1957 Minutes ,." I.. I I ~ I ' January 9,' 1957 The regular meeting, of the Coun.cil of ~the Town of Yeim was/called to order by Mayor Brown" with ,Col.mciImen Swanson, Tracy; Curry, Norton and Stillings present. . The minutes of' the, previous meeting we>re read and approved.' , The monthly financial report wa~ presented. The 'following bills were re"ad and on a motion made by Curry and seconded. by Tracy we,re ordered pai.d. Motion. carrieq. ,CURRENT EXPENSE Wolf's Shoprite -------------------$ 6.~2' , Brown Bros. Garage ---------------- 4.52 Th~Stationers, ine: -------------- .94 Standard Oil Co. ------------------ 33.93 St. Peter Hospital ----------~----- 10.00 Roge~ Eide Barber Shop ---~-------- 2.50 PS Power & Light Co. -------------- 50.08 Assn. of Washington~pities -------- 30~OO Yelm Telephone Co. ---------------- 23.10 D &H HOb5.,l Service "?--.---~--------.".80. 25 John W. Cullens --...---------------- 1.50 .~icke'tt Dr.pg Store .........,.----:------...:.-- 9.7+' Trimble's Hardware ---------------- 5.91, PS Power & Light Do. ~-~-----~---~- 23.95 1,1A TER Pi oneer; Tnc. '..;.7'----~---.:..-- -------- 19.84 D & H Mobil Service --------------- 4~20 P "S Power & .Light C,o., -----~-----'-- 46.75 STREET . 'Trimble f s Hardware -----....--;..--.----- ,12.52 ,BrownBro~. Garage -~~-----------...-, 4.41 GARBA.GE D & H Mobil Service -------~------- 16.77 Brown Bros. Garage ------....--------- 18~16 Marshal, Cullens 'gave his monthly report~ e. Discussion w~s held on whether or not to continue the ambulance service and' it was, decided to keep on ~ith this service. . . Another topieof discussion was on th~ curbs on,Yelm Avenue. The State Highway ,Dept. stated that if,enough interest was shqwn by the Town and an LID s'tarted that the .Dept. lrJould proceed wi th the pav- ing and the d~ainage problem; also stating that the State ,would take'. care of the engineering costs. Mayor Brown gave a r~port' on his conference with the Patroman in charge of school-boy patrol stating that the patrolman' felt that' we did not need additional protection on the crosswalks since traffic .di:d not warrant it. Another suggest1.on was for the school. to' use ' older bo~s for patrol. The Clerk was instructed to write to the PTA and the other -organizations stating our position and the inform- ation that we learned. ' ~ \rJe were noti'fied that the C:reamery would not sell thj_er well without. including the other buildings with the result that the Council de- ci~ed to go ahead with plans to drill a new well. Marshal ,Cullens stated that he was in need of a new recorde~ for the Police Dept. and that he had located one at a reasonabl~ priceo After much discussion oh the subject; the CoUncil decided to go ahead, and 'purchase a recorder for the Police Dept. The mee.t:ing adjou;cl1e,d. 1AJ.~~ ~~~OR,BEORGE c. BRO~m ' I ,Z-~,~~' CLERK, ELVERA _. JOHNSON - , , 0 ~~t"l I I I , 18 1j>'!f' ~ ',J.J , " , \ February 13, '1957" The regul~r meeting of the Council' was called to order by Mayor Brown with Councilmen Norton, Tracy 'and Stillings presente Absent ,were Councilmen Curry and'Swanson. The minutes of the previous meetigg ,were re'ad and approved. The monthly, treasurer's reportw~s ~~esented. The fQllowinghills were read and a motion made by Norton and seconded by Tracy were orde~ed paid. Motion carried~ CURRENT EXPENSE Puget Sound Power & Light Co. ---$ 77.03 Yelm Telephone Company ---------- 24.05 Standard Oil Company ------------ 89.15 Thurston Co. Joint Civil Defense - 36.24' lYlosman Agency -_....-.--......:_-~-'------- 322.74 ' Brown Bros. Garage --~-----------, 33.47 WATER ' Prop~rtloneers, Inc. ------------ 40'.93 Skasol Corporation ~..._----~------ ,14.00 Nisqually Valley News ----------- 140.71 'Trimble's Hardware --...:----------- 11.76 Tacoma-Rainier Auto Freight --,--- 2.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. --- 46.20 Penn. Salt Manuf. Co. of Washe -- 9.30 STREET ' Yelm Lumber & Hardware' -----~----- 12?45 Trimble's Hardware --:...------,----- 4.98 GARBAGE " ' Yelm Garage -----~--------------- 11.80 , ) Marshal Cullen& gave his mqnthly report. Present were a deleg~tion of Girl Scotits with their Leader, Mrs. JIIIantik seeking' information for their safety' project and -to find ,', out what help 'the Town could gi-ve in posting a safety sign near - the school. The Council deci,ded to take this "is'sueunder ad- visement and to check first with the Highway Dept. to find out if, si.gns could be' erected on Yelm Avenue~: Since the Town has been receiving many'request for no parking on Yelm'Avenue and Stevens Street bordering the school;. the Counc,il decided to. purchase-signs ,and post these four blocks surrounding the east &ndso~th sid~s for no p~rking between the hours of 8AM and 5 PM. It was also decided to purchase several stop signs for ,rep18.cements ,and for addi tional, ,stop street. Mrs~ E. O. Watkins of'the Yelm Garden Club was presen~ to ask if the Town wished to have the window boxes in the front of the City Hal~ replaced; stating that the boxes would be maintained by the ,members ,of the' club. After a short discussion it wa.,s decided not _ to h~ve the~ put back as the previous ones did considerable dam~ge by rotting the window sills. However, the Clerk was'inst:r:ucted tb write and ask if the Garden'Club would like to appoint one of its members to serve on the Board of Park Cormnissfoners., ,Supt.. Johnson ga.ve a report ,of the findings of the Insurance In- spector, stating some of the corrections that the Town should make like r~pairing several of our sidewalks, putting locks on 'all entrances to the muniqipal water supply and the fence around it, shoU~d have an additional two rows of barbed wire. . The Clerk was 'instructed to'write for copies of ordinances regard- i~g restrictions, for street closures. The Council granted-the Ye:lm Telephone Company the' right tq place a telephone booth on town property for a rental fee of twelve \ do~lars a ,year. ,The meeting adjourned. Jk~r& IfWYI . -IV OR, GEORGE ,C.: BROWN / f ~~~ CLERK.. ELVERAtt. -JOHNSON " - I I I .18.3 March 13,,1957 The regular meeting of the Counci'l was called to order by :Hayor -Brown .with ,Go,uncilmen Curry, Tracy, Norton and Swanson present. .Councilman Stillings absent~ The minutes of .the previous meeting .were .read and a~provedQ 'The monthl~ financial statement was Rresente:cl. . . . . 