-------------. 45.00
'Employment 'Security Dept. -----------. 41.64
Dept. of Labors & Industries ----~--- 19.~1
" \~~.rimble 'so Hardware~----:----;"'-------- 1~.84
{ ; P..S. . Power & Light. 0.0. . -""------------ 29.05
P.S. Power &.. Light Gd. ------:--------. 9~.43.
Employment Security Dept. . ----~----...:- . 30.69
Brown Bros. Garage ------------------ 77.88
Trimble r.s Hardware ----------,---...-----. 4.89
District Director of Internal ,Revenue, 10.80
, N.. P. 'Railro.ad -------~---'----_....--,--- 1.,50
.'~ ::.,:;} Lumb er & Hardware. of: Yelm. '----------- ,15.59
, ,P~nn. Salt Manuf,. .Co.. of ~'lashington.... 17.23
Dept. of tabor & Industr&es ----~---- 18.83"
Employment Se'curi ty. Dept. . ---------~- 6.20
P..S., Power & Light Co. --------------100.16
D:1str'ict Director of' Internal Revenue 30.,60
Employment Security Dept. --:-------- 20.48
, Rezzy Orchard of the Ni~qually Valley V~terans.Assn., was, pFesent to
ask the Town 1 shelp in.rest.oring a drinking foUntaIn in front of'
thierc building.... On. a motion by Curry and seconded by Pollard t,hat
newp~rts. be,bo~~~. for the fountain., Motton., cRTl-.ied.
OrdinanceN o. 78 w~s presented. .for its fi.nalreading and. on a mot'1on
by Loutzenhiser and a, second by Polla.rd that it be adopted and,
, I'
The new,loyalty~oath blanks WAre presented for all Town officials
, and' employees to sign and, return for fi.ling.
Mr. ~'flugmacher was present at apply for a bullding p'ermit [Jut
definite action was postponed until, a later date.
The Clerk was requ.ested to start chargin;g, the churches and the County
for thier usage of water'to. cbnform with ,st~te laws a.nd to ~rite a
~etter of explane,tion- to"'same. . .""
Councilman Loutzenhiser consented to check condi tion of the we..ter
tan k and report,at the next meeting.
Newly 'el'ected Councilman Curry' was appoint.ad by the Mayor to the
. FInance and.Street Committees"
Discussion was., held on whether' or".no.t to allow pinball :'.machines . in
'town and the unanimous:opinion of the Council was not- t.o allow
. them..
-1l '56'
, ) 1"':, "
Dna motion by Curry: and a second', by LOtltzenhiser to nave ,the 'Po~r.er
Company ,to cut out the standby, transformer atht,he o~4 well siteo
On a, motion by Swanso,n and a second~, by Curry to ,a110'1: the building
of cupboards for old rec'ords in the Clerk t S of1'ic.e. ;;
The meeting~ a'd journed.
, . c;;:1, .; " ~ '
HAYOR, .H.. A .~:'+:RII~~LE
~;;: ~I ;' \ :~!'.
. ~l; ,; l
i: '.1 '
.' ,~ ;,
" y ,
--July 26, 1955
. A 9pecial meeting of theTown of Yelm was cal1ed!lt,o orde,r by
r1ayor Trimbele with Counci'lmeh P.ollard, Swanson, Stillings, and
Loutzenhis.er present. -'. - ,"-- ,I),;' ,'.
'A motion was mad.e ,oyLout'zenhiser and seconded Bi Pollard
'to allow Bob and D'ean f s Ta,Yern to put ,in two pin bal~.)de'Viqes
. for ammusement, only. Motion."carrled~-';;)
Meetlng..djo~ed. '1. ..
~ .,!
... ~d:7~
. :::t I' '
. ,('~\'i ~
: ~'(
, ~.I,
. I
~ :..'! \\
: ~:.,l ~~
~ " ; ,'.; ~
August 10, 1955
?;I{ j
~~~ It
:~/ ~~
..' Ii ~-,1 r:
c ' j . ,;::
The regular, me~tin_g..of the Town. Council was h~~+<$ w~th Mayor
Trinible presiding and Councilmen Curry., ]l.outzenhise'r~~and Swanson
present. ':":r,{~f.~>
., ': ::!!i: .-
Minutes of the previousmeeti~gs were read an~{~~;\a.PP\t'oved.
