1960 Minutes ~/!ll.. " the re,port' of the 'P'a'rk' B'oard'andturn' over all"matters relative to the Park to-them. Th~s was,~e?onded?y Cowels. !1m~ion c~:rried. The, Marshal's. report f:or the month of December was \r~ad at this tiTIJe and accepted. Mayor Brown 'reported that the Fire District objects to the' F.1:re Hall Bldg'l!1 Maintenance' clause in the contract betvleen the Town of Yelm and the ~ire District. After further discussion, it WaS di6ided to refer the, matter to Attorney Fristoe. . ) ~~-;w~i~_~:~~~.I .. ,9JAi'l 1.. ~~ M~or, Geo. ,c. Brow, , " ',- I , ',.,0.,,'. , !O o ,.,.,. ~ ", \Feb~uary 10, 1960 , . 2 4' -"I',,? _ . . ... :~ i ,Meeting of the Council of the~<Towh' of~:Yelm was 'callea/ to ~ o~der' by l\1ayor Geo~ C~'Brbwni with councilmem Norton, Tra~y, Pickett, Cowels and Curry , -. present'. " . Minutes '.of ,the" previo\u~. meeting were read and approved. The Treasurers, mont~ly repot and the Marshalls report for January were re~d at this time .. Bills for th~ month of January were read an~d. on motion' by.. ClJ,rry and Seconded by ~owels with motion carrying were ordered paid as follows: ',I" '.~ J CURRENT EXPENSE, ,,' , " Puget ,Sound Power &. Light Co. ---:...-------.'-~----------.. Standard O~l Co~ -----:--~-----~---~--------------~~- ~~imbl~!s Hardware ---~----~-~--------~-------------- 'p'ioneer Business Forms Inc.' -----------------------.;. . " Brown Bros. Garage,---------------------------------~' ,.y elm' 'Telephone Co. .f'_......._- ----- ----------.-----------...- D & H Mob:i!l Servi.ce ---0-----.:.------------------------- ) Tnt . Conference of Building Officials -----------...---. WATER FUND Puge~ Sound Power 0& Light ------------.----------....---- Tax ommiss:i.on of vJash. -------,---------------------- Pa.cific (Water vloY'ks Supply Go. -------:.- -----------.... Yelm Lmbr. & Hrdw. ----\---~----~-------------~------ Trimbles Hrdw. -------------------------------------- Penrisalt of Wash~ ~------------------~---~-------~--~ 'Auto Treight Depot, Ipc. ---------------------------- Brown Bros. Gar8.g~ ~----------.-/-------:..-----.~------....- STREET FUNP . P. S. Pwwer & L~ght -----~-------------------------~- Trimbles Hardware -----~--------~---~---------~--~~-- Dr & H Mobil Service ~~-~----~-~~-------~---~-------~~ . I 27.95 92. 00' 2~25' 20~60 '35.i~7 22. 90 ' 48~32 55.50 64;. QO . 82;22 10~40 1~~46 13. 52 #.2/00 . 2i28 10. L~l , 50~08 >4~92 6.36. . . GARll~GE.:FUND - I: D& H Mob~l Service --------------------------------- 13:09 . 'Pickett Dru.g' S:ore ----..:----:-------------------------- ", ~.71 Brought to the IJou-ncils attention at this time, by Ma~or Brown, 0 was the . fact that one qf the. ornamental trees lining' Yelm Ave. had been hi t ',by' a ca.r on Sa 1-:.., night, 'Feb. 6 and, damageo to the tree. was 0 consi de~able. A discussflon followed, with the Council deciding to have the tr.eee pruned and straightened withthe possibility of'saving yhe tree. The cost of~this work to be billed to the ~rty hitting the tree. Also, the possibilit~of having the entire grQup of trees lining Yelm ave. pr~ed, "was discus-sed. It was decided to turn this matter over to the, Street Gommi ttoee. ^> They are 0 to get in toUch wi th the Agric'U1ture 0 class 9f. Yeln1 High School to determine if they would agree to tnim these'trees. ['he ~tr.eet.oQ;GIr.Jhi ttee is to make a report as osoon as is convienant. Citizen<< Don Gould, at this time, informed the Cout}:'cil ,that the si te of his re~idence is constantly under water when. i;t< rains because' of the d.rainage of water fram the, streets neer him. The Council, informed Mr. Gould that there was little that c.auld be done"- to aver come thms .' ~~ablem because af Yelm tiot having a drainage system. Mr. Bud Birltland, resident of Yelm, asked to be heard at th1s time! 0 He stated that' the loase dog prablem is' again stanted'and that his 'shrubs ,.' flilio'Wt~r~ and lawn ar e being dis tro.yed' by the dogs. After some d!iscuss~an, tl1.e Council advised him to. make out$.n offici'alco.mpa.&int discribing the dogs, therefore making .it possible for the proper official to. pick them up and dispose oof 0 -them. ,I Mayor 'Brawn reported that an Frlqay, Feb. 12, 1960 a garbage truck will b demonstrated in the,Town of Ye1m by a firm from Seattle. The Council was asked to. be ~present if possible. 100 Also. reported by Mayor Brown was that aile' Army, group from Ft. Lewis will hav on d!splay in Yelm, onOSt., Feb. 13, army t~nks and guns that are being u~ed at the Ft. rar training. J ~ - .' ~'!During the opast mohth, the IVlayors af Yelm;Rainier, Bticoda and Tenino join~d togeather to. work toward getting the new Penal Institute the state is to build, site~ in ~this part of Thurstan Ca. Since this time, the . group af mayors have talked ofothe possibility oof continuing this Mayors Co...Oper'ati ve wi th the intent of joing forces to. perhaps bring in mare and large ~ommercial bU'siness into the district. Mayor Brawn stated that ~:4~,;, t the llilaybr from Rainier nad visited' him rec'entlY' and gave the' suggest,ion or each town contribtiting$15. 00' each to a' fimd to t8;ke ca:ie of ' the experises,encured in, their work toward this goal. {Jouncilman Curry made 'the motion that the Town of. Yelm pay thisi$15.00 if the other' ~hree, towns are going to do the same~, Tracy seconded this motion. ,Motion carri es. ' , . .' As the present, Town Marshal has now moved in'to T01..Jn, an, e7tensi on of the police phone will be installed in his home. A discussion was had on the possibillty, of, leaving the ,existing extens on in the home of Co. I officer Jim Land. Tracy made a motion to keep the phone in Land's home and Cowels seconded this motion., Ivlotion' c~rri~d.: r - Meeting adjornes. " .