1968 Minutes I I I January'lO, 1968 ... '1,57!~:: -,I' The'regular meeting of the Town Co_uncil was 'called' to order by Nayor Bro~rt.with Coundilmen Koeppen,Eide and Hend~rson present. . The minutes of--the previous meeting were read' and approved. The .following ~ills'were read and order~d paid'as follows: 'Current :- . Ni~qu~lly Valley News Gallagher Heating Oils PUQ:et Power Pi~'kett Drug.s Yelm Lumber-& Hdw. Nunicipal Rev.'Fund Half's Assoc. of Wash. Cities 'Standa.rd Oil Co.' Shell O:i.i Co. Motorola'C.& E Colson Commun5:cations C & ,G' Electronics Yelm'Telephone Co. D & H 1~Iobil Brown's Garage. 'Mosman Agency Jack Sherman Robert Anderson C. M., NcFaul Elizabeth M. Jones . ~iJ8.sh. . Public Emp. Retirement William O~ Triggs Hi 1 t.on Johnson 1:lash. .Public' EmD. Retirement 2lelm Br. . Thurs. ,'. Co. . Bank . ql; LL2'. '22 64.85 L~8. 32. 1.98 1.~. 08 237..25 4.70 r)2-. 27 I~-4.. 36 28.83 48.2!2' 20.90 13.06 29.75 57 .' 2Q 6. 6~. 15.5.000 16.64 L!.9.. 92; . 62'. lL~ ' 112.00 7.50 38.5.01 177 .: e..5 . 38.00 'Water: N.W. Ind. Laundry Pennsal t Yelm Tele. Co.., \ . MQsman Agency PugetPower Elizabeth M. Jones BqBert Johnson IvIiI t'on tT ohns on Yelm Er. 'Thurs. eol Bank Hash. State Emp.. Retire. ',8.36 ,23.50 '.:L6~ 0.5 150.00 75.14 93. o Lt. 109.08' 1,80. 32 103.90 2E\.25 Street: T#ps'man Ins. Age'ncy Puget Power . Dan Has 10vJskl Robe~t M. Johnson WaSh~ Stat~ Retire. 117.40 9$.70 ' 33.26 112.59 6.25 'Garbage: Shell Oi 1 Co. Ye 1m ,Fixi t Shop' IVJ:osman Insuranee BroHhs Garae;e Robe~t M. Johnson .Elizabeth M. Jones v{ash. State' Emp., Ret5.re. 21.32' .h.18 156..00 192~70 99~',19 ' 90.60 10 . .5 0 ~. . ' , Hr... Kors from .Slevavins' /~G Kors Consul ting. E~ngineers w,as present to discuss a plan to he1p'~erve Yelm in their engineeri~g p~oblems. Don's ,1.vlndow &: Cleaning~ Service quoted a price of ~$33'.OO to clean ahd w~x Towd Halt t~e Eirst time and then aEtef that, they.worild wax and c lean the Hlndo"(,-Js for $20.00 per month. C ounc i Iman Render son move and Councilman' Koeppen seconded He engage their'service. Hot ton carried. ' . Resolution No. 110 regarding a raise in Garbage r~tes_ was read and approved. Neeting adjourned. I81i/.,abeth ~I. Jones, Olerk G~o. C. Brown Maypr 1$:8;- RESOLUTION NO. 110 - V.FHEREAS~ "the -Council of, the' Tovll'i or Yeim by the" adoption of Ordinance Noe. 49" 'provided for the 'establishment of a, garbage disposal syst-em for the operation of the - Town of Yelm, and 'VlHEREAS" by Section 4 of said Ordinance; the Council is ,', authoriz,ed and directed to make and adopt by resolution fro,ill time to time rules and regulations that it deems necessary in addition 'to those provided., for in the Ordinance, and to fix rates for the collection, ,hauling and disposal of garbage and WEREAS ~ .the Town of' Yelm has sine,e the adoption of sal d 'Ordinance, engaged in the collection qnd disposa~ of garbage 'within the' corpor-ate limits of the Town of Yelm, and within, reasonable are:as outside the Town ,of Yelm, and ' o v,JHEFEAS" by re~ason of the increased costs in the operati'on of 'the ga:i<bage' col.lection and dispose.I'syst.,em op'erated'by the TOttffi of Yelm, -1 t is necessary to" increase the rates applicable to the' services b~r, the ~rOvln of Yelm~', NOld, THEr:!EFORE" BE ITS! AND IT IS HEREBY RESOL.VED BY trRE COUNCIL OF 11HE ~eWN. OF YEL~1, AS 'FOLLDvJS: 1", Effective for the, month of January 1968, and e8!ch Month thereafter succ~eding, the rates applicable for gar- ,bage collection and ffi.ispbs-ed servIces provided by the, Town or ,Yelm shal'l be as follows: ' el:. 'For subs cri bers wi thin the corpora te lirn:i, ts of the town-for the first 'standard 'size garbage, c'an during each collection pt.?,;riod the sum of $1~5o , b~ For subscribeis residin~ outside the corporate limits of the town for 'the'~-first standard size gar:"", 'bage can each collection p~riod 'th sum of *p2\',OO h'per month. - . , c. For subs c'ri b~rs both vJi thj~n B,nd outs.ide , tt:'.e corporate limits of the town for the second standard sixe garbage can each~collecti-on perion in additional $.50 each month. ' , o d.'For'any additional collection of standard , size garbahe cans during each collection period both inside ,and outside ,of the cornora-te limits of" the tOvJn the sum of $.25 eaqhmonth for each, addi tlonal 's tandard size garbau.:8 can. , "...~... v '....? The foregoing rates ~hall be applicable to all residential subscribers to the garbage service of the r:r'own of Y~lm) Th~ following ~ates shall be applicable to all commercial subscribers to the garbage service of the Town of Yelm: No of Cans Monthly charge for weekly collection service Monthly ,charge for collection twice -a 14eek., 1 ,2 3 4 5 $1.50' 2.00 - 2~~0 . , 2.dO ( 3.00 ~t\2. 20 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.60 2~ All garbage cartS shall be kept clean gnd san~tary insofar' as possible", and shall be plac'e in the alley or on -the c.urb for each collection by th,e garbage department _ of the Town of Yelm, and where more than on garbage can service is required' from a single locati6n} all cans sh~llb~ placed, " together, or a separa'te, charge shall be ,made for each different location ,from which colle~tion service is required. o 3'. 'In the event that ,any subscriber to the garbage service of the TOl,vn of Yeltil shall desire to provide independ-, erit serv~ce for himself and in ~onne~tion th~rewith-require a ,key t,o'the f?arba[?;8 d~sposal site operated', by, t~e Town of Yelm,- then $9.J, d s'ubscrfb~r shall pay the sum Of$d1Qo 00 1 · t 'ea6h morith-for h~s indt81dua~,' use o~the garbagelsposa .81 e i-h addi tiOh to the amount:, pa1d by hlm ,,for garbage collect1.on , , I 'I I RESOLUTION NO. 110 continued. 1,".,~"n:~, - . ~~:~' 'and disposal' services asa slJ:bscriber .to the garbar~e disposal system' operated ,by the ,Town of Yelm. February 14, 1968 ~ The regular meeting of the r:l'o'VJn Council Has called to order by Mayor ,Brown with Councilmen Koeppenr~ Nelson, Vandiver and Henderson, ,present. The minutes of, the previous ,meeting were read a,nd approