1965 Minutes 9lJ January 14, 1~65 .' . Mayor "Brown uresided at' the reQular 'council meeting with . G ounCl..lmen .pJ..cKe"tt, Eide ,C larambe~u. & . Hencters on present.. The minutes 'of, the previous, meeting Here read and'approv~d~ The foilowing bills were J:)ead and. on a motion by Eide ,aT;ld seconded 'by Clarambeau were ordered pBJ.d as' follows also the Clerk was instructed when 'she. received ~!or)d that the new police . .car ,was' l'eady for deli yery she .should contact Hayor Bnown or .Councilman Henderson and if the car was un to snecification a' 'warrant ~ho~id bei~suedto p~y~the quote~ pric~.. The voucher was signed for$~,972.51. . Current: , D& H Hobile Service....oOOltOo.........$ 40.82 Brown Bros. Garage... co ~'. . c it \!l . 1& " .. .. e . .. . .. . ' 121. 02 1r.Jolf's Shop-Rite~..............'oo..o.......... . 2;11 Y' . - , '.' elm Gara8e..... \)....4>....... 0.. '00 ... "0.0.......... .5..1~. Phi 1 Brodsky Uniforms...... .'.. ~ 0 . 0 e.. .. . 0 ..' 120e 00 . puget Sound P & L......... e. . . . .~. . Cl I) . . .. ., e . .. ~~r)o 70 Yelm Telephone cOo...o.....~OO..OCl.OO.... 27.3~ Standard 011 Co. .....0..0...............102.38, YE;?lm Lumb13r & Hd'trJ. .. ".0" Cl. 0 ... 00..... .. .0.' lO..'QL~ r'~osman Agency......:. e .. e .. ., 0 0.0' I) ~ . . .. ~ . .. .. . .. 157000 NiBqu~lly Valley News.............o..... 8~10 Puget Sound P & L....... ~ee . 0 . . 0 " . . .. e . . .. 37 e, 70 Ass 0 c.. 1PJ' a. s h. C i tie s .. . .. . . . I) . 0 " . . . 0,. . e . . e, It 0 e' 90 C .N. HcFaul,. Mun.' Judge...'...o .,.'.0".." 0< CI .~.80 19 Elizabeth H. J one's.. ... .. .. o. 0 " .. . 0 .. . . o. 0'0 . e' . 48.19 Milton E. c.Tohns.on..'..............o........ 105.39 Harold c. Schneider....~.~~o.........o. 75.93 Eldred. N. Cronk... e.. .. .'. 00 . .. . 0 " .. ,0 0'- 0... 360.17 Yelm Br. Thurs Co. Bank....ooeo...oo..oo '102'.-70' o 'V-Jat e r D & H. 1:lobi1e S~rvice.. 0.... .,0'00....... .~~ Puget Sound P & L.......ooo.o........... r-1'osman Agency........ 00 0 .0 .. .. . " . 0'. . . . . . . . .. Penn~alt Chemical Corp................... Yelm Telenhone Co......o...~.o.....o... . N .}ir. . Ind~" Laundry. '. 0':$ .. 90.0 . ...~ co .. '. o. 0 . . 41 Milton E. Johnson ..................... H a r old C.. S c hn e i d e.r. .. co . 1& 0 . 0 " . . . . o. . . . . .. Eli z a beth Tv! . Jon e s. ~ . . .. . . " . ,. . .. 0 ... e' .. 61 ~. 0 . Be t t Y Hans en.,,, . .. . (> . 0 ... .. 0 4) 0 0 .... . . 0 . . . 0 . . . Yelm Br. lJ:\hurston Co'. Ban.k......... 0".'.." 2'0.,08.- 680,88 150.,00 i2.75 11.15 11).80 115.30 134$ L~O 65.88 7.21 10., S'o o Street: D & H Nobile ::::;ervice....oo...oo....l/o.I/.~~ . ,Br own B r 0 s. Gar ag e.. . .. 0 . . . . ~ 0 0 '. 0 . . . 0 . . . . Yel m Lumber 8;.,~ Hdw 0 . 0 " 411. ... <I II . . . . . . . . . .. . . Holrqyd Co. Inc...'..,. o. ~ ".. .. .0. . .. .. . , 1/ . G' D ],\Jl'l 1. . . an as OWS.Kl. .... e 0 0 . . .. 0:.' .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . Milton E. Johnson..o................... 3..12 . 2.2LI_ 2:~i Cj 7 i 9 .' 22 2Lj..021 28., 83 Garbage: D & H fJIobile Service. e ...0. ... 9......0.. $ 8.,66 Mas man Agen eYe. 0 0 .. .. .. . . ..; . 0 . . . 0 . . .. . . . .. ~ 120.,00 Elizabeth 11." Jones. . . I),~ o. . e'. 0'0.... ...... .67.46 ~ilton E~ Jor;rison.........OOIH.......... 8'1.65 _ \ ar,old ScJ;neldero 0 0 o. . e. . ". . . . . . 000 .. .. . 0 71.98 ;J./ Mr. Coyne .from ll\!ashJ.ngton Natural Gas Co. was present and eXtr- the ad,vant~ges. of 'heating wi th Na tu.~,~l Gas. co. r1r.. Coyne. had gon~ . over tne 011 bll1s for the Town Of elm and, found that the prlce for heating. Town Hall itIi th ,gas- v.fould be a1.?out the same as oil but if the present burner need$d repairs the ~rO",Tn would have to pay the cost whereas if VJe were using Natural Gas the -eoIDpany would keep the bnrner repaired.. . The Council & Mayor' decided to call Ed Shute to inspect the furnace and make.recommendatlons. o A letter from Home. Heating Co. Has read., 'J~hey ask permission to come into the Town to clean stoves, ,furnaces & paimneys also to sell sto're ; furnaces &. parts. ':ehe Clerk was lnstructed to'1rJri te ~4etter to the Better Business Bureau and ask for ihformation on the'Company. I I I " , A water ordin~ce ~as di~cussedwhichcalled f6r a front f~~t charge. Much discus,siori followed hut no action,was taken. ',O~dinance lOS"was gi~en its third reading'and a motion was, made b-y C larambeau.and seconded by Henderson that it be adopted and publish.ed~ 1\1otion carried. Ordinance 10'6 was given its third reading. Councllinan Pickett, ma~de a motlon it be adopted and published CJa rambeau seconded and it ' carried. ' ':. ~ .' , , '91 '''::OJ1,7:.'.c:'~\,:'- The Clerk sta ted the Fi.re J):i,s:t.~ioct ,had, made a $2,000.00 pay- ' t Tr' E . 't 'd h h d. '. d "t" t h W" 'R men on ~ lre qUlpmen an s, e. 8, : )~T).v:es 1::e l lnJ' e.., lre ,.les erve Frindas ~~r O~dinance 101. :; ... - .::;... ~ -. The Town t s financi 1.~1. 1:epQl'"'. t _was d~.E1.~us.s e,d .8;nd: the C qunci'l decided there was a surplus :,of $1,~5QOoQo in t,he Garbage PUhdo .Counei lman Eide 'made - a motion ~ that ,_ the, surplus be transferred to ' 'the General Fund Clarambea'l)" seGond~d ;~and .i i~ Qf:1,rried. . .' 'Meeting ad journed,. 'v~-"~--r" : '::1 } ~# ..., -: :::- ~ 1 ;: ,':) , ""'I :: ': .. - ." '" "'; ._ . ":" .' - -"':: ~.;,J ~ t' '1 l'} "; ~ :.:: _ _ ~'. (j '~ ~ Ji_iQ Ii (jJ /\ I'lAFY\ . ,,~b\" ;;Q. Br9~, ,I:1ayol" '= , - ~~, :;.;, \: '\ ','j?, /J ~'-' ',: /1~.,~ ~~ uu~: '" , ~ ~ /1/1.v -.Y~ . <: . - , ' c - 0 " ~ , ., E~iza eth M" J6'n~s~, Ci~~k: ": .'-. ~ { ~ '. . " .- ~ 0", ~ .;: ':" ... .... ..;. '" .... ":'" ~ ';' ~ :; .... ., ,- .::.- - ,- -:- ": -, ~ " :r - .....)0 ~ ~. .::. ~ c: .., .... - .. ;: - # .:~. ':::::.. ') ') ") n ~ ..,. ... .~ -; -, :;:;r. .~ ? .." "'; "':" " ... .. ';, I l'- ': - (" _..:' ~ .. ... ... ) ,",: ~2 FebrUflI'Y 10, 1965. MayorBrD~n presid~d at the.~egtilarCountil ~$eting with Cpncil- men Eide,Clarambeau, Hend~rson and,Pickett,present. The minutes of the.previ6us meeting were read and approved.' following bills were read and on a motion by Bide and by Henderson were ordered paid as follows: " Current: . . . G. . ~ Brait-In Br~os. arage. . . . 0 0 . . ~ . . III . .. III 0 'If. D.& H Mobile Service....Ill~e..oo... . Y e J:m Telephone C 0 ~ . .. . . .. . e. III . " III . .'0 . 'p ug e t S 0 un d P & Leo 0' . . 0 . . III . e . . . ~ .. . Van Cleve Notores...............:.. Plumbing, & Rea t lng Coo III III ., III " 0 . III III '. .. . . E.M~ Jones............~...oo.~.o.o Sta~dard Oil CO..o...e~........~.. Nisqually Valley News............o Mosmati Agen~y.......o.o~o..e....o.o P'uget Sound P &: L,o Co............... C. M.. HcFaul Hun Judge III . . . 0'0.0.'. . . . Elizabeth M. Jones.:....~.o.e..... EldredN.' Cronk. .. . ., III 0 III . . . .. . . ."0 III 0 III .. Harold Co Schneide.r.....oo...."...... Mi It on . E. . Johns on 1> .. .. C> e III .. I!I .. I!I 9 Ill'; . .. .. . . . B Yel m Br.. rr hur s t on C 0 ~ an k. . " . . .. . .. T.he seconded Water: Ye 1m Garage.".. (II .. .. 0 . .. .. . e oil . " . e . It .. II> .. .. ~~ Puget Sounp p.& L COQ .. (I ,,;. (I .. C l) . " "... . D & ,HS er vie e . .... . 