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1962 Minutes
;1 ,~._--,~ " ..1 'I ~anuary 4, '. ~962!. 29::'" . . .. ..i1.' A ~,'i~ Mayor.Brown requested Councflmen to' meet at Town Hal'l .for tl:1e purpose of discussing' with Texmo Corporat-ion representive repairs'" to'tne new shed. that blew down 'December 20,' 1961 . Councilman Eide, Pickett, Cowl~s' and Curry were present. .The repair job was discussed and an agreement was reached. The" CoUncil gave Mayor Brown. the go ahead" for' the. repair as per agreement. January 10, 196?' , The regular-meeting of the Council .bf the Town'o.f'lelm'was called to order by ~JIayor Brown wi thGouncilman, Curry,.ft;bwles. and, Clarambeau presentl ..' '. , . 1 . . . -: .....;. :::. ~ ~ . , .The minutes of -:the previous" mee,ting, war.e" r.ead and approved. ... . -.. ! . :t <... ":" ...-...,. '; ^ ,.. _ ... "t \l ,The following.~. bi11s. wereo read, and:. on. ,a" motion trom Cowles 'and .seconded, byClarambeau were, order.ed pa.i.d a.s....follows; CURRENT . . ~ v , , ~ _ . Yel mGarage. ... . '. '.... .. .~ :..~ '.,. ',. ',.~..... ,. .. $49..69 Trimblef,sHdw. ~'.:.'..,.-... .'... ......... . 7..91 Standard ,Oil' Co...... .,~ ........... 69..47 Puget Sound, Power & Light.;...... ~. 36.35 Brown'B~os.' Garage.........,...,.<.c~...._._. 22..al . 'c, // : Assoc. -Of Wash.- Di.ti.es.,. .-..r.<o.'.:.~. 34.15 . Brown Bros. Garage-.. .'.....-.. .-. .<.;..,. 8.,37 Tnt. C onf. of Bldg-~'O:f~f"icial-.-..".-._. 40.00 Yelm Te,lephone C,o,.~.-.:.-.,........... 2:2..10 Mosman. Agenc y .'. ,.-.'.-,. .,~'. . '.-.,. '. -.J. r.-. .. 7.5. 00 D & H Mobile.... .......-. ."..~..-..-.a'.'.'.:.".. 91..54 r- . wa. t e r , "; . . ~ ~ ~ - . - ~ Yelm .Te:.lephone, Co...-..-.,. .-.,.,.,.,.,.".,,-$10..15 Yelm Lumber & Hdw.................. 49..1.8 Puget Sound Power & Light... .'. .. 53..91 Mosman Agency.... '.'.-.:.".-.7.";.~. .-.'.r....120..,Do' .." . "'5. :~' "'J :;." ., "1 ,', " '; . ~ '. S t re e t . , . " < 0 A ," _ . _ . _ " . . Trimble f s Hdw .. ... .... . . .. . . .'" .,.$ ,2..61' Brown Bros.' Garage.. . . ... . .. . . . .. .' 4.40 '.Puget. Sound Power & Light........ 55.15 Mosman ~Agency......'~".'."'.~. .....-~.-.:.c... . . . .177.,0.0. Gar bage "' ." .: - . - _ _ '. "'._ _ . ~ ' _ ~ ~ , - D & H' M.obile .-.'. ~,.-.-~,..."...-. .r.'~'. .'. .. . '$45. 5~- Bt:own. Bros. Garage.... '. ~ . . ... '. ... .. 12. 87 - Mosman Agency.. . .. . .. .. . ... . .'. ..150.00 . . The' Treasurer 's Monthly He'port was given' at . this time also the MarShal's. . . Mr._ ..C~lson of Thurston Co. .:Radio . :Repair was present and diseuss-. . ed service' and price - of. maintaining; our radios':~. The Council dis- cussed the .matter and decided: to continue with Daniel's Service . at present. . Ma'rshal Cronk.was present and ask that som~thing be done about .the back tire-s on- the. police car.. The CoUncil decided to. have them recapped. '. . Milt Johnson stated.that the Dog Pound WQ~d soon be ready and the Council requested the Clerk to sta.rt selling Dog License. no deadline date was set. .Milt'Johnso~'also ask permission to buy ,more met.ers.' After discussion the' Clerk was a'sked to check prices and trade in.b~lue an Badger Meters. , It was moved and seconded7 that the mee.tingbe 'ad'~journed.. fJe.) e ~rO-UIJ(\ M'ayor G~. C. Brown l .... '30. . . . . February 14, 1962 On h8!nd~ for the "regular meeting:. of the Council of the Towln of Yelm were' l~ayor George' Brown, .A:nq Counc~lmen George Cowles,;. Merle Curry Les Clara:mbeau, Ed.. Pickett. and Roger Eide.. . The' minutes of the previous meeting were read and approve~e .< . The bills Wiere read Picke.tt offered. a motion to pay all hills ex- . cept the bill for repairing the shed. Curry seconded.this motion and'it carried eunaminously. Contacts would be made with Texmo con- . cerning .the shed. The f'ollwoing. bills. were then. ordered paid: Curren t Ro sana t s ...... ~ . . . . . .. .. .'. . . . . . . ....... . . ... . $' 39,..34 BrOWin Bros.. G\arage..~................... 43.05 Ye 1m Telephone . III . . . . . . . . ,.~ . . .... . . . . . . .. 27." 30 . .Standard Oil ..Co.... ..e... ...... ~...... .117~,41 ]) & HuMobile...~..'............~....... 43.58 Yelm arage ..................~...;....... 30..01. . Thurston 00. Prosecuting Attorney..... . 3.75 . . s 5 Puget ound ~ower & Light............. 32).9 Brown Bras III a.r age". '11I'.'11I .. . . . '. .. . .. ,. . '..~. ,. ,..... 2. 34 Dani e 1 's C omm.", Serv;iee'.-I>.'. e.~. '.Q.O.>.".". ''':. ,..... 41+.72' o . W'a t e r . . ^ , . D& H . Mobile . ..... .'. .0.0.....'."....:... '...,,:.e. .. . . .. . $, 3.31 Brown Bros. Ga.rage .'.'.".'0'.>.'.,.,. . . .. ~. .~. . . 4..2;6 .' . Yelm 'Telephone. Co. .....'.... ...... ...,.... ..:..... 11.80 . E.M. Jones.,' Cl,erk... ..:,....... . .... ct.... .. .. . <2'.94 Pac'i.f'ic Water Works. . upply: J."'...~....;>.... .. .%104.28 . Yelm Lumger & Hdw .....;,.,o,...".^.~..."'~..."'.9.~. .~L". 11.60 Picket t Drug S.to re". ."0'.0.'. .s. .'."~,).<Je'J.'.'. 0''''0. 8.36 p'ennsal t Chern Corp. . ... . . . . . .. to . . . 0 . . . . .. 12.50 .T-Tosman Agency..... ... ................ ...' ~... 40.,94 'P.uget Sound 'p & L....~..oo.~e.e.(l.,.';;.,.-c.v.<>.,..",.... . .. .55.65. J .c-:).;" =- ~ .:; .J -:t 0-. ~ :> :: . Street . _ , > ~r:. :':l" 'l..ti1a. .~a' ''', ('i'~'" $ .J:. e .J..m,.j\.X. 'J.' ..g e.'e".l .'00 .. o. . . '. .-. ..".' ..... .0). .~ .,,",. :..' .,~. . . ( B. ..,.~i):o.'f' rH' Tl.ff...... b At 1 {j' .'~ "',/"! ,'~ C. . .' .J..Ul.itJ\J I ..l.~i.1.] i:Ii. e. Ol,.ct '0':...;'.'. ... . . . . ,... ... . . . ... .' . . . .:Puget Sound P & L....... .'. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ~ma:Nxifg~iJ[,.o. · ... ..,.,:. ..... ... .".".'.</.if.'.O. .".'. . . j.";'~.-{Jc'y 1.) v.;i.'C 0 3~. 81. . :s.: .5.0 55~i5' o Ga.rba.ge ," Pi.oneer Bus ines!s ~o~:ms o..o~.o.".>.' .'.<).l>.~."'.".<>.'. . $ Nisqually Valle.y News ~ .. . .... . . ~ . . . . . . . . . Ye'l m Gar ag e. . . .. . .. .' . .. . . . . .. ..'. . . . .... . . . .. . . Nisqually Valley Ne,;ws....~......,.c.".".<>.,~G.,..,,~ . . :: "'I . ~ :> 0:') :0 :LB.o? 11054 . 15.07" 2:2'. 83 The Treasurer 's Monthly' .Re.pQ~JtC'w)~s~ :g"i.v;,en at .thi.stime also the Marshal's. Axel Carlson and' Osca~ Swanson were present and wa~ted to know if the Town would supply water to their lots on McKeinze and Fourth ,'also 'if" the Town would put. the street t}1rough. Discussion follpwed and a.s part 'of. this prooperty.lies outside tne City limits the sub- ject 'of .annexation came up. Attorney Fristoe was not present so no definite action could be taken. The Clerk read a letter f~om Pacific Painting Co. quoting a price .of ~~B.. 6.0 each f'or Green River "Ordinance' signs. Councilman '. Curry .made amotion. seconded 9yEide that we purchase thre.e of these sign~.. Mbtion carried". Material'.from National Clean Up Committee was pres~nte.d and disc~ssed Mayor Brown then proclaimed the f'ir~t week in April as Town Clean Up Week~ . . The contract fr.orn Dept. of' Public Assistances' for the worK '. Relief' P'r.ogram was read and agreed. upon. 0',' . . It was moved and seconded the meeting be adjourned. ~~.'Jh~ Eliz beth' M.J}>ones, Clerk 'I I I 31'" ,: ~ ).' ."~;'" ,{". March 13, '1962 Towin Election results for the Town of Yelm were as follows: COUNCILMEN ,. Position No., 1 E.E. Pickett...... .... .57 Dan Maslowski... e..... 1'. No.2 L.,L. Lawton....;.. .... ..17. . L.F. Vandiver.. ~..... .43 No.3 Walt~r D. Braun...... ~5l Merle Curry... .'