1964 Minutes 66: Jan. 1.1a. .,.., ~T 8 t- " J...J- ) , 1961). Mayor BrOlrHl. called the' regular meeting' of" the C aunc'11 of the. Town of' Yelm'to order-Councilmen Eide,. Pickett" Va.ndiver and Henderson '.were pre.sent.. ~1inut.es .of the px-'evious meeting t"rereread and approved. The Treasur~rt~ monthly ~eportwas pr~sented also the Mar~halYs~ " '. 'The following bills If.fere.read an on 8. motion made by Vaindi Ver and seconded b'y Henderson. and a. unanimous vote were ordered paido :. ";:: ') q- . ""'; ~ ~. 41 :: :; 4- Q "4 .c :;).- . ..~ o C'urr.ent; /:. c""" ~ ,,""" .. ~ o,~'.o ".", C <t. Association of ~lrash~ cC'i"t"ioe's~~ o>.Q..':>.~o\,".oO~I),),:,.<;.. ,.'4~ 3504.0 Pu@et SOlU1.d P & 'L. ~ ....<>o"~~.e/~...':./."o;> ~"/,.fj~~ /."0':.'0 . ~ 33,.~-O Hosman Ager1cyo:c,.'.,... ~\.c.:"."/~".7. ~;~"~"'~ ,;,. 0.0 ,. ,.'... 131.36 D. .& H NQbi Ie Se rvice" '/~oo,"~ o(>..'~.~o \,,\"~" ..~ ~<:',,'~,.. . .. 0 " 3" 90 1;IJ. C. Leach ThtJ.I' .,' 'c o. ''klfd~i~t6r~. 'oo~"~tfJ,t;/o,o//f) '" .. . 55.30 C,olson Commu:nications~oC'..~'~<l~O~"'~"~..J~Q."."."~O..~o'...., 0'0 "gl~8'5 D & H Hobile SeT'vice.."."o?()(o'''~. ..:~,"oC.<>o.O,,"'..<>. ~/.Oo.. 75.,46 Y'elrrl Ii.'lelep'hone C'- "C(,,,')G '!.i!,?"n."... '''''~''::J'-'''2(''L 3r' .L ~ 0.. . " .. 0'. .... .. .. Cl . .' " " .. " .. .. . .' .. .. 0 C) ". .? 'VII ate r Pioneer Businesso FOJ:'"'m.so..cooc.":.'~.'~ 00 0 .o,.o'o.~. 00$ 59.8lt' ~" ,Pug$t Sound P, 8:; Lei" ~ 0/. Co Ool>o<t~'. .'. ',,\.: .. .. .. 0 .." .. " .. 7 20.L~1' ' Eli z .N.. , ~T one s .. ~~, " ", . 0' ".. 'c~ eo: (>e~" "" ~ ~ :'~.: : <>.9. "'. :, '" ~. "" ,. 10 .,65 1\ff A . '" - "'""."",, b f> 0 " " ' ~. 10 9 32 l".1osman, gency ~ ~ .. " 0... 4) .. ..'~ ,., .... ~ <II'" .. .. .. .... .. .. .. . .. o. ' 0\ . D & H~obila 0ervice.~~~~~~~~~::::::::~~,. , 4~47 Ye 1 m Lumb e 4&, Hdt~f.. 0 " . .. II 0 0 .. .. ~ ~ .. 0 0 .. 0 .,0' . G, .. 0 II .3 50 8.6 Ye'lTrl Te'lephone Co....... 0 .. 0 .. .. " .. .. " .. .. .. 0 .. .. 0 ..,; .. ., eo. 30 woe ;L e 8: c h T h u.r' ,s ~ Co. ~ Ih:l d i t or ~ : : : : ~ I> 0 0 .. ... 5,5 ~ 30 Pe~nsalt Chem.' eorp,.::~:::.;~;::::::o:~~. 12~75 P" k · t D'" S t ' , " .< .. ., c ,,"), Q '" & '" Q '" v .' 3 ')0 l C_l..e 1::; 1 ug ore. .' (> .. (> . .. . . .. .0 ,. 0, " ,. . (> 0 . . I) . . ..:) ., Street 1.7 C L h mh C1 A ~ d' 0 ,~ ,., .' '?"" " " ~ '" ' " ffil. VI}. 0 e a c 1_ . ur s .. 0 .. u 1 tor (> 0) . (> ..,.. ., . " ,. 0, .. q,) Ye 1 rrJ, Lura be r & H d w.o. .. : : ;, ~ : ~ ~' .. .':' :: ; : o. 4> .. .. .. P t S .4- P& L' , " {' 0 < " " "} C ., " .. " ... " ~, . uge oun5 ,~. . . 0 0 .. ~o .. . ". .. ., (> '. . 0' 0' 0 . .. .. .. 4> 0'.. . 0', , Mo s man A gen c y ..., ~ .. . . .' . Q (> '. 0 "; 0'. . ": It, . ~ o. . ~ " . . .' Th ur s. Co.. ,R 0 a d Di s t .. 0 . .. ~ 0 . ,~ It. . ,.... .; 0 " .. o. . c:',-J . :;>. 30 2.97 ?q, r' c' ,./ ./ Of.? ) IOS,o 90 3;7 0,80 o Garbage ~ ,ft " ~ ~9 ~~ 110 S [nan ,,t:',,,Q:.8 n c Y.. II . . . .. . ~. <II .' CI> . o. 01) . .. . .. 0 0 ",.. '0 .. 0 .. . 1I~9 } 0' ''):J 4 . 1V[~-'" v S .' " ,-- ,/ D &. H j" 0 0 II e e rc J. c e .. .. " . 0 " . 0" .. .. Q .. ".0 .. .. .. .. .. 6L~ II 3 7 ~<v.c. Leach Thurs,,' Co.. Audi or.." 0,..0: (> ....." 55.37 . ' , . . Resolution 95 to change the Town's Banking Ac~ount to the new Yel~Branch, f}:Lhurston Co. Ban]:;:, was read and, on~ a motion made 'by 'Councilman Eide and 's,econded by' C ouncilma}:'l. Pickettv,las unanimously .~dopted. ~' ,,' v Hal 1tJolf requested that one more neN street light be installed . aci"'oss from. Shop-Ri te on First Street.' The C01:nc:tl felt as though . the T01,.Jn would .be unable to pay ,f'or' mOl~e'than nineteen as planned.. H~l Wolf agre?ded t? pay the Town the e~tra chaig~ [or ~he,~treet" llght,., Councllrnan Henderson made a motlon seconded by \lanalve:c that the street ,light be installed ar1d bill ;H9,11.lilolffor the extra ct~ar.ge Hation, car'riedo , MaJor Brown pres~nted an ,article on Dog~. The article'was read and the Council agreed that it\should be published in the Town's N.eNspaper. The article requested all dog owners to secures'license 0', ,for their dqgby February 1, 1964~ If this does not control the dog situation to~the satisfaction of the residents of Yelm,hy request . of the majority of the TOHn ,People, v.re will enl'or,ce 01)J:~ Leash L8.\..r, 'Which requires that a dog; rou's't not I'O,am at la:r-ge at any time o. Meeting adjourned. , ~J '(}(;) . ...~ ,-UEO.. Co BRO~m,MAYOR ,{)'8 ,~~~r?a~y ~2~ 1~~4' 'Mayor' Broi=Jnca11ed' tn.'e r.egU;I.~rh meetln'g:.o'f ,the C'obhcil of the'" Townof' ,Yelm"tooraer"Councilmeri Eide,,"Hehderson~ Cla:raro.beau, . Vanal.Ver' and Pi,ckett wer~e present. Ma.rshal, Cronk.,a.nd,Hilt Johr).~on a'1so' present. -" . ~ ~..^~" ~ " ..~.. ..... .. "I'''' _. ." . ,!4inut~s of the previous. meetingwer,e, r~ap' and approved... " "" - . ~ " , . . ~ .<, r t ' -.... - .., .' .'.' . 'e, .." ., " . ~, . . ... ~ . ., . . "- The' Tr.e~~~r.~~' s'", m?rt~l~~,' r~p,o~t_ ~a,~, Ptes~1?-~~?-..~J,~?' the ~~arspal' s'. . The' foIloiving" Dills wel..;e read an' oii:' a: motion':.made" bv','Eide and seconded bY',:,~"e.l:?d~~son.. and. at'!-rl~~~~<?us. ~~~~ w.er,e ordered" paid: CUr"ren't: ' N~t~ H~h~~rsoh.:~~.~~~;.~:.;~~~$16~09 Y el rn<-Lumbe r ,S( I-Iardwar,e ~; .. : ..: : ~ . 9: 95 " "Rosano t s' Electr'i.c~ :'~ ~ ~.~:~ ~.: : ~ ~: 'r' 5:41 puge t' 'S oun a ,p. & : L : '~: ~.: ~, ~ : : ~ : . . ~ 13 ~ : 64 St'a:rid~i.a"Oil C6~ ~,~ ..~..'... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~. 121~21 . Yel ill GarB-ge. .:'~ . . . ee .. ~ .'~ ~ ~ ~ . ,~ ~. 4,8 ~"53 Y elin" Tilep,hoiie ~ C 6 ;,~,.. ~ ; ~~ ~ :~'. ~'~ ~. ~ 26 :,65 tv10sman Agency... .".. -............ ' 1.60 o Wa t ,e r : ' '.." ,~ ., ~. .'". . ~ . Northwest Ind. Le.undry.. II. . .. .. $ iflestern Utj.lit;tes. ~........... .', , P uge t Sound P &' L ~ .,. ~ 0 . . . . . . . ~ . Yelm Garag~......;...........~. Ye 1m' Lumber & Hdw... ~ . . II . . . II II ,. . Meritt Nelson Cons't. Co.....~. Pennsalt Chem~ 'Corp... . . . .. . . '. 17.82 51~88 74.76 4.35 8L~. 5'5 20..80 12.75 Street. ' Ye 1m Lumber & 'lid'!;.J.... .' '. . . . . . . . . $ ,,2. 97 Pacific Sand & G~avel~..~II~.... 14.71 ~11osman Agency.. II . . . . ~ .. . . ~ . . . . ,. 1.60 Garba.2'e :J . 0 J' , ",'" <ll. E 1 :i. z a bet h lJL. 0 n e s. . .'. . '. . . . . . . . 'iI'> Nisqualiy Valley News~~........ Yelm Telephone Co.............. Ye1m Garage..... ~ .;,. e'. .. e .~ .'. . . f1'osman Agency.......... '. . . ,. ~ . .~. 4.06 1~77 8.95 33.53 le60 o 'A' petition for vacation of streets was 'presented from Yelm . School District #2 and a ,lengthy discussion follow:ed. Councilman Vandi vermade a motion sec'onded by Henderson to act in favor' of vacatio,nproviding agreement' vIas made to move and re- ,ins~all adequate, mains and give easement for future maintance. Alao pay all' expens ed of vacati on and engineering of same. lYioti on carried. ~ . , . Disct~~lrsiio:r:a was held on candidate for 6ity 'job~ rv1ayor Brown mentioaed'DickRoot as seeming to be qualified. General comment seemed to be favOre.ble, for the hiring h.Ot' Dick Root. ' Resolution 96 for the' vac'atibn of street on the School prop~ art was read and: approved. G . The needfor"a newarbage Truck w~s'discussed., Meet~ng adjourned. ~)lL1J .,i ~.AJV\ Mayor Geo. C. Brmm o -1', '"r:' E.E. 7U' f;r. :: "".,' il March 4, 1964 A "special meetlhg." was' cal;L~~'to 6I~der' by"'H~y"or Brpwp.::'with all C oU!;lcilmen' pres'ent:' The. pUrpose: pI"" 'the specIal m:eet}hg was t6 decj.5~,/~~ v.Jhether" or not to of'.fer....bids.'ona .... used'-Packerr .. ". . '. and 19?