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1961 Minutes
I I I, January ~1" '1961 9 . The regular meeting of the, Counci~ of the Town 'of Yelm was called to orde~by' Mayor Brown wi,th Councilmen. Curry ,.Eide, Pickett, Cl,arembeau " and Cowels present. The minutes of the previous meeting were reand and,approveq. The following bills were, read ,'and 'on a moti6nfrom Co"Wels and se.conded b7f 'Pickett were ordered paid as followS; CURRENT EXPENSE', , Mosman Agency. 9 . '0 " . . . . e .. .'. .. . 0 .. .. . $ , Mosman Agency I) . .. . . 0 ~ . . 0 .. .. .. .. .. 0' ~ . . 0 Puget Sound ,,'Power & Light ~ . .. . . .. . .. Ye 1m Garage.. 0 .. '. . ~ 0 . .. 0 ." .. . . . . .... .. .," .. Yelm.Telephone. ~ '. ........."...........-. Wolf's Shop-Ri te 0 .. ... . .. .' .. 0 .. 0 .. ~ .. .. " . Hew i t t A. He rn~ y , P r 6 .. At t .. 0 . .. . . .. .. . . Brown Bras.., Ga'rage ~ . ... .:~ . " .. . .. . . .'. Inter.dDnf. br Bldg. Assoc.o...... Assoc ~ Of liVash. Cities~.. 0 . .. . ,. ... .. , Std'. 0 i 1 Co.....' e '.. . e'. '0 .'. .. . . . . .. .. .. . 0 C\ ,1.60 75.,00 89..53 400,91- '8..00 2...50 3.00 49.,92 hO.OO 33.- 95 91..36 , WATER EXP.ENSE Mo~man Agencyj. ~.o .:~.. 0 0.......... ~.$ Puget SquI1:d Power' ,& Light.... . ..,. Tacoma Raini~r Auto.............;.. '"c. 'Pepnsalt Chern. Corp. ,....... .:....:_. ,Floyd C urnrntngs .. . 0 . . .. '. .. _ .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. ~lizabeth M.Jones,Clerk.......... H e D. F ow I e r Co. I nc .. . . . . .'.... .. . .." . Mil,ton E. .Johnson."Oo"~'''''. e ~Oo. ..... .. STREET " ~p s man . Age n c y" .. . .. .... .. . .. " . . .. . ". . e .. .. $ GARBAGE, ' Mosman Agency. CI O. . .. .. . ~ e o:~ . . .. ~ . . . ;. $ 'Mosman Agency..." ."'-",0 ... .. . ".., e... .. .. . . . .. '. . / Yelm Telephone........"....~.. ......... Pi oneer' Bus ine's Fo'rms.. _ .. ~ .. . .. . . .. ,/ " The Treasure Y s Monthly 'Report was' gi ven a t this time also' the' Marshal's 0' 115.00 71.,28 2.50. 10 ..00 . 5..10 9 ~,,25 . 36.34 54..13 155.00 '1..60 115.00 8.,70 . 31.,.36 , "'Mr.. Maxfield of Barton Swanson Steel Bldg. Co. I~c~ presented 'plans for expanding Town Hall. He quoted a' price or $3,240.00. ' 'A discussion followed 'but,lack'of.funds prevents undertaking of the project at this time. .,. , p~' Building Permit. wt\S presented fr.om Mr. Lawton.,' He a ask , that the Council give permisslon to move a $mall bU.ilding on his lots.. Curry moved we allow permission fuf he .file with the Clerk a' Cash Bond to insure Town of Yelm that he, wold go ahead wi th the plans presented and also set a time for,completing the 'house. Cowels seconded. Motion c~rried. . ,...' Resolution 81> .was read and on motion by Pickett and seconded by Curry was unan~mously adopted. . . A letter from OlK. Edwards ~as read stating that.he would give permission to the Town. to use 'his lots on'Yelm for a parking lot. .A discussion followed with the Council not deciding the ,issue until. it was looked into more thorQughly. The' Council' dmcided to paint the Garbage truck and mend the cushions.. Cows'ls made a motion seconded by Pickett and it carried.. Meeting .adjourned. $rJL~ ~AJVl ..,., t/,.' , ...... . \..,.. MAYOR GEO'. C. BROWN -&~L--2 ~ ' JJ; , Elizab'eth M. eTo Clerk I .1 II. February' 8,,1961 1....1"'. , ' The'r~gular meeting of' the Coun~i1 of the Town of Jelm was called to' orde~ bj May6r Brown with Councilmen Eide, Pickett Coweis and ClarBmbeau' present. ' . The minutes of the previous meet-ing were read and approved,. Th~ following bills were read and on ~ motion from Cowel~arid s6qonded by Pickett were ordered paid as follows; CURRENT. EXPENSE , , U 01 " $ D&H .M b.l ,e-. 0 ... ....~.~... .~..4... 0'.':_ ..,. .. .. '0 _.0 Ye 1m Garage .... . . . . . . .... .. .'. . . . . '. . . .. . . . .' Puget Sound Pow.er & Light... ~ . '. ... .. .. . Brown, Br os., Garage,........ ...... . '0 .'. . . 0 . . , Sctandard Ot,l,' Coo. ."0'. . . '.'.'. . ... . . .... . ... , 'r"1f')sman Agency.. "'.'.'. . '.. . .'.............'..... Y~~m'Telephone Co.......o........~.... W/a ter D, & H 'Ho bi 1 e. . '. .. '. . . .. .. . ;... .. .. .. .. .. . . ~ . . . $ Yelm Lumber, &, Hdw,. . .'0 '. ".... . . . ;. " ~ . '0 . 0 . Pickett Drug Store-...,.'........ .,,, . . .. . . Puget Sound P01'\1er & Light. ~ . . e,. . . . ~ . 'S'TREET '. .' '. , , T 'r i mb Ie ~f S. H d w.. '.. '.:. . '. '. . '. 0 . . . . . e . . . . .. '. $ . Brown .Bros,. Garage;. . ~ '. . '.. . ~'. . . . . . '. . .' '! D &. H Mobile . 0 . . . .. . .. .. . ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . Pacific Sand & Gravel. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . o. . Thurs. Co..' Hoad Dis t. . '0 0 . '. . e . . . . . .. . . . GARBAGE . " D & H,Mobile...o~............o...o..$ Yelm Telephone Goo.... 0................ Yelm Garage". ~ .....0....0.. .... 125.32 39.40 8g.. 8 s 35.88 97.10 15000 '10..95 .52 .7.27 2.54 73.70 4.96' 13.61 20007. 17.84 51038 15.46 . 8000 14.95 The Treasure'a Monthly Report was given at this ,time als'o the 11a r s ha 11 s.. . , . . ,A lengthy discussion was held on the' ways and means to take care of the dog'situation. . The. Council decided that something' must be drone 'arid ssk Milton Johnson to submi t an estimated cost of material to build a dog pound on back.of'City Hall. Milt Jo~nson stated that the state' road in front' of the Clinic was' badly in need o.f repair 0 The Clerk was ask to wri t'ea letter " sug-ges,t;ing the' State notify .us .whe they WOl:lld grade i'n this' area. agafn .so Milt could have theciars rem6ve and it could be graded.. . .. .~rww~y. ap'9~inted Marshal Rex Sffi\'Efuhwas.. present ~n'dSUgg~, sted the Councll lnvestlgate the County cars now'belng sold lnOlympla. The Cotmcil discussed with him th~ n'eed for. one and 'the desire to do" , someth'ing 'in the near future about the ,Police i,..Jagon. . . . ' , '.' . .' 'Ord,iriance, 99, preta1n:p;hlh to Trash Burning was, gi ~!en its first and seconded readingo Pi,cl:cett maue a motion seconded by Eide that it be passed to its third FB~ding. Motion carried.. . I twas mov,ed' and seconded that the meeting be adjc>;urned. JG_~ 1~A/\cJ M1tYOR 'G 10. Q.~ BROWN' - , 1;;';2 March 8, 1961 The r~gul~r ~eeting of theCoun6il of the Town of Yelm was called to order by Mayor Brown with Councilmen Clarembeau, Pickett, Eide and C owe Is pre sent., The minutee of the previous meeting were read' and apprb~ed. . The following' b.i lIs were read and on a motion from Pickett and second~d by.Eids w~re ordered paid as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE . Ye 1 m Telephone Co................ ,,' . "',, . $ Thurston-Mason Health Service....... Standard Oi 1 . Co.. . .. . . . 0 (> . cO ,'0 . . . . . . . ,; . . "Trimble "S '.Hardw.ar.e.. . ... . .. ,.. ."~ .. . .'. . . . . Xelrri Garage.... .,...... ...... ............. P & K Service..,.~...~..,.. ....,.,.......... ~.:... ~rown Bros. Garage...~~)~~o...o....