0 .. .. ~ . III \) .. . .. 10 .. .1O .. .. '. N.W.. Ind. La.undry.,......... e'. (I.... .'.0 Ye 1m Lumber & Hdw.."., e . .. & . e . " . .. .. .".. Pickett. Drug' Store'a .. ...... c . ~ II> . .. .. .. .. .. ..' . Elizabeth M. . Jane s .. .. ... 0 .. III 0 ... 0 .. " .. .. . Harold C . Schneider '. .. .. C> .. ~ 08 0 .. .. C>.. /I) e Milton E10 Johnsoh....o.~..llI....~.~.o Yelm Br.Thurston Co. Bar'k1O" Ill""... Street: . Yelm Lumber & HdliJ". Co......00..00. ID c\\: H Mobile Ser)vice'............oA.. 1. . v elm. Gar a [! e 0 III . . . .. . .. tII 0 .. . .. <l ..... .. '".. . .. . .. Dan Mas lot:;ski G " .. .. . e Ill'.. .. . .. " .'~ . .. .. .. .. .. 'rill-It' Tj1 J hn '.' l ~on~. 0 son..............o..~... Garbage:' , '. . . Ye 1m Gar age.. . tt ~ .. .. . 0' 0 0 C III . I/; e . II) I> .'. . .. .. . 2rown B,ros.'. Gal')ag;e....f1.tto...o..o~. elm Tel e p h 0 n e C.o 1 .. I> .. .. .. . tt It . .. . . . I> .. .' T;"ll- , b th' '. M J . . . ..cJ l. Z a e , . I> 0 n e s .. . . .... . .. tt .. . .. .. .. . ..... Milton E. JohnsOn.~.oe...o...tt...... Harold C. Schneider.o.o.eo........ L~O. 09 103.. 6LI- 23.85 9S.70 ,,1972.,51 19 .. 2Ll_ lO.h6 L~2 .12 120 97. 6'-40 350,17 48.,19 h8.19 . 360.,70 75.93 105.39 "102. 70 o 8.13 62,,76 2. 81~ 19.75 16 ..06 12.98 6C;.88 -13IL~hO 115..30 30 .,50 13.79 1.20 l.ho '2h.02 '. 2(3.83 o . lL!-.9lt 68 ,,- 77 9.,70 67 .,t1.6 . 81".65 71.98 A letter from Ed Shutee ofPlurnbing & Heating Service was read. regarding Town Hall Furnace.' He reported the existIng 'boilerto ' be in. fair shape a.'1d of .good design for gas also suggested that gas fuel arid equiPment would be cheaperi , The Council set March 10 as the deadline for all ~ogs to hav~ '. a lic~,nse after' that . date all dogs w~it1:J.out licen~ e 1rJoulcl. be picked up" ,. Th~ Clerk stated tha~ she was carrying over.$560.00 in Consumers's 'Jiepos~t Fund and suggest '~p400.o0 be invested in sav~ngs. CoU!}cl~man . Pickett~ade ~ motion' seconded by Bide that the Clerk invest 1400.00. in Thurs"tori"'Co. Federal Savings 8n.d Lean as a Consumer's Deposit 'Fund.,.. Motion car~ied.' . .0 As there wa.s no further business the IVIes'cing adjourned.. . , , .. ~. (P;ML~JYJ Gea. C. ,Bro~rJ"n, Ivtayo ~~l Eli beth M. ,~ 93}:: Harch 10, .1965 Mayor Bro~n'presided at the regular 00uncil fueeting with Council- men Eide, C1Eirambeau,Henderson and Pickett p.resent. -The ~inutes of. the. previous meeting were read and .approved. The- following: bi Ils irJ'ere read and on a motion by Henderson. and ieconded by PickeEt were ordered paid as follows: I Current: . . Colson Commu..r:i.ication..... co c ":0 c.,.. co Oi\. o~~ 'Puget Sound p' & L 0 . .. <10 .. ~. 0 (I ..... " 0 . .. . . ~ q.'e 0.. 8.. Br own. 0 .. .." 0 4) /) .. . III . .. .. .' . <I . .. .. .. .. .. .. Yelm arage.. <I> .. .. . .. . & . .. .. . 0 c'.. .. .. 0 .'c .... .. .. D &, H Hobile,..(O. co ~... ....0...... e. (I"..". Br 0 Ttln B r 0 s.. Gar a r.~'e . .. co 0 .. .. .. .' <:I . I) .. /) .;.. . 0 A . - . . Mosman gency............o.....eo.... Pic k e t t Di' ug S tor e .. . .. .. . .. 0 0 .. .. . 0 . _ .. .. .. "I ." C Yelm ~elephone 0...0.000....0..000.. \t\J 0 1 f ;1 S S hop R i t e. . . (> . . . . .. .. " .. ~ " 0 ~ . .. , ~ 'Yelm LU.mber tc HdH 0 . .. . e .. . 0 . . . . .. c. 0 . . Standard Oil CO.~.~o..o.~.o...~~.e..o Puget Sound P &-:, L."...o...ooo.......o. C'. 1'1. Mc Fa 111. . . .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. 0 .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. ., Eli z a bet h H. () 0 he s .. . ., .. .. . ,,'.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... Harold C.. Schrieideroo... "'"........".....,,. IE. J h M i ton '. 0... n s on.. . . . .' ..' 0 " Cl. " co e Cl . .. Q " E'ldr' ed 1~ C-r>onk' . .,.. ' -~.. v'" ,. _.....................0.0 Eldred N. ronk........o.~.....................o I Water> :' Pennsalt Cehmical Corp...~...o"o..~.~$ Yelm Garage.~....~.o...:.~.o.....~o..o. W ~ S " D aT" 1 e y.. .. .. .., . " . .. .. <II .. .. ..' . 'Ct . .. e . . .. .; 0 .. NoW.. Ind. La undrv. . .. . . III .. . . .:. ~ . .. " .. . .. . S ., Pu":get ound P &L."..... (I e~ .. . " .. ., .. . .. e' . Elizabeth Me' Sone s._.. ~ . . .. . .. .. .. . ..<'.. . .... .. Harold G. Schneide~~...~.~~........."o.. Hilton E. Job...nson. 0 e.. II...." ., 0'0 .. 0 . ..'0.." Street: '. ,.....y S D 1 .' . . d}. v'J... ar e y .. " " " .. .. . '" .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. ..' 0 tf)_ . iff> Pacific Sand' & Gr~vel.............o..o~. Yelm Lumber. & Hd~J.. " . . . . ". . . " . . .. &. .. Dan l'1as lows ki .... '. 00" . " .. . ~ 0 " . ~ . .. .' 0- Hilton E. J'obnson.. 4IO.'..........ct ... .. ." 6 3 .11-4 95.70 It.2c; . .4.0:5 L~O.. 01 70~o5 1 7- o. 00 5'.75 21.liS 3.iL.. . 6.',1)6' ~_~_ .. 20 33.65 48.-19 . LL B.. 19 . 75.93 105.. 39 2L~1. IS 119..02) 12'.7.5 '23.-61 110 L1-2' lS..80 62. ,50 65..88 134..40 I1S.30 1].6.80 lS..it7 4.64 2u.02 2 e 0~8 3 Garbag:e: .BrovJn Bros".,' Garage."....... ~...... ....$ r22. 82 Nisqually Valley News................ 138.90 D & H Mobile' Se~ffice.........~~....o 1.56 Yelm Telephone Co... .;'. "'.. ~ Ill......... "'... '. 9..71) Milton E. Johnson..........o..~.....~. 81.6~ Eli z a bet h N ~ J- 0 n e s.. o. .. . . .. . .... . . .. . .... 6 7 ..,L~ 6 Harold C.o' Sc:h...neid~r.. . 00 O. . .. . ... . e...o . 71" 98 . ~lilton Johnson ask permission to buy'a neVJ Clorine testing set.. Councilman 'Pickett made a motion seconded by,Clarambeau for Milt to to purchase the"needed equipment. Notj_on . carried.. A letter' was read from the Yelm Girl Scouts asking permission to UWe the::Cown Park as a day Camp June 28 ,thru' July 2. Pickett made' a motion to grant ~permis'8ion this v.!as seconded by Eide and carrieci., v' A' new water Ordinance was discussed ~~t no acion was taken. t"I I . . The stp,eets damaged by the ~iashington .:Natural' Gas Co.' came U.p :for discu$sion and. 00unc:i.lman Pickett made' a moti'6n to empower the J:v1ayor to' sign an agreement with. the st&te to resurface each side of.the street fr6m 2nd-tQ 3rd and part of block from 3~~ to.4th using. $100.00 Town money and ~~eOOooo o:f 14ashlngton Watura.1 Gas' money paid . to Town for damage to streets in said block.Eide seconded and. it carried. Meeting adjourned. c(. /-)~. , C/L~~4-c;" ,,' .~. '.:.,-?- [,0' Eltzab~ M. JO~!~Clerk . . .Ob _ (~'Im' . ~v1~ Geo. G. Brown Mavor '. . l . . J. "41 April l}~_, ~965 . Mayor Brov.Jn presided at the regular Council meeting with CotmcJl- men Clarambeau, Pickett ahd Eide present. ' The, minutes of theprevi ous meeting 'toJere :r>ead 'and approved.. ' The fol16wingbills were read and on a motion by Pickett and seconded by Clarambeau 1r.Jere ordered paid as follo'ltJ's: . " ? .. 0 :' .. ' .~ {' . Current: , . (~""'~QI~.\JI~.,"~ 0'0. Ye 1m Lumber & hard1:Jare' Co.. Elizab~i~~. J~~~i -...~~.. . \... ".. 1"'- >f" ;) )0 0- Li't 0. t: ..,. ~ ': 0- . Q , " '. puget S_QU,!}.9., ,P c~<o " ~ ~C.o_.' (. .. <> ,,'~.. ( , Standard Oil Go.' '",' . R~df.or :~e,p't)~c~ :'~8:n:~ ' ~ ': 0 (> <> ~ _ So.' Puge,t Sou,qd" ~~i)JparJT. Mosman. ,l\,ge'nq,y c - ., " ~ ' ( e ., Hosanoa: ~lectric Center E: Rob e'r t 'Pr:t' s t: 0 e ,00 ' ( ( " c '. ~ - ... ") - :-,:> :) 4 0 e ;". "" no Q ,Em.p1Qyment Security Dent.. ' ,D ~9X; H, J:jtobl1e tgervic e' c'- 0 " " 0 Van"Cleve MotorsO J> " "'> r,,: ~" Th~ur stan: "Has on Hea'l t'n: ' " CO" " ~ " :.t <>', ^,-> "," , elm Teleuhone Co. .... ... . ... ,... ~ ~ ~- \'11 . S . D a'r 1 e y ~~,. Co.' ' Puget S~oul1~)~ :E;i :r;i >C~ 0 o. ~ : " D~pt.. of L,aqop "q: e~nq.,., "." _ Bureau of Internal Revenue Employment Sequrity Dept.. Elizabeth M. Jones C. M.' McFaul ' > "c t ; '. E 1 dr e d N. ' C':r"o:n:~'~ '~ .','"'' ~ / _ Harold C. Sch!1~ede:r:" ~ : ,~ - ",~ <l Hi'l ton E. Hohns' o'ri e - ,'" ~ " ~ ;. .~"':t:' \) '0 tl . ' Thurs t::OJ1. C Q 0 .JJ8;n~ l/1ra t e r: . . .., " <> - } ;: .. D '8c H MObile 'Se;vice . ~ . '\ S' . ... J: 0':; ;:.;)., ; #." .) ;) "'\ Puget ound P & ~ Co. 'NisquallyVa11ey News Weste~n Utilities ' , Pennsa~t . qhe.m ~CQr:R.~ _ ' ~ c , ~ c , ' Yelm T'eleDl1one," " .. ., c , .(- . ,. "":.!:'o.."...~CCOG()f".~':"::)O Y'e lrri Lumber & hdw . N .\l. Inchlsttrai Cta\lndry e " " .... )1'1'~;' .""'Q;!lt':)\)>";........,.c-' Badger' 1'eter Co" ' Wallace & Tiernan , ItJash. Stmlte T'e.x COW " ' , E111ployment ,s~QLlffiy Dept. Bcireau of-Ini~~nai'R~veriue ~ept. oi~~ab~~_~:t~d~: o~ Elizabeth M. Jones B~tty j,. 'H~~i~~~~. Milt~n ~o JQ~d;~~_. ' Yelm Br; Thu~ston 'Co. ,'Bank Street: , ' , ' , Thurston Co. Road' ~isto 'YelmGa~age Lundberg Concrete' Co.. D& H Mobile Service Y el tn, Lumber &. HdTd. Dent. of Labor,& Ind 'Employment Security 'Dept.. Dan Iv'Ias 10'ltJski Hilton Johnson Gai:sage :" Washington Tax Commission D & H 'Mobile Service Dept.' of Labor & Ind Employment SegurityDept. Elizabeth M. ones' Harold C. Schnieder 1'-1i 1 ton Johns on . :} sk ' 6.68 .1 "4000 34.41 76.48 jl.20, 262. 09 hl.aO , L~. 1,5 75.00 21.72 77 . 7 [3 7..8~ "2 '77 o,2.? , 32. nO 6,.9G , 9S.. 70 fS.24 1021> 70 ' lL~.5 . 77 he.19 48. 19 360017 7,~. 9.3 105.39 102.70 60" ,c.i 63..03 14077 71.63 '1'2. 7 ~ 8085 5.77 15.80 lJ.9ctOl '35'.87 98 . 21 ' '78 c' 7 8 30.50 i 1. -78 65'., [38 ,7.23 11S.30 30.50 780.6'2 46.74 70.30. 196 88 20.21 2.07 12..00 2h..02 28 . 83 ' o o o 10..75 37.14, 7063 SO..Oh 67.46 71098 ,Al.65 "'f. .t~ . I I I 9S~ . A letter From. Yelm Lions Club requesting permissioy'. to- sell' "Safe and Sane Fi:reworks in ~"'olf' s. Parking 'lot was r.ead. Pickett made ~. moti6n toatlow the Lions Club .to sell fireworks this was 0 seconded by Eide and.carried. '. <Resolution !:Tol998. vJ8.S read and approved.. . Attorney Fr5.stoe 'was present' and the new. vJater- Ordinance wa.s discusded.no aotion ~aken. IvIe e t ing. ad J ourned : ~~~:~ Geo. -~brown, Ivlayor fl . /}' . , . .' &:t -. ~. . EliZ~. - es,. Clerk. TRANSFERRESOLVTION .AND 'REQlmS~ FOR THE DIRECTOR OF HInH1rJAYS T.O PERFORJ'df 'CERTAIN WORK Resolution No. ~8' Before the Town of Yelm, Washington. , . .IT I$ HEREBY RESOLVED,. by the Town Council that the lJirectoi-- of .Highways is au.thorized. and directed ,to" expend.' a total amount 0 $900.00 to be made-available by the .Townof Y~lm as the Town's partlcipa'tion in the maintenance improvement on Secondary State Highway, No. ..5-H(SR 507) bettveen 2nd and 4th S.treets in th'eTown of Yelm, by the const-;ruction of asphalt concret.e: f:poni c.urb line to curb line , to the amount of .~800. 00 an.d to improve. the 3rd street' apPl:oach to Secondary Utate J:iighwayNo. 5-H (sR507P to the amount of $100.00. '. T'otal Amount authorized by the Res oli.:lti pn: NINE HTJI'JDRED DOLLARS ( ~;900. 00) D.o lIars 0 ADOPTED by the Town of Yelm this 14th day of A:eriL1:965 . . -2lM')'QmA~h~ . Hayor ' , Seal 'Attes.t:~~Jd )h*~ . .' C.1 e '> k . C' lJ6 lViay 12, '1965 , Mayor Brown presided at theregula~ Caunci:l meeting with all Councilmen pres.ent'. The minutes of the previous meeting 't1T8,re r:eadand approved.. The following bills wepe read and, on '8. motion by H_enderson and seconded by Clarambeau were ordered paid as follows: ' " Current: ,1r<Jater: 'Street: Garbage: , Standard Oil Co. Hosman Agency it/olf t s Shop-'Ri te Yelm TelephoneCo. Wa~h.Finance Officers Assoc. PugetSound P,& 'L Y~lmTelephone Co.. ' Thurston,Co. Civil Defense puget Sotmd P& L Thurston Co~ Sheriff ,Yelm Gara~e , rrh r,' C'F- D-' t ~ ursJon o. l~e. 18 e Elizabeth M. Jones C. H. II![cFaul EldredN. Cronk ,Harold C. Schnieder. , MIlton E. Johnson . Yelm Br.Thurs. Co. Ba<nk Western Utiiitrees Puget Sound P & I NorthVlest Ind. ,Lat1hdry Badger IVIeter Co. Pickett' Drug, Yelm Lumber & Hdw. .. Elizabeth M. Jones Harold C" 'Schnieder Milton E. Johnson Yelm Br.. Thurs..' CO'~', .b8J:'),k Yelm. Gara.q:e Yelm Lumbe'r & Hdw.. PacifJc Sand &. Gravel 'Dan Naslowski Milton E; Jahn~o~ Yelm Garage Elizabeth-M. Jon~s Milton E. Johnson Harold C. .Schri:leder ~f; 29.01 10.00 , 6.1.+9' 100'.2 0 10.00 . 29.95 27.75 70.00 '95.70 19'. 00 , 41.78 j2LL.19 .' hEh, 19 ~JI'o,19 360 ..1 7 ' 75.93 105.39 ' 1021.70 35 ., 36 60. 30 lQo75, 146. 7.5 2.79 17.9,5 ,65.88 l3L~. 40 115.30 30..50 , 5.19 '7..6B 18 o.J~ 7 ' 2L~. 02 28, ~ 83 23.02 67.,46 Sl.be; 71.9-8- o o Howard :r-.r 0 Godat, Consu.lt ing .t;ngineer from Olympia, was, pl'esent. He g~ve aD iriterestingreport art what other Town's were doingabaut Hater frontageJr'~tes<?aXid(:;,vlh.jr,srthe.Y;I'weNe necessary. He s ta ted he would be glad to serye the l'own on any problemsEngineer'ing o~ Surve'ying. , Mayor Brown proclaine'd May 26 and 27 clean-up day for the' TOl-Jno A 'mbti6n w~s duly made toh~ve the Courity do about,ene mi~e of, oi.lingin the nearfut'ur,e. The Clerk was.instructed to write a letter to ~oets Roofing in Tacoma and ask for a p~ice on re-roofing ~own Hall. Meeting adjourned. o JLt~~ Geo. C. tro'trJn" r.1ayor I I I .~' n~1' ~ iJ', " June 9,> 1965 rrheregll1ar' meetinp: of th~' vouricil of the Town of J.e1m Has called to, order by lVIa:yor Brown 'Hi th vouncilmen Pickett, Eide,Claramb~atl., Henderson and Vandiver present. The.minutes of the pr~vious meeting were ~ead and approved. ~he Treasure1s monthly report 1^I8.S pr.esented also the ,r1arshals.. The' follolrJing bills .were read and on a motion from Eide. and seconded by Clarambeau li-Tere ordered pai~ 8.S follows: ,-" Current: Puget Sound Power '&~ight Co. Standa~d Gild Co. Ye 1m' Lumbel" & Hdw. Brown ~ros. Gapage Yelm Teleohone Co. Brown Bros~ Garage Y~lm Garage '- Puget Sound'P & L. co. ElIzabeth M Jones '. , c. f'iI.NcFaul , li ' . Eldred N. rank Harold Schneider lYIilton .Jolmson B~reau-of Internal Revenue $ '{~29. 00 35..05 16.93, ~.. 2,:; 26070 27.66 21 e D._O 95.70 Lf.8.l9 48019 360.17 75.93 105.39 102..70 ~~ \ 51.60 e.70 ' 65.25 12,: 7_S 4L~. 82 15. 80 10 . 00, b 5. Era, 134~~ L~O 115.30 30..50 36,. 19 10 .: 0 7 10.07 21..1_.02 2 e '. 