1956 Minutes I I I l I"~ 163~' . The meeting was recessed until January 17th. ~ct.J~~ MAYORj:, H.. A It" TRI~1BLE ' , \ Ja~uary 17, 1956 The meeting was resumed "!:,!i th Hayor Trimble, CoUncilmen Stillings Hend~rson, Swanson and Curry Present. . I The minutes, of the pre.v~ou~. meeting ',wer~' ;'~e:d and 'approved. The mQnthly ~reas~rerrs:report w~s p~~sentei~~ The bi I1s were read and( ~o!l '._a _motio~ by S~~ns qn were ordered. 'paid with the excep,t:ion of the G.arbage utility Tax. This"motion' was seconded by He~dersonD Motion carried.. ,Current Expense~ . Mosman Agency --------------~------~-- 2.10 Standard Oil Co. ---~----....-----==_~_:_-_:_.'-,-., 3t)._49, W'olf's Dept.. store, =- - - - ~--'-":- - ~,,,:,",~":': -""-:- '" 8 '! 2.7 'S,tate Tax Commission ---~---..:--------- 8.92 ',Joef s Place --,- --.---.... - - - - --- _c_ - ~-:.-- - --- '2e. Lt8 D & H Movile' Service ----------:,-----,- 32.. 94 P. ,So Power & Light Co.' ~----~--------- .20.70 Sirehie, Finger Print Laboratori~~ ---- . 2.67 .Yelm .Lumber & Hardware Co.. -..:--------":'" 1ge'26 Book,Pq,blishing< Co. --------..:--;.:~'---~-. i7.57 The gt~tioners, Inc~ -------~---7----- 85.51' Standar~ Oil Co. -------------~------- 36.99 Yelm Telephone Company --------------- 21..75 ~lckett Drug store ----------.----..:.---- h.33 Water:' . ~enn. Salt M~nuf. Co. of Wash. ------~ 1.50' .P~ S.Power & Light.-Co.. ----------...--- 41015. State Tax Co.mmission '-- ---------------266.07' . Brown Bros.' Garage' ------:-----------....-- 11026 . Street: ' Po.S.. Power & LightCo~ -----~--...----... TrImble '8 'Hardware ---<--------------~- Brown Bros. Garage ....------------------ Yelm Thriftway ------------~----~----~ Pickett. Drug Store -----------------~- Garbage:'," , . . Mosman Agency --~--~-~~------~~-------. 2.10 D & H Mobile Se,rvice ~------------~--- 17.06 \;', 50 . 08 10.13 7 · lLl- ,1.. 33 1.22 The survey tha t .was made showed that the people '8 opinion' regarding the opening of a cabaret wis mostly negative.. Therefore, Swanson made a,motion that a license-not be granted to Bob and Dean's Ta~ern for a eabaret~ This w~s seconded by Stillings. Motion carried unanimously. J.he Mayor instructed the Street Committee composed of,Stillingsl Henderson and Curry to meet with .the engineer to mark areas of. "construction o,n .a map for use in drawing up a resolution~ The meeting adjourned. 'l. . .g4J~ MAYOR" H., A. TRIMBLE . J?-A ..~ ~. .... . CLEFJ!, ELVEHA "..' 'JOHNSON 1:'64' February B, 1956. ,- - On hanq. for the r,egular meeting of the Town of Yelm Council were Mayor Tr 1mble,Coun_cilmen.; Henderson, Curry and Pollard. Interested cttiz.ens, .also, present were Robert ,Langdon, ,Lionel Fish' and paul r ' Turner, plus. the engineer frOm. Harstaq a.nd Associates. Minutes of the previous meetings were read. and, approved. '-- ,Treasurer.'.8 report..w.as presented. dn motion by Pollard, ,and Henderson with a. unanimous vote the to'llow- ,ing bills were orderedpald: . o ..Qurrent ~pense Pioneer, Inc.~~---------------~-~---- 7.99 . Fields Motor Company-----,---.-~--~----38.;98 Yelm'.,Telephon~ Co.----~~------~-----~22.00 P & H Mobil Service------~------~----35.64 ~ Standard Oil Co. ---------------------25.93 Brown Bros. Garage--------------------40.50 Wolf's Shopri te----- ------ --/~-- - -----12.06 Pickett Drug-------------~-----------11.13' Tri mble' 8 Hardware--....--------------""'- 5.32 Dorothy' e Cafe---------~------------- 4,~:33' Water - , , V i.e. tor. Nut te r- -- -~ - ~- - - - -,-"; -- --';"';' - - -- ~:o ~ '8'0 Rogano's----------------------~------ 5~33 Pioneer, Inc.-------------~----------23.65 Garbage " Fields MO.tor. Co.-------:---...--.;....;.-.:.----10.00 street. . Pi'ckett Drug------~-------~----~.:..:.~-- 2.,03 ' 'Trimb~ Hardware---------------~-----6.12. Hallgr~n.Co.---------------~ ~~..;.----~51.48 The Town' fathers unanimously dec'ided :q.ot to take 'the 'census in 1956. Afte.r some discussion concernirl:g .the r"eso:;Llition with th.e State High- way Department, it was, agreed to prolong f.lirther. action.' . ( Mayor ca.lled on citizens. presen'tto express their .views, on town "plans to which all responded. ,Further concentrated, study and dis.cus~10n . 'occu:rred on the new street ~improveri1ent I:)lans., As. .a.result Fe,bruary 22nd was set for a meeting t.O pr.oInote these plens, petitioning the ~ support of all ci.tizen5 in 'rea6:t:iinga sa.t'iafa.ctory, dec is,ion. . ", . 0' . The meeting ad journed. '~E~2J--tcd, RK I PRO~~,TEM, " ' . . lia~J~~ . ~ OR" H. ,.A. . THIMBLE March' 14, 1956 0 The regular meeting.ot the Town Coun~il was,heid with Mayor Trimble presiding and Councilmen Pol1ard~ Swah8o~ and Stillings present.' The minutes of the previous meeting were ~had.and,Bpp~mved. o The monthly tref.l.Sur'ers report was presented. On;:t a motion made by Pollard which was seconded by' Swanson 'the~ follo~ing bills were ordered. paid. Motion Qarried unanimouslyo CURRENT EXPENSE , Dorothy's Cafe ----------------~-------~ 5.06 " Thurston Co. Glvil Defense ------------- 15.28 Thurston-Mason Health District -------~- 67.95 The Regional Public Llbrary -~---_':"-----156.83 Nisqually Valley News ------------.:..