~,',~...Tr~Ck 't~e",~~,~Y o~:~aymo,?d ,~~~e: ,o.f~:~:ri1'l~ ~.?~\.sale.. . ". Councilmen' 'Eide',Henderson a~a.' r:1tlt> J9hnsoh 'had', invest~:: ;.. '.' .. . iga t. e' the' t:;wo uni. ts. t:ip.d: ~Jere.' .,in' f;,:lv0r,. 0f"ef.ferin.g pids; . CQUn.9il- . 'made' a tnotiori tcf bid $1501~'OO for' 'the. p-acker'anaa~:''bid 6f'Itr.MV-~ $1,000.00 for the. truck, Councilman' Eide: seconed and it carried unanimously. ..' ... ~~. < . >. ... . . . ,Meeting ad journed. . ... .~l;:{~fl}~;it:. March 11, 19~...4 " . r. " ~ J ':'.' ,.,.."'!'.':'" Town Election results for the Town of Yelm were as follows . r1AYOR:' .' .'. """ '. , Gee. .' c'~ Brown:...~:::. ~ : ~ : 39 Ed.' ':Picke~tt.'~ ~ ~.~. e ; ~. ~ : ~.~. :1 . Laura . Coat e s ... . . . .. . . . . .. 1 , ' COUNCILMEN .,.' . .- Posti~ibh No'~l" ~-. -., .', ...... ~~~~r, Eide. . . .. .'. . .46 . Position' No'. '2 ." ., " ',"; , .."" ~~:,,? lar~~b ea 1.1. . . . . . ~.3 Positicih'N~~}' . .' . ' . (lJnexpired)"" .'". "."" N. Hend'erson...... .45 I " .... o o .0...... ' . I I I March 11:;," 1964 "! 'fa 'S~{~,.; ~ ,:JJ..",. j ;~. t(<// . l ' . . . . . ~ }1ayor Brown call.ed the .regula'r m~eting"of the' Council of the Town of Ye1 m to - order Counc11meri E-ide, Henderson ClarB!mbeau, 'Vandiver and Pickett were pl"'e'sent.A.lso ~present was Dan l~eedham~ rVfi'nut.~_~' 'of the previous meeting were .read and approved. ~rhe Treas'urer' ~ monthly report was' pre.sented. D ~I 11 f3 ~~'..;" ~~~. ...~:",~] The following bills w:ere. reada.n on a motion made by Eide'and seconded byClarambeau and: unaminous vote 'V.rere ordered paid: Current: Yelm Lumber & Hdw....... '.. . . ~ . ....$ 3.10 Pioneer Busimess Forms.......... 4.20 Puget Sound P&L.......~........ 29.63 Mrs. Ed. Brot.iTn.........'......... 12.00 Beulah Phillips. .... ... ... . .... .. 12.00 Daisy Fris !}oe. ... . . .. . .'. . .. .. . . .. 14.00' Roger Eide....................... 23.,83 Yelm'Telephone Co........~...~. 24~80 ~lo1f 1 s Shppri te. . ... . . . ; . .... ~ ~ . 7.70 E.M. Cronk..................... 1.65 Puget So'tll3.d P 8c L....,.......... 95.70. 't~J . s.. Dar ley. e,.' . . . . . . . ~ . . .. . . ~ .. 8. 83 Brown Bros. Uarage.......... .... . 127068 Water " We s t.e rn Ut i 1 i tie s . . . . . . . . . . . . . $' 16..57 Yelm Lumber, & Hdw............. 16.27 . p'ennsal t Camn. . '... . . . . . . . . . . . . it ,12. 7.5 Puget Sound P& L~...........~... 73.23 Street Brown Bros. Gar..~............$ 59.51, Garbage .' . . -" ~ Brown Brot). Garage............ <if Yelm Telephone.Co.............. 16.4i.t- 9.,25 . Da.n' Needham barber appet:lred before the Council to discuss his plans of movirig his. shop to-a new location in the Trimbl~. building. Besides a barber shop Needham inquired -about operat- ing two pool tables. Discussion followed and Councilman Eide made a motion 'seconded by Henderson that permission be grant-. ed to go ahead with '\;11.0 plans Sllorni tted. i;Iotiou carried~ Piscussed was the problem o~ all day parking on Yelm Ave.. No :a~tionwas taken. .. Ala odi.scussed V.,a..8. the rieltJ'wa"t.er lj.nes to be constructed when the schq.ol begins construction or' ~hei~ new buildings. ~- ... ~ . I!I i Ill: _ 1 a!!!ii 1fii.~ ~~:. ~ 11 . Councilman Henderson suggested that plans for'remodel- ing the water shed,be stud{~d. ,Meeting adjourned: Ii . . . . . . ~ '), A' . /~. . . .' FlkbeoA%w{l ~ e ~~ ~ . ~.cfl-,. .. Elizabeth M. Jpnes, Clerk 7."3'~:::" March'le,' 19?4 Present .at the. hearing sl_~te.d'fb:t;,.tl?-iS' time t'IJere lVlayoi? Brown. COuncilmenPickett, Henderson,$rid:Lver; Glarambeau and Eide als 0 Kenneth Gibson Chairman of the ~elm School Board and Supt..'Ernst , . Newland." I No~ .protest were voiced ~n-the petition for the vacation of all alleys and st;reets . lying, in that part of the southwest qua~ter of the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the' sou~thwest qua-rter -of- Se.ctl,on ..1,9."X.ownshi,p' 17 N6rth~ ,Rarige2 ~as t" vt. r.1.., ~bounde:d,-on.:,the- south by the' nor.therly line:.of ~Yelm Avenue,-. 'on the north by the southerly line Of ..the, -count,y .road, knownl.=].s. Coate.s Street;on the. west-. b-y-. the:e:a.s,t:e>nly~line of ~blberg Street and' said east-erly -llne extended northeasterly, and on the, :east by th-e' .w:e-st,erJ:y-.line of Edwards Street and s's.id we-s-t.er~l-y -line extended nor.theasterly; .EXCEPTING th~refr6m:tt-s- easc:t: 25 feet of said s'outh':"" west quarte~ of northwest. quarter ,of Cr.ystal, ~-prings . R oa.d. - . -.~ . . . - . -IIi: :\ ...... .. .. 1- 't"> ~ . ti The School Board and thei-r .Eng-ineer.. Griffen agreed to participate.In the Water .Main tchange:made: ,nec,essary by their' build~ng'~ D.r~~ ~ . .Councilman Hender'son. made. -8.: .mo.t,ion. s,ee,ondedby Caunc.llman fJickett that the streets" and .al~ley-s be...\Taca.t.ed as requested., Motiori carried. .' .' .!;J. ~eeting adjour'ned. ~ . f ". tl '\'~ -, of' ... ~ 0 ~ - :;". .' .. .:-.. ..... .. 0{ (' .. . I" ..: . :" April 16 ,~. ~9?4 ( < ',-. .' " '.-''''f\'~~vr-~''' r~' I I. On Monday April 6; ~1264G-eQ...C-....Br.o:wn ""'ras. sworn into office of Mayor for the ~own of. Yelm.. l-" r . r. .." , . r ,... .., " (~ ; .... .. :: ~ ~ .... _ , . Nate Henderson, t:~s. Clar.ambeau -and' Roger 'Eide were s'\:Jorn into' the office of CoUnc-ilmen ,:for .the .term of four years. Clerk E. Jones officiated. . :1, ';~,; '{4 . April 8, 1964 . The regular, meeting of the Liouncil of the town ofxelmwas called to order hy. lVlayor Brown with all. Councilmen present. Charles Dodge and Don, Miller were also present. The minutes of - the previous meeting' vlere ~e8.d and- approved.. .' The following bills ,.,Iera rea.d and .on a mot.ion.from Henderson. and seconded ~by C1arambeat;l t-rere ordered paid as rollot-IS: Current: -: . 1111' "A' . . d" 1 c:; l~losman . gency. . .. .. . _ _ . . . . .'. . '. . ,. . . . "it- 3 . _...0 E.. Robert Fristoe.... _. ~ ... ..... e._ _ "." ..75.00 SO.' pugets vSotJ.nd,.Re.g.. Library..... 2?3.0:8 Nisqually allf3Y News. ....... _.... .39. b6 Puget. So:und'.P&L..... ............. ~. 31.20: Standard 011. Co,.;........ .:.. ~...... 79.34. Wolr)s ShopRite~..o~......~..~..~' 6.76' Emp10yment. Securi ty' . ..... . . e..... .'.. . 16.26 Dept. of Labor &. Ind-...,..... . . .. . . .'. '. .32 A~soc. Wash. Citiei~~......~....~~ 25.00 Thurston Nas.on.. He.alt~.... . ~. .. . . is . 76.20 L.N. .Curtis & ,Son. .. . ..... ... e...... lO..4.h D &: HMobileServ1ce....;..........:. 100.74 Prig'at SoUnd P & L.......... ~. .. . .. .. ~5. 70 Bureau of Int ernal :Rev It . .. . . ... . . . 60.80 .Employment Se.curi ty D.e.pt.. e.. . . . ..' 106.,26 Dept. of Labor' & Ind............. .13..74 Yelm Telephone Co.'. .... ... .. . .. ... .22.10 o 14a tar:. . b D W d' '. tIl. Ho art . 00 ...................~l) Y .&. . elm Lumber Hdw..............~. Puget Sound. l' &~ 4................... Tax C ommis s ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . ~ We~tern UtJlities........~....... N. W. Ind.. Laundry. ... .. .. .. e.. .;. . . . Pennsa1 t Chemical Corn............. Dept. of Labor & .Ind~~: ~..... ..~. .c. . Employment Secu..ri ty. Dept'. .. . ~ .. ~ . BUrea.u of Int. Rebenue........... 6~.OO 95.15 81.67' 89.9h 355.18 . 15.8.4 12.75 14.70 B7e 20 _ . 29 ..1.~O o Street: . Ye 1m Lumb er & Hdw.;....... It .. .. . .. .. . . .. $ MiltonE'. Johnson............. ........ D & H Mobile Servicee..~......... Dept. 0 f Lab 0 r .& I nd.. e . . .. . e' .. ., . . . . Employment; Security Dept......... . . 15.50 30'.00 21.99 6.06 19.,94 Garbage: . . YelmTelephoneCo.. ~....... ....... . ~~ D n H v '~l Q .. . ~ rlOO~ e uerVlce............. P'ic.kett Drug Store. . ., .. . ."..." . . . Emplo'yment 'Security Dept.....,.. .'. Dapt.of Labor & Ind~............. 13~30 13.58 2.6~' 34~04 6.51 0.1"'. Holzmueller and R. C. Nadden of the Olympic PipeLine Co. were present" to disc'uss with th~ Council the pO$sibi1ity 01' run-. ning a pipe' line tl1rough Town propertJr. Lot So. 108 and Block 4.. Discussion follo14ed and they agreeded to pay .the ~Pown Two-hundred- fifty dollars ($250.00)' for a right=of~way 'and easement. Attorhey Fristoe was present .and Councilman Henderson ma.de a moticn.'second- ed by Pickett that Attorney FristoewEite a proposed form of easa- ment . Motion carr~ed. o Jim Rothin or the Yelm's Lions Club appeared be~ore.the.Council ,'to dtscuss the sale of "Safe & S,ane Fire~,orkslt. in the 'J.1o't4'n. He was interested in kno1.\Ting the Goune.il' sopinion on whetli6I' if they were . grant~'apermit by thf Fire Marshal the Town would give. permission. '. Mayor Brown was against grantin~1 a permit for the sale of :rirework~ . but the Council were in agreement that as long as they were being sold 'elSev.lhere the Lions Glub shquld he. given permission to sell them as a money. making project. The School water lines were. 'dIscussed andc9.S no a.greement 'could be re'ached the meeting recessed until. Aprll.1S, 1964 at' 8;:go P .\1. ~I' I I April 15, .1964 75~ . As' there was no quorum pr'esent the meeting reeeSse,adunti1 l~arYI..l' 'afG, 1964 at 8:'00 P~M. Ma~l 16, 1964. Mayor Br'own called the recessed meeting. to order. As no agreement had been rea'chad vIi th the. sGnoolconcerning . the t.Jater mains.. Coun~il- man Pickett made a motion,to.adjourn..Couneilman Eide seconded and it 'ce.rried.. ., ~.. f ., ".", -"'- . .... ,., ... .;;. " :.... ",. . ....,' .... ",": . I' ," '7 - . Mayor Brown then called: the 'regular, meeting of the Town of Yelm Council to order all Councilmen~were.present.,... _~~~__"'f"~':,,~";:":. , The minutes .of. the previous meeting,were,read and approved. The follet-ling bills vIere read a.nd on a motion from Henderson and seconded by C18.rs.mbeau.. were. ordered, paid. 'as. follows: ~ .. '" " ... ", ... ... . ~ .., " :.' ,., " - ',' :- 'i;. ,; Current: . , ~.. c ,'" . . . . PUget Sound Powe.r,&. Light"Cge.... ......... .'$ , Mosman Agency.... _ (j. _"lit ... .. e. .... ......'.:. I)... .'..'. .. 0 Sta.ndard Oil CO......~.....o....~............e \:.Jas'hington Fing.nce, orr .A.ssoc...... ....... ..... ... . .\.'.1. .Geo. C.. Brown, - ayor.... ..'0 ..... 0'. ..... ..;... .... Yelm 6. elephone' Co... .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . e. .. " " . Cl · · Ye 1m ar age. " . 0 . .. . " .0.' .,. 4).\.,. .\. 0... e . ... . . .'. .. 0 6 . . Puge~ So und POv-Jer. &, Light. Ce... . ... . '..,.. e e' fl . . w~ter~ . .' . , C . ~ Pennsa1t Chemical' orp..........~...........;..,..~. . Yelm Telephone Co.............~.......~...... ~1 est ern Uti 1 i tie s . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . -.. . . . . . " .. . . Badger, Meter Co..". tII. .. . ..'. . . . .. . . . . . . . ... .'. . '. '. . . . Puget Sound Power & Light Co. ...... &"... .... Street: " .. , . Yelm Garage. '. . . 4>.. .. . . . . . . . .. <<I . . . .'. .'. . . ... . . . $ 'Thurston Co. Road Dist~..............o..e.. Pacific Sand & Gravel.. e.... '.. .'0. ..01... . l). ..'0 32.,14 20.00 39.67 . 10 eo 00 18. oft- 25.15' 46.76 95.70 '12.75,' 18.55 6.30 170.2'1 '74.34 13.06 " 65. 52' .13.95 , . Garba.ge . ~, . . . Yelm Uarageeo..e.~....,~.e..O.....'...'.C...9~..$ 30.,94.' ~A Flag was presented to' the Town of ~elm by Kenneth MacAuley from the V.F.W. '&,American Legion. The'Na:yor asked, that shank you letters be. sent to t~~ organization~. Street name signs were discussed and Councilman E&ueestated that the TOHn of. Roy had some nice street signs and 'suggested that we. get $nformatinn from the~as to price, and where they purchas~d~them. . Work to'be done on. the streets was discussed and the Council 'agre~ded that approximately one mile of oiling needed to be done. The Cle rk was ins.tructed to wri te a letter to - the County requesting them to do the .work.when they were in this area. Meeting'adjourned. ... Jl>>, ~ V\unArVj. Mayor Geo.~ . brown '. '. ... .-f~. )n.~.. . Eliza. eth . Jon.as, .lerk . " 1 6" June 10, 1964 . 'Mayor Brown p~esided at the regular ,council meetiritt3 with all Councilmen present. . The minutes of ' the May meet1ng were'read and approved. The following bills were read and' op a motion by Roger Eideand' second by .Les Clarambeau were ord~red.pald: Current: . . Brown Bros . .Garage.... ~... .......4,.... . .$196'-13 Thurston Go. 'Sheriff.......o.......... 12.00 Thurston ,Co. ~iv,il Defense............. 80.00 Yelm Telephone Co.......~~............ .27.25 Puget Soood P& L........................ 95.70 Geo. c. Brown.......................~.. 128.10 Davenport Hotel. ................ ~...... 56.00 Stand~rd,Oil Co....~..................~. 30.35 1P'uget Sound P & L.... ... . .'. ..... . .. . . . . .. 30..57 W~ter: ' .... . VJ e s tern Uti 1 i tie s . . . . . .. .. . . . . ... . . ;.... e $946 ..15 Yelm' Lumber & Hdw.......... it . ~ ... . . . . . 10.72' N..W. Ind.~ Laundry.... s.......". .'....... 40.71 John" D. .:J1.vift.....o. .... . . . ., . . .. . ~ .. . . ... . 55.00 Ptiget. ,Sound", P ,,& . L.. to .e... . . . .. e& ~ .!>. . ., 71.65 Street: . ~ C' ". .,' '" '" t ' "."_ c "" ~ ~ ,,' . - . . , ,. .. . ,. ", Yelm. Lumber &, Hdw............ e ... ~.... ...~~ 49.70 Pa.cific Sand,,& .Gra.vel. 0... 0.'... ~...... .. . l6~21 .. o . . . Ga'rbage: .. 7. .'. <l '" ~.. '" Ji C 4' . ,. .-. 1 ., ..' ~ . , .,,, . . 'Yelm~ Telephone, Co..... ................ .$.. '" 9. 85 J" . Eli zabeth M.." . ones. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ~ 10..00 James Echtlerepresenting the Nisqually Valley Tvioose Lodge' a,skeU! . pe~mission to us~.the,Townc;Park~July4,to present a fireworks display for 'the Uommunit;y. Perrnissiot1t>was.g~arited. . ,,;,) ;'.:';' .:) ~. r: ~ ;:., ." f! ~ ~ ~ ,~ "U '" C .:: ."'; 0: ~ Q 0 ~"; '" IVlr. Madden of the, OlympicgPipe, Line. Co. ",was present. . The granting of a Righ.t"of~WaDT"was,.discussedand Councilman Vandlver . made a. .motion to gr'ant a Right of Way to the Olymplc P'ipe Line Co. to .cross Town prop'erty. Councilman Henderson seconded and it carried 0 .. unan~~~~~;~~e # 102: ~~~nti~g:~: f~~~chi~~' t~'W~~hihtohNatural Gas .. . .. Co. w~s read~PickettQoff~red.a.~otion;to pa~s Ordinance 102 as read ,Vandiver seconded this motion and it. carried. . . , , . Ordinance # ,10;3,. vacating" streetsc and; al1eys~.onschool pro-. perty was' read and on motion.duly made wa.s adopted. Mayor Brown signed a permit for. the Lions qlub to se~l<.uSa.fe and Sane"fireworks in the Town Park.: ' . .. Reprasentives of the 'N:oosE?a.nd Lions 1,Club were present to ask . Permiss:i.ontp place a flag 'pole. in front of TO~lh Hall. Pickett made " a motion granting permission Henderson seconded and it carried. Meeting adj ourned. ~t~~ Geo. '. Brown, IVIayo t,7 . :/ 7' . ,"\ .' . . . ..