1959 Minutes
January 14! 1959
'~~ 21.f L.,\,
:t:J ~i:: ~,
The regular mel?ting ot' the ,Council o.f, -the 'l'own of Yelm ~as called to,
order by Nayor Bfo~n.., Councilmen ,present, i,v8:6 Norton, 'Plck8t~, Gurry,
CO"t'\Tel,s and Tracy. Also presE?nt f-or the meetlng was Attorney obert'
Bills forGthe month o~'December were read and on'm9tion by ,Norton and
:1 second, ed by Pi~kett, \"ere. ordered paid as follows:'
Ass'ocia tl on of \1asbi ngton Ci ties -------~----------------- ---~$
.' Dep~o of Labor arid'Industries '---------------~----~--~-~~-~---
Dent. of Internal Revenue --~-~-----~-----------~------------~
80;ia1' :3ecuri ty Dept. :_~:._-- --...:---- -- -,- ----- ---- ------- -----...
Ideal Laundry ---------~---------------------------~--~-------
Daniels Communications Service' --------------'----------:-----...-
~h~ St~tioner's Inee --------------------------------~-------
E'~ 'Ro'bert Fri.s toe' ---- ------- -----~-_:- -----'-----------:~- ------
D & H'JVlobil Service' --:...--------------....----.-----------~r_--:....--I--
Mo s man A, g e n c y .... -.... ... - -'.... - - - - - - - - .... .... - - - .- - - ........ - - - ... ~ ........ - ... - - - - ... -i ';....... - - - -... -
Brown Bros. Service ------~~-------------....-~----~----~-------~
Pic ke t t ~Dr ug S tor e '-:'" - ........ .... .... - - - -. .... - ... - -....,.... - - - - -.... - - .... - - - - - -.... ... - - - - - - - ....
Yelm Garage ---~---...----~---------------~-7------~------~-----
Puget Sound Power & Light ------....--------------~~--------.----
Mm. . I .
. osman ,lrAgency ---- -.... ......-- ---....- - -,---- -- --:-.----~-- ---- -----------
Wnada N. Nutter---------~----------------~~------~--------~--
Tax C om'mis s ion. --':"'-- ---.,..---- --~-- ----- - ---- -------- -- -:-- -.... -_ --_
'Dept~ of Labor & Industries-----------:----~-~---~-.---------
D'epto of Internal Hevenue -------------------------------.;...----
Social Security Depte ----------~----------------------~------
M f\' . "
osmankgency ---~---------------------------~----------------
I' PeS9 Power & Light ------....----------.-;..------------------------
T1~squalley V alleY9~q ews, ---- ----~-- --.---.- -------- - ------ -- -- --~
: Nlsqualley Valley "N ews ------- --.-_______...._______":"_ _,~_ ____'_ ____
'.Sr:CREET ~
Dept. of L$.bor and Industries -----------------------------r---
Social Sec ur i ty Dept. -.----,....- -~.;..-.--- -..:_- -- ---- ------.- ----- '"'-'-- ---
Mosman Agency ---"'- ---,-- ---'----'------.-,- -....----,""!,..:..-- -------...- -c.:;,.--
D & HMObil ServiGe ---------~---~~--------~----------------~-
Dept~ of 'Labc r & ,Indusi7ries ----'-.--~--------------------------
Soci~l S~curityDepto -----~------~---------------~-----------
.Mos'.man Agency - --,.,,""'...- --- ....-- -- -.-.... - -.....- -- - - -_.--"-~.--- -- -- -- -~..... ----
Yelm Lumber & Hard'liJare. -.....---- ----------- ------ ~.- --.;..------.;.- -....-
Minutes of the pr:evious meeting were read 8.!ld approved~s read.
The 1'reas urer' s report was pre s en ted~ andaccep tedo
. "
,121 ~ 90
2.3 . 98
'3 0 l.~ 9
l?-o 7~-
5L~ 0 70
. 3 .:60
37 ~ 80,
18LI~. 72
20 0 85
12 .L~ 7
59 L~2
'J ,
.The Marshal Y s repq,rt for the month of December was'.present:ed and approved
as read.
V -..,~~~f'o...~ ~. v
.,The, Cabaret Ordfna.nce lrJas the'.,first order of business before the' ouncilo'
Two partitions, ob:Oecting to the Cabar'et, was presented the Council.
One partition ,from within the-City Limits ront~ined 55'signatures; ~he
other contained 56, s,igna-tures from OUDS ide the Ci t,y 1imi ts 0 TheE?e par-
titions were discussed thor'ough1y ahd were taken into considerable
c olis1 dera ti on ast.o, wheather to put the ordinance up for, its- third and
final reading. A motio~ iJJasmade, by Counpi1man Norton for the Ordinance
'to go to its third reading. This. mati dn was seconded by CCbunci Iman .
'1 Cowels e The motion carried unanimously &
,/1 letter r~ceived' fro~. the .State HighWaY Commission, was read, stating
they had appointed their two renresentatives for the Arbitration Boardo
The'''.twH named were Ro(oH. ,Kenyon ,;,nd' R. G. St:t 110 1The 'l'own of Yelm is to 0
name thffiir two' representat.ives.. .The fifth member is to be agreed to by
both~body's involvede
,The'riext item of bn,siness ~before the .C; ounei 1 for eansidera ti on was the
posible purchase a~ a.~pump for the new water vIe 11,.. a-~ter a lengthy
discussion, it was dec'id$d to 'take the matter up ~urther, at a.h:1:ater
"The motion was made by Norton and seconded by Cawels to rese'ss . this meet-
" ing until<o Irhursday January 2~, 1959. Motion Carriedo - ,. / '"
2 5;./~~~'
..~~~~Jl':;t1X .
c;:..i -i:J, .. .
January 29, 1959.
The meeting restlmed wi th ~Iayor Brown -and, Councilmen Norton, Pickett"
Cowels, and Curry preseDt.
The appointment of the representives for the HighVVay Arbitration Board.
was ,immedi9- tely brought forth. After a short discussion of the possible .6l
capab~e men'" ava~lable, ~ic'kett made the moti on to se_leet Nerle, Curry
and Ju~ge J.T. parks. Councilman Cowels seconded thismotiohe Motion
carried by maffority vote". The Cterk was instructed to' wri te a letter
to'the Highway Commiss ion, noti .ping them Of the TO,\'I[n's selecti on.
, I_
Curry made Bl motion toadjorn, Pickett seconded this motion~ l\tIotion
carried. Mee~ing aaijorned.,
Jiy.A ~n,Go/I
GGeo. Co Brown, Mayor
:~'. :
Wanda N. Nutte, le rk '
. ,
February 11, 1959
The regular meeting of the Council of the :Town of' Yelm Was called to order
by Hayor Brown wi th Councilen..Tracy, F~ ckett and Cowelsp'resent.' Absent
was Councilmen Curry and Nortono r - .
. .
The minutes of the previous mef:ting were: read .and approved ,a,s reade.
The Treasurer's monthly report was presented and accepted as read.
'Ilhe monthly bills were read and on motion by Cow'Ells and seconded by P'tckett,
were ordered paid as .foIblows: ..
Brown Bros. Garage ------....----,---------..;.------------- 13.53
N'ergaugh -Kaiser -Agency -...---...-----~----.------------- 10000
Trimble. 's Hardware -------------------.-- ----- ---- --.... 11& ~5
. Wofl' s ~Shop-I1ite -----------,-.-----.-------.:..----------- 12086
Hewitt A. Hent:y -----------------------------------__ 1.00
Standar;d Oil 0.. ."!'"- -- -- ---- ---- --,-,----- ------- ---.- --... 89039
Yelm Telephone ..Coo, ---...:---.----':.-,---------.--.-- ..----...--.... ~33. 60
Puget ~ou~d Bower ~ Light O~o--~--------,--------_--2- 85;53 .
Nisqually Valley News ...----.-------------------------......41.95
Penns~lt of Washington -~------~-------------------- 12040
Auto Fneight --Depot., Inc" ;:----- -----'- ----.----------,- C 2921
Puget Sound Power~& Light Coo' -.-.---------------.--,--~ .49'08,8
'Pioneer: Business J:iorrris, IncQ ----------------.-----_.... BLL.CD
Bfown BrosQ Garage ---------------------------------28967
Pickett 'DrughSto:ee ----------------------------....---.... r2: 4,25')
Trimble's Hardware ------------------------...:-----___ _6
Robins~n & Roberts ------a~------------------------- 260.37
Richardson Well Drilling o..-----------------~----IJ868~31
Trimble's Hardware -------------___________________
Pa6ific Sand & Gravel-qo. -------__~-------~-------
Yelm Garage.--------------------___________________
Yelm Lumber and HardvJare -----'---:~-------------'--___
Bro1-m Bros. 'Garage ---------_____________.:.._-__.__.,---
11056 .