----- 22.02 s+j,nnr.i1 m. 'Y>d!\I'():f 1 C6 -- - -- - --- ----- -- -- - -- - - 73. 31t- j:.j.:'.eJ:t1\.' 8 .tJl(1~CT!~ ~-,Cs. -------- . I I \' I I i.60.,';' 'Field '8; Motor Co. '---.:..o-..;------'-~-:-,------ 58.69 p" S. Power & Light Co..' ----~-~--------- Lf9.38' Yelm Telephone Co. ~------~---~--------~ 24.05 Daniels Communica.tions. Service -------~- 25.75 8mi th 1 s Ilroce,ry ----'--.------:-------------. 2.. QO . Yelrn Lumber & Hardwar~ Co. ------~------ 25'.34 'St.~ Peter Hospital -------------------- lO~OO BrolA(n Bras.. Garage ---~--------------'-_:_--"7. 88 Daniels Communicati ons Service -----~--- 1.~,.13 John Cullens -------------r-------~----- 4."86 St. Peter Hospital --~-~~------------~-- 10.00' ,Carl Entenmann & Son ...:-~---------------- 9.30 Marjorie Eide -------~~-----~----------- 13.,00 Betty Henderson ----~----------------~-- 13.00t Daisy 'D. Fristoe -~-~~---~----~~~----~~- 13.00 Thurston. County! Sheriff ----...~-----------. 75.00 WATER ' , . . , Nj.squally Valley News ~ --":"------~----.;.:~.-- 17.?? Badger Meter IvIfg. Co. ~--------~-~~_---'-- 322.79 Yelm Fixit Shop -----..:---------~--.--..:_:__:_.-. 2..58 Brqwn BrOSe Garage --...:----------:-------- '4.66 Penn. Salt Manuf. Go. of Wash. ----~---- 2.23 Puget Sound Power'& Ligh:b Co. ---~---_:_~..:. 93.32 , STREET . ~ . . , Thurston Co. Road Dis~bict ~ql -~-----,~- 68.23 Yelm Lumber & Hardware Co,. ----c--------- 6~ 04 Brown Bros. Garage ------------------.--- 2.67' Puget Sou.Jld Power & Light Co~ -'---------lOO~,16 GARBAGE Thurston County Treasurer ----------:----:- 18.52 Brown Bros. Garage ~----------------~-:~ 21.41 Marshall Ctlllens presented his monthly report and, also' his progress on the "suxlliary police forcee " D.iseusslon w'as held' on the, work being <done on the garbage dump,- the cost Involve.d in digging, new. trenches and. .ate': The work betng done now should be sufficient for the next ro.ur on rive years.. :- I . Furthur discussion was held on the curbing and drainage proble'm 'of Yelm Avenue but no conc.lusive answer was reached. The me~ting adjourned. ~ k.~ ...~.... .?leI, ~A J.VLAYOR, H. Alii' 'J.1RIMBLE ) . L~' (/.,~ ',. .' CLERK, ELVERA JOHNSON . . " April 11, 1956 Mayor Trimpl~ 'pr~sided at the' regular COlillcil Meeting with Cotmci,lmen Stillings, Henderson,- Swanson and Pollard 'presen.t. H.inutes 9f the pre~ious meeting were read and appr<?ved.. , . The 'I'reasu,rer,' s monthlyc report ,was presente~. "- The rol16wing bills were presented and on a motion by Stl1l~ngs and seconded by' Swansqn and by a unanimous vote w,ere ordered paid: CtJRRENT EXPENSE " Trimble' s Hardware-~---~---------,-_______. . '8.46 George F. Cake Co. ----7----------------- 38.94 ,PS Power & Light Co. --~----------------~ 2lo,l~3 'D &,H Movil Service ---~---~------------- 23.39. Yelm Lumber & Hardware ~----------------- 20.,'50- Employment "'Securi ty Dept. --------------- 47.12' . Di'strict Director of, Internal. Revenue --- L~2. 00 Standard Oil Company .of. California ------ 54~.46' . l'():.D', I.. . ( Yelm Telephcbne Compamy --~-:-------------- 2'1.80 Pickett Drug Std~e --------------------~-. 6.84 Dept. of Labor & I.ndustries' ------------- 19'.87 ~TM. '. '_ P3 Power & Light Co. ---------~---_~----- Yelm Lury.ber,& Har4ware c___________________ Dept. of Labor & Industries --~--____~___~ Employment Securi ty Dept. ----'-...---~._.____ District Director of Internal Revenue ___ Trimble's Hardware ---~---------__~______ Penn. Salt .Manui'. Company 0'1' Washlpgt'on _ Northern Pacific Rai:lroad ------______;..~_ . STREET 'PS Power & Light Co. ~~----------_----~-~ Yelm Lumbe~ & Hardware .~--.":--------':'-'----, D& H Mobil Service -.~---------~_______~ Mosman Agency ----~---~---____~--~----~-~ Ern})loymerit Security Dept. ----------_____ Trimble's Hardware ---..;.----------________ Thurston Co. Road District No. 1 -------_ Pacific Sand & Gravel Co. ---------~_____ GARBAGE \ D & H Mobil Service ------~~---~~~--~---- 11.61 Employment Security Dept. --------------- 18.00 D.,W. Edwards ---~-----~-----------------200.00 43.1.;.8 L~. 3,6 21.94 30.00 77.00 20.02 ~ . 89 1.59 \ 50.08 1.30 15.00 43.30 4.38 15.,31f' 78.64 34.72 o On a motion by Henderson and a second by"Pollard that Paul Turner's Building Permit for two additional rooms be 'apprQved. Matton c8rr~ed. . . The clerk was instructed to write to the County Treasurer's Office to straighten. ou the charges bf the I~~igation Dissolution Assessment on a town street. . Marlin St~illings presented his permlt for a remodeling. a house. and Henderson made a motion that was.seconded by Pollard that it be approved. Motion carried~' Marshal Cu~lens presented his monthly report. . Discussion wa.s again held onthe curbs and drainage problem of Yelm Avenue, but nothing definite was decidjd, nJ" , L . .The meeting was ad journed. I . f': A(~J~A MAYOR, H. A..TRI}ffiLE .