~ / ~jV/~ )77. ...... .. . ElizCabe.th M. J 0 . as " lark -' o Ju1.y 8 1964 11, 'Mayor'Brown presided at the re'gular council,meet.ing'with Counciimen . Vandiver, .Eidean~ Pickett present... Attorney Fris.toe and Don Miller were' also' present . , ^ The minutes .of' the June meeting were 'read' and apprbved~' , T.he fo'llowing ,bills were reand on. on' a mo.tion' by. V andi ver and' se'conded by' Pickett were ordered. paidas."fol.lows:'The Clerk was 1n~t~ucted to pay:Western Vti~ities wh~nt~a.m6ney was available. ,I. curren t: Wolf t s Shop"Ri te. .; .,..'.. . . . . ., . . . . $, . Dept. Labor ' :rrid.~.........o. St andard Oi 1 Co... . . . . #I . .. . ... . . puget ,Sound P & L.. ... .... . .... . Yelm Telephone Gol~. ..... .. .... Rosa.no' Elect.ric Co... .'. . . .'.... . E ~ Rob e rt Fr is toe. . . . .~.: . . '0 0 4) ~ .. (I So. "'puget .Sound Res.~_ Library,. Emp laYmen t Secur i ty lJep t. . . . . '~ D '& H Flobile Service.....,.... #I BeulahH. Phillips.............~ ,Puge.t.Sound P &, L................ Bure'au of" Interna 1 Revenue. .0;. , Ye1ri1' Telephoae' \Jo.~...... G....... Brown Bros. arage. ...... .... .0 D & H Mobile' ;:)ervice. ...... .. .'. , \ill 0 If'.s ShopR i te. 'e . e,.: e III . . . . '. II fI' . Dept.: of Labor & .Ihd:... .....0. . ,~mplo~~ent Security Dept...... Thurston, Mason Health..,........ Water Yelm'Lumber & Hardware.......,., Bureau of Interh~l Revenue.... N.W., Ind. L~undry. ..'e......>. ....,,, Dept. of Labor & Ind. .,~'. .. . . . . Wa~h~ State Tax.Com......~.fI.. Emi:>1 oymen t. ~ecurity Dept. ..... 'Richard D. wood..o~........... Pennsal t Ca.mnical, Corp. 4>.. .'. . . G' ' Brown Bros.arage.........,.. . puget Soun.d' P &. L..... ......... .~. " S treat " 'Yelm Lumber -& Hdw.. ..,!i~. ..... ..$ . l!implolment Security '.,ept....... Yelm arage............e........ D & H 1.1Iob1.1e 0ervice........ .:.. Dept. of .Labor & Ind~. ~ . . . .. ~ . . '" G .Brown Bros. . "'arage. .... .. o. .. ... Garbage ,. ,Q " . . ~ , Brcwn Bros. arage. . . . o. ... . 4) ..0 , , City of '~aYrnon~. ~.. ~. .. .:~ e'.d) . .. 'City, ofl1aymonEl........... .... ~. ~. ~losmari Agency. '. It . ~ . . . . .. . . . II ... . . Elizabeth IVl. J'ones ..... (I . .. ... . . ~ ','~' . TJployment Se~Ju:-ity "ept..... ,.. P1ckett rug Store~.....~.~.... Dept. of'Labor & Ind........o'... , . - L . , Dept. of abor.&.Ind.....o..... I' . 8'.:8G' , ...65 30.68 34.' 92 12.85 , 2..43 7S 0'00, 233.88 17.34 3.22 .6.00 95.70 .182'.,40 27.25 28- .:84 78.02 . 9.,72 1.6. 92 130.20 76..20 ~49.,42 . 88..20~ ' 11..86 19.,02' , 6 L c 9 . ~:J 94.22 22'3t1:60 , 12. 7.5 55.54 . 73.,85 . Lf-9.70 23.56 3.12 ~O.06 7.27 16.82 19 ..r~2: 1"OOO~,OO 1~,501.00 . 124.. 04 B.lio ~.2 . 30 5.01. 7.88 1 7.; 92' Mr. P,almer and Hard Rockey representing Washington Natural Gas were present to answer. any questions conce:x:ning, their new gas line~ After discussion Councilman Eide moved that Ordinance #102 be ' amenCied to include Section 12.. This -motIon was' seconded' by Vandiver' and. the vote. was .unanimous. . . Ordinance No. 102 was given its ~econd and third re~dingand a motion made by Eid~ and seconded by vandiver that it.. be"adopted . and published. The' mo.ti on carried unanimous ly" Mr. Rockey' . advised the. Council that as soon as Federal Power Commission' ,issued their grant work on the' new pipe line would staDt weather . permi.tting. . Ordinance 103 was given its second and third re~ding and a' mQtion made by Pickett and seconded by'~ide that it be adopted and published. The motion carried. Attorney Fristoe was present and asked' the 'Clerk to send I . I : 1r8:. one copy of O:l?<:l.mnance No..lO) to the Thurs.ton CountY.4lidi tor~ ,;,' P'Councilman Eadle.0 moved the meeting adjo~h "Councilman Pickett seconded and. it carried. .. ot .Jl~..~~~4 M-- .'~ " O' .. G~9rg~" " . . .3rovffi ayor ' ". ""j 0 f;I ~ Q'.I,) ("~ "1 -::") f' ~ 0. .. .. .. ~ "'~F e J!1(:'... ::-~, r..'O~:') o *;I...,..C...?-, Q"i',w.4 CJLerk '" r <If 4iI ~ ~'f - ''': ':. 0. O. .. " :) Q n r'I ... f" .. ;" '0 ;? (t ,j. ., 4 .,; '0 <t .::J 9 ., r 'y. 0: ~ .. L Resolutic)n .No. n 9'l " " " WHEREAS,: the Council 0f th~:t~wn.'O:k~~e:Lm does desire to make certain streets.Arterial StreetSr , 1 . . .. b. I() ~ . ; D .~""', " c .. '. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES'OLVED~:BY "THE ~GOUNCIL O.F'THE T01t~J, OF .YELM: " ".. "Q That the following st~eets~be,~eclared Arteria~ Streets: .Rice St. YelmAve. tOQS.W.~Qorpo limits McKe~n~e .St~ Edwards St~ ,to Longmi~e St.. Jones St. EdwB.J?ds St. .-to ~Longmire ~ St.. , ^., ~.th. 1\.t. Yel.m Av:e tq East~Gorp.~ limits'..~i '. . ". '. iJongmire St.. N.. vI. (J orp.. ~ limits ~ to N. E ~ .Gorp. Ii mi ~ . Egwards 'St. from S~wW.."Qorp. . limits to N.Corp. li~i,- Railroad Ave. +e 1m St. .< to.. $.tevep$ a St. " . . . .-- . .0.'. ..'. Stevens. St.' From Ed1i>lards" St. ,to Ral1road .Ave t!I . . :., F,irst St . From": Yelm Ave. ~ to~ North CODP. 11mi ts -. Fourth S:t. . from YJashi,ngtOtL.St... to., the' East Corp. limits The forego1,ng Resolution wa~Q ?-dopt~p'q by the. Co1mcil o:f the ToWn of Ye1m on ~.day 'of.~ugust 1964. ~ a .' ::) t' <' .., 'l Q ? ., <1 ,. ~'.; "? '\~ :: .q ~'~...Qe"'~;c ""t,.4~'04,,"''''f'.^. ,:~:,1:~~~ MAY-OR~ OF) TEE" TOWN OF YElLJ1 elm ,'" e t iii.'''' "', ;\ ., ~ ~ ~ u ~ . .. (' ~ ., 'I.!: 0: .. ,c ') - -C ..>.y ;,.;.!,;. ~. "I; ~ .(t. 0: ,I I I ,,79: .tcugus t 12" 1961l: i ' :Ma.yor' Brown preside.d. at th~ regu~ar councl1 meeting wi th 'Conncl1- men Eide,Pickett, Cla.rambeau pandE;Henderson present. . . . .. The minutes ,<;>f tme July meeting' we:ee ,reap" and approved.. The following bil1~.were read and' on a motion by. Clarambeau and 'seconded by Pickett were or:-dered.paid as follows: Current: . ,. ... - , . . . .. ." , .n & H ~'M0bi,le: ~Service e'... . ~ . " . e'. . .'. . .. .$ ,'Ye 1m cLumber, .& ~Hdw .' e'.' e< e7.,.' . .'.'.' e' .' .'.'.7.'. . j'iJ isq ua..l1y ~ Valley ,.News ." e..'.' . e......c.\.,.. 0 . '. 'P.uget,Sound ~p ,-&:..,L.~.,.,~...,.,.,.,.. .:0..'.. ..... ~D & H .Mobile. ,Servic,e..,.,.;...'......'.... .... "P'\lget .Soun.d .,P:& :lL.~.). .'.,..'.........'0...... ...' .Ye:lm Telephone "'Co.>.:...,.... ..... . . II . . ... . . 4.,20 22>.4.0 109.:.37 29.,95 60 .,11 . 95.70 '. 30. 8.5 Wa.t er: ' . -,' .. ""., <> . - ~ . <) ,- , ~ c , , . 'ftlestern -Utilities,; .'.'. .,........;.,.'...... ...>. $1415..73 ,Badger Meter "Coe: So..'. .'.'..., e~.).~" .. . . .. .. .. . . . 362."4L~ ,Puget,Seund R~=L~........r.~~~~.o.... 71~74' ~~ ~ . Penns al them. 'C orn .. .. .. ~ . . .~ . .. . . . . . . .. 12. 71) ..Steam Supp}y & ,1habbeJ? - eG.. 0 . ... .... .; . . 6.74 eN .,W. - Ind'. Lat:lmdry,..,................ e' . .20.,38 .' Ye 1m . L umb er Co...:,........ ~ .. . .' . .. ~ .. .. . . . .. . '41.54 '. ; ,,". ~ ~., t:: ~~ ~ -(': M '- r ~ :' '!t ... .'} -<\ . . S t r e e t : ' .- " - , .;. -, .. ,,- r' C :.: r," 0 , . .~este&n ,. Farmers r Assoc.. ....... .'. ..... . . . $ . elm arage.........,.....,...o.o............. 2"1.33 35.86 Garbage': ' , ~. c " " . . .. , - ., ~ " - 0 - 0 . . 