The Harshal's report 'trIas presented and accepted.
Mr." Harvey Neil of the Count:! Health Dept. and Mr. .,Jlr~e\Ter of the State
Health Dept. were present. for thismeetingi ~rin~ing with them more
information concerning Floridat,ion.. The cost OL ins.ta1l8.t~on of equip-
ment was their topic at this time. Acoording.to their f'igur~s the inital
cost of installation wbu1d be anprpximantly $600.00 with the 1ear1y cost
of' Florine around $150QOO. . , f'
Next' on the agenda was the applicatfuon for a Cabaret License by Bob & "
Deans 'Taverrt". Since a full couneil Has not present, the motion vIas made
by, Councilman Pickett to table the r.natter lm:til a full council Has presento
This motion was seconde,d ,by CouncilmanoCowelsQ The motion carri~do
\. <
" i;;"~~:;
'Avery ihJD~o1).th discussion was had .on.the.matter, or. tne Police' Car, con- ','
cernt'ngt,b~:",qtiestions"of either' repa1ring the, pr esently owned,. vehicle 'or
'buying a ne1rJ"ode,~' Since there is no immediate ,funds, 'ava-i~lab.l-e for flurchasing'
a ne,^!' car, the r.epalring of the ,present ones ~eemed -logical~ 'The subject
will .be t~ke:rr:lup again at a futur~ date. '
A motion to adjorh Has made 'by.Picltstt and. seconded~ by TracYe: Motion'Carr.::.'iedo"
M~eting adjornedo n " . :;:
'.&~1u. 0u\lhUl/j
Gee. C. :Brown, '~y,or
"I" , X&/A1hJ7J'~J~
.' ,Wanda N. Nutter, \. Clerk
WHEREAS, the Council and Mayor 9f the TOHn of Yelm ts in regular
session, and
1A!HEREAS, there now exists a surplus in the Garbage Fund,. of the'Town
of Yelm in appr,oximately 1$1,000.00, and
1^JHEREAS, the Current Expans e Fund of the Town of Yelm has by re as on,
of recent expendi tures, dropped. to a point whepe 'it is nec-
essary to acquire addition~l currentassests to maih~ain
s ai d f un d :tn .1i! 11S10 1'vJe'nJt ('c 0 ii(fuj}. tli @IDJ. (1. . t;'11,,?, t~ S 2.111. () f) '_~<! ~~ '0 0.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Mayor and the Council- of the Town
. of Yelm'that $1,0003'00 of the surp111s' in the Garhage Fund
of the Town of Yelm be transferred as a loan to the
$- CUJ:rent Expense Fund, of the TOi/lrnof Yelm and that the same
sum be repaid by ,the end of 19.59':' wi thout interest and
BE IT FURrHER.~ RESOLVED that the Clerk of the TO~^Jn of Yel ill. be an 0.
sh~ is hereby authorize~ to make said transfers.
D8ted this l~th'day of March,' 1959
. C~A,11
Wanda No Nutter Clerk
March la, 1959
March la, 1959
Adopted ,
r1ARCH 11, 1959
Mayor Bro'V-Jn presided ,at the regular council meeting 'with Councilmen
C owels, MortoI?-, Cu~ry"~ Pickett and Tracy present e
Minute~ of the previ6us meeting was read and apprQved as 'read.
. The Treasu,rer's report was given.
~'Bills 'for the month were read and on motion by Tracy and seconded by
Cfuwels-, were ordered paid as follows:'
Yelm:pu..mber and Hardware -------....------------------- 5.23
Mosman Agency ----~-------=~~~--~----------------~-~' 7~5b
\;II 0 If f S Department St or e ---- -- -- - ----...-- -- -~-_.~ -- --- .14..21
Yelm T~lephone' Coo ---------~--------------~----7--- 29.55
rrrimble t S Hardware --- --....- -- --- - - ---~--- - - ---- ------ 9.70
Puget Sound Power & Light Co. -------------------~-... ~5.03
Yelm Garage ---------~-----~------------------~----- 43.86
. '
2 ')'4'~
Ac.tI' ,
D' & R Mobil Service ---~______=__~_~___=___________
Brown (Bros. GRraO'e ...-------____'_____...._____________...
' , ,- a ,
Standard Oil Co& --...-------________________~_______
Pioneer Business Forms Inco ----...-________....__~_____
The Fred Wo' Hmks COe -----__~--...--~_------________
Tax C ommis s i on or '{,1hi~hi ngton -----___,______... =0 __ :..___
Yelm Garage ~--,----...---_~__________________________
D& H Mobil Se~vice ---...---_________~_____~__-_____
Pickett Drug Store --'-- -- --........ ______..._,_"_....___ ___ _... _~_
Yelm- Luinber and Hardv-rare _--,--_--:-_..:.".:"'_...._____________....
Puget So.und Power & Light Coo, -----___,_-__________....
Street Fund
Paciric Sand & Gravel Co. -:...--..---______-:_________,___
Thurston County Road,DistoNoe 2 -~-_--____-:------
'18. 34
io. 57
. L~4o 60
" 8021
It it.JHS brouGh to the Councils a ttentlon that tv-ro new tires' were needed
for ~he Paddy wagon,a1ong with the need o~ having two of the present
tires 'recapped. ThE} purchase of the two neifJ tires will be put up for
. bID.ds.
The q~estion of the Cabaiet License for Bob & Deans Tavern was taken,
up at this time. Dean Sias was present~ awaiting the decision of" the
Council. A motion v-ras made by Councilman Curry that a Cabaret License
be issued to Bob and Deans. Councilman COvIels s'econded tpis motionQ
Notion carried by four ayes and Qnenays.
A letter from Mrs. Lucille Smith, owner of the\Yelm Theatre, stating
their closurer of ,tHe Theatre for the'Month of February, with,plans
ror a: longer period of sloser unless the Admission Tax is discontinuedo
After a long discussion, the suggestion was brougt forth to invite
I1rs. Smith to a council meeting to present her view points. The Clerk
was inetructed to v-rrite Mrs~ Smith, inviting her to Yelmo
The matter of all day parking on Yelm Ave,. ln frOlG!.tof the Yelm Shoe
Shop was brought ,to the C ounci Is a ttention at, this time. .There has D.,
been complain@s of cars si tting,all day in frot('Of this business. '
The decision reached was to allov-r ~n one hour parking sign to be post~d
in fr o-d( of thi s bus ine-s s.
A ,letter from the.Board of Review Chairman, Mr. HoW. Kramer, v-ras read,
which $tated that the hearing concerning the North and South crossings
of the propesed nev-r Highway 5-H, will be held on 'March 18, 1959 at~
16:'00 Pi. M.
As compla1nts. has 'beenc coming in conBerning the old ,packing shed in
Yelm, owned by Lo Cockran, a committee was appointed to look into
the matter' of having the building declared a pUblic nusfunce'so as
to have the buIlding torn dOirJ.n., " , -
A monthly report was given by Marshal Land, regarding 'all calls ~.
made outside the 'Ci ty Limits 0 'r~:i;s J;?eRort"l w8;s, very inlightning as to
the need for a Resident J:/r.a-rsi'J.ctl.~m~. "
The pump for the new water i.-rell was again brought forward by Mayor' "\
Brown. There,v-ras no: further information available on. the prices of
Pumps ~ 'The differance. in demand rates;:,;was discussed at lenglth. The
approximate figure ':JouJ-d be around ~~lO.OO for six month~ of the year,
by rotating the use of the two pumps. The clerk was instructed to v-rrite
a letteroto Harsted Engineering to get information concerning the
specification for a pump needed and also to get an approximate, '.0"
figure 'on Engineering rees ,for t.he in,[3talation of the plumbing for
the pew pxump.. The size of the pump was discussed and i tv-rEtS the
g~p.~ral feeling of the entire c01illcil that a 20 H.P. shoud be installed,.,
~~ ' ~:::'. ~
.,'ffJis'tussion was held on the amount left in the, Ctlrrent Expense Fund.
'and that it would be inadequate .to meet the bulls for the fol1o'VJing
m.ontho It TrIaS' decided to bOrr01N' $>1,000.00 front the Qarbs.ge Fund until
such time that, it would ,again beself-sustainirig;. Curry made a motion" t
that Resolu.tion No.., 85 be passed to transfer ~~ill"~.oOOo 0.0. from the Garbage
Fund to the Curren-t_ Expense .Fund.. This was se.canded by Pickett, and .
the motion carried'ev'.'