'The following bills were read and Tracy made a motion,. seconded. by Norton that they be ordered paid. . Motion car~ied. CURRENT EXPENSE , Me:il:.m1,lGarage' --.;.- --,---------------$ 29.16 The Regional Public Library ----- l6q.04 D & H Mobil Service ------------- 45.18 ~hurston-Mas'on H~altl} District -~- 67.50 , felm Telephone Company ---------- 20.55 Standard Oil Company ------------ 66.56. 'Pioneer, Inco ---------~--------- 21.84 Trimble's Hardware ---...;---------.... 5.88 Puget Sound. Power & Light Co. 74.48 \tJATER Puget'Sound Power & Light Co. 41.42 Yelm Lumber & Hardware ':"'--....------ 3.08 Tacoma-Rainier Auto. Freight ----- 4.00 State Tax Commissi'en ......--...;-----.-- 41_1..31 mr~at 'Northern Railroad -~------- 4.43 . STREET D & H Mobil Service ------------- 5.27 GARBAGE D & H Hobil Service .------------- 2.94 Marshal C'ullens pres'ented his monthly reporto Recommendations for improvements follawing the. Insurance Agent 'inspection were read. Sinqe seme walks and ourbing need repairs~ the clerk was asked to. have the Town Atto.rney give his advice en whether the awner or the town wo.uld be responsibde. , , t Garbage Supt. Jehnson stated that thega~bage customers were g~tting very lax in adhereing to. the ardinancea ~he Council decided to. publish no.tice 1n the paper stating the co.rrections' custo.mers should make and also. to. be charged fer extra garbage that, is being put auto' , The Council decided that 'the town would aid the Lions Club in the annual spring' clean-up and wauld furnish truck to haul refuse ,free of charge, during -the clean-up. Discu~sion was held again on drilling a ~ew well and a ~otion was' made by Curry that the town hire a ,geologist to. make 'a survey of where another well should be drilledo This was seconded by Swan- scn. It was decided that the Mayor and several cotmcil members hold a conference with the geologists to abtain necessary inform- ation. The motion carried. I~ was decided that the l'-1ayo.r and several Councilmen meet with the County Commiss.ioners at their next meeti,ng in order to ask fer ,a resident'deputy sheriff for this area. 'Numerous complaints about dogs running at la'rge was again bro.ugh~tt to the attention of the ,Councir. Curry made the suggestian that\. a notice be published in the paper to. all owners of dags .that they . be kept tied up or in a fenced yard., Unless cooperation is ab- tained, the ordinance regarding licensing of dogs will be strict- . ly enforced. ' ( , Also 'discussed was the creamery pump; dlJ.ring the recent freeze a valve broke and'the Council authorized' the ~vater Supt. .to. fix , ~or r~place the valve. This is being a necessity as the Town uses the creamery well al!d pump in case, of emergencies. The Council approved the use of the garbage dl}.mp for the Olimer 'pf 11,~,j _~ j~~' 4" Thriftway Store in disposing of all the debris left agter the fire. . The owner 'agreed to help defray costs by digging a trench in the future the length of which he is now using. The' charge for using "the town tvuck will be determined at the next meeting JVhen he has completed the entire project. The ~meeting adjourned. '?~~-I-~~/ CLERK, ELV~R . OHNSON.; . '" > . oj L~ _./i 1.,e~, " ./L.Ol1IV1 MAYOR, GEOR E. C. BRam .0 o o I' I I 1,8' ~: ;J.. ~pril '10, 1957 The regular 'Ocouncil meeting of the Town of Yelm; was called to order by Mayor Brown with Councilmen Nopton, Swanson, Tracy Stillings and Currylpresente The mintites ,of the previous meeting were read and appno~ed. ". - ;. The financial report was presented,. The following bills were read: On a motion o'ffered by Tracy, seconded by' Stillings and by an unanimous vote were ordered 'paid: CURRENT EXPENSE Employment S.eyurity Dept. -~-----_...._--$ 55.66 District Director of Internal Revenue- 42.00 Brown ~roso Garage ....-------~---........----- 5.86 Trimble's Hardware ------------------- 5.26 Puget SoundPowere& Light Co. -------- 73.53 D & H Mobil Service **-----~---_....---~~ 65~Ol' Standard Oil Company ---....--~-----~---- 34.65 Yelm Telephone Company ----....---------- 22.65 Depto of Labor & Industries -------....-- 19.79 'W~TER . Western Utilities Co. -~-------....------; Ernployment Security'Depto ---~--~----- District Di~ector o~ 'Internal Revenue- Brpwn Bros. Garage ---....-'----~"":-------- , Puget Sound Power & Light Co. .---~~--- Penn$ Salt Manuf. COe of Wash. ~------ Yelm Lumber & Hardware ---~---~---~--- Tacoma-'Rainier' Auto Freight ---------- Dept. of Labor & Industries --~------- STREET ',. . Employment Security Dept. ------------ 6.96 w. S. .Darley and C 0.:-----------------, 73. 10 Trimble" s Hardware -'------------------ 6.56 Northern Pacific Railroad ------------ 7.37 Yelm Lumber & Hardware -----.---------- 37.72 Dept. of Labor & Industries ---------- 3.80 Thurstqn C6. Road District No. 1 ----- 41.68 GARBAGE Employment Security Dept. '------------ l4.64r Yelm Garage -------~------------------ 147.31 D& H Hobil Service \ ---------------~-- . 30.94 Brqwn BrOSe Garage ------------------- 22.00 Dept. of Labor & Indu~tries.---------- 8.0Q 5.46 39.22 108-. 