~ )?'uge t Sound Ligl\t,. ..~. . . .. ~ .. " ",. 0 0 . ... .' . South Pugest Sound .Lib:rtlTY,. . . .. . . . .. 9070 71085 39025 6 .. L~2 40.24 35096 36.40 82. S2 1690.32 o :bWater Puget Sound Power ~r:, Li,ght..". ,. .. .. . .. ~ .. .. ..$ L~ 9.,75 Brown Brris~ Gar~g~.......~~~........... 2.08' Ye 1m Lumber & HdW.. . 0 . . ~ . 00 . . .. . .. .'. . . . 8..42 STREET Yelm . Garage. ..'~ 0 0 0 . .... .. . .. .. .. .. .' . . .. . . .. . .. $' Trimble t s Hdw. .... 0 . 0 . .. .. 0 .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . B,rownBros. Garage."... (> . ,0 (> 0 " 0 0 . . .. .. . .. . 2.04. 3061, 2.41 GARBAGE . . , . . . Ye 1 m Telephone . '. .~ . .. . .~ .. .. . . ... .. 0 ... . . ~ . . $ s ." . . .C & K ervice....6......oo...o..o..~.......... 6045 8..00 . . The Treasure', s .Monthly Rep.ort, Wt;;l.s giben at this time also the Mar~hal's~ . .'. . o -= :.0. Mr. Axul Carlson was present t.O ask the C'ouncil. to open a road ~t McKeinz~ an 4th also Jefferson ~treet between Solberg and Longmire~ He' offered to deed a sixty foot right of way to the 6ity f6~ the road. His ~ntentions are to divide the.prope5ty into lots for briilding purposes. .He stated that if a. road could b~ opened two ~ew homes' would be s.tarted soon. The' Council suggest he contact Attorney . Fristde for legal procedure. . A l~tter from Judge Tracy was read stating that for health reasons he was force4 to resign his posision as Judgee'ffective A.'pril 1, 1961 A le'tter from the Census Board was read' requesting informa tioD as to whether w~ intended to tak~ a Censu~ .this year. The Council discussed the matter and f~lt as though little change fuad taken place in the .last year and the Clerk co"uld check last years in her office" and make any adjustments necessary. The rest of' the evening was spent in discussing a )3' &.0 tax.' No'action was taken and the meeting adjourned. ~..~Vh~ George Co Brown, Mayor Clerk' o APRIL 125 1961 1~3~ . At the' regular Council meeting l1ayor Brown pr~sided NJ~tJLPouncil- men Clarernbeau, Pickett e.nd Eide present... Newly appo.inte.d.i.A'r"Gronk '.. . was ~lso pre~ent~ Minutes of the. March meeting were read and approved. The following' bill were presented and ordered paid on motion by Councilman"Pickett, a second by Eide ~nd a' unanimous vote. CURRENT EXPENSE /~ ]I) &"H. Nobile Service... .."" ... . .. "... ... $ 1e1m. Garage....... 0""." ".o'~" 0..0... ..-.... Ye 1m, 'Telephone . .. . . . .,'.. . . .. .. ;. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. · . Mosman Agency......~o~~......o..~......~.... Puget Sound Power & Light. ............ . 1rJ'olf' s Shopri t.e- ~'.. . " . ~ ., .. . . . . .. '. .. .. .. .. . . . . Standard 0 i 1 Co..; ~ .~ . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . '. ". Employment Security .Dept.....o.~o....... Dept Of Labor & I d".................... Bureau of Interna! Hev."........... ... .. I '1;\1 A TER Tax C ommi s s i on" . .. '" .. 0 .. '. . . .. . e . . . . . . "" . e .. $ ~ Penns al tC hemi cal. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. e... Tacoma Ra,.inier Auto Freight....o ,. . ~ " . Pickett' Drug Store... e . . . : .. ~ . ~ .. .. .. . . ~ .'. Employment Security Dept............. ~(D)e p t .. 0 f Lab 0 r &. Ind. .. ~ . . . . .. .." . . .. .. . . . . Puge~ Sound 'PoHer,& Light. .. . . . .. . .. . . . Bureau of Internal Revenue...~.o.~.... I Street- . Employment Securi tX' Dept...... .. . .. . .0$ Dept.. of Labor B-<':.. Ind......"............... <I Pacific Sand & Gravel.. 0......"....... .'. Y~lm Garage.........".................. Kenneth R. Taylor......;................. . Ye ImL umber &" Har d war e . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .' . . .. D & H Mobile Serviec..~....o.......~...... Garba~ge' Ye 1m' Telephone Co....... ~ .' .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. 0, $' Employment 0ecuri t'T :Dent...~.... . .. . . .. . . . ~ ~' 'Dept. of Labor &. Indo.................. D & H ]'10 b'i 1 e.. .. .. .. .. . '. . . . " . " " . .. . . . . . . ~ . .. Brown Br os. Garage'. ~ " .. . . . .. .. .... .. . . ... .. . . 66.,50 26..27 13 ...'05 31...5 0 80 .,66 10 ..,6~_ 43.08 84.48 14.47 127.,80 83..67 10. 00 I 2.50 ' 3.13 57.60' 11'" 18 '50..01 161 ~:70 12.00 6" 18 15..29 22.99 8.,71 2. ~9 7 .}3J 7..60 . 22..50 '8..,08 3.'8(3 L~8 .,62 . , 1ifilbtir Bean appeared before the Council to request permission to purchase'the towni1s mobilestretcher.Bean' ,appe-aring for the Veterans of Foreighn~-Jars ,stated the ambulances now being equipped could use the stretcher. .' The CO'urici.l agreed to sell the stretcher' Pickett ,made 8l motion seconded by Clarembeau we semI the equipment for($50~.OO)., Fifty and no one-hundred dollars. The motion carried.. IJfarshL1.1,Cronk suggested to the Council. that he felt as though the Curfew Law should be more rigidly. enforced~ The Council felt that . blowing nhe siren'was not necessary as it would cause to much confusio~q They asked the Marshal to c6ntinue rigid enforcement.of the Ordinance. Ordinance Number 95 relating.to restrictions on Qurning came on for fin~l consid~rati~n and passage_ . I . . Councilman Pickett made a motion ,that Ordinance number 95 as presented bo the Council and, as presented from the February Council me.eting be .'amended by changlng the distance provision in sub-paragraph (b) of Section S'frtJm twenty feet to five feet and that.the w()rds "or property line" be stricken therefrom., The said motion(Seconded by Councilman Eide . . The said motion was regriIarly adopted. . . . . , ,Thereafter Councilman Pickett moved that Ordinance Number 95 relat~ 'ingto restrictions on burning' as amended be adopted by the Council ,of the Town of Yelm,and that Clerk be instructed to immediately publish the' . Ordinance in the manner estab;lished by the laws of the,_, State of Washington The 'said motion was regulHrjrly. seconded by Co.uncilman Bide/and there- after adopted by the unanimous vote o~ the Councilmen in attendances.' 1"?A;'; ~/'~. p;. Ji:etter was read from the Texmo :Bldg. 60. 'of BelliT:lgham which 'stated they could'construcit a.30' by 50' Machinery building on the back. 'of City hall for $1450..00..' The Counc-il decided to 'lookinto the matter' whex: funds were available' ~or the construction' of. the building.. Atto~ney.Fristoe was present and entered into the discussion of aB & 0 Tax. Several copies of Ordinance from other towns our size were discussed. The Counci'l decided that they.would trYHnd.get'an idea frofu the busines& men of the' town as to the kind bf tax they felt would be .fair ~ither a flat rat~ or percentage 'basis.. The ~6wn is~badly in .need of a tax for the purpose of maintaing the police dept.. ;: .j..' ':" " t:> ~ o . The meeting adjourned. o ~ ~ .;; Q -6 o 4 v., '-:.;) (\ Q ~ ~ .' .:, f .. ~ Co :>' .