Meeting adjorn~d..
,'WI"l/l ~ )v7~_ '.'
l~tiEm, Gle.rk
D '
;Jd& 'V)y . . .
, ,
, ,
'" J ..... '~
_..' -i.L, 1 6' <-l~
Geo <I) " C.. Brov-rn, Hayor' \. .
( .' .
April 8~ 1959 .
. 2 2"1'::"
'. t)',
i ~ ,
. ,. ..
Mayor BrollJn called the regular meeting of the 'II own' Of YelmieCDurmcil to
order 1,vith Councilmen Curry, Tracy, Nartori,. Cowels present.
. .
Minut~s of the previous meeting were read and with tbe correction of-ope
item ( Dept;l.ty Sheriff instead of Nar'shal), }tJere appr.oved as read and!
The' treasurer's repoI't was then presented and accepted.
The reading~ of the 'b.:tlls for the month was th::ymade 8n'd on mo~tibnnby
Curry and seconde~ by Tracy, were ordered pai~ as follows,. with the
exceptfon of a billingfrom'B-I-F-,Industries in the amount. of $1.34,.
which there iS'some queation as to the legality of the bill.
\ '
Hewitt A. Henry, Prosecuting Attorney -------------~~--~--~-~--$
Yelm.Garage.----------~-----~~----------- -----------------~---
The Regional Public Library ----------- -- --~..;.--.- -- -------- -----
Daniels' Communications Service J~____________________________
State of 11ilashington Employment Security Dept. ----.--------------
PUP'.,)et Sound PO'lrJer;, & Light. Co. ---...---------------------------.--
- . - ~ y
Department of,)nternal R venue ---------------....-----------:------
-Standard Oil ~o~ ~------~----------~-------------------------~-
Yelm Telephone' o. -------~------~~----~----------~--------------
-Thurston~Mason Health Dent. ---------------------------------~-
Department of Labor md Industries -------------~--------------
v.lA 'EER DEPT.. , '- .
- 1::1 '
Yelm Lumber and.lard'\.\Tare ---- -- - ---- --- -....-- -.:..- --- - --....--- -;..-- ---
',Brol..Jn Bros.. C!arage ------------------------------------~.---.--.;..--'
Pi2ckett Drug 'Store -- -- -:-....;- -- - - - - - --- -;.. -- - ---- - --:-... ------- -- - ---
Pennsalt of v"J'ashiniJ'ton Vivid on ------- ~----------------------
1):::J - . '
'Auto Freight ?pot, Inc; ----~~-------~--~---------------------
Puget ,uoci:nd P01:-Jer and Iuight Co. -~-...:;------~--------------------
Dep8.I'tmen~ of Internal R venue -~--..;.-.-;---~----'-.---..;.-------...,_:---
,State of vJashington Employment qecurit~r Dept., -----...-----------
Department 'Df Labor ahd Industries ---~-------------~----------
STREET . " "
'1' .' .... Trirnble t s Hay'dware ----~-;..~--------------------'--':"'--...,--.--------
State of \rJashington Employm~nt Secur~ty 'Dept. ------'-----------
Department. of Labor and.Industries ---~---------~------~~-~---~
B . .'n . I"'! -. . ' , .
trown Dros. uarage -------------------------~------------------
Departlllent of Labor and Industries ----~---~~-....---...------.---;..--
Sta te 'Qf i0Jashington Em9:1oyment Secw:i tyDep t., .--_":"-.-~-----------
, 32.12
85- 50,
. 1.21
47 .18 .
37 .. 80,
'Ll-- 82
'Presen~'at t~is meeting w~s ,Mr~ Archie Ferguso~, Buiiding .Uon~r~ct~~
of Y'elm,' who., at this tirne,presented' t:p8theCouncll with copies of a
niodelb~iaLding code compos.ed by him. After reading the code, a .
~iscu:;r9:ion f,Qllowed, hitting'many important points for .the need of
a ~uil~ing code. At thistimB,-.a letter from Mr. W.~R* Trurner, Cheif
Guildi:ng Inspec'tor of Olympia, -1,-Jas read~ The letter statea the, usage \
'o'f the'oUn1:f,o;r.rn.. Building tode by Olympia, along 'tAJith a list of their
.treseM't Building Permit Fees. Since a further study of the matter
is nee4ed, no definate decission was made at this ,time.
..., , ,;; "-
The sub ject of the Towns streets \nTB,S next on the ap;enda.,' IIJi th Mr. Hal
Wolf asking fo:rr'major rep\iirs for. First' Street, between Yelm Ave.
and J-efferson St, :this portion ot: First street being_ in fro1h1,tof the
Sh.op-Ht'ts: stqre, nl~naged by HI',. V'IJolf.e As ther are no immediat finance
avail~ble a~th~s time, the major' repair to this street conhot be
done at this<~time. The poss5,tdlity of a Bond Issue for streets was
disc~s~ed at l~ngth..No definina~eddecision could b~ given at this
t~me ft~ more:t0.ought anq. stuqy is, needed. ~.
A report from Council/man Ray Norton, Street Commi ttee membe'p, was
gi ven. at th~s. t.ime. He stated that at' a general overa1linsp-ection of' the
Tm,rns streets:~fo.urid them, ,for the most. part, in fair 'condi ti on. Bowever,'
there are some' that is need of repair. 'The one repair tb:at was,outstQ1ldj.ng
at this time is the one needed infrontthf the I. o. O.F'~ Hallo' Nort0.n '
t(l}'8.S asked to' ~o th the O\,rne1"'S 8.nd 'state that the TOHntrJOUld even tl~~'" curb
in from of the buildlng and also extend' the \clalk to the Yelm Lumber &.'
HardHare wakd, -if' this Has agreeable wi th themo N orton is to' have a report
for the next. meeting.' Councilman- Tracy~ amem:Jer"of,. th& Str&et Commi tt~e,
requested tQbe excused from tfuis committee. This request 'Was granted and
Councilman Pickett laias appo5,nted to replace Tracy. -- - .
-lvTJ;"o . Eugene, S. 'H-:,ll;' of the firm of 8i tts and Hill, Profess.ionalEngineers-
.from Tacoma, read a letter $tating. th,eir desire to be retained ,by: Yelm'.
2"2,,tln the capaci ty of' City Engineers. A short discussi'on followed~ but no
decission vITaS - made at t11.1s timE,.
Due to the lnumher of comple.ints "that' have been recei ved ab6ut the rtirnming
of loose dogs in TO"IrJ,n-, the lj1a.rsl7-a~ "vas asked to start picking up any dogs
that are unat,tena:edo
Next on the agenda was the possibilities of a Business Tax for~ the To\~.
There is a gre,at need for further spurces of revenue for the General
Fund of the Town EUl.dthe Business Tax seems to be the only source.' After
a lengthly, discussion covering several phases of such a Tax, the mat~er
was tabled until a later date so that further study and.consideration
could be gi ve.
A motion vIas" made by Curi'y and seconded by TracyJto hi1"e Harsteads 0" ,
'Associ'ates to do the Engineering of the plDi:rrbing for the new water Hell.
'J1he motion carried by ,majori ty vote. '
The mot'ionwas' macle and seconded, to adjoI'n.' JYioti'oh carried."
Meetang aajorned.
'-' $hr A ~6LAA1.
MaYOL, Goe.C.Brown-
, Wanda N. Nutter, lark
May 13, 1959
The pegular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to
ordel:;> . by' Hayor BroliJ'n. Councilrr1en Gurry,TracJ, and ,Norton 1AJere present
with Pickett and Cowels absent.
I~inutes of 'the 'previous meeting were read' and approved as reado rI'he
'l'reas,urer'-s report 'was 'l'8'8:d' and accepted. The l\1a1'shal T s monthly
report was also read'at this time.