~~~ C ERK, ELVERA. JOffi'TSON 11ay 9, 1956 'J The Council held its regular meeting wi th Mayor Trimble presiding and Councilmen Henderson, Curry and Pollard were presen.t. . Also present were Mayor-elect Brown-and COilllcilman-elect Tracy. .The minutes of tpe pregious meeting ,were read and approved. Themonthly.treasurersr.neport was presented. The follBwing bills were ~eaa and app~oved ona motion by Curry. and a second by Henderson and carried by an unanimous. vo'te: CURRENT EXPENSE Yelm Telephone Company.------------~__~_ 18.85 Standard Oil Company -":'------------ ~- --- 36.,20 . Roger Eide Barber Shop=----~---_________ 1.72 . PS Power & Light -Co. -~---------;------- .18. 78 Brown Bros. Garage ---~--------~---~---- ~3.62 D & H Mobil Service ~-~-----~--~~------- 25.00 WATER t . _ Br6~n Bras Garage----~---~----~---_--_- 7.85' Trimble's Hardware ---..::.----------- ------_ 34.93' o I l' I PS Powe~.& Light Co. ------------------- 39.16 Yelm~ Lumber Co. -------.----------------- 25.58 STREET Thurston COO' Road Dist.No. 1--,-------- 14.74 Trimble's Hardware -~-----------~------- 8.10 Pacific Sand &'GravelCo. --------'------ 30.92 ~'" D & H !-1obicle Service -----..;.------------- 25.00 PS Power & L~ght CO.- ...~--.-----.-~--------' 50.08 GARBAGE j Fields-Mo~or Go~ ------------------~--- 18.11 A letter from l~rs. Pqtthofr was read comp~inihg about the garbHg~ , and ,water rate charged 'her. After some .discussion the Council agreed' that. the rate couldno~ be changed for ,every c~stomer; therefore po. exception 'would' be, ma.de, in. this case. 1. -tJ7.: ~ The Council also ga.~e t,helr approval for the Ileal th Of ricer to make a.house to house inspection of septic tanks and drainage fields. niscussio~ about wheth~r or no the water tankneeded.pairiting was held, but action on thl.s 1 was .tableduntil1ater as more, conclusiv'e information was needed.. ' }1arshail Cullens present.ed his monthly repoJJt. , t . .( Meeting adjourn~d. '/}{d/ :f~~ IVfAYOR, H. A. TRIMBLE . C~~RA~~ I May 24, 1956 A' Special Council meeting wa~ called by TJIayor Trimble wi th all CouI?cilmen present. . Discu~sionwas :held on surfacing some of' our st'reets' in con1junction . wi-th the County. A motion was made by Curry and seconded by Pollard .that the Town call for bids with the County for su~facing ~nd grading of one mile' (more or less} of streets in the Town of ' Yelm. The .motion carried. The meeting adjourned. '/ "~'{l U~~~, MAY<JR;o H.. A.o TRI}\1BLE . j I .- ~~.~. CLER!,(~ ELVERA K. ON ' . . . Jun'e 4-~ 1956 I ' )I 'George C. Brown was sworn into the. office of.Mayor and Ray Norton and Lyle. 'F.. Trac.y as Councilmen fo.r a term of four ;rears. tJIun:tcipal' .. Judge Sparks officiated. . I: (),,~ " '. June 13, 1956 The ~egu1a.r meeting of the, Town' Council 'was:;:ca.lled. to o>rderby' Mayor Brown wi th Councilmen Norton, .Tracy" Curry-, Stillings and Swanson, pre~ent. ' The minutes or the previous meetings were read/and approved. The Treasurer t s monthly re-port was presented. /' ~ The rollowing bills were read and on a mption bmade by Curry and ~econded by Swanson were ordered p'ald: Motion carried. 'CUR'RENT EXPENSE ' ,n"': P. S., Power & Light Co. ------------------- 18.10 ~eorge C. Brown ---,-------------~---------- 66.85 ~ Yelm Telephone Co'. -....-~--_..._--....-...---------""" 19.10 The Regional Public Library ---------------156.83 Thursnon-MasonHealth Dlstrict--------~---- 67.95 Thurston County Civil Defense ------------- 15.28 . Standard 011 Co. -------------------------- 29.47 ~ ~ Wolf's S~oprite ------~-------------------~3.95 D & H Mobil Service ---------------....-....----- 38.<61 Fields Motor Co. ----------------~--------- 78.33 Pi'oneer, Inc. -....-,--------,----------------'!"'-- 33.23' WATER , Trimble '.S Hardware -..-""'....----------.....--~----- 38.6,5 Penn. S~lt Manur. Co. Of Wash. ~----------- 19.30 The Stationer's Inc. ---------------------- 5.75 Northern Pacific Railroaa ----------------- 1.59 Scientific Supplies Co. ------------------- 2.93 P. S. P~wer & Light Co. ------------------- 45.71 STREET, P. S.. Power & Light Co. ------------------- 50.08 D & H ~10bil, Service ---,......--...---....----------- 24.47 Trimble's Hardware ------------------------ 24.13 GARBAGE -Commissioner of Public Lands ....---------...--- 29.60 Citizens Coates and Runyon were. present to ~:s,k the Town for, an e~- 0" ,,' tension ora water 'main to bring a wat'er supply to two new homes , they are planning to build. As t~e Town,~as funds in the, New Water,! Construction Fund, Swans,on mad,e a motion that the Town lay 250 ,feet' of four inch main" with the provision tha~ the abl?ve 'Qwncrrs pay a 'part payment of fifty dollars as hook-up charges for assurance that they will build. It was ,seconded by, Curry and'the motion carries. d The Council approved the ren,ewal of the liquor licenses for the following-establishments: Bob & Deans Tavern, Thriftway Store and Chief Yelm Tavern. Discussion was held on whether, or not to sign ~he contract with the Regi"onal Public Library again. Amotion was made by Curry that was seconded by Tracy that we sign the one year contract'" ^ Motion carried. . Marlin Stillings presented a petition signed by H. Ae ano. Georgiana Southworth, Pansy arid R. ,B. Patterson, L. and Eva Vandiver, John E. and