1967 Minutes 134 January 11, .1967 . .,. '.J . '.,- m .... ..... . ."MayoF' Browncal.led the regular meeting ofEthe .!own 'of Yelm' to :) order wi~h Qc;nincilmen Pickett"Hende~so~L and,,'. \ ide. ,p.resent. 'The.minutes .of the previous meeting were read and approv.ed.. .. ":,' " The following bills were read and~pproved. . Current :' ~~~'m.~l].h~ns.'~:'~~Agen~y:~:?~ ~ $ Wolf',t s Shop-Rite. ,'. . -Puget Sound f & L Co. . Rubber .St'a~ Co. . Assoc.' of II ash~ '01 ties ,Mosman Agency Yelm Telephone Co. D & H Mobile -ervice Dttve Hooper : :Tom J OMS on. . Milton E. Johnson, Y.elm Br~ Thurston Co. Elizabeth M. Jones , b.M~ McFaul ' Bank , $ 10.:00 5.07 ,36.68 16.28 . 41. 14 1$9.85 . . 21.45' 193..65 70~OO 40]...60 23.82 . 74.95 . 105.16 62'. 14 '1- ." . ' . . Wat'er,: . Mosman Ins.. Agency .!oJ ' ~.W~ Ind. a~ndry ~isqually Valley News Puget Sound P & L Co. Pickett Drug Store Yelm Lumber & Hdw. -Milton E. Johnson E1izabe.th M. Jones Yelm Br. Thurs. Co. Bank . . . 149..85 . 8.32 19.85 67.,02' 1.6~ 24. 6.98 :8.0.,01 91.70 71.50 Stree,t: Puget Sound P & L Co. ~Mosman Jns. Agency :Hiltoh 'Johnson Dan Maslowski 95'.. 70 . ~b 1...8'5 147.48 33. 26. :1'\ . . \ Gar'ba-ge;' ~D & H Mobile ,Yelm Te'lephone Co. Mosman.Ins. Agency Joe ,Longmire ~Mi 1 tonE. Johnson -Elizabeth M. Jorte s Yelm' 'Br. . Thurston Co. ,Bank 39.68 8.50' 144.85 89.95 118.95 .. 86.,04 . 3.20' ' ~ . ,The need:Cor stop signs was discussed'. :r.111tJ,ohi1sonwas, given 'per-,. mission to, buy . twelve~ ,Conncilman 'Henderson representing the Lion's Club ask the'Town to furnish posts for stre'et name. signs.. 'He '.stated.that if. th~ Town would buy the po.sts The Lions Club would install and paint them., Amotion. was'. duly made to purchase.' the posts. . . . . . . . . Employee"8 vacati ons was discussed,. A motion was made that . before' any new' 6mPlgee be given a. two we'ek vac~tion with pay . they would have to work for one y~ar before entitled to vacation- with pay. Motion carried. ' .~, ." I' . Newiy app~;d.n~ed M'arsh~l,:'J,ohnson was present and discussed with the Council the' Police Dept. . he .s~gested th.at hi~ .regular hours be from 4; P.M to ,e1.;.r.M and.a dep'uty be hired from 12;A.M to 6;A..M.' ; He, also stated that he would pa.trol: other hours when he thought itW;17,s.necess rLL~ ~dt!Pf.~~~~;J~ ~'r~M~ ~~'1.~_ . I 0'7 ~ ~'. ~... . . Ora1nance' ,1, was .read and approved. The Ordinance provided . for the Town' t.o cake care 'of any fire' .1hazards or unsightly places'... . I. w , , Grd1.nance, No..llS .was read' it was deqided 'some. changes be. made 'before adopti~n. . , , . Meet1.ng.aq,.{6ljrned. . .? . ~~. ~ ., . ./......., ~ '/", , ,:cEf i'z ~.j,~ Geo. a.Brown,. Mayo~ "~ 16tJ Fet>ruary"'15;'19!67 Mayor. -Brown presided' at the regular council:"meeting wi th Council- men Pi.?~e~t,:~laramb~au,:,Henderson. and Eide present., The minutes ,of..theJanuary meeti~g were read and approved. ThE:' following bills were read and on l?-' motion by Eide and' seconded'by-Henderson were. ordered paid as follows: Current': 'Jack it/. Gray i ' 'Yelm Telephone Co. , Ge org,eF _" C'ake' 'C o. Nisqually Valley News D & H Mobile Service. , Ye 1m Garage Joe'Longmire Iv1ilton E. Johnson' Tom Johnson Thurston Co. Bank Nisqua;;l1-Y Valley NeWtS" Hosman Agency Elizabeth M. Jones Floyd's Plumbing Puget Sound.P &.L Co. Gallagher Heating Oils C.M. ,McFaul . Elizabeth M. 'Jones ~. , , Water: N.W. Industrial Laundry 'Yelm'Telephone Co. . . Nisqually Valley Ne~s ' Yelm Lumber & Hdw. puget Sound P & L. Eiizabeth M.Jones Milton E. Johnson. Ye~lm B:r~ Thurston Co. Bank " ;$ 51.914: 37.65 58.64 17.,71 . 12.37 - '104.11 147..21 . 23 .,8'2 ".)63..10. 102:.80" 44.,73 7..00 10..67 67.73 38.71 103.26 62.,1,4 . 105.16 10.40 8.75' . 83.60' 16.,68 67.8'2' 91.7(,1); 102 .02~ ,71...50 o 'puget Sou~d P & L Co. A & I Builders Supply Dan Mas]owski . Milton E. Johnson 96.50 52. ]).0' 33..26 .125.,49 o Street: 67.,72- 32:.,74 . 11.8.95: 86.04 68.44 Ordinance No. 115~ was reread and discussed some changes were made..' The Cler.!{ was instructed to.turn it over to the, Town Attorney -for his. approval., ' '. ,A.. letter from the' Ass.celation of Wa~hington Ci'ties. ~e.~ardir:g the 1967 Convention was read. .', There being. no further "bus.iness" the meeting adjourned~ ' .~1) i~/~ G o. cf. BBO\-IN" MAYO_i o i~"7h~' . E.12 ...ETHM. JON~S, CLJ.l]RK I I I '137,'): March '8, , 1967 Mayor Brown' presided at ther'eg1fl?r Council Meeting with with all C.ouncilme~ present., The minutes 'of~ the previous meeting' wer,e rea~ and 'approved. The following bills.wQre read and' approved. Current:', Jack Gray Mabel Story Nisqually V.' News Brown Bros. Gar. Yelm Tele. Co. , Clarence Van Allen Tom, I~1. Johnson 'Milton E. Johnson Puget 'Sound P & L : Yelm Lumber & Hdw. Ros,anos Electric Ml~ton,E. Johnson Gal,lagher Heati'ng O.il' , Eli.,zabeth M. Jones C.M. lI1cFaui J ac,k W. GraV' , ' Bu~eau of 'Internal R~v. $200.,,16 , 9.,00 22.56 209.,821 23.00 12.00 363.10 23.82' '33. 40 5.02 f 4.94 , 9 ~,bEt' ' . 51.55 ,105.16 , 62.1u i 77.,38 135.80 , " We. ter: < ", N~, ,"vJ. Ind;' Laundry 'Pennsa1t Chem Corp 'Puget Sound-P & L Nisqually, Valtey News , Yelm Lumber &: Hdw. Beulah L. Phillips ,Elizabeth M. Jones Milton E. Johrison Bureau of Int., ,Ref. Street: ' puget Sound Power & ~. Brown Bros. Garage Dan Maslowski . Milton E. Johnson 8'..32 13.35 63.,24 10.06 19..57' 4.30 91.,70 10;;.02 , 71~50 , 95.70 51,.50 . 