} " "Q,JIJ,) Rl W^ 1111 C}6" - . - ~" - '- Geo. c. Brown, lvIayor -t,~ 7hb El zabeth MI. Jones~ Clerk ;i <'J'i'J (: .J',;l ~ ~ . t, 0 .. .., <, : o , u . t} f; (} : o t'~<' iJd, M8JY ~O" 1961 The regular meeting' of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order by IVIayor Brown with Councilmen Eide', Clarembeau NN~ Pickett, and,Cowels present. The minutes of the' previ ous meeting '\I-lere read and appr oved. The'f611owing,bill$ were read and on a motion tram Eideand seconded by Clarembeau were ordered'paid as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE ' . Nisqually Valley. News. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . $ , Brown Bras Garage. ~ ~ 0 . .... . . . ~ . . . . . .. . .. . .. . D &H Mobile Service...................~ Mosman 'Agency.. .. .. ... . . . .. 0 .. . . . .. 41 41 . .~ . . . 0 . . W 0 1 f ,. s . Shop -R i t e. . . .. .. . .." 0 . 0 '. . .. . . . . . .. . ... Standa~d Oil COo......o.o................ Eo Robert' Fristoe. '0 . . . .. .. ~ . .,0. .. . . ~. .. . . . . Ros ana Elec tri ceo. .' .. . . . . .. .. .. . . II> . .. .. . . . . . Ye 1 mTelephone Co................ '. .. .. to . . .. .. . .'.. . ~.. Pug~'t SOllnd Power & Light..oo..o....... I 22'. 44 2..01 59...25 10.00 3.01' 31.96 75.00 ,8.72' 7.80 80..66 HATER . Puget Sound Power & Light. '.' . . . .. .'.'.... . . . $ 51. '31 '. Yelm Telephone Go....o 0 0 . . " 0 .. 00 0 . . . . . . .. 'e. 7.5 STREET ,D &; HMobile . . . 0 . .. .. ~ . . .. . .... . . . . . 0 ",. . '. ~ . . $ Brown Br os.. Ga-rage. '. . '! .. '. .. " . .. 0 . . . 0'" .. . . .. . Ye1m Garage.~.~.:.....o.o.......o........ Thurston County RoadDist~....o.......... Trimble's Hardware............... co .. .. .. .. . . . . .. 2.4.8 7. 87 50 .: 00 23..)1 5.22 GARBAGE '. , D & HM 0 bile ...........' 0 .. ~ .. 0 ~ 0 . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . $, ,'7. 18 . Br.()\''I1'n Bros GaralZe,.. _ 0......... 00.. Cl...O .'.. 28.06 , . = , I The, Treas'ure ,'s Monthly Report was gi venet this time also the Marshal's. . Mr~ Christenson from Texmo Co. was present and an interesting di~cUssion wa~ had,'o~ the building of a new machingry shed. The Council advised Hr. Christenson that before signing the contract they w'ould consult with the Town T s Attorney.. , . Mr. & Mrs.' .McFaulwere ,present and ask permission to moa-e a: house 'from Vail to lots at Hic'e & Mosman, Streets.. They presented their plans and agreed to furnish a one-hundred, dollar, bond, t.o ,insure the town that 'such building will be in conformance with the requirements, of the Towns Building Code. Hilt ,Johnson was present and ask for permission to orEier twelv.e water meters . Permissi'on 'granted. He also suggested that something be ' done about some old vacated buildings in town. The Council agreed to look 'into the matter. Mayo):') ,Brown and Conncilman Eide advised the Council of a 19.57 Ford Sedan which they had inspected.' The used State ,Patrol car, was in good',cohditionarid they felt that it was a good buy for $680000. "The Council discussed the purchase and Councilman F'ickett made a motion seconded' by Councilma,n Lide that Nayor Brown and COill1cilmen Cowels and, Clarembeau'further irispect the vechicle and if they approved to negioate for the purchase at said price. Notion cEtrried. I , . , Bus,inE?ss and Occupational Tax was di'scussed again' and after much disGussion the Counci:L agreed no decision could be reached without discussing the Townsf'inancial problem with the businessmen. Councilman , Pickett' offered a motion to recess until Wednesday Hay 2~_, 1961;Eide .seconded this motion and it car~ied unaminously _.' Hay 24, 19.61 Mayor Brown 'and all Councilmen were back to complete the 'meeting of , May <,10, 1961. The fOllowing business ~eople .were present Bill Price, Bob Austin . t~'6, Ed. Nystrom, v;Earl Johns~n, Fl<?yd Jones, 1\111'8. Hug~ Blake, Hrs. Lara 18 Coates Ray Norton, l~rs ~ Vera N1Chols, Hal violi', Bob EII1S, Bill Mosman, Chuck Damicn and C,i tizen Hank Thomas and Vie Nutter. Mayor Brown explained to the group that the income to the Town of Yelm was not sufficient to gurantee adequate police protection and the only sblution to ,the problen::t the Council could find was raIsing money from the, busihess leaders who receive the most p~otection. The ,group d,iscussed sever,al plans' and after much discussion they volunta~ily agreed to a adopt a licenses 'plan based on gross sales.. . ' ,~i.-l-~-:-t-.:; . .r;-~ iu-J.M\~4 ~~'-~ '. ' .', ' . '. .'<,. HB'l viol!'''' made a moti'on .that, all busines sunder $50,000.00 gros 8 be 'taxed Two Dollars. monthly' ,and, allover Four Dollars. monthly Mrs 0 . Lora Bo Coates sec>ond,ed t,he. <rllot,itf)nJRnd. ,i.t,'carried unanimously.' .. .,.". f') ., '"' . o The JVlayoT thanked the'" hu,s1ne,sB peopla for their 9-tt:andance and 4elp, in s6lving the problem....m.o. ., ' y (. - .;, ;) (!. .. r. -:. ~ .. ~ttorney~ 'Fristoe a.rri~v,e:d, .ando .the. ,plan v.JRS presented to him after discussion he- agre'ed to 'w'rit-e an ordinance'immediatelyo Nttorney Fristoe . advised the Council that the contract from. Texmo would be acceptable provided the follo,wing provision was incili.urd(3d. -IISecond .party' does, warrant that all-m~terials used in th~ Qonstruct1on shall be of gQod qual! ty that aTl il:llm'ber[t8.hailiilie5.et.fioU,,~ili,as: oft:]:byand'I thatl-:.al'l 'c'ens:Erqc tdion . prov~ded herein shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner"o Pickett made a motion that if the ab6ve was included we, accept the contract Eide se60nded and ~t carried. CoUncilman Eide of the.S;tr,e,e.t. c,ommi,t,te,e. .presented suggestions and cost c inprovihg Railroad Averiue, and cFirst Street. The street connnittee agreed to funther study plans and cost be.fore won1t could begi};lo Ha:}.. 1rJolf representing the Ye 1m Lions Club offered to erect street signs' if the ,town ..would furnis,h, the si~gns CO' Councilmen agre.ed to loo,k into the mattero ~ 0 .(,: ,; ....) ~ (: " .:;i ~ . rhe meeting 'adjournedQ o Jkt~ Mayor'Geo. c.~n u...(/O Clark o I I I l'l;z~, , .': ,')<~i~' Jun~'l~., 1961. The. regular meeting of the Counc'il of the 'l'own of.Y.elm was called to or~er by Mayor Brown with Councilmen~Clarembeau" Cowles and Pickett present. The minutes ot the previ6us meeting.w~re ~ead and approved. The'following bills were read and on a motion from Pickett and ..' s,econded by Cowles wereorder.ec1 paid as. folloHs: CURRENT' EXPENSE Yelm Fi'x-It-Shop.... .~.. . It. 0....0.0.... . .. .. . .. ... . .. $ ,D & H I1obile,.... .~... 0.0 e.. e..,....... ~,,,'.'. .:..... I> 0... South PugetS ound Reg. Library..." 0 .. .. . 0 0.." . 'Daniel 's -Com'" Service. .'... O. G."."....,,".."." Thurston CO~lCivel De'fense.. ........ 0.... GO.. ....." 0 ~ Thurston Mason Hea:Tth Service.".. .'...e"...... o. Puget Sound Power.'& Light....... ~ . .. . .... .. . .. ... Standard 0 i l' 'c 0... . .. .. .. It . .. ." G.. .. ... . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . Eli za bet h' I1.. . Jo n e s . .. . .. .. " .. 0 0>. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. . y e 1m Telephone .. . . . . ..... . ~ .... .. .. 0;. .. .0 " .. .. .. .. .. . .. Mos man .' A..genc y . . .. Cl .. . . e.. eo .. '.. .: .. 0 Ill' e,. fl. G ~ .' . .. . .'. . .' Ye 1m 'G ar age. . .'.. .. .. .. c... .. . .' . (I .', . . ..0'. ~'O . 0 . .. 0 .. .. .'. , WATER Ye 1 ill Telephone Co.. ... .,. 0 . ;. 0 . Cl 0 . . .. . 4) . . . ... . $ 1?a:,dg e r ,Me t ere 0.. . 0..,0 ...'. . .' .. . . '. . . o' 0 0 0 . . . . . . Pu@;et Sound' Power & :Light~. ......... ... ..... ..~.. Pennsalt'Chem. Corp.........,.................. Y e 1m Lumber & , HardHar e . ~, 0 . ... . . .. . . .. . . . . .. '..' Paci.fic Water 1rJorks........ 0.." .. e..... ..0'. 4) ... I-I . D . F ow 1 e r C o. <I . .. . . ..'. . .' . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . " "..... . B::~fRBlilGE Com. Of Public Lands.........................$ " S~REEt]fE Pac'ificSand & Gravel... ... .'.. .. 0.... ~.. . ..$ 7.02) 30 .,08 169..30 . . 4'0.,82 76.,lJ-8 :71.85' . 79.42:, 29...35 8.,60 , 12..70 10.,00' 47 .,57 .6.65 . . 3 39 .,~_6 63.55 10.00 1'. ILl 137.47 56.58 23.60 15.65 The Treasure's Monthly 'Report'was 'given at this time also the Mar'shai ' s 0 Keith Wareing owner of 'telm Theatre was present and ask the Council to' remove the Admission Tax. He explained that Theatre .business was. slow and to. stay in business he must cut expense. The Council discussed.the problem and felt as. thou they should as s is t in keep.ing the theatre in opera ti on' and dec ided tha-t as lonq. as the Bunness Tax Ordinances was in the.making the admisf$ SiE>n:rqb,~x. ~vould be dropped... .' . Plans were discus~ed for improving Railroad Ave. and .First St;.reet. Resolution No. 88 drawn up by the' town Attorney It<TEtS read Councilman' Pickett offered. 8. motion to pass Resolution NO..8B CO'I:"11es' seconded this motion and i.t carried unanimously. Ordin~nce No.. 96 prov'iding for a BuxinessTax was given . its .first and secon~ reading.. Drscu~sj.on followed end a mot'.ion was made b~.Cowles that it be adopted this was seconded by Clarembea.u. :Motion carried. unanimously. The Council has received. numerous complaints th.at peddlers were making a nuisances- in town. The.Clerk was 'asked to secure a copy of t the Green River Ordinance~.' . The Clerk' stated that she had written the Association of Waa- . ington Ci ties to enlist their aid .in securing stree't 'signs but as yet she' had received no reply. Councilman Cowles advised the Clerk to also contact David P1t Johnson about Stx'eet signs" . .Manycomp1laints' have been received about the unsafe floor in qity Hall..Mi1to Johnson stated that 'it would cost approximately ~p50..o0for' a 'mat.. The Council agreed before we have an accident that a mat should be installed. Meeting adjourned. '~J '. 'j:l ,. 0~~d )Jt-Afl-x~ . Eliz e I"L ' {9-tles, Cle;rk I .j'n~ .~I .~il' I ~.'.,~' . 1_'9.~' July.12,- 1961 The r~g:ula.r meeting o~ the Council- of, the Town..ot YelriJ. was called to-order by Mayor, Br?wn with Councilmen .CurryCowels.'(and Eide- ~'res'en~. The minutes. of the pre:vious-- meeting were. .read . an. app.roved. .'. The foll'owfn~' 'o,ills' were read .,and.. .oh,a~-mot.i:Qnfrom Curry. and' . .s:~cQnded by Ei<de:rwe.r,e ordered. pa.~d as rol~ows: ,CURRENT EXPENSE.. . E. Robert .Fristoe'. . . . . . . .. .'e .. ... . . . . .. . . . . ..$75.00 Trimble t s' Hdw.. . ... . e .. .. . . .~'... .. '. ... . ~ .:... ,2.62 Thurston' Co. Pros. ~Att....,................ 2..50 Wolcf's Dept. Store...'.....~.....~........... 5.27 Yelm, Telephone. Co... .'It ...... . .. . . . . . . .. .. .' ." 17.35 puget Sound.... _,... .. ... .. .'. ... . . .. e.. .. e... ..... .77..25 ' D'& H Mobile......................~.......... 66..13 Brown Bros. Garage.. ........ ......... ......~.. ~- .',1.,03;' Pioneer Business Forms....... ..' .. . .... .. . .... 8.80 Bureau of' In tarnal'Revenue. ... . . . . .. '.. .. . .' . 97.80 Dept. . af Labor. &. Ind.... .... .'. .'. .... .. . .. .. .. 14.55 Mosman ,A'geney. . . . . . . . . '. .. . . . . . . '. . . . . ~ . . . ... . 4~ 3'6 'Wash. State Soclal Security... ...... ..... .'.. 84.. 72~ WATER . . Ga.rland T. Andeif-son...... ~......... ....~..,...$ 9.41 Wash. .State Social Sec ..~ . . . . ... . ~. .'. .' .:. .. 55..08 puget Sound...............................'.. . 72.48 Pe'nnsalt Chem. Corp........ ................ 10.00 Brown Bros. Garage.. ...... .-. e .'. ~..... ~...... 9.66 Elizabeth M. Jones, Clerk....... .,.... .... e. '4.40 .Seattle .Water ~lorks............... Ill. ,..... .451.89 . Bureau of Internal Revenue.,.........'.... it . .,161.. 7(fJt. Tax Comrriission.............. ....... ... ... .. .. ~ 83'.44' Dept. of Labor & Ind....'....... iii '.. .'. ... . . . . ' 10...12 GARBAGE Dep.t. Gf Lab:or & Ind~.. ~ ........ ... ..'.. . ... $8..18 'Wash.. State Social "'Securi ty..... . . . .. . ~. ..... 22)..47' STREET 'Brown Bros. . Garage. ..~ . ... .. . .. ~ . .. '. ..'... ...,$38.95 Mosman Agency.. . . . '.. . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . ... . '. .. . 39..36 Trimble's Hdw... -6.. ...'. .'........ . ....6.. . . 6 5.22:' Y el m G ar'age .. . . 6'. . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . .'. .. ._ . . .. 2'6., 91 Dept. Of Labor & Ind........ ............ ~ . ..' 5.95 Wash. State Social Security.......... ~... ~ '12.00' .J.",!, 'The:':.Tre'a'sure's Monthly Report was given at this. t.i~e also the . '~~Marshal 's. , .' O~d.i~nanc,e: No.9!). relating to' the B'(1iiiness Tax canie on for f:thSil.Je~~'d.ing' and. passage. Counoilman . Curry made a m'otion that .Ordinance"No. 99 as-presented to the Council from the' June meet- ing be 'amended to, repeal Ordinance No. 17' and Na. 41., The said motion, was s.econded by Councilman Cowles. The said motion, was . regularly adopt:ed.. Thereafter Councilman CQwled moved that Or'd- inance No.96 as. amended be .adoptedby the. Council and the Clerk be instructed to have published the ordinance. The said motion .was regularly seconded by Caunci'lman Eide and therefare adop:ted' by the unaminous bote of the .Councilin attendance. , .A:ttorney Fristae was present 'and discussed laws controlling Agents and Peddlers and [lifter much discussion the Council request- ~d Attorney. Fristoe' to draw up an ordinance controlling agents and Il'eddlers' in Town of Ye 1m. ' . . Bids were discussed for street name signs but no action taken.. Ma,yor Brown' stated that Olympia Oil &, Wood Praducts Co. Inc.' offered a price of $1,.740.00 to pave First Street from'intersection ,YelmAve. to .Jefferson Street. The Council agreed' that the work nee4ed tp-be done and the price was reasonable. Cowles made a mation we accept the bid Councilman l!iide seconde.d this motion arid it carried. . . Marshal Cronk ~dvised the Council that several people has ask him what the Town was going to do wi th the old police, wagon. Dis~ 20 f();llowed,- Councilman Cowles made ,a.mo,tion~.,sec-onde,d, by' Curry that we __ sell the police-car,for, $175.00.. Motion carried. ,Meeting a.djourned. " . ~ ..;;. ;) v _f- -" \~', . /~-. -, : '~ --: ~&'~~~d, -. . li;~~behh."M. tges,> ..qJ.