KaDhryn A'. Dotson and Phyllis M. and Marlin E. Stillings request- · ing vacation of that portion of second ~treet lying between the North- erly line of Stevens Street and the Northerly bounda.ry of McKenzie's Aa'dition to the Town of Yelm. Also, ,the alley lying adjacent to and. n:orith of, Block 14 and Block 15 of l1cKen'7,ie1s Addition to the Town qf 'Yelmll Also, the alley lying east o:f Lot 5; Block 14 of McKenzie r s' Second Addition to'Yelm. , 1"' After some discussion, Resolution No. 79 relating -'-to the above petition was read. A motion was made by Swanson to adopt Re~olutlon No. 79 with the provision that the Town reserve the easement rights :for, construction and maintenance afwater-malns, sewers and dra,inage. This motion was-seconded by Tracy and it carried. 'The date for the hearing was set for Wednesday, the 27th day of June, 1956 at 8:00 P~M. Councilman Norton made a report of his presepce at the do~nty1s open- ing of. the' bids for bl~cktC>.pping some of our streets. The bid was accepted w.lth wo,rk to commence in the near future. .Mayor Brown made the fo~lowing appointments: John Cullens asMarshal~ Milton Johnson as Supt. of Water, Street and Garbage Dept., J. T. Sparks as Mun1:c~pa1, Judge, E. Robert Frist-oe as Attorney and Elvera K~ Johns,on o ,1.,69,: ; .t 't ~ . as Clerk. . Th~ appointment of Civil Defense Direc.tor was Po.stponed. ~he meeting was adjourned. .~L~.'-' ~. rr MAYOR~ GEORGE C. 'BROWN., ~. .~ .-... ;<J I. C~RK. ELVERA K. HNSON ~I .1 ' July 11, 1956 Th~ regular meeting of' the Town Council was called to order by Mayor . Brpwn with Councilm~n Norton, Swanson and Tracy prese~t. I ,The minutes of the pre"CTious meeting were read and approved. The m9nthly tr~asurer~s report was pr~8ented. The following billswre read and on a motion by Tracy and seconded by Swanson were ordered paid. The motion carried. CURRENT EXPENSE Daniels Comnnmicat1ons Service ---------.-~---. Emplo'Ylment Security Dept. -----------------....":" District Director of ,I~ternal. Revenue ------- Fields Motor Company -~~------------------~--. . Caplt~l Business Machines --------~---------- Elvera' K.'Hohnson ----------------------~---- Dept.'~f L~bor & Industries -- -------------- Yelm Telephone Company -~-~~-~-~------~--~--~ D ~'H Mobil Service.-:------....------------------ Puget Sound Power &. Li:ght Co. ---------~---..;- Trimble's Hardware --..,;---,--~-----""/-....--------..; WATER' . . Employment Security Dept. ------------.;.------ 30.00', Tax Commission ------------~--~--------------128.85 Dept. of Labor & Industries "---...:------------- 10.00 District Director of Internal Revenue -------110.10 Tacoma Rainier Auto Freight'C9G ~-=------~--- 2.35 Puget .Sound Power &: Light Co. -------------...- 45.50 Frank Turner ,---------'-----..;-----~-~-------...:- 36.00 Bud Fore Meter Repair -----------------------103.43 D & H Mobil Se~vice -----~-..;----~------------ 6.56 Ye1m Lumber & Hardware --...-.;------.:..-...-....--....--..... .76 $TREET. . ) Dept. of Labor &' Industries --....---........-------== 5.00 . Employment Securi ty Dept. ---J---------------- . 4.3'8 .Thurston County' Road 8is'trict No.1, --------- 63.96 Washington Co-op ------------~---~----------- 8.58 ,.. . Trimble t s Hardware. -----~-------------------- 3.10 , Puget Sound Power &. Light Co.. -----;..--------- 50.08 GARBAGE ' . D & H Mobile Service -------...---...------------ 4.80 " Dept. of Labor & Industries ----------------:- 7.00 . Employment Security Dept. -----------=- ~----- 18.00 26.65 46.96 42.00 14.66 28.87 22;90 19.71 27.35 75. 00 17.70 5.17 . ) "t Ordinanca No. 80 'pe~tainingto the vacation of a portion of Second St. was read. On a motion made by Norton and seconded by, Swanson'was phssed ~o its second reading. Motion carried~ . l Ordinance No. 81 providing an emergency- appropri.atlon. of f'unds :for the garba.ge department was, read. After some dm.scussion, Swanson ma.de a motion that the. Ordinance be 'passed to its second reading and this was secon.ded by Tracy . Motion carried.. . . " The following committee appointments were ~ade by the Audit &. Finance. St.re.ets &. Alleys Curry Norton Norton Swanson Stillings, Tracy Mayor: , Hater & Qarbage Swans on . . Curry Tracy 1,1):0 _::' :7 Nathan W.Henderson wa.s .'":appointed again as. Civilt,an, Defense,:Director~ The Counc,il~gave. ~thier approval to .'the Supt.. .to.,check and. repair. the fleat t. innthe wat.er' tank. The meeting adjounned.' . f~}.l~' MAYO ~ 'GEORGE C. .BROWN ...~ ~ " CLE~'1tLVERA K.' NSON o August 8, 1956 The'regular meeting ,of the Town Council was called to order by Mayor Brown with all the Counc1lm~n -present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treaBurer~s monthly report was presented. The following bills were read and on a motion by Swanson and seconded'by Tracy were ord~red paid: CURRENT EXPENSE P. S. Power & Light Co. ----------- 16.03 Mosman Agency --~------------------136.70 Trimble's'Hardware ------...:--------- 3"49 Yelm Telephone Co~ --~------------- 25.45" WATER Yelm Lumber & Hardware -----~....