70 3.00 42023 9..30 .59 4.00 11091 Ordinance No. 82 pretaining to the construction of sidew~lks and payment of the cost thereof by the owners of the property adjacent -was given its first a~d second reading. Discussion followed ,and a motion was made by 'Curry that i tbe adopted; this was' sec9nded by Norton. Motion carried 'unanimously. Ordinance No. 83 providing for the emergency closure of streets was given it&.first and second reading. Curry made -s mqtion-that it be passed to its third reading, this was'seconded by Tracy and the vote was unanimous for its adoption.' . The Marsh~l presented his monthly report. The Supt. of Water and Streets was absent sq no report was given. Rep6rt of the census taken on March ~lst and 22nd was given;~tat- lug that ~he population increased by twebty-three and the cosi involved was around twenty-six dollars. The council has received numerous complaints tha.t several property owners have let shrubs and brush project ov~r the sidewalks which h~s cau~ed obstruction of the walks. It was decfdedthat. the Street Supt. notify these owners to correct the 81 tuation or defini te. action would be taken. 1~'86 The Mayor appoint~d Mrs~ Eo ~. Fristoe and Mrs~ Earl Pollard to the Board of Park Commissioners with a! third member still to be appointede The meeting agjourned. j ) Hu\ ,/: (fL r? ''4 . ~YOR, GEOY=r~.!)HOWN o o o ',1.. 1 I, 1,87 May 8, 1957: The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm'was called, to'.order by"Mayor Brown with Coupcilmen Tracy, Norton and.Stillings present. Councilmen Curry and Swanson absent. , < ( The minut~s ~f the previo~s meeting were read and approved. .The treasurer's monthly report was presented. (, The following bills, were read and on a motion ,made by Tracy and . . seconded by Norton were ordered paid:' CUR.RENT~. EXPENSE Eo Rob~rt Fristoe ----~---~=-----$18.68 Standard Oil-Co. --~~~~--~~-------6ge27 Brown B'ros. fiarage ....------.....-,..-";"-.... 15.13 Nilisqually ~ijliey News ----------- 'lO~88 Nisqually Valley News -----~~~--- ,8.89' County of Thurston ~------;...-_...........- le.oo Yelm Lumber &'~Hdw. ,--.;.-------.......-- '5.2,4 ~u. Yelm 1J]e.a~ephon.e Company -....-------.... 18.75. Pioneer~Inc~. ~-------------~~~-- 6.69 PS P,ower & Light Co. ...-------...--~ 68.53 WZTER .:'. > PS Power & Light Co. --~-~--------40.82 Brown Br'oso Ga'rage .;...;..~-------_._.--H2'9. 97 'Yelm Lumber '9. lidw. _....;...-.;....;.....:..;,..-...;....~_.. -23-.04 ' ,Nisqual'ly Va.lle'Y' News --.;..-----'--- 43.92 ,State Tax Co'tnmi$.sion' .,...--........---.........-. '42.22 STREET"c' .' Road Distri~t.No. 1 _......;..--~--------68.oo J. Fe.Forbes -------------------- 2~!38 { Mrso Osborne' Edwards, chairman of, the PTA Gafendar Organization f meeting Dates, was present "to ask whether the Counci,l w,ould like' to have th-e datEf of the Council meeting published and on2a mote-ion by,Nort<on and a sec.ond by Stillings that we .accept the offer of" having the date of the m~eting published. The Council decided to charge O. K.Edwards a~ total of $28.00 for hauling garbage 'left after the fire of the Thriftway Store. Ordinance No. fS 82 and 83 were gtven their third. and final read- " ing. Norton made 'the motion which w~s seconded by Stillings that th~y be adopted and published. The motion carried unanimously. It was- decided ,that the Street Supt. go ahead and rent a sweeper for the cleaning of the streets. Discussion was held on the need f~r a set of tires for .th~ police car and it was decided to obtain the new' tires as the old ones .constituted a hazard for emergency use' of the car. J The meeting adjourned. ~'Lfh~ r~YOR, GEORGE C. BRa N l ~ ( .... L-~ ~~d~.... ~_~.J 'CLER~, ELVERA . JOHNSON 1-.8.8~. , June 12, '1957 On hand for the re-gula~ meeting bfthe CoUncil of, the Town of Yelm were Mayor George Bown,and Counci~men Oscar <Swanson, LyltfTracy" Ray Norton and Marlin~Stillings. Councilman Curry was abse~t. . - .". f ,," ( .- Minutes of the previous meeting 'were read and approve_d. The treasurer's report was a.c.cepted. On motion by Lyle Tracy" seconded by Swanson- and followed by a unanimous vote the following bills were ordered paid: Current 'Expense The'Regional Public Libra.ry-------.:-...:---..o=_...__;...;;.;.___~ , Puget Sound Power & Light-~~~------~--~--_-_-~__---- Thurston-Mason Health Dls'trict-----.;..----..,.""'-__...._----- Thurs. Co. Joint'Civil Defense'Fund;..-""';......---..""'...__.:._;..._ Yelm Garage-~---;"'--,"", ..:.-_...:- ---:a--=-;"'---';"-":' .:......""__ ;...___.;.;....;..;.. Pickett Drug Store---------~----_----~-_--_-_-___~-~ Wolf's Shopri te------------':"-___C;3____....._._...________~-- Yelm Telephone Company--------...---...,___..._,___~~-':"'----- Nisquaily Valley News------:"'-~~------_....__:'..;._---~-~..;...;.~ George C.- Brown-------'-----:---___..._________....__""'_~":"-- Park .' ~" ... . .'.'.,. ' ~ Br own Bros. Gar age - - - -... - -- - - _ _ _... _ ... ... _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _:.. _ _... __..... Water, c,. .' Brown Bros. Garage---------:-________________:.._..:._____ Ye 1m .G.arage----... ----- --_ ___:"'___.~.-_-~_,~--.- __.___;-_ ____ N i ~ q ually Va 11 ey N ews-......... - - Q-- - -. ~ f"'" -.-.~ -.-:~,""'.'" ,- -:--. ~.~- t- _, _,_ Yelm LUmber & Hardware-----:--_____.___._._..._._.~_-------;..., Trimble t s Hardware--,-----------___ __ ____________:.....__ Puget Sound Power & Light--:"------":'"-~----r"--"':"--_;__-_- S:treet 'Br'own Bros. Garage- - --.-- - --... ____.__....... __ __ _ _ _.. _ ___ __ __ Trimble's Hardware------c.------____________.__..._____.... Garbage' - . Dept. of Natural Resources-------------____~..,.-,------ 'I'l:1urs ton Co.: (llrea-s.---- -----___...._ _ ___ __ _____________ May~r Brown presented' the ~ew 5-year contract with Puget Sound 'Power & Light Company.. The desision was unanimous to refer the document. to th~ Town ~ttorney for his inspecti'-on and approval. Mayor Brown ilequested the Street Connni'ttee or all coUncilmen to study the streets--especi-ally Jones Street and others :roI' n.eed of . imprcovement. ) ~. - "I ' 160~,.,04 66~ 7$ , 67~5o '. 36~.24 47 ~.67 2;26 5~.08 .19~90 34~94' 72~'68,. o 2'.'07 37~:92 · 11~-14 21~57 2:09- .. . 