~Dj ; L,; The 'l!lotio'n was duly made and seconded to- -adjoun. Motion, c.arried. ..9/\ 1~4~ ~Geo. c. own . ' " ~A_< A'W~,iit~~ Clerk, Wanda . utter Marc,p. 10, :1.960 ". The regular meet,ing_of the Tc;nm .of Ye1rn'.Council was callea, to 'order by Bayor Brown,with Coyncilmen T~acy,~orton,and~Pickett present. - . . . . The - mdmutes 'of''' the previous meeting were' read and approved. Bills for the month.of FE>bruary were read"and on motion ,from Tracy and seconded by Norton, ,were orderedpa:i4 witl1. the exception of Sun- set agency for John~on & ~and Bpnds;. also E1Bobert Fristoe for balanc of retainer fee for calendar year 19.Bo corrected to adjust for ' improper credit taken in' January letO. these two are to be:, ques'- ti oned. ," ,r " , " , . o ..., ........... . Police.repor't given;a discussion followed on fives,&bailo Discussion on trash burning o1Lldinance was held as we do n,ot have any- thing at this time. It was suggested that the Clerk ask City Attorn-, ey to pres~nt a preliminary draft of a tr~sh burning ordinance. Milt Johnson requested a wet tapping machine. for the Water Dept,. ,when the finances'permits. ~ The street committee'peported that Yelm High School age Class will , prune the trees on Yelm Ave. for a nominal charge. They already' 0have ~one some~ of the prUning on the west end of Town. ~ A discussion was alson held on the drainage near Gould Residence. As it will take quit a bit of work x'oremedy this sIl1.tuation itwaB suggested that property owners con help aleviate the situation 'by installing crubs, 'te. Motion was -made by Morton to adjorn. . :':~~. . ~rt;/~~~t l.~te~ Seconded by Tracy. Motion carried. J<O} ~.. Mayor; Geo. c.- Bro~ " Marop. 8" 1960 Election was. held for the prupose of ele~~ing Mayor and two Concil men. The results were as follows; Mayor Brown 91 Councilmen; Kenneth NuselO Lyle r~~cJ 82 Ray Norten12 L.plarembeau 75 K. Hal sen 11 . Nate Henderson 1 . Ed. Broml 1 Maiyor Br:own was (1?:~~:.~@,,~t-~,g. ~:.::~iD:9.,~PJl:P,9(~1;m~nTTracy and L. Clarembeau were elected Counc,llmen l 0' 1>>); /~4: .t..J t:'1:'. ' April 13, 1960 '\ f The regular meeting of the Town of je1m Council wag called~ to order with MayorBrowin presiding, Councilmen Tracy, Pickett, Cowel$, Norton,~ '" Curry Present. ~ Minutes' of th~ previous meeting were read and app~oved... Bills for the ,month of'March were ,re~d and on motion by Tracy & seconded by Cowels were ordered'paid as follows: Curre~t Expens&j '~o. ":- f,:I 7 =". n .' ~ "J ... ,'it ~ ~ 0- Co ;- The Reginal Public Library.... e,. . ~ .".. . . .. . Thurston.Mason Health~Dept.............. Tri'mb1e ,Hardware........ ..,. .'. . .. . . .. . . . . . .,. . SUBset Ageney..... e,.. 0... e,... ........... .... .'0 Pr0s.Attorney.....,..0......................~~ Mrs. E. K. .'. F:v is t oe. .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . -'0 . . . .. .,.,. . Mrs,. Ed. !3rown....... 00. ....... .. ~...... ...". " !1rs. ,CassandpB... BrQwn. . .. .'. . . .... . . .6. . . . . . . . .'. Was h. St. ", Emp. See. .'. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' .'., . Dept.Of Int~Re~.........~.............~...~.~ StandardaOil.Go...........................~. D&H. Mobile . . . It . . .. . .' . . . . . .. . . . . e.. . . . . . . . e'. . . .... Mosman Agene y. . . . . . . . . . . .'..'.. .'.'. . . . . . . . ... . .,.... .Ye 1m Tele.. Co. ... . '... . ... .. ..' . . .: . . . .. . ... .'," ~ ,. e . .,. e " Pug e t So blnd ~ Power. & ~ L i gh t.. . . . . . .. . . . .'. .: . . .' e. . E.Robert Fristoe......................r...... Thurston Ct.Joint Civil Defen?e.,......... .. ~~'Q.~~ Wiat e r De pt. EXF> ens e c ' "") ;1 :;; . (' 4 ~ .-.:.. "'. . .... ~ .:. >,:, ::> ~ ~ St. Of, Wash.Emp. "'Servic.e...... .......... .6,. Dept. of.Internal Revenue.............~.... P enn'S al t "' C.b.em.. C 0rp. . . .' . . ~'. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ./iIuto Freight- Depot. . . . ~ .. e . e ~ ... ... . . .... ....: Tax Com.St.of Wash......................... Puget So1jnd Power & Light.... (> . . . . .. . . .0. . .: Dept. Of Labor &,Ind....o~................. (;. .... " '":l .... StreetcExpense" ~'n" .,'" '" ,:, C 0 ( '" . i' S t .~ Of . W ~ s h. E rop. . . 0 -. . . "'0. . .. ... . . . . I. . . . . . . Pac ific .' 'Sand & Grave 1. . . . . 0 . . ., . . . .' ~ . . . . . 0 . Ye 1m Lbr. & Hdw.......~................... Puget SoundcPower&~Light...~........e..... D 0 ~ . -, ept. r,,,abor-&.Ind...................... ;:; :;1 . ;;. ::" (' 9 ~ t". i,'t !;.; t,( '. ':; } 01- . $ 156.95 69..00 6.;08 10.00 4.,00 ' 12'..50 12.50 12.,50 78 ..08 127 .,,80 45..07 54.,15 31.,50 27.,35 51.,45 ':_11& ..10 51.,48- , 0' $ 52..,50 . 67.80 12'..00 21.28 60 .,66 119.60 :0 3..33 $ :::,16..50 13..8): 3~01 100.16 1ge~64 '0- '~:":""-'::;7C ~;....-,t}-:;::~.e;" Garbage~Expense., ~_, . L. Dept. of abor & Ind..................... 1.,33 Wanda Nutter............................. $ 8~32 I, "," Pi e' k e t t . Drug Co.... 0 . e'. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . 3 . 23 '", D&H. Mobile ~ervice...................... 13.13 St. of vlash. Empl.Service.~.~...\.........~ 22.50 Mr~. Sch~nover from the Pacific Pipe Coin Seattle ,was present. He sta' s'tated that the' cost of Watee'r1ine pipe ha's resen since he last .qn.oted a price to.,.:the Council. His first quote a few months ago was, $1.40 per foot for 6ft. Watermain. It is now $1.50 per foot. Milt Johnson, Wiater Supt., stated the Town is in need of approximately 2000 ft. of 6" and4tt p,ipe.' . " ~il~ur Bean and C. Cross rep~esentative fro~the V.F.W. ~equested use; of the City's roller streacher for,use in the V.F~W. Ambulance, as ,~there~ is out of us e at present.. ' Curry made a moti on to loan the streacher to the V.F.W. and Tracy seconded this motion. Motion Carried. I 0:. " Mr Oscar Swanson was present requesting a Building permit Form. He '.W$S given one to fill out and return to Clerk's Office. . Councilman Norton made a report on. the condition of the Stre~t of Yelm. Approximately three mile,s of street are in fairlt good shape, however there is about two miles of stre.et needing repair. Severa'1 corners are in bad condition, having the shoulders.torn down. A dis- cusssion followed on having the County repair these streets. The Street cow~ittee is to contact the County Road Dept to get an estimate of the cost. Also reported on by the Street Committee was the trimming of the trees liningYelm Ave; the work being done qy the High Scho'ol Age class. Asa whole the trees look ,nice, altho ther~ are two,9r three which were,missed. 2',4~. ' 5:~ ' - " , A disctission was h~d on the issusing of permit~ for teenage dances b~ing held i~ the Town. Main reason for tbe,permits is so there can be some policitlg 1--1hile dances are going on, there by st~mming any trouble which mmgfu\fi,ocqur. Some of the Town officials w~ll talk with the School,off.icials and, the Marshal t,o get 'their opinion an what they'would'like to see,done about this'matter. { , 'A s'hort' discussion was had on the pending Agreement between the Town ofYelm and-Thurston County Fire Dist. #2: There is one paragraph I' ,it:l i:~,r?:e Agreem~p.t which the Fire, Dist. objects to. it be:Lng :~he one,' " : ~~'W~:ttlfng, the:: Fi,re 'District is to' keep and, maintaIn the Fire Hall to .0.f.:rgil;1fe all necessary-repairs... " It. was agreed by the Towne ouncil that : ...,t',nis paragraph q'anQ be, stricken.: , ,- ' ,_', ~ Q. ;. .. . ~ " :- C (.:. G .!) :::; .