----- '4..26 Brown Bros. Gara~e ---------~------ 21.66 o P. $. Power & Light C~. ----------- 51.10 H. D. Fowle,r Co., Inc. -----.~------414,. 93 H. D. Fowler Co., Inc. ------------ 6.48 Penn. Salt Mfg. Co. of W~sh. -----~ 20.19 Northern Pacific RR ------------~--- 3.18 'Trimble's Hardware ---------~------ 2.77 STREET . I Pacific ,SSlnd &' Gravel Co. --------- 13.02 Brown Bros. Garage -....-----------'--- 9.49 P. S. Power & Light Co. ----------- 50.08 GARBAGE . Yelm Garage ~-----------~---------- 40.46 Brown Bros. Garage '---------.------~ 18.15 Ordinances' No. 's 80 and 81 were' gi ven thier s ec ond read,lng and ' on a motion by Nprton and seconded by Tracy were passed to thfer third reading. Motion carrie~ un~minously. Attorney Fristoe was present to request, the Council to pass a \ resolution releasing for sale an automobile held by the Town Police Dept. Swanson made a motion 'that the Resolution be passed containing the necessary requirements; this was seconded by Tracy. Motion carried. ' o : < Owners of the Bob & Dean's Tavern were present to again ask the n'~-'_,' Council for a permit for a C~baret in thilier establishment. In view of past investigation of the opiniens of the Towh's citizens, ,the Council unanimous~y agreed to tu~~ doun'the request. Marsha~ Cullens presented his monthly report. The bouncil apporvethe buil:ding permif submitted by F., Pflug- macher for a 21' x 20' wood shed. 171L' Di~cussion wa~ held on the pbssibility of i~creasing th~ , , employ?:.e' s salaries to be includ~d in the forthcoming budget. I fhe meeting adjourned. 9L,b,2Ci3~ M]\YOR, GEORGE 0 BR WN .1 c~~~~:~ I I September 12(, 1956 The' reg~lar meeting of the Town Council was called to order by , Mayor Brown with Councilmen Tracy, Norton, Swanson, Curry and Stillings present. The min~tes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer f s monthly report was presented., The following bills were read and on a motion by Swanson and seco~ded by Curry were 'ordered paid. Motfon carried. CURRENT EXPENSE Th~rston-Mason Health District -------- 67'e 95 'The ,Regional Public Library -----------156.83 , Wolf t s Shopri te ~---=-.;..-~-,-~_....--------- 11.96, Thurston County Civil Defense -----~--- 15.28 Yelm 'Telephone Company -~----.-----"'--"'''' I 23~ 55 Mosman Agency ------~--~-~---=----~---- 15000 Trimble~s' Hardwar~ --------------...-~---' 6.73 Brown BrOS;i' Ga.rage ------------------.....- 49.45 PS Power & "Light Co. -------~---------- 18.23 "WATER Victor,Nutter ----------~-------------~ 5.40 Tony Alongi -------~-------------------9.80 Proporti'oneers, Inc. ------~----------- 12.32 Tax Commission -----~-----_....----------- 46.42 Penn. Salt Manuf. CO. ---~------------- 19.30 P. S. PowerJ & Light Co. -----,---------- 55.64 Taeoma-Raini~r Auto Freight ~---------- 4.00 STREET - Yelm Lumber & Hardware --~------------ 2.58 ' , y Dan Maslowski --~-_....-...._--------------- 14.50 Trimble t s Hardware ----,---------:..----- 5.08 P~ S~ Power & Li~ht ----~------------~ 50.08 Th11rston Co. Roa<$. District No.1 ----- 214.97.. Thurston Co. Road District No. ~'~----2774.50 GARBAGE , I D. M. Edwards ---~-------------------- 200.00 'I Ordinances' No. 80 and Hlwere given thier third 'and fInal. reading., Tracy made a mot:i.on that .they be passed and ordered published; this was seconded by Curry. Motion carried., , \ Discussion wa.s again held on the subject of ,the highwa.y cross- ing town lim~ ts, and after,'months of deliberations~ the. C'ouncil agreed to the signing of "the compact with the High'way Commiss- ion Tor passage of the ;b.Jgl1w:.ay thro~gh the town limits. Curry made a ~otion th~t we wly~,;t:~_-:t;tq the St~~e High~ay Dept. to a'at a time for a meet~ng de~ignatedby the epb. and Nayor to'adopt a resolution to.that effect. This was~seconded by' Norton. The motion carried~ ( ~ '~he remainder of" the meeting was devoted to, the budget for'1957 l:.i :l and wo~k wasc0mplet~d on a tenative t>udget to' present t'o. the citizens of the Town.' Amotion was . du~ymade' and s~conded to publish'the l;>udget and set the date' of hearing on September 28th at 8P.M. Motion carried. . 'The meeting agj9urned. ~~&A~~~ CL~RK, .ELVERA . JOHNSON September 28, 1956 Jt,i~~ . ~- 1lrOR, GEOR' E c. ROWN o A special meeting for the hearing of the proposed budget was 'called by Mayor Brown. Present were Councilmen Norton, Tracy and Stillings. . Norton moved that as there were no protests on the proposed- budget that the s~me be adopted as published. Tracy seconded it and^' it was carried unanimously. Town of Yelm Budget for 1957 I - Estimated'"Revenues CURRENT EXPENSE Ta*es: 10 Mills ----------------------$ Licenses -~-------------~------------- Admission Taxes -------~-------------- Liauor Revenues ---------------------- Moior Vehicle Excise Tax -=--~-------- Liquor Excise Tax -------------------- Police Court Fines ----~--~-----~~~~-~ Ambulance Fees ...---......------------.......--.... Fire Hall Rental -------...------------- Balance on Hand -~_...------~~-~~~--~~~~ Total -~------------ WATER Consurner' Collections ----------------- Hook-ups ....~---___---.