. ... . .... 1 H . . Nate . enderson.. . . . . . . .1 Hal.! Wolf. . e . . . . . . . . . .. 1 ~ No. $, . . (Unexpired) . ' Rbge~ Eide.....~......~6o Pos'i tion Position Position Councilmen elected for four year term' were as follows; Coun'cilman elected E.E. Pickett L.F.'Vandiver . \valter D. .Braun.t for unexpired term' (two Roger Eide . Years) March 14,. 1962: The regular meeting of 'the CounCil of the Town of Yelm WaS '.called. to order' by Mayor Brown wi th .Councilmen Cowles, . Pickett and C1arambe81u present,. . . The minutes of the previous , meeting weee read and approved. , .) . . .' .' . .The following bills were read and on a motion from Cowles and seconded by Clarambeau were ordered paid as follows: , ' CURRENT Be u la h M.' Phi 1 ips.. ~ . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . ~~ 13. 00 Wolf 'S-hop-Rite~.. .... ~........ .... ....... 6.-82' Bro"Wl1.' Bros. :Garage............ ...- .';'..'.' ... 9.,73 Nisctut111~ Valley News....".........,.. ..... 2.,2'8 Ye 1m ar a.9; e . . . .. . '. . . . . . . . ... . . . . ........ ....' 39 .' 3'0 D & H MobIle Service......~............... 25.87 Y el m' Lumber &. Hdw. .. ...,. . ,.,.,.....,. .' ... ..... 46. ].6 . Ye'lm Telephor),e.. .'. . ..,. ... . . .." . .'.. .... . .. 21.10 Mosman Agency........ .'. . . . . .'.'~,.' . '.. . fi .. 41.50 Standard Oil Co.................. ........, 45.33 Elizabeth M.. Jones, Cle.rk.."...... ~...... 5.36, Daisy Fristoe'.." .... ... ... . ... ... .. . ... . .... 15.00 . .Elvera'K. Johnson..!'.~.................. 13.00 puget', Sound Power &:, Light........; .... ..'.. WATER:.Badge~ 'Meter Co ....... .... . . .. . . .. .. . ~.' 1+ 78~ 72' Yelm Ga'rage' ......... .... ..... ............ 8..12 D& H Mobile......~...................,.,., 4~.57 pugetSound Power. & Light............. 51.83 The J. K .. Gill. Co. . . . . .' . ..' . . . .. . . . .. .. . . 1.30 Brown' Bros. Garage..... ~ . . . .. .. ... . . .. .. 40.,07 S'.TREET Trimble's Hardware...~..... .......... ... ..,. Puget Sound Power & Li gh't.. " ..".. . . It . . ,. '. . 5.,22- 55.15 GARBAGE . Nisqually Valley Ne~s..~..........o..~ y elm, Telephone . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 17..21. 9.,30 Marshal Cronk was present and stated the tires' on the police c'ar were' in 'bad condition. The Council gave permission to buy two new ti~'es and l?-ave ,tWiO recapped. Attorney Fristoe was present and discussed with the Council action and cost. nece~sary to' annex land. to the Town of' Yelm. Axel \...larIson' and .: 32' '. Oscar Swarison were not present arid as they were the ones interested it). annexing lots on'McKeinze and Fourth no p1a.nscould be-layed. Plans were discussed to charge more for wa~er hbok~ups as the ,price charged now~s not enough to cover the ,cost. The cost of new wate'r mains also came .up,f'or discussion and as further study is. necessary no defnite action was.taken.. ( ,.} It , .. q It was' moved and ~seconded the meeting be adjourned... :: <: ':. 31 # ~. . " ..: (I '.' !4,Vir~ rG~. '. rown.' yo' o .:-: ;;- ?, !' \"; " ~ ~~, Cl~rk'" H ':- U :.:;.' ,..., j. Q ~ .g., /) ... o ~ 'f (>' . ~ "'.J .: ..... ('. . ~ - (\ ..,. c ,...,. - ... ('- :;. :: D ~ . J ~ . 0 ~ ") -,. ') "i .:-; :;) 0 '0 . . ~ ~. t:i- >i:.l 10 '0 0- 't) .~ , .. I . '. ~ . .,.., '.1) .., "r ."" ;. 0 0 0. " -:1 ;. .... '; ., :, .. Q .). ;' "':;:. .. ~ ,,:,' ~ ")- .::: "J :). J;$ ~, 'Vo 0 .1 :;) .... fJ '() ~ - ... ... ~ . c' ,;. . c ~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ') ~ 0 .:} ~ ~ i,) r> ~ r ~. r. ~.f< ;i G' ~ s;:1 q lr> r- ' ,,", ;;. (J C 0 ~ :;'.() ~ I -:::"- (, -, <} ,;JI 0. :-'. ,. ') ~ ~ ~ 0 <:: 0 0 .", 0- ,':, .." i& 0,'::> 0, (< '\ {) o. .) .(i .0 q ,. ~ ~ tl'...... ~ 0 '", ~ -:. ~ ,;-' ": "'l 'I""; ('t -, 4 1). ~ ~ .:;. ;:;. i') :") " '. .,. ~ C :;) 4-'.... ~ .. c. ~ C ~" . " ), ':.:. 'Q' 0 #. '4) " . ,." "': l) .."'I ~.... (j, ~ .q ::I :0. , '~~;>:''''';e",:,..,.''/ ..'::;)..Cl'>~;,):~-'Jo" '.;) "':J?"".: 4 0 ';. .... (", 0 ::> 'I< ,4.:> ^ c: :;. ;;) e -: ., t:?""~OQ")"""te'$ o 1 '1' ~ , ~ ~ Goo c 0 '0 ,..C ,0 > -.I' " C: .., .0 C .0 - J ::. . '} <':' .. . "r .... '1 (1- 0. ~ ('\ '" . I I I . April 11, 1962' s.~ " "Ma,yor Brown called the regUlar meeting:'or" .th-e CounGI1-6r: the.!I'own . of' Yelm' to "order 'C'oim6ilmen Curry, Eide';" Pickett'; and"Clarambeau' were present. 'Becently elected, C:ouncilman L.F. V~ndiver1 w,as also present. -, -..... , "'. .. - - '" "'"' - . . " . "'-. r'. " ".' ~ '" ,\, _~ '" ~l' '" ...., 'It ,t1inutes of the pr$vious, me~~.ingwer~ read, and ~I?P~'ove~... Th'e treasurer r .~, monthl;v' report 't1as: .pr~sel?-~ed:, also the.Marsha:1.t..s .' p The f6l1otiirig"bilJ.s'wer'eread: and on' a '.mo.tton maae '"by .Curry and ,. s.econd,ed by Ei~~,.~Yl,~ a unaminous vote Here or-dered p.a~d. Current 'Expense" ,.,., ,. , , " , ,.\ ... ,. >" · " . ", ~. .,~, : '. Dxm-JilcMElflilm: '; : : : ; ~ ; ; : ; : : : : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : : .; $&6ri:~.t:2 YEbnx~,aFagE ~.."~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ;.:: : : ;.; :: :: : : : : ; :.:~ .2~i2OR YRxmx2IR:i:g~iL~c: ~ ~ ; ;.~ ~. ~; ': ; ; ; : ~ ; ; ;: ~.~ ;;. 1~f65 JvmSimu\1xii:g.E~ ~'. : . a. .'~ :';,' ~ ; ~. ~ : :.: : : : ~ ~ . . Ji:i$O PE.gnxb~i{:mNEi:~xtignti,: : : : ~ ~,~ : : : : . ~iQiE6 Wo~fOCg.x$~~~:tt.riJ,ii: ; : ~ ; : ; ~ ; ; ; : : ~ : ; .; ~ "lftz&4, '. stt.~:aK.N.X~YJt.x. · · · . · .. . . . . . . . .. . '. . . . . . A1:~ . . Current-Expen~e Book Publishing Co. e'. ... .'. .. . it ... ..$ .Tr imble f s' Hard'VJar e . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . Yelm Lumber & HdirJ'......~... .,. ~ ~ . .. . . .Ye1m Gar~ge.~.......~............. Standard Oil,........ '.. . . . . .. . '. . . . '.Puget SOUndPotjer & Light......... So. Puget $ORDd Library.........~ Trimb,le f s Hdt,j........... a . . . . ~.. . a.., Y e1 m Telephone . . . . . . ~ . . . . . 'g .. . . g .'. Nisqually Valley News.. '. .; . . . . g' g . . Pioneer Business F6rms..........~ Thurs ton 'I'lason Health...... g .. g .. .." D & H Mobile.Service............. Brown Bras,. Garage....... ~. ..~:. . .. Bureau of Int. Revenue..........o trfash. State Social Securi ty. .. ~'. . Dept. of Labor & Ind............... , ~ Water . Tax C om,m~ . . . .'. . .. .:~ . .. . . . . ~. . . ~ . .. $ Badger ,Mete~s......~............. Trimble's Hdw.~......~..........~ '.Yelrn Telephone........... e.... '. .'. Puget Sound' p. & .L. . . . . . ~ . . .. . ~. ~ .'~ Pennsalt Chemical Co~p~~.~.;~.:. Yelm Lumber> & Hdw~. If . . ~ .. I> it . ~ . . . . , Bur e au of Int. Rev anu€: .' . .. ~ ~ . . . . I> Social Se1c'uri ty.. ._!l~.'.."... ~..... De pt. ' of J.:i a b 0 r & r-N d. . . . . . . . ... "oO Texrao. e. .. .. ,. . .. It . .. . ..... . . . . .. . . . ~. .. . . . Street . Coates Second-Hand Store... ~ ~'.;.'.. $ Pacific PAinting .Co....~..~...... Ye 1m. Lbr. Hdw .>.. . . . it . . oOoO . . ~ . ~ . . Tacoma.l.,,-Rainier Auto Freight.. ~ .. '" D & H ~bile Service.e.......... puget'Sound Bower .& Light........ Social Security................. JDept. Of Labor & 'Ind.. .,.. '. . ... ~ .. TeXTIlo Corp.. 0 . . . . . . . .. . e . . . . .. . e . . Garbage'. . Yl G .... eft. e m arageoO.... . <& .. \!l . . . . . . . . . . . . .' (W D & H r~obileService~. ~. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~,~ S 0 c i al See u~ i t Y ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~, . ~ ~ ~oO ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ Ind. Ins....~~~~.~~....~..~....~~. "Te,xm<?. .,'~ ~ ~ .... e.. <110. .,..oO !... ~..oO...., < :;. .. , 36.40 58~.55 27 ;,54 23~81 88.,,06 30'.47 175~08 ~.. 78 20.: 75 1 7 ~, 94 5~53 71.,85 141.98 4 9 ~, 99 123~90' lOl~.52 13.12 87 ~,5o 22~23 6~84 10~,20 52.87 12~90 114~70 1:87 ~.8o 59..48 7:.34,' '200..00 3'; 64- 26:83 6'~58 .3.00 14~37 .5 .5~. 15 l2~ 21-S . .5 ~ 2~_ 190 .'. 00 25 ~ 90 . l5~17' 23~40 7~,21 312.,OO.~ "''', " ,. . Rick Rochester'~ and', Jim Babt; rileinbers of 'th,eFlywheel-, Glub. ~lere present to 'requestpermis.sion t6,pla'c'e a'- si.gn< at..the'''en,trahce~ to' , . ' ToV:Jl1' of Yelm :statIng this wa's 'lhe' home" 15ase' of the' ClUb: These' signs would ~e placed on 'State 'RighiilTSY so 'permission could not be granted . 'until St$.te Highway Dept. agreed. 34'; Resol.iitio"!:l.' No~ 91 'frJas read and on moti-on duly made and seconded was u.nanimous~;r' p~sse~: . , ... ,_. r'" Resolution 1'10".'92 was' read and on 'motlon by CoUncilman Piekettand seconded by Coun?i~~rn~n. ,Eide was unan1~ously adopted,it 'The Fire Agre"ement came up fox) disc:ussion' and as' no wri-tten .,a.g:ree:'-,:"... ,..'_ merit has been signed between To~in of Yelm 'ahd' the Fire DistrIct CofinciI:.....' ~an Curry illq.de a mot,ion that Town of Yelm rel~ase no. mone.yfrom the Special Levy until a'lrJritten agreement could be agreed. This motion was second- edby, Councilman Clarambeau and unanimously passed. The Clerk ,was, 1.n- structed.to ~rite a letter ,to' the Fire District regarding the action df the C ounci 1. o ;) d ') 4 .... , 1'-., (.:'- .,. '~4.... ~ _ 1:) ~ ~ . The Convention of~ Asso.ci,atJ.bn" of.' }(ftj3~J-P'gt9P 'Cities was brought to the attention 'of' the, Council,." Th?" ~l$lYP:r"and COimcil'memtJers- " were unable to attend and. -i t. ,vra,so agref3p., ;tPe $t1nd the C~erk to the Convention to repr.esent" the" T01.m... ~ Ii contract from, John D.. S~.ift: a:';a: ~~1ppic~tes was disY'tl~sed aD.d the Connell decided that to progress properly with p::ublic wqrks that an engineer should be consulted. Curry made a motion ~hat we advise John Swift to, write a contract for assistances in a~l public workxprojectsand ir it met. :vti,.thl ,the~ aplJPoval of 'Attorney Fristoe we retain him as. par"t time~ A3i1g.in',el3r_.c.pp~s"ulant. Clara,mbeau second.... ed the motion and i t,~ ?arried...~ ~ <> t> <.). ; '." ~ " " ~. Meeting adjoUrned. I "'Y ;) Q ".) (<- .,.'" i:. :) ,(' -? C ~ ~ ": .. 1& !' .., a. n .? '. ~ ;"J " \) D ,'">. 0 ~ : .; ... "H', PL .'. · :::::::::::::j.~iJ~fbp" . .' . . , ,.. , 'Mayor Geo. ..' .o~ . r-. ";) ....~ ~ ") '0 , ,'" c :;,. ~ {;. ..;:. ~".,," c ... ~ ~., " '> , - 0" ~ . ~,ll Z 8.1) , ~ ..; .. ~ ... ~ , o .. , 'RES OLJJTJ ON; N.D,;.. 9J~J . . WHEREAS~ there has heretofor' been advanced to the Arterial 'Street Fund of the Town of Y;elm tJ;e: '$!-lJ,.l1" ,p-,f; ~~I)(eJ'p..'o6<5~ lop" ,s,treet tvO'rk, and" ..) ~~.,.:>~~:-> -~}C~~6. HHEREAS~ the Council" of Town. of- cY"e.lrr+. J~so lle"sipou.s of repaying to the Street Fund ~he sum. o,f at836...65.. .a"dyap,c,:,ed .f,,roqm the said Street Fund to. the Arterlal Stre'etPund, n.o~v~,:) "and., .tp'er~for, , BE IT RESOLV,ED, that" ther, e p"eQ. ,p.;t1., ~dJ .},o.s~ p"ep.,eby, tr?-psferreQ. from the surpluspum in t~e Ar~terial, p"t.roe~e,t> ~~und ,.of th,e .Lown of te1m to. the . Street und Cap 1 tal 'fJutlay_ of., ~..qW~ DJ<) :f),lm the surne of' ~'~836. 65, and the Treasurer of,TovJD of, .Y~eJm .i.8, hereby directed s"nd aut or.... , . ized to transfer the ,said s.ura o,n' "the. r~~_cp,.rds, p;f ..,TpJ.'I1'l1:, pf Yelm. ) ,.., .\) (\ "l ~ ;::...., Dated mhis.llth day of April, 1962 In t rod tic e dA p r i 1 11 ~ 1.96 2 ,~ :,' c ~ Aqopted April 11;-1962 . 0 ::. r. 'If it_NIV/ ~a or Ge~. Brown ..;., ~t':'" ,;' .;. ',. ;, ::J ~ .... "" ..,' " ~~' . \ \') :";. <I. . : - ,:; :..'-'~~~J. ..)~ L- Eliza eth M. Jeres, Clerk o ~ ,.... <1 ..::: .J ::. .", .... :. ,... ~ r. e Q (;" -4. .-;,:,.:, . .::: ~. ~ ,'" Q ~ (> ..' ... "Ie , C ,. j (" ~ c !, / ..,. .... ~ ~ . " .; " ~.... {; e c ~ ... ~ ..t ,~ ') ::..... ~', v ~_. ~: :1? ~ '0 4. ... ~ , , ~ I --'-~ ii:6 . ~JIay.. 9, ~~ 62' Hayor Broi-.n~ ca1.1ed the reglllal' me'eting.: of' the g6uhcli 01-' the ~'own_ of Yelm: to order C'ouncl1men.'Eide, -Clarafribeau~ Cowles.,' and' Pickett were present. Recen~lY.'_~le?t~~ Coun?ilman Braun H~tS also pres.ent~ . " . H.inutes . of. the prev~ous me'~ting .Here l'>ead arid app~ovede The treasurer'f's monthly report iJllas pr:sented,a.lso the Harshal's. 'Tlie fbll01iihg'hi llswere . r'e7~d\ 8.nd 6il" a mo.tloii'made bY Eide and seconded by Clarambeau and.a unami,nous' vote were2ordered. paid. . Curren t . Yelm Telephone C~....~....~~.~.$ Yelm Luraber & Hdw............... Ye'lm Fix It. Shop. :'.. ..0 . . .. . . ....... . Mosman Agehc y. . . . ~ . . . . . .. . . . .. . . Puget Sound'P f!.'l~.L............... S tanda~d Oi 1(+00. . .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . Brown bros.. ar. . . . . . . . '. . ... . . . . Thurston Co. Civil .J)ef'en.se.... o' D & H Mobil~ Service..~......... ,T 1 G ." ~e m. arage..................... 1JIro liP s Shop - Ri t e .. . . !' ~ . .. . . . . . .. . Trimble's Hdw. $ . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. Thurston Co:- Prosec.uting Atto'... W"ater . Yelm Telephone 00..............$ P~get Sound'P & L.~..o.~~.~..... D & H Mobile Service........... Elizabeth 11. J'ones... . . . . . .. . ... Ye 1m L umb e r & H dtv . ......~.... ~ .. '~ash. Finance Officers Assoc.... Street' . . Tr.lmble' s Hdvl......................... $ l'\la 1 t f s .1.Jb r ... Y ar d. . . . .' . . . ..... . . . . Pug e t So un d P. & L...... . . . . . . .. ., Dept. of Labor & Ind..........~ Ye 1m L umb e J' & Ed w. . . . . . (> . .. . .; .. . Pacific Sand' & Gravel.......... Garbage . u '. . .Yelm argge.......o.......o.... P. k t~ u" St . '. . 1. C e - ".J rU.g or' e. . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . Brown Bros.. Garage.. Q .. . .' . . .. . . . . . . 23.30 1~22. 12.10' 10 ..00 Z5. 82: 35~o8 31.20 76~8o 56.56 27~45 2~h:8 . . 3. LI-6 1.25 o 14.55 52~87 2~9l 11.00 ?7..51 10 ..00 5.2-2 .41.60 55.15 2'.. 99 11.65 14.56 o 13.614-. 6.a4. 18..70 Mi1eage payment for men worJ:cing on the Tv/ark Relief Project came .up for discussion Cowles IDB.de a motion we allov.l fivE? cents per mile this motj.on itJas seconded by Councilnian :Eide' an'd :t t ca.rried... .' .. Correspondence1..]as read from the 0tate Liquor Board rega1"~ding change of" o't-Jnersb.ip of the Chief' Taverl1'~ The Council. had rio objections .to E..E. . Vernon. as operator'of the Tavern. . . Citizen Jack Dotson was present to present plans for a Trailer . Court on three acres to the rear of Narlin Stilling residence,,' Council and .Mayor found no co.r:flict ~vi th Zoning or other>' 5rdinanoe" 'J'he Council instructed Dotson to get apPl'oval from 'J.1hurs ton Nason Health Officer a'nd apply at the Clerk's o~f~ice f'or a building permit.. . The Council disc'ussed the Street Fund and Police Court Fines. o . . . rn Al 'Cronk asked. about using .J-hurstoD Co. Reserves to patrol week-. ends. . Council felt. that this Hould be satisfactory' if the Town 't-Jas pro- tected as to liability .insurance and bonds. . . 