83 16098 67 o1~6 7i.98 81.65 1Ala ter: . Puget._~,Sound 'POltJer & Light Co. Yelm Telephone Cd. Tax Commission ~ennsalt Chemical Corp. V~estern Ut i Ii ties, ' ,NoW.' Ind. Laupdry Elizabeth M. Jones Elizabeth M. Jones Harold~C. Schneider Hi 1 t.on - E. Johns on Bureau' of Internal Revenue Street: Pacific Sand & Grabel Yelm Ga.ra~e Ye 1m Lumber & Hard'triare' Dan IVIaslowski Milton E. Johnson ,. Garbage: YelmGarage Eliz~beth'M.Jones Harold.C. Schnieder 11,1i Iton- E. Johnson':'. A 1et.ter 'from Al Cronk was read ask:1ngt'he JYIayop. Be Council. to accept his resignation as T"lar:shal July 1, '1965., Harshal Cronk ,was' present and much dis'cnssion followed. Councilman Henderson made amoti.on to turn action of resigning over to. l1ayorBroHh' this :f~1. was se'conded by Vandiver and .carried. The Marshal's resignation' wa~ not' accepted. ; A letter f~om Soe.s Roofing Co. of Tacoma was. read they quot- ed .a price of ~65o.00 to roof Town Hall and $165.00 to roof the pump house. A mo.tion by Pickett we accept the bids wi th the provision that the pump house' be repaired befor>e" roofing.. Van- diver seconded and. it carrieq.. Meetirig adjourned. "'~..~. . . . J.' A/) , , reo .-C.. 'rOli-ln,' ayor . t: ~1'7) Elizab ,h M. Jon 98, July 14, 1965 Mayor Brown callect the regular meetfng of the TO-Vffi Council to order "~li th Councilmen Henderson and Clarambeau present. Present at t.his meeting was Yelm S.chool Superintendent E. Newland and 'School Board Members 11_ee Edv.rards and Ken, Gibson. Since a' quorum was notpres'ent no 'official business was conductedo' lY1r. Ne'lAfland and school hoard members TtJere present to request per- rriission to la~.d the scho'ol buses on Ed~Jards St.. 'I1hey 'VJere given permlss,;,. ion to lOe4 the buses and close the street from 3;25 Pl\1 to 3;L~5 PM,' .while construction of the bul1dings on the school() g;round 1,.18:S' in' process~, Mayor Bro1iJtl stated he had recei ved several complaints 0 about the c los,ure of the street and sugges t$d the school improve the street so as. not to stop the flow of tr[j:ffic. Discussion follm,ed. :" .. -'" Neeting recessed until July,IS, 19'65.1 The meeting was resumed wi th N:ayor Bro1iJn C,ouncilm.en Henderson, Clarambeau and Eide present. The minutes of the preVious meatitig were ~eadand approved,. The following bills were re~dand on a motion by Henderson and seconded by Clarambeau. 'VreI"e ordered paid as fol+o1rlS: CUrrent: Water: Street :. Garba.ge :' D 8e H Hobi Ie Puget Sound P & L Bro~n Bros. Gagare, Bob Ellis ", Yelm Telephone Co~ Thurs"tori Nasoh_ Health Emp~ Security j)~pt.. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 'V-Ji throp Hotel ~r. hur s . -' Co. Fir e D i s t .. Goe ~ C. Brlown Puget Sound P ,& L D i?'i; Ii Mobile So. 'Puget Sound Librar'y E. Robert Fristoe Emp. Security 'Vept.. C .H. 'McFaul ' E.N.. tTones M.E... Johnson H..C.. Schnieder Eldred, N. Cronk Y~lm Thurston Co. Bank , PugetS6und P & L Yefm Telephone Co. NoW. Ind. Laundrv, <:) C1' C' Pennsult . nem. orp Western Uhi1ites Pioneer business Forms E.M..Jones Wash. State'T~x :Co~. Dent. of Labor & Ind. Emp. Sec. Dept. MoE. Johnson H. C. ' Schnieder E . r,1. . J one s Yelm Thurston Co.. ,bal'l,k 'D 8('" H Hobile Ye 1m LUf.l1ber or; Hd1rJ.. BroHn Bl~OS. LX arage E S .. +- lJ 'Jt mp.. ecurll'y ep co, Dept. Of Labor & Ind. N.E.. Johnson Dan Has 1cn-.!ski ' .- , Brow0,Bros. ~arage Emp. Security Dept. Dept. of Labor & Ind. M. E.Johnson . . H..C. Schnieder E.M. Jones ~~ 79.,8LI- 9 r). 70 L...9l. j.85 24.50 77.2r:; ,lL~,5. 77 18.2li ?J.96 52}..j,.l6 62.00 31.83 2.38 262.08 7:; .00 . 21.72' 4_8. 19 L~ C3 . 1 9 10C).19 75.93 360.17 102..70 c;l.6o - 8 0 90 ' '13.. 86 12.75 5.56 21.97 50'03 3J../- . 36 11.78 78. 7 E; 115.30 134'.40 6~.88 3C)"50 ' 6.72' 39..25 12.67 12.00 2..07 2e..8~ 24.02 12.00 50.oLI_ 7..63 81.65 71,.98 67.46 0.. , , J o ..1 I 1 .: 99:';" July 15 continued It was brou~ht to the 'att~ntion of the Mayor & C6uncil that Dants'Barber Shop was operattng two pinball rnichines. 'As per_ mission had B'0tnbaefingrdnted to, operate these machlnes'Marshal Cropk was instructed to disconnect them .' . Discussion was hel~on.school parking problem, as all .councilmen v,rert.not present it was,'decided tb have more discussion bef.oreanydecisioncoulc1 be reached. WhG comprehensive streetprogr'am \Nas discuss'ed and Council- msl_BtD. H~Bde~SOntmade a motionstrl1.a t "':r-'lcSj?nz'ite stree! i'rorJ1 Second ..' , .reet- to ~ ourn 9 treet and. oloerg l-,ree 1"rom elm Ave.. to, Coates,Sto,'be:declared Arterial ~treets.. Clar~mbeau s~condBd R '. and it carrie<;3.. The Clerk was instructed to....,hav,e published a notice of . ,Public Hearing on the 'revision.. ate. for the Fubllc Hearing 'Nas set 'for Augus't 11, 1965 at 8::00 Fm. 'I.10Hn Hall' Meetin~ adjourned.. .lL-o . t~61~ Ge'o. C Cl bro'VJn, :[\layor < , " ...t~~.Jh~ . Eliza e.th No Jo s" lerk NO~ICE OF HEARING N'OTIC'E IS HEREBY GIVEN th~t 'VIfednesday, the~day, of August, 1965, at 8;P.M. at the ity H&ll, Yelm, ashington, has be~n fixed.as the time and, place for ~ hearing by the council of the Town, of Yelm on a pr'oposaltorevise "tl}e comprehensive street prog~a~ pr~viously adopt~d by th~ Town of '~elm acting through its council bycinc,ludi'ng therein as additional designate artepial ~treet~ the following: McKenzie ;:)treet r;om Second. Street to Fourth 0treet y B. . V ',' , Solberg, Street from elm, venue to'Coates Street and 'providing for the improvement of said streets as funds are ,available therefo!, .NOTICE. IS FURTHER. GIVEN .that all persons desir1ng to be . heard on said proposal shall be and 8:ppenr, befoTe the Council at the said time and place, . :": ~L Clerk-Treasure::0 of l;UU' August 11, 1965 'May'or Brown presided at the regular meetIng of the Town Cauncll With Councilmen Eide, Pickett" vla:rambeau and Hendersoh present.. Als 0 present was Erns t Newland ,'and Lee' Edwards ~ The 'minutes of the,preyious meetirig were rea~ and apnroved.. The following'bills were read and o~ a motion by Pickett and sep6nded by Clarambeau were ordered paid as follows: Current: , Brown Bros,.. Garag~ Yelm Telenhone Co. puget' Sou~d D & L Ye,lm Garage ' Joe,t s Roofing Elizaheth M..-Jones Nisqually Valley News Ptiget Sound, P~& L C.. 11'1. McFaul ElizabethM. Jones Eldred N. Cronk HaraldC. Schneide~ Milton E'. t.Tohnson' Yelm Br. Thurston Co.. Bank Water: 'Br6wnBros. ~ara~e Yelm Ua~age - ,NiSq~~lly-Valiey News Yelm · eleohone Co. Puget Sound P'&:' L Pennsalt 0hem Corp. N.W. Ind. Latmdrv ,Elizabeth M. Jon~s HaraldC. '~chneider Milton Eo Johnson Ye1m'B~. Thurston 00. Bank u ' Brown Bros'. arage Yelm Lumber & Hdw Yelm Garage Pacifllc Sand & Gravel ~ash~ Dept. at Hwys Dan Mas 10't1ski Milton:E~ "Johnson S.treet :' Garbage: ' Brown Br~so Gararre Y e1 ra G-ara~~e ' ,J Elizabeth M. Jones Harold C. Schn~ider Milton Eo Johnson . $ 19. L~ 7 27 .. 6 ~ '.9r:;~70 j 90' h4 Rhg..2~ 'ioC;6 10. E~O 29 0' 81 h&\ lq 48.,19 360 0' 1 7 . 75...93 105039 .102..70. 3.5'.28 21000 !.~ 9 ., .5 5 9" 7r) 'ge068 12075 19080 65..82 " 1 1LL.. h 0" li5030 30",SO C;,,70 20 ,,61 , 7 .,L~L~ 15..h8 900..00 24.. 02 2 fie 8 3, ' o o 31.64 9l..PO 67.h6 71..g8 , 81.,65 IvIr.,Newland ask permission t,o unload buses on l!.;dwa:t"'ds ,Street. He s t'ated th~t they had no c antral over the childr~~n: tn the morn- on the, school ground.s '("Ji th buses unloadinr~ at all times and the, cbildren. which-had to reload for McKenna ichool were darting all around the grounds 118i ti ne-; for their bus 0 . r:rhe 'Mayor stated. he had received complaints about blocking the street u.ihile. the buses were,loadi!lg . The MaY.8r sur.;gested they widen the street as as "',1.\, not to stop traffi~. Mr. Newland stated they hadbiick-topped ~ the side by the school but did not have, money to widen the street.. After ranch discussion Councilman, Eld~ m8-de a motion that the sch.ool;1be allov.Jed to un]68.d all bU..ses on Edt-lards St.. in the morning and to reload the three buses for McKenna for .the coming school''''-term only. Henderson ,seconded, and.it carried. A letter from Mrs LeMoine operator 'of the LiquD~ Storewa~ re~d'.. . She ask 'perrnlssiol'l for" two 15 minute parking places on .YelmAve. She stated she had many complaInts as people were usi~g the place in f~ont of' the store for all daynarking. Discuss'ion follo14ed Henderson m,ade a motion to 'alloH her tv.JO 15 minute parking zorie8 from l2:00P.rJto to 8:.00 P.J.JI..on a. 'temp- orary. basis Clarambeau second" Motion carf"'ied.. , . , :Ordiriance Moo 107 ,weiread declaring.McKeinze street from second ~t~eet to Fourth ,street ,and Solberg street from Yelm Ave. .,to Coates street Arterial Streets. Pickett made a moti6n a~ there 'were no protest. the Ordinanc~ be ado~ted and.published Eide seconded .and it carr led.. ~11, OJ , . IJ (;j . ' .;[" 1 ~:, ~' Me~~ting a~journ~d:, VI !/cV1 ~;YJ ,.Jco. V it./1JtI<fD/\, r'., L"", l",{."d./( / h. ,~'L-(/), ~t~~ ' , '. ) , ' v .--y-" y \ o I I I Sept" 8, 1905 J'O'1 " 'Mayor Brown presided at the re8ular meeting of the 1'own Council wi th"all Councilman present. I ~hemihutesof theprevioq,s meet:Lng were read and approvec. The,followirig bills were reid and on a mbtio~,by Pickett and seconded by, Eide 1.>Jereordered paid as follows,;' Current:, ' Puget ~ound P & L qo..' Puget Sound P &LCoo Yelm Gar8.r-e 'vt . ,;1, . D & H !lobile Service Yelm Tel~phDne Co. : Ni 1 ton 12;._ tJ ohns on Eldred, N,.Cronk Harold' C. Schnieder Elizabeth M. Jones C .lv1. ,McFaul Water: Puget Sound P &, L, . ,~ ' Yelm Lumber ~c HarQ."tvare. Co. N .1t1o Industrila, Laundry ,Elizabeth M. Jones Harold C". Schneider, " .,", Milton E.Johnson., ~, Street: . " , D ~ H Mobile ~ervice'~,.:,~.- Yelm'Lumber & Ha.rdil,lare,Co" Dan Mas~owski . Milton E. Johnson Garbage: , Elizabeth Iv1. Jones" Harold C. Schnieder. Milton E. Johnson ~i' 28.24 9 So, 70 31'" 04 46.28 23.70 10.5-.39 '360..17 75.93 hE.19 ~Jl.. :L9 $ 71 ~ 79 11. .rEfJ 18 o. 65 81.38 13L~ .l~o ' '11.5.30 (I' . ~~ 10 ..1+2 5.01 2~. . 02 '28. e 3 67.1J.6 7 Jl'i~: 9 8 81,06.5 ... . -:.. !' ,< <. Much.discussion was had on all .dayparking on main street'" No ,de,elsion could be re.ftched and .c"otln.cilm,8.-D. .Pickett sl.1.ggested the Clerk 1i\Trite. to AssocIation of ~J.ash.; Citj.es .and ,ask. what other Town are size .were doing about their p~rking,prob1em~. BU,dg'et for 1966 was. discussed some. .cb.anges~ were proposed., l'-1eeting"Ad ,journed: ~' " - j{'~ ' " ".-'~" " . J -: ~ , .' e"ol . d. . Brow:i;'~or - ~) "" .... ;~ ,- .: ~ .., . ',S ept.emb-e:r..15" .1.9b.,S. I'1ayor Brown called the special meeting to order, wi th 'all Council-, men present. . , - A ientative Bu~getf6r 1966 was presented to the Council . $.fter dlsc'ussio'n' and some changes Coun,cilman Henders.on made a .mbtionto adopt the 'Budget Councilman Eide seconded and it carried.. October L~_, 1965 was -set for the .hearing date and the Bu.dget ~Jas ordered 'published..' Meeting adjourn~d: /L -.~ <)~ - ,<--9. ~ ~t /, 77. '-'- , '--L.-.-J ' Eli~~beth H. ,) , s, Clerk ~g . , , . .. . " .' ~ ' - "~<:' I , Ge~o., ' ... .Bnovm" .~ 1'02 October 4, 1965 :. A. spec tal . mee.ting for the hea'ring on the pronosed BU.dget 'V>I8.S called to order by Nay-or Brown.. P!:esent Here. Councilmen Pickett Elde.l' Henderson, Clarambeau and Eandivr.er. COJ-IncilmanPickett moved that. as there 1"Je1'e no Drotest. on the proposed budget that the same be adopted as published.. Elde seconded and it carried unanimou~ly. Meeting adjolli?ned: Budget 1966 REVENUE Fund ~ .Ace Otltlts Total 11 at a1 o GENERA.L . Busine~s License.."o"~......~..o.o...$1250~OO' L ice ns e & P e rm.i t s .. .. " .. .. .. ... " <9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7000. 00 Fines, F8rt. & Penalties..i.~....o." 1500~oo :Rents . (Fire Hall) ;. " " .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. " .. .... 2109024 Revenue from other Ag:encies: . . . M. V'. 'Excise Tax'~...... 0 .. .. " .. .. .. " .'0 1.S58...L!.l Liquor Tax. 0" .. 0_ 0 . o. ..~ " " .. .' ". .. .... 2711.!_0 50 Liquor Excise Tax""""o"OQ"~o. 1031..38' Tax e s (12 M i 11 s ) . 0 .. . 0 . . " .. . .' . 0 . 6327 ._ 72' 'Transfer.(Fire. R~serve)o.o..."..".oo 1500..00 . gash on hand... ~ . . . . . '. .. .. .. .. .... l> . .0 . .' Q,. 7 8LI.. 32 .................. $19,,475...57 1-JATRR FUND . Con s urn. e r s . Co 11 e c tl on.. 0 .. . . .. 0 .. .. .. 0 .. . It *~ 11 ,.'-~O 0 ..,00 'Hool.{-UR.'." 0...,............ <>.. .." .. <II 0"0 <).. 00'000" l~OOo.oO . o the r i1 eN en ue ~ . .0 .... .. '.. .. .. .. . .. " .. .. . .. '. .. .. 300 D " 00 . C as h on hand.. .. 0 .; 0 0 .. ~ .. .. 0 .. . .0 .. 0" .. . .. .. .. 850. 00 ...'0"..".. ~!~1.5 g.7 50.. 00 'lrJATER BOND REDEMPTION. Transfer from ~a~e~."o.."'''....~"....o$ 2400~oo' Cash on hand... . 0.0.. .. 0 .. ~ .. . . .. .. . 000 .. .. .. .. 1 719.. as" .. . 0 ... ~ ".. " .. $ 4;,119" 8 5 . s~rREET FUND O' Hevenue 'from other Agencies _ ,Gas Tax. 0'. .. .. 0 .. " .. .... .. .. .. " ." " . ... . $2326...8.5' Taxes ( 3 mills".............. 1581'0.93 t.T 'Justice' Court Fines...................o 300,,00 f' C I'"~.. . coo 00 Charges ~or urrent 0ervlce. .0.... ~ ~ Cas 11. ... 0 n ha nd.. 0'" .. .... 0'" .. it .. .. .. .. e.. . ..' .. . .. 0 1127 ". 8 0 ....."....... co 0 .. .. $ .5',. 8 36.. 58 ARTERIAL STREET Ft~D .Revenue .:from"otheJ:-' agencies,,: . Arte~ial ~as T~x....~...o.......$1597.80 Cash on hand..41o..&Ooo.o'..o..o....ooo. 1~_21",28. . ~:ransfer (Street)."... ....0".... ~.... ~... 700,..00"..""........~... (I ....$ 3,71'9.,08 GARBAGE ~ Consumers Collection."... 0 <<I.. 1>. \!II>.. 0$3400.,00 Cash on hand..............."'.."....... 455.00. . f]:ransfer (reDav loan from Hater-).. ..500.. 00.......... Q"~""..., 0$ L~,.355",o'0 · ~ ~ I 8. . . Tot a 1 '" 0.. . o' .. . .0 0 . '" .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. t\~ 5 3 , 2:) 6 ..0 '. . .. ESlJJIMATED EXP1?JiDITURES Fund . GENERAL Salaries & Wages . .... Clerk....:..e~...."..o~......$1080.00. Attorney".........."........o 3000,,00 Police Judge. 0';. '" I) ...."..... 600.00.. co co. .'. 0~~1980o-oo .M~intance &Operatibn' . Social Security ." ..."...... Contra~tual Servirie~ T O1.-rn Ha 111 ~ . .. I) " '" .. co .. .. . . .. . co ~$15 00 ., 00 Bonds. '" . 0 .. . . . 0'" .. o' .. .. .. . 41 . ., o. 100.00 Electlon &'Advt....'oo.~..... 300.00 Insurance..o....o"'~...o.. 125~oo State. E)cam. 0 . .. .. .. " . .. .. .. " . . .. 300.. 00 . '. Off ice .. .. .. . . . .. ..... .. to . .. . . . . .. 200 ...00. ... .. . " . . ~; 2525 .' 00 ACcOlIDts total Dept" Total r:p ota 1 71.00. .. co .. '" . . 71000 o Other Expense' ."' A'. f W h ~.t. . ssoc. o. as... l les.. . C. '1 ~ '. . opnCl .xpense............". .AttorneyExpense.......o..~ Library.o........,.o.o.~... . 47.. 20 300.,00 . 50.00 10h8...33 Budget 1966. 103 Fund AccQunts T'otal ~ .. .. Dept ~ ,T otal Total 'Other Exnense. con tt ' Pal" i{:.. .. ... 0 . .. .. .. '. .. 0 .. ..'