~,~~ ~ :.. ,<" t1 " ... ...... "';:: .. .' q;. .. c . t i> G e , il- e t ~. .l\- 4- .. If "" C .., . .. ": ) ~ .0- .... Jj ,) " <l ). \- 0- . : . ~.M /J. tffjJ, . ( .. _G1i5. . p .. .13r~ iJy~ .. ., <0 4; '7t i ~ ~ Q, .") .~. .. '" . , , . ,., o 0- o I I ,I 2'1:~ !iugust 9,1961 'Mayor -Brown called. the~ regular' me?~ing o'fthe C,olJ.!lcfl .of the ToWn of Ye1m to order Counc"ilmenPickett, Eide,::.and-,'cowles ,we.re present'.. Minut.es., of the previous'meet.ing were, read" and appro.v~d. ,The. treasure's ..rep~rt was presented, also the Marshal's. The 'f'ollowing bills vere'read and on a motion 'made by Eide and' seconded.by Pickett and a' unanimous vote were ordered paid. ',-' ,<I ;... ;: {" .; C ., "" .,~.:- ,- , . CUrrent" Expens,e, " '" ~ .. . " " _' C'." .' ,'. . " " . W. S. Darley_ &Op~ ,..;. ,e,' ~., '! ,~,~ '~~. ;.. .,. ;..~, '.. ... . · .$ Nisqually, YalJ.ey~ ~~l"lP".c~'. ,'.," . . e... ... .;. ... Puget Sound, .Po~e~. ~~ Light~,. . . .~ ~ ..... . ... . .. . Brown Bros:,., p.p.~~g~. '..;;. ~..~. .~,,'c' . ~... ... . ...,.... . ,. · · · y elm Garage..... ,,~ '. ,..,. " ;.' ic'. ~'l' , ~ ,. .' . .. · .. · · · · · · · Ye 1m Te,<lephone. It . . . . . . . . . '.. . . . . .. . .. ..~ · · . , , . :;- :.. ~~ t". ~.:< ";, v';" " '';' ... , Vita t e r'" ','. " ~ - _., ^.' ' . ~ _ . Pennsal t. .dhepP.;e~a}c ,Cprp"., :,It~' . .. .. . · '. · · · · · · · $ Yelm Tele.pAon~e4. '."'.<.~."i.:._..:..)t..c.;. ~'. . ... · · · · ... P:uget SO.u.nd P.ower & Light, Co.. &'.. . ... . ... YeIm Lumber. &H9.W-,.,......,.':.....;..... ... ill ;.'.... .. Temmo Corp. .'. . ....... .. .. .... .;.. .'. . .. '. .. .. . . . . . Ta:czoma~aini~er ~,utp. Fr.e;tght. .~. .:e;.,.. . .'. - .. Kenneth Nus.e,. .._,:.. ".~.<!'~.,. ,.;'''. ,.',. ....:... . ....,.". · ..~ ..'. · Pacific Water' Works .... .. .,... .'. .. '... .... ... Ros<ano El~e.c,trJ,c.. P..~"~.t.e,r.,,,.. _:,. ... $" .,.,.;_. .. It.... . Alfred L .Turne.r"._.:....;...~.....~..,.:.....' e.... ..... L.S... .v andi,Ver"..:.~.i~~.,.... . . ..:~ ....:. '.,~.;. . . . .. . ..-. . Merle Morris ~. . ...... ~.. ..'.~.. .... .. .'. ..... . ~ 29 .. 54 46.27 .76.32' >>+4.88 9.24 . 14..45 10.,00 11.05 83.92' 33.,96 508.00 '5.~O 15.60 43..84 . .49..-74 20.26 26.40 26.40 . Street, , Yel. m, G~rage... ..,. . . :. -. .'. . .... ~ .. -.. ...~'. '.,..' $; 6.1"5 Thurston Co. Road DJ.st...... '. .. ~. ... _ . ... .$136..40 Texmo . Corp. ... ... .. ..:. .... .. '. .. .... . .... . '. ...'... 500..00 Garbage Y e 1m Garage..........:e.... '. ... . .... ,. . . . . ~. . .. $ 24..14' Brown Bros. Garag,e... .'.....'.. ....'. . . .. . .'. ... 4.68 Texmo Corp... '.'... .'.... .'..... ~.~ .. ... ..... ~ .. 500.00. Mrs., Tom Longmire was present and re'quested she beall-awed. to hook . 'on City water main atYelm Ave. ,& Clark Road. 'Councilman Ei'de .~de a motion that we supply. city water to 1-1rs. Longmire providing she place all' 'pipe to the main81nd pay for water meter and installing charges Councilman C'Owles seconded arid it carried. . . Le<?nard Lawton was also. present and, requeste"d the Couri:cil to . . consider improving Jones street' in front of hi's home.' The. Council 'agreed the road was badly in 'need of repair and.regr.e.tted that at,,' present funds wer~ not Slvailabel., . The Clerk was .instructed to. write a 'letter to J"~r. Childers" stating. tp.atthe ' barn'. on his property was. unsafe and a' rfre hazard and to make arrangements with the Clerk within fifteen.days as to Wlat . he would do about the situation. , , The Coun'c~l 'discussed the Water Dep~rtment and CoUncilman Eide made amotion seconded by Councilman Cowles that we refund the money -that L.S. Vandiver and Merle Morris had payed to tl:lS Town of Yelm for ..improving their water supply in 1960. Motion carried. ~ , ,A discussion was held on charging of Churches for Build1ng Per~ mite. The Council felt.that they should not be excluded froin paying as, charged. . .'. . " " . . '. ...... f . "M~yor Brown stated that O,lymjh\ia 'Of1.&"'Wood Pr~lgpo. weuld r.epair ,and bla~ktop c~bs at Yelm, ,a_nd. 4tl1: Ave ~_ $90.00_< Pickett , :made, 'a motion we have this work,' <iop.~,., apW,l~s,,' ~sJ,~~c,opil,~9." and i t. c~rried. . y: . "':" '" l ~ Meet~ng adjourned. ~ . "!- .. <~ ; <:' :;1 '; ... . t I~ ;,. 'J "" ., <;. .. ," '" ~ 't ':' :":. .. ..: 1f~~~~ .. -Eliza1Deth M. ones,' Clerk . Iti" .. .. . - , . :, . ': . , " . .> :y c 1, C . (}'-,~ /1/1 , - .- G~lO. .-l'own,~r - J .2.2',' " . September 13; 1961 ~he regular meetIng of the Council ot~..~t:-he'" Coun~i 1 . of.' the, Town of' Yelm' was ca.lled" to order '.by Mayor Bro\e'n .wi th Co~hc.llrtlen -.C.owle,s.,~Curry', C larenbeau, .Pickett and Eide present~. The minutes. of'. the.previous .meeting, were and approved. The~following bills'were read"and. on a. moti.on..from. Curry" arid seconded by Pickett we~e ordered..paid as follows. . CURRENT EXPENSE Wolf's Shop-Rlte....~........~.~.....$ .6~5l: Yelm 'Telephone Co.~................... .14.80 . D&H' Mobile..,'~ .'.~.t.. .... -. 'it,. '. ....... .. .. .. '.. 36~ 99 . ' v Tac oroa" Auto" F~eright~. '. '.'.'...,.. ~ .. . .. .... 10.88 .~ Pugetv Sound.;. p" &,,~'L'.,.. ....... .......... 78.18. " Y e lm~ f'ix-i .t..Shop:.... ". .. "'.;e'.".<-. . . . . .. ..;... . 3..64 :. Mishek Suppiy" CO'e.. .... ..'r. '.:-.<.'J~ '.:. '. '. ". '. '.". . .. ,9 ..~~3 WATER FUND., ~"'<'" - ~ '" Q- ... " ,,;;. " " . "" ;;.< h ' E.lizabeth M. Jones, Clerk. . .. .'. ...... . ... $8..00. Puget Sound P '&L.' ~'........... .;....... 83..66' . Tacoma AutoFT.e'ight>.r. .... ..:.......... ..: 5.00 "Yelm Lumbe~' &~ Hdw.:.,."..,...."....,..-..,."..,.,.,. .:... .... 21.04 ~ Penns~ai -t" Cob-em. Corp . . .. . . . . . . . . . ~ . .. . . 10..00 · Pione'~r' Busines.s:. Forms".,.... ".'.-. . . ... . . .. . 26..82' STREET " - . ~ .j' ", "" .; " .. j>' q ? <i< '-' " " .. ,~ :. " '", :, ,~ ; '" '" "' ., '" ~ 'IDr&il'lH' Mo b1.,:le~.".",.:. c. -'. . . .. . . . .... . . . . . . . .~. $ . .~ Y ~ 1m- Gara g e' . '. <". '.. '." ". '. -. c.".'.':. <. ~."'. '-. '. ". c. 'e '. Ii ;. . ~ .' G ARBAG E', " ~ , ." ., ;:.. ", .:, ,. c "~ ".. '" c ~ " !) 0 :;. Brown' 'Br'os".~G'atr.ag.e".".~~~,... e. ~...... ._. .... $ , YelmTe"l'e"., ((}o'.\)."'.,o.".~.".>.'I>.o.,.~.".".<,...c. .... . . . : Emp l'oyment~ S'e.c.ur~ict"Yo ~Depct,.-. ~.",~ ~...... . . .. . o 1.44 49.45 49..51 11.45 ,.. 713 .. ", ,~, .". .... .~ v ~ ;.:., t;! :. "l';' -:.;.. j <; ~ ::;... ;) :, C .J Co D 1') ;t. & IFh;~C';'fr:e:as''U~ertstm6.nthi.y. r~port was .gi ven at this time' also the Marshal's. . . .. ._ .~ ....._ ~~' ~ '- ~. ~ -, c. " ~ ~ ~ : 1, .. t .~ "', c e (f ? o' "') C :. . . Mayor Brown" cs:t'a'ted", ~t'ha;t.. ,MarJ..