33. 26 125..49 Ga.rbage'~' , Joe' Longmire- YelmTele. Co. Brown' 'Brosl G~r Elizabeth 1\1.' Jones 1\1i1 ton E,. Johnson $68.44' 11.90 126.87' 86.04 ' ~11e.95 ' Th.e Wing property was disc,ussed and it was decided to, , contact Bill Nosman before any action was taken. Coun?ilman Henderson'made' a motion seconded by..Eide that, the $500.00, the Water J).ept. owed the Garbage DE?pt... be paid.' This is the'final ~mount owed the Garbage Dept. ' . /)~ ~~f!;)~~ rOA-~tv.~~~,~~ There being no further business.the 'ni~eting adjourned. %J) l~FLt~ . Geo. . C. : j,",r9~" 1 yor ',1 i).t) /J . , CV~y 12,.1967. Mayor Brown pr,esided at the regular'meeting of yhe TOWin Council wi th Oouncilmen Plcket:t"Eide" and Clare:mbeau'.' Minutes re8.d 'and approved., : . BillsJread and discussed Councilmari Eide made a'motion seconded by ~ pay all bills' '-except Clare:nce Van Allen's,., Ibis :biil to be discussed by ~ayor and 'Sheriff. 'Current: , . Gallagher Heating Oil Pgget SoundP & L , r10sma:n kgency , S6. Puget Sound.'Li,brary Employment Sec.. Dept. E. Robert Fristoe Yelm Tele.Co'. Phil Brodsky's ,E & H Nobile Andy John~on Co. Thurston Mason Health Thurston Co. Fire Dist. #2 .Thurston Co. Crvil Defense Joe Longmg.re '}Dept.' of. Labor & Ind. Employment Sec. Dep,t., Toni M. Johnson .Milton E. Johnson Yelm Br.; Thurs. Co.' Bank C . N. HcFaul' E1iz~beth M. Jones $ ,6'1...06 35.67 42'., 00 230.,92: 46.20 150..00 '. '42.,,95 , 88,.: 26 74.53' 7..19 90.. 85' 519.,00 81.,60: ,. 78...0-8 " 3S~ 74 192.93 363.10' 23.,82' ,6,5'. 80" 62'. 14 ' 105.16 ' o 'Wa ter: puget Sound P & L Wa~h. State. Tax 'Com N:_.1~. Ind. Laundry knn Z'embras - De~t. of Labor & Ind. . ~mp1oym~nt. Sec. Dept. Milton ~~ Jhhonson Elizabeth M. Jones Yelm Br.~ Thurs. Co. Ba.YJ.k StreetrPacificSa.'nd &. Gravel puget S0und P & L Yelm Lumber & Hdw. Dept ofDLabor & Ind. Employment Security Milton E. Johnson Dan Nas lowski 64. D 8 103.93 8~,32) 8.60 '7 .. 80 71.76 102'.02; . 91.70 71. '.50 15'.11 94.90 9 .. 2;2\ l2~69 46. 12: 125.49 33. 2'6 o Garbage: , ' Pickett Drug Store Elizabeth,'M. Jones Wash. State 'Tax Com 'f) & H Mobile Yelm Telephone, Dept, of Labor & Ind. Employment Security I"lilton E. Johnson Elizabeth ~. Jones 3.71 15.00 12.04 22'.90 , 9.35' Ih.72;' 78.,02 IlB.95' ?6.0l1h Tom Ferguson submitted the following estimates on remodel- Town Hall: ' .Constru6tion....~.~a$$1923.00 . Separate Contract'. ~. .. . . Floor tile Appro:&. $255.00 Hi ' Heating , 200.00 Wireing 200.00 o Tot~l cost would be approximately $2,588.,00 '. -Clarambea~ moved that the contract be let to Tom Perguson' 'to construct new Polic'e office ,and remodel Clerk's quarters as' per discussion. Contract & specifications to be submitted by'May 1, 1967 " s~conded by Eide and carried. ' II'" . J. ., Ii ."if" ,', ' .~ . I ~ -.-, .~ . .~ continued. . . 'Parking, OrdlnahcewB:sread. . :P.1cke.tt made a; mot'-on seconded by Clar~mbeau that it 'be adopted. Motion carried and it was order~ published. Discussion on'water to proposed Plant'site on Rhoton Road No action was t.aken.- ' - Marshal Tom Johnson reported on the Deputy situation and.' much discussion .follo'trled. .., .. . . . . . . .. 'f"Pl~ ~'~'. '.' ~:'~J~t :.:1....1~'..~ v'. n~___ "~,t~.n i~::' f_~ ~ ~~ {~l ~_:; '~l'" ..~ I~ ..~:~ .~~~ .~.. :..c,~ t':'; t~ 11. , 'Co'rres'pdnd:ences"'w-as "'re'a:q: 'about> the '''way. the! A.mbUlance was being dri veh thr"t)ugh Town. The CI.e rk wasinst~!?uc-ted to w:r.i-1te~~' . a letter to The ~V'iF.1.rl.,,' Yelm Pollee Dept. .and Thurston Co. Sberiff's offic~ asking th~m to 'use more caution in. the W.ayY they drive .the ambulance. t,~1. \ 'The me~tin~ recess~d~ . ~ ... " - \~~ : >- . \ .1.39 'L~ -il ~, ~ ,. .~ -I I 14U ,May 10, 1967 The April meeting'wa~ adjourned. , . .;'): . The regu~armeeting was ,called .to' order ,by l"1ayor Brown wJth Councilmen Vandiver, Henderson and ,Pickett present. _. ,,{' ~~ '. , ' 'AI' e.e.I ~~- I . The minutes of:., th,e> previou~.were read and, appr,oved. ! The following bills were read "and on, a .motion llrom Connd.ilmen V8:1diver 'and secqnded by Pickett were' ordered p~yed as ',follows: Current: Nisqu~11y Valley News Elizabeth M.Jbnes pug'et Sound Power' ,&. "Light Co. Gallagh~r'Heating Oil Wo1ft~ ~ Yelm Telephone Co. B~own Bros. Garage Gene '. Cavar , Joe Longmire , Gene' Cavar Tom r1. Johnson Milton Jol1nson C~M. 'McFaul' , ' El1~abeth M."Jones Ye.im Br. ,Thurs. Co. Bank $ 82'~19Q 1.2'0 3'4~ 15 35. 614: . 8.95: . 28. 30 , 66.53./ l62'.:4:!! 20.95 ' 210.,06 363.10 23. 82' 62.14 105.16 ' 110.60 o }, Wi'ater: Yelm Telephone' Co. N~W. Indust~ial Laundry Puget Sound P & L Co. Yelm Lumber & Hdw. 'E~izabethM. Jones Milton E. Johnson Yelm 'Br. ,Thurston Co. Bank ,Street: Puget Sound P &. L Co.:' Pacific Sand & Gravel Yelm Lumber & Hdw. Hilton E. Johnson Dan J.Via~lowski Milton E. Johnson: 12.35 10'.,40' 64.61 2.90 91..70 , .' 102-.02' 71.50 ~. . t " .I';'! ~, i1.