Bill fa-.0 the lVlont11. of April "Lv-ere read and on motion by CurT'Y and. 0
seconded by Tracy w?re ordered paid, with the exception of the Bill
.f'rom Harrison 11. Kramer in the amount ofi~196.00.. l~
:t:uget Souh~ Power and Light,....--...;--------------~-------------
yelm~Public 'Schools ~----~~~--------------------------------
Brown Broso Garage -----------------------------------------
i'ric-1s::' & Mur,rJ ---- ---- ---- - ------- --- - -- ------ -------- --- ---
Nisqually Valley News -----------~-----------~7-~-----------
. D & H'Mobil Service ~--~------------~-----------------------
Mos'man 'ASency, ---,--.... ---.,..------------- -,-----.;. --- -------------
Wolf's Dept. Store ------~---~--------------------~-----~---
Standard Oil Co. ~------------------------------------------
Yelm Telephone ~'oo ---------------------::----------------...;--,-
Trlmb les HardirJare -----.:.. --- --------- - -----~-. - - - ---------- ---
11. '
E. obert Frlstoe.---------------------------~--------------
C& ,K Service ----------------------------------------------
Puget ~oDnd'P & L ------------------~-~---------------------
Thurston Co. ' Civil Defense office -,..;;-----~------------------
Trimb les Hardware --~---,;.;---------- -- - ----- ---"--------,-- -----
Badger Meter Mfg.-Co. --------------------------------~-----
Yelm Ll:tiin!r> .'& Hdwr. -_.:...-- --- ------ - ------------'-, --- ~---- --'--
Eads Transfer ----------------------------------------------
Auto, Preight Depot ---.:..---------:----------------...;-------------
:Trimbles Hardwa!e -----------------~------------------------
Sahlberg Equipment, Inc. ---------~~---------~--------------
Pacific-Sand'& Gravel --~-----------------------------------
Garbage FUND
H.D.Baker Co. Inc. -------------------,----------------------
D & H Mobil Service ~-------7-------------------------------
Pickett Drug Store -:----------------------------------------
- Wanda N. Nutter ---------------~-------------~--------------
1 1 ~ ,
Yelm Garage' ------------~-----------------------------------
, 85~ 39
~-5~ 00
~_6o. 63
.50. .
2Ez. 03
, 83.65
2 27:~",
: \
r.1r'. Joe Lawton, ?f YE:3lm, was' present 'a'~ "this meeting f.J.n<1 1r!.i th', h:trrl ~as
attorney Whi ta. Hr. Lawton' expressed his, desite' for the council to permit
him to move.a, building from the south' edge of to1tJn'onto his pl'o1?srty.
Sinc~e 'this bui1ding is unsightly' and. in poor' condition, the r1ay,oul1 and
COLu1.cil expres~s,edobjections, but due to t,he fact there is no ordinance
at t11is t)me to leac:~ly forbid the ~oving of the < blJ,ildirig, a .-J;11otion was
made by COlillcilman Nortor to permit the moving of the building.1vlotion
seconded by Curry and motion carried. ~
Theadoptonof the Uniform Building Code was tkke(('up at 1.erigths at this
time. Councilman Cur'ry made a motion,that a public hearing be held at the
next, Connei lmeet"ing for all concerned to expre"ss their views on adopting
i b~ild{ng cod~. TTa9Y seconded this motion and motion carried. The "
,Clerk lvas instructed to order siX copies of the' uUniform Building Code,
,Short Form", 'so, that it may be examined by the people who wish to' know
more abo-uti t.
The Hal"'stead Associated Estimate for the engineering of the plumbing of
new ~ell' was diacussed at this time. As ther~'are several qriestions
the' Co~neil,wishes tD discuss with Mr. Har$tead~ he wilf be asked to
come, (0 Yelro. and' meet with the Council. IJlayor .prown Hill call 1\111". Harstead
and arrang.e the tlme' and date for'the meeting..,
The sujnmer -rates f'or, water was bro1)"ght' forth..a.t" this time..
da,te f,pr summer 1'a tes wi 11 be lIay 23rd~. "...
The 'coriIDlenc in@
-. ,... ' ~
Btisine~s Linense was ag~in discussed at large. ~ince the matter of a
suitable fee schedule is the big factor in. que~:i-tion,- the Clerk was a~sKed,
to,contact several of theto~ns who have' this Business Tax' and ask, for
copies;,":.o( >.their .fee, s chedul~. '.
Again ~~e big p~oblem of ~tray ciog ,~ontrol for .the, to~n was broug~t before
the council,o"The. number,.- of stray dogs are get ingla~"'ger ?nd the resid~nts
are r.equesting.,that something be doneoA$ they'e is no immedi~te
o~dinarice to enforce contr6l, Attorn~y Fristoe was instructed to draw
upa Dog_Leas~ Ordin~nbe, which will be presented at the next Council
meeting. -
, I~~IH
Counci}man Nort0n reported that.. r{r's. Paiul Turne'r 'has requeste<i a street
,light for t:;he COTner' of .Firs;t and St.even" the Gorner whe,re their house
is located. No immediate action wastaken'at this time.
A report was giv:e,n ,at thi's time by NOI'ton :for the IO.QF Lodge, on the
repail'ing ofthew,al<K ffi d curb in fromt of 'the. rOOF Hall. Since they are
in' accord with the City's proposal, the work will be carried out in the
near future.
Curry make themmtion to adjo~'no' ~Cracy seconded this 'motion. Hotion
carried. . ~
Meeting adjorned.
I . .' ~
,~ A;~~_
Mav ~, Geo. Co Brown ' ,
~ ,
22,,~' June 10. 1959
The r,egular meeting of the Council of the fl'Ot-Jh of Yelm was p0sponed until'
Thursday, June 25, 1959, 8:00 P.M.
J un e . 25, 19 59
Mayor Brown opened the meeting. of the Counci 1 of the rroHn of Yelri1, lvith
,those present being Councilmen Norton, Tracy, Cowels and Pic'ketto
Absent itJa;3 Councilman Curry.
Miriutes of the 'previous meeting were read and 8.DDrOved as read. the
Treasurer t's report wasrea.a. and accepted. The IvIa'rshal f s monthly report
eEJS also read at this time.
Bill~ for ~he Month of June were read and on motion by Cowe1s and seconded
b.y 'Pickett ~ were orde:ied paid as follovJs:
(Puget Sound Power'& Light_ --~--________________________________
Thurston Co.Civil Defense Fund ----_____________~__~___________ '
~elm ~elephone Co. ~~--~---_~____~_~~-----------~---~~~~-~~~---
Standard Oil Co. ----~---~______________________~___________~__
Uniform Building Code Ass..-----~-~--_______________~_____~____
ry'hurs ton~Mas on Heal th Dep;t." --_"':"_ _ _______ _ ____ ____ _ ____ ____ ____
Yelm Garag~ ---------~------------------------____________~----
Brown Bros. Garage ------______~______________________________~
Secretary, of State --------________~___________________________
Reginal Public Library ---~--______~__.:.._______;...________________
Geo.C.Brown,Mayor(AssoWashoC~ties Conv.)---------------_~_-----
J~ : ~ ::. ~~~l ~ I
Pennsalt of Washington ---~--_-----------------__-------------_
Yelm Fixit Shop --~-------__~-----------------------~-----~----
Auto Freight Depot, Inc. -----~-----------~---------~~-----____
Puget SOlmd Power & Light -----___~-------------~---__---------
Howard T.Harstad & Associates --______________________________
Harrison Wo Kramer -----------_________________________________
Archie Furguson ---------~---____________________~_____________
Yelm Lumber & Hardware -------_________...;_______________________
, ,
.Trimble's Hay'dware ----------__________________________________
Pickett Dr~g Store ----------____________________________-_____
Commissioner of P'ublic Lands ---------_________________________
72 ;,28
12 ~ SO
11 0 ~-4
3ll_0 16 .
The Counci 1 inspected' 'and diiSC1J.ssed the plans, Specifications -and! Bid
forms received from Harstad Associates for the purchase and installation
ofl a pump for ~the Town Water well #2.
Discussion was heard on a Building Code .for Yelm., at this time..l'1ayor
Bro""rn reported that the Association of livashlngton C1 ties has' compiled a
minimum Housing code to co-inside with a building codeo No actIon on
either was taken~t this time, howevero A notice will be published ,in'
the town paper notifing all citizens that an open hearing will be ~eld
at the next -regular Council meeting concerning the adoption of the two
codeso .
,The new State minimum wage and hour "law vJ-as taken up at this.time~
'Aft'er a lon'x discussion coverin€~ many phases of .the new la""r, the Cl:erk
was instrp.cted to s~t up the Ci ty pay-.roll onI' the new schedule.
Nilton Johnson, 'VIJater S'lpt., sh0l4ed need for the extension of the w~ter
main on SolbBrg St between McKen~ie and Yelm Ave. Two new houses are
going in and there is no existing water lines' at' these construct'ion
points. The' water commi ttee is to study the problem and n18,ke a repo't
at the next regular councIl ,meeting. t,
At this time" the B & 0 Tax was again taken up., Several B Be 0 Tax Ordinanc
frbm various Was~ingtdn Towns was looked over and:discu9sedo Howeve~,
after a long discussion, ?o actjop wastakeno
On a motion mak$ by Tracy and seconded
adjorned., DIV. OF MUN. CORP.