.. .. .. ... $ 400., 0 0 . ~ .. ...... . .$181+5.. 5' 3 .. . .C.a}-;)i tol Outlay' . . , . .' . .' . , Fir e - .E q u 1 p me n t.. . .. '" .. .. .. .. . . 15 0 O.~ 00 .. .. .. ,. '0 0 '0' 1::; 00 ." 0 0.. . ;, .. .. .. . $7 -' 921 <) 53 I PROTECTION TO PERSON & PROPERTY Salaries & wages '. . Ha r s ha 1.. .. .. ~ .. .. 0 .. .. .. .. . . ~~~. 9 2 0 .. 0 0 . Dep. Harsha1. ..,.......... 20LI.O.OO.... 0.... 0'0 .~$6960000 Maintance. & Ope~atibn . S 0 '1 S . Q 1Vl J 3" 0 00 o C 1 a . 1...2. e ". c(; L e Q. .. . . Lj_ ", . . ... , ~ ~ . ; , IVIarsha 1 .cxoens e ..'. . 0'" 1500.. 00. . Other Expense............ 125.00..0..? o. .~%1965..oo Cont~aetua1 Service H~ a 1 t h,G 0 ~ Q ..'. 0 .. . .'.. '0. co oluf ' .Jl,Vl e ense...oo... Fire ProteGtion .... . 1+50.. 00, . ~ - 70.00 . . 2109.. 2l}. ~ .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . $2629 .. 2L~. . " .. .. ... .. " " ..~~11, 554.. 24 . 'Pund Total. ,,'.. 0.0..... .'... "'"",,... .'.~..',,~~1:9~,.L-:75:.5?~": ~, ..1 WATER . Salaries&~ \riages S '.: '~~6' tJ.pt .. 0 .. 0 .. .. . 0 0 0 . 0 .. .. 0 .. '0 ,,'. 'ti) 1,:) 0.. 00,. C 1 e'r k ..... .. 0 G .. ~ .. 0 .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 1 So 0 0.00 ,Labor.... "'0...... ........ 0".0....0... tlS60~0~0 ,- c" ,0' . .. _ Cl . 'k.Ii l'~ "f .' .' ~lOO 00 'cl~4' 720 00 ' e r . . e 1 e ~ . . 0 0 II .. 0 .. 0 0 0 .., . .. .. " . .. . . o'~) '. _ 0 r1a tn t ,an e e 81 Op e rat 1 01'1- - .' , ~ . ~ ' <' " , 'SO .. l' S R Jt1 ' , 250 00 . , oe 1 a, e c U:, e C e .. .. .. . ... '_ ~ La un dry 0 .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. 2.3 O. 00.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . I+- 80 . 00 . .' (.; ,Ct Cont~actual 0ervi6e , power. -. . Q' . " ..'.. .. .. . .. " . .. .... 90 0 . 00 Ins urane e. .. .. " . 0 0 '. .. .. .. . .. ..' 12 S.. 00 ' Utility Tax.......... 4)" 0..... 40C).OO................ 0142.:;..,00 'Materials & Supplies Suppiies...."........ 0.'. o'~...' 1700..00. . True k.. . 0 " . . .. 0 .. 0 0 0 " 0 '. ..' 0 .. 300 .. 0 o' , Office . .. 0 ~ 0 " ".. 0 .. " 0 0 . . .. .. .5 00 .. 00. . . . .' o. .. '. .. . 2500 .' 00 Other Expense , Repay1:( loan, (Garbage).."..... ~09.00 ' ' Bond edemption.. . .. .0 .... 2400.,00........:.....".. 2900.00 Gapi tal, ~tit lay ..... . ... .. . .. .. .. .. ... 3:725.00... ~ .. .... ..- .. . . ...~7 25.. 00 . Fund Totalo. 00 .... 0'0. ".. . 0.0.. . 0 .. e... ,. o. ~~15,,750o 00 'WA11ER BOND HEDEiVfPTION. . Current Bondhedemption.. "l>$.~;;:585Q 00 Bond'~f?eseI've"'"""""" 0 <;.'....0..' 1534..85..... 0.......... .$~_119085 S.TREET. , l\1Iaitltanc e & Operation 'Physicial l\tlaintanee' '. , 'R '1 ' oadways,.o"o,,0."".'o.~1182..1B Sidewalks...........o. 100.00 . " Storm 0evJers~.........0. 1.00..00...,.......0..,;$1382..18 Traffic Service' . , Street C1eariing.". 0"" SOOG 00 Street,Lights..:... ....~ li48fi40 'Traffic C.ontrol.. 0 .. ~ . 1:)0 ~ 00 , 'Traffic Policing.. 00" . 860..00.... ",0 .. " ... .. .. .~~2558 ..Lj~O ' . IDept.. Equ.ipment' ~'(, supp lies ' , " LX ~ - Truck & rader........ 300.00 I Overhead Soci~l ~ec.. & Medo...'l16000 Ins u.ranee" .. ~ ," .. .. .... .. " .... . 80.. 00 ' . rp f '(A' t . 1') 700: 00 ,..rans er r erla ... . ... .. 0 .0 .... 0 ...... .. NonS t r e e t C 0 s t .. " .: . .. 0 .. .. .. .. . .. .. .... .S 00 ... 00.. .. .. .. .. " " .. . ~ . . . . -. }\j[l,s e. 0 ~ .. '" .. .. 0 . (I ..... .. 0 '0 0 0 20019 00.. . .. .. .' ~ '. .. .. . .. 500.00 896..00 500.00 'T 0 tal.. .. . . 0 0 .. . 0' .. (I .. . 0" .. " .. 0 .. .. ~~.5 , 836 .. 58 . 1"U4,' Budget 1966 if 1 . Ace on.n ts. 0'[;a1..'... . Fund ARTERILA STREET C~nst~uction~~....'~~e...~oo.~o GARBAGE Dept 0 rrotal Total e 0 Q ,0 0 . 9 0.".6 !" 0 .e t;/:I . >-~ .0 0 .. d' 8 o . \~ 3, 719 . 0 Salaries & VJages D is P .' ;:j alar 'y." " .. 0 .. .. . .. .. .. " . ",. ~p 1 020 .. 00 Relief Disp.. .... .,,'.. 0 ~..".." o. 1020..00 Clerk.. 0 0 0.. oe. <> . I) .. .. .. . .. .. " 0 .. .. SUO I> 000' C lr . ~ RelJ.ef ler.t~..... <> 0 Cl" <) .. 0" 0 0.... ; 75..00........ ...... 0" $e95.;;000 Maintance & Operation S . 1 S- 0 f1 d oc l a ee.. (;(, . e. . .. . " 6 . . . Contractual ~ervice r n s ur a nee.. .. .. .4O 0 0 0 Q 'I .. " 0 0 0 .. .. Orf 16 e.. " . 0 e...... .. e .Il> .. . . 0 0 0 "," .. .... ''VI' .. I aterial &: S'upplies . T r 1.1 c Ie .. '. 0 .. . .. <I 0 0 .. .. '.. 0 . " .. <I ." <I .. .. . Othe.r 'BxDense... .. 4O." 0 ." . Capitol Ou.tlay .. .. 000 .. . .. 0 00.. .. . .. 0 0 "; .1 ,,' .20.5 000......,,0 . . 0 0 ",G e_O 20~!) .. 00 120.00 20"00,, 09,. ,," . .. '" .. ""l>,. ". 320.00 700.,00 5b.. 00...... .. .. .. III.". .... .7..50 ..pO (' '"l . ') ..:.. ::; .j.J I "..) ~'# . 125.0"0,,0,,. . 00 .. 0...., i.25?"OO~ :Tota1.. ~..;) .".."oc".'o ....... .'"...... ..$4,.35.5'000 Total......~$5j,256.08 o 1: ;ll' () " .j, Co # I., <0 ~ .) :- ~ ,(, o o o I ,t'" I I bctober 13,1~65 105"';'T " . ,~. ~.~':~ T1ayor, BroitJn pres5-ded at the re~ular meetin 0,:5 the Town Council with 'Co'Lill,c.ilmen Eide' Pickett -and, Hen,derson present. The 'minutes of the previous meeting were read 'The fOllovJing bi lIs 1J.lere read and on a. motion secohed by Pickett ~ere ordered paid as follows; , Current: ' Wolf's Shop~Rite D Pi: H ~1obile _ puget Sound P &" L' Ye1m Telephone, Coo , Ye1m, Garage , . Brown Bros. Garage Thur~ton Mason H~alth .Employment Security ~ept. of .abor & Indo~ Bureau of'Internal-Revenue J.l:1osman Agency Wolf LS Shop-Ri te .American Plumbing (~,~' Heating Gordon Pare:dis.,' Nisqually V~lley News Puget Sound P & L Eniployment Sectu"i ty", Standard Oil Co.', Ye1m Lumber & HdlN. Co. ~' E ..Robert Fristoe Emp16yment Sec !)I)ity ,So. puget Sound Library MiltonE. Johnson Harold C. Schnieder Eldred No Cronk Thurston Go. Bm'k _ Elizabeth M. Jones' , C..]\1.. r1cFaul Water: Western Utilities puget Sound P& L N.. \'1. Ind.. Launqry , Yelm Telephone Coo BrOl4n Bros. Gara~e 'Yelm Lumber'& Hd~.. Pennsalt Chemical Corp . 'lA/ash. St'a te Tax Commo , Employment See uri ty .Dept. of Labor & Ind. Bureau of Internal Revenue Elizabeth M. Jones Harold Go' Schneider" Hilton Eo. tTohnson ~ Yelm Br~ Thurston Co. Ban k Street: . . Brown Bros. Garaqe Yelm Garat:'e ' " , .) Dept. of Labor & Indo .Employment Security ~!li 1 ton E. J ODJ1S on _ Dan 1\1a8 101rJski Arterial Street: _ ~hurston Co.. Road Garbage: , . Brown Bros. Garage Thurston Co.. Road Dist.. Was ~!ingtori State Tax Com "Dept.' La bar & I rid 0 EnnJloyment Se'cul"i ty M~lton E. Johnson Harold C. Schneider ElizabethM. Jones and appr oved.. by Bide and ' ~~ 2..74 16:. 61 95.70 26.35 r;6.79 is..9r; 77.25 145.77 .18.,24 102.70 15.00 '11.75 36" L~.7 5050 28e,OO 31..20 1..0~ , 45.. 5[~ 7,9. 74 75.00 21072 262.08 105.39 75.93 360,,17 102.70' .4.8.\19 L+-8 .. 1 9 12.9e. 65.67 16.. 0.5, 9.55 3013 8.61 , 12~ 75 126..18 78.23 11078 15..00 el.38 IJJ.~ . L~O 115030 ,l.~.OO 2"Ro13 18..62 2.07 .12. 00 28.83 21.~o 02 $780..,90 \ , 11..32 _ .3BO 0'04 10.. 9L1- " 7063 50. OL~ clI.6S 71 .. 98' 67046 Th~ need for ,more street' 1iRht was dis~ussed and'Coun6il~an Hepderson made,. a motion we add tHO' street lights one First Ave. back ,of T own Hall and.one on Ye 1m Ave.. approximately lOOt N" W.. of' Third'Street~~Eide ~econde~ and it carrie~: · '. 