0 ... . --, . Y elm Gar age, ;i ;. .. . .' .. . . .' . . . . . . . ... . . ..... .. $ D &. H. Mobile it . . " . . . .. .. .. ~. . .. e . . ~ ... . . .. .' . Brown Br 0 s. .. Gar 8.g e.. .. ~... . .. . e. .... e- .' .0 e, eo ., e.:.' .Y~lm Telephone C~,....~o.....~.~..~.. Beulah Phillips.....,... ~......e..... 12.77 840,66' 197.80 10..65' '.7.23" Th~.Treasurer's. Mo~thly report was pr~sented.a.lso t~e M~rshal's~ ~ ' Resolution No. .97 declaring .certain street' Arterials was reAd and. on' a' moti on made by Councilman Renders on and seconded. by Pickett and unanimous vote was adopted. . . ,It fuuildirtg 'permit' issued to Art 1Trimb1e was presented .to the Coul1-ci1. The permit requested permission to move a storage 'garage on hiS! property., After discussion Henderson made a. motion: s'econded by C-iarambeau to grant a. variang.e on fir~ zoning. if the building was . locat~d to'conform with the Uuilding ..ode. Motion carried.' . . . The' Clerk 'ask permission to purchase a.. new ',adding .fIIachine. Council' . mean Eide 111adea motion seconded by Clarambeau that the Clerk be' given .' permission to. ,by the adding machine. from Engel's 6ffice .Equipma:n.t Co. .the sum.$214.24. Motiori ca.vried. '.' '. As many 'complaints had' been re'ce~:ved regarding the noise in the' lots, of.the old Thrift~~y Store, the ~arshal was instru6ted to enfqrce the curfew law.. . .Marshal.Cronk ask' permission to use a. portabel radar from Thurston Co. Piclket't ma(le a motion s-econded by Clarambeau tht the Marshal set up r~dar wh~nhe..could. Motion carri~d. .Ed. Pickett ask permis~sion .to. blac~ top approximately 75 feet of . .the alley in back of T own Hall whel1~lTe b lack .topped ar ound the riew Drug.' St ore. PerUlis s i o'n grant ed. ^#i . -/j&7A~I2A.M , Geo. '.~ ,: prown, ,ayor.' . -~~l )/;~. Eliza .ath M. 'Jon~" lerk 80:. September 9, 1964 Mayor Brown.'presided at the reglllar council meeting with Councilmen ~Henderson Clarambea,u and Pickett present. Th~ minutes of' the Atigp.st meeting were read an.d. approved. . The fo,llow~_ng bills were r.~ad and on a motion by; Henderson-, and .secon'ded by C1arambeau were oredered paid as follows: . Current puget Sound POtver. & Light... ... ..... . _. ........$. 31;?20 S. . D' . . . ~rr.vlo~ent. ecu:r:J. ty; $ _~pt ~. . II... . .. e. .. . ... . .92 elm ~arage.;..o,.o.,.s.,o~o",.,."..,. .,0.0,.,..." 8". .... ..... 109..97 [) &'H ,Mo'bi Ie..... .. '.,., e- ~ .._ 0;.,., G." .,. . .. " .. . .. . . . . e,. .. " . . 24.05 BroWl:l,Bros. .Ga~age.,~...."..>......'.,~,..... 0...." ...... ~ o. 29..28 .r u.g e t "S 0 un d ~ P ~& U L .., ..,' .; .~ .".~ . e. 1Il.,~ . .. ..... " .. . ., " . Q. 95" 7 0 Yelm 'relephone., O.;.,.;...~.,.~.;.,..,e.."... ....,.....".. 27.35 State :,Of Wash.:. ;SUI;IJ.l4.& "OJ. .~....."...... .. . . . 0 e'o 2'.25 N.,W. Ind. Laundry.....o....~.........o....$ '15.70, Ye 1 m ' , L umb e r ,,& ,Hd w . . _..., e;,.. .~ S,9, .. e". s' . . . ... .' . .. . .. h2 ~ 71' puget Sound,E ~& '~__.~.J.J.>.;.'..'.".:,~,.".,..."".."... 69.36 , Badger 'Meter: ,Qo. .,... .,o'."~.'.'.'.'.J.'o.. CD 0............ 399.,98- S tre e t: '.' " ., ^ "<.',., '. ' . Ye1 m Garage.",...... ...'......" .'.. e'" e . .... "'... .. .'. . $101.,71 .D & H Mobi1a,$ervtce~,~.!.~~.o.~oo......". e ,3.00 'Ya 1m · Lumbe r ~. :tIdw... 0 .. . : ". .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ! e e .. .. e. . .. . .. 16 ,,00 . Brown Bros.. ,arap-'e.. 4l . .0 b <) n ~ (1 t) I) .. .,. 1>." ~ ,,.,,& C c;.h8 MiltonE. Johnso~.......o.o...........e.o.' 4.69 PacIfic Sand &,G:ravel.o~.o.o e.. ...ooe........., 32..4-3 o ~Ja tar: Garbage.: , .~ Ye 1m Gal'; age. . .. . 0 .. . . .. . .. cP e . . '. . ..'.. . ,0 . . .. . . ..'. . ..'.~; 19 e' 86 . 'Olivetti undBrWOQq QG9tP~o~. ~ ~ ~ ~! ~ 00 . It. 0.. .. . e 214.24 Bro"V'tn Bros..: ,aragE?4! ~ .. <1 ! ! !' ~ ! ! ~ ~ ! ! !. . . . .. .. .. co 47 .,22 'Yelm Telepbone~QQ.,. .... 4> ~.. ~ ."oO..f>." ~"........... 9.10 ~. r -j .. .~ ....0 ~ q ,~ \t t; } 0 . J ~ "" ) '"Ii f> -.) ::.. . . .f) a :J," ($ t) i::l .:;..... of.4 ~ / The Treasurer's montl,11~l" rep(b~t,wa~ ,,:Rr~sented also the Harshal f S.. . . 0 Mayor Brown stated tha:t he had talked t'o several people about the roof'. on Town Hsll and all of them had suggested that we were :L~ need of a new roofr.ather ~han trying to patch the old one'oJoel S Hoofing co.:, . quoted a prace of $556.00 to do the new roof. Pickett made a motion ,seconded by Clarambeau, that the Mayor b~ authoriz'ed to .contg,ct ,the. Company and have a nevI roof put D.n TOHn Hall. Motion carried. ' . Many complaints had been received about all day parkipg on main str~et. Discussion followed b~t 'no action was taken. , Mayor Brown expr.essed a, request for all Councilmen ~o' attend the . Legislative District M&etin~ to beh~ld September 24 in Centralia. 'C. P IJ1eeting,. adjourned.. ?~ If ,-- A/"'L. b4~~' .' Elizabeth .H{/Jones "Clerk,Septemper 17; 1964 . Special meeting of the' TO~oJn_,..,Council was called to 'oi"der by Il.1ayqr. Brown with Councilmen', Vandiver, Eide and ficlcet.t present. The pl"lrp'ose of the .special meeting 14as to discuss the six year . street program. Councilman Vandiver, made a motion seconded by Eide that the Arterial Street plan be.revised to incl~de a'drainage ditch o~ First Street. Motion carried. o Me e t irig 'adj 0 urned .. ,-~vtl.l~~ Geo. C. Brown Me.yor I,. I ,I September 23, 1964 81,~~ 'Mayor Brown called the special meeting to order' with Gounci Iman 'Eide,Henderson1tJ! Clarambeau and'Vandive'r present. A tentative Budg~t for~1965-wae.presented to:the Council.after ,'discussion and,: some change$ Councilman L:..ide made a motion' to ad0pt..- the Budget. Goundilmari Henderson~s~conded.~nd it c~rried. October 6 1964 was set for th,e. hearing datE?..?.nd. the, Bug.get was ordered pub- lished. - , ' " 1V' .l:leeting adjourned. .- *..'::;,.(,,~., '. . ~ ';: ro. ~ :- ..... - ~ ~:'~ l't (\ rt .... · ^'9f~'&i 'l(Jp, 1J /\ (feo. C. Brown ~Yo) '" " - 'I ~ ... .#\ <f- ';':I- ()~;: ~ ~ . i' . t,t;..~ ~')f~~:,;' : ": : ':" E 1:1 z a fC t h, })1'. . J on ~ s, . G 1 ~ r k . "o~October,6,. 1964 "') ...., . Q - . ...- (; ~ ... ." ;' "I - ~ I" .... ~ 0- ~ ,A specialmeetirig,for_the~b~ar~pgcon,thri proposed Budget was c,alledto order py' 'l'''1ayor Br.p1rTn,. to Present Wf3r? Councilmen Pickett Henderson'", Eide~ and Clarambeau., .. ' Mayor Brown suggested' tp,at after talking to' Fire Commissioner rJIosman the Budget be. :revised_ t.P~ p~y 4" rnJ::Lls oO"our, assessed ,val- uation to the Fire District for. fire prptection and Fire Hall rental be ch~nged~~~,woti9n,w~s.~uly made that the Budgetb~ changed from $1500.00 to ~p2,096.,67, for Fire P'rotection and Fire Hall ' "'rental be changed to ~~2_, 099 ~ 67~ '_ 0 _ ~ ~,"" , ' .. ~ " ~. (; t'- C C: :') i'" "" we'..... r_ - .., r :0 ..... t~ "! '"" - The Town.... mployee' s ask - for a raise in wages'. After dis cuss ton , Cot-mcilman Henderson made a mo'tion seconded by Eide 'that 'the 'Marshal~s,Clerkfs and ~11ton,Johpson:$ s~1~~y,be rais~d ,$10.00 per, month. r1otion carripd,. co: '" ~ '. " . , .' The C ounciio fel.t~ that: ir~r.oJ.~' s~h~~id~~ the' extra man hired- 'by, the Town should have a raise of Qp25.oo a month. 'A Motion was duly ma~e t~a~ his.salary'be, inrireased-$25.00 per month~ Councj.lman_ Pickett' m~'~~d,: th~t: a; ~ tb~~$" ~Te:rer no protest on the , revised Budget. ;Lt, be" adop;t~<p.