- .... r~' Att~orneydIBobi.),Fris.to'-e'-{iwaS.flpre8_etl.fue~pd presented to the Council a draft of -a Fire BurningoOrdinanc,e." However the Ordinance didn 1 t state any rules governing ~types,o of burn,ers to be used. Mr. 'Fristoe' will re",ri te, the~ Ordinanoe and~, haYf).it ready for the next Counc~l meeting. : ' - ' , Wanda Nutter, Town Clerk handed in her ,resignation to' become effective April 30, 1960. Mayor Brown stated that Elizabeth, M. Jones had-been ap-poi~ted to take her place. M0tion made and. seconded to adjourn. ~J ~ ~0'u/)'1 '. J'1'ayor George C. Brown C 1 e r k" Wanda N. - rN-u tt,e:r O'v.',...."'O,~_"'. ",I .... ~. r, ,"' ~ ~~j ~," . - ~ r. ~ I Z'4 ti~ May 11" 1960 ~: -n'if: The regular meeting or the Town of Yelm CoUncil was called to ' orde'r with Mayor 'Brown pre~iding, Councilmen Curry,Pickett, Tra,cy Cowles and Norton present~ " _ " Minutes of the. previous meeting were. read and 'approved. v, ,Bills for the month of April were read and on motion from Curry and s~conded by Cowles were ordered paid as follows;- CURRENT EXPENSE ,; Puget Sound Power & Light ........ W'olf 1 s Shopri te . . . . . . . . . .'. e . . . . . Yelm Telephone.................... Ye 1m' Gar ag e . ~.. ~ . e. . 0... . .e.. .,. . . . . . . . ., Standard Oil Co.' ........................ Brown' Bros. Garage,.. e. .. ... ..... . .:. ,Pickett Drug Store........ .'.'... e... Tremble's Hardware................ Nisqualiy Valley, News...... . . ... .'. $ 2'5054 3.91 (31.,:55 64...77 43.86 3~12' 2.,40 7..23 2'1.,79 o . Wat er Puget Sound Power & Light.~........ $ 66.05 Tacoma Rainier Auto Freight........ 2'.:2'8 oPioneerBwriness Forms........... .'. .3r'fil 76 t.. Street Puget Sound p'ower &; Light.........:. $ 53.,6J Br oWn B r 0 s. Gara g e ... II II . . . . . . .. . . . . 1. 28 Trimble's Hardware ................ 5.36 Garbage, Yelm Lumber & Haraware ............ , Br own. B r 0 s. Gar ag e . . . . . . . . . . . e,. . . . . Yelm Garage.....:.........:........J $ 7.32 12.,62 12.43 O' Larry Bullis and George Coulter from the Moose Lodge were pr~sent to di~cuss Teenage Dances t~et they 'hope to hold in the future. 'They are planning to organize a Teenage Club which will have a memb~rship fee. This Club. will hold their own dances and be open to members only. They ask permission to hold such. ? After siscussion the Council decided to talk to the Cit~ Attoraey and let the Moose Lodge know at a later date if their plans are } approved. A short discussion.was held on the paying ~f the Yelm High" Schoo=!- Agricul ture class. for prunnin'g the Hawthorne trees on Yelm Ave. The Council decideq..to leave it up to Councilman Nort.on to contact them as to the price for the work. M~yor Brown stated that the Civilian Defense would .furnish Town of-Yelm with a 3000Watt Portable Light Plant if we wlould provide a 250 gal Storage tank..A discussion followed it was suggested we investigat~. as to what our cQst would be tefore a decision would be made. Mr~ Shef~ield was present to discuss a Cabaret but decided. to wait for awhile fefore presenting the Council ~ith ~plans. n- Judge J.T. Sparks' handed in his resignation to become effective" ~ May 31, 1960. Judge Sparks recommened that we appoint Councilman ~ Tracy to fil~ his unexpired term. Mayor Brown duly appointed Lyle Tracy to ~ulrill the un- expired term of Judge Sparks. Curry moved to adjourn Meeting adjourned. /~ ~ ~~U?A~ ~ Mayor Geo. C . ,Brown . Cowles seconded the motion . t~~JJ;~ El~zabeth,k. Jones Clerk . '.'1-.",;' , ' -"1' i ' .~ ,I June 8, 1960' J247.:t ~he regular me'eting of' the Town of Xelm Council was called to order with Mayor'Brown'presiding, Councilmen Curry, Pickett, Tracy ~owles and Clarambe'au present. . Minutes of the previous' meeting were read and approved. Bill f'or the month of May were read and on motion f'rom Cur~y an~ seconded by Pick~tt were ordered paid as f'allows. CURRENT EXPENSE' , . Thurston IvIason Co. Heatl th Dapt ~ . .. . . .. . . . . .$ Standard Oil COOl.............'............. South Puge,t SoUnd P're@ional Library....... n Yelm <Fixi.t -Shop. .'.. .'.. ~ Oo.. ..... .,.... .....-.. .'. Trimb.le 's HRrdware .'0 . . ... . it . . . . . . .. '. . . . . Oo. Rosa.no Elec t,ric C,o .'. .'. ..,. ..'.... . . . Oo. . . . . . . Pugeh ,Souhd!, P.ow;er & Light Co............... ~ Ye 1m ,T e 1 e p'ho ne . . Co. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . Yelm'Lumber & Hardware...,.,..... e,Go.....~. ~.... Pioneer Buxiness Form.........."............ Pi cket t Drug St ore. .. . . <> .. . . . . " . . . . . . . . .. 0 ~ . . Brown Bros. Garage.................. 4. .. . . . . . Mosman Agency.. .'Oo .'.'.,., . . . ,. . .. . . . .. . '. . .,'. . . .,. . \ 69.00 , 30.. 2-:2' JL.$.p~955 7.2'8 6..9-9. 9..07 ' . '25.,82 '29.2":0 : "6.65 13.49' 1..02 49 e' 55 10 e. 00 . Water I Puget Sound~Power 8: Light ...........0...'$ 56.64 Street Pa~ific Sand & Grave1..........~...o.~~..$ 17.11 Puget S011nd Power & Light ............4> 4>. . 55.,15 Trimble f'S -Hardware.......... 4>...........0... 6..,60 - -:' ~ ,- ~ .. l' . Garbage . . ... ,',0 < , ." <, ., ,. . B'ert, Cole Com. Public Lands..... '. ... . . . .. .. $ 24.80 Thurston County Raad Dist. e e............ _ _. 251.,19 Karen Morris'a representative for Girls State was present. She ask ~bout 'the problems of our City. Miss Morris was told money was the main item tbat, stopped COlTLmunity development. Councilmen a!so added other problems confronting' the group. She will use the material for. Girls State Meeting at, Ellensburg. It discussion was held on cleaning the water tank an estimate of ,$1300.00 had been given to Mayor Brqwn. The Council decided to let it rest until more f'und-s. we,re -available f,or the'work. . Mr. Lawton was present, -Rnd,.;a.sk. ahout. the wa ter 'm~ins near his 'home. The, council" decided to .make a temporary ,extension to serve him until more funds are avai,lable f-.or, <ahigger main. Mayor Brown aippointed George Cowles and I"1erle- Curry to the Water Commi ttee to see if Something c'ould be worked OU.t for'~.new water mains~. , l Councilman Tracy handed in his resignation to become eff'ective June 15, 1960. Curry moved to adjourn Pickett seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned. .. Jk~0vt.dWY\. . Nayor Geo.C. Brown' ~~?;;.