">n.~, )y;~
by Pickett, the meeting was
Jl, ~ rn" "- ,~"
, n IN\) ~/ i II' I j t"./,
' _ -<tl .(' , ..(7, ,-, (/ I-/;); "
lVlaY01~, Geo. C. Brown '.
, JULY 8, 1,959
. '
1J1ayor Brnwn' called. the regular' meeting of the Council of the T01A!n ,Of Y-elm,
tD order.' Councilmen present if,~ere"Cq1^!els,. Pickett, Tracy and Curryo' Norton
'~was absent.,," '
Minutes of the previous: meoeting were read and approved.. The1rreasurer' s
report was presented and accepted. Also, the Marshal's report w~s read at
this time..' ~.
Bills 'for the month lrJ8re read and on a m.otion by Curry and seconded 'by
Pickett were ordered paid as follows: !
Depart. of .\...Jabor and Indus tr ie8-- ------------ -:- ------ --------- - -- ,
:1' Dept. of Internal Revenu~ ------:---------------------.---------..;.--
Trimmle'sHardware ------------~---------~------------------------
Yelm Telephone' Co. ----------~---------~----------~----------~---
St., of 1AJashington Employment. Sec.. ])ept~ ----------~------.-.------
D & H Mobil Service ----------------~----------------------------
. BrO'MD Bros 0 ,qarage -------------:---:------..:-----'--,..:.-'--------------
Yelm Garage ~~-----------------~~-----------------------------~~-
Pug,et. Sound p'ol~ler -& Ligp-t ----.~--- -- ----- - -- -- ------ -- - - -:- ---------
Hewitt A.' Henry ~----------------------------------...;~--:..--:-------
E.Ro~ert Fristoe ----------~-----------------~-------------------
Dept. of Labop, and Industries ----------.------------------'-----~-
D~pt.' of Internal Revenue ~~-----~-~~----------------:----~----~--
St.. of \flash.. Employment Sedo Dept. --.:.---------------------:------~
P~g~t Sound Power & Light ----~---~-:..----------------~-----------
Yelm Lumber and HaralrJa;re ----.::.---------------------.;..-~------....;...,---
Pacific Water Warks Supply Ca. -~--------------------------------
Dent 0 of Labor and Indus tries _~i,_______;..._ --,...~.;!!"'......----,.~- - - --- ---'~----
Trimble t s Hardware --- -- -- -- - ---- ----- ----'-,.:,.."- --- --- -- --:-- -: ---~~ - ---
D.& H Mobii'Service --------~-~--~------~-----------------~------
St.. of ~ifashe Employ. Sec.. :!Dept. -------------------------~-------
.GU:l J aOOson ....- -..:.----;...- -- -- ------- ------.- -- - -- ------,-- -- - ----- -- ---
B ' ~ .
rown os. uargge --------~-------------------------------------
"..,'~I" Dept. ,of Labor and IndtJ,stries ----------------:...:---------,-------...;
Pickett Drug Store ---- ------- .::.-.:... --- ---------'--------------------
St. 'of iJIash. Employ. Sec.. Dept. -----'--------.------------------.:..--
D & H Moble' Service ----~-----~---------------------------------~-
Wanda N. Nutter ----------~~----------.:...--------------------------~
Brown Bros. Garnge.---------------~----.:...--------~~--------~------
15 .~52
~_l . 45~'--'
37 .. 80' '
43. 74
~-9 . 8~_
13:~ 80
20 ~ 00
21. 2L~
17 0 62 ,
Mr. Champers of the, Sta te Highway Dept. v-Tas present, asking for sio'ned
approval of the location of the nevJ HighHay 5-H. On a m,otion by Cu;'~ry and
seconded by Tracy, t4e approval was signed.
........ '.
, '
-.. -" .
The subject of B~lilding .Code,1,vas, brought forth at this time, and, afte'r
an inform~tive di$cussiGn; Pickett. made a motion to adopt the Unifmrm
Building Code, Short Form. lVIation was seconded by Cow?ls and motion carried.
Attoy'ney Pris'toe 1I;;18.S asked to draw up El.n ordinance for the adpption of }
this building code. .
The \:Vater Committee made their report concerning the ex.tension of wate lines
, on Solberg street.,~ Their report shoHed approx,ima1tely ~!;2,OOO is needed to
put thJs liihe in.; Because of the shartage lof funds, at this time, no
e:'ction will be 'taken until the cost of the po,mp and :'lTark to be done at t.he
new Town well is settled.
The topic of. Dog Control.was.again broug~t Before the Dounriil. After a
" lengthy disbussiop, the Coundil decided to have Attorney Fristoe to draw
'I up a Li'cense and Lea,se Ordinance to be. presented to the Cou.nc.il at their
',nex~ reg~11~r mBet~.nf?;" Also a notice 1:1111 be. published: in the' paper to
~, notlfy all lown cltlzens of the pendIng ordInance. '
Amotion' was made my Curry' to adjorn. 1'16tion second and carried.
Meeting adjo~nedo
"~JM, A ~~
. Hayar,. Ge~. c. B Ol,vn .
~ '..ALd'>>><?~~
~ -~" ~~ ~d,- _
fawn Clerk, anda N. Nutter
July 17 J .1959
A sp.ecial council meeting Galled for the purpose of opening the bids
fo:r the Rump and Plumbing for TOHn Well ,#2~ 'was called to order' by
Mayor Brol.'Jn, wi th councilmen Cowels, Pickety and . rrr>acy present.,
Bids were received fr.om:
Pump and Equiprhent Co.
R e rvr. 1'1j ad e & Coo
Servic,e HardiftJa~"e & Implenen t lJ 00'
Richardson 1rJell Drilling Coo,.,"
Taco,ma Pump & vlell Dri lling Go.,
Councilma.n 'Pickett made a motion to t,",rn the bids over to Harstads and
As soc. for the $ngineeres to inspec t. the t ids 0 Tracy see onded. this
mot.ion. Motion car>led. A date for excepting one, of the bids 1rJitl the
night'"of the regul,ar August Council meeting.
'The mo.tlon Has. duly made and secondeQd {)o ad.jopn. l\Totion carried.
Meeting adjorned. .~
~J?". ~-
C Ie rk, ~vanda l\J. N " ter
AUGUST lti2:,. ,1959
., ,
"t .
The regular meeting of the Council ~the To~n of Yelm ~asca11~d to
order by Mayor Brown, with Councilmen" CUJ"'ry, Tracy, Pickett and Cowe1s
~vrihutes of the previbus meeting ~vere J~ead aad.. app~oved as read.,
The treasur'er's report was presented at this tiyne 'and accepted. Also the
Marshal's monthly repo~t was shown at this time.
The bills for the ~onth 6r July were readand,on a motion by Pickett'with
second. by Cowels, 'were ordered paik, with the exception of the bill from-
Harstad and As~oce wfuich ~ill bB paid at a later date.
Hisqually Valley News --~------______________~__~_____
P'~So PQwef & Light -----------___~--------------------
Brown' Bros.' Garag~ ---~-~-----_-______~~__-__________~.
Yelm Teleuhoh~ c6. ---------_~________________________
Wolfs ~ho~ Rite --------------__~-~-------------~-----
P.S.Power & Light -------------__________~____________
Trimbles Hrdw. ----- - -- ----_ -..:. ___-;:- ___ __ ___ __ __._ __ _ _ _ __
-Yelm Lumber & Hl"'dw. -------_______________-__________:...
. '\1 "iT, C
Badger leter ~fg. JO. ----------______________________
. Pensalt of Wash. -~---~------__~__________~-----------
'fJax Cornmis s ion of vJash. -- ---- -- _ ___ _____ __ ________ ___
,Pacific Water Works ---~-----_________________________
Tacoma-Rainier Auto Frt. -------------______________.:.._
'Nisqually VaL iey NevIS -------------__________:.._______...__
~ickett Drug Store ------------_-_~-----_---------_~-_
Yelm Garage ---~-----------~-------------__------_____
~~1.3. 26
, L~. 87
~ 7. 14
Bids for the nel.'I Hater' pump f6'l" the new well lvere condldered' at this time
and by rnbt'ion of' Curry, seconded by ]P'ickett, the bid of Tacoma ~vel1 & Driililing
was excepted with the total of the bid being $1,690.000
Again; the problem of v-Jays and means of purchasing a new police c~.r v-J8.S
approclj.ed at this time.. The need for a new -ear, is great"bnt aft~r con...
siderable~fliscussion, ho action can be takes because or the la~k or funds.
one solution discussed was the possibility of a millag~ being voted..