. 0 ~ -, n
The 'monthly fina,ncial statement was presented}f',:
" '"
Comments of the 'Auditor's. report, '\tIere read,and discussed.
On a motion by Swanson and second by Loutzenhiser, the follow-
ing Bills were ordered pa1dwith allowance for cor~ectiori of
Field.s Motor b~ll:
Ye~m Telephone Company ~-~--~------$ 18.55
Nisqua11y Valley N ews -~:""-,~-..._----- 21~ 17
St,andard Oil Company --------------' B.oo
Dorothy'~ Cafe -------------------..;.. 3~99
..'/;:17I9ne:e'I!,'riPnc'0:bpdrated -----;:------;...- 1.78._
St~' 'P.e:ber- Hospital -----------...---- 10.00
D & H Mobile Service -------------- 25~28
YelmLumber' & Hardw~re'Co. -:..------ 13.18
Pionee~, Incorporated ~---------~-- 39~76
St. Peter Hospital --~---------~--- lo~bo
Field's Motor '-----~------~-~--~--- 143.15
D & H Mobile Service -'~------------ 2..J11 .
. 4
. Field~~ Motor ~;...----~-------------- 8~79
D & H Mobile .Serv.ice ------------~- 12.49
Western utili ties Supply Co. -----....,.: 20. 97
! -
4,'ll~I!o ;:'.~u.,,".~~l\,
:if, IJ>'I'.', \;0\., II I :' "1oI"~, tV,llt ~,~ \
:;..1; ~l' ~ /4R
: ~~ ~
':1:4: 84
, l'
~~ J '"" ~:. \i- ~. '1," :' ..~'
#t; " .:., """'~
,,'t ......; 't" $". ',' tl ". il::~ .,fo 1i,;},1 ,""~,,~",."'~" !.~.I1"1 >~. ~\ .::~ ;.~'\,,~ ,'~ ~'1 ~~i
Ye1m, Lumbex:',,&.' ,Ha:rilwar,e.' Co~:. ~~_:..---.-
. .
" . '. { ......
A motion was made by Curry and s ec.onded by Swanson. to bp.y a
Sand-It Machine for the. \1ater, Department. i'-1otion car~ied.
{ Citizen' Pfl!lgmacher was pre'sent to make a donation of 12 (twelve)
feet of hi-s pr6p~rty to. the T,own. of Yelm 'for use in widening of.' .
Third Street. : !.
. I
I Meeting ~dj~r~ed.
. ',:~~ ~:~ .
. i%--4( 7~~
MA OR, H.A.. 'l'RIH~LE. . ..'
," i
$eptember ~4, 1955
Mayor 'Trimble presided at the regular Council meeting wi th Councilmen
Stillings', Loutzenhis.er,. Swanson, ,Pollard and Curry present.
Minutes tif the previous ~eeting were read and appro~ed~
The monthly. treasurer's report was presented.
} .
. . The followiIilg bills were r:ead. PO.llard of fer'ed amotion to pay
'all bills whic~ wa.s seconded by' Swanson. Motion. carried.
The Stationers, Inc. --------------$ 1.05
i:;' .1.~.1Tr.imble's Hardware ----------..;.----- 33.-54.
John W. ,Cullens ~------...........---.--.....~.:..- . 2~ !j.O
Mosman, Agency _":"_____.------,----.c~~- ~ '15.00
St. Peter Hdspital..--~------------~ 10.00
~?i~{)~{JBrown Bros. Garage < -..;--------., ..,...-)-- .4.62
D & H Mobi~e. Service ------...--.............-...46.19-
Employment- Securi ty' Depar.tment..-~......... 3.05
PtigelttSound. Power' & .Light ..Co..., ---~- 29.88
\^lolf's Shopriee -~~--~,:",---------"--... .. 17. l.tl
Yelm Telephone Company --~-~..._----- 23.1D.
Mosman Agency'-----:------------....---- 84..20 ,,-
PARK:- .',
,Yelm Lumber &, .Hardware Co...--~---~- 1191
Getzum Products ------~----------...- 24.7.8
Pug,at Sound Power &'Light Co., -~....-_. .87.32
. I 0
Vlctor Nutter.----T--~---------~--~ 0.10
: ,Puget Sound Power &. Light Co.,' ----- 100.16'
G/\ T.?,GfiRBAGE '
Brown Bros. Gdrage~-~-~~--~---~----.. 41~03
Loutzenhiser repo.rted on his inspec'tion of th'e water tank, finding
it without leaks but that .it"could stand a coat of paint on the outside.