~ Clerk, izabethL)f_ Jones r , :l4t3i:" Jul.y ]3" 1960 The regula.r meeting of the Town of"Yelm Council was called to order r 'with Mayor Brown presiding, Councilmen. Cowles, Ctarembeau, Pickett and Curry were present. and Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ~pproved. Bills for the month of June were read and on a motion from Curry seconded by Cowle~ were ordered paid as follows: CURRENT Reliable Welding Works. . .. . ... .... . . .,$ 45.66 Pros e'c,u-t,j;ng -A"t:t,onne"y~ oTrhu,r,s~."C,t.. . . . . . 5 ..00 .:J Cha.s Hillman A uto Electric.. . .. . .. . . . ' 2.08 " Wash.,s.t,a,t.e, "Em.p,.Se,c,.~ J)e,pt............... '81.,90 'Oept." -Of'c "I"ntFenn-a-l~ Be.vanue........... ~ 1!~2.38 Ye 1m .Te.le.phone, "'C,o...."...."...."'. . .~. .. . . . . . .' 18..10 Puget- Sound oRower&Light.. .. . . . . . I> . .... 27.,37 Brown Bros~ Ganage~~~~~.,~~......... 37~29 C & K Service...,......................... 46.68 Pibne.er"Business Fb~ms............. 4.91 Dept. ,o.f LabGr & .Ind.... . . . . . . . . . . .. . 13.42) Wolf's Dept.-Store................... 11..74- Ray G ,.' , G @ 0d .' .' . 0' . . .. . ., ., 0, .r. ...}.~.,.. . . . . . . I.. 04 :0', ,'~ " ;~ ~ .;' " .. WA\TER _ Tax Com State ofWash:.........~...$ Pennsalt Chern Corp...~........o..o. H.D. Fowler Co. Inc................ , Yelm b~mber & Haw.Co............... " Wa$h. State~Emp'. Sec.Dept.......... Burea u . 01',;. In t. .~ 'Be v. . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . Tr i rob 1 e f s H.dw............".......o.. Yelm' Tele.Co. . . . . .. . .... . . . .. . ~ .. . . Puget Sound" Power & L'_ght........". Ta60ma Rainier Auto Freight......... De pt. D'f Lab 0 r & In d" . . " . '" " . . . . . . . . PBlcif'ic Water Works Supply....."... 31., 1 7 IF.OO 348.44 76.50 52.50 130.40 '.2.26 6.25 77.,02) 2.50 13.12 142 · 4!~ " .O'c- : I L. ~ STREET Puget Sound ~bwer & Light........~.$ 55.15 Wash.State Ernp. Sec.. .Dept.....,~..... 16.So Dept. of Labor & Ind...............6.i7 I . ; ! GARBAGE Wash.State Empl.Sec. Dept..........$ De P:t . 0 f, La b 0 r & I nd. . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . C & K Ser~ice............~.o....... Brow..n Br os. Gar age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. H.D. Baker Co...................... 2'8.50 . 7.08 22..00 .11.58 20..28 The Treasure's Report was read and approved. Mayor Brown opened the nomination for Councilman to fill the unexpired term of Councilman Tracy. Councilman Curry nominated Roger Eide Pickett seconded the monination, Cowles moved nomination be closed Clarenbeau seconded. ~he motimn. The motion carried' unanimously. ' Roger Eide was then sworn into office. ,Paul Turner appeared to ask for a solution to the low water --- --..pressure. at his residence .After mU.ch discussion the Council decided to'-wal~t"::-:and ask Att. F:r>istoe what could be done as the Town has no funds aval1able at the present for the needed repaIrs. Mr. Lawton was al~~ present with the ~ame problem. Mr. Heald of P'i ttsburg Tank & Tower Co was pres~nt to explain the cleaning 'of the water tank. He gave an estimate of $1,328.00 for Scaling and cleaning or the tank ..After much discussion the Council decided to investigate into the matter further berore taking any action. .... '.,O"~',' , . . . .i. Attorney Fristoe was present and some questions were discussed. Res.olution 93 drawn up by:/A'ttorney Fristoe was read and on motion duly made and seconded was passed unamio~sly. '~I'~-" , : ~ r' Ii '~" .,1 l ,'. . ( , , . ':~. :;;;.;,,~,f' ' "I.. '.' , , 'I 240~ , ~.Urd The Council approved the, Eurchase. of a used Huber' Tractor From Thurston County at a-' price of $600.00 ' 'Chrry moved to' adjourn Clarembeau seconded. . , ,\ . 1 Meeting ,adjourned. :; ~u)~ JWY\ MAYO GE~.E. oWN ~Ad~ 71;~:--. 'Eli~a:beth M. %nes, Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 93 ~N'ORDINANCE Providing for an emergency appropiation to the Capital Expenditure Account of the Street Fund and declaring an emerg~ncy. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN OF YELM:" , Whereas, The Counell 0:4 the Town' of YelirY has determined that funds appropriated to the Capital Expenditure Account of the ~Street Fund are inadequate by reason of the fact that. it has become necessary to a<<quire additioni!l equipment to properly maintain the streets of the Town of 'Yelm for the safety of the 'peop~e of the Town of Yelm, ~nd Whereas, the Council of the Town or Yelm has determined th~t it can avoid certain expenses w~ich it anticipated would be .incurred f6r rentals of equipment by the acquistion of 'equipment through capital outlay to the County ,of Thurston, it $ppearing that such.equipment will not oe available at the r~asoriable price at which the. sa~e Qanbe acq~i~ed from the County of Thurston, at this time. NOW THEREFOR:g:, . BE Ifr ORDAINED 'BY THE COUNCIL OF THE. TOWN OF YELM"~ STATE OF IN.ASHINGTON In Council assembled., a;~ follows;~ > Section 1, That there be and. there is h~reby approp.ria ted to ~apita1 Expenditure Account of the Street Flli~d'of the\Town of Yelm the sum of, $400.00 as an emergency appropriation. ' Section ~,: That "'an emergency exists to provide for the-- preservation of safety 'and welfare of the Town of Yelm, and ({)hat this ordtnance shall 'be effective immediatly upon adoption and publication in the official newspaper of the Town <Sf Yelm. . ADOPTED by the unanimous vote of the Council. t3t3 the Town of Yelmthis 13th day of July, .1960. y{ U~iV\;'(hA~V\ F1ayor of Town of- Yel \. Attest: , ..J Published in Bisqually Vall~y News July 21, 1960 It\ ,'. The following Commi ttee appointments w'ere made by the Nayor; .A:'udi t &: Finance Pickett Clarembeau Curry 'Streets & Alleys Bagger Eide Eq Pickett Wa.ter & Garbage , Curry Cowles . Clarembeau ,t'. , .11"\ ," ': ~ \ r ~ ~. t""". " ~ ' '. (. ',i, ...JI.'k'"'i.t :~ . I; . .~:;\ '.' ~ '~~"'j:;,:"'l' ~I:f I'!. . . t",.~~,J, {~ .71,' ('~ ''; 1. AUG'UST 10, 1960 M8iyor -Brown called the reglilar' meeting of the Council of the. (if the. Tow'n of Yelm to orderCouncilmen Curry, Pickett, Clarembeau . an.d- Eide :"w.,epe present.. ."Minute-s . of 'the- p.:r'evioils meeting were read '$ond approved. '. ,.:' ,!: '"f ~ . . . The tr-ea~ure' s' ~t'eI?ort was presented,. also the Marshal" s . monthly,,':.