1U6" ~ .' A petition :frotn. Charles Barnard and Harold E.11ilolf 't-JB.S. D:r'esented. The petition requested the Town to vacate the'platted alley lying Between Blocl~ 1,: Lot 1 of original Ye1l11' .Tot-rDsi teand Block l[~, Lot 1 .of Slobe~g's.first addition. The Council &is6ussed the petition &nd and9.ecided .to turn it over to .the Attorney foJ', further study. The. meeting reces'sed SUbjE3ct to call. '. Nov'ember' 10, 1965 IvIayor Brown adjourned the meetlng of October 13, 1965f\ Nayor Brown.. called the regular'meeting to order with Council.... Henderson, Pickett and Vandiver present. Attorney Fristoe and Don miller were also present. . . . - . .,~ ' lrhe'minutes of' t~e previous m.est:i..ng hrere read and approved. . . o The fo.llovntng bills vlere read Pickett made a motion second~:..d 'by Henderson the bills be paid.as follovJ's:: . Current :. P'uget ~ 8 o up 21' P01J-Jer & Light Co. Petinsalt vhemical Corp. Yelm Telephone Co. N.W. Industrial Laundry YeTm Lumber & Hd1rJ.... PugetSound Power & Light Co. Ha:bel St.ory ., S < P 0 C Puget . ou_ud ()Tv'll er OG Light 0..' Yelm Gara.ge Yelm T~le~hone Co. BrownBros~ Garage Eldred. N. Gronk ' Harold C. Schneider MiltoB E. Johnson C.. N,,'HcFa ul Eli.z abeth N. Jones Yelm BroT.hurston Co.. Dank Water: PugetSoundp'ower Light co~ P'ennsal t vhemical' Corb. M C ~ Yelm lelephone D. 1\1. \~.. 'Industrial Latindry Yelm Lumber & Hdw. Elizabeth I'J1.; J.o're s Hilton E'. 'Johnson Haro~d Co Schnieder Elizabeth M. Jones Beulah S.~Phillips c Yelm Br.. 'l'hu.rst,ol1 Co. l5i3.nk Str.e'et:.. '.0 BrowhG.Bros ..Garage' Yelmarf\ge ' . Milt0D E. Johnson D8J. MaslowS.ki GarbaQ~e : (._, G Ye 1m. . araiSe Br OWl.~.' Br o's. G ara a:e Elizabeth M.. Jones Harold Go S~hnieder Milton E. Bohnson > . $ 62.50 '12.7~ 90.5'5 20 O' 8 c:; 16..40 28083 9000 9..5. 70 L\-4o, 92 27..2C; . 16.80 360.17 '7.5.'93 105.39 048.. 19 4[(..10 . 102070 :*-t,62.50 12.75 9..55 . 2008c) . . 16.. ~_O 9..00 115030 13Ll... L~o ..' [110 38 7,.23 "f.,~ 15000 o '1, 6 $1190.1 ~ 18" 38 2'8 R? Jc-. ~J 2LJ.,,02 ~; 29..30 h..38 6?..h6 71.98 81.. 65, Hayor Bro"t...rh stated he ha.d attended' the ,H1.ghvray meeting held in Olynlpia" and tha~, little irlas ~ on the agel1da for. fU1Y t,jork to' be done on Highl~J~)YS surrounding Ye 1m. Councilman. Pickett gave an,r1interesting disc}J$siohOn tQe Legi'slatffive 'meeting he attended in Olympia 'Hith Councilma.n ..J:!Jid~. HalphJohnson 'surveyor ,presented pr.oblemsfacing the 'roli.Tn d. t' t 1. J- 1 'H '. d t t S." Q T.i. ] J E-' , an .' s eps ,0 oe C.a ,{en. . e s ugges te . \:ve C on"~ac: 21:; 1;8 .x nJ. _ _ ng.... nieers as he. had v.Jorked v-Jlth.tim on \'-fater problems. The Cou.hci 1 , and .:Mayoy" askeq. Johnson to quote 'a price. on hOhl much it TlIfou1d c'osttoo hring' thev-Jaterline map U.p to date".. o Ordinance #108 relating to the o~eration of the Water De~t. was given its first a;d second reading.. The petltion .to vac9.tepresentec1'by Hal Wolf & Charles Barnard November (continued) '107-;.. , .' " .1" <, i,~TaS discus sed -, and Ed Pic.kett made a moti on. the G lerl{ be :i.ns truc ted' 't'o :oost notice of a Public Hearing' to be held December 8-, 1965 on vacatin"l the alley this v-Jas sec'oildea-by Vandiver-and' passed una.m:tnouslyo.' , , , The meeting recessed subject to'call ~y Mayor. , November 30-, 1965 Ftayor c,:a:1;led the 'rece'ssed meeting to o.rde'r wi th Councilmen Eide 'Pickett andcHenderson:presento ,I' rrerry Thomp,son Qonsultant, In Mtill,icipal'Sect1ritie,s was 'pr'esent 'atld discussed"with the v oun.cil financing af a neH yJater tower" and new' 1;Jater 'mains.., -He suggested that a meeting should be held Hith General, crible before, any action was taken. Hal Wolf was present and stated .th~t as' soon as the manarter ,of the new plant arrived t~ey would ar~~nge a meet:1.ng.. Roger Eide presente'd a'peti tion sign~d by Donald N. Hiller~ 9.harlotte Miller,> R9ger Eide, Hrs. Roger Eide', Leroy E'$ Marchand and Mr~ L~~oy Marchand r~questing annexation't6 the Town of ~elm. . ~fter brief "'discussion 'Resolution No.100 1/Ikl8 -3?e~.g_ cOl1cerning, the above petition was read Pickett offered a motion 'to adopt Reso1ution'N6" 100, Hendersori seconded ~nd it carried. The date for t,h hearing was set for December 8, 1965' at ~P,.J;1ca1. d the clerk was req~ested to pub~ish tb.e notice 'ofhearin[~" The me~ting recessed subject to call bi Mayor. . Resolution 1~~ 00100" WHEREAS" -there has been filedwith.the 'rOt'm of Yelm a notice which is as follows:' TO 'THE HONORA'P;IE MA,'(OR AND COUNCILMEN OF rrHE TO'Vm OF YEL~: I' You will ~lease t~ke notice th~t the undersiqned hereby certify as follows: Th~t they intend to coy.~nence proceedings for the annexation' to the To~m of Yel.m of the ,following' descrihed re'al property,to wit~: The South half of the'Southeast Quarter, of eht. N'orth- wes t Q,uart er, of ,s'ec tion 19" ~Pownship 17 North, Range 2 East , \Alillamette Meridian. Also a portion of Mc~enna Irrigated Tracts', 'described as follows:: Beginning a:t the intersecti,on of the ,North- Range 2, East, vJillamette Meridian, and the Southeasterly BD:lnda~y, of t1;e Northern Pac if:i.c, Rai 1road, Right of Way,. , itlhlCh lS N 00 08 t 38 ff vJ 990.57 feet', fj:om tneCen ter of Section 19, thence N oo~a8f '38: w1450.90'feet', thence N~83 10' E 736$99 feet, thElnce56 E 30.87, Feet, thence N '5C?o .5S f, E l~62 .35 feet thence S 32c 45 f ' 20 H E 7 3L~..,55 feet to th~South easterly line of 'Northern, Pacific Ra.ilroad Right of Way, thence S sac51' W 1947.36 feet to the point of beginningo ' and I itffiEREAS!) the, C ounc i1 of, the Town, of Ye 1m has de t ermined that it, should fix 'a date for meetin.g lfrith the initiating :parties who are.signator to the said notice and' that, said pers'ons a:re the O1tJners . of mre than. ten percent by value &ccorcling the asses~ed valuation for Reneral ,taxation of the' ar,e'a which -is p,roposed to be annexed to the Town of Yelm, , , NOlfii, THEHEFORE, be it" a.nd it siherebyreso1ved thB.t Wednesday the 8th day of December, 1965 at 8: 00 0 ~Clock P.. ~1.. at the 'town hall of the Town of Yelm, be, and the same is her~by fixed as the date for a.~eeting with the said initiat- ,ing,pa~tie8 for the purpose'of d1scus~{rtg and dntermihing .:tJ~e matte'rs requir?d to be determined by ReW 35~.~3..125. \, , ADOPTED:" thls 30; :.d'ay~;' oif.?:'::Novem.ber 1965 ' ~ ' ' " . "C'} " L~ILu:i ;}1/lJ-+c L'.v--' . C le.t'R!, t."'t1r~ T o1Mty' of Y e lrri , v APprov~f}" ,: ~~ ..., ' , , , 'Yj , -~' ~<'~ r.~' 1 ,.Q~ ~ Mayo!' o~ ~,e 'Ol1n or }tel m 1-08", Dee ember 8, '1965 ,}1a,yor Br9w,n' adJourned th~ meeting of November 30, 1965.. I1ayor Brown called the, regular meeting to order t^T:l.th Council-. ': men Hendersbn, Pickett and Eide present. ,Attorney Fristoe' w&salso present. ,The minutes of theprevtons"meetirig 1...Jere J"ead and a'pproved. . '" 'The follo~...ring' bills ~-vere read and on a .motion by Pickett and seconded by Hendei)sOn 1r>Jere ordered paid as follows: Current:' " Ye 1m Lu,m.ber 8c, 'B:8.rdit{ai"'e ' :Yelm Te~ephon? Co. .Rosano ~lectrlC Co. Pickett' DrugStore Galla$her Heating Oil Pug;et' E?otU1d POHer Be Light "E. Robe:r't Fr 1st oe " Yelnl Garage Brown Bros.' Ga.rage , Puget'SQund PO\"lSr Li..ght Co..' D & H Mobile'Service 'Yelm Telephone Co.. Wolf's Shop-Rite Hunicipal Hevolving PU.nd C.M.McFaul ' ElizabethH~ Jones So.. Pur~et Sound Heg" Library ,Employment Securi ty Dept.. " Thurston Mason Health Thurston CQ. ,Fire Dist.. #2 Harold C. Schneider Milton Eo John~on 'il) fie H Hobi Ie 'rOvJtl .of Ye )..nl' Bldred N. Lr'on.k EmploYl'nell,t Securt ty DelJt. Dept. 