-_-----__":'-_--._r--- Balance on Hand --------------------~- Total --------~----- .', ,-' Estimated ,Expenditures CURRENT EXPENSE . Clerk Salary -----~--~------~------~--$ Clerk Expense -----~-----------...--~--- Clerk Relief ------------------------- Attorney,Salary,& Expense ------------ Mayor & Co~cil Expense -------~----~- Surety Bonds ------------------------- Mupicipal Judge Salary --------------- Municipal Court Expense ~-------------~ 'R~gistrations & Elections ------------ 3,299.84 . 289.00 250~ 00 - 1,925.55 749.70 471.60 2,150.00 700.00 120.00 . 1,800.00 11,755.69 8,100.00 200.00 4,700.00 13,000.00 o 379.60 379.60 o 300.00 2GO.QO 150.00 350.00 114.96 105.00 4BO ..00 so.bo 25.00 I Publishing & Advertis-ing -------....----- State Auditor ---------------~-------- Association of Washington Cities ~---- Medical Aid & Industrial Insurance --- Socli~ Secu~iti~-~-~---~----------~-- Town Ha.ll Expenses ------------------- , Town Hall Capital, Out,lay '!"!-----~---...-- Health Serv~ces --------~------------- Library ------------~-~--~------------ Civil Defense ~--------~-----------~-- Park Expense --------~------~~-------- General' Insurance --------------~----~ Mar~hal Salary ----------------------- Marshal'\i,Expens e ... ::'.- - -- ---...... -...... -------- Deputy l'1arshal Salary --.....------------_' Ambulance Driver Expense -~---~-'":"-!":'...--, Jai 1 Expense & l'1ea1s ---:....-...0("'.........---...-...- Street Lights -------------~---------~, Total,-~--------~~-~ , \ 1'7' 9, , ~Jt . 2'25. 00 265.00 30'.00 105.80' lOB.50 1,000.00 200.00 270.00 643.lt-7 72.00 100.00 365.,00 '3,600'.00 1,500.00 550.00 250.00 100.00 600.00 11,755.6? WATER Sunt. Salary ------~~-...;--------------- 2,2.00.00 .... Co; Clerk ~alary ------~---------":'"-------~ 1,. qffice Expense ---,-~-----.-"!"----------- 250.00 Water Parts & Supplies, ----.O("'---~----_... 500~OO' . Labbr & Repairs ----------------~----- 300.00 Truck Expense.~~-----~-------~~---_~-_ 100.00 tower,& Lights -~~-~------~---~-~--~~- 600.00 apital Outlay ---~~--------~-~-~~-~-- 3,786.75 Social Security ---~---~-----------~-- 78.75 Medical Aid & Industrial Insurance --- . 79.50. Utility Taxes -----~---~~----~-------- 265.00 Bond Redemption Transfers -----~-~---- ..3,540.00' Total --------------",,13,000.00 I STREET . '.. Supt. Salary, ----.:;,-,-.--____,----_...____'__, Labor, ,Hepairs & i1lia,t~rials ____~-----~ Rental of Equipment -----~~~______~~~- 'in,ruck Expense ---------......--______......___ Ca~ltal Out~ay ---~-------------~~-~--, Medical Aid & Industrial Insurance -__ Social Sec~~lty ---~~-~-~-----~----_-- Street Cleaning ---.--------.----_:------ Total --------~----- GARBAGE Disposal Salary --~--~------------_--_ Relief Disposal Salary -----______~_-~ Clerk Sa~ary ---~-~---~-~_-~---:--~---- Ofrice Expense -....--,------....__~,_------....- Truck Expense ----------...--___~__----- . Garbage Dump Expense ---~--_'--_------_ Supplies ---------~---________________ Capit~l Outlay, ------------___________ Social Security ------________________ Medical Aid'& Industrial Insurance ___ Total -------------_ BOND REDEMPTION , "Current Bond Redemptions-~---_....__...._-__ Total ~-~---~~~-~~-~ I NEV.!, i'iATER CONSTRUCTION Capital Outlay -------________________ ~ . Total -~-~~~~~-~--~_ BOND RESERVE INVESTMENT Reserve ror Bond Redemption __________ , Tbt~l ~--------'----- 'TOTAL OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ______ The meeting ad:uou~ned.' .~~y~ CLERK, ELVERA K. J NSON , 378 "00 ,1,220.00 1,000.00 200.00 1,310.00 14.20 13.90 240.00 4,376.7t3 8'00.00 , 60.00 500'.00 50.00 300.00 342.72 50.00 800.00 34.00 ~l.28 2,9 0:.00' 3 ;" ::0..00 3, 0.00 379060 379.60 3,000.00 3,000.00 39,002.07 .. ~),g~ MAYo , GEORGE C. BRO .17"'~4' October 10, 1956 The regular meeting ,or the C'ouncil was called to order by Mayor Brown with Colj,ncilmen Swansorr, Norton, 'Trac,yand,Curry present.. The minutes of the previous 'meeting were .read and apppoved. The treasurer f s monthly report was pres'ented. The fol~ow~ng bills w~re read and discussed and it was moved by Tracy that they be' allowed." This was seconded by Swanson and the motion was carried. ...,-. -'" CURRENT EXPENSE Puget Sound Power & Light Cb~ '=____a____ 'Standard Oil Company ------~~-~---______. 'Yelm Telephone Company ----~----_______~ The Nisqual1y Valley News ----~______~__ Bro~h Bros. Garage ----------__ ________ Pickett Drug ---------------~-~_________ Trimble's Hardware .......-------___________... District Director of Internal' Revenue _.... Mosman Agency '-----;..-------..;....;..______....__..... Daniel" s Communications Ser>v'ice" ---.....__.__ Pickett Drug ------... ----... --..;., -.;.-- ___00:-_......_. Nisqually Valley News ------...-______._........_, St. Peters Hospital~ ---------_~____~____ E~ployment Security: Dept. -~-~------____ . Dept. of Labor and Industries.------~--- Yelm Garage ---~---~------~-_~~_________ D & H Mobile Service --~-----~_____~____ WATER puget Sound'J)0~1Ter & J1i@t Co. ----:-.......-.;.._ District Director of Internal Revenue -- Employment Security Dept. -..._~------_....__ Dept. of Labor & Industries........-----....---... STREET ' Puget Sound Power & Light Co. --..;.-______,. Brown Bros. Garage '-------..;;...-....----_._...;......._ Employment Securi ty Dept. -....;....;-...--....---_..... Dept. of Labor & Industries -...---__..........__ GARBAGE D & H Mobile Servi6e -----------~_______ . D. W. Edwards ----.....----...__~__..;..__.._______ Brown Bros. Garage '----....--...;.---'-_________ . Employment Security Dept. -------------= 'Dept. of Labor & Industries --~----__~__ Marshal Cullens gave his monthly report. $ 18.73 45.65 20.65 15.26 2.38 3.62 4.74 42.00 15.00 16.20 4.83 19.16 10.00 49.76 21.17 34.89 88.67 47.94 110.10 . 30.40 . . 15. 97 50.08 3.07 4.98 3.4"9 13.34 182.15. 20.69 18.00 3.50 >0 o <I' Discussion was held on the ways and means of. ditching and remov- ing. excess gravel on the shoulders of' the town's newly oiJ-ed streets. The Council dedided to rent 'equipment to do the job 'before adverse weather set ine The Street. Committee were to make a survey of the streets that would require the work above. Several residents of McKenna have requested if the Town would haul ) their garbage for them and after much discussion the Council decided to first gat legal advice if'it were permissible for the Town to go outsida'of the county line '~o perform this service.. ..Councilmen Norton stated that a street light was needed on the corner of E.dwards and Jefferson Streets e' Curry made a motion that was seconded by Tracy for the 'Clerk to notify P.S. Power and D.. : Light Co. if they would correct this si,tuation. Motion carried. Another topic discus~ed was on whether or not it was necessary for employees fo the Town to have a signed requisition before purchasing anything over a given sum. No motion was made to that effect. 'It was also discussed whether or not garbage rates should be rafs.ed with no concrete answer arrived upon. ..'1 I <::. ': : I 1,75 The" C:;Lerk, was asked to find out if" the Resolution passed severa'l years ,ago pertaining to closing"of ,the streets Mder adv?rse con- ditions' would still be ~ffectfu1 pow. rrhe meeting adjoun~d. I ' ~. . . - ,J..A.\ . ~...dIM MAllW . ~GE C. BR~ . ~~~~B~ CLERK, ELVERA. OHNSON ...,1 ~November 14, ,1956 ") The regular meeting of the Town Council wascal1ed-,to order by 1.I-1ayor Brown witb',C,ouncilmen Tracy, Norton,Swan.s'on, Stillings, and Cur:r:'Y presento The minutes of' ,the previous meeting were read and 'approved. Jhe financial report, was presented. ~ , Thefollc>wing bills were read;, Swa.nson made, the motion that they be ordered paid which was seconded .by Curry. Motion oarried. CURR~T EXPENSE ' l'elm Telephone Company ----....------------.$26.45 St. Peter Hospital --------------------- lQ.OO The Stationers, 'Inc. -----;..--------,----- 5.70, Pioneer, Inc. -----------------------~--5.68 Mosman Ar::t'ency..--------""'-----------""'....--\""- 15000) , 0, .5 ,Pickett Drug ,Store --------------------- 7.7' Yelm Lumber & Hardware ----"7'------------ '1.78 Trimble's Hardware ....-------------------..;32.26 , Standard Oil, Company ---------------'---- 32.35' , PS Power Be, Light' Co. ---...-----...-:...--....-ra-- 19.88 WA TER " ,\ . Brown Bros.' Garage --------------------- 50.00 Tax,60mmissr6n -------------~--:..------._- 52.70 Tacoma Rainier Auto Fr~ight Coo -------~ 2.00 Yelm Luinbe~ & Hardware ------------.;.---- '6.02 PS Power & Light Qo. --------~-------7-- 40.17 Tri'mble r s Hardware --------------------... 3.49' Ye1m Fixit Shop ------------------------' 1.03 , STREET J~ F. Forbes -------,-.:..--------------'---- 9.08 Trimbilie t s Ha.rdware ----"!"--~-------....--.;..-...-. 5.41 ,PS P,pwer & Ligpt Co. ----...--,.......--...-':"'-....---' 50.08 Mars'hal Cullen's gave h~s, monthly report.. Mrs. Smith of 'the S andCMotion, Picture S,ervice requested by letter if the f~IQHn Council would consider dropping the tax on admission8e ,Discus$iop was held and the Council decided not to change the, ad- mission, tax at this time and added the suggestion'that the price of the tickets be raised to allow for increased costs. ,They also $tated that if any further questions arose, thatmr's. Smith contact, the 'Mayor. ' "'he Clerk' was inst,ruc:ted to wFi te to the Tax; Commission to' find out, the increase in valuation of the property involved when the Town enlarg€}d its liIJ1its; especially the 350 feet of railway that was in- reluded'~ ,Discussion,was'again held on the need for the employees to have' a" requisition ,before purchasing'anything. Curry made a motion that a requisition be required 'or any purchase of $10.00 or over and that it be sIgned by the Mayo~. This was seconded by Norton and the motion carried unamimous lYe. Supt. Johnson ,and Committee ,Chairman Norton gave reports on the'street 1J;7,.6 s1 tuation, both stating that .the county would commence work this\ week after the mayor would. issue a -work order, to the County Com~. / missioners. _ j ~ General Liability Insurance for the Town was another topic of discussion with the Council deciding to get pr'-ce\estimates'from several cOIl!panies before making a final decision. , , The subject of the town needing another well for us,e in emergencies was taken underconsideration~' It 'was decided by the Council that the -.well owned, by the f'ormer Enumclaw Creamery, now closed Ii'or business, would serve our needs. The Clerk was asked to writre to a Mr. Jay Van Patten of' Eriumclaw, owner of, the building, to in- 0':,: '" quire whether or not he would be willing to sell the well and . accessories to the Town and at what price. , The meeting adjourned. ,JL,~L(fu ~ . MAYOR, GEORGE C. B WN .