~ep<ort.... . . . :.'The 'follo.wing "bil~ls' were:.read and "on .a' moti-on made .by' Curry and secondErdby Pickett 'and. ~ unanimous' vote were ord.ered paid. " ,~.".,....,..~ Cur'rent.. Expens.eo....'. ,........ . << ~ .. ~ 'I .. . .. . . ,. - I: Ii ". .. 40 '5l # J" . Trimbl.e"'s' 'Ha:r'dwacr'e'.'.~.~...'.'...'.". !..~..,... . .,$ 1.volf"s~' :Dep't..' 'S.t'o'r'e~.-........ ...... ~ ....... D' & :Fl:~..M.obt.le. .>......~.....'.~o........'~...3. .........~.. Brown 'Bro's'.' ~Ga:'ra.ge':...~...:...o.......~;..',; ........ R'osano' 'E'le'ct'r"i~c~ 'C'd.'.........'....~........... Nl s q ueJJ:ry 'V'a:l"l'e'y" 'N'e1':rs.. ~~ o. - . ~ ." .;> ';' ." ~'~. . . Il.. .. Y"elm .T.e'l.e:p.h.o.h.e.."'...c....".o....... .'...-. ~........ Puget'S'olirid cPovie'r' '& "Dtg'ht.'. .. . . .; . . . . ., Trimbre "s' .Ha'rawa.r'e'.'.....-............... . Thurs t:ori 'C'd1in'ty' -Res'e"rv'es . .' ... . .. . . . ..'. . . Wa.ter Expense 't; 'Badger Me'te'r Go .'. . .' ...... . . . . . . . . . . .. ..$ P'uget 'Soun<;l 'Power & 'Light Co;. .'. . . . Fennsalt Clie'm.' CdrI5.'~......... ~.. ... . . Yelm Lumber &. 'Hardware Co........... T.rimble "s . Hardware. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . Pickett Dr~g Store...~..........~~... .,', .'. . , ..;-,~ ) ~arbaJge !und ' Elizabeth M. Jones ~ . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . D. & H Mobile...... ............ !.:..,.'.'..!. Ye 1m Te1: eph 6 ri e .. ; ,.: : : .- ; .. . .. . . : .,. . .... . .. . ~':)~"r:,'t'~... -'::~''f' , 't". . j . Street Fund. ..' ,;....,... ,,;::- c:t 1'," ",... 'I"" Q' I" . Puget Sound Power & Light Co..... .'. D & H. Mobile .............,;.~..... Brown Bros. Garage................ ,0 .. . . h. C) 8 j~25 . 96.;08. 2:.91 109.81 . 6.77 l8~50 21..79 i 3..06 35.00 . 25. 60 86.88 24..00 11.93 9.32 2.77. 8.00 17 . 06 13.-20 55:..51 2.69 22.59 Art 'Trimble, . Nate Henderson were. present t'o introduce ,,~neWFire District Commissioners' Bill Moseman and \-Jarren Simmons.. ~hey outlined the need for a new fire truck for this district and -<' ask the Council. for' assistance. . .The Town' 'Co;lnci.l . agreed' that we ~c'-":need.. the p'rotection and will' a'sk for Bl l~ Ir).i.ll levy the same as in ,: the District. t. :'f'/;'" . j '\ . :,~', '; . Attorney Fristoe was present and stated he would 'draw up~n agreement providing for aJpproval between the.Fire District and . ';.Town ,of Yelm. . . ,// , ~~~ The Council agreed to clean and ,paint the water tank.' After much discussion a moti6n 'was .made to award ~he job to the Am~ricai1'.PaintihgCo of Tacoma, Motion carried. , .;: i . . . . . .' MaiY9r Brown stat.ed that we would have to 'borrow from ~he . 'Garp.S)g~ FUnd .to complete the work being done in the .~ater lJept. ..... :It :was agreeg.:that Attorney Fri'stoe.,drawuT) a resolution to ,borro~ $2500.00 from the '@arbag~ Fund to be used in .the Water <,bept.:' .'. . . '. , . . . ,"~ls 0 discussed was the problem of dogs. The Council decided :'probably yhe only solution woul~ be to buil,g....8. dog'. pound . N~ action ,.was': ~aken.. '. ..,- <Pic~ett.. moved:,; to adjourhlClarembeau seconded. Meeting adjourned. ~ ,. ": j}?I.J~ ~\."Il. }1, :('.'~ . '-:;;1 , . . rj,. ,:-.A:i }; _-., . ..(.-<-.rf... . . (I~ . ~i:tzaboth M." Jono-3", Clerk .:.. r"., . if) 'Y /J(A .' . ..~/~elAA .;dA h~j\/1 . Mayor .lieo. C.' BroJrn '. 't '~'. '. . " ""~ .z' Septemb'er 14, 1960 ., The regular meetin of the CoUncil of the' Town' of 'Yelm" was' called . .to order by Mayor Brown with Councilmen C1arembeau, Cowles, Pickett and Eidepresent. . The . minutes of the pr~vio~s. ~e~ting" wer,e.. :r~a?- ar:d :approv~?-... . . The .Tr~asure's monthl~ report ~as pre~ented also. the ~arsh~l~. . . The f'ollo~Iirig bills' were" read' an~d' on".a motion from Clarembeau 'and seconded by Cowle$ were ordered paid as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE . Yelm Lumber & Hard'\,nJ'are..................$ Mr s. E . K .. F ri s.t 0 e.. . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . Yetm Telephone Co..........;.... ~ ~.~.. . ... Puget Sound 'P:owe"r" '&" 'tIght'. ~ . ~ . . .. .. ~ . . ~ D& H Mobima Servfc"e~.~c~~~~~~.~~~~~....... W'-olf t S 'Shop:ift'e'. ~ ~~"~ .:~.~ ". ~.~.~ >~~~ .'~ ~ .. . . .. .. .. . . Regional 'Library ..'.":/~". .. ..... ... .. . .. . . .. . IVIos,eman ;:!',gency.. .o..':.'.'/~";'.'~ ~ ~;..... 0).. .. B r o}Nn B r os. Gar ag e . . · : ~ '~' ~ ~ ~,~ ~. ~ ~. ~ . ~ ~ . .. . ~ . Br6vinBros Garage.':.~.'.~..~ :~~~~~.~ ~ ~.. ~...... P i one e r Bus: fn e ss 'F or ms . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~. . . ~ . . . . . Thurston 'rlason :t1e"ail.th...."......... .," " .. '12.44 . .9..57 ,17 ~,80 24~, 89 .5 8 ~, 11 5.,30 156.,95 2'8.,00 ~ojO:5 9~,36 19.88 69.00 ,[ WATER FUND Y?lm LUmber & Hardware'............... . .. . " . . $2'11. 89 Tac.oma 'Bainier Auto Freight..~.......... 5.00' vlarren Simons~ ..O.C'..O .'.'.<.O.~. :':<;:~: ~ ~.......... lO~,OO puget Sound Power & Light...... ,,'. "...".. 84.~" West'ern Utili ties~ ~8C 'Supply Co. .'.. ..... ... .. . . 74..87 I -, Ji. STREET 'FUND Tri,mble's Hardware.';.o 0 . . . .. . ~ . . .. . .... ;. ~'. $ Fuget Sound Power & Light.' Co. .;. . . . . . . . . . Brown Bros.Garage..~...~................ 4.59 .5.5 .' '15 2'6 .91 GA:-RB'fllGE FlJ11D - "~: ~ Yelm Tele~hone c.6:~.::...~.::;:.........$ BrOt~n Bros Garage.' .'~O: ~'o ~ :'. .'::.. ~. ..." ..' Yelm G~~age................;........... 9.: 35 3.,64 48.,67 ":O'.~'\.'.'\ , lli:;' ! ' ~ .' The re~ainderof the meeting w~s spent indiscu~s'ing the Budget for the coming year; ~Wdrk ort it was not completed and Sj. Mo'tlon was' duly made and carried unanimously to recess until' September 19,1960.. Septeinber 19,.. 1960 The meeting was resumed with Mayor Brown, Councilmen Pickett, Curry~Eide.ahd Cowles pr~sent. The Prelimary Budget was completed and on a motion Erom Councilman Curry that this Budget be presente.s. to the. taxpayers .. Pickett seconded the motion and it carried. 'ate of the hearing' was set for Oct..)', 1960. . October 3, 1960: 'A special meeting' for hearing of the proposed Budget_was called ..by Mayor Brown. Present were Councilman' Pickett, Curry, Eide and C .Cowles. "0;'," ,.