'of' Laboy' ,fjr.: Ind. ,: Burea.u' of, Inte.rnal Re'\lenue 1tia t~er: . Pioneer Busin~ss Forms' Nisq~ally Valley News Puget Sound 'Power & Li~ht Co~ 'No~~ IhdUstri~l, Laqhdri Elizabeth'Mo Jones Tax 'Conimission ' Elizabeth Mo Jones Harolq C. Schneider Milton E. Johnso~ Dept. .of Labor & In~. Emp 1 Qyme,n t ' SecuT'i ty 'Dept. ' BUI')eau of Internal Revenue StJ:'eet: . BroHn 13ros.. Ga:t'8,G!:e Pan' Mas lo~{ski ,"/ l\JIilton E. Johnson Emplo~rment Securi tyDept. Dept. of Labor & Ind. Garbag~e.:' . . .', . L_.. Ye l111eT ara.[~e Elizabeth~. Jones Milton E.. Jobnson Harold c., Schneider Elizabeth Mo Jones Dept~ of Labor & ,Ind. Errr,()lo"<jJ"ment Se'eurit<'f- DS1,)t. -t.. f.. f J. .I ,%~ '130:19 " 1p.~O ~l. : 1 7.88" '=> r! r" ";",(:), .-,' ..J':;J 0: r;: (). ::~ .30., e.9 12c).. 00 " h'6~13 36.6'6 9S~70 ~? ,I <' ,'~_ ..,~_L....; -~c:.' 3' r', ,- j · _ 9. 1016 1750h5 , h8~19 }' Fl '19 .~!~"..:\., , , 8Be.,@B 21.72 77 ....2.5 S2LLo 16 . 75.. 9.3 105.39 100.,00 lO.bS ')c"l L-7 c,. ~)L.j." I., 1370.07 1 c'., 211, Ib'2.70, o o 1407; 9 111..00 61.97' 16.68 ~BoS~ 103.96 81.38 l3h .. L~ 0 115.30 11.7(3 P1'.70 1.5.00 .9.,30 2LL. 02 ';..,c(P,3 c- c} .. '..) 12.00 2007 19 ..h4. 67..L!.6 81'.6~ 71.98 67 .J~6' 7.63 55.12 o , At'tor:q.ey iatos rea4'~he rollo~i~g Resolution: ResolutIon. No. 101 ~4i-IEREA.S'~ notice' has been given to th~ Hayor and C6u.ncil- men of the TOi..;n of Yelrn that certa.in. p8~rties oHning rn,orethan ten percen (10%) in val~e, accordirtg to theassesed valuation for ~eneral taxation, of the following'described ,real propert1= ,I I Ii 'December '8" 1965 continuefl 1 O'9~t ',' i, : " ';i .."" '..'. :-1 The ,South half of the'''Southeast Qual')'ter of 'the' Northl'J6st 'Quarter of Section.19", TOt.-Tnship '17 'North~ Range 2 East, vJtllametter' Ivleridian. ' " ' . ' '.' 'VT v I" . t a Ijl <' 'd ...",: < d Also a portion' of Ly!\.enna. I'!,J..ga, e._ ;.,rac"es, ,eSCrJ.lle as fo11ow~:.Baginriing at the:inte~s~6tion of the,No~th-Sohth, cent~~ line of Section 19, Town~hip- 17 North~ ~arig~'2East' 1;1li11amette Iv1eridian, and the' Southeast~rly boundf;1-T' ,aT the ,Northern"Pacific R8.ilroad HIght' D'f 'VJa5r, :\"hich ls' N 00: 08" 38": W",99o..5'7 feet from'the center of Section ,19" thence N' 00' oe'38lti ViI 1450..90 'feet;" thence N 83 10" E 736.99 ' feet; thence N 56 E 30.81 feet, thence N 50 55' E 462~35' feet" thence S 32 45 f 20ft' E 7 3!~-.,.S5 feet to the Sou~Gheas terly litie ~f North~rn Pa6iric Rail~oadRight of'Way, thence S 50 '.51' 'V>f 19L1.7..36 'feet to the point of beginnin'g. in.tend'to commenc'e,; prcyc.eedings' for the 8.nnex~.tion. of se,id real Pl::'o'gerty, to.t.he 'Town'of Yelm, and . ~ . ' VJHEHEAS" . fol~(yt'Jtng receipt of sai d notice 2.nd A'li thln sixty (60) days thE?ret:1.fter" the 8th .day of'De€el1'1ber, 1965, at 8:"00 P.i~~1.at the ' T01rJn I{,all of the' ~Pown of' Yelm vIEtS fixed as the time 'and place for a' 'meeting'v.rith said ini tiat.ing parties to' determine the matters covered by -" c:: RCW 3.5..13... 12_)" and lflJHEf~BAB,. spid. matters have beeh discussed and, consider'ed, N()1.'l, II1HEREFOHE, BE' rJ1 AND I'P IS HEHEBY Or.;iIED BY ':I'RE , COUNCIL OF 'THE TOWN OF YELl1 AS 'FOLLOl^TS: 1.,' ~:hat the' T,Qwn'of. Yelm has no. gel1:eralobligation bf)nds 'ou~standing, the liability for which should. e. extended to the area proposed, for annexation, and'no 'colnprehensive plan, extending over said area..proposed, for annexa ti on.< 2.., That, the TOlNn of Yelm v\fi11 8,ccept the proposed peti.tion' for annexation prov'lded i tcompl:les 't-Ji th, the provisions, of the st;atutes applicable thereto, and after: full hearing t,hereon. "ADOPS'ED this 8th day of December 1'965"., Ap,proveq.: , As there ~ere no protests on the p6tition presented by Hal WaI6' ~nd Charles Barnards Attorney Fri$toe was requested ~o prepar~, an Ordinance ~acatin?,_.. the' alle~<:IT lJ~,rl,.'C.,~,':l~nt 'ra Lh t t th ~ . J .' "- A. ~ \,: ~. -' '_- v, e p e J i ,i 0 n n . e r 8L 0 r e . ' It was m6ved and s~conaed opased water Ordinanc~ # 108, be'pass~d to the next meeting for future consideration..' 1,,10" DA,.cember 8.. '1965, (, t~ .::I) _, ",' _ con :1. nueC.l. 1Vr.,.., Ko' 'Y~ s' r.,..,c,Wi T' T ~le<?\.Tl. ',if' A;:::i ~~~, OC,~ ll.l.. ',.,.... ....1.,) ~ I L t." t... j,...J _ __ ~ - -' .- - :discussed pl~ris,for futu~e water develop~ent. S l>J8.S sent Y1'ayor Brol.jn accepted the, resignation ,of Marsh01 Cronk.- The 'meetlngrf3c'essed slJ.oject to call by th.$ N8.yor..' January l2~ 1966 }\J1ayorBrOvlD adjourne'd the meeting of , December 8,1965,., l'1a~ror Brown called the regular me :Lng to orderirritb Councilmen 'Eide, Pick~,-tt~ Qlat'ambeatl and Hendel"'son :present~ o ,The minutes of th~ previous meetin0"~ere r~ad' and ,ap,n_~roved.. " >' ' ,The ,following bills were r~and and ana motion bv pickett and ,seconded by Clarambeau Here ordered paid as tolloVJf?; <. Ctu""ren t : Ye1~ mTcloD~~ne no' cfJ, ,-'. v 1:"' ..11..... "'J.. D & Ii ~1ob5.le ,Service Thurs. Co. Proceutor y e 1 tn. Hoama.'!:1 ,Age.n,cy Puget Sound P & L Nosman Agency Nisqually Valley'News Assoc. o~ Wash."Citles Wol~ts Shop~Rite Ga11a4er H~atingOils 'C' 1';1 IVlc p" 1 ~ 1 '1'I!l) r. TJ'1 c:) (of e . . J..-Q .,xct~,).., J....~-......,J"o t.....~..~.tr,~~..1 . Elizabeth 'M.. Jones -., Thoma s N.;' Hort on 'C.D. .street 'Harold C.. Schnieder I"1:i.lton Eo tTohnson Yelm Bro 'Thurs~on Co.Bank Municipal Revolving Fund ~!~ lcL 05 LIB 0 29 s~oo 7052 1.60 38..20 1390.00 21.30 41.8,0 Lt. .20 'L f.... , 30. ,-,,7 47.90 [:\6. '22' I,lc. 0.56 20e.,94, llL~, co, 21+- ~"7 . 60 ,1.5.60 1 76. 29 ~ . o if-Tater: Yelm Telephone Co. Ye1m Lhro'& Hdw.. Puget Sound Power &'Light Hosm,arJ Ins. Agehcy 1\T 'T.r I n (::Il'La 1 . n' ,~....., ~.~ " J..~ . Hi... _ 0 ... ,.J., ,-.J..l. tY Ralph E. Johnsori' Elizabeth IVr.. .Jones 'Harold c. ScrD~leder HIl ton E" c.T ohns on Yelm Br,. Thm~stonCo. Bank' ~~ 01\ 20 'Ie 1:_ -,"" ... 7..12' 63.29' :12,6.60 ILl.. r:;9 ~i.~o 95.55, oC.r; , ~3 /' -. .... '[33.72 9.S..00 S,treet: Pacifi6 Sand"& G~avel Mos~an Ins. Agency Dan, Iv'Ia sloifJskl' <, 1--" ' Hilton .G. Johnson 16 ~ 24- , f::1 0 hO 21.78 123.60 Garbage: ~ ~ H Mobile Service Hosrnan, ,A.gency Etizabeth M. Jones 'Harold Co Schnieder Milton E. Johnson ID..e2 121.60 67 0,06 ,20. 61 ' ' 80..7,5 o H01rJ.i3.rd Harstad of Ha.l~stad Associates In.c'oH8,S Dresent to offer' his service on futur.e vJat,er problems. Ordinan~e #'108 was given it~ third re~dingo Cou~cilman Bide made 8. motion it, 'be -adopted and ,'pl:1blished Councilman Henderson seconded and it 'carried.. Ord:1.nan.ce '#109 'va'catil~g' certaiil 'alleys and streets iI\U:'l s read Councilman Pickett plade a motioi1 seconded by Eide that it be adopted and published . Motion carried.