'r", Hilt Johnson requested permission to buy material for a n:e-v-T pump r:..ouse.Councilman nide nloved that Johnson be granted permission Council- man Clarambeau seconded andrnotion carried. '. The Council agreed to participate in the. School Community Calendar. Me~ting'adjourned. -P...?:..~.. E.E~ Pickett Clerk Pro ~em .1 May 16, 1962 "'A special m'eetIng or-the-Oouncll'of the,II'owri, of Ye1m' was, cs.ll'ed'- to orq.erby" Mayor' B;rown." Councilmen'pre'seht' wer7' Curry, 0 Clarafubeau;" 'Eiae',. and Pickett also" Councilinen-elect' BrEnih 'aha' 'andiver. The purpose of , this "meetini wa.s, the op,e,1.1ing ?t:. bi~~ ro~ wa,te!, ,p~pe. ',.. u '.., ._ ~ t .. . ,- ~ ' The me'et'lng' was' then' turned over to' ;I:.;ngineer Siriift. fc)r bi"d 'opening. Bids were received from Pacific Water 1'1!orks, Johns Iv1anvilleGo and R.D. Fowler Inc." Swift - then read specifica tj~on on 'material t'o be 'pl.aced at bid. 914,906~~.Pacific Water Works ,\ $15~567~48,Johns Manville Co. ~14,98l.50) ,'~ ~15,059.80)alte~nate.basiq H.D.'F6wle~ &'Co. ,Councilman Curry moved' '0e .. accept - the oid o.f Pacifice VJater - \lI!orks if ,the contract met wi tl}. the ap})roval ~ or 'Attorney Fristoe, Councilman Pickett 'seconded the,. motion arid it" carried. ~ ~ ,,- '. - - ~ ';;" ';' f\ '..... ~' 8::,;i'~: 'H.D. Fowler the~ mentib~ed't&~~f~6t that PacificeWater Work, pipe ~.Jas .foreigtl made. P~cifice, ~Jater' Works defended the pipe as. it is no~ being us'ed by many m~jor ~i t~es.. Meeting adjourn~d. . . ~ (}. . '" .. . ~ .. '; ~ . U)l ~t:n.{,\);1 Gee. ,te.m, Mayor .,., ,. i. ~. ,...... ;'.',,; . - ... .. '. - .. ..' - - r:9~. 'E E P.1 . ~ ~ 'ct' lC r:ett, Clerk Pro Term. I ~ ;:,. ., . June 4~,.1962' ~ .. :;-. ...... . .... "" Walter D. BrauT;l~and,Leslie Vandiver were sworn into the office of Councilma'n for - a: tern( ~f" fburc ,years by the Clerk.. I , ~ I " , I ij,ts' -. _I ... June 13, 1962' . Th'e regular meeting or the' Town Council 'was' called ""to' order' by' Mayor' Brown 'i-rith"Councilmen Braun,Clarambeau,Eide Pickett .and . Vandiver, present... ' . . (. . . Minutes, of theprevi?us m~etin~ we~~ read and.approved~ The inol1thly' bills' wer'e read arid on a ,motion by Pie'~ett .and seconded by Eide w'ere ordered l)aid as. follows: '"" Current: '. . ~.' . . , " . Arthur" Koch'. ~~ : ~.~ : : : . : : ': : ; : ~ . : : . : " ~ ~~ Ivah"Danf'ord...; ; ~ ; e ; ~; ~ G : ~ ~ ; ; ; ; .. ~ ~ p'uge t . Sound P&L'..'~: ~ . ~. ~ . ~ ~ ; : ; ~ : :' ;. . : Brown Bros. . ryarage. .: .: : ~. .: ; : ~ : ~. . : ~ ' Elizaoeth }1.,J6nes ~ ~ ~;: ~ ~ ~;.~~ ~.;..:. Starida'rd' .oil. Co.;: ~ ~.;: ~ ~.. ~:..:.: ~. Yelm Telephone'" GO~e ~'. :.: :.::; ~.. : ... ~ l'J'"61f 's ,ShopRite. '.:.; ~; ;.; :.:::; :~:~.:. E:~ Rob'Efr't Fristoe.;;:~';:;;'~;::;.~:: Yelm'G.arage: ;'. :'.':'~:..: ~::.... ~ ~ ~::~.' . C 0 Is on' COmm... . .~. '~ : : ~ ~ . ~ : : ~. ~ ~ ~ ,,~ ~ ~ .. . . Ye 1m L umb e r & H dw ~ .. ~ : ~ ~ ~ ; ..: ~ . ,~ : " .' . . Ye1rh. High S-chool~:. ~: ~ ~~ .'~ ~...'~ '; ~ ~ Brown Bras; "Gar.. -~~'.. ~ ~...... o~ ~..~ ~ Thurston Co'. Reserves.........;.... '. . \..Jater Pug e t' SoUnd'. P OT.~ e r ' &: . L i gn t ~ ~ ~ ~ . : ~ ~ .. $ Badger Meter' Co. ~'~"~ ~ : ~. ~ ~.~; :.. ; :. .'~ 'Peririsalf Chem~ Corp'~; ~ ~ ~..'~;.. . ~. ~ .. ~ Yelm' L11mbe:e' &Hdw.'.'~". ~. ~. ~ ~.~. ~: ~ .. . V N 1 squall y a 11e y N ewa. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. ' Street Will ard Woo d .' . . " . ... . . . . . . . .. . " . ., .,. . $ Leslie Zeiler....................... -Earl Granthan~."..... ... .. .. . . . .. .; .. Ptiget Sound Power'& Light......... Yelm Chapter F~F.A......~....e~.~. Brown Bros. Garage....~........... 34:.7'6' 3L(:: 76 '26 : 4~. 55 ~' 13 6 0 ~. 35 23;10 21 :,20 8;97 1e;o:bo 39;95 -11;,78 61:4L} 3.00 ":43 25.00 o '1. 65~63 214; 1L~ 12.90 . i4:68 . . 11."53 2.40 .3.,08 .2..10 55'.- ]5 25.00 3.40 o Garbage . . " '." " 4l: Ye 1m G- ar age. . . .; . .. .. .. .. .'. . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. 'It: 2 7 3 .. 7 2 . n. . Brown eros.uarage..~.....o...o.... :24.06 Yelm Telephone...... .'. .,............".... 10.,85 The Treasurer's mop.thly report wa1presented, also. the Harshal' s., Mayor Brown stated that we ~haci ask Thurst'on Co. Reservef's. to assist in policeing the Lion's Carnival ,in August 1961 and felt He' Should show'our appreciation for the assistances. Councilman'Pickett made a motion we pay the Thurston Co__ Reserve F'\.md q~;2'5. 00 this motion was 'se'canded by Braun and it carried., The Hayor also b~ought to the attention 'of the Council that we had ,not paid the F.F.A. Chapter, for, prunelng the trees along Yelm Aveiaue,Gouncilrhan Eide'made a motion seconded .by. Pickett that the Town donate .$25.00 to the Chapter '8 Fund. Motion car~ied'. . , , Engineer Sw:ift was presen.t and stated they we.re r~ady to lay the water mains at Mckeinze and Jones Sts. he also discussed futareplans for improvements -in the Wa.ter,& Street Dept. ' Citizen Doug Nervik was present and ask what the Town would' do in the rway'of supplying water if he built five houses on West Road. Disc.ussion followed no aetton was taken. o It was moved and seconded the meeting be adjourned. .. . ..Jv .i~~wY) Mayor Geo. C. Brown Clel?k ,I -I I 39:. July 11,: 1962: "The regular meeting' of the Towri' Council'w82i:f called'. tc)orde'r 'b~( !\~ayor Brown wi th Counc ilmen Clarambeau,Eide) Br~UnIVandi ver pre.sent. . .~. .. . _ . , .,' ,-,,'''' ., ""'", ' .. ." _ .' '... ". >. ._ ,-," . ~'..... T l ... ~ lVIinutes of thE? prey~o~s me~ting wer~ .read an9-. apP~5)'v~?-.. '"., Th'e . monthly billsw:~-re re'ad' arid on a'"motion by Eide arid seconded by 'Clarambeau were. .ordered paid as follows:.. .' Current ~:'~'., ., ~. ~ ~ .. Puget: S'ound Power ~ & '" tignt ~ Co~: ~ ~ ~ ~_ ~ ;: ~::$ 26;'13 Standard Oi 1 Co.. ~... ."'. ~ '~ . ~ ~ . ~ ; ~. . = ; ~ · : ; ; .; ~5 ;71 Eniploy-rirEint" Securi"ty, '!Dep.t~,~ ~; ~ ~;. ~~.,~; ~:~" 108.6~ Thurston Mason' He'alth .~... .~~ e ~,~.~;: : ~: ~~. .': 71~ 85 S6. Puget' Sound Re'g.~ Library::" ~.~" ~-'~:... 175:08. Y~lm Telenhone....~...........~.......... 25.30 Brown Bro's" Garage......"............ ~ .. . . . 3..79 D' & H Mobile 'S e rv ice ~ ~ ~ ". ~ ~ ~ ; e . ~ ; .. ~ . ct _~ .: .. ~ 60 .,63 Yel m - Garage ~. . . . .. . . .: . ~, . ~ ~.. ~ . . . ~ .. ., . ~. .. . ~ ~. . . . 77 . 41 Dept.. of Labor & Ind .:...:~ ~ . ~~.: ~- .. ~. ~ . ~ ~ .. : 14.: 40 Bureau' of Int. Revenue....... .... . . . ... . .. .. .. 123 ~ 90 Water: Robert M. Johns on. . . . ... .,...'. . . . . .. .. . . . '. . .:$ Darre 1 L . Cronk. ..... . . .. .. . .. ..:. . . ,. .. .. . . . . .. . Puget Sound Powe.rc &, Light.o Col. ..: . . . . . . . ',. Brown Bros..' Garage....... . . ...;... . . . ... e . . . .. ., Dep t '. of Labor &:: Ind....... e... . " .. .. . . . .. . . Bureau of Interna:l. -Revenue. . ~'... .~~ .... .... Badger Iv1eter Co. ..,.. C". . . . .... . .. . .. . . .. . . .,. . '. Emplpyment Securi.tyDept.:.. ~~ ...,............. Yelm Lumbe-r & Hdw-..: ~-~ . .... .... .'.... .... . -. _. . . . ~ Tax' C om111.i s $ ion.. ..... ..... .. -. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . 98 .:13 9 3 . 80 66-~67 10.09 7~34 187.,80 74...82 59~40 2'27.,b8 87 ..10 ./ \ Street: : < ~ .. " ,. . ~ . Ye 1m Lumber- & Hdw.. ,"',. -..act '..',. . ~... ... .. ~,.'.. .., ..'$ . ~mploymen t . Sec.uri t1 Dept... ,..:... . . . ... '. ~ ... JJept'. of Labor & Ind.........~........ ~ ~ . . .. . Puget Sound~ Power,' &. Light C6 .... . . .. ~. . . . .. D'&H IVJ:obi le.~ . . . '..~ .. . . ~~,~ . ,. .~. ....~ ~ '. . ~ ...~.. Brown Bros. c' Garage.~"~ .~ '. ....'. ..~'. ..,~'. -... ... .. .. .. . . . . Yelm .garage....... ,.. . ....... ... .. . . .'. .. .'. . .. 21 2r; .,/\~> 12: 5.f(' . 5.25 5 5~; 15 4.85 6.14 '1 ~.94 . Garbage: . . .. '. Ye 1m Telephone . . . . '. .. .. .'" . ... . . . .. .. . . . ~ e.. . $ ID &. II Mob i 1 e. . . ... .. ;. .. . ~ . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' ~mp loymenE S'ecurity 'Dept. . . . . . . .. .. .. .....- Dept. of abor & Ind...................~~ Com. of Public Lands.................. .:... 10.: 00 11.50 22. 9.9 7..21 . 2'2~ 40 The Treasurer's mo~thly report w~~ presented; also the M~rshal's. The problem of what to do with the money received from the Spea.ial Levy for Fire Fighting Equi~mept came up for discussion. The Clerk stated that Thurston Co. Treasure has advised her that 43% of tax money received sinCE} February 1962 wou~d be approximately . what the Town owed the.....-Fire District. . As no agreementha,s yet peen.. . reached v-lith the - Fire District Councilman 'cide made a motion that the Clerk invest the slim owed t-he Fire District in Capital Savings. & Loan at Olympia and maintain a speciai fund until such a time asnn agreement is reached",Co1mcilman Braun seconded the motion and it carried. The Cierk advised the Council that she had rec~ eived approximately $2300~00 in the levy and this would be thE? amoUnt i~vested at present. . Bngineer Swift was present and state.d that as' yet he had riot' been able to. discuss with Attorney Fristoe the agreement he had presented.to the Council. Discussion followed about the Water Dept., The Council decid'ed that they should have a flat rate :n.ook~up charge sevet1a,l other points- of .ordinance 85 were discussed. Milt J~hnson was instructed to see that all .ne\vhook-ups were paid before wate~ WaS tunned on. . After lengthy discussion it was d~cided to consult A ttorney Fristoe to amend parts of the Ordinace. '. . I .",. " I .' . t was moved and-seconded the meeting be adjourned. ~,.~~..dc ~ JvJ\~ 131 or :r o. . browh Clerk 40 'August B, 1962 The' regll1ar meetin~s'of the'Town Cquncil was' c8.tl~~t'o nrder by Nayor Br?~!l wi th Counciime~ Bra?n':Eide ~nd Y~-ndiver4 pr~s~nt. , Minuyes' of. :the previous meeting l'ITere read and approved. The. treasurer's report wO.s preDented.' ~, .. . The 'following bills 14ereread' and :an a"inotlon"made by Councilman. Braun' and seconded by Councilman Vandiver and a unanimous 'Vote Ilv61'e ordered paid .. .' ~ ? ....... ;..) -" <> CurrehtExpense:.' ^ ". 00 ~ ~ ~ 0"':" ,) <; ~ o~" ..: . Brown Bros~ Garage... ~ ..... ~. ~..: ~..~. .'$ 1'1: e9 Puget S.ou~d Power' &0 Light. .~ . ~ ~.~ . . ~ . . 23: 96 Eliz~beth M.' Jones3...~...........~. ~4.64. Yelm ~ele~hone..........~........~!,.. 20.30. ~ly.Br~' S~a~tle First4Noat!1~~ank....41.30 Y e1'm Garage............... ~.,. ,. ,.. .'. . . .' 63.47 C.Van Allen,. Thurs.oCo.oSh~riff..__" "~.o ,25.00 ~lun 'Finance, Officers", Asspe,... . ,. ,0 .. .. . ~. 7.,00 D & H rJlobile...,..~...,........;.....,........ .2p..62 o Water Ne.rvick Const., Co.... . ~ e....... ,.... '. . ~t577 .,20 Puget Sound P &;" L,. . . . '. '. t. ,I) .. .. . . ,. ,. c. ,.'. D4.1,[3 BrOiPln Bros. ,Gar.age..,.;<.;,..,. . e... . .... 17.,31 Pennsalt Chem,., Carp. '. '. <. t. te . . e e . ... :,. . . . 25. 80 Yelm Telephane.... .'.'.'.,.1.'.'.... .,....... .'. 11.20' R 91:) e r t" J a hn s on. .'. ... .~. .'.". '. . . . . . . . . . . .. 77 .' '2 0 Seat tleFi rs t. Na(t,,' I., Bk.. te '. ... . . '.... :.'....;0 72.60 Ye 1m 'Lumber & Hdw-.. ,.,~ '.~. '. ... . . ~ . . . .'. . . 22.. 66 .Darrel",L. Cronk. ~.'.'.'.(.O.<i.C.'. ~ ..~...'c.c..,.;... 69..27 . Pacific itJater Works SUppl1f,.. ,;".o-(",,,,,~.,,,,$32'55.:99 S tr'eet . Pug'et'Sound P & L........~e.....o..... 55~15 Yel'm Garage. c.. .'.... ... . I.... '.~r'... ,. .:... It..... ,e ., 11; 70 . Brawn B~os. ~ Garag.e. . 'el~'''. .:.. . . . . . . " .. }.. e~o:84 '. Garbage: .' _ " f ~ ,,' '" ',. ,~. t D & H. Mobile S.er..v'ic e.H.~.'. . . .. . .. .'. . 3., JL2 Yelm Garage. ..:. ,.'. .c. '.,r..,. ,. t. ,~. ~ ~ ,~,.~... r.. ,." r. .'r 15~ 96 Picket t Drug, St o.r.e....c. -.~. <. -.~... :.....,. ,. '. . . J.,7 4 ". o I,'. Doug Ne:rvick 'ft.laS present to re0J1.Uest extension .of .the t.o1tnl water' supply to the' 'City limit's on 1Plest. Road" as he pIe.ns te censtruct three home.s just out'S.ide the c.i.t,y. "17imi~ts;.- Ne~rNJk, ,s~tated he would pay all ' cast to . supply :v.Jater~ .,to the neJrJ. .h.o,me.s,an,cl ,aJ~t,er. the . lime was ins talJffi he would turn the line~ ,oN,eor~.t.o., "th.e" Towln., Councilman Eide made a mbt'ioii He pipe' "the ~rater ,to. th,e., D,i"t,yc ,11.rnitsproviding Nervik. pay all cost of the' line' from, there to~ "the. ne1rlo h01'ne8 and then turn it over . to the fTown. Glarambeauseconded the motion and it carried. ~ . c ... Co ~ t,t. ')0 , ~.;) e;. t> /It A letter was read from Engineer Swift and after much. discuss~ ion the Counc i1 . decided that at present funds v.lould not perm.,1 t any- more enginee~ing service. . . Plans were discussed fer meeting the present situat:i.on.inthe ]q: water Dept~ The Ceuncil decided the only possible way te pay for 'the new water line was to borrow money fr6m the Water Reserv~ Fund. Attorney Fristoe was not present so ne legal action could be taken. The meeting recessed. August 2L~, 1962 0 o . . '. "Q . ' Acting Mayor Pickett continued the meeting wi t'h C6unci Iman Eide Clarambeau. and Braun present... Oi'dinance #99 was read and Counci'lman Eide. made a motion vlhich' was seconded by Clar-ambeatl that Ordinance # 99 be adopted and publiShed.. The motion carriedunamiM/l.j-. . Motion made and seconded to adjou:rn/? " ~~~. E.E. Pickett Acting' Mayar eft .~ . ' .', -- ,/. . , < iGfi;,4/~' lh' . J:l.;11Z a:b~ th N. J e s, Clerk 'I', . . I . ! I' September 12,. 196.2 41'" ...~1.' .",' r The' regular meeting of the, Council 'of' Town' of Ye1in' was hela.' with' Mayor Brown presiding., Cctinc'iIme.n Clarambeau, Pickett and Vandiver . were 'present. ., - >"\. ~ :;.. ....... "': . - ~ .. ~ ... ~ " -, "', "" ~ ~ {: ::- '>:;. ';..";: . . }1inutes' of the" prevIous meeting' i'\Te're~ re'ad" ahd appr, ove'cr i-J'-~th' 'an addi ti6h . ;rerities ted that Doug" Ner~lik also~. agreredo to-dIg: and' back- fill' the line inside the citv limits'. at" no cost to the Town. . ... ~ u. . ... . . ~ _ ." .. .. ._ ... - - J:;..-:i TUe T~ea~ure.r' s monthl! r~':po~~' vIas: pre~.~nte~: ~1~?, t~~...'~~!'S9-~l r'~':.' , "r.....;:.; (.;:l"':'~-:.l:r.~ The folloWiing bills i..rere~ l"ead'.c Clar'ambeau~.'made'~- th~ motion' to, pay 'all the bills which. was s8co~ded by'Vandiver. Motion carried. '.~ ~ .It ... .. "~.q ,., ..']' '" .t N ". ~ .. r .. p. CURRENT . ~ .~ " c >> ~ ( -; 0 ' :; _ Brown. Br'6s'~ Garage: ~ :,~ . ~~.':: ~ ~ ~:: ~.':'~ : ~ ~ ; $6~5c~ $2 ' ,\folf's ShopRi t~~: ~; ; ; ~; ; ;,; ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ . '. ~ .~ . 0 :.. . : ~r~ 38.: , . y e'lm Telephone . -~'.' . . . .' ~ . ~ ~ ~ .: ; ; ; ;: : ~ : ; ~ ~, ~ ~ . 2' 2 ; 95 . Seattle Firs t Nat t I Bank... ~..-. ... ...... .. ... 41.30 , .. .~ ~... +.....~....., , Wa t e r . .0 ~ ~, 1 " ,,/ ".. ~ " , ". .. .. Nisqually Valley N e~Js ~ ~ . ~ : : : ~~. ~ ~ ; ~ ; : ~ ~.': ~ $ 7: 29 . Brown Bros~ Garage. ... ~: ~.;.;:.:~,~ ~ ~: ~ ~ : ~r~ ' c'l: 12,: ~ ~ Yelni Lum?