~~~~ CLERK, ELVE. JOHNSON , i o r o -/ ,I 1 I 177~ .December 12, 1956 The re'gular'meeting of the Town Council w,as called to order by.Mayor Bro\-lnwith Councilmen Tracy, ,Swanson, Curry, Norton. and Stillings I presente, Also present was E. ,Robert Fristoe ~ Town Attorney. ' The minutes of the previous meeting' w~re read and, approved~' J The'f~naneial report was presented. I '\ The following bills were read' and on a motion by Curry and .seconded_ by Nort6n, were ,ordered paid. 'Motion earrted. CURRENT EXPENSE , Standard Oil Co. ---------------$ Brown Bros. Garage ~----~------- Wplf'sDept. Stor~ -----------~- PS Power & ,Light Co. -------~--- Thurston-Mason Health District - Regional P~blie, Library ~--~---- Thurston'County Civil Defense -- YelmTelephone Co. ------------- Yelmflarage -------....-----~------ ,Elvera ~. 'Jobnson -------------- 1p/A TEE Western Utilities Supply COe --- PS Power & LIght ,Coo ----....------ ~enn. S~it ManUf. Co. of Wash. .... Tacoma 'Rainier Auto Freight ............. STREET- Yelm Garage -------------------- 1ft/ash" Co-op' Farmers IS Assn. .-...._-~ PS Power,& Light Co; ----------- GARBAGE'" .' , 'Yelm Garage ------~-------~----- 7 2'. ~7 44.56 1.22 24'.10 ' 67.95 156.83' 15.28 24.95 73.97 13.46' 7 . _~1 ' 41.75 18.60 4.00 10.61 4.'24 50.08 59.99 'Present were a Citizens Committee composed of the members of several o~ganizati~ns interested in traffic safety. The problem they pre- sentee. was the'ways and means of patrolling the intersection of Yelm \ Avenue and First 'Street. Ideas offered'were a ~top and go signal, - the hiring of another patrolman by the town or a push=-potton light.: Discussion was held by the citizens and 'the council, with th~ result . that the Council would take this.problem under advisement. It was als'o decided to confer with State" Patrolman Lathrop incha.rge of ' school-boypatrolmen"before making, a final decision. Those ~resent wer~: HiI'o Schneider and lVlack Brown representing the Lions Club; Mrs. Tom Croom and Mrs. Sti.llings , Pre...School P,TA; Mrs. R. Marshall, PTA President; Mrs. R. Shay" PTA Safety Chairman; Wilbur Bean, Veterans of Foreign Wars; and Henry Berkshire and Wayne ,Vancil of the Amer.lean 'Legione " . The next problem on the agenda was a petition presented by,the . Highw~y Department.. for permission to run a limi ted access high\-Jay through towne Mr.; Plymale a~d JVLr. Bruce. T'rowbridge repre,senting the Dept. brought a set of new maps b-p:t actually showd nothing. different thl?-n the previous mapslt The Town's request for ac,over-head ,crossing 'or an actuated light were bo~h refused by the Dept., who stated traffic did not warrant it .~t this time. Also disDussed was the possibility of naming ,this road and alte~nate US 99. After a lengthy discussion the Counei:1, dedided not to sign the resolution presented by the High~ ,way Dept. A motion was made by Curry that the Town have Attorney ) Fristoe draw, up a Resolution Rta'ting the ~e'~rh3s that would be satis- factory for the Town to sign. This .was seconded by Norton and it, , ' pa$sed unamimously.' Another meeting ~as set for the near future. The 'next issue undertaken was the Liability Insurance, with \-vm.. IvTosman,' local representative, ,introducing ,John Allen and Bob Chase 0~ the Firemen's ~und Insurance Co. Mr. Chase answered the many questions. of, the' Council regarding the coverages offere,d' and the cost involved. purry made themotiori, seconded ~y Stillings that we accept this offer and with the' coverage to be, effective immeqiatelyo Motion ~arried, unamimously. c Discussion was again held on the buying of the Enumcl'aw Creamery well. 111 ans~er to our recent letter, the Town was notified' that it could' l'a7",~ purchase, the well for approximately $2000.00. ,Before ,taking 'any de- fini te action, the clerk was advised, to wri te, to the Heal th Dept. for approva;L of,. the si te ~nd the well for a municipal water supply. Swanson made a motion that' the Town sell a 1947 Chevrolet Automobile ,'ifor'the sum of $50.00 to Conrad Brock, with the provisi0n it not be delivered until the ti tIe was cle:ar€?d. Stillings, second,ed and the motion passed. Discussion was held on raising the ganbage service charge for custome'rs outside the town limi ts. To overcome increased cost of operations, Stillings made ~ motion that the Town At,torney draw up a Resolution to increase the charge an additional fifty cents a month for all outside customers, , This was seconded by Curry and the motion carried. 0". " Meetng adjourned. " ,'j I 0 .~J}J~~n4/V1. "MAY B, GEOR E C e BROWN t I ~~~-~~ ,CLERK, ELVERA . JOHNSON · o ,,/ ,0