. Mr. Wolf was present to.obtai~ a. building ~ermit f6r a: 9 by ~O
addition.to his warehouse.. 'On.a..motion by Loutzenhiser and a second
.by Pollard that the permit.ba'allowed. Motion carried.
The sub ject of allowing a 'cabare.t at Bob and Dean's 1'avern was
. tabled pending furthur. inves~igation. . . -.. . "
'I'he Mayor instructed the Street Coromi t.tee' to~ check all the streets'
to' see what could be .done. to improve them. \
, , ':.J" ,
The Clerk was instructed to write to. the County Assessor ,stati:ng~'.,: .
. tha.t '.the -rrown ,of Yelm was releasing .l~ Mills. to ,the Yelm. Fire Prote.c~tion
Distr.ict No~ 2 .for the year 1956. ' " .:....,~:,'
. <>
Ona motion by Curry and a,.' second by;Loutzenhiser that. a letter
be written to the o.wne.r of.. Lot.. a.; . Block '] and _Lot, 6" Block., 6 of, McKenzie's"
First Addition, that, they clean thefr vacant lots of weed~", scrub' trees
and etc · within a period of tv-IO weeks. If it wa.s not accomplished
. 1:,5,8.
wi thindthat time. the Town would do it ana., ther owners. would b~, billed
for, the cost involved~ Motion carried.
Municipal Judge Sparks presented a. letter r'equesting a raise in
'salary for the coming year. 'I ' .
Changes were completed on the presented budget for 1956. On a
motion by Polla.rd aqd seconded by Loutz'enhiser that the tentative
budget be pub1ish6d:.~pd,thrit the date ~nr.the hearing to be on'
Friday, September"30th, at 8:0.0 P. }1.
The meeting adj~M!ned~
~AYOR,. H. A. ~RIMBEJ'\':'
. . ~. ;;:--~ '
,. ,
September 30, 1955
A special meeting of the COUllCi1 of the Town of Ye.lm was
called" to order by 'Mayor Trimble wi th Coune,llmen Stillings, Swa~son
Loutzen~iser and Pollard present.
Swanson'moved as there were no protests on th~ prpposed'bud~et
that it be adopted a~ published.. Stillings seconded this motion .
. 'and it carried unanimously.
Consumer Collections --------------
Balance on Hand ----...-------=------
T_otal ----
'Transfers from Water Fund ---------
Balance on Hand ------------~-----~
Reserve on Hand ----------~---~----
, .
Grand Total of Estimated.'Revenue
Estimated Expendi tures for 1956 -
Clerk's; Salary ----,~-----------~-~-
Clerk's Expense ---------------...--...
Clerk Relief '~---------...-...--~=--~--
37~ . 60
,.. ,"
. '" ,..,....
- 1
O:ffJee . Capi to:l Outlay. .---':-...---:-----
,Attorney Salary & Expense ...--_.-....~--
Mayor & .Councilmen Expense ~=------
Surety.' Bonds -~-:'~--:--- ----'---- -,--.;.....
Municipal Judge Salar,y ---..-----..--
, Munm.~,~qbal Court .Expense --------......;-
R~gistrat1ons & Elections ------:---
Publishing & Advertising '-------~--
1 . State Auditor ------~~-------~-----
Association ,of Washington Cities --,
Med. .Aid & Ind. Insurance ~-_...._----
Social Security -------------------
Town Hall Expense ------------~-......-.
H~alth Se'rvice.s --...-...;---------~----
Libr'ry .~-~------~------------,----
Civil Defense -~~---~---~-----~----
Marshal Expense ---,-'---..:.-~--~~:~--...-
. "th' ,.. ".' '. .
Deputy Marshal Salary --'!",.........~':.;,.:..~__---
Jail ,Expense & Meals ...""'----.....;".;:,.~.:.._--
P.ark Expense -...--------- - -- -- -...----
Total =~--
j' ~.I..'
..' .~y: '.'
- ~,'".
. 105.00
85.00 '
" 652.35,
500.00 I
160..00 '
.~, ...
. ':.. ' ~ "
. .
, )
1,000.00 .
'20.00 <>
36.00 .
36 . aD
250 .0'0
379 e 60
, (
"Grand Total of Es~im.ated
Expenditures .-------( 35,664.47
Discuss'ion. was held on the building of an,lof'f.ic,e for Civil Defense
ih the Fire Ha.ll. ,~p~'mt>,t.ion was made by Pollard allowing. the office . to
be built with the storage. room, extending out,? feet from ,the west wall
for s,upport or using co.rn.or posts at the east end' of the Hall. Stillings
seco~ded this motion and it carried; . '
The meeting adjourned.
. ',~." "";'
1.x,~ 60, "
l'U' .
October 12, 1955
,The regular meeting of'"the Town CeHmeil. was he.ld wi th Mayor Trimble
presiding. Councilmen"Durry, Loutzenhiser; StillIngs.; Swanson and Pollard
were present. 'r"
The minutes of the pre~ious meetings-w~~e' read andappro~ed~
Themo~thly treasurer's report. was' "p-r'esented.
The following hills VJe~e read" ....Loutz.enhiser made the matton' to pay
all the bills which.was seconded by SwanseR.' Motion carrwed.
Rage.T>. Eide -----------------:,-------. ~.. 2.43 . .j
Thurston Mason Hea,lth District ---- 73.20 D"'..
.Nationa~ Blowe~ & Sh~et. Metal Co. --105i40.
Sto Peter Hosni tal --------,.-:..----- .10.00.
Trimble fS Hardwa:re ~-------"':---~--- ..12.46,
Thurston CQu1h;~y (jivil Defense -----.- 24025
Dept. of Labor & Industri~s ,------- 20.28
D & H Mobil S~rviEe~------~--~---- 73.00
P S Power.& Light Co. -----~--------. 14..68-
YelmTelephone Coo-- -~---~---~--_. -24.10
Nisqual~y Val,ley News -------------' IB.94
Standard Oil Bo. ----------~------- 24i70',
Daniels Communications Service ~--- . 4.13 .
Regional Public Library ---~--""!---- ..1.54.67.
Employment 'Security Department ----. 40.52
~Trn: :
Employment. Security Department' ""---28089
Northern Pacific Railroad Co. ~~--_.. 1.50
District Director of Internal ftev.~. 93090-..-
P S Power,ijt. Light 'Co.. ------;z-------, 45..93''''
Dent. of Labor & Industries ~ ------- : 6.-2!~ ...
.l: '..
Penn$ Salt Hanuf..'Co'. of VJash. "':'---;" '17.i.23 -'
Trimble's Hardware -------------.:..-... 10.35
Dept. of I:iabor & Indust1;'ies .-....----- -.. 61.24 .
P S Power & ~ight Co. .......:---'"'t-------,.. 50,.,08.
Emplroyment Securi ty Department. ~-_... .. 2.60. D...
Employment S~curi ty Department ---- .26.,89
Dep1t. of .Labor &. Industries, ------- 6.25
D & Ii.,Mobil Service---~--....~---~--- 8.4.6 <
A motion was made by Loutzenhiser and seconded by Swanson that .no
action be t~ken on Bob & Deans' ~equest for a cabaret in t~ier place of
r ..
busines~. Motionc~rriede (
How.ard Nix 'of' American "Lake reqllested'perrnis.sion to purchase a fire
hose cart owned by the Town "of Yelm... On a. ID0t.lon made ..by Stillings and
seconded'by'Pollard that the Mayor be al19wed to set. the purchase price'
after first consulting with.the Fire Department to see if they had any
furthur use for th~'sameo Motion carried~.~ '
) .
Since the COWlcj.l was 'informed - earlier that appropria tions f'or the
Nal';shal's expense had a 'balaqce of $168.66. and theref'ore not sufficient
to cover expenses till the, end of the. fi-scal. year; O]~dina.nce No: 79 was.
drawn up providing an addi t'ional sum of $LtOO. 00 fl-'om the Current Expense.
fundI> Stillings made a motion to 'pass this Ordinance f1hi.~h5:was seconded
by Pollard
A motion was made by Loutzenhis'er .ana..sec0nded by. Pollard that. the
clerk write to the owner of Lot 15, Block 7 of'McKenzie's First Addition
stating that a large silt..rer~ ~maple tree on .his property was damaging 'the
sidewalks w~th its large roots. He will be asked to get rid of the tree
or else th Town wIDII condemn it in order to remove 'i t. Hotion carri.ed.