~r'"&' H~w; ; :.::.~;. ~ ~ ..:;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. ~:: '44~ 50 Yelm Telephone vo...........,.............. I 8.65 Emp loYmen~ Security'" JDept ~ : : :'.i ~ ; ~ ; ;.; :,~ ~ ~.~. r ~ ~ ~ 65-," '. .' Pennsalt' Ghem., - Corp:; ;;:;. ;.~:;."i.; ~ ~,;(~ ~ ~.; ~; - 12~ <}@'". . , .Badge.r .r1eter Co...... ..~.. .;.~'..... . ... .... .'. .. 3.~_0' S t r e e t . . , . .. *' , ,- :;, . .. " ". , :" ': :- ;- ~ ; ; '.::;: " ,: ~ (,' , " " Yelm Garage...... .~.~;; .;';;:;:~;;:;:; ~.~: ~ ~ ~~$;'~ 3:'15' B'rown Bro~.. Garage....~ ~ :..: ~ : . : ~ : :::.:,~ . .'~ ~:' '2:36 De.nt. of lJabor & Ind.......'~.. ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ 0'0 e ~ 0' 8~,37 We~tern Farmers Assoc~~.::~;;,;:;~~;~~~~~.(.15~80,. - Paci.fi c Sand & Gravel;... .'. ... .~~, ~;, i~.. ;. ~ : :; . 30~:21 . Garbage .' . . . .... . ' . . 0 . " , . , Brown Bros e Garage...... .;.'~ ':,. ... . . . . .. . . e.. e'~~12. $7.. :; :- ~ ;- .... ,:; ..... -: .; ..,. . The Clerk stated -that. funds were' available ~in~Curreh't Expense 'f tor~p~j,the~lo~n to the Garbage Dept incurred in M~rch I969~ Clarambeau made a: motion which t-T8.S' seconded' by"Pidkett 'tha:t -'. . $1;:900.00 be tra,nsfered fJ?om ~the".eur'ren t Expense <.fund to Garbage. it' tentative Budget for 1963 TrIas presepted to the 'Council after discussion and'same'changes'Counctlman Vandiver made a motion we-adQpt the Budget. Councilman Pickett seconded this motion. and. it carried. October 1 was set for the hearing date and the Budget was ordered published. . . .. . '.. .. ~ 'Meeting adjourned. -t!~<4~ ... · . .Eli2f~be.th IYI. ones, Cl~rk .~/b~c4~ ,.. ;;- .... , . .... -::;.. _ a. ... .... October 1; ~1962 - ~ - - <; :: ~ . . A, speci?l meeti.ng for the ~hear'ing on thEf propQ'sedbudget was called to order by Hayor '~rown. Present :were ~Councilman Vandiver, Picke'tt,. Clarambeau and Eide. - '1 ~- : :-;. - Councilman Pickett moved that. a's there 'were "rio protest 'oh the- proposed budget that the same be adopted "f{S 'published. Clarambeau seconded an~ it carried unamin.ousJ:y.~ .~-, . . IVleetin'g adjourne'd'. , 'I' :- '" .c- ~ ':";:" - ~ .,. .. '" - "'; ... ...... '. ~ .. -:: "" :l ::: ... , .. .. .. '.. ~ '.' ..." {4. '. -. :. -;J ~(jJ . .'-' _ . ~ ' - ~':" W' ~ 'oV H-.dflJ.JJI1 :Geo. '. Brown, Mayor .tJ{u~~ Yh ~ ..... . EIiz~ethM. JQn13s, Clerk -"~r"'.~,,:",1"''':'_~i''- ,., ..... ..... - ~ ~ .. ... ... :-; ~ .... ~ '...... . ... ~ ... -... -. ~ "" ... ~ - , - .. '" "" '" ..... . ... ~ 42 BUDGET 1963 . . ESTIr~TEDRE\~NUES CURRENT T axe s.'. . .'. . . . .. '. . . ~ ~ ~ e ~ : ~ : : . : . ~ ~ .... ~ : $ 5 978 ;: 07 License.& Pernli ts ~ ; ; ~'.~ ~ . ~~~ .." ~. ...' 750.:00 Bu~riness' Tax~.. . .. .~.~: ~ ~.~.~: .. ~ ~ . ~ ~: 11'00~.OO Liquor 'Revenue.... co~'...;.: ~.~..: ~.~ .~.~. 2363;47 Liquor Excise Tax....:.. ~ ~,~ ~. ~:~.. ~;.;. 889;h5 :rIotor; Vehi'cle Excise~ ~: ~: . : : ~:~. eo :'~ 1'200~,OO Po1i'ce'Court Fines: ~:; ~ ;':~:.: ~.~ ..' ~ ~ l~OO:,OO. Cash on hand..~~:~~'......~."..,."... 1~28~06 Tota.l " " ~~15, 109.15 1rJ A TEE Consumers Collection..... ......... ....~flO,500:,OO Hook:-UpCharge. . . .._e..... . . . . . ~ ~... .'...._ .. 300.,00 Cash on hand~.. 0'. ..~.... ~.. ::~ :.:::::: (Ie 3~b27C. :,'55 "Tota~l ? 4 .. " q " '. ,~ , ., '" ".. ~ 1> '> J . ','~13,827, .,55 (:J - 00 ~ {I' 1;1> D {} ~ 0 (; ry. ~ ~ '';' .; a e ~ 4 _ ~. ~ Q ~ ~ ~ 0 STREET Motor Vehicle Fund......~ ........... ..~...$2101070 Justice Court Fines................ ~. .... l~OO'~,OO Cash on hand'. e... .:~ .... .".. :: : :: ~.".~e:: Q ij57..15 . . Tot~l .~4GD. l?r~D'.4.a. .co . >... 41 :;, ;t # '8 C, .t. :; :'I' ,.. v,~' 0 S>.:j.;;' f}, 'C ~. ARTERIAL. STREET . 1/2'Gas Tax....~ ~ ~ .~'o,.~; ~" ~c: ~:, .,...:,: :: :: ~)i4;5i: 10 ,,. C ash on hand.. ~ ... . :. . . : : : : : : ; : : :: : ; " 1668.,91 Total : ~ , " pl>'" .11 D " '" '" .', ;). <> " <> ., c > .0 ~ ;;_ ~ -4, o. ~ ~ ...: r; ~ ::1 ..0. ~ .b Q. ~ ~ r:: 0 ~ O-ARBJ\~GE .Con~umers' .Collection......... 0.. ~. ~.~j2900~,OO Cash on hand... $0 Q . ~ .. 11) . .'. . .. .. ... (I 0....: 177070 . . To ta.l. : ,. " , <$" ".: '" ~ " Q .. (/I " ,. :) " SPEC IA L LE"\rY . ~ v p ~;> ,,~ tJ Q " ~ <> ~ . CashReserve.A..~.....:::;:;;:;:;::$~j66:6o To be~oll~cted..o:.o.:.::::::~::::~17bb:oo " . . Total' .,c''''.".,<:>.""....-.,..G~.~....~ BOND. 'REDErvIPT ION . FUND Transfer trbmw&t~~~.~.:::;~;:::~:;$~64b:b6 Cash, on hand. 41 . e.,. 0 . ....'. . .~.. .. e.. .'. ~ '1637..85 Total RESERVE INVESTMENT Reserve on hand..... e. .. ...... ~. . e .. " ;.. .$~.106.,54 Total . BONI! o ~~ 4,958.,85 $ 3, 120 ~,.Ol~~:,' ~ ~h'" [' .. 6 'IP ~" .70.,70" $ 4,000.00 $ 4,277..85. o TOTAL REVENUES... ..... '" ... '. . .'~ CI . . . .'. . ~ ~ . ... . . ..... .. ~~54,.070.,65 $ 4,106.5L~ ESTI~ffiTED EXPENDITURES CUR.RENT '. Salaries & Wages ,. , Clerk........................$ .A t t orney ~ . . . '.. ~ ~ ~ . . .. . ... '. . ~ . . ~ '~olice Jqdgeo.. .. e..........:...,... 2~_O ~,OO 300~OO .600 ~,OO Maintance& Operation S 0 c ial Se c ur i ty. . . .. . . ... .. . (l .~ ~ ~~ 4 0 ~, 00 TOvJD.' Hall. EX1iense. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. . ~ .~,~. l_~OO~,OO Office.~...G........~~...~... 150~oo.' Election' Expens~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ .~. ~ .. ~." S'O..OO Bonds" . . <:) .. . .. .. .. . . ~ . ~ . . .. . .'. 'I) ~,~ 125.. 00 Publis.h. & Advt~..~~~~.~.:,...;" 200~OO Ins urance.. '. . . . ~ . . . ~ .. . . ~ .'~. . . I) 150 ~ 00 State Examiner...... :~ ~. ~ ~. ~. Q75:00 Council Expense.~.......,.. G' ....200.:00 Attorney Expense. .'~ ~: o~: ~ ~. ~~.c;6~oo' Judge Expens e. . . . .. . . . . .. . .~ . ~ .~ . 50 :00 Assoc. of Wash.'Cit'~~:.~;~~. 35:40 Bldg. Conf. AS80C~ ~ ~ ~....... .'~.. 40:00 Library. .. . G ~ .. ~. ~ ~ . : .~ . : .. ~ . . . : ~ 797 :,08 Park.. .. . ~ . . . .. . . . . . ~ ~. . .. . .. .. . .. . 300.00 Cap i tal. Outlay. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. " .' " $1140.00 o ~~3762~}+8 ~~ljll. 87 ,.(C\ L ! \*r14.,35 ,PROTECTION TO PERSOll 8c' PROPERTY' Salaries &Wiges.........~~..~$. .' . HarSh-.al. . . :'.. '. . . . .. '. .. co . . .' ... lit ~)4800 .".00 Dep. Harsha1......... '" "'.. ..$1300~~OO B Idg ~ Insp..e ~ . '. .<~ . .." . .. '" .. o. .. 100.00 $6200..00 ~I ,I I . vJATER cont' d , MAIN':rANCE &. OPERATIONS' . 'Social' Security. ~ .,.:: ~ 0: ... ~ ~~:::$ Ind'. ,- 'Ins~, & !1ed ~ . . .. .. " . . . 0 ~'.~ :. 43l~1 137 ~ 0'0 '.35;00 , POltIer'. 0,. . : : . . : '.,~ : ~ ': ~ . . . . . 0 ~, ~ . .,~ ~ 900.00 t25,;00 '75~OO 400~: 00 900 ~.OO 200:00 40'0;,00 " , ' . ,I 00 ~, 00 ,', ' ------------ 26L~O'.00~' " , " $5912.00 . Other Expe'nse '" "- . .'. v '" ~'. rJh1'O"O'O"'~'O' O'~ '.. Part. pay 'loan, to Garbage". o. .'. . . $1000; 00 ~l) . .' " Capi tal Outlay'. ..' _. .' . .' 4 _ ; ~7? ~?$ ~;~.8~?f .o~." ' I J;1S i~ an'c 'e.. . ~ '. . ~ . .. ~ . ~ . " . . ... ~. ~ . ~ . State Examiner ~::~:.:::~..~.::: Utility Tax~ ~ ~.. .'~ ~ . ,,~.. .. . ..~. .. . Repai~s &" Su.pplies. . ~ :: : ~ :: :. . ~. Truck' Expens e ~ . ~ fi . ~ . .~ ; :. .~ ; ; : " : ~ Off ice. . .: ~ . . . . .,. " .. : . ~.:'. . ; . .~ ~ : 0 : . Publishing'~&' Advt~ ..~.~. .'~ . .;. . ~ ~ .: , Bond, Tran$f'er.. .. e.. .'........ .... " ~. ~ . ~, . 4 ....... . Total.... ~..~...:: ..0 ..o.?.... .... .'. o. .$1~,527.s5, BOND REDEMPTION FUND ,. ,_ "'_ Cu,rrent Bond Redemption... 0 0 . ~ . .....:. 0$2640 ~.oo Cash on hand... .... .