~ ,\ ,....."". Curry moved that as there were no' protest on the proposed '. Budget that the same be adopted as published. Picke~t seconded it end the motion carried. Meeting adjourned~ . . .J&,t.~ Ht':t.)'u.L" Geu. G. B.L"uwn . t k~JftJ;~ Elizabeth M. Jones, Clerk. .....'1', ~'. ~~ . ~ . ';'1""'.' " , ; I, TOWN OF YELM BUDGET FOR 1961 ESTIMATED RE~ENuES'. 'fOF( i9'6)_~ > , .. 'Current Expense Fund.., ," .' . '. , Tax'es,( 15 Mills) ~ ... .,.... ...,... .0.... ......... $ . L ice n s e s . ~ . . . ~ 0 ,. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . · . · · .:. Liquor- Hevenu~. . . . . .,. . . . .. .. . . ..0. . . . . :" . .,. · Motor.; Vehicle Ex. Tax.. . . . . . ..0 ... . . . . . . . . ,. Liquo;r' Excise. Tax. . . .~. . ..... .,. .. ct .. . . . .. · P61ice Court Fihes..~.........o...~..o.... Fire Hall Rental. .'.~.. .'. ". <... ..:..... .0 .. ~. Building Permit Fees................~... . Ba 1 anc e. 'on ' Hand. . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . ~ · · TOTAL '3 5,079.18 . 500.00 2,,296.17 1,261.49 823.26 1,.000.00 .1,015.84 . 50 '-00 2,'039.90 $14,065.84 'W'a:.t er Fund. Consumer Collecti.or.;s...... 0 '......'. .,0. ..... ".$ 9,800.00 '" " ..:. - -.. ~. - : - Hook",:"UpCharges... ....,.,.. OJ,........ .,. ,.... .,.... e.. . . 100.00 Balance on Hand,... .... .,.....0.,.0"..0... _..... 2,2~_0.00 ., 'T"o'TAL,<:." ,.~ " . 0' $1"2,140.00 Str~etFund, .' Motor Vehicle Fund. ...~.t.=.... ...-. ;.'.. .. ... .'.. $ '1,918.12 Justi,ce Dourt Fines. e.......... .... ~..... 1,000.00 Balance on Hand.......o.......,...._.o.o..~.......~ 1,500.00" TOTAL . $ 4,41b..12 , , . Garbage Fund Consumer Collections........ ..........0.;..$ 2',800.00 Balance on Hand......eo.....o............. 3,600.00 TOTAL . .$ 6~400~OO . ,. ., : - ~ . ~.. ... :; Bond Redemption ,Fund , ~: ~ . . . .. ,,' . . Transfer from Water Fund. ~ . . ... . . . . . . . . . . $ 2!,~640. 00 B a 1 an ceo n H sri d. . . . .' ~ . . .' ." '-.'. .- . . . . . '. .. . .. .. . 1" 857 .. 43' . ~ /11" ,. ~ ., -: ,:) " . 1.,. ... "'" " $ 4,,497.43 . .1 , 'TOTAL ..... ,v .:..:a).~."':: j,. ~ Bond Rese~ve Investment'Fund . Reser've' on Hand~..-.'''': .-..' "."~'.'.'.'::..-. ........ $ 6,,044..13 . TOTAL $_ 6, 04L~.. 13 ..... - ~.. ~ () . (: '-: TOTAL ESTI.MATED.'REVENUES ~ ~ .. . .-.._ ~. . . ".,. . .... . . $47,.565.,52 ESTIMATED EXPElrDITUR:gS 'POR -1961.' ;> -. .... "':" -;.;' Current EXpense Fund' . ~,.-. C'lerk Salary....... ~ 0 e' .... e...-.-.c. .- : : .-.".'. .-.. . . ~~ ~ - ."", ---..("-C~"'...-.~....~....~~..-lt' Clerk Xpense.......o.............o...~. C 1 e rk Rei i e f . . . . . .- .. . . . . ~ ~' . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . " S . Attorney a1ary & Expense...... ~ . ... . .,_. Mayor & Council Expense......o.........~. Surety Bonds............................ Mun~cipail Judge Salary .0 .. . . . .... . . . . . . . Municipal. Judge -Expense.' ::.: ~ ~........ .. Regfstra ti on & Elections.-..........-.: 0'... . . Publishing & Advertiiming....... ...... . . . . . Sta te Aludi tor. . ... . . It . . . . . . . .'. . .'. . .. . . .. . . As s oc. 0 f Was h. C i tie s . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . Med: Ai d & I rid .- 'r ne : . . . 0 . .. . . . . . ... . _ . . . . S oc ia 1 See ur i ty.. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .'. . ~ . . . . . Town Ha~l Expense...................... He a 1 th S e rv ice. . . . . . It . .. . . . ... . . . . . . .. ~ .. . . L i b~ ar y. . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . . . .. . . . . .' .. . . . .. . . . . . Civi1 Defense....... ~. .................. . 300..00 - 50 .,00 .. '100.,00 - 350.,00..... 200.,ob .' 101.50 600 ..00 ~ 50.00 2:50 00 300.,00 . 378.,60 33.,.90 135.00 "'" 160.50 1000.00 '276.-00 677.22) 76.48 4}, Current Expense Continued Park Expense.... ~ . . . . . . . . . .'. . .'. . ~ . . . . . . . $ . . General' Insuranc.e.. . ~'.. . . . . .'. '. . .. . . . .. . e' . . Marshal Sal~rY.D...;."..o."o..~.......". Ma r s ha 1 E xp ens e. .'. . .." . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . . Deputy Marshal.S.alaries....... . .. . .... .... . ... .. tJail Expense... ~.. Q.. "'0 C.'. o'e'o. ...;o~...".O..j..,... .... ..... Police.1)j)ept Capito'le Outole:Ye ....~.~.."e".~.<>o;;. ........ .Street Lights~.....o~~~~~~~.~~.~~~~~~~~~.~. Building Conf.: .Ass;oc~..o.o...~.".. ..o'.'o..~o.. ~...... Dog ",P'olll1d Expen~'e'.)....oo..".o.o.'...,..'. .0.....0.".'......... Fire'. Proctection. ,0 ......o..".o..~o..r.-."..o.o.<>.."............ ... " Bldg. Inspector Fund'..~....o..e O~II ...".Oo~.'..o .>..... . Oq4.0Qt.t:--,: O,"ll'OQ-... ... 0' J]:1,O'1':AL, " , " <> . <> " .. c vIa.ter Fund Sup t .. S' a 1 a r'y.. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .. . . D . . .. . ~ . $ ClerIc Salary.'. '...'. ..;>..".O........"O'.....'.~O~..D .....0......... Offic'e' Expense..<>..,.~o.,o....~...'.;.."...'~:.'.."..o..~". .-.e..... Repai'r & Suppihies ..'."...........<..". ~"'oc.'."..o.... 0....... La b or . .~ . . '. . . . . . .'. . . .. . ... . 0 . . . . . 0 .... . . . .' e . . . Truck' 'Expens e. . . .. . ~ . .. . . ~ . . . . . . .. e . . . .. .. . . .. piow'er --& Light.............. 0....... ~.......... Capitol Outlay.........o.o......o.o..~..oo. Social ,Sec'\.J.i>ity.'. .-.C.Oo'.."oO.".. .'0".".0..0....... ~... .Med. Aid .& .In.d. 'Ins.'. ........... ........ .".'............. Uti 1 it Y T a x 0 . .,0 .'. .'.'. <> .. ~ . · . ' . " .. - . ". . . " . " . <> .0 .. 0 . 0 0 . . .. . . . Publishing' & Advertls lng. . . . . . .. . 0 .. '.. . .. 0 Bond Redemption Transfer................... General Insurance... 0 .. . . .0 0'. 0 .. .. . . .. .. 0 . . . .. ., , 'T'OT'kL- 66,v.OOl"JO....-"",.....Q"l Street Fund . Sup t .. .. Salary ~ . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .- . .. . .. . $ Labor, Repair & Mattl.~.o.......o.~..... Rertt~l of ~quipment.....oo.oo~..o........ Truck, .Expense.'..... .'0'';'" .'. ~ .-'. .'.......... e.., 'Capit'ol Outlay.,'. ..o<>."."o..o".~..,,".:...".~....o.<>.".'.o.-. .'.'.0 Med. .Aid & In6.o.Ins............o....o.... S 0 cia' 1 S e c ur i t Yo. .'. . . .. . . e . . . . . . .. I> ... . . .. . S t r e e t C 1 e an i ng. . 0 . . .. 0 . .. .. .. '0 .'. . .. . .. . . ..: . . General' Insurance............. .>.... .'e........ TOTAL Garbage Fund. . . Dispos.al Salry......................... 0 . . . .. $. Relief; Disp ..Salary.. . 0 ~ .. 0 . 0 .. . .' 0 . . . . . .- . . . Clerk alary...... '0..............0. 0'.0".. . Office Expense... ~ . . ..-. . .. .. e' .'