~in Stillings.. haS. requested. a street light to be placed 'at 'Sot-evrens~ <s'<n4 .F5i"rs,t~ S~t,..,. ,Bl-nd, ,9:1so, a.skpermission :t:p . purchase gravel. from' the Town of Yelm for entrance to his Shop':.' The Council granted permission to. purchase gravei but no action wa.'s .taken on the str.e"et li<gh,t.."., ~ ~,~ ~,;;." ,> . .. " .. <, , ',' " <l " ... ~_ e, '" . o ~:.'\ j. .., Q :;. ;;' ~ v .s ....:::; '0 $- <:: <. c.~ r' o Ordinance No'~<9'7'" <'relating-;,~tco-,,~the~ "l,i"cenfJ..ing" of peddle.rs wa.s given' ~.ts f'i"rst. and, second reading. COWlcilmen Curry made a motion' sec:dn'ded' by Councilman Pickett tha't it be passed. to its thi"rd reading." Motion carried. - ,...... 'A tentative budget was presented and Councilman Curry moved we' adopt the same, budget. Counc,ilman Clarembeau second this motion and' it carried. October 2: was ,set tor the hearing date and the 'budget. .was ordered. published. . ' It was'moved and seconded the, meeting be adjourned.. October'Z, 1961 A $peciBl. mee.ting for' the hearing on .the proposed bud,get w~s called by.Mayor Brown. Present were Concilmen Eide" Pickett. and Cowles. Councilman Pickett moved that as there. were no pr'otes,t, on. t:q.e ,pr.opos.ed budget .that the,sam,e. be 'a.dopted as publishe.d. Eide sec:ond- ed and it. c.arried 'unanimous ly. .', Me~ting adJourned. . BUWET. for 1962)' ESTIMATED... REVENUES f'or 1ge2: o " ~ CURRENT"'" .... . Taxes.' ..-~' . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . '. . . . '. . ~ . . . . . . $ Li c ens es.. . :~. '.' .". ri . . . . -. .. . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . _ Bus ine's s Tax................ .-. . . . .' . Liq;uor 'Revenue..... .... ...... . . .. . . . . . Motor Vehicle Ex.Tax.. . .. ... .... .,'. .._ . Liq:uor Ex. Tax.. :~- . . . . . . '._. . . . ~ . ~ . . . . 'Po~ice Court-"Flnes............... o. Building P~rmi ts. . .. ... .'. ... ...... . · ,'R' , .' . .F1re Hall .ental........... . : ......... . ;:" '" 5,273.88 { , 500..,00 9B4.,OO 2,281.25 1, 212y, 25" 824..52 1,000.0Q' 150.:00 .' 1,015. 84 ' "rJ,' . \"1 ,,1", Dog License....,... .'. ..... ~. .'... .. ........ $ 100..00 . Balance on hand..:....... .'. .'."..... .....~ ~2,..600.00 .. . .". TOTAL. . . . .. . . .00 . . . fh.. .. .. .. . . ~ . . . . $JL5, 941..58 WATER FUND '. :" c' ". . . C'orisUmer C'o11ections.. ~ . .. . ..... '. . . .. 4\ . . . $10 ".000.00 Hook';"Up. Charges ~'. . . . . .~ .... .. . . .. . . .. .. ... . 150.,00. . Balance on hand.......................~ .2,lQQ.OO, ',' . - . - TOTAL................~...........$12,250.00 STREET' 'FUND . . . ",... .' . ., r. ., '. ^ 'Q ~ .., -;. ",",. ~ . ' ;;. "<- Motor Vahle Ie F:und'~.......... ..."..,.; ~ ~~.. $..1'1951..42/ . Justice OourtFinesll'Ll~....'..." II .. .. ,"!.. '! : ,,1'J900~OO . . ..... Ba.lance' on hand..... '. ,;'~ ... ... 0 .. ... .. ~ !, 't!' , ,. ~.~ QQO! QO. : . :1>ARTER:;~::::n:U:K.'" ~~~~~::::::: :'~:~ ;:;~~:~~.~:.~~ ~.~ ,4,551.42 '.,,~ Balance on hand. '.. .. . ..... e...... ... ..... ~ ~ !.. '. , 300.00 , . .... -' '. c'" TOTALf).~tl...lrl..e..~.'......,!'>.!",.,r,$..1,600.80 GARBAGE' FUND'... .,. . 0 .. . '. _. . "," _ . Consuriler"C'olTections ~ .. . .... . . . ...... ~ . $ 2,800.00 Balance .on' hand... ~.. ~.".........."!. o.~ ,> . .,'. e63!00 . .' . ~. ...., ~.' ..,., ',' -,.;.TOTAL.. *. . .. II ..... .. ...e a.. ..':. ... '. . ..$ '3;,663.,00 SPECIAL 10. MILL 'LEVY' '...... . '. . ~ ~-Ur V"[.) . , ..,' . Fire FightingJ?;qulpment ~ ... . ... .. . . . . 0 .. $ ...3', 51$'! 92!' .~ fj v--'l-:--G;~L~ . '. .... '>.TOTAL........&.e..o.~..f)f)C!lQ..........-..$3,515..92 BOND REDEMPTION FUND' '. . " , , ". "'.'" ~ .. ., ",. .~ :..... ..: .' "., <> ~.' Transfer from Water....... .'.... . . . ... . . $" 2, 940~OO . " Balance on hand~... ..............0..... ~." ZJ;1(33..Z5', . ~.>. . . , . TOTAL.... ill. .. . 40 . e .. ... .. : ill 4l ... ..$ 4,,823.,25 BOND RESERVE INVESTMENT' , " , . " ~ ... " ~ ~ ~ r " : ~ " 0 ~_. .. ~ . ~ , , . Rese~ve on hand.......~.... ..... ~ .... .'. fI!$,,6,930~24, " , ",' TOTR L. . . . .. . . 1/1 . .. . . . . . Q . . . . . . . $ .6, 9 30 .' 24 ~ ~~. . i" - ~ .... :~ ,. ... ;. 0- '\': .tt :t ". .;;. ,. ~ ....,.. _ ., ~ L" .TOTAL ESTIMATED' REVENUES. . ... . . .... . . . .0 ... . . . .. .. '. . .. .. : . ~II ~ $53,,279-.21. . . 'Lf r? 4/ 0 <;/ ~ . CURRENT EXPENSE FUND " · , c ' . 531 b '1 Clerk Saiary ..o.............ll<.......&...~$. 300.00"-- I Office Expense.......~..... ... . e. -. . . .. .. . . . . , 0 100.,QO., . .' .'AttGrney Salary.& Expep.se.............. 3$0.00':- -,',.'" .Mayor & Council Expense.................$.. 200.00 .1 Surety Bonds...... ... ...... ..'ca. ...... "'...0. 100.,00 'I Mnnicfpal Judge. ..;)alary. ..... ... . ~ .~ . ~ ~ 0 600eOO"'- Municipal Judge Exp..................... 50.00 . Registration & Elections........~..~.... 25.00 Publishing.. & Advertising.. /) li). ........ .. ..':; . '~3Z70BO...6000 ______. '. S ta te Auditor.................. '. .. . . ., ... . .. Ass.oc~ ',of \4ash. C1 ties.'~. ........... . .. 34.15 Me.d. Aid & lnd.' Ins......... (I . . .... .' 0:. ".. 135'" 00 S · 1 S. . "- .' 201 00 . oc'~a ' ec url ty . . .. .. .. . ... ... . .. .;.. ... . . . . . . . . . To~n Hall Expense............. tt . . .. . .... 1,,500.00. Health. Serv.i.ce.. . .... . .. ... . ... . .... . . . '" . . 287..40 Library Service........... .....,........... 703.18 Civil Defense...........................~ 77.28 .Pa.rk Expens e.. . . . . . . ... . . . .. .. . . " . .. . . . . . .. 250.00 .General' Insurance.. II .~. ........ ....... '" .75.,00 Marshal Salary... .... . . . ; ... o. ... . . . . ... . . 4" 800.00:'--- ])e?ut~ Mars,ha1.:)al ary ........ '. ... ... . ... 1, 000 .OO~ JaJ.l xpense........ .................... 50.00 . .Dog.Pound Expense..... .-....... .... ... .. . . 100.0'0 Build.ing Inspector..............~....... 100.00../"" Fire Hall Rental.......................... 1~015.84. Building Conf.: Assoc.......... ... ....... 40.00 . Capital Outlay... .... . . .... . .. . ... ~.. . e .. . .. 1,,688.13----- TOTAL... ..... ........ .... .... ~.... ,.$' 15,,941.58 WATER EXPENSE FUND . Supt.: Salary........ ~ .. . e. . ... . .. .. e .. . $2~,,200.00-- S '. .~ G.lerk alary. . . . . . . .' . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. 1,600.00 Office Expense........................ '.. . . 350.00' Repairs & Supplies.;,.. .... ... .'............. .900.,00 Labor.:.. ..... ,.'.-. ...... . ~ ,......... .......... 150..00~ Truck Expense'. . It........ ..... .'. e......... 100..00.' P ow e.r. ...~. . . . . . ... . . . . . . .'. . ... . . . . . .. ~ .. . . . . .800 .. 00 So C ial See ur i t Y .. ~ . . . . .. . . . . '. '.. . ... . ..:_ . 121.00 'Mad. Aia.& Ind. Ins............... ... . . . . 50..00 Uti 1 i t yT a+x. ... . It. III . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .' . . . 400. 00 Ptib1ishing& Advertising........ ~....... 25.00 'Bond'Redemption Trans........... .... . .... 2,,640QOO~ ~ESTlMATED,EXPE~IDITUBES FOR. 1962:' I "'. . 23.. ,I L) " 24;: WATER 'FUND.C ONTINUED' - , " < " > Gerierallhs urance. .. . . . . .:~ . .'