However.9 no immedi ate action was ,taked up a t this time..
The budget for 1~60 was discussed and a tentati ve pudget wa~ shown.. Furthe'r
information is needed as tothe Pire district millage, therefore, adoption
was not possible until the next reigular meeting in -Se'ptember.. '
As.Att.. Fristoe was not present with the two new ordinances which were to
~be read at this meeting~ the meeting was eecessed until the'ordindnces
are available.Mot-t on was make by Pickett and seconded by CUI'ryo :JI1e'eting
1: e c esse d " !J,n: 2. 1 :::-; e .
O.a_ ~.~~~
~~nda N. Nutter
,i $ ~. .
;,j"-j /...)) / c. ).1 / 0-7)\ t::~{\
. Hayor, "'He 0 0 . Bro1Vn., \
Sept. 3, 1959
()}') l' ")
Neet ng rHS umed'wi th May,or' BrolrJn presiding. Counei Inien CUI';ry, Cq1,Jels and 'tracy
were presepto , ';,~i:":"
First business at hand was the needed. agreement between the Fire Distfict ml
the I~P()TJIl'n of Yelm.. Nate Henderson and Art ~Prim:Jle, Pire Dist,. Commissiopers,
were pr~sent t~ tep~es~nt the Fire Disto After a long ~iscussion, an,
agreement was reached betv-Ieen the Fire Dept. and 'rhe Town of Yelm, that
,'b13ing,' the 1l1ireDept.' 1,-.Jil1 pay $1,00000 per year for',Fire Hall rental and
the Tllin~f Y~lm wfull pay the e4uivalent of 3 mill for Fire protection to
the FiFB' Dist. Attorney Fristoew,ill 'draw up the contract agreement
and it will be present at the neyt' regul~r Gouncil me'eting. ' .
, ,l'
j "j The new Dog Control Ordinance "'Jas' satudied a t~ this .time and 'to'JaS gi veri it t s
" ''It'fIrst and ,second reading. Curry made the motion 'that this or'dinance be ,
~ Ip~ssed t6 itfs'third and.final reading. Tracy secpnded ~his motion and
'. motion ~a~riedo .' . .
Next on the agenda was the Building Code Ord. ,Upon Attorney Fristoets
advise, this ordin~nce will be 'held up until a Fire Zonin:g ordlndnce can
be established.. This' is to 'be done in the immediate future.
. :[1he motion '-'vas duly made and seconded to adjo:yn,.
. . 9i i,).L~ . Qbft7 .1/1/\
~:.9~eO/ll C. BroHn \.
~~ n~,~)
Clerk, Wanda N., utter'
September 23, 1959
Th~ ~eeting of the CcilillCil of the Town of Yelm opened.~ith Mayor.B~own
presiding.. Councilm&i.n present were Tracy, Norton, Curry and Cowel'so
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
The Treasu,rer f' s report 't^Jas ShOliJn at thfs ti me and excepted.
, ,
I', The 'following bills Here' read and on mati on, by Curry and seconded by
COv-Iels were ordered paid." ,
ThurstoriMas on Health :!Depto ---------------------------- 69~00
'The Rep~inal Public Libr.'ary--------:..-------------------- 156.95
Ye 1m Telephone Co. ----.-.--~ --------- -- -'- -- --- -- -------- -- 30; 65
Has man Agenc y --------- - -.:.------- ------------- - ---- ----- ' 7 :50 .
. 'Puget Sound Power & Light ---------:--------------------- 70~03
Bro't'ITn Bros. Gararse -----7----------~-.-----------.----"'---- 36040
C & K Service ---------------~----------~---~--------~-- 28~99,(
Yelm Garage -------~------------------------------------ '3.12
Puget. ;:)otmd POv-Jey"& Light Co.----------------:-7---------- 63. 92
Pennskit Chemicals Vorp. -~-------~--------------------~ 12~48
Getzum Products -------- --~'-------- ------ --- ------------ 6 ~ 710
Tri.mble t s Hardware ______C::'____..._.:,.._____________~_________ 10.13
Yelm Lumber & HardlrJare ------.;..---->-..:.------------------~- 36071
Brown El'oso Garao:e -------~----..:.--------------'----_:----- 12..12
Tri~lbe's Hardware -----~--------------~~------~--~----- 6.18
Pacifi.c Sand 8c Gravel Coo .;......-------------------.:..-------.~ 13.47
Wanda N ,,' Nutter (Pas tal,. Supplies) -- -------~--- ------~--- 9008
Nisqually Valley News ------------------------------~--- 9.31
, .
"~I-.-TJI:rQ . and ~.1r. Vandison of facific ,^Jater \i\Tcrks 1,Je:pe present at this
{. meeting ,to gi ve informat ion to the Couns!.il concerning pl"ices of vJater
,. main .p.~peo Th,eyq~).oted a pr'ice of 90>i for 4ft pipe and$l.40 for 611.
. Ordinance 90 was given it'~ tfuird and final readirigo On motion by
'Curryand 'Seconded byCo\AJels,1,r'Jwllith motion earring, final adoption
was made (I
The pr,eliminar'y 1960 T01^ffi Budget was. studied and discllssed fli)~ther
at this time. 001.1 a motion by Curry and seconded by rrracy, was. passed
and. ordered to go to the Public and final' hearing. Date and pJ.,ace s;et
:for' the hearing is ,Monday October 5, 1959, at 8 P.N.. in the Town Hal'l.
I ~ was brought, to the' at t en ti on of the C oune i 1 that' all the punch-
boards being used~Althe' T01:iVn busines~6 are not being licensed as. o:edo re-
qulres.. After some discussion, it was decided to strictly enforce
Z,~:4: '
the amusement Ordinance. Penalties will be given to those who allow the
pumchboard's to be, played befo:ee the license has been aquirede Y
. # . . ; .
The 'motion was duly made and' seconded to adjorn.
~~<?'/~)?-' >/~2
C~erk, W~~da N.(Nutter
.~fil1) <-1 ~0V14
May r, Geo.C. Brown
) .
0:, ,
I '
f .
'" ,.j
QClf.10-BER 5, 1959
, A SD0Ci al rQ-eet:1ng for the 'hearing of the prq'Jos ed' 1960 budget
was called by'Mayq,1' l:5r~:nl. C~ul1-cilme~,'N'orton, Cowles, Curry and.~'ickett~'
,. "t^ler'e pre s en t ~ " ' .. . =
"As there were no, protests on the :pr opos'eel' budget; Cutty made the ,mo'tion'
tha.t the same be 'acflopted as published. Cot~les seconded the motion and, i,t carJ
uriani.m~ uS: 1 y.,
1960 Revenues
11 ax e s. (12 illi 11 s ) - ~ - - - ~ - - - - :.. - ...; - - - - ":' - - - .... ,- - - :.. :... $'
Licenses ~---------~---~-~-----~-------~~-
Liq~o~Revenue ----------=---~-----~------
Motor~Veh~cl~ Excis~ Tax -----------------'
L. 'G',.' m '
, lquor L~xclse lax ----------------------~-
Police Court Fines ----------------------
Fire Hall Rerital~---~-----~~--------------
Building Permit ,~ees--------------------~-
,BEllanceqn ,Hand -;----------------------.,..--=
~,"... I
. , J
." ~
Consumers C ollecti'bns - -- ---- -~- --'----- ---$
, Hook-Bp cha~ges 7-------~------~----~-----
'Balance on Hand: --------7"-----...:.---~-:......;--.-
. . 475~00
50 . 00
54,2. 00..
JYlotor Vehicle 'Furid------.---~-~--:--~---~..;.-$, I" 79~054 '
Ba.lance on Hand':--- ~- ------ ------ ---- ---- __2,194.03-
..~P 3,959.57'
Consumer C ollec tl ons\----':-: -----:..- ----- _:...~ -:$ ,3" 160 ~ 55
Balance on Hand ~ -- -- -- --::~.-,-- ---------'~':"'.- 2,700.000 'j'
$ 5,860.55
'. ,
C~rk Sal?ry -~-~---------------------~---$.
Clerk Relief ~~-------------~-----------~-
Attorney Salary & E:;p ense ----------------
Ma'Tor & COt.ul.ci1 Expense ------------------
.J B ' ..