" .
The meeting adjourned.
Q .
2J{d\ ~A
-~ ~. .
.~~. ~<~.
CLERK, ELV -I A.. JO~1S0N . .
Nlovembep 9, 1955..
]~ 61:~
" . 'to
The regular .meeting of' tlie"'COllncil of the 'Town of Yelm 'was callea
.to order by .May.o.:r' ,Trimble, w~ th .Cgupcil.rp.e.n Curry. ',Pollard, Stillings,
and S~a.nson present.' .,
The minutes of the preyious meeting were read and appro~ed.
The monthly treasurer'~ report was presented.
The following'bills were~reqd 'and.on a motion made QY Swarison.and
second~d by Curry, they wer~ ordered;paid. Motion Carried.
Br6wn B~os. Garage ~---------~--~--65092 .
Yelm Lumber & Hdwe'. Co. ---:.-------11. ~9
Trimble's Hardware --------:...---.-.-....-..~9..43
Wolf's -~----~-------------~------- 6006
PS Power & Light Co. ------~-------16.25.,
Mosman Agency -------------~-------30000
Yelm Telephone Co. ----------------20.95.
Standard Oil Co.' ----------~---:-.-:-":".":".40!> 73 ~:.
St~, Pf:)ter Hospi tal --------~---.----lO.,oq
. Brown Bros~ Garage ------------..:--:--- .~..03
~ Pio,near', Inc. .. --------- -... -:----.-.-.--19..84
'ps Power & L~ght Co. --~-----------39~52
PS' 'Pow~r & Light' ,Co. _...~-------.----50.08
paci:fic Sand & Gravel Co. ---------1.5'055
On a motion by Curry and second by Pollard that Ordinance No. 79
be passed from its first r~ading to the secohd reading. Still~qgs ~ade
that was seconded by Swanson that it be passed from .the .second to its
final reading and be adopted. It was ordered published. The motions
carried. '"
Due to. the. reason that Councilman Loutzenhiser moved outside the
. Town limits, he resigned 'his position~
, ,On a motion made by. Curry and seconded by Pollard tp.at. Nath~n
Hender~on be named Councilman to fill the remainder of the term of
Loutzenhiser. The motion carried .unanimouslv.
I . . v
On a motion by'Curry and seconded by Pollard that the written
application for a request {or a cabaret f~om Bob & Dean's be tabled
~lntil .legal advice is obtained. Matton carried.
Marshal John C~llens presented his ~onthly report.
Meeting adjourped~
. %ilL~A
December 14, 1955
The regular meetinJof the Town Council was called to order by' Mayor
Trimble with Councilmen. Curry, Swanson, Henderson, Stillings and.,
Pollard present.
The minutes of the previous me,eting were read' and aPP1VoiN~d..
The treasurer's monthly report was .prl$sented.
The following bills were read. Swanson made a motion to. pay all
bilills"which was seconded by S.tillings. Motion carried.
Wolf's ShQpriteo ----------~---~---- 4.15
Yelm Lumher, Col' --:.:- ------.;..--~...---- 4.07
Nis~lually. Valley I~ews ,---.---------:... 12.77
PS Pwer & Light Co. --------------- 23..15'
Fields Motor Co. ~~--------~-----~- 8&.48
Dorothy's Cafe -----------------~-- 12.92
Elvera Ko '(Johnson -----------~---...:.... 13.06
Pi~kett Drug Store -----~---------- 4.27
Yelm Telephone Co. ----~----,~---~--... 31.~. O~
. Thu.rston County Civi:L Defense ----... 21+,,25
Assn. of Washington Cities -------- 30.00
Thurston-Mas~n Health District --~- 73.20
. Regionarl Public Library----:......;.....---154 f) 67
Standard Oil Co.. ------------------ 65."90
PS Power.& Light Co. -------------- 44~06
Penn. Sa1 t Hanuf. Co.. of ltJash. ---- '17.. 23
Northern Pacific Railroad --;...,------ '1.50
Trimble's Hardware -----~--~------- 10.74
~he Stationer Inc. ~-~-----~-~~--~ 4.92
, ,
PS' Power & Light Co. -------~-\~-'-.~- 50~o8
Washihgton Co-OperatiiDe --.;;._':..-~:---- 3.39
Trlmble 's Ha,rdware ---- -----~-_.---- ,'8~61
Brown Bros. Garage ---------------- 19.50
Fields Motor Coo" -----~-----...------ 19.. 3Lt
, The owne~ of the sil~er maple .tree on Lot 15, Block 7 gave
his pe'rmission that the town" could remove' the :bree, but recomend'~d
that it be killed first. '
Me e t,ing ad j 0 urned.