4~98 43.48 7 ~ 544 5.,13 28~ L~0 19.3)4 o y' . ( Milt Johnson relayed a request 'from Mrs. Orianna Stancirfor assistance on obtaining more pressure i}1 the water system 6n her' premises. A.fter serious consideration, the Water Supt. w,as instruct- ed to make the necessary changes. Mayor Brownprese~nted the f1Ren~wal for Liquor Licenses" from Chief Yelm Tavern end Bob & Dea.n's Tavern. The council una.nimously approved 'the applicants to the Washington Sta.:te Liquor Control Boa.rd and requested, the clerk to so mail in to the Board. - Milt'Johilson'was instructed to mow the .tall grasses appaJtrent on locations a.s soon as the eorr'ect vehicle could be rented., ' The meeting adjourned. JHjf!h~ . . YOR,j GEORGE C _,HOWN ~.'~~< . LERK, RELIEF, . , ~5 . ~~~~ ::cd:' ~. ~ n July 10, 1957 -189., --/' The regular meeting of the Town' Council was called to ord~r by Mayor'Brown with 'Councilmen Norton, Swanson~ Curryand\Tracy present. Co~cilman Stillings was aQsent. .The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The monthlj financial statement was presented~ The following bills were read: On a motion made by Tra.cy; seconded by Curry and were ordered paid. Motion carried unanimously. I CURRENT. EXPENSE , Trirrib'le r s Hardware -..-....----.--------~~ D &vH Mobil Service -----~---~--~~-' ~mployment Security Dept. --------- Standard Oil Company ---~---------- Yelm Garage ---------~~--~--------- , Yelm Telephone Company ---:...-------- H. Henry, Prosecuting Attorney,. ---- Dept. of Labor & Industries-------. P.S. Power & Light Co. ---------...;-- Daniels' Communications Service --- \ BOSano1s -------------------------- . Pioneer, Inc. --------------------- District Direct.or of Int'ernal Rev.- WATER Pionee~, Ine~ --------~------------ l::J ;j . - mployment e.curity D~pt. ---,------ Brown Bros. Garage. ---'-------------. P.S. Power & Light Co. ------------ T~coma-Rainier A.utoFreight ------- Yelm Fixit.Shop ~------------------ Dept. of Labor'& Industries ------- T~ocCommission ~------------------- District Director of Internal Rev.- Trimble's Hardware ----~---~---:....:-- STREET Yelm Lumber & Hardware ------------ D & H .Mobil Service ,----~----------' J. .F. Forbes --------~----------~'-- ~ . V . Employment Security ept. --------- Dep~. of Labor & Industriei ------- GARBAGE Employment, Security Dept. --------- . Dept.,. ,of Labor & Industries ______ao D & HMobil Service ------~-------- 1 6.41 88.00 55.30 15.26 58.61 20. 7 5 . J 4'0'00. 19 . ~6 64.78 h.13 9.77 6.78 42.00 7~5o' 39.42 26.,05 - 45.42 '2.10 1.03 10.30 .,. 50.25 110.1.0 8.01 15.'48 34.09 i463.82 8.95 6.40 ' 14.64 8.30 ' 8.07 A request for renewal of the liquor license for Joe's.Place was received from the, State Liquor Control Board and it was approve~ by the Council. . ) .On July 3, 1957, Mayor Brown discharged the Town Marshal, John W. ,Cullens from his duties. Mayor Brown reported. his reasons for b this action; stating the former Marshal lacking in cooperation ,with the Council and Mayor, that the Marshal did not confer with the Mayor in assigning deputies and in issuing credentials for. his' auxiliary' poliee. Charles Donaldson was assigned as relief ' marshal for the present. . All auxiliary police were asked't.o ' turn in their hagges. Councilman Curry suggested that the duties of future marshals be more clearly outlined. . I' F. Pflugmacher requested a building permit for a l2x16 W09d shed. Curry made' a motion which was seconded by Tracy that the permit be granted. ' .Discus~iQn was held on the subject of' firecrackers, the. many . complaints had received and the ways and m~ans ,of banning them. Since they are allowed to sell them in rrhurston County, it would I not help to ban their selling in the town limits. So >it'was sug- gest~d by the Council that the Clerk write to.the County Com- missioners for their help and cooperation in bann,ing'the selling or rirecrackersin the entire count$. . Numerous complaints ~:'p.ave been received regarding the eondi tion of I' (,}'Q ~ {V~~,. Edward's property on-YelmAvee. Several months have elapsed since the fire and the remaining. refuse has not beeh r~moved. it was decided that the Ma.yor and several Councilmen meet with Mr. Edward to ask his. coope,ration in getting it cleaned up more rapidly. When. th~ TO\.J'n rented a tractor and mower from Chris Brown to cut , the grass in the park, no rate of pay was established, Curry made a motion' that the Town pay $2.00 an 'hour for its rental, this was seconded by Tracy and the motion carried. .. " Mayor Brown stated that he met with Mr. Claypool of the StatSJ Highway Commission, with .the result that Mr. Claypool said that he would be out in the" near future to check on what-eould be done about widening Yelm Avenue. I , Regarding the water service to the building housing Mom's Cafe and Chief Yelm Tavern, the Council stated that it would.put in separate service for. each as soon as the owner'requested the change and payed'for the hook~up charge. .W'ater Supt.' Johnson reported his need for~ about twenty':five, meter boxes. It was granted that he-purchase twenty concrete and five steel meter boxes. ' It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. 1& . ., · . fA} j fl3+iWV} }'v1A OR, GEORGE C. .BROWN - . ~ .j)' . ~ vz;./U~d~~~ . Clerk, Elvera ~ Johnson . \ .' ..l / ~. ./. o 1~ ~~- " A.ugust 14, 1957 The regular'meeting of the Town Council was called to ord~r by , Mayor' Brown with Councilmen Tracy, Swanson and' Norton present. Absent wer~ Curry and Stillings. '^ 'f . T.he minutes of the previous, meeti'ng were read and approved~', The monthly finaneiil statement-was presented. . The following bills were read; 5f;1nson made.the motion which was seconded by Norton that' the'y be ordered paid. . The motion. qarried. . CURRENT EXPENSE >.~' " Pickett Drug Store -------~-~------~--$ Mosman Agency -----~---~--------~----- Brown Bros. Garage. --------------.