-. .... ........... 0 o~ ,..Q :1.637.,85 1 ~~ . ~~ 4,,277.,85 '" ~.'" .. .': ,.... "'i :' ~ BOJ\ID RESERVE, I If\TESfrHENT- . Reserve. f'or Bond Redemption .....0...... it ..$4106~54 ~f 4, 106 ..,5~- 'STREET .' . , S a l~ ri e s . & ' Wag e s ': . ,.", - , " '. -,' - '. . , Supt."...;. .... G-~. ~_~:.: :.~ .':: ~.~ ~,~. ~..$ 600;'00 Stree.t.;.G leaDing ~ ~ . ,: .. : ~ ;.~ : .:: ~ ~ .. : 300 ~ 00 . Extra .uabor.o.......~.,.............. .150..00 ftp1050.,oo, . JvIaintance &... Operations" _ : , ~, ,~. ,". '.' . '. S'oc i al Security.. ~ .... '.. ,..~.~.~:. .,~. $. _ 35.: 00, ; Ind. Ins. - & Ned .~.~. .~. .:.:. . . ~ .. .. . . 30 :.00 Street Lights.....: ~... ~...~:,: :.~ .. 716: 80 Insurance~.... .... ..~::::.. ~::. ~.. ~ l25~oo State Examiner....~....,~:......:: '75~Oo Truck .& Grade r, Exp.ens e.. .; ;:.~ .,: . . . .' . 300 :.00 . 'Repair, & Jlaint... ..e'e.'.~,..~.~,... ~.: .750~00 rental of'. Equip. . '. 0 .,.....: ,~ . ... . ~ :. 200~..OO' Arterial. Hatch. Fund... ..:. ....:. ...~... "800.00 ~~3031.:,80 Capital Out 1 a:)T. 0............ e'. ~ :.. . . : :,. ; ;.. : . . :.. . . 877 . 05 ' Tot a 1. · . · · . . . . <) . . .. . . . . . . .. . . 0 . . . . . . $ 4,: 958..8:5 ARTERIAL STREET .' . "'_ " ~ . Street. Improvements. ..... .,.,. ..... .e.-. .. .",.4P312.o,. 0,1. 3,.120.,01 . GARBAGE. Salaries & Wayes . Disposal OSalary. . e-. . . . .... . . . ~ .'.. *~lli~O ~.Oo Relief' D.ispos'al.:.~.. ::: ~.; ~ 0 ~ .: 1$.0; 00 Clerk................~.........~.~ 6oo~00 Cl k n 1. f 75 00 ~.t~1965.,0.0 ' . er ',ne l e.... . 0 .' .. . 0 . . .. . . . . . . .., . ' . "f!' }1ai n t anc e & Op era t i on" .'" " '. " . , , .'.. Social Se'curity........ ~ ~ .... ~ ~ $ 65.'00 Ind. Ins. &. l'4ed. . ~ ~ . ~ ~ .'~ . .0 ~ . . . '30~ 00 O:f f ice.. ~ . ~ . ~ ~ ; ~ ..0 . ~ .. . . . . ~. ~ ~ . . ~' 20 0 ~ 00 Tr uc k. . . . . ... ~ ~ ~. . ~ .':~ '. : ~ . . . . . . . ~ L~oo ~ 00' Ins ur an c e.. .... . .. . . ~ . ~ .; ~ ~ ~ : :.. ~ ~ . 150 . 00 State Examiner;.......~~......~ 75:0D " Dump' Exp ens e It ~ . . . . '. . . ... 0 . . .' . . . 50 fa 00 ~~ 87 O.~ 00 Capi tal Outlay' . . . . '.. '. . ~~1735. 70. Total~........ 0.. ... .'.... ... . .,.'. .. .... $4,.~70..70 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES . Fir e ~ighting .l:1JQuip... '. .... . . . . . . 0 .. . . $4000.,00 4,000.,0.0 . TOiJ1,AL' EXPE~\TDITURES. .... e... ~ . . '. . ..... . ...... ... e... ~... ..$54~o.70..85 i . ! .J 44. October 10, 1962 . '. The regular meeting .~of the .C,oun6i1 ot',Town"oi' Yelm tv8.S held' with Mayor Brown. presiding. qouncilman .Pickett" "Eide and ~andi\T,er were pre s en t .. G . 9 . . ". , . }Vlinute~of the previous meeting 'tvere ..re.~d.. and,: approved. l". ~ ~ ".. 0. .I.... ."l '\ ? 4. 0' ;; ~ : .:.- .... ./ t: t1, ~ ~ 0. . ~ .'"' ... ~ '\). Q, ~ e ." :;; t. ..... The Tre'asurer r smonthly report ,was .presented also the Marsh.s.l J s~. .) .J -c Z1 Ii ' a. ~ 0 ..p '>- :': .:J . The foll'owing' bills 'vJere' re8,'d., Eide"inade. "tb.~ .ip.9i:!~0l1 to pay all tlB . bills which was seconded :by Piakett.,' I'~otion."carl")ied. CURHENT fuget SoUnd Power & Light~ ~ . . . . . . 0 . .. . '$ 4 9 ~1.~ 7 ~mploYtTient Secbrri ty:' Dept. 0 ~ ~ : ~ . : ~ . : ~ . .'. 10'5;44 T r 1mb 1 e t s Hdw ~ ~. . ~ . . ~ '. ~ . ~ ~ ~ . .0 . ~ 0 .' ~o ~ 0 o' ,.: 72 vIo 1 f r s'. S hop ...;~Ri t e : .:' . : ~ ~ : . ~ ~ : : . : : . ~ ~ . . : . 6: '84 Yelm'Telephone;.~;.. ~~; ~ ~.. ~.~.~; ~;.. ~ : ~ ;. 27 ;,50 Mosman Agehcy 0 . ;. .. .'. . ~ . ~.~ : ~ .': ~ : . o. ~ .... 5~ 76 '!Dept'. "of Labor,&' InClo~~~~~;.~~'~~..~:..~ 14;07 Bfirea~df Iht.Re6..~;~:~~~.~~:.~...::' 41:3b E., Bobert Fristbe~ ~.~:..:.::;. ~. :,. ~,~... ~,~ 75~oo D'&' H'Nobile~'. .. .'~ . ~...~ ~ ~ ~~:~. ~ .; ~ 0 . ~ ~ ;,~: 71;,76 'Thur~ton M~~ori He~lth~..:~~~.:~...::~.. 7~:85: So P~g~t Sound R~~~ -~ibr~ry~~:...~;~.~ .176;51 Yelm'Lumber & HdH....~.:..~.~~......~o.: 6.6'6 N i squally Valley N e1fJ s ~ . .. ~ ~ . . . . ~ . . . . . ~ 200: 01 DIy. Br. Seattle First Nat'1Bk..j'.~.. 4l~30 \NA TER . ;?uget '.S ounf Power.& Light.. " ~. ,. ,~ " .,,, ~".~!' $4-50 ~.'t+3" > Bureau of nternal Rev~..~....~~~~~~,,~ 72~60 Tax C ounni s s i 0 n-. · . . . . '" '. ',. .~.. e. .~ ,~. ,. .: <. ,~ ,~ ". :. c. .. 107.:) 0 , Dept. ..of' Labor &.Ind.. ~.. 0............... 1 ?~,5f) EM' J.' . .. 8'38 . . 0 0 n e S'. .~ . . r. . . . . . . -r-e '. .:. to C. .. . :. -.:. .. (e t. . . . .. . .~ . ". D Employment '::;~curit'yep;t:;..c.'.,;" .'.,HL..,;.'.,... 8l~40 Yelm Telephone-. . ...0.; .'';<.,.~.c.~.-.'.'.'.Q.'.*.,.o.c.. 9.J!.0 Oly.. Br.. Seatt,1e First" l'la"tL. .'''~.'.'.~.c.~.;...c ~ ']2c. 60 . STREET '~ ~ " '" (l c. ~ '" ) c: ,,' ~ "',, .~., \ . 'Puget Sound P01-Jer & Li.ght<......,~. .... ~.. .~)110.,30' E 1 't S .. + . D' .' . . 12' 1 8 mp. oyerrm e.c"UI'l'v'JT <e;r:;:.p~......".".c. ,.~...,...~.<>.;. ...,. " + ) D & H 1'-1obile...........,.c._.,....,.......<~~~_..,~.: 7.,88 Dep t.. of Lahor- &, Ind 0 ,..,.c~"...:~. -.. I. 'HO . . ..... 0 ". 5 ~ 24 'Trimble's Hdw,.....,..,.\.J..".,.:.,.......<...~.....~,.:!'.. ...... . ~ -5.22 GARBAG.E.. ~. "", .~ <>: .; ~ " l>'" " " .. Q .. _ ~ , Employment See ur i ty.. .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . $' 23. [4.8 D <'3.:: H r1obile.. ."..... .,.c...".".,:>.~;'t:."h~C~".?;o"" .0. 15~..08' Dept ~ of'Labor &, Ind..................... 7.20 o o Mars'hc!?-l dronk st~ted that tivo' Thurston Co. Deputies had assisted him. during the ;4ions lJarni. val an~d~ he, ~Le,l.t, ~9.,S; ..tchough a donation should be made to the Ihurston e.o. Res,e,roV-e,s. c-Fun,d, <f"o.r their assistances in helping '''to pqlice . the .Car'ni va,l-." " ~'l~he; .O.ounc,il ,d,l"E(cq,s,sce.d pa~rr:he:gtt:hb:t. felt as. thoughH, the Lion t s, Club 1s.ho,u11Q pay. "half.: ,',The Council agree,ded on the sum of~25Goo. Councilman P,ickett suggested,He contact the Li on t s Club be.fore payment.. " " c.' (;. :-".., ~ " ~ . (l ., .'0 (.. ~ \.' I) " ~ e " IVI "c ~ Fal s e arre s t in's urance was, ndJ:s,c,us.s,e,d .tUI; oa.r",$.hE1.l. ~r onk . No ac ti on . t ak en. .~ "., . <. -, '.'" 0 0 " :;" .!> "".0 <:j"c - .., ,., .'1 ~ ~ ~ ":' 0 ' , :t ..., ~ Due to the reason that Counc,i,lman,Enaun moved to Tacoma he re-. signed his pos,it~on. 0 "',\, "'Q4"~:><:, .._, Co~ncilman Eide made a :ffiotionQRDdseconded by' Vandiver that Nathan Henderson be named Counc.ilmanto fill the' remainder of the term .of Braun.. The motion carriedunaminously'. A letter was. read. regarding the' Legislative dinner tb be held in Olymp:i,~, Oct. 25. Councilman Pickett, Vandiver. and Eide' stated they "'would attend. . Hayor Browri,suggested the Clerk contact Councilman- elect Henderson and see if he would care to attend. An invitation to attend the Municinal Finance Officers Cohven- . tion Has read." ffhe I\1ayor and Councilmen.agreeded the Clerk should attend. . . () ,1c e r ~~ ~ , ,j c. .,. 0 o / Meeting adjou~ried. C Ie r' k ') ~ i I' I I: November 14, 1962 .4~,:.:.. . ,.The regular meeting .of the' Town CouncIl "(,vas called to' order by HfI}yor Brown w~th CoJncilmen Pickett, Eide and Henderson pre~ent. Hinutes of the previous meetinfij were read: and' approved. , . The' foll:owing' bills ~~ere read and on a motion made by C oV.ncIlmart Pickett arid seco,nded by Council'man Eide and a unanimou's vote were ordere.d .p'a.id. CURRENT Ye 1m' Lumber & Hd"t.J ~ . C b ~ . ~ : ~ : . ~ ~ ; : . : : ; ; . ~ .~ . : $ . 7: 12 Murtough Supp!-y' co~ ~ :.::;:.:.