~ *,: Ie " ;: ~> ~f, ' ' t' ; 95.70 17.,76 10.83 30.00 ,33.26 95.05 c Garbage: " Brown. Bros. Garage E1iz~beth M. Jones' 'IvIil ton E. Johnson 58..87 86.04 149.39 ~, A ,letter 'WflS read from 'Connc'ilman Les. -Clara-nibe'au resigning' 'his posi tion. The reas'on was that he was moving outs ide Town ~limits.. Mr,~ Holden from Chief Tavern appeared to ask ,the Council for a flat fee on .punchboards. Discussion follolrled and At.torney Fristoe . came to the meeting and the question was.ask~ He suggested the ' Ordinance be amended to read $300.00'flat.fee per year o~'pay fo~ each one as has been'done in the past. Hendersonmade'a motion se60nded by'Piekett the Ordinahc~be ~mended to re~d BS sugge~ted by Attorney Fristoe."" '" . The Clerk was' instructed to write to the Bureau. of Public Roads for assistance in opening some of our st~eets. . A discussion was had 'on whether a spqr should be builtqover. the railwa, ,cros~ing at St~vens street or ,build ,road from C~ystal Springs tQ Cable ~lant. DiscuSsion followed, no action taken. [ tt. Meet~rigadjourned: .....~~ 71;.~ 'E'liza-beth M. ' J ~pij" Clerk I 'I I 1'41"'""~" " . .1'. ':.: ,:f June 14, 1967 -The regular meetin~g was ~ called to order., ,'by Mayor Brown ,with Councilmen Pickett, Eide; Vandiver and Hende'rson present~ . , . " . . f' . . . The' minutes of.--the previous 'meeting' vIere read and appr9ved. , ' , _. . , ' , ' , The following' bill.s were read and on a motion from Council- men Vandiv~r and seconded by Henderson weretordered paidf) Current :,' Standard O~l. Co. Olympian Auto Parts Nobil Oil:Oo. Yelm Garage . Pione~r Business Forms Yelm'T'elephone C6. C arl'Gray . _ . Eliz.:abeth M. Johes Puget-,Sound P & LO. Gallagher'Heating Oil Olympia Rep.. 0 o. . Murtough,Supply Co. O. ~J1. Ivlc-Faul Elizabet~ M. Jones Tom M. Johnson Milton E. Johnson Gene Cavar , ,,~ureau of Int~' Revenue' ~later: ' 1'1 . W. I nd,. Laundry Pennsalt ChemCorp. puget Sound.P & L Co. ',Ann Zembas , Ye 1m Tele. Co. "Elizabeth M. Jones }\'liltbn E. ,Johnson Bureau of, Int., Revenue Street: ,~. Yalm'Lum'ber &. Hdw. Co. Puget ~ourtd P &, L. Co. MiltonE. Johnson Dan :Ivlas lowski ',$ 45.58 .10.79 7.05. 'I f.tqL ?;2,'7 '.' !.L ULL. LJ~6. 2'2,' 22:_ 75 " 8~,oo 112,:.00 , 34.15' 21.10 ' 23.14 3.86 62.14' 105.16 363.10 23.82' '210.06 93.80 ' 8.32 13.,00 66.46 14.34 11.,05 91.70 102.02' 71.50 19.,80 95.70 95,. 05 33~ '26 Garbage: ' Stan dard Oi I' Co. Mobil Oil, ,Co. : Nisq-gal ly "V~lley News Hal Eide ' " , Bruc'e: Wilkinson Milton E. ~ohbnson Elizabeth M. Jones 20.,53 5.52\ . 51.52:,) 5.70 11.~_O 149..39 86.014: Mr., Ferguson was on 'hand to explain his in.tentions ',of put- ting in 8:, .golf course o,n his property. He ask if the Council apprbved he' would appreciate aoletter to, be sent to the Small 'Business Administration telling them the .Town vas in favor. rJiotion was ~duly made the Clerk write a letter, ,in favor of the ,golf course.,' , Discus'sion vJas held on a new councilman. Eide made a .mo.tion seconded by VaI1.diver. tha,t Ed Koeppen' be asked to fulfill' the vac'ant ~posi tion' until election in Nove.mber'. Hotion carried. . Councilman Pickett ma'de ';3, motion ~e,conded. by Eide that' the Clark b~y a nevJ flag also to see about the purchase' of a, Washin~ton~tate Fl~~. . ' ,_ ' ,,:;0 'The Olerk was asked to look into the purchase of new tires for the the Garbage truck. Me~ting r~cessed. 14-~ July 12', 1967 Ed Koeppen was sworn into the office of Councilman ,.to fufil1 Les C1'ar~mbeau position. c:rune meeting was adjourned. 'The .regular' meetin:g was called to. order by Nayor Brown with' ,gaun'cilmen Va.ndiver,Eide and'. Koepperi present. Also present were l"lr. & M.rs. ..Ed. Brown. ..' . The minutes of. the previous m~etingwere read and approved. .' ~ The followi~g bills were read and approved. . Curre,ntf.' "Pickett. Drug Store ~E11zabethM. ~ones ,:,So'~ Puget Sound Reg. Li.brary ',;')26 ~IJl: t,tb.grber & Hdwj . .'Holf's , "Nisqually Valley News "Puget Sound P & L,Co. Q .,EmploymentSecuri ty )Dept. -E. R6bert Fristoe '0 Standard 011 Co. Br.own B'ros.' Gar'age ~ Thurston Nason Heal t.h GThurston Co. Fire Dist~ ~Yelm Telephone.Co. Nobil ~ D & H Mobile ~She11 Oil Co. cDept. 6r Labor &.Irid~ ~Employment' Security Dept.' ~Eli~ab~th'M. Jones '~ C~I"1. .NcFa\il" ~ Tom 11. . Johns on '. ~ ,Hilton E. Johnson Gene.Cavar "Yelm Br. Thurstpn Co. bank 1rJ a t e~r : - b ~Wash..State Tax Com .Pennsa1t Chemical. Corp. N.. 'It!. I nd. Laundl"Y Puget SoundP &L Co. , YeIm Lumber & Hdw. . c, Dept. Labor & Ind. '" Employment Sec. " Larry J.opnson "Ann Zembas . Hilton E. Joh.nson-. c Eli zabeth 'JiI. Jones Yelm Br. fJ.1hurs. Co. Be.nk Street: Yelm Lrimber & eHdw. Puget. Sound P ~ L Co. - ~rown Bros. Garage Employmen1.SecurI ty Dept. Dept, of abor & Ind. . Milton E. Johrisori . .Dan Has.1owski . Garbage:. . Nisqually Valley News Yelm Lumber & Hdw. Shell Oil Co. Standard 011 Co.' T} & H Mobil Yelm Telephone Co. Pept. Labor 8c Ind. Employment Sec.' Dept. 'Milton E. Johnson Elizabeth M. Jon~s' "'. ~$ 8. 75 14.00 230.91 .ff,..q. B!; 4.19 4.48 28..69 46. 2'0 150.00 28.85 '22.49 90 . fj2 519.-00 22.65 20.,23 1'82..05 45.27 . 36.01 195.10 - 105.16 . 62. 14 363.10 23. 82~ 210. 06 93.80 111..39 13.00 .8. 32 76.,47 2.-99 5.55 75.50 7.65 , 34.-42; 102.02 . 91..70' 7'1.50 6.17 " 95. 7fY 28 e,29 38.,46. 8..04 95.~05' 33.-26 106.33 20.68 16. 34 3.69 4.02' 16.15. 6.73 63.-98 149.,39 86.04 . o o o ." 'July 12, 1967 , ",,11< 43'" ' /"\\,j(,,~, ~:' ~ it ~ ,', I ,}lr. and rJlrs Brown reported they had picked quite ~LJ bi t of burnirg material in their yard the nite of- the ,Fourth. of July as it came from",the~ firework display in, the, Community. Pask the ask the Council to ,do something about it. The Council' agreed they w6uld c'ontact the Moose Lodge and'the,Lions Clul:>. ' ~arshal Johnson ask for a raiseforIDeputy, Marshal Gavar. Discussion"followed but no action was taken. Pertnis,sio'n,'was granted to Milt.Johnson 'to buy new' cycles for' the Grade~, ' r1ayo;r<~rown s.tated the Clerk. haa. asked for more time in the office, 8is,.she was getting more work all, the time. It was moved and seconded the.Cle~k's office be open from nine-thirty A.M. to 'Fi ve P.H HQnday through Friday. The pay would be Twenty-fi ve dal1ars- per month.,~' ' ., -') r . The B!?own-irJing ,place located on Yelm, Ave was ,discussed. The', 'place, is ,v~cant and the grass, aroundi t 'makes it quit, a fire haZ8!rd.', The Clerk was instructed to contact the Attorney and post -it ~ccordin~ to O~dinance N~ 114. c The m~eting adjourne~. , , . 2e. ~.~ " ,,/J 1 f ,'" GaD. c.' rown, ~ , ~" ~', .. ... (p -'br-Lcd }h~ Eliza beth ~. Jones, e.rk / I August 1, 1967 ,. . , ' , Mayor ~rowncalled a special ~eeting to order with Councilmen, Eide,~Hende~son and P'icke~t present. " : . 0" - . ," The purpose of, Ahe special m~eting was to -pr"esent plans for 'water for the 1tlood Fabricator,s Plant., Jl.1,ayor .Brown explained a proposal byo ,Engineer"Robi~chon,. . ~motion,was ,ma~e that the plant.wouid pay ,all front-footage plus ~J;25. OO~ per month for water f"or .twenty :ye'ars ' (20') 0 The motion was made by~, Henderson and ,seconded 'by Ride and 6'a~ried unaminously. '!Discus,sian W8.S held on bther wat'er problems. Meeting, adjourned. u ldJJ f~~f1o Geo. C". ,-Prown,,' 'a.. or \ \ I .~,..1:1?~ Ed,' ~ickett, Clerk'P~o-tem '~ \ 144-:""" . it. ., '1 ".- to, " ~,-~' ,i ' . .- August, 16, 1967 , The regular meeting' of the TOltln Council vIas, called to order by Mayor Brown wfth Councilmen,Pickett,Henderson,Koeppen and Eide present., ' The minute.s of the previous meeting'"t..rere read arid ,approved. The following 'bills were r~ad and approved: Current: , puget' S'ound' Po'Ser & Light Go. B~owns Garage Yerm Telephone CO~ Mobil Ye1m Garage, , Standard Oil Co. $hell Oil Co., "Tom" M. Johnson Milton E. Johnson Gene Cavar, Ye1m Br. .Thurst on "Co. Bank C.,M. McFaul Elizabeth M. Jones ,'1'[a t'e~:' Larry Johnson' Dept. of Labor & Ind. Brown t s Garage l~....... Pennsalt Puget Sound P & LCo~ Yelm Telephone ,Co. Yelm Lumber & Hdw. West~rn~Utilities Shell Oil Go. .Ann Zembas N.W. Ind. Laundry EliiabethM. Jones Milton E. Johnson Yelm Br. Thurston Co. Bank S tree to: 'Dept. Labor & Ind. , Pione'er Business Forms, > Pua-et Sound P & L Co.' Mobil ' Dan Mas lows'ki Milton Johnson ,1Arterial Street Lupberg Concrete Pipe Co. Lake Lawrence,Const. CQ. $ 26.80 25.07 24.95 79.61 ,20.,40 8-.39 28.51 363~,JLO- , 23.82 210.06 93 '. 80 62. 11+ 105.16 '0 Garb age:: f7i .1~ ~~r. -~ G $ "15.21 ,2.2'5 92.2)2" "'45.01 8 5. ~;9 22.25 , 34. 70 , ,107.,07 12.53 3~" . 42' 1 0 .. 44 102'. 4L~ loa.02' 75.10 $ 2. "86 " 31.64 95.70 9.75 33. 2'6 95.05 ,$280.01 ,'> 62.50 ' 6.23 14. 35, , 14.82' ,81.09 67.06 o Ye'lin, Garage Yel~,Telephone Co. Brown Bros. Garage ,Milton E.Johnson Elizabeth,M. Jones Resolution No. ,108 was read. Councilmen Koeppen made a motioh s~conded by H~nderson it be' adopt~d. Motion carried. Councilman Pickett made 'a motion the Clerk invest the 1966, Wat~r Bond Reserve mon~y in Thurston County Bank ~ide sacortded and it carried unanimously. ~ Discussion ~as had on the price of gravel. '0" , i Councilman Eide made a,motion sSconded by Koeppen the meet- ing 'adjourn'. I-lotion, 6a~ried. ' iJ.Q~ . . , " -1) ~, 7\AJV\ ' Ge 0.. ~. ,Brown" layor '-.., .. Co? ' . ' ' .~;~e~~k }'4,6,: , , Septembe~ 13; 1967' The regular meet,ing of the Townljounci 1 was called to' order by lvlayor Brown with C ounci,lmen Renders on, Pickett and V andi ver pre- sent. ' Also p.resent were Mr. & l'1rs. Toti1Jollnson and sons.fJ,. Don Miller Darre 11 R?che ster and several. teenagers. " The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved 'The'following bills were read and ordered paid. ' Current; , Wolf! s Rasp.nos , PugetSound ,p & L ,Ye 1m Telephode Co. Yel m Lumber & Hdw. Elizabeth M. Jones Shell 0&1 C'o. Mobil Standard Oil Co. Yelm Telephone Co. Gene Cavar ' , Charles Donaldson 'Roy'E. Bak,er Milton E. Johnson Tom M. Johnson' C.H; McFaul ' Elizabeth'M. Jones Milton Johns'on 'trJater: Puget Sound Power & Light Western Utilities E:enneth Reichel 'James M8!nvill : YelmLumber& Hdw. A& I Bui!ders Supply i Nisqually Valley NeVIS JVlob i 1 N. tl\l. Ind. Launc!-ry' She'll Oi 1 Co. , Roy E. ,Doiron Robert M. Johnson Milton,E. Johnson Paul G. l"lunter William L. Isom Hilton E. Johnson Elizabeth M. Jones Street: Hall' s ".supplies Pu~et Sound P & L Co. Ho~ard N.Godat' 'I"liltonE.' J'ohnson ,,'allan }v1as I01rlSki Garbage i:J ~;jilliam L. 180m Douglas H. 'Johnson Milton E.Johnson E1iz'abeth M. Jones' $ 4~02 11.10 28'.69 27 ~, 30 7.19 10.,00 ' 21.85 46. 68, 4.22 118-.65 63.79 110..46 56.91 5.69 9L~. 78 ',62,..14 105.,16 23.82 [ 91. 56 589.,72: 4.86.00 . 3,;524..21 ' 6B..95 5.,27' 16.20 9.,59 8", 36 10.: 89 95.,16 11~.'.19 28.,57 95.16 97 .' 5L~ 102.02 ,102.44 29.,93 95.70 ,25.00 "95.05 33.26 o 85'.54 64'.64 149.,39 ,9.5 . 60 Tom' Johnson ask that it be made public the reason he was fired. Nayor BroTtIn stated it ,was' the same reason he had been told aJnd also pis refusal to take the school patrol. Attorney Fristoe was ,nresent' and told }'lr. Johnson the Marshal served ' at'the discl1~sion of the ~1ayor and the matter ,was up to him., Tom th~n ~sk for one weeks and Iday extra pay. Pi6kett made a motion 'seconded by Vandtver the pay he allowed. Hotion carri'ed. . , o EX' Deputy Harshal Cavar' asked for pay for thirty-three II () L-t. Y' '5 'and halftime he haS. wor~ke,d. Motion Has made and passed that the pay be allowed. , Darrell Rocheste~ ask if the Town app~oved of him putting in a Bowling Alley. The Hayor 'and Council sta,ted they had no objec~~ons. ' , ,Ordinance 117 ladopting State EmploY$es 'Retirement was read and approved. ), , , , j A Resolution ,!'rqm' the Thurston County Commissioners was, > / I I I 1, Ii Fi ,:,4 i ',' rea4 whi~h ask the Town to pay $2.00 per day :for the~kee~ 'of our-prisoners. It was moved and secbnded the Resolution be adopted. . . 'The Budget for 1968 was, discussed., Picke:tt made a motion seconded by V8.ndi"er the Budget be: published as prese1?ted. Motion carried. ' Hal ~Iolf presented' 'plans for'sprinklingsyst'sm tn :the Town Park. - He ask if the Libns Cl ub Dut it in would the ,T~wn take care of t~e sprin~ling. 'Hal ~xplained that' the fInal plans hadn't b~en approved. The Cduncil approved pending approval of the plans presented. Meetirig recessed. RESOLUTION 109 Contract for Jail Service THIS AGREEI1ENT entered into this 13 day of September , 1967 'by and betwreen Thurston County, 'ltJashington, a municipal corp-,' oration,., herein-after called County" and th Town of Yelm, Wash. a municipal corporEition, hereinafter called Town. ' WHEREAS" Town does not have ,ja1l or confinement fac'ili ties; for the housing of pris9n~rs either arrested 9r serving sentences under Town 1 s jurisdiction., rtlHEREAS, County does have such facilities and is agree- able' to house and e onfine prisoners belonging to Town., IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between the pal'~ties as follows ;' : l.'Town hereby agrees 'to pay County for each prisoner of ei ther sex lodged, in the Thurston County Jail by agents of T'own for investiga.tion the sum of ~~2.00 per ,'day or' any, part ther,eof. If the char'ge is one coming under County's criminal jurisdiction" the $2.00 per day or any part of a day charge shall be pa~d until a lrJarrant is issued. , If the charge is one coming under T01rln jurisdiction,,' the $2.00 per day or any p~rt the~eof' shall be paid, until the person is remoyed by Town.. I , 2. 'For any person .qf ~i the'r sex sentenc~d to the Coooty ~ai Iby authori t'y of TOt-In or its agents, County shall r,ecei ve ~1)2. 00 per day or any part th.ereof from confining' TO~ln. Each prisoner,shall be accompanied by a sentencing or disposition slip'signed by the comrni tting authority and County agrees t,o carry'6ut the terms thereof. ," 3. The day shall'be computed as starting at 12;00 o'clock midnight. , ,4., 'County agrees to provide safekeeping and suhsist~nce ,for all prisoners of the same tiype and kind furnishe'd other prisoners accord~ng to' jai-l rules and regulations:. 'It is' expressly agreed 8~nd understo.od that all prisoners shall, be- subject to. and abide 'by the rules and regulations set out by County. ' 50 County agrees ,to photO and fingerprint without cost all pr~soners at request of,Town. , ' , ,- . 6. Towh further agrees ,th~t,for each use of the Breath- analyzer owned by County it will pay $1.25. " ' 7. Town prisoners shall ,be provided with. such medical and, dental treatment as may be necessary 'to conserve their health. Town yJill bear, the expense of dental, medical and hospital' treatment. County shall f{rst obtain authorization from Town before incurring any expense for these services, unless 'an erl1ergency is involved. In an emergency, when treatment is clearly, necessary to. conserve the prisoner's 'health.' County ',may proceed with the necessary treatment witho~tauthority ~ut ~n every vase, Covnty must notify T01rTn immediately and furnlsh full Informatlon. ' , '1'~48:' -Resolution 109 continued. All suchcos'ts and e.xpenses shal;L be billed direct to Town., , ,8." CoUnty _shall rerider i femiZ'ed monthly statf;ments to ':Down and Town agrees to, pay promptly., 9. ,In the event of death of a prisoner, To~n ~hill be notified immedia.tely and County shall' follow T'own' s instructions wi th regard to d:tsposi tion of the body. ,The Frown shall be responsible for notification of relatives and all costs involved. , 1'0., It is understood, and agreed : betHeen the parties hereto that the TOv.!n ~ill hold County harmless' from, all claims, demands, Oil" actions or ,causes of action "of any nature arising from any false arrest or false imprisonment,' suit insti tuted by any person con- fined in- the Thurston County Jail by reason of any arrest by Town or its delegated ~uthority under the terms of the agreement. Town further agrees 'to reimburse County for all 'expenses including legal fees necessitated by any person bringln~ such a,~uit. 11.1 This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for' a period of three '(3) years from date. , ~Dated and sighed this 13th day, of, September 1-967. TO~nJ COUNCIL NAT}~~N HENDERSON COUNTY COr'1~1ISSIONERS:" EVERETT FOURRE L.. VANDIVER GEORGE F. YANTIS E.E.PIC:(\ETT lrlESLEY N . ESTES , GEO C.' BROvlN MAYOR , SHERIFF 'OF IJ.1HURSTON COTTI\TTY:I CLARENCE A VAN ALLEN o '~ October 2i 1967 " . it ,special meeting for the hearing on the pr,oposed Budget w'a~ called to ,order by l'1ayor Brown. Present were Councilmen , Pickett "Koeppen and, Vandi vera " , IVlayor Brol'lfn stated that he' had talked to Thurston County' 'assessor and ne' said,':the Town would get approximately ~:;1800.00 in personal property' tax from General Cable in November., A moti~n was made to include this in 'the F3,udget. ' , The Revenue in, Garbage l1epartment was' change as the Council, agreeded a new Ordinance ,would be adopted raisine; the rates.,.. 'Salaries were then, changed to ~)5ee. 00' for the Mars,hal,. $450.00 Milt J,ohnson, Rob~rt- JohJ1SOn $;485~;OOand Clerk *~36'5.00 ~onthly. A motion was duly made. . Councilman Pickett made a motion as there were no protest on thY. revised Budget it' be adopted.,' Vandiver secQnded and motion carried.} , 'M~eting adjourned. o .. I, /kL ' , <; ',;",..~,', oeo. . . Brown, Mayor ~" j /'" , , ..>.,.... <1' -'l ' ", , ~j /e.L'7~~~1. ,/)7 . tjlf-71-.&1 ! ) Eli za -ge th H. j on~!, C le,rk I I ',I' " Town of Y~lm Budget 1968 \ \ \ \ \ 1, .4".~( . .. . ,-.i1~-:" REVEN1JJI; , FU1TD ACe01JNTS 'TO'J:1AL . ~NE~L ".. - . Business License.. ~'. 0..... ~'... .~~Jl" 350.00 Li,ce,nse & Permits.............,. 1,000.00 ,Fine s ~ . . .. . . ~ . .. . .. . . . . . ~ . . . .. . . .. '2, 000..00, ,He'nts (Pire ,Hall)....... .'......, '2,.0706..00 , . TOTAL 'Reven~e from other Agencies .' " ,Liquor tax... .'... .,......... .&$3',129..15 M.V. Excise Ta'x .............., 1,94"2.23 '0" Liquor .Tax. . . ... ....... . . .. .".. ~. 1,.229.,50 , . Taxes ~ . . '.. .'~ .'. . . . . . '. . ,; . . ... . . ..12,391..11 ,C a s hot) hap. d. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .'. .. . 3, 27 3 ~ 38 .'. . . . . . . . $ 2 8 ',} 391. 37 WATER BIDND REDEMPTION Transfer T~om ~ater :Fund....,.$2,IOO~OO ' " Cash on hand.................. .817..65. ........ ..~,~ 2,917.65, . ~ 1966 ;Prtncipa1 & Interest Fund, . . : .. 0' . .'. . ~ :- ...... ~ . 'Transfer 'trom ,-^Jater Fund...,.... $1, 92Q.,OQ, ' " Cas h 0 n han d. . . ..'. .. .~ .. . . . . . . . . .. . . 1, 05'9. 18.. ";~.. . .. . '. . . $ 2, 979 . 1 7 .;J' >>." STREBT.' FUND' , " ' ',',' . Ga s Tax. .. .' . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .' $; 2 " 790 . 38 Charges for Current Service...1 0 500.,00 Tr~n~fer from Gurrent.~...~. .~..2,125.00 Ca.sh on hand....~...........:..... '763..03.~. ........... $6,178~41 GARBAGE. FUND ,_ _ ~ , Consumers ,Collections. . .. .. .. . 0 $5,700.00 '. . .' " Cash on hand..o~.............. .... .' 960.00.......,.~.$6.,660.00 ARTEHIAL srI'REE,T FUND . , . . _ . . .' . 'G as. t ax. .. ! .. .. . . ... . . . ~ . . . . . ..' . . . . . ~f, 1, 9l6. 3..5 _ . Cash on haild. ......... '... ....... 1,716. 36. ~.. .. .. .... ~~'3, 632..71 Tot al. ~~69, 945.,31 ES TI rJljl~ TED. EXPEND I TURES FUND ACCOUNlJ.'S g:10TAL CLASS DEPT. TOTAL GENERA~ Salaries .& Waiz,es , - , " . , ^ , . . C 1er k ~ . . . .. ~-'. . . .. . . . . .. .. e . .'. $1 ~ 500.00 . A. t tor ne y . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . f)O 0 . 00 , '. 10. J ..' ~ '88 Po loe udge.............,. .700.00....~....;;.P2, 0..00 Maintance & Operation Retirement Fund........~. Sbcial Security .....~.~. 100.QO. 95.00. . . ~. ... . 195.00. Contractual Service '. _, ,_. TO't'lln Halll...... 0,.,...... ./. ....,$1,.500.:00., . 13 0 n d s . . .. . . . e ~ . . . . e,. .. . ... ..' 100 . 00 Ele6tions & adit.......... 300.00 , S ta t e Ex am.. " ... .. 0 . . . ~ . .. . . . 300 . 00 Of fi c e . . . e . ~ e .; . . . . . .. . .. ..... " . 20 Q ~. 00 ~ .. e. . ., e . ~) 2 , 400 . 00 OthE;?r Expense, As.soe 'of Wash. Oi trees. . .. ...~~ Council Exo ensa. . ... . ... .... Attorney EXpense............. 52. 30': '300.,0.0 , 50.,00 .~"/' . 150. ' .~~.'. Genera l' . Oth~rr~xp~ftse . '. L.. b ". . . . ~l 27 . 35' 1 r ar y.. .. .. · . . . . . .. .. . .. . .." . ",'p ,. _ . .7 .' , Park....e...........~~... 400~OO , . . . T~hur.. Co.. . Plan. Com., .. .. . 160 It 00.'.... .. .. ". .~)2, 239.,65 . //._/' 1/ $. .a.~- . ~ s-fA::e0--'f .:<, 1.# S:- (" 0 . '. . I' V /' ~ j ~~ . 0 ,J fjj7lf,:E.cy...:',..~--.._~ __.' d c299>.3o....---. PROTEC ION' TO PEHSON &, .PRO:p.EHTY ".. ~ o' .. ...," / " S'alaries .f;r. Wages " ~..'.. " l' . " .. c "<) .., ~ .) Mar s he; 1. ~ ~ .. . . .. . . .'. e .. .. $6 ".00.0..00 " <> . . . ." . . Deputy..................... ,3,600..00..... ~ . . .. . 4~9, 60p. 00 He. in t an c e f.v:; Op era t ion . . Retirement~.....~..... 9QQ~QO.. . Ins uran c e. . . . .. . .... ... .' 1.55.,0.0 . Soc. See.. &. Med. .>. .. ..' 5~5.~OO " . . ~. . 0 Ok" Harshal 'Expense..>... ..2,000..00.,............. ....~p3,630.00 , 0- 0 " .0 .. ~ Dont~~ct~a1 Service Health............. ...'$ 285.00 . Civil Deferise....~... 70.00 . Fire. Protection.. .'.... .2,.560.,QO.,. ~:.... .'. ..~l;2',915..00 . Cap i ta 1 Out la;.r. . . . . . .>. .. .1,5 32 ..L~2.; .. .. .. ~.. ... .~ ,J, ,.532 .,42 ~ . . , ...'.0. ;,~.,,,) ->.'