----- Elv;era K. tJohnson ----...;-----------..;.---- Yelm Telephone Co. ---~--------------- PS Power & Light Co. ----------------- WATE.R ,. . . PS,. Power & Light Co. -------.-------....- Yelm Lumber & ,Hardware ,--------------- ,Pickett DrugStore -------------------- Badger IVleter Mfg. ,Co . ---~------------ Tacoma~R.Ainier Auto Freight ----~----- 'Penn. Salt Manuf. Co. of Wash. ------- Yelm Garage ------~---------------~--- STREET . ' . ThurstonCQ~ 'Road District No. 1 ---~- Trimble's Hardware -~----------------- .1 3.06 50.00 47.66 31.45 18.20 65.68 "49. 96 100.18 1.83 64.99 4.10 6.'20 17.59 I ) '1 1107.89 15.35 Mr. Ellis of Bob and Dean's 'Tavern was pres~nt to r~quest permis~ton of the Council to k"eep open until twoo1cloc'k A.M. After some dis- cuS',s.ion Tracy made a. motion that the two 0' clock closing time be permitted uU.t1l such time as the County and surrounding towns decide on a definite time. This was seconded by Norton and the motion . carried. I .1 \ . Newly appointed Marshal Davi~ Piles~made his f~rst report to the Council. . \ ~. Supt.. Johnson reported on the condi tj~ion of the ",!a.ter tank and s,ince five - years have e.lapsed when last 'painted, it was decided that a thorough inspectiolf w8sneeded. The clerk was .instruqted to write asking :for a. represe~tative to come and make an, inspection. " :; , 'I '-. Supt. Johnsonals6repo,rted that the check valve on the pump was in dire need of repairs so the Council ,gave, their app:roval to go ahead and have it reD~ired. Councilman Norton reported he, ha9. met, with County Commissioner Elder and that Elder stated our new surfaced stre'ets would be graded and s~ept in ~he next two weeks~. A lengthy discussion wgs.held on means of cutting down the fuel oil, \ consumptlon of the town hall's furnace. Since the cost of heating thi's building is tremendo~s, suggestions were offered for changing, the heat from the floo.r to some other way~. Councilman Tracy offered to take charge .of this matter.' . , - . Supts Johnson~as 'instructed to instalY'ventilating pipes in the to~n hall 'attic and also ,to inspect the rocir for any condition that might cau~ettrouble. The contract with Puget Sound Power and Light Co. was again dis- cussed. Trac~ offered to adopt Resoulution No. .81 following the le'tter of approval of Attorney Fristoe and' authorized Mayor Brown to sign the same contract. Swanson sesonded this motion and it carri~d upanimously. The Council1was informed that the appropriation for funds for the d~?:puj;;y marshals 1 sala.ries was nearly depleted and af,ter some di's- cu~sion it was estimated that $250.00 additional would b~ needed. . Swans on made a motion that an ordinance be drawn'up to coyer this emergency for funds; this was seconded by Nprton. The motion carr~ed unanimously. 1 l:,.~J. ~~. 'Marshal Piles gave a demonstration of a recorder that he is using for a tria.l period. The council did not authorize him to purchase the machine as it did not reco~d too,plainly. ' c ' Complaints again have been rec'~ived that low hanging qranches ~are obstructing the sidet..{alk along' school property. Supt. Johnson was ~asked to inform school authorities to correct this condition. , It was moved and se'conded t~at the meet}ng be a.djol.:lr,ned., \ ,/:L;.i~ .. MAYOR, GEORGE C. ROvIN o ~~ CLERK, ELVERA . JOHNSON RESOLUTION 81 WHEREAS, it is the desire 'of the ,Council of the -Town of Yelm to enter i,nto an agreement with thE3 Puget Sound Power &, Light.Company unde~ the terms of which the said company will furnish to the Town of Ye1m for a period of five (5) .years electrical energy for the maintenance of the municipal street lighting system of the Town of Yelm, and the municipal water pumping system of the Town 6fYelm, and tfHEREAS, the said Puget Sound'Power & Light Company has off~red to furnish the said electrical energy for a period' of five (5) years. upon terms and conditions set fort!'! in three proposed agreements,' , . one of which is enti tIed "Municipal Street ~ighting ContractU, one of which' is entitled ":Nlunicipal Water, Pumping Power Contract", and', '[J"'; the third of which is entitled "Transformer Rental Contract", and lrlliEREAS, Council of the Town of Yelm has been a.dylsed ~nd undepstands that the unit rates set forth in the said propo,sed agreement are the Uniform rate~ fix~d and allowed by the State of Washi~gton Department of Public Service, NO\i, THEREFORE, C f' BE J;T .RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Yelm that those cer- tain agreements'enttitled "Municipal Street Lighting Contract", -"Municipal Water Pumping Power Contract" and "Transformer Een,tal Con~I':'~. ' tract ff be entered into by the Town of Yelm wi th the Puget S'ound , . Power ~ Light Company for the furnishing Of electrical energy fpr the municipal street lighting system and the mUnicipal water puinp- ing system of the Town of Yelm upon the terms and conditions set forth in the agreements 89 entitled proposed by the Puget Sound Po~er .& Light. Compa.ny, to which agreements reference' is hereby specifically made and which agreements, now on file with the Clerk of ,the Town of Yelm, are by reference adopted herein as though fully set forth here in. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Mayor of the Town of Yelm, be, and h~ is hereb~ authorized.and directed to execute and deliver the said contracts for and on behalf of and in the name of the Town of, Yelmi by, and the Clerk of the Tdwn of Yelm, b~, and she is hereby authorized and directed to attest such contracts. Unanimously , \ passed by the Council of the Town of Yelm this 14th day of D.. , ' August, ,1957. . . .AiJ.irnll#J1 }'iAYOR . . , ATTEqT:~~~<A.~ TOWN CLER :-- I I I ~. , ,193: September ~11, 1957 The regular meeting of ,the Town CauTIe,!l was .called to order, ,by Mayor Brown'with.Councilmen Norton, Curry, Tracy and Swanson pr~- sent. 