~ ~.. ~. :.~~ ~.: ~;.: ~:: L~2:'28 . .Elizabeth'.Jones.. e. ~-.,,~:~tec:';c~::'.'~'.':':':'~'~': ~ :.,: :.: 2.0:06 Pibneer Bus.ine.s's" F.orJTIs..~'...~~:..,:.:~~:;..:.: : .::: . : ~.;. : 5; 37 . puget ..Sbund .PovJ.er '.&, cLight. :.. ~.. .~': e'. : ~ : :.: ; :. 2}.'34 E. E. Pi 'cket.t>. ~.~:.~.,.:'..:-~~:~~,,:-.:>:.... :;>:"."oG:~.":~~". : ~ . : ~ . :. 1956"'. Brown. Bras . G.a-ra ge ~~~ :,".,; .:...A;"....:..~,:,::,: c;~:.~ : . ~ .. .. 1'4; 53 . Auto CJ3aaring'"HQ,use'~;'~~:".";"~~;~;'~'I~".-;'~ .:. ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ . .. 26.21 YelmT,elephone '.GO'.i~'~'. ~,.....~,~..~~..~.7~'~':-~~~c.'. ~...:":: ~. 24,.'85 . Hewi ttHenDy.."...'...;.......,..~....... ."...,~;.?>._~c..~... ~. .... .. 12~50 G. . .' . . . . . .. 81. 06 Yelin ...arage.e:...............,. .,.'-o....~.,...c...j....;..... ......... . i4. . . '. Standard Oi.l ..C..o.......,.,.~.~.:..;'.:.:......,.:.:;...-..,.... e". .....: .38..,39 ': ~ <<.) .. .. ~ ::" "j "; ',," :".- '.:."~'.< "-".,"'.~ Water .BrOwn Bros. Garage.;.. :.:... .,.... ~. ~..,~: ~.. ..~ $.4: 63 idilliam Morgan~... ... ... :...-. :-~..,......;,,:...:.... :.. .: 5:77 l~isqually' Valley News,..:o.,:,:~.~:~.-~,. ~ ....~.~. ~;. ~.; 76:'75' Badg~r; Heter Co.... ..,.........~ e-:..: ........ .'.. ...~. Q 1!5~)9.~ Pennsal t Chem.. Gorp.. .'.4O. ... ... ...-... ..~.~ ~ .... .. .. ..:. 12'~ 90': Victor Nutter.....: '.' .'.:~';I!'~~~:'~"~-:':':-~':.. ~:. : ..~: 7 :.32 , Ye 1m. Lumber & Hdw. ..:~.".,~'...lt<.,..... e'e=-.~~ ..:.... . .. ~.. : :.., 12.23 Yelm.aarage.. ... ...... .-..-e..'.:.'. .~:.;-.~:......-~..:...<...:. '14~27 . Puget. .Sound . P owe~ & -Light ...C Q." ...... .....: .,.. . .. 65 e 98. Street . puget ,Sound .Powe:r;.,Light ~COe..~.... .0 .... ~'O. . . . . $55.,15 .~ - ... -,... r' (" Garbage c . ' . . . - " - .. ~ .. :. .' . .', .' '. . Ye.1m Tel e p ho xi e Co. .. . . 4> . . " .: . " : : . . . : ..: . . .. . ..' . $. 9 ~ 00 '. .Yelm Garage.................o.:.......~,..~~... ILI..Ol' 1 "': -::" .- '; ~ ~. ,The .Tr~asurep's~nonthl~~nepoDt!~asagiven also the Mar~halts. Bob Henderson ahd Harry "Hass were presenttb .seek information regarding' the. supply of water to" their homes.. Both homes are' out- side the 6ity limits so a lengthy. discussion followed.. IvIilt Johnson explained. the location~ of' the rr:u:lins in the area and stated that addi.tional 1>vork wi 11 have to' be done fuh..the region' bef6r.6 the two fam.lies could re'ceive adequate water:. No aJ.6tion could be taken until the cost of the mains could be studied.' Also discussed 1tJas the ,policy of'ftJ,rnishirigfree'water during the .coristr~ction stage~ of a.bllilding~. . The Council agreeaed that the practice would be s:toppe.d and Ordinance No 85 would be stric,tly "en~ forced. . Bill' I~1osinan was present . and discussed the Town's insurance for the coming year., He explained' that the cost i/1J8.S much less' than las.t year .~~ the Town was a preferred risk. Plans"were 'di.scussed fo.r another Garbage Truck. Permission' . .'was granted to buy new tires .for .the Gi ty' s .truck. The meeting adjourned. ~ ~~hAW;; GEO. c. B~01,nJN, .}\IIA_O .' E~~J?~~k--~ 46' December 12, , 1962. . . The regli1ar meeting' of. the Council of TOvJI1 of Ye1rri t'Jas 'called' to ordei;'~' b'y Hayor- Bro'Wtl with Councilmen Pi'ckett, 'Eide,Henderson and Vandiver present. . M .r-linutesv of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer's monthly r~port was presented also.the.Marshai's. . The' {ollowing bills Here read. V$.'ndlver made the motion to pa'y al.J..' the bills which Nas seconded hy Eide. I 'Current. "'O-""vO"~"~". Thurs~ton Mas on :He:B;,l,th ,S..e,nvic;,e..'o."oo. 0.' . ... . ~ ,,*~ Ye 1m Gara<ge.. ..... ... .~. ."."."."0' .".".-...."O<l..,."O'..10J. . .. . . 0 GO' Stand.ard ~O.:L.l. ..c>o........".c..,~"'."o"e-,.~.~.<l...e.. 0 . it. . e... .'. ..' So. Puget So,und "llego... <L~bi:aryl ~ . e . . . . . . . 0 . . E. Robe rt Fr.i's t o.e,.,.>o........ .'0& ."...."."'.".6.1>.".".-."... ~.~ . Ye.lm .CPelephone .;COI.'.~O".'.(l",>.. .....4.~..."./).;,..;,.. .....c P uge t." S onn.d' P 8t~ L.", ....".'",..' .'.. "".oo<>.<).~.<>.".'.. ~ ... o. . '., . John ,Rosano... . .'o'."."~~.o.~.,~'.".'.',.~.~.".,,.:>.~.' 0..... . .... Titlo If f s Shop - Ri te ...".~.....".~~>~" .'."~~o<>O"'h.a.~'.' 0:. e,.. e .. ...' .. .Yelm Telephone. .'.".'.....h......O:. ~,.,...~.....,....,..... ...... . Brow:n, :qros.Garage..,.~...,...,.,.:...>.>....."....o..;..... D & H Mobile . ill .... . .. e. 0' .. . . ."~ . .. . . e... ., III 0'0 ...'. ... Wa.t e r ~ <> c; I> '> .~.:,," ~ " ~ " 'i (' ., . <> " # .... V (> , Ve'c tor . Nut te:r;.,.. .".' "".~'.,.,., ~'.. .".,:;.0....."..., .;...:>. ..? '. .. . .. ~p D ..'R. .Keny,o.n '.8;.:: ,SoJn.,.."..., .",,,.' .'. ...G..Q.- . . . ... . . 0 . .. . Eli'z81beth 1"1.- J'ones,.o.",.,...,.:. .".".".e~o.> ....,."..~.".... ... . Puget. Sound P &~ L.o..,..,.,......,. .~..a.,."...,.".....".."., Brown Bros. Garage,.. ....).'... 0............,.,.. . ... .c." . . .Yelm'.,Lumb,e,r .('1:, Hdw.o.c..".>.>.>~,....,.,.<>.~o,o;>.c.....-.... ....'. D & II l\1ob.re.le...,. ....~."..^e".<>.....o o:;..."o.e.coo.,,"!:~~..". .;.~.~.. John ~Dia SV,ri..Lt.....,...~....~.~.". OIl'. e...... I).. .,....... Street Trimble's HdvJ.'. ...' ..~,.,.....>.,.... o. . ...... .... .. . .... $ Puget SOl)~nd ~ower & Llght."...... ~'o .~.~......" . Br.own Bros. Garage.................~ 1:1 .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. :: Q G: C -* ~ 0 . , -;, Q..# ~ r:- o.~ 0 Garbage ...=6..~~~a6..~ o. .gc.,= Brown Bras 0 Garage........... ~ .. . . ~ . . . . . . . . $ D & H Mobile.o.......~....~..~............. 71 G' 85 .- . 29 ~02' 32.52 176.,51 12 5 ~ 0 o~. " 11.45 31.,09 16.52 6.08 . 2~_~ 70 32'~78 ,11 G 38 o . 7..32 7.,.52 79.,28. 66 .,93 41~30 9~.99 3.,10 4290117 r; .. 2'2' 5 5 ~.15 51.' 29 .0 46~54 12 It 4lJ- Ordin&nc~ No. 100 providing for a special fund for a ~arbage Truck was gi ven its. first and second reading. Eide made a motion that it be .passed to its third reading, this vIas seconded by PiGket~t and the vote wa~ .t~nanimQus for its adoption. . . Resolution 93~was read and on. a motion by Pickett and seconded by Vandiver was unanirriously'adopted. Insurance for next vear- was diScussed NorthwestBBn Insuranee Co quoted a' Blanket Cbver.ag~ of ~p38l.>8l. Nosman Aga!f.cy quoted coverage at .~~378..09., Councilman Vandiver' made a' motion seconded by Eide th[;J.t Town I~surance be placed yith MosmanAgen~y. Motion carried. T~~ need for more. street lights pame up f6r dis6ussion. It ~~s '~ec- ided to invi t.e'Mr. Austin' from Puget ..Jound Power & Light to give the Qounc 11 a clea.l')er picture of what should be dbne. . . . Streets were discussed ?nd Councilman ~ide .m~de 8: motion~ ir~e: declare Jones St lfrom Longmire to Edwards. and .HcKeinze. St.. from Longmire to' Edwards Arterial Streets.. Councilman Renders on seco"nded the motion>. It ,.0.'. carried unar:l;imously. As the Council had decided that they no longer needed Erigineer SwIft '8; disc-lissien f611o'trJed on what \role would pay him for services. . rendered.. After lengthy discussion Va:q.diver made a moti6n seconde.d by Eide the Town Day him $529.17 for his service.. Tbe motion pass~d. Councilnian Vandiver suggested. t'Je have our po}')ulatiop. signs changed to .the :1963 Census. Meeting adjourned. Jd(u~h~,?::C~ Geo.. c. . Brown, Ha y.or . . lerk' ~ abeth M.