Surety onds --,-- --- ----------- ----- ------
~uniclpal Jud~eSala~y -~~----------------
Municipal Judge J?xperise --------------.----
.~egis~ra~ions & ~lections ------~---------
Publishing"& Advertising -~-------------~-
State Auditor ---------~------------------
Ass.. a.f v.Jashington Cit ies '-.:..--------------
Ivied.. Aid ,& Ind.. Ins 0 -------------------"""-
Social Security -----~------------------..,.-
Town Hall Expense -----~------------~-----
'Health Se~vices ---------------------------
Ligrary -~--------------------------------
Civil Defense -----~---~------------------
Pa:rk ,Expense ~---------------'------------...
General' Inso ----------------~-----------
Marshall Salary ----------------------~---
, '"Ma:0sha,l Expense -..;.....---------~-------------
, Dept. Mar$rlal Salary ... --------------------
'Jail Expense ;...~------~--------------------
Tow~ Hall Capitol 'Outlay --------------~-
, C"
Bukldirig , pnferense Ass ." --------------:----
. '- I
390'~ 00
20 () ~ 00
600; 00'
, 360 ~ 00
3 3. 00
. ~~_~ 00
\ "
~~ll', '6170,31.
2, 200 ~ OQ/ ,
350.. oo~
500 ~ o~a
300 Q oor
7 5~ 00
. 91050
. 150Qoo
3, .s4o~~ 00
'$10, 9840 ~'o ,
. Mo.yor, Geo. e.. BrOHn
Meetin~ adjorned.
~ J . /~//' "'. ...- '''''.~+
. A /2'J<..d..4'/ -/. 7,
Clerk, lrJanda, ~L(} u'~ ter ,
" .... ~'. "";
I .
October l4~ 1959
ti) '" '::.
" '
The regu18r meeting of the Coun~il .!Bfl'the T.oll']n of ,Yelm w'as 'called
to ordejr by'Mayor Brown-wi~,~hCouncilmen Norton,Tr'acy,fJowJ:es.and
?,urry pres'ent e, ' '
~j ,
IJIinutes of ' the previ'ous "meeting; were'read and approved as reado
The bills for the Honth of Sept,. w~re read and on motic,n by Cowle's
a~d, seconded by Tracy were ordered'paido
I'Mosman Ag~~cy,-~----~--------~-------------- 7.50
Sta'ndard Oil Coo ~---'----------~-------":"---- h3.b8'
\ '
D& IT Mobil Ser~ice ~----~~~-----~~------~-- ~38036
Y~lm Telephone' do -~----------------------- 23~55
irJo-lf's Shop i\.ite --:'--'-:..-:--------~-:..--_:...-~,--...' 6053
'Yelm Garage,-~~--~-~~--~-~-~------------~--- 30~75
'Yelm Lmbro & HI>dw. -..!'-;...---'------'------------ 3066,
'Puget Sou.nd Po&' L. ...:~----.-------'----------- 71'~ 7.8
Brown Bros ~ Garage' -~'-----------------..:-----' 190,Li.6'~
Nisqu~lly Valley News ---~--~--~~----------- 38093"
,'Dept. of Internal Re~enu~ ~-~-----------~--- 67080
Emplo;Ylne~J; ,Security Dept. .'--------------.---- 6.s.~98
En~loyment Seco Dept. ---------------------- ,~87
Dept~ of Labor & Ind: ---~---~-------------- 1];05
'vI]AJ:ER: F1IND '
, BwI~F* Industries --~-----~----------------- l5~21
Puget'Sound P.,&L" --~---,----------~-----.:.--- 51~L+2
Deptl of Into' Rev~Bue.---~-~------~----~---- 37~80'
'Employo Sec~ Dept. -.;:-----'----------.:..------- !.~3;74
Dept. of La or & Ind; .:..--.:.~----..;.---------'---- 3..60
D & H Mobil' Service ------------------------
Brown Bros. Garag}8 ~-~-~---~---~-------~----'
. \,,~~ ...
Emp 1 0 y..' Sa c G, 'D e p t .. - - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:- - - -;: ---
,Dept.. of ~abor & Ind.. ----------------------
Pickett D~tig Store -------------------~-----
D & H Mobil~7Service -~-~-----------------:..-
,Employ.. Sec. Dept.. --.:..----------------------
'Dept. .LJal?o'J' & Indo -------------------------,
, \
, 3086
A letter wa,.s .re~d fr~m tiasho State LiquoT> ,Boar~ad,;,ising ~he To~n' ,
that Rose Along~ Blalr, JoeLs Place, Box 287, Yelm have dlscontlnued
licensed operations at, the above location.
,On October 10,' 1959, Marshal Jim Land resi'g'ned and thereafter a"oplication
were taken to fill the' vacancy. At this time the applications wer's
discussed with the applicaion from HI'.. Albert'Sheppar'd of Olympia
pelng favored" He is to begin work October 16, 195'90
, Hayor l3ro1rJn informed the CouR-ell that ~~osano E1e~tric Coo could do the
:electric ,\,-Jork on the new pump .par less money than was, anticipated..
Tracy, suggested that we investigate used garba~~ truck on sale at.
Nor,ton suggested 'more'~ care should be used in the handlinp; 0f garbage
, C 8:n!3 in tbel r.It'eWl1.,'
Tracy s,'LLggested that the~'>faihk i1) front of the school, cottage 'should ,
be, cleaned.
,I DirJ~ arJ to adIDpting a curfew law ,JaS led by Merl,e Curry with
no ".j_ G decis ion being made.
. Motiotil Has matte 'and carried, to ad,jorn.
~~a:LA/V1 .
lVlayor, Creo.. C. Brown--~
C 1 e r-k.a 1'l:'{1,tL d~:J4' N co ,H u 'G1 t er
" .;7 /!; "/:L
;.f ./~,." ' , { L...-r_ A - .
,-' , /,.'1"'C7 t/f.J'.:Y
(;)~ 0.'
_.e.J~ ' ,. '
November 12, 19~9
The regular Counci 1 meeting f'or tl;w Town of Yelm \~as called. to order by
r1ayor Brown.' C oqnc ilmen Tracy,' Cur.ry and Pi cl~e tt .,wer-er present..
Ninutes of' the p:i:'evious 'meeting were read and approved as read. The
treasurer's report was also 'shown at thi~ timeo .
Bills f'or the month of October were ,read and on motion by Curry and,
seconded by Tracyw~re ordered paid as "follows;
Current. Exp ense
Yelm Tilephone Go. _________~~-~-~----~~~~~~-
Puget Sound PPtv81'> & Lip;ht Co. _________.---_:_--
Standard Oil Co.. of Carif~ ~_____~____,-----_-
T~x Commissi on of St., 0'1' 1AJ~"sh.'. __'..:._.____'__~_..:...:.
~uuet Sound P & L ____~_______~~_______~..:.__~_
. <) , . '. '....
Yelm Lumber & 'Hardware _____~--_-------______
P t. c, d p' <l T ." ' .. '... ..
uge 00lJn, ~ (:.!: J...J ----------------:--..:.--.-,7-:-----
. P e nn"s a 1 t C he r~ Corp., _...:' _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ -:- __ _ __
H. D..Powler Co. Inc.. __'______________________
Auto Fr~ight Depot, Inc. __.::.__.:._..:...:__.---..:.._:_:-..:.'-....
1[vhi ted Construction Co. _______-_______._,-,_:__:_,--
Sr:-PREET 1:f1UND .. ...., h. .1..
1dhi ted Constructi on Co.o ____..:..________________.
Y~lm Gara~e --------------7------:----~~-_:_-_:_-
Nisqually Valley News ~__~~--__~~-----~-~----
Pickett Drug Store -7-:-..:---::,-:--'-"7~._:_-.---_:,_.,-~.-~-
Wolfs Denartmen t Store-- _____ __ __'__'__ ___ ___'__
.t: <. .. '. . . . . , _" .
Wanda N. Nutter -_____~___~---_--~-------.---_
. 72.....03
. 122'070
l r' ~ .
Lk?e/3 .
12'0' 00'
8'-90: 00
4.29' ,
1.2'0 "
. '4478 '.
S co '00 ., ~
. Oscar Swanson was present at th,is,menting to request that paraLlel
. parkil:!g be enfo);'ced along sIde .,t))e I. 9~,90F., Hallo . Cars pal"king there
vertically are hitting ",the building andcausing a great; deal of' damage
to the build:Lng. The Street Department ."'J1::ls.instl~i..1cted to c8.rr'y out
this request by putting up PaI"allel Parkil!E si;;118,,')
O:!ldinance NO.9ID, establishing Fife Zones and Orcltnance No. 92, estal::,- 0....