'Councilman 5tillings. was absent., The minutes'of the, previous meeting were reaa and approved, with the falrowing exception: That is should,be several weeks instead of two weeks when the County would be 'sweepi~ng the streets. . ,{" The .following bills \..rere read and 'T~acy made '8. motion thatthey be , p'aid 'whicl1, was sevonded by Norton. ' ~ Motion carried. CURRENT EXPENSE P. s. ,P ower & Li gh t Co. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... - .- - $ 65. 08 Wolf's Shoprite --------------------------- 5.76 Nisqually Valley News --~----------------- 59021 Trimble's Hardware ------------------------ 9.96 Brcwn, Bros. Garage ------------------------ 23.65 Thurs~on-Mason Health District ------------ 67.50 D Mij Mobil Service,---~-------------------126.14 Momf~ C~fe -----,--------------------------- 1.60 Yelm Lumber '& Hardware ...~--~----.----------- 17.22' Daniel's Communications Service ---.---'""---- 11.57 YelmTelephone Company -----~-------------- 19.15 The Regional Publi':c Library ---------------160.04 WATER" , ,Sparling Meter Co. --------~--------------- 18.96 P. S. Power & Light Co. ' -------------~-----' 47.15 ,State TflX Commission -------~~-----.:.---- -- 53.h7 Penn., Salt Manuf. Co. Of Wash. ----~------- 12.20 Brown Br9~. 'Garage' --'i'---~---..;.--..---------~- 4.56 D & H Mobil Service ----------------------... 9.60 STREET ' T:rimble fS Hardtvare ____________....____r__-___:.. 3.39 Marshal Piles gave 'his lnonthly,report and also ~sked permission of the Council to start a Hot, Rod Club. and use' the _Town Hall for a meeting'place once' a week. T~e council gave their approv~l of this. Ci tizens Ferguson, Ward and ~oore '-'lere, present to complain Of persons speeding on the streets in front of their homes, making it d~nger~us for children and pets. The~ stated that most of .it : -occurred in' early morning and +a te afternoo:t;l hours.' Harshal Piles was instructed by, th~ CouncIl to give this his special attention., 'OrdinanceNo~ 84 providing for an emergency appropriation to the . deputy marshal salary fund was given its first and second reading. . Tracy, made a, motion, seconded by Curry tha tit be passe~ to its' third reading~ Motion carried. Discuss~on ~as held on the conditiori ot the ,roof of the tdwn hall following a report on the inspection made by Supt. Johnson 'and . Councilman Norton. They stat'ed that it 'was in dire need of repairs ,'sQ Curry and Norton were assigned to the task of contacting roofing companies and getting estimates of the cost of reroofing the town hall. Discussion was held 'on what to do to clear,up funds l~ft in the NewWaterConstnuction Fund and Curry made. a motion that the sum ot $~79. 60 left in this fund be transferred ~o the Bond Redemption Fund., Tracy seconded this motion and it carried. ' A letter was read frow the Pi ttsburgh-Des' Noine Steel Company' .stat- ing an inspection of the water. tank would.cost $100.00 a day. The Council decided. to havesan inspection made and the Clerk was in- ' structed to write to the above firm and inform their field foreman of this decision.' , . The remainder of the me'eting wa.s spent in discussing the budget for coming year. Work on it was. not completed so themeeting was re- cessed until September 18,1957 at 8: 00 PM.' , SepiJember 18, 1957' rphe meeting was resumed wi th Mayor Brown" C ouncil11:1en Tracy, Norton l',V4 "" , \ r j , ,Stillings and durry present. Swan~on was absent. Work was resumed on -the pre'linlinary budget and it was comple'ted. Curry made 'a motion that ~his budget be pre'sented to the ~tax- payers, Tracy seconded the motion and it carried. Date of the hearing was set for Monday, October 7, 1957 at 8:00 P. M. Me&ting'adjourned. A~J It ~~ MAYOR, GEO GE C. _ ROWN .~~~ CLERK. ELVERA . HNSON. .. ,\ , I' '- n :f" I 1 , 'I \ , 1{)F"":; . V~J. ~, t October 7,' 1957 , . A specialrrieeting fo'r th'e hearing of the' proposed budget was call- e9,' by Mayor "Brown. ',Present were Co~c11rrien Tracy, Curry, Norton and Swans.on.;'" " Curry moved ;>that as there were rio protests on the proposed budget that the sanie .be adop~ed' as ,published., Tracy 'seconded it and the moti on carried unanimously., TOWNQF YELM BUDGET FOR 1958 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 1958 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Taxe~: ,10 Mf11s ---------------~----~~----$ 3,196.80 Licenses --~-------~-------~----~--------- 314.50 ',Admission T~xes --~~~-------------------~-, 340.00 Liquor. Revenues --~--'--.--~....---------,------ 2, ).27.22 ,HotorVehicIe Excis<? Tax -..:.-,------------~- 927 lJ 55 ,~~quor Excise Tax --~..:._---------~---~--~-~ 503.75 Pblice Court rines ----------------~------ 2,620.00 Ambulance Fees----~---------------------~ 360.00 .FireHall Rental -----------..;,---~.--------- 1,000.00. Balance on Hand -------------------------- 2,500.00 TOTAL -....~---,--~-----$13, [379. b2 WATER FUND <- Consumer Collections -------~----------'--Q$ 8,400.00 Hook;...up Charges -------------------------- 100.00 ,Balance ,on :Hand --------...----~---...--~"":'~--- ' 3,628.00 'TOTAL --~---~-~---~~$12,12e&00 STREET !FUND C . TaKes 2~MilIs-~~--------------------~-----$ 637.36 Motor V~hicle Fund --,--------------------- _1,762.87' Balance on Hand -------------------------- ' 1 5 0.00 TOTAL -----~--~-----$ 3,9 0.23 GARBAGE FUND ConsumerCorleetions --~--'------~-'------~-$ 2 Boa. v.~ , Balance on Hand. -i-----~..:.--..;..- ------:...---.,..-- ,1;'760.00 Total -------.--.---....-$ 4, 502.,75 BOND REDEMPTION FUND ~." .~< '''",..~ ". _" ~" <>".,.... _. ...._". _'?:! i,: :<:: ,,' Transfers from Water.Fund -----~----~----~$ 2,640.00 ~alance on Rand .~--~-------':"'-~------------ ~,700.00 . , . TOTAL --------------$ ,340.25 BOND .RESERVE INVESTMENT FU~D,' . Reserves on 'Rand ------~-----~---~,------""'--$ 3,000.00 T9TAL -----------~--$ 3,000.00 TOTAL .ESTlMATEDREVENUE' ~------":-~--------~~43, 791.05 . ,I . , , \ ES'TIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR 1958 C,URRENT EXPENSE FUND ~l~rk Salary -----~-------------~------~--$ C'ler1:c ,EJ<;pense ------------.;..