. . ... .. ..,~,. .,.. ~.. ~ ~ $ " Clerk R'e 1 i e f . .. . . . . It.. . . . '.. . . . . . . . 'e . . e e, . . . . . ~ Capital Ou~laY..~.~~....It~.....~.~......~.... · TOTA.L.. .. . ~ . .. . .... .. . '. . . . " .1~O.00 100..00 . 2~6l3. O()'~. . '. .. 'e. .... ...... .$]),2:,250..00 STREET EXPENSE FUl\1D 0 . .. q 'y "~ " co,,;.,. Supt. Salary... .... . .... .. ..... . . . .. . . ..' ... It,. . ....~$ " .5Qo.oo~ Labor, Repair & Material... ... ...... .. .... ... . ... 750.00-- Rental of .Equip'. . ......... ~.. ... ~.......... .-....... 206.00 . G . '. Truck & radar Expense............................ ~4300.,OO Med. Aid & Ind. Ins............................ 30..00 . Social Security.. e.. ....,.~. ......... ...........; ~. ~ ~ ?7 ~OO . Street 'C1eani'ng. ... ...... ............... ...;.... .... '.300.00 General Insurance..... ..'.. .... ......... ~...... 17'7.,00 . Stree~ .Lights................ .-........ .... ... .616. 80 ~ . Arterlal St . Match Fund.. .. . . . e.. ... ... .... o. . . ... " ~40o.oo ..' Capi tal- Outlay.. . . ~ . . .. .. ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .4O 2,.613.00 '-"'" '.' '. .' TOTAL. .. . .. . .. . . . . .; . . .... ~ ,_.. . . . ~e . . ... $ 4"S 51.42: ARTERIAL STREET FUND . Street Improvement o GARBAGE EXPENSE FUND Disposal Salary.... ........ ....'. ....... ....... .$1',000.,00 . Relief' 'Disposal Salar.y. ~.. ... . ..........~.. .. .. 150~.oO Clerk Salary~.... .. . .'... ....... . ...... '.. f. ..... 500.00 Of'fi ce Expense............ '. '. . '.. . . '. ... . .. ... . . . 150.. 00 Truck Expense.. '.' .'... ..'. .'.. ... ... .~'... ..... ..'.. ".1;,. '~3QO.,OO Garbag.e.:Dump Expense..,.. .'. .. .'.. ..', ... , , .., , , . 50..00 General Insurance. ~ . .. . . .. .... . .'. . .'. .. . . ,. . . .' 150.00 Social . Security. .. . . .. . . .' ~ .. ... 'e . ;..~ ..... . . .. ....... "'. c ~ 50 ..00 Med, Aid & Ind., Ins.............. . ,.,.... .'. .'. ~ ~ 30..,00 .Capita 1 Outlay...... .... .. . . . .. . .... . . ... . . . .. 1,226.,00 . '. ;;. ",' -"TOTAL...........~:......................$..3,..663..00 Capi tal . Expendi tures . " til cM-~' rv> Fire Fighting Eq.uipment..................... 3:,.5-1-5.-'12 'tj_ "r---t;'-r:~, f('../ '. TOTAL.. .. . . '. . . .. '. . ~ . . .. . ~. ... . '4O . . . ... $ 3,515~. 92 BOND REDEMPTION FUND Current Bond Redemption.. ,.... . . .. ..',.. .. . . ....$2, 6lJll0~O,G',' . Balan c e on hand.............................. v 2', 1 $ .3 ,00 . . '" TOTAL................................. .. '. . $ 4,,84'3.~ 25 BOND RESERVE INS'ESTMENT FUND ~ C:>."" v " ~ " "'. ~ > 'Rese'rve .for Bond Re:demptioRl......,. .<..... . . ".6,,930.24 " TO TA L.. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . ",.. . . . . . . . .. _ .. .. $ 6~, 9 30...24 ~. '" .. .Il! ... .0 . 4'1 <1".. · ;..." .....'. ..... ~ .'. ....... $1.,600.80. . TOTAL.. ;. ..'." ~.. ... , . '. . iii. .. " . e' .. . .. _ _.. . . .; . . $ 1,.600.,80 o . ~ ..... .\': ~ r., () .. .. :1' 4 ~ ~ c ....~ i:I c, Q TOTAL ESTIMAT.ED REVENUES....... ............. ....... .......... ... .$53",276.21 4- C 'T 4f a ., 'L: ~ ;',) 10 ..::: Y .. c;. c -::). ~ "' If' 4) ~.eOO~";'..:;l;:'''b ,.t 0' 0 ~ '"" .,.. .0 t1' 0 14- : ""' ,.:> Q JiI. t,) <l> .Q ,;. C. .0 ~ '0 .\j' 2,:;, e .c ...,' 1t ~ 0 ~ ;:. G " .. ;, '" ~ " 0 ~ ~ 0 ". ~ ~ \J <, 0 ~ <> " " ." Q :) , " 0 Q , , Q " ~ q .-0 .e. 4- Q <; :>,.. :::- {J ~ ~ o ,.,. tJ C (. 1;) 1: " '" -0.. if c ';; 4 C. ~ ~', t (:.p' ,~..) j .0 ". ;:;.. (). 0. ~ ;:> :). Q " " ,. Q ~ ., f1 .:.;. c.' 0 11 . .0 <J. 9' <t :t. ..~. #: ' c h 6 0 4 .~ ~. & ~ ~ ~ A ~ 0- t\ co.') ~ ~ iJ -p ..;,;. " " o .. 6 0 0 -0 t> ~ t: ~ C> ,..0' .llt Q\ ~ 11" 9" ~ U !',) ". A 0' :.t ;~ V. 4' ~ " -.,E " '" fl. .:.. Y " ..;1 Q, t.... ~ ., o () \) -0 t! !)- l~ {"I 4 i) (J. ..:;. ...... <:. -9.-1."l ,." .. ,:.:, \;. n- (: r.i ~ -10 4) .\; o ,. (' '..... 1) .(! ~o .c .v~. ,J)';'- c Do 4 ;1 '0 ~ .] "t '- ,If .. -" () ~ i " A " II Q of: 0 .c .0 C tl/ : ....~ "1) ~ c ,. ~ ,';- ~ v ?'~') :> . ~- .::(. 1.:' ,4 ..z. ..3 ;> . ,-j.'.('! 1: a ~ ~ 25;.: OC'~OBER: l~, 19'61 " The' re,gular meeting_ of the CoUncil .of the' Town 'of .Yelm was called to order by'May.or Brown.with Councilmen J"ickett,Eide Curry a~d 'C0wles present. , . .. The' mfnutes. of - the previous. meeting were read .an approveg.., ~ .The followi'rig bills were read and on a mo,tion from Curry and . sec.o,nded by Ei,d~2::"were . ordered paid. as follows; . .'" . ..,.') I CURRENT EXPENSE Thurston Mason Health........~..........$.71..85 So.puget Sound Ri3g. Library. c. ~.~ r. ~ ~ '~':. . ~.. 169..30 puget Sound Light... ~.';.;~~ ~; ~.~~. ~~,'~ ..:..... 78..a9 Brown Bros. Garage.. ~ ~ ; ~'~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .' ~~'. . . . . 15.86 , Wash. State Emp.' Seeurl ty~~,~ ~. ~.. ... . .. ... 84...90 Standard Oil Co.,~ .'. ..'~ ~ ~,~~,~. .. . .. . ~ . .... ".28..49. 'Dept. Of Labor &~ Ind~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~:.: ~ ~: ~.=:; · e.. ~ ~L9l::~)28" Yelm Tel~phone Co....................... _C;;. Bureau of Tnt. Rev.. ~ ~ ; ~ ~ .~. ~ ; . ~ .... ... .' 97..80, . The S tat ione r s . . ; . . ~ . ~ ~ ~ . . . .' ~ .~ . .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ .' ~ ~ 1. 2'5 .Nisqually Valley"News:; .~~ ~ ~ ~: ~~:; ~~... .... 19.38 .' E. 'Rebert Fristoe.....................;... 7.5.00 . Geo. ' g. Bro~, Mayor................,..... 2'5.60 Yelm. arage...4O.;....:; ~ ~ : ~ ; ~ ; ; ~ ; : . ~ .. " ... . 19..41 D &' H -'Mob :tIe. . .. . ; . . . . ~'. ;.~.; ; ; . . . . . . '. . .. .... 85.44 ~osman Agency.... ~..~.. ~.;; ~; ; ~.; :.;~ ; ;; . . ..; .' 10.,00, WATER ' .' Pennsalt Chern Corp. .......................$ 10..00 Bur~,au of Int. Revenue;'~;;;;;;:... ..... .. 161..70 Dept. o.fLabor ,& "Ind.::: ;;:;:;::.... .'... '10..,12' PickettiDrug Store.... ............. ..... ~.,. .' 9.58 TaJc Connnissi'on............................ 114.58. Milton E. Johns.on..... .'.. .'. ~'.. .. ........ ..' '10..83 "E,lizabeth M. Jones, Clerk................ 2.2:2' Ye1m Lumber Be Hdw...........,............. .112.12 puget 'Sound Pow,er & Light... .'..... . .. . .. . 68..84 Get'zum 'Product.s. ~.... .... ... .... .. ......" . ' 6..50 .W'ash. State Emp. Security.............~.~. 52.50 Tacoma. Rainier Auto. Freight.'. . . .. ... ... . ~. 2'.50 Frank Turner. ..... ~..'.............. ~ ~......... 106.08 STREET · Thurston Co. Road Dist...... ..............$ .. Wa sh .. S tat e ' Emp . See ur i t y. . . . . . . . . . .. . .' D & H Mobile... ... . .-e ..... . . .. . .~.. . . . . :. .... Y elm Garage .'. . . . . ~ o. . ." .'. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . Dept.. 'of Labor & Ind.~.................. GARBAGE ,,' . "'. D & H.Mobile...~..........................$ Yelm Telephone......... .c. . e.... ... .'.... 4> . Dept. of Labor & Ind...............,..~... , . Yelm Garage. . .'. . .... . . .. .. . . . ..... . . .'. . . . Dept. of Labor & Ind... e . ..~ . . . . .. .. . . .'~ . . Br own Br os. q.arage.. ., ."'