. ..... . .. .. .. . .'0 Truck Expense. "'0 . .. e . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. Garbage IDump Expense.....o.e..o....e...... General' Tns.urance. . .. . ~ 0 . e.. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . CapitblOutlay...~...oo..o.o..o...o....... Social S,ecurity.. ..;.~:-.6..o.".c.c.C...O:.b."'.O.". .'.,;. (.. . . Mad. Aid. & Ind. Ins. ..~~~..o.. .":00.":.0...-'...... . TOTAL 150.00 , 75.00 4,.200. oo~ 1,500.00 600..00....-" 50.,00 900.,00 616.,80 44.00 50.00 1,,015.84 50.00. $lL~, 065.13'4 '0-": . . j 2,2.00. 00;:---- 1,300.,00 350..00 850.00 15'0.00"'-- . 75.00 690.,00 . . 3,205.00~ 105'. 00 60.00 350.00 . 50.00~ 2,640.00. . 115..00 $12,140~OO 500~, 00 /" 500.00 ---- 200 .~OO 200.,00 2, .516.12 ---- .20..00 27 .,00 300..00 155.,00 .' $ 4,418~, 12' 0' 1,;000.00 . '150.,00 500..00 150'..00 300.,00 500.,00 115..00 4,;.055.00. 50. 00 30..00 $ 6.,400.00 Bond Rede~ption Current Bond Redemptionlo.e.... o~.........$ 2,,640.,00 B a 1 an ceo n H an d. . " . . ." ; : '; . . . .' .. . '.. . . . . . 0 . 1,,857 . 43 ....,0 . , TOTAL.' '. $ 4,.497 ..43 Bond Reserve Investment'Fundo,> Reserve for Bond Redemptiono... ~... .......$ 6,,044..13' -T0TAL. TOTAtESTIMATED EXPENDITURES "1961 ., <> · ~ $ 6,044..13 $47',565.,52: . .5'.. . October 12,. 1960 . The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called t.O order by Mayor Brown with Councilmen Cu,rr;r, Pickett, Cowles and Eide present. The miriute~' of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Treasure's monthly report was present~d also the Marshals. . The following bills' were read and on a motion from CJwry and 'seconded by Pickett were ordered paid as follows: C~r.ent Expense .. Employment Securi ty Dept.............. ~;$ Trtmble IS Hardware...................... Yelm Garage............................ N is qua 11 y V a.ll ey New s . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . Th ur s . C 0 un t y Pr 0 S . Ii t t. . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. Bureau of Int..Revenue................. J... Dept. of Labor & I d...................... Social Security Dept..........o~........ Puget So~nd Powe~ & Light...~...~..~... Daniel's Com. Service................... Frank Turner........................... Ye 1 rri . Tel e. Co..... '. . . . .' . ...'... . . . ~ . .. .. . . . . Standard Oi~Co.........................~. . . .83 3.15 47.80.' 2:7 . 30 .4.00 127.\80 13.99 . 79..64 29..'85 . 47.29 . 6.24 20.30 '96.. 26 I Wa:.ter Fund . . . . Trimble's Hardware.:..................... $' 15.:91 .Bureau of Internal Rev................. 161.,70'" . Western Utilities......~..............~... 194.,85 Dept. of Labor & Ind...................... . 12;. 83 S'ocila Security Dept........................ 5'3..93 '11 ax C omrni s.s ion. .. . . . <<I . .. .'. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .." 119 .14 Puget Sound Power & Light............. .'. 68.,32 Frank Turnei..............~.........~.. 49~92 Yelm Lumber & Hdw.....~................ 20.63 Earth Tra~srer Go.~...........~.~........ .7.30 I: . Street. Fund Trimble's Hardware. ~ . . . .. . Cl ... 0 .. .. . .'. . . . . $ 7 . 17 Road Dist. #1................................ 468..,08 Pa6ific,Sand & Gravel................... 14.92 Dept of Labor & Ind..................... 6..00' Br own Br'os.. Garage........................ 47. 8.4, Social Security......................... 15.00 . Puget Sound Power & Light.. ... ~.. ~'. . . .'. .. 55.~15 Ga~b~ge Fund Pi'ckett Drug Store........:...............$ Dept of Labor & Ind.................... Socii1h$ Security......... .... ......... ..... .'. Ye I.m Tel e ph 0 n e . . . . . . .. . . . . . . '. . '.. . . . . . . . . . Elizabeth M. Jones....................... 2.32 . .7.38 ..24.50 10.10 8.00 . . Milt Johnson related that Mr. McFaul was building anew home otitside of. the city. limits and ask if the' City' would put in a water main to the City limits so he could hook on. ~he Council decided that'work needed to 'be done on existing mains and he . would have to finanee the w6rk. . . Plans were discussed to build a Dog Pound~lso a shed' for Town cars and Eq'uipmerit. The Council agreeded .to meet October 13, 1960 at 8 A.M~ to discuss the ~ossibl1ity of building an ~dd~ ition on back of .the City Hall; I' Mayor Brown state'd that American Painting Co. would begin work on the Water Tank within a few days. .' . P~~ns were discussed to attend the Legislative District meeting of AS.s.ociation of Wash. Cities.. Councilma.n Pickett s'uggested asoUl" Ma:yor was cha'irman that all Councilmen should try to attend. .Meeting adjourned. 6" RESOLUTION 86 , WHEREAS, the Council of th2 Town of Yelm has considered the 'cas'h re~uirementsof the Water' apartment of the Town of Yelm, and , determined' that 'it is 'necessary~that a short-term loan be made from the appr'opriations .for the garbage "q)epta~tment of the Town of' Yelm to the Water Department of the Town of Yelm to provide the further cash sume of $2,500.00and ' ,WHEREAS,.. funds a~('e presently available in the Garbag'e FUnd h,ccount, I' , , NOW, 'J.1 HER E,F ORE ,~ ,BEL!' ~RESOL.vED BY THE COUNCIL OF '. n THE TOWN 'OF YELM- that the. <qle~k-:'r,~~~s,~~e.r of the Town ,of Yelm b~,~ .' I ' and she, is, hereby authori.z)e~d and directed to transfer from the funds' presently f2,~p()si ted ifitthe, "Garbage Fund Account of" the Town of: Yelm to~ the Water <l epartment "F:und j\ccount the sum of $2,500.00,which sum shall be de'emed and cJons~i,d€u~ed to be on loan from the said ,Garbage Department to theWater~~e.pa~tment and which.sum shall be repaid upon further resolution of ,the Council of the Town of' Yelm,. ' , ..;. ')' 0 .~ .:;. The foregoing resolutiQn was "r.e,gu~ar;JrJ"_adopted by the Council of the Town of Yelm in ,cQuncJil ,as.s.~mb:Led on the 14th day 'of September, '1960 C J 'jl 0 ~..: ~ #, "l (:;.' ~ : '). 9 :;. c (' ~ M~YOR 'QF THE TOWN OF YELfjf Gi~~~~~J=:;:wn of Yelm Ordinance, 94 ) . I) ~ 0 ... ", Ordinance 94 was adopted by the unanimous vote of the Council of the Town of 1elm 6his ~2th day of Octo~er, 1960. Published Niaqually Valley; "Ne\.ols Og:t.' 27 & Nov. 3, 1960 TOWNOF YELM SP'ECIALEL'ECTION BALLOT, Tuesday November 8, 1960 "Shall the rrown ,of ,Ye,lm purc~ase. nevJ capital equipment con- , sisting of fire-fighting -aquipm~rtt at a t6tal.atq~isition.cost of app'roximate1y $4,009.,00' which sum shall be .pald by a sI?8clal tax levy in the surnof $4,000.00, being approxlmately .10 mllls. for the calendar year ,1962 which is,in excess of ~he maxim~~ tax levy provided by law, ,upon "the Q~eal,)Pr.Qpertysl tuated Wl tn the botmd- ~ries of the ~own.of,Yelm~at,ita .e4ualized ass'essed valuation for general' tax purposes .:Cor; ,sa~q oy:eJar. tt . D.