I~YO~:t-q:~~ ~ .
J~nuary 11, 1956 ,"
'The regular meeting.of the, Council of ihe-Town of Yelm Was called
to order ,by Mayor rrrimbile with Councilmen Curry and Henderson. -D"
Pr~sent at this meeting were Citizens Don Miller, Bob Ellis
and Ed Pickett, A ttorneyFristoe and the Engineers f.rom Howard,
Harstad and Associa~es.
" '
Since a quorum was not present~ no officia~ business was
cqq,duc te.d.~
The eng~ne~r presented a rough estimate of the cost of
construction a:(ter his survey. of the Town's streets" curbs and
sidewalks 0 A pro1ong~d discus$ion followed on means of financing
a project Qr this kind ~nd ~he many"other prob1emsinvolv~d.
I "
l' ~ ''to
, The meeting was recessed until January 17th.
. . /Io-ct.J~~
J~~uary 17, 1956
, The meeting was resumed Hith Mayor Trimble, Councilmen Stillings
Hend~rson, Swanson and Curry Present. '
The rnintltes of the prev~ou~. m~eting - we,rE?' ;'~~"d and approved.
. t> . .-
The mqnthly (treas.urer' s "report, w,as presenteq... .
The bills 'were read andl 'on :_8. .moti'op by' Sw~'nsc?n -we~eordered,
'paid wi th the excep.tlon of tne G,arbage Utili ty Tax. ,.r.I1his :mot ion
was seconded byHe~derson. ,Motion carried.
',Current' EKpense~ .'". ,
Mosman Agency --------------~------~-- . 2.10
Standard Oil Co. --~~--------~-~-~-~~~,.3~!49 ,
Wolf's Dept.. Store, -----~---..:.--_:_._:__:":"-...-. 8~2.7 . ....
,State Tax Commission -------..:--------- 8.92 .
,Joe's Place - -,- -- ---- - - - - --- -.- - ~-:"'- - --,- 28. itB
D & H Movile Service ----------7~----~ 32.94.._
,P. ,S ~ POvJer & Light Gb.' ----..:'-- --- - --- ,20.. 70
.SirchielFingerPrint Laboratorie~ ---- '2.67
Yelm Lumber & Ha.rdware Co.. -'.:--------- 19 o' 26
Book:Publishlng' Coo --------..:--;",'-'-----' i 7.'57
The Stationers, Inc. -------~---7----- 85.51
Standar~ Oil COD --------------------- 36.99
Ye 1m. Telephone 'Company ------- ------..:- 210 75
~ickett. Drug Store ----------'----.;.---- L~. 33
Water: ,
~enn. Salt Mdnufo Co. of Wash. ------- 1.50
P." S.Power & Light.-Co.. -------------- 41.15,
State Tax Co.mmission-----------------266. 07
Brown Bros. 'Garage-----~----------~-- 11.26 .
Street: ' <
P.. S.. Powel" & Light Co. --....--:..--.:..---="-
Trimble.'s 'Hardware ---,----------------
Brown Bros. Garage ~---------------~--
Yelm Thriftway -----------------------
, .Pickett.Dru~ Store -------------~---~-
Garbage: .
Mosman Agency --~--~-~~------~~-------. 2.10
.D & H Mobile Service ----------------- 17.06
, ~\
50 . 08
7 .. lL.~
. ,1033
The survey that ,'t-J'as made showed that the people's opinion'
regarding the opening of a cabaret was mostly negative. Therefore,
Swan~on made a.motion that a licens~.not be granted to Bob and
Dean's ,Tavern for a c~bareto This w~s.seconded by Stillings.
.Motion carried unanimously. '
, ,
J.he Hayor instructed the Street Committee composed of,Stillings,
Henderson and Curry to meet with .the engineer to mark areas of
construction.o,n a map for use in drawing u.p a resolution~
The meeting adjourned.'