1. 1 . B . Id' led " · I h' ...c>. -l- - d d ::).
lSLllng a' .Ul . J.ng o.e, vJas !~lv:en 'C e=!-T +lrsu an secon reaO,ln,g~o'.
' On moti onb if 'Curry and seconded ..by Pickett, the.y were ordE!red to their
third.reading for the rJ,ext reg1:tlar Council meetfngo' ~ .
M~yor3 Geoe Co Brown~
The motion was made and seconded to adjorno"
~~~d4L~' ,
Clerk, W?Dda N.
Deeembe'r' '9" 1959
?3Ff ;
- ,(~
1\.t "Mayor G~iQ~ Brown ~pe'ne,d, the regula.r meeting of the COline'!l of',fhe Town
.ofYelni, ,with G~uncilmeri 'T'racy, Pic'kett, GOtiels ari'dNo,rton prei3ent'.
Ahsentwas' C'ounc:l.lman Gurry'. '
Mintltes, of the 'prev~ou_s meeting were ~ead' 'and 'a.pp'roved a.s, rea'd. Th'e'
Treasurer 1 s rQPort and Marshal t s 'monthiy r'eport 'was seen at th'is t''ime~
, ,
- Bi,~l~, foi: ." th~, pr,ee'e~ing '~o:iith, ,were .read.,~n~ol:l a,rp.ot.i9l.lby.))~cket'~', and
seG9nded by Tracy,- were."or,dared paid, ~;l. th the exception o.f~ t,he bill ,
f~om Tacornarump & Welt Drilling Co., "which will be p'a'id subJect to the
final test of the mew'pump~
':I.:~~~~I~~P~~~ ---- - ------ -~----- - --:-:- --- - - :-~- -:---
, Standard ,Oil Go. ----~-":"--...-......- -- ""'--,-~ ---- -------;..,
Yelm 'Lumber & Hardi..rare .;;.~...._...----~--_:"'_---~-------'
Thurs t on-'Mason: Heal.:th Dept 0 .;..- ---'--- "" ~..:.- ----.-~ -:: ~'-
'E'. Robe13t Fr':is toe -----...--...........-""'~- --- --------- ------
The ReglnolPublic 'Library -..:...........:.--------------.:..-:--...
C', & 'K S'ervi ce -...---- --------.---- "":'-~---- -------..:.--...;
The ,Sta.tIoners Inc~ ------....---...--------...;-----.:.-...--
1'10 s man' Age'nc'y' ...._._~-'---_.... -_:._-..:- - -~_':"~~'':'- __c=>___:..~__
...~;'~i:~~ }eC o~~ic,;~i ~~;,- s~;~i~;'~ :::::::: =:::::: :::
. 'D' &' H ~1'obil' S,erv:tc'e-~-...~=----_..........---...--;.,,---------
:!:,ug'et, Sound 'Power & Light Go. -:...:-------":"---------
Brown Bros. Garage -'---...---...:--~----~.--.-.-'--'-----.;.,--
Milton 'Johns'on ...:----,~~-----~-... ...-,~..._---------------
Yelm Telephone Go. --..:..~-~--...---------~:...--....-----~--
c- -f...JJ R ~~I' s~,ty ~
mT~ '.'
'P\lget, Sound Power & tight Go. -=:-~-...--...'r'....--....~--~--- 57.20
A==c=P~e~ghtD~e~o~;-;ne. ----------~~-~---------~-
""T~x\.i ommiss i'on-State of Washlngton;..'....---~-----....'!"--- 1-1.08
/v~~~ )~~ ~~/ , ,.s-bO~O~
'STREET '. , " .,
D & H Mobi~ S~rvi~e~~--------------~-~~~~-~---~-~-
I, ' Brown BrOs. -Garage ----~--------- '.----...-------:.....---
'D &' 'H Mobit 'Service ------------..-----------------
. 38~'09 .
'15Q.95 '
~ 32.55'
73.78 .
, 1.61
. 1.'23
, ,
Ordinances no. 9i and 92' was given thefr, 'third and' final -re'ading.r The
'ni.9~ti op was mad's by ~racy and second'ed by Co\i~ls 'to adopt the two
ordina.nces. A majori ty...:~rote carried. Howel1'er, Councflman Norton' expressed,
'desirato vote nay, a.nd in due f'orm, his vote was'chang,ed. ,T.herefor9
the two ordinances were adopted by a unariimo\1.s'vote.
,Mr,. Austin, of P..s'.:p,.& 'L. ws"s' present at this meeting~ by the request
, of' the Council, 't'o explain in de'tail the new contract be'tween the Town
of Yelm' and P..S.P.&.L.. After much discussion, the contract was .agre~d t
'to' and signed 'by Mayor .Brown.. '
At this'time, Att. Fristoe pass'ad to the Council to read, copies, of a
'resolution and an' agreement, to be reached between the Town of Yelm and
'rhurston County. Fire 'Dist. No.2, providin~for f.ire, protee,tion for the, '
Town of ,Xelmfrom the Fire Dist. Afte~ reading the, C~pies\, a lengthy
discus,sion follo:w.ed, with the Council aigning their resolution except-..
tng the agreement. The Agreement will n01rl 'go bafoe the Fire l)ist~ ,
Gmmrnis s~o~ers for their cons ideration.
Again the problem o,r par'king car's on ;:)ecorid "Stre'et betw'een J:erfer~on. St.
and Yelm Ave and between Washington St and Yelm 'ave. came before the
.Council.As fher has beenp.umerous objections to the 'parallelpar'king
'that has recently.been posted, a stud,. will be made by the Street
Commi tte's' concerning pos's:l.biliti,es otangle parking, provid,ing a
,t.>arracade is insta;Lled n'ext to the buildings to prevent the autos
from ramlng them. A report will be made by the Street Committee at
'the next regular Council meeting.
M'ee'ti ng ad j orneti.
'.~ .J~ /d'uJY1
Mayor, Geo. C. Brown
~ . . (,1"t ~-O'
CJ:e'.'~jf~~/~:' ~t~:;-L
, 'lG) 8, "
,""..,t) ".,
, Res(11)~tion' #86
'WHEREAS, the Council of .the ,TOv1l1 of Yelm has" conside:ped the
ma.tter.. of proviq.ing fire protection for the pr'opertie's:' ,.,~k9J?:s)~,ed"wfthin
"the Tq~vn of, Yelm effe9~ive 'on' and a'.ft~r the 1st day 'o'f': J~i1ii.Et#:y;;::1960"
, in light of the, law adopted by the State of W,ashingt on, whi,clli3:~~moves
fourth class cities and towns from the boundaries of fire' pr6t'e'c!t.i;on
d:i.stricts wi thin th'eState b'r Washington; and" " " ' o'~ "~' ,/
\iHEREAS~the T.own of Yelmand Thur'ston County, F~'r'e Prote.ctio~".. ,
'District No.2 have now agre,eduponterms. under, which said ,fire pr'o-
tectio~ dis-:t~':lct ~ill pr:ovice 'ffreprot'e~tion. for theT.own o"f Yelm
. iJ? accordan'cE) ~i th the t'erms of agreementspr opo'sed this date and
rea.d to the Council of the Town of Ye1m, "- _, ",
, N'OvJ~ T:qEREFO RE, BE IT 'RESOLVED that the Maar 'of the TO\-Jn of '
Ye:lm an'd the Clerk' of the ToWn ,of Yelm,be, and they are hereby 0
authOrized ,arid dir<ected,to encute for arid on behalf of .the Town of '.,:.1 ", '
Yelm' that certa.lnagree-ment read.to the . C aunci 1 of the Town of Yelm
this d.a te ap~ pr o"idlng' r'or fire p.I-otectiop to the Town "of Yelm, by
sale Fire Protection District, providing "for ;the payment for said
f;t;re protection ,se;rvic'esand leasing to said fire protection. di strict
property owned by th.~Town of Yelm which has h~.retofo're b,een referred
to as the u:Fire Ha).l" ct '., , ,,'..,
,The for~golng resolutiOn .w.asre.gu1e.rly "adopted 'py the Council '
of the Town of Ye1!Tl at "its meeting held on the ,9th day o.f.December,,1959.
. G .
'~," .~~ ' ,
~ ~~.:L/~~ o/)~ . . ' '
Clerk-Treasurei' the own "of Yelm,
, "\ . .-..
,0".'. '
, '
, '
: ~