------..:.-------- . Cl~~k R lief ------~---~---------~------~- e ' " ,Attorney Salary and Expense -------------- Mayor and Councilmen Expense ---~--------- ~'ure'ty Bonds -.---....--------------..:;----'----- Hunicipal Judge' Salary -,;,.-----_____1__ ----- Muncipal Judge Expense ------------------- ' Regis,trations and Elections ....'----------.:.;'-- Publishing and,Advertising --------------- State Auditor '---T-----------------~--~--- 'Association of Washington Oi ties )-'--_........_~- Med. Aid & Indust. Ins'o ---~-------------- Social Security -----~----------------~--~ Town Hall Expenses ------------.--..;-------- Town Hall Capital Outlay ....------...---------- . Health Services ----------------------~--- Library -----~---------------------------- Civil Derense ---------------------------- . JOO.OO 200.00 150.'0.0 350.00 2L~5.. 27 105.00 480.00 100.00 150.00 325.00 275~ 00 30.00 134. '50 133.43 1,000.00 1,200.00 284.00 . 627.80 63.86 ,:l;~ti, i , 'r Park Expense -~-------~-----------~~-~---~$ , 50.00 General Insurance -------------~---~------ 375.00 Marshal Salary -------------------~------- 4,200~OO !1a.rshal Expense --------------.:.---~------- ~l, 650.00 Deputy Marshal Salaries -----------":*--~--- 7500.00 Jail Expense and Meals ------------------- lOOeOO - Street Lights ---------~------------------ 600.96 TOTAL -----....--.,.;--~--$13,b79. 62 , 1pJATER FUND' Supt. Salary -----------~--------~------~-$ 2;200.00 Clerk Salary ----------------------------- 1,300.00 Office Expense --------------~--~--------- .250.00 ' Water Parts and Supplies ----------------- 500eOO Labor and Repairs -----~----~------------- 300.00 Truck Expens~e' ----~----------:...------'-----~ 75.00 Power and Lights ----..:.-.:.---.:.--------'------- '550'.0'0 Capitil Outlay -----------~---------~~---- -'~,870~OO Social Secutity ---------~~-----~~~-~~---- 78.75 Med.'Aid and Imdust. Ins.~-----.:.~~~------ ~O.OO Utility Tai~s ________~-~~~-~~--~'-.:.~~-----'i 303.60 Bond Redempti ons Transfer's' ----,--'.:.-..:...:.'----- 2,640.00 , TOTAL -----.:.----.:.---$12,120.00 BOND REDEMR,TIONFU1\fD Current Bond Redemptions --------------~--$ 2,640.00 Balance on Hand -,,------- --------:--'----.---, i' 700. 2~ . . , '" TOTAL --------------$ ,:340.2 BOND RESERVE INVESTMENT' FUND Reserve for Bond Redemptfons ----~--------$ 3,000.00 . ) TOTAL -----~--------$3,OOO.OO TOTAL\ OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ----------$43,791.05 The meeting adjourned. JJA)}~ ~~ MAYOR. GEORGE C~.BOWN -' ,C~~~~d'.J' CLERK, ELVER',_ JOHNSON o '0 o :~ .,.' " 'I ~ i 1 1 '~ \ 1 _ ' \ / 1971~ October 9, 1~57, rrhe regular meeting of the Town Council was called to order 'by. Mayor Brown with Councilmen Tracy, .Nortpn, Swanson an~ Curry . '. r- present., : Councilman Stillings was absent:, ' The minutes of the previous meetings were read and appreved. ~he monthly financial statement was presented. .' The following bills ,were read and Tracy made a motion that they qe paid.' It wa~ 'sec,onded by Nbrtonand the mot19n carried: CURRENT, EXPENSE \ Employment Security Dept. --~-~------$ . Diet. Director' o.f Intennal Revenue-- Trimble's Hardware ----------~---~--- ,Yelm LUmber & Hardware ------.,-...:.------ ,Tresner and S~n _~--_--_--------_-.J_- Pickett Drug Store ------~--~-------- George F. Cake Ca. -----.~-~----~---- YelmTelephone Company -----------,--- Dept. of Labar and Industries ------~ Nisgually Valley News --------------- Masman A~ency --~-------------------- . 0 Standard Oil Company -------':"'-------- ,Yelm Garage -------- ---------------- Narton Barber Shap -----------------~ , Mom's, Cafe -------------------------~ PS\Powerand Light Company ---------- WATER , PS Power & Light Comp~ny -----------~$,49.85 Employment Security 'Dept. ----------- 39.42 Dist.'Director of Internal Revenue -- 110.10 Penn. Salt Manuf. Co. af Wash. --~--- 12.mb , Pickett Drug Stare ----------,-"7------ l~ $0 Dept. af Labor and Indu~tries ------- 24.35 Tacoma-Rainier Auto Freight, Inc. --- 2.10 . STREET Employment Security Dept. ----------....$~ 7.96 'Trimbles 1 s, Hardware -----------------' 6.46 GARBAGE .. Employment Security Dept. -----------$ 14.64 65.33 75.88 49.92 5.17 15.50 3~76 8.74 . 24. 25 21.95 23.52 22.50, 24.,45 41.21 1.91 1103 67.03 Ci tizen William Wade ltJas nresent to airk that' 'Jones Street in fro.nt of, his property be opene~ so 'he would'have access to. -his home. The council advi's'ed him that this project was on the agenda and wouln be ,taken care of as soon as finances permitte,d. ,Also pr~sent wer~ Mr. O. Tenald, Sanitarian, and Dr. J. Deshaye, District Health Officer to report en their findings of the survey , they had just completed. Mr. Tenold made~:;andinspection af ~he ,sewer systems of the entire towp. and stated thel~e were many vio*n lations af the JJ'Ounty Health, Gade. They asked1the Councils' help ip having these violations corrected and for' the 'assistance of, Sup't., Johnson in spotting anyone that they might have overloaked.' The Council gave their appraval of this request and that Supt. Johnson caoperate in this endeavar. The' Health Dept. al'so asked for pub- licity on this praject and the Cauncilelected for them to. issue their own' articles in the papero, ,Ordinahce)N6. 84 was given its third and final reading and a'motion' ,made b(y Curry apd seconded by Tracy that it be adopted and published., The motion carried unanimously. ;, ~ij , , Alley ways came under discussion; many of the town's alleys have" never been opened and it was decided that project would be to have all alleys graded .so that they wauld be passable for traffic. Another topic brought' up was water meter repair's and sinc'e the 'majority of our repairs are in the registers, caused by corrosion; it was okayed by the Council for the Supt. taIga ahead and trade'in our damaged ones for the new oil-sealed regist~rs of Badger ~Met~rs. :0., , .