. $17,677.L~2 General Fund T~t~i"$28, 391~,37 WATER Salaries & Wages 0 Supt......~... .......~. C 1 e.r k . . .. .'. . . . . . . . ~ . . . . .' Labor.................~ Clerk Relief........~.. Maintande &,Opera~ion. Retirem~nt......~.~..... So c. S e c ~ &. IVfe d... . . 0 . . La undry. . . . . . . <) ~ . . ... .. . ., Contractual Service . . ) " l) . <) \} (. . ... .) ::J';' ': $1,200.00 1;700.00 2,200~OO .' ~lOO.~OO.....~.$5,120.00 ~ :. G "'I 'Q "'f 350.00 250.00 170.00....... 770.00 q' . . P pwe r. . .'. . .. . . .. . .' . . . . '. . \pl , 0 Q 0 ~ 00 .-' ,~ Insurance.....o........~... 'l~O.OO'. Uti 1 i t Y T a x. . ~ .. .. . '. . . . . . . ',.5 00 . 00 .: . .' . . . . $1 , 6.5 0 . 00 Materials & Supplies ,Supplies... ~.. ...... .. .... $a,700.00 Truck.........~......... 300.00' . ~ ~' Office............~:... .'. :;>OO.OO......i .lif;2,SOO~,OO Othe:r~ Expens e ~ " , .1 G ~ . ' . " , <! .. Q '. ,'- ~,C." Repay'~?an ~.to F~re ~es~.. .~~l,OOO.oo~. . . 1966 Prln & Int. T........ 1,920.00; , . It. Hond Res . Trarls . .. . .,.' - 920..04,. c " ,~ _ . ,,'::, <>.~ "'.' _ . . Bon d Red e mp t i Q n. .. . . .'. . . " 2, 100 .i 0 0 :(. . . . . . ~~ 5 , 940 . 0 ~ Capital Outlay................ .'~ .......... ~.. .$3,205.96 Tdta1 $19,186~OO .;: ~ ?." o ,WA.TER BOND HEDEJ'1PTION Bond Redemption....... ... ..... . .. .. ~~2, 917...65 /' ." . 66 . . ".1 M>5 8 6 A 19 PrlD & Ind............... 2,:979.17......... .'fP ,.9.,,)2 STREET' FUND . . Physica:l IvTaintance' R08.idways..... ......... ..". 754.01 . SideHalks".............. L~Oo.oo . . S tor rri S e 1/I e r s . . . . .. ~ '. . .... . 20.0. 00 . . . . ... . . ~~1', 3 S1~. 0 1 r:L'rafficService .' .~ . "0' ", .' " , ..' ~ '. ~ Street lights". ~.........,.. ~i~2,012...Lt.,O ,~ .I ~"'.. "",'" ~ . rrrafI'ic Control."......>. . 350..QO 00 ~ 0 c . ~" Traffic' Police... ... ..... .,200.00......... .$3,562o~.0 Overhead . . Retirement ................,.. 15LJ,.'00 " 806. Sec. & Med.......~... 95~oo. Insurance... .'~. ......... :....... 85.00 . . . 'Equip & Suppl:i.es"......~.. 178.000........$762.00'. , Non-Street Cost.. ...... .... .'....... .'. ~.... ..,.,.,....,.,'../;$00.00. .... ' , ", Tot a1. . ... .'~1~6, 1 'iU3 .,41 , c [J ,ARTERIAL'S'J1'REEiI1 FUND ", " ",' ',,'" ,> , G o.n s t ru c t; ion. . ~ . . ~ . ..... . . . . .' .. . .. .. . .' .'.' '" e"". . O' ~~ 3 , 6 J 2 .. 71 , .0 :) 0. -fy;:), ... ~ ~ "'. ... '} , I I I 1968 Budget continued GABBAOE Sa1~ri~s & Wages " 'D · " 1 S ',.' I, - .,. d:l12 7 I ~ 00 , l S po sa, a ..ar:,! . . . . .. .. ..... _ -, .. .. . ,. '115 " 0../. <J Clerk.~...-,...~>.........~..,.. 1,18-0..0.0, R e Ii e f C i e r k ~ . . . .'. . "0. ... '. .. . .. .. 150 . 00. . .. . ;. . .. . $Lt, 095 .' 00 Maint~nce & Operation Retirement Fundo.........~... n,' S '91\jT'd . ;:j 0 C . e c. ~,,)C l:Le 0 0 . ... .. . . . . . ',. .. Contractual Service Tns ur 8lnc e,~ . . . . 0 0 . .. . . . .. ~ . . . . . ~. . 0 f f i c ~-. .'. .. . . . . . ~ . . . '... ...'. . ~ . . . Uti 1 i t y. Tax................. 0 . . . . ''!' ~. IVlaterial 8' &: Supplies , Truck "'& 1"1is'c.... ~ 0 .. .. . . .. .. O. .. 0 . .. 350.00 225 ~ 00. 0 . .r.. .0 575.00 150.00 250.00, 75.00......0~ 475.00 .900.00......~.~~ 900.00 Cap1ital , ' Out,l ay. .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . ~ .. . . ..... .. .. . .. . '.. .' . . .. . .. .. 6150 00 o ' " , Tota1~..~$6,660.oo . Grand, Total" $69,,945.,31 '~ 1.' 51~'" ,:' ,,: ,;"';,. . ".f. ,', '" ~' .15:2 October II', 1967 The regular meettngof' the T01rJn Council t~as called' to order, by Hayor' Br,own ,wi th Councilmen Pickett"Vandiver and Eide present.. , , ~ The 'minutes' of the previous meet,ipg }~e.r:e' "~ea,d. ,and. approved. . '" '. '. - .., . 1 ... ," >;; .... ,. . .... <, ..I' .~ The following bi 11s were read and ';ord~er"ed p'a"id: . ..r ' t) <) ~ c . :-Current:, . , Puget S-ound' Power an d, Li'ght~ Nisqua:l1y Valley News ' Employment qequrity' ,~ > ~ " " . " , Wolf's. :) S. ,:P,ug~t ~ound Lib;ary : : ' ~ .' <- : : Yelm Garao:e I'10sman' Age'ney E.R. Fristo~ Emp. Securtty Thur. Mason Health D & "H Mobil: ~ 0 Standard 0+1 Co. Mo b i 1 Thurs. Co., Fire,Dist. Yelm Tele.Co~ Motoro1a C &. E Shell Oil Co.: Bureau of Int. Rev. E~ployment Security Charle.~ s. Don~ldson Dept. Labor & Ind. r1il ton Johnson relm Er. . Thurs. Co. Bk. Elizabeth M. Jones C,.H.. McFaul "': . f Q ~ III Qr Q. ~ .. d,'":!,''' 3 3 08 ~!, ' "., ' 45.36 " ';,95 , , ' 10.,68 23d.,91 '9~59 . 15.00 150.00 46.20' 90.82 10..27 53.63 20.22: 519.,00 15.65, 19.10 31.86 '15.00 162. 32: 180.93' 30 . 78 382.,20 46.70 105.16 62.14 o , Water: Tax Commission Pickett Drug' Store NoW., In,d.. . Laundry Bad~er Meter Co. She'll Gild Co. . Ye1m, Lbr. & Hdw. , Yelm Telephone Co. Puget Sound P & L Co. Tacoma Pump 15c Drilling Co~ , Penns'a1t' Chem", Corp. Kenneth :Reiche1 ' Employment Security Dept. Of Labor & Ind. .Bureau of Internal Revenue' Robert r-t.Johnson Elizabeth M.Jones Ye 1m Br. T};lurs. Co. Bank ~) 155.93 5~a:o 6.27 250.17 ' ' 15.40 10.12 11.60 83.60 201.23 23.00 ' ,21.87 124'. 26 17.52 75.10 87.29 102.44. 89 .80 o 'Street: 'Puget Sound P & L~ YelmLumoer & Hardware Employment Security, Dept~ of Labor ~ Irtd. ~'1ri11iam L. 180m, Robert H. ,Johnson. Dan Nas10wski $,95.70, 8.08 35..64 10.61 76.01-1- 118.,77 33.26 Garbage: Tax Com.mission D &. H Mobil StandardOil Go. De'pt. Labor & Ind. Employment. Security' . William L. 180m Robert M.'Johnson Robert M. Johnson Elizabeth M. Jones , Discussion. was held QnGarbage action was taken. $ 12.28' 5.75 12.87 15 <) 29' 85.,~6 60 . 