- .. " . .... o:t lJ .:. 1 (" v' . ><; " c . TAX LEVY 6 I' , ,.Ye s .., (~() a. ~ 0 ~. . :~.~::;. ~ .; ~- TAX LEVY No o I I ,I ~--:-. 7'~ November 9" 1960 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was cal'led to' order by Mayor Brown wi th Counc lImen Curry" 'Pickett .Eide ~nd Cowles present . The minutes ofth~ p~evio~s meeting were read and approved. The Treasure's:monthly report.was presented also the Marshals. The following bills. lll[ere read and on a motion from Curry and seconded by Pickett ~ere ordered'paid as follows: . . CURRENT ,EXPENSE .Wolf's Shop-Ri.te.... .-... .-. .-... ... .:$ Puge.t Sound Power & .Light. . . . . 0 . . . Yelm T'elephone Co....... .......... ... Standard 011 c.O.......o.."......~... Lacey Animal Clinic........'......... Trimble's Hardware....... .'. .'. . . . ... Nisqually Valley News...........~. Nisqually.Valley~e~s............... Br'own Bros. . Garage. ..,~- .'.'" . . ..." .. . . . . D &.H Mobrle Servic-e.......~.......... Lytle Tracy, Mun.Judge.............. E. Hobert Fris tpe.. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . 6.32 25.20 14.60 3L...04 3tj .,5'0 5..27 . ~..02 4..83 49 .,9 3 37 .,15 4.00 2'25.,00 Water Fund. Pennsalt 6hemical Corp............$ 12.00 Puget Sound Power:& Light.......... 64.42 Yelm Lumber & Hdw.Co.............. ...75 The .Nis~ually Val1ey~ews~..~~.... 126.02 Yelm Garage.......................... . 2..29 Tr imb Ie's Hdw............-.......... 16. 99 Street Fund Puget Sound Power & 'Light.. ~ ... ~ . . . ..$ 5'5. 15 Garbage Fund . Yelm Telephone Co.......... .........$ Ye 1m Garage. . . .'. . . . . . ... .. .. ~ . ... . . NisquallyValley News........~..... 8..45 14..93 . 7.6 . 00 . . The re6ent .~lection.~a~ discussed which showed Town of Yelm . approving the 10 Mr11 Levy for Fire Fighting Equipment by' a vote' .of 197 yes and 29 no. Lyle Tracy was elected Judge. . Hayo'r Brown stated that painting and repairewas completed 6n the water t6wer with. only a small amount of repairing needed~ Merle Curry submitted' plans for building a Garage on Mosman street and ask theColmcil to grant him a variance to build in that district. Pickett moved to allow permission seconded by Cowles. Permission granted. . Plans were discussed for building the new shed. Barton- 'Swanson Steel Bldg. Co. The. submitted.a bid of $315'0.00. The Council decided they would like' to know the price for the Tn;at- erial . alone. The Clerk was instructed to write &n~etter. ."The C.ouncil decided that the Town was in need of more pipe and ask that Milt Johnson submit figures on what was actually needed at the present. . The meeting adjourned. >~j)-t~A~ Geo. C.. Brown, Mayor -~ /&;" ~,d .VJ; .. 6--'~p,. Eliz~ eth M. Jo&es-;-Clerk { 8- " Dec ember 14" 1960' The regular meeting "of the' 'Col1ncil of' the' Town of' Yelm'was called to order by Mayor Brown with,'9o~ncilmen:Curry,Eid~~and Cow~es_'pr~~ent~ The mi,nutes 'of the prev-ious meeting were read 'and ,appr,oved. The following bills 1riere read B.nd on a rnotiori from Curl>Y and seconded by Eide were ordered paid as follows; CURRENT EXPENSE u , - " - ~ . C' & K She 11 S ervi ce ~ ~ . ~ ; ~ ,~ . ~ . ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~, ~ . . $ 62 ~', 7:; Brown Bras Garage.. '. : : : . ~ ~ . ~,: . ~ ;~ : ~ ~ ':; 49: 92 ' D & H l\10bile - Service: ~ : .:. ~ : ~ ':' ~ ~ : : ~ : : ~ '6-S~tl_2 Y e1 m G a~a'g e. · . '~ · · · · .. . . . ~ ~ ',. . ,. . . . : : . ~ ~ ~ 4.3 ~ 91 Puget Sound' Power 'f.-::; 'Light: . ~ ~ ~. ~ :: ~: :, .32:02 Wolf's Shoprite.. .'.....::. :,: .:,~::::.:. ~ . 6~43 Nisqually Valley News.. ~ . ..,'. :":0: :'~ >~ : :. '1-9: 10 So. Puget" Sound -Re~g:, Libra,,i'.y: ~:: ~. ~ ~ .. 156;-95 Yelm Telephone:.. :,. ~,~ ~::.. .0.::.:::: ::: 12.6,0 E.Robert Fristo'e. '.,:.:.::. ~:::::::~:: '. 1-25~oo, Thurston Mason Health~..:~...:..~.:~~:, 69.00 Standard 011 Co. ..,.;.,:.:: ~~~:,.,:~' ~,::... ~. 37.6~, Daniels Com. .Serv;:tc,e".... ...0............... 11.44 1ilate.r f(.t:-$? 7o'--w--~ ec,..JJ-vt/U, " '.' -',' - ,', ':lljC~/i3~ Tacolna' Rainier Aut6'cFreight~ .,: ~::: ~. ~'.~~ 5.00" Pickett DrugSt'ore... ........~. ~:: ~ ~:... ~ '3:97 'Phget So~nd Pb~~r'&'Ligh~.:..:~~:::::~ 82~36 Tri mbl e ',,8 Hdw.....;...,. ~ . ~ . : . ~ . .'; : ~ : ~ : :. 1 7 ;,74 Yelm'Te'lephone Co. '. .J. ~ ~ ::: . : . . ~ .. . : :.~. -.' 7 ~ 15 Nisq'ually Valley'-1'{e.w&:... ~.:.. ~',~ ~::: ~: ~': 12~79 P enns al t C orp ~ : . .,....;., :, . . . : : . : ~.: . . .: ~ . : :' .' .. 10; 00 A~erican Painting.QQ~,......~........1,339.52. "Street - - " ',' . - - - " '. ,,'. Pug e t S 0 un d Power · &: .. is i gh t . C 0 ~ . : : .- : . : ~ ~ *~' 55. 15 Thurston. County' Erig: : : . . ~ . . .:. . : ~ : .' : :.~ 624: 00 D & H.' NO b i 1 e.. . '. ., ~. ., : ~ : ~ : . . . . . : : ,~ : ". .'. : 19 :. 61 . C ,& K Shell Service..................~ .15.97 Garbage' ., , D & H. Hobile'..~..~.........~.,............$ 32.83' . , o ,/' o The Treasure's. Monthly report was presented als 0 the HarSlhals. A letter from Marshaf. Shepard 1rJas read which stated he would resign as Marshal of the lown of YelmJanuary 1, 1961.. . . . . ~edent bids oriwater pipe were',read at thi~ time with Fowler Co. being the lowest. The price was on K&M Pipe 6" $1.46 a foot and~97 on 4",. Councilman Curry 'made:0a, motion that Tde buy a ~~l, 000.00 worth' at this price Councilm'en Cowles: seconded.. The motion carried. Milt. Johnson.wasinst'ructed to discuss with 1JIr. Peterson .how much .of each.' was needed.. M8?ck McFaul and Doug Nervick were present to asK: 'the city to put a water main to the City Limits on 4th-St. The touncil'discussedthe ' ,situation and decided that'at the present funds w~re pot available frir a ne1rJ project as existing mai'ns were badly in need of repair.. "Ytrtuch di'sClission 'followed as to' how' the 'City co'ulCi f-ind",a'.'v.lay'.to- rai~.e money' intthe Water Deptartment to replace and'repair the Irfater system in . severaY Sections or the Town. . I~ was moved and seconded that the .1:1 eetin'l be adjournelJi. o ~. - ; .' ~ ~(jl)J\'1 G '0. C. B1ROWN, MAYOR -5~.'/h.~.. .. Elizabeth M., Jones,' Clerk I, .