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22'.00 12).00 3.60 17..36 , 5.95 ') 8..31 . 8.. 70 8.18 9.:50. 22.50 34.06 The Treasurer's' Monthly Report was given at. this time also the' Marshal's.. .' 'I , . . . Attorney Fristoe 'was present.and read vrdinance No., 98 'which provided 'for the, payment of street. improvement.s ~ Councilman Pickett. made a motion . seconded by Councilman Eide' that 1\1e adopt Ordinance No'. 98. Motion 6arried Attorney Fristoe advised the Clerktto write.a letter to Thurston Co. Road District No.1 advlising them that she was engorsinga check . directly to them that was received by the Town .of Yelm from We'stern Farmers Association as a direct contribution for street improvement at 'R~il~oad Ave and Stevens St. and could not properly be run through the books of the Town ofYelm.. Ordinance No. 97 was' €~i ven its' third and .final reading Councilman Cowles made a motion that it be passed and published this was .seconde'd by Curry and' passed unaminonsly. . 'i" The Clerk read the fol1owing,letterthat Attorney~ristoe had re- quested her to write to '1'htlrston Co. Auditor. ItPlease correct items on ..Towno!' Yelm's Budget :tor 1962 to re'ad Special Levy,Fire Fighting".E~uip- ment $4,OOO~OOand Capital Expeflditures, Fire F1ghting- Equipmen~ $~OOO.OO. Councilman .Eid~ s.ugges'ted we' irivestT'gat'Efthenew' pr'ogram for "we'lfare recipents to workoJQn City' projects. The Clerk was'asked_.to get::Liri.f,ormati~ , Meeting aq.journed' . . . . .~. " . .' . 'f';i~d,-cL ?h~(~ . .' .. /' ..... ) ~ /I dlAJI/I. EHz'abe ~hMIJ~.,,,. .Clerk . . 0:' . . ~i;::.s;;J!raYQr. . ,. . ... 'C , . '26,,' \ " >N'ovember B" 1961. , The' re~ular Tl1eeting of the Council' of' the Town' of Yelm was" called' to 'or4er _ by J: ayor Brown with C ouncilmen Curry'" Pickett ~nd Eide 'present.' 'The' minutes of, the previows meeting were read and approved. '. J . . _ 'The following, bilis'were read, and on a motion'from 6urry'and seconded by pickett were, ordered paid as follows.' CURRENT, Standard" Oil Co'~ :,'..~, ~ :. ". ~ .'. . ~ ".. ;. $ 48. il Trimble 1 S Haraware~. ~ ~: ~: ~'. . ...... '17..76 Trimble,' s HardwB.:ee.,:: ~.~': : : ~,; : ::': : ~ ' 4.30 Yelni Lumber, &. ~ Hard~Jar:e: : :: ~ : :::: : c 42.94 Bliz'abetrl.M. Jones" ~Clerk: :: .... ...~lO.19 'YelmTelephor;te Cb~ :.~:~::: :;:::: :: 0 14.40 Brow,n Bros. Garage~: =;; ~ ~ ~;. :: :.: 13.,26 N. '1' l' "V l'A . ~ N' l> .. <.' ~ €> ~ · , <> ,~ " " 0. v 3' 7 68 J..:squa y.'ya..u:; yews. ...' ......... ' ._" Ye1m' Garage. 4):.: :::::: : :: ::: ::: :,: "45.35" Pug e t 's oUnd P' &,. L:,: ,.; : ~ o. : ~ : : :: : ': : ' 7 9 ~,7 3 " ;; ~ t t) ~ .~ ~ .. q, Q t; Ij ~. " ~ .. ":l .;. o W A TER'~.. ' , . , ~ G " " '" " ',<1 " \) " ~ " ~ 0 . Yelm Telephone" Co; . : :: ;:. :,. ; : :; : $ 12.,,75 puget SoUnd Power ~ & "'Light ~ ~,: : ; : ;, · " 56: 2;5' Brown Bros. Garage~:;::~~~~;::;:<>~3.5..57?n .. .""'" ,.....44..-b..,...,(\.....;;Oj,iC)..;;,1)60.;JC'!C~; ,Street , Thurston 'Go. R,6ad 'Dist: : . ~:; ;.:: :$~87 .06 01Y?1Pic 911 & ~vt<?~~: ~~~~: ; ~ i ~ ;~ ~ ~ 0 69.60: , .~" '.. j. t'. j)o Ct 04 :t)' t) be ." ~ '('....s;;: .::: . . ~ , Councilman Eide submieted:irl.f6rniatiori~ne'had"received oh the Work Relief Program.. The "Council discus~h~d "tne"p3.arl '81nd agreed much work in the Community could"'be d6ne'oy"tne"program. 'Councilman Curry ,made ,a motion we make' 'application for 'tne "WQrk "Relie.f'Program Pickett seconded and it carried. '" ", ' . ~ " " '" .. '. .., ,. ~ , 4 ".:: .. t;.', ,;J';,;.. Q ~ v.~ '., ,b. ~ .t . If! (i (J .:. "; .. ...: A. discussion was 'held on otne"agreenientwith the Fire,Dist;rict .and 'November 15" 1,961' was set "~s ~a: <>-eenati ve date fot' .further discussion wi th ,the Fire District ,C.ommissioners,.; · . , - >;"'" (> e ",' c ~ Mayor Brown ask tOhe CoUrici.! ,"..eo "a':ftend "the Legislative Neeting to be held in :Ol:ympi8!, ;November 9 J; "19'61 '.<>':> ,'" ' c. .. ~ .~ :> C ~,O; Q, ~ .~/ ;'.,' a :) <J ^ ':) t- ",";' ....- ~, ". .~,',"" U ".' ., Meeting adjourne~. , oC .;. {" . ~ "': ~ ~ ;. ... ,... ", oJ <t- :- (;;. '. 'C'''';;'90~9'il 11"--()"'tOO ) .:~ 0. 1) ~. (.;, '" 4" ;, "":" ~ r; 9 (1 !'\- C ~ 0 "' :,; v (; ~ ""4<>e(iO -"'~~'1.< Q"\o.:~'~'~'" .., , · · · , , , " " · ,,',P II~ ;; " <> c ~ C ., C o>,Vji:JJ ~ ".~ ~ ,J " " · 0 co", GEn~~ G. BROWN MAYOR,' , , ~ "": 0. I) .~ " .~ r ~ y. ,~ t "> i):. '0- ;;. (" ,:) ,lerk o i i I' I.. . 2"" . . '.',:~:' December 13, 1961 Mayor 'Brolin presided 'at the regular council .mee,ting. with Council- men P.icke.t~,. Cowles: . and Eide .pr:esent. . Minutes of the previ,ous meetin were. read and" 8l.ccepted. The treasure 1 s . report: was p.resente~' and approved. also the . Marshal 's., " The following bills, were' read.. On motion by Cowled, : a: second by Pickett, and a un,animous' vc;>te the same bills. we're oredered paid: \. '~~Ff-~W'ater ..' . Trimble' S' :Hdw~.~'. . ~.. . ... . .'. ~ .. . . ~$ Tacoma- 'Raihier Auto Freight... .'.. YelmTelep~hone.......e.....~...'... (;;T' 'Yelm 'arage....................... Puget-Sound P & L. ,. . . ... . . . e . . . . . Brown Bros. Garage.......o..~... Pennsal t Chern.. Corp............. Ye 1 m 'Lbr. & Hdw.............;..... . C urrerit 'Brown Bros. Garage........ ~ . .. ... . D.' & . H Mobile . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . II . ... Yelm Telephone....~.........~... Mosman Agency.. 4. . . . ... . . ~ . . . '.. .. .. .. Hew,ittHenry.,....... ..... .....;...... So.puget Sound Library...... ..~... ' Thurs ton Mason Health..... .'. ~.. .. IF . ' E.Robert ristoe...........~..~. '. Nisquall-y : Valley News............ Puget. Sound P & ^L. '-A.'.. ...... ~. .... S t andar d 0 i 1..,.. ~'. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ;. ~ W 0 1 f 's . Ko op - R i t e .. . . . .... 0 '. . . . . . . Geo.' C. Brown. . . . .'. . .. . . . . . '. . ~ . . . . Street . Trimble's Hdw. .................. .Garbage , , , R os ana f s . . .. . ., ., . . '. II . .. . t>. . . . . ~.. . Elizageth M. Jones~........e.... Yelm Garage. ~.. ........ ........ ..... TrimbIe 1 s Hdw~. '. .. . . . . . . '.. . . . . . . Mosman Agency........... ... .., . 0 . . . . 1.54 2.50. . 11.ob 4.88 5'2.61 2;1~21 , 10~.OO 7.'39 2:8.,34 49.,29 20.60 1.60 1.25 169.,JO 71.85 . 125.00 . 15..91 85. 62 34.04 7.4.6 5.70 3.92' 31.15 8.,00. 39.,.42 2.34 1.60 Th~ Comprahensi va Street.. Program was discussed and.Resolution . . No. 89 was read a,:q. adopted by .the Town. Council. as the six' year .street program. . , .1 . . The ,Council discussed the dog. problem and'd~clcied_tha.t some .work could begin at 'qnce on a Dog Pound. . ...,.. _ . . '. ". , The Clerk read, resolution No. 90 .as.king: that, $115.,00. be.appropiated to Power and U till ty' Tax from the Clerk's... .:8xp'ense in.th.e.JNate~." Fund. . The .foregoing. .resolution 1'11aS adopt'e~ by- the . Council. Meeting adjourned. ~)&!YIYJ &eoI C. r,own, ayor.. \ 7fk,~ Jh a_A..) Eliza~eth M. JQ~:~Glerk-