03 188.20 1L~ 9 o'l~ 9 , 9.5.60 rates also new Marshal. o No ., . '~~~eting.adjO~rned.. .' G'~);?,~ .obi' ~ a e 1._ a-6nes, C:Berk 'I I I Oct ober 30, 1967 , William, O. Triggs, was sworn into office' of Town Marshal by Clerk Elizabeth M,. Jones',. 159'" .' i,' ::~:~ N,ove~~~r, J3" ~ 1967 ~ The r~gular meeting of ,the TOirJn Council was cal1e,d to order by Mayor ,Brown with all Councilmen present.. The minutes of,. :the previous me'et'ing ~Tere read and approved. The following bills 'i/Jere read' and ordered pa.id as f91lows: 1 ' ' , Current: Yelm Garage Yelm Telephone ,Co. Mobil , St'andard, 011 Co. D & H Hobil Charles S. I>,onaldson '14. Triggs Gallagher Heating Oils P'uget Sound Powe.r & Light Henry Jones C .lvl. HcFa ul Etiz~beth M~ Jone~ "Hilton Johnson : W' ,'. II'. ' rr,. ""'0' 1. lam - r -b1,:':>S \vater: Puget Sound P& L Yelm Telephone Co.' ?ioneer Bu~iness Forms N . \rJ. ' I nd . Laundry 'El~zabeth M. Jones Robert M. Johnson r1ilton JohhsQn, Street: Pacific Sand & Gravel HB_ b i 1 Puget Sound P &:. L Co. Dan Maslowski Robert H., Johnson' $ 26.1fr . 18 .,uS ' 35.'75 6.-30 2'2'. 2'2" 22. B5 45.27 48.92 36.68 .8.14 '62.14 105.).6 191.60 409.2()' $, 67., t)2 18.45 59 .. 30' 10' ~~-5 102.44 87 .,29 190.32 $lL\.9.63 3.25 95.70' 33 ..26 118.77. Gar b,age: Yelm Gara2e , Standar.d Oil C Oe Hobil Elizabeth M. Jones Robert M. Johnson ~~ 53. 94 ' 2.38'- 17.55 ,95.60 149.49 IvIeeting a,djourned., ~t~AJV\ GEO. c. BRO~~ ~~YOR: ~ L-r<-~~7,~~j . Eliz~beth r1. ;l6nes, Glerk . L.,.../. 154 , I 'November 7" 19,67' Election Position No. ,1 La ur a B.,' Co at e s .. 0 ~. . . ..' -5.5 ~ Roger E. nelson o. .,.. ...64 Position No. 2 Donald A ~arney.....~...15 Steve Cavar...'...........ll. Leslie Vandiver.'....~...90 Position No.3. UnexpJred two year term Ed Koepp e 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III Thurston County Autitor certified that Roger ,Nelson and Les Vandiver were elected to office of Councilmen. Ed ~oeppen was_sworn into office by Thurston 'Co~nty Auditor ,Ttlesley Leach N9v~mber 2L~, 19h'7 ' Lea Vandi ver &: Roger Nelson ~re're Sworn into office of Councilmen by Elizabeth M, Jones, Clerk December 13, 1967~ < , o o o 'I -I I,' , ' 13, ,1967 ' ) Decembe,r The regul.ar meeting of tihe, Tovm C9uncfl was called to order by Mayor Brown with all, Councilmen present. The minutes of- the previous meeti"ng were read and approved. t1~ "~'SO "5' ':i';';~ , "". ',' :~ ,re';' ; The following bills were read ,and ordered paid as 'follows: Current: Tom Ferguson Tom F:erguson Yelm :Lumber & Rdlr1. So. ~uget Reg. Library Nisqually Val'ley Netr.Ts Glllagher' Heating Oils Puget Sound P & L Yel m Telenhone Co. Thurston Ivlas,on Health Yelm Br.Thurs. Co. Bank ~Phurs Co. Fire Dis t .#2 Mobil '"' Geo. F. Cake Co. Nabel Story OlympiaSp~r't Shop Eniployment Security De'pt,. ' ,E. Robert Fristoe Elizabeth M~ Jones , c. }1.' , McFaul 'Employment Security Dept. Labor & Ind. Bureau of Int. Rev. , Mi ItonE. 'Johnson William O. Triggs $ 500.,00 1193.63 1.46 230..91 4.73 " 36. 8.1 ,- 42.25 44.65 900 B'2? ' 75.90' 519..00 21. 57 ' e.5 ~ 4.,5 4.50, :7.25 46.20 200.00 105.16 62. 1L~ 1187.57 31.67 75. 90" 191.60 409.26 l~rater: P'uget Sound P &, L. Standard Oul ;00. ' N.W.Ind. L~undry Yelm Telephone Co. Yelm Bre Thurs. Co. Bk. Utility TElx Emp 10yment Securi ty D~pto' Labor & Ind. Bureau'of Int~ Revenue ~$, 66.,72; 5.18 ' 8.36 8.75 89.80 112.54 136.78 , 16.59 8.9980 , Str.eet: , Puget Sound P & L. , Empl,oymen~ 'securi ty Dept. of abor & Ind., Dan' Mas 1 OHS ki " Rober'tJohnson $, 95..70' 49.28 15., 18 33.26 118.77 " Garhage:' }10bi i , Brown f s Garage, ,Employm,ent Security Dept. of ,Labor & Ind. Elizabeth M. Jones Beaulah L. Phillips Ann Zembas Robert M. Johnson , ~P,' 20. 16 1 99.,06 92.08 15.24 95.60 10.04 9.32, ' 1~9.49 Dave Ackerman was present and ask for a water service on Guy Johnston property as he ,had moved a trai.ler on the property. It was moved and secopded that a $100.00 charge for the meter be all that would be charged Qt present. ' , Street light were': discus,sed and 'Gordon f s Marke,t 'ask that a Vapor light be installed in the alley;back of the parking lot and he would pay the Town. Henderson made a motion seconded' Vandiver ~ha:t a, Vapor light be installed at Gordon's and onf3 at Yelm 4ve~ ~dSolberg, also a plain Street light be ins'talleq' at Jones , Md Solberg. Motion carried. . ' < IDiscussion was had ,on the new proposed .Post'Office Building site"at Third and Yelm Ave. Eide made a motion seconded bv Vandiver, 'if the post office would give the' Town a thirty foot right-of-wi3:y the 'Town would remov'e the trees and make a, sixty foot street. 156",,:' I December 13, 1967 (curitinued) Garba9:e rates v..rere discussed" Ed K08nnen gave a report of his ~ .... . . _. J~ J.. '.,~,", , .r" ,findings after: a ~a;I on, t.he truck. No' action was 'taken. Counci'lman Eide made a motion seconded by Vandiv$r thEr meeting' .adj,6urn. Motion carr~ed.' , . . <"7 ' ' " ' ,',' " '(.~"L' ":. d 2 ~ .. .. ~r ", " (1 ' , . G.,' v~ -~ "/77' );~t/ Eli29abeth 1~1. <[<ines, Clerk o ~ . o o