~. " Eidt? .seconded~ Motion carrie'd un- animously., - . Meeting 'adjou~ned; ~-!,I~~'.!'l~D.'~ ;1:o:r~-"'~'''> . ^ :'\. .-, ~t .4:l (., ~: _':'.t ~ . ~ ') -'.... '" \, .~t2 BUDGErr 196~ ESTIMATED 'REVENL~ CURR.ENT, Tax e s .. . .15, roi 11 .. . .. . . . . . ~ .'. .. .. . . . . . . $ 7 8 62 . LIB Licensed & Permits......~.~......~.. 700.00 Busin~ss Tax........................ 1200~OO Liquor Tax..........'........ e ... ... ".. .. .,'. ~. 2261.73 Liquor ExeiseTax.........~........ci. -932.05 11. V.., Tax.. ..'. .. . . .: . .. " cO . . . .. . .' . .. '. . . .. . ... 13LI.8 .. 63 P 1- C t p. ' 1620 00 o lce J our ~ne s . . .'. .. . . ." .. . . .. . . . .. ' ' .. ~ Fire Hall Rental.................... 2096.67 Cash. . .. '.'. ..~ .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .... ~ .. .. & .. . . . .... 3u.OO.. 00 ~:ota1... e....... ......, ..'..... .'. $21,L~.21.56 Fire Dept. Reserve . Fire. District..... ..'. e............... '. .atloOO..OO Cas h. . . .. . . .'. .. .. .. e' .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. " 3,.8~.O. LI..8 Tot'al. .. .. . ... . . .. . .. .. . ... .. . . .. .. .. . '. $ 4, ShO.. 48 G Water Fnnd Cons. Collection.'.i..ci.......~....$11150.00 Hook Up.. .. .'~ .. " .. .. .. . . .. . . . '. . f. . . .. . . . 0 . .400.00 o the r Rev e nu e. . . " . ,,'. .. . . . .. . . It . ., . . . . 300 o. 00 Cas h.. . . . . ., .. '..'.. . . . lit'. . . '. .. .. .'.. . . . " . . .. ... 'I 7 60 . 00 . T'ot a 1. '. .. .. .'. . .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. . " . e . .'. . . $16,660. 16, \- Bond Redemption Fund Transfer........ Ill. .'.'........0......... .".$2640.00 Cas h on hand........ ~ .. . . . . . . . ~ ~ .. .. . ... 1282'.05' T,ota.l.,. . .' .... . . ,. .. .' . " .. ,. .. .. . .. .. . . .. $ 3,922.05 Bond Reserve Fund Res e.rv e e. .. . e'. .. .. .. . . fI'"" .. e' . . . . .. .. . . . .' .' $4891.81 , , '.' ~ 0 tal. .' .. .. 0' e'" ... . 0' III e Co . . .. .. . . ~ . .. $ 4,.e91..~1', Street . ,". . ", 'M.,V. Fund. .,...~ ~... ~,'. 00.. e........... .,.,...$2'261.73 ,- . . F- . Justlce Court, lnes........ e'... .'.. ..... 200..00 Cash.. . .. ... . ~ .. e .. . .. . .. .. .," . . . . e .. e ,. . .. e' 475 . 00 . Tot a 1.. . ~ .. .. .. G . . . e . ... .. .. .. e ~ . .. . ~~ 2, 9 36 . 7 3 Art'erial Street" . 1/2 Gas' . Tax... . .. II>> 0 eo'.. e ..it . . . . . .. . .. . '. . $1562. 34. C 8. s h.. _ .. ,e .' .. . ... .. . ..'. . .. .. . .' .. . .. .. . . '\, '. '. .; .. 6 U 1.. 9.5 . 'd~ Tot a 1.. .. .. '. c . .. .. . . . 0 . . .'. .. . . .. e, .. jlv o 2,204.29 Garbage 'Fund Cons.,Collection..o.........~....w.$3200.00 Transfer From 'Water Dent. . .. ... 0'.. .. 1)00..00 Cas h. . ~ . . 11 .. .'" .. .. Cl .'. . . ."~ . .. ~ . . ~ 0 .. '. . 7 31.1-. 67 Total.".... ..'.......0.0..... ..$, Lt,43L~..67 Garbage.Res erve Cash.j...~.........o~.......o..o..$,1142~19 Total......... ~'... 0'.. .. .. .... . ~.~ .1, 142. ~9 Grand Total...... ~. .0 .. $62,333.94 o I I I ESTINATED EXPE:NDIf}~TJRES "FOR' 1965 . S~ A c c'o.un t . 'To.t a 1 C.lass r otal Dept. Tat a1 , Fund . Total Current , Salarie$, & Wages " , . Clerk...............$ 600.,'00 '.:Attorney. 0...... ~. .:. 300..00" ' . Police Judge. .. ......... . 600.0.0... ....$1500.00 Maintanc~ & Operation Social Security..... .$, .55.00, <.,'. Town Hall.......... 1500.00,:. Off ice.. .. ... . '. . . . . .. . .. c 150. no,. . E~ectionExp.......... _ 100'.0'0 , B.on.ds........~~. ......... ...,......." <J.QO.~OO Pub 8c Advt...... ~ """ ~ 100.00 Insurance~... ."........ '175.00 St~ Examiner........ 300.00 'C .1 ~ . 300 00 . ,QUnCl . .xp....,.,.......~..... . . . =. ". _ '. _ , Att. E~p....~.....~. "50.00 Judge' Exp. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . f)O.. 00 Assoc. Wash. rCities. 40.00 Lib r a ry .. .. . . . .. .. .. . .. . .. ~ 104 B. 3.3. . , . . . . 4' 41> 4 4 Park............. ........ .... 00.00... ....(IP 0 ..2.7..23 . · .. ..' · ... · · e,. .'.... ~.. ....., .... ..$.587.4.33 PROTECTION TO PERSON & PROPERTY... S 1 i & w ' . . a ar es -ages '. . '. . . Marshal..... .......... .. $4920. QO '. . ,. .., . ~ ....., Dep. 1Viarshal... .e.. .... ,3180. QO.. .',. $. elOO...OO l1aint~nc~ & O~eration . '. . . . arshal Expense..... ,1850.00 . Jail Expense.. <<>..... . 75..00 Dog 'Pound.. . .. ..._. ... 50.qo " , ' . Civil Defense.... .... 70.00 . H I. 2 ealth........ .,...,.....,., c ,q..l ..QQ ~ ..,. , ',' .., .Soc. .Sec......:.. ~.. .",. ..,.; ".3QQ.00 Ihd. Ins............ 95.00 . Glothinr:.'" . " . III'. .. . . e .., ..120. OQ . . . ,'. . Street ights. . .... ... 1261.00 Fire.Prot~ction..... 2096.67~.~.$6329.67 C.apito1 a'utley.... ~'~..... .......... ... ......1117.56 . '. c .' .....~.~.......~~,~~~$15,547.23 Total. ~ . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .' _ . . . . $21,4.21.56 . FIRE DEPT. RESERVE . . . .Cash on ..hand.. · .,.. ......,.~.,.., ..,., ...,......,.,.... 't.. .~~.. -,. ~'."'.r.' ~ .~;... $" 4,8Lf.O.48 \'lATER. DEPT. RESERVE . S 1 . .'W . . . a arles & ages, . .. ,. . '. . S.upt..... ~........... .$141:~o.oo . C1erk.................1200.00 Clerk Relief......... 75.00 '. . . Lab or. . ~. . .. . ~. .. . . . . .. '. . 17 L~O.. 00.. . . . $4455.00 Maintance & Uperation , Social S~c...........$ Ind. Ins............. P owe' r. . .'.. . . . . . . . .. . . ... Insurance~........... Utility Tax........... SupplieS.. . . . /I . . . . . . . . Truck........~........ o . ffice. ....."............. Laundrv. . . . . . . . ... e.. . . . ~ ~ . Bond ransfer......~. Other Expens~ . Repay Loan Garbage..~$500~oo Capitol Outlay._:~.... 4520.16....$5020.16 . Total.~'...................... ..~~16,660.16 17.5.00 60.00 1000~OO 150.00 ~.50 .00 1700.00 200.00 500.00 210.00 . 2640.00....$7185.60 i04' " ,BUDGET 1965 AGc'tTotal Class' Total Dept.. Total. Fund ,ST'REET - ~~.- Construction '. '. Capitol Qtit~a!~...o...e.$1035..33.....~$1035.33 Ma1.ntance &, Operat~on'. " Traffic Se~vice'- 00..- .Street.Cleaning........ . 300..0D" " " ,,:;' '. --Traff:i.c Po,lic.e.. .'.,".'... .. 360.0.0,.(.".,.$ 660.00 Equipment & Supplies , . Truck. ........ ... . . . .. . " . . $: 300. 0.0. , , $upplies...............~ ? 900.QO.,~., S 0 cia 1 Sec.......... ~ .'. ..... 26 .. L"D. " ., ., ,~ ' 0 Ind. Ins...... ~...... ~ ~. " 150~OD....u".$12L~lfJ40 ' .' '. Total."... ~ .,. ...'.".....'..... ."....~I)...'. .... ~ .."." e'. $2936~ 73 . ARTERIAL STREET ..... Can i t 0 1 OIU t lay '.' 0 .. Q , " . '. .,' : -'--Improvements............. ...:. . e... ........"....,.'......... . . .. ..'. .-.. ~~2204. 29 . . GARBAGE DEPT. Salarie~"& Wages - Disposal Salary...... 0 . .. ~\1020. 00. . ., . Relief Disp:....... .:. .. e.'.. ~ 900.0,0, '> . ,. Clerk. .'. ,,'0 0 . . . .... .. . . ....... 10 .8L~0 000 Relief Clerk....." ~...." ...' .75..00.... .~~2835.00 Maititance & Gueration' . .S 0 c. . See: .. fJ . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . $ In d .. Ins. '. .. r. .. . .. . .. . . . .'... ' Off ice. . ~ . . ~ " .. . . . e' ". . .. . Truck. . . .. '. . . . .." .. .. . .." . .... ' Ins. . . .. . . . . . ... .. . . .. .. .. . ... ., Dump Exp e' n s e. " .. .. . . .. . . ". co ,,'. 85. OQ..? " c; 40.00 . .. .~ 0 200.00 400.00- 120..00. , . . . . , 300.ao~r~~.~1145.00 Cap:tto1 Outlay.................'........,.,.,ti,... .454.67., . '. Total.,..... .. O'...;.'.'~. CI> ."111>'.' e .-.,..... . 0.... .. $4,43q...67 GARBAGE RESERVE................. 