~\,. l,9:8,~1 The bid from Mark Mitchell Roofing G'ompany. was accepted and _ a new roof is being installed on the. town hall. Ventilator,::; were discussed as to what type would be satisfactory.9 Council- man 'Tracy and Supt. Johnson were instructed to proce:ed .wi th the purchase fo two.that would be adaquate. .- It was moved and seconded that the ..meeting be adjourned. ' ~.). (llAhf/11-. . ' YOR, GEORGE C. BROWN ~ ".~ CLE~ K. JOHNSON ~ . \ . /1 rl. U' o .1. ;1 I 1 ~}~J '. ' \.. . November 13,. 1957. The regular mee~ing. of the Town Council was called to order by Mayor Brown wi th all members of t.he CouncIl present. ' The t. minutes) of the previous meeting were read J and. ~pproved. The mont~ly financial statement was presented. .J The following bills were read and Curry m~de amotion that they be passed wi th the exception of the Puget Sound P.ower & Light Co. and the Thurston County Road District No~ 1 bills. This' was. seconded by Tracy and the motiort carried. . " CURRENT EXPENSE 'We S. Darley & Co. ~-----~~-------$ Standard Oil Company -...;.\-_':'_-~---,,;,,- Nisqual~y Valley News ------------ George. F. Cake. Co. -~---- -------- Yelm Telephone Company ------~---- D& H Mobil Service ----~--------- PS .Power & Light Coo ------------- Nisqually Valiey News --~--------- Mark Mitchell Roo:fing Co.-, Inc. -- Br6wn Bros. Ga~age ---~~-----~---- Plumbing & Heating Service, Inc.',- Ye,lm LumbE?r & Hardware ----------- ~1] A '}.lER 'I-I. D~ Fowler Co., Inc. ----------- Trimble's HardvJare --------------- Stat~.Tax Commission ------------- Yelm Garage ---------------------- Badger Meter Mfg. Co. ------------ S1rREET . Trimble's Hardware --'---------:----- Thurstop Co. Road Dist No. 1 ----- D.& H Mobil Service -------------- GARBAGE Trimble's Hardware --------------- Ni~qually BaIley 1\Jews -----':..------ 2'-58 20.77 14.22 2 e,. 64 22.01 .5.81 20 . 80 ',15.t?5' 70.53 5.28 262 .,~,5 . 49.58 40087 '87.73 39.25 3.41 55. ~-5 2e.46 67.55 4.'82 67.20 8:,.63 Marshal Piles monthly report was given. A letter was read from the Plumbing & Heating Company following . :their' survey of the -Town Hall t s heating plant. They suggested that the ceiling be insulated and a new boiler and radiators be iristalled. After fu~ch(discussion it was decided to k~ep our present heating system but to insulate the ceiling. This is to 'be accomplished after the first of the year when finance's are a'VIailable. Another topic undertaken was the problem of sidewal~ repairs 'jfJ,ollow'ihg sever~l 'letters from the Insurance Company to have these .i temstaken care of. It was," suggested that the clerk, write'to all property owners. involved to notify them agairito have the sidewalks repaired within a period of thirty days. Ifthe.y failed to do t,his; the town, would go ahead and-do the work and the. owners would be b.illed$ , Marshal Piles request~d a red revol~inglight for the t6p of the.police car to be sude for emergency and ambulance calls. The Council gave their approval for the purchase 0~ the light. 'Following dozens of complaints from citizens of the tqwnre- garding the debris left after the lfhriftway Store fire; the. Council decided to ask the owner, !JIr~."Eaw:'grds to' b'e present at the next: meeting qnd state his reasons f~r 'delay in having this cleanded uB- It. was moved and seconded ,that the meeting be adjourned. .;L,J0.-,}2I/Y! . GEORGE C. BROWN, MAYOR ~~~ CLERK~ELVERA . JOHNSON . 200 Decemb~r 11, 1957 The regular meeting of,the Town Council was'called to 'order by Mayor Brown with 'Councilmen Stillings, Tracy, Curry, ,S1.rJans,on and Norton: present. The, minutes or the previous meeting were read and approved,. The treasurer's monthly report was also'giveNo The following bills were readJand on a motion made by Stillings were ordered paido ~his wa's seconded by Swanson and the motion ca'rried. , CURRENT EXPENSE .. David Piles -----:--------------------~-~--$ Mosman Agnecy ---------------~------------- - Yelm Telephone Company ~-----------~------- Regional Public Library ,; --------.-~--...:------ Standard Oil Company -------------~-------- Brown Bros. Gar~ge ----~------------------- II'hurston,-J1ason Health District------------ PS Power & Light Company -------- ..~--------- WATER PS POtier & Light Company ,,-------.----------- Brown Bros. Garage ------------------7-~--- PS 'Power &:. Li,ght Com-Dany ---"':'--:-....---------,-- Elvera K. Johnson -------~----~-----~------ ST,REET Thurston County Road Dist. No. 1 ------~--- GARBAGE Trick & Murray -~-------------------------- 22.14 7.50 ~19.70 160.05 31.26 . 24. 80 67 . 50 71.53 4.6.15 24.29 46.07 i6.97 o 213090 10079 ~1arshal Piles presented.his monthly report stating total miles traveled as 658, arrest as 10 ang two ambulance calls.. 'The council decided to renew the comprehensi ve liability insurance with Mosman Agency. Roger. Eide presented a building permit for reroofing his house but . D'~ . " . since no structural changes are being made. it 'was decided that no permit was required. The Mayor appo~nted Milton Jchnson as building inspector, whose duty it would be to r"€3port any violations of persons not conforming to ~ our existing ordinances. Letter read and discussed were the following: one from the Thurston- Mason Heal th 'District stating their efforts 'in'- having IvIr" Edwards remove the tra$h in area of his former grocery. The other letter from the State Insurance Dept. asking IvIr.' Soules, owner of 110m's Cafe, to install a ,masonry chimn~y in the Cafe and to tear down the old sheds located in, 'the rear of this same property. - It' was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. (j jl /lfhA . tuJ1 -. ,1h,u}1 MAYOR, GEORGE, C. BRG IN ~~~~ '.CLERK, , E.LVERlt . .. JOHNSON o