0:." ........ 0-.'.;.' .'.' ....'.'.... ...... ........ 1,,142.19 _4' o 1tlATER BOND REDET',WTION FUND. . ~, " , '" '" ' .,/'" curre~t Bond' fP~ans.fer..,~,.,$26~O ..OO~" . " ' Cash. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . ..".'" ...".' o. ... 1262.. 0 S . Total. .. . ... . .. .. ~.. . .. .. . . . e . ,. . . .. .... e... . . $3'J 922. a.s BOND RESERVE FUN]}) . . . . ,R e S er ve'.. . . . . . " .' .. .. .. . _... .'..' 4> .'.. .... .. .; e' .. '. .'. o.,.~ e' O' .. .. .. .. 4> " .. . . . . .. . ~~qJ' 8.91 ~ 81.' Gr~nd To~a1...~.......$62,333.94 : , .. .~ .' , 0 q c , ~, "Ii- ::::. , ., '" ~ ~' o . ,:) ~ - 0 I' .1 1 . Qytober 14, 1964 . 85.'~' ..~ " , :;' ~. . Mayor BJFown'Hpresided at the'regular c,ouncil meetipg with C6unci]<;<> In~n P~cket:t, Eide, 'Vandiver and-Henderson present.. . . . . . .The. minutes of.. the,: Sept'ember meeting ~lere' read. .and approved. The. following bills ~'J'ere read and on a'motion by Pickett alia. se~onded by Eide'were ordered .paid as' follows: Cur-rent: .' Puget Sound P & Le .... ... OI. ~ e......... .$95. 7Q D (~'0 Hr.1o b i 1 e S ervi c e.. .. . ... . . ., . . .. . 19. 21 G . 79 76 Brown BrOSe arage.............~... . . . Ye 1m Telephone..... ...o.....e..... '" I). ~. .29.60 Thurston Hason Health......... .'~ ..... 76.20 Dept.. Labor & Ind... e...... ..0.. ...... 17.,98' Employment Secur.i ty Dept. ~ . . . ... . . ..' 138.92 Bureau of Internal Hevenue......." ee e' 32. 10 Puget Sound Power &. Light Gol........ 33.09 Pioneer Business Forms.........~~... .24.41 So. Puget Sound Re..g. Libra.ry........ 233. 88 NisquallYm,.Yalley News.;..... ... . . .. . . . 24.99 . Rosano's ~lectric C~riter~.~........ 3~93 Standard Oil Co. ..<!................... L~4.24 Yelm Lumber &, Hd~v......~............... h.27 Elizabeth M. Jones.....~~..~..~..... 10.00 Wolf's SP9P-'Ri te... ~...... ......... ...'. 9.12 E .. R'o b er t F r is toe. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . ~ . ..' 75. 00' Dept. Labor & Ind. e.1t ... . . .'.. ~ ... _.. .. . .. .' 2.42. . Employment Securi tyDept.. ........ ...22.80 Water: N . 1/IJ.. I nd . LEt un dry.. . '. . . . .. ~ . . .. .lD . ~. . '. $, 1 c; . 8' 0 Ye 1m Lumber & Hdvi..o. It... .'... . .'. .. ... 23.35 Puget Soued P & L.. .'H". .... .... .'41. . & ,65. IL~ Pennsalt ae.mo Corp... .... ......0.. ... 12.75 Tax' Commission... 19...... e........... 104.50' Western Utilities..o.~...~...~~~...~. 856.90' Employment'Secur:Lty D.ept........ ..... ElI.52. Bureau' of Int. Revenue.. '.... ........ 84.:50 IDept. of Labor .& 'Ind.. ".... ... ~ .. .... . 14.51 Street: Ja9..k.~._St'ory... .......... ~'.. ...'..... ~... $ D' LJI.. Ji Mobile. ........... 0'. .. . . . . . . .. 'Dent. Labor & I~d. ..........0..... EmPloyment Sequri ty Dept... ... e,. . co . ... Th.urston Co. :,hoad Dist.'. ........ ~. ... I) 22'G 97 26.33 5.66 . 19. 24 . 84. 35 Arterial Street: . .' . . G ,"(fu 8 Brown Bros. arage. . ....... '.'. .e'. .'. . ~ . tW 1, .1,1-.1 Robert D. vli 00 d. .:: 0 0 . . " .. .:. . . . . . .. .. 301. 60 . Thurston Co. Road Dfust. ..~........ 920.00 .~undbergPipe Co.......... ...... .. .... .535.27 . f. ~" ' . r" e'lm Garage.......... ..... . . .. . . . . . . . . I.? 9 3 Q-arbaye.:.. . . . . '. elm Telephone.......................$ . D & HMo b .t.l e. . . . . 1. .'. o. . .~ . ~ . .. '. . . ... ~ Dept. of Labor ~ nd~...~e......... E IS.' D ' mp oyment ecur1. ty ept. . . . lD . . . . _. e. gelO 20.85 7.27 33.86 The Treasurer's monthly report Ha'spresented also the Harshal's A letter from l'iJashington Natur-al .Gas Co.. ~las read. They ask .permission to install and maintaihapproximately 7, lLj.O y of 2''' and 5,940' of" Itf; steel .gas main as. sh9~!n on the drawings. Work vIas scheduled to start approximately October 19, 1961.~ and they expected to complete the work in forty days. The plans for the pipe line were dis6ussed and Councilman Pickett advised that the Clerk should write .a letter to Washington. Natural. Gas Go. advising them that a new maln and.storm draIn had' been added on First Ave. from Yelm Ave.. to the Park. Councilman Henderson made a motion to approve the.plans submitted Vandiver seconded and it carried. . '. . The Mayor and 0ounci1 gave' prmission to the Clerk to attend the Washirigt.on Finance Officers Convention. ,~86. "I, The need fora new police car was discussed. The general opinion,was to buy a 'new. car. Councilman Pickett moved that Hayor Brown and COlmc-il- man' Henderson draw up the specifications for a new c.ar, , and the, Clerk call for 'bids, !5his motion was seconded by Vandiver, and unarninonsly adopted. , The need for' a light in the ,back of: the Fire Hall was discussed 'and Counci+man Eide made amotion 'seconded by Vandiver that' Rose.no ,'s Electr~c Center install the necessary .light and a solenoiie control switch. Motion carried. ' Meeting 'adjour!l~d. :.-,,-c.,tlo1>Oc; 'b(~'.;~IJ.'" o .... tf. D J' '0" :: ., ,:) 0_ ,~ ; '" Q. (j ,', :: ~";. 0 c, (;t. , 0 · ~ ~ ~ .~. ; ~ ~. :,JE~ ;i'~P1.~7)1 Geo. C. Brown, Mayor O"'::V4.'4~~ o " 1.;\ : i\,:. ~ . " ''1 ~ - ~ .... ... .., ., 'Il . 0 ~ -~' Q;I -h (~.~' ' ~ < · <>~; , ~ C;~{ /h /r-J/lM ,... ~. .. Elizabeth Ivl~ J 'des, CLErK "'~:, ,''''" .' ,.. ~ " '? -, ~ .. " a. '" '0 (' <:l ',\ q " ~ ," :; :, ': .. ,~ ... $. c. ,0' c' n- . - v -~ .. -() , . ..) c.' ~ :'t '0 .0 Q ~ ,) Q 4) 1;,J C .. l' .~ '" .:;} Q ';J " ? ') ,. 0 u ~ .:: -;.. ::; ;:; ~ ~ .:. ~ Q ") .ij c; t ~ n -':, ~ ..;: 19 .. ~ -,. ~ ~,~ <.'1 :;;; 't ") Z3 $ 0-'... (J ;) ? .:~ 'c .. '0 "" ~ (;I :- :::;. ~i ") -0" :' c ': {)' "'r ., '0 <. ~ ~ .0 =. " C n <Q .,0 {)- .;] .... Q .... '":; ';:; ..0 '0 q .~ e z. -:' " ::; 0 /\ (:. -i'1 ... ~ u " . :;) __ ~ "':. .. c -;. :) "':J :;; Q. .pi" :;J .c c .-J '0 >> ,4 <> ('J (j .. 00 .. (l.- .0 0. .0 o ;.. .- ~ '" . '10# .~... a.. {\' 't '" ., ~ t~ l.. -, C Q ;: Q ,-'..... :.o.'\ol)o""~ Q':;:'~bt..;;)<~.,,}."". .. .. ., - '<) v.. ',;,) .. :; :";. c. ~; ; -0. ~ 0. ~ "t e: 0' <l:1~"', t)~<ia.'d C"}':o:> .~...e.O'~ ......;j"'}_) -;;-:oc- f")"".-;;('ee"'.~tQe"";r~ "-4t>.JO.C'f~': -;..~jJ.C , ..... ~ ~ (I '.. ('; :or 0 ~(l,'!,-c.".c..,'t". ""' O"<P'"O t).~ '7' 0. ~ :0 .c '> I), (; j> . ';. {,; - '" 0: ~'.;J .;.. '" ... ") -:". Q. ~ 13 ~ ? ~ l") :. .;;; .:. ('~ ;. (: ';: ":- ~ r ..... -c. 1- .. tl'. C- ;J '\"Ii :. o I I I Nove'mber 12; 1964 87,: 'I ,\.I 01 ' Mayor' Brown called the' regular 'meeting' of t'ne, O.IJ.nC'l of the Town of Yelmto orden Councilman Eide, Henderson, Pickett'and ~Vandiver we~e pre~ent~ The, minutes of the previous Tr).eeting were rea'd and approved.; The following bills were read and on a motion by Pickett ,and seconded by Eide .were ord~red paid as, follows:' Current: -""tt,)<~'" ' Mosman .Ins. <A.g.~l1:'qy.;..~., ~ ~.., ~ e,. _.. . . ~ _ . . . . $ . Rosanos Elect~iG Cente!;..... 0'... ~'.. It. ... , Stan dar <l 0 i 1 " QQ.. .: 0., ., e, . ~ ~ .: . . . . . . . . . . . . Ni squally Y a..1.l,E?Y ..~ ew~ ..,'~ !'! ~ ~ ." ~ !. e. ~. . . .. Puget ,Sound -oI?Qirl$t .&; -~:tgl:?-t'" Gq... . . . . e '.- Puget "Sotmd ,,:e9\1~t' ,;&~ .~iglJ.t .Go. ...... e... Br ow n ,- Br 0 S C\ "G q ~ ag EJ ., ..' ., $,.. ~ eo., 0 . . " . ... . . . D & H Mobile.Service.o.~........'..... y e 1 nt Tel e p hOD ~ ~ c. (, ~.~ ~.;.'~,.; ~ ~ : ... . ~ . ... _ .. . , lllf ate r :' -' . ~ , ~;; .^, ~ '0 ;; 'J " (' ';.? . _ . Ye 1m Lumber..& r.Ji;Iq~ ~ ,.Q Q~, ~ ~ . .. . ill: .., . 4) .. .. . N .vJ. Ind~ Lau.n<J.rYl!;.. floO,:. . .., .. . _,. . . . . .. Elizabeth M.. Jones~, ... .. e'o e". e'. 0,.. . . . ... Yelm Fix .It "$b.9P~~! ~~~,~; ~ ;~... _..." .. ~ " Puget, Sound" ~9~y:r,~ ~, :r;4fl;J::1Tg 99. , .; ~.o . · . ., Street: ' , , ' .,' I"n '-"~;:'J...::;::.~..~,i(w'-'{>:'4>""'- . Brown bros. l.rarage ....... 0' . .. .. e ... 0'" ...' .... !- ~ ,) "" '" ,. ..~.F . Y elm Q-arag'~!!;.~ ~ ,~: ~ . ~ ... . . . . . . ..... .. 0'. '. . . ~,rterial Street: ' , Brown' Bros~" Gara,~;e: : ~,~ : . .. .-~ . . .... .. ..' ' -''\ - :.. ~< (. ,'l - .,...... ' Holroyd Co'. ~~9-~ ~ ~.. ~ 0.,.....0-...........' Lundber~ Concrete Pipe Co............ Archi~ er~~~~~;;;;~~::~:..~.. ~..~... K & H Sand & Gravel Co.............. 'Th' t C R d Do t ,'. , urs on 0.. oa l S ................'..... . ~ "':;: ~ .., v .J. .; -; . '" . 15.00 7.80 4.6 ... 75 5.41 29.,63 95. 70 4..76 57 ..40 ~9 .' 20 . 36.42) 19..75 23..2'0, ,5'.20 61.97 '3.75 ' '8'.04 39..78 84..24 11.29 '62..ho 18 . 72' 3 9 ~ 31 Bids 'were opened, for' a ' ne~J' poilee '} car.. l\fter the five bi-ds had been discussed Councilman, 'lP1.ckett moved that we order the ne~J, police car 'from Van:Clev~~~ot9r~:~~~yt~~ng they pu~ two sawdust tires' on rea~,Vandiyer s~99p~~~.'P~,~te9&rried., 'Harry SotlthVilorth from-Yeiffi "School ~asked permission to close Edwar'ds street from'_3;:25"t~~I~ ~ p~;' );'4S'p:JJ( each school day. He stated that it was necessary to load the buses on the street while .. .,... ,-. .... to}:. - n ~ '- ... - " . . the new school' was under~ ~?l?~~:rit9t,~?l.?-~, Permission was . granted'. . " Ordinance # 104~diss~lY!~~G~~~c~g~~p~ent Rentai.Ftind in the Garbage Dept.. "trIas g;t. ven ;t.f? _ flr~t ^ ~!).~/ ?~99!).<;i~?-. readlng.... ' , , , 'CoUndilmar; Eide ~.r:rov<?~ ~ ~~~: ~~~t1t)~., ~~ JOur'~Counc tIman Vandiver seconded and l t carr led.' , ' . ..... '[\.~.::;:;:-"',?1-"'r-~if".~-vO"'~ ..,. ~' ~ ..,. 'J ~."-J" ...:-. F".. ~ I";. ..::, ~ .... f"' 1'"- A'l "'r .- . .-" ->__-H -!:t H "" .<. - '" GEO. c~ ~2}\~~of(', - ~ ~ :::. '"';, ", ;:. ~t (' ..,;"; -; ,-- ~ r - ~. ..... .... .C" (: a ;: 0. ~ ~, :-- =- "" r. - i .;.;, :: ? ' ': >> " C:' ;;:-.^" t ('. .;:- t~)h~""'" . iii . beth M. c)nes; Clerk . - - ,. . 88 December 9, 196L~ Mayor Brov-ln'presided at, the regu.1ar counci-l meeting with. Council- m.en P'ick.ett" Eide "Vandiver and Henderdon present... The mlnutes 'of the. previous meeting were. read and approved. The'following bills were read and on a motion by Vandiver and 'seconded by Henderson were ord'ered. paid as follot-Is: Current :' D &H Mobile Service. ...o~.&..~..~~$ Yelm.?:eleph0ne "Coe,.,.,.... 0.'411'$'.0.,.... II' ' Brown Br 080 ' Ga~ ag$e ." .'.0'. 0' 0 . ~ .. 0 ... .' e ct. ~ Puget SO~Rd.P~&.L ,CG~...~..~.~....~ Ye 1m Gara&;e.. 000 0 .0. 41 It IJ ~ .0 " " . o. . . " e . 0 Wolf t s S'E1@pRi tie..o ci . 0 . . .'. ~. . . . . ('I. 0 . . e. . Ye 1m Lunib e r ' & ,) Hdw I> . . . It 8: ~ . . e ~. & " e . . tHIl. Puget SOtiFlQ F&'",L "C G. ..'. Ct'IIl.:" ~. : .liH).' S t '~N.da: r d 0 Oil: Co lit .. . . . co.. 0' . . .. 00 . . .. . e, Elizabeth: ~I\fI. J 9nes.. . .. Ii..'.. 0 e'. .... .'. Mi 1 ton E . . Johns 0 n" . . ".. 0 (, . . " . . . . 0 . ... Har01d C i :.> S€AAeider. . . . 1Il . . e e'.,. " . . . . . Eldred N ~ > CJ?Gnk.., .'.' 40) .. 0 "0' 0' 0' <if ~'e .. .. " e.... ,EldFedN~DGr@nk...o....oco..o.$...~ Eli z a be t 11 11 . J G tle s .. . . e". . . \I ~ . o. . .. e e, 0: . C. .~ McFa~l- ~4-n " ,. ~<l. O. 0 .. ..... f!I 0 . . . . 0 0 #I . . 0".. . (J 0 E. Robe'rt Rristoe.. CI 0 oooe.. eo...... 0 ~Oe ~ Puget ~;;;>0t:l.flEl" Meg....L:i.l:9rary. 4.... to e. Employment Securi ty",De]?to ~ . 0'0 it 41 . .. .. Thurston J1asonHealth.o...o..o~e~.. Bureau of - In.termal , Reyer-lue .. .. . Ill. 0,0. e- E 1 Q..1) mp oyment 0 ~eel::trl tY'Q "ef>t~.~ .;." ... It ,,~ Dept. of Labor & I.'rld;,4). 0" . 0 G . .8. .. . .. rVIunic ipa 1 Revol vJng ~ t\:U1.cl... ,&'.. 0 ~ G . .. e <>. W;8, t er ' , fJ t. ~ .; c .~ .. " .. ;'." .. . , Ye 1m Lumber '&." Hardware'. ~ . .. 0'. " \). llt ill . . C ' Yelm'Telephone oo.o..~...c...o..'." Nor t hw est I nd . La undry..; II . . . 0 . e . <iI,. III . . S - . '.Plige,t ound'P & L".oOCl........o..oo. .' ---, E . Hi 1 ton '0 t..T 0 hn son G. .. .. .. ~ 0 ... . ., . . .... 0 .. .. Elizabeth H.. . Jone s.. . I} l!I 0 e. . ,,'0.0. .:;.. Harold C. Schneider.. fa 0, e...,o. 0 0 ~ . ... Tax C ommis s ion. . ., e... . e I> be. .0 0 0 . I) 0 GO Bureau of Internal Revenue. .GO" . .O'~. Employment Security Dept. 0 . . 0 C!I 0 . " .. . Dept.' 6f Labor & Ind.;.eo.....o.e.~ Street . . BrOTrID Bros. Garage.. ~ . eo .,e'. o. 0 . ... o. E. E. " Pic k e t t 0,. e . -.. . . . e 1&.. e' 0 .. . lo) ..'. I) 0 . . . Wail t' s lII,yumbe r. I> I> e 00 0 C o. . 0' It e. e It 0 ~ .'. ~. Harold C.' Schneider. ~ . 0 l!)'. . $." 0 e. 0 ~ .e.~. Hi It on E..J ohns on.' . eo. . . .. . Ill. .. . . 0 0 . . . ' J..Ian T"l8_slowski.... I) e.. . lit 0 & 0.6 0'.0 ~'. .0..... , .J:;;.I 1 S.'IT) mp oyme n t e cur :t t Yue pt .. . 0 .. .... .. . . . I> . De pt .. ' 0 f La ho r . & I nd.. " . . . 0 . . eo.,.. . .. Garbage '. . -'. G' Brown Br os. . arage. ..~'. . I}... ." . 0 . .. . .~ .Elizabeth M. Jones'. o' .. e.... _. 00 .9$.. eoI" Mi I ton E. Johnson. 0 .. ~ 0 $ . (II .... ..~ eo. . 411 .. . Harold C. Schneider......... ..... 0" ... . .. . Employment Secu!~i ty Dept. .0. o. "e... ". .. .Dept. of Labo'r & Ind~....... ~.......... 34..88 < 26.,10' 39.,20 95.,70' 44.81 10.,07 5.00 32..14 ' 44. .20 . 7.8-0 129.~92 96.,0'9 ]10.,89 41..56 19 e, 28 L~8.19 125.00 23.3 . 88 15..18 76.,20.. 60.80 145.,27 ' . 18.,93 204..73 o -"' 31$02 10..20 11).80 61.97 '115' .1~ . 105.;03 . 102.,88 9B.) 35 550,80 ,85.86 16.12 o 10.,92 187.,00 6.29 19.17 47.,89 23 .,99 22.44 6.,71 12.08 48.,19 38.35 ~.3 .O?, 30.,h2 6.06 ~ o Washington Natural Gas ask permission to install a gas l:tne from WaShington St~ down "second to alley and thend6wnthe alley t~ Yelm Lumber--& ~ardwareif.j A Notion Has duly ,made to grant permission . to ~J.ashington Natural ~ to install theline. OJ7dinance 104 was g:1.~en its third a'nd .final reading Council- man Picket"t made a motion that it be pas sed and published this. was seconded by Eide and passed unaminously. . . 'Ordifuanc~ 105 which'provided for the purchase of a new police ~car wes given its first an4 second reading. Ordinance 106 pertaining to 'the installing of gas was gi~en it's i'irts and second reading~, December 9,1..964 continued- Permission was granted to the Clerk to transfer ~~500.00fr,om the Water Food to the Garbage Fund as 'part payment of the 'loan. '89.~"., Disdussion followed bn installing one wa~y p61ice phones~ Meeting adjourned. JI g~ '~i)' '., ,IV\ Geo. G. Brown, IvIayor ' I . , L " , C;" , : ,r.' /h'\,. " Q .... E~l'l.~' Gi;~k ::: o. . -. ~ :" :: ..... ;; t:- f' Q :< :;;. - . ~ '., ":. :j , ~ :: , > .... - - ~ ~ " :;:. :~ ~ .;. -::: ") .. '" J - :: -- "'; 'Z -, :1 .... r: "': ..... ~ -e ~ ", ,. ~ - . ~.:: .. ~ :;: ,:. ;> ; .- ~ o (". ~ '.' ',:; c ~ ~ .) C Q .... I .. "'j . .;1."; ~"; ~ ~. ':" ",:. -.... ? t) "" _~ ~ ') ~ .~ :: .J. ~. ") '" ... .;J ... ~ "; .; ... >? .' :.10 ;:. :-, 0. ~ C ;;.. ...... . ., - ',' c. ,', Q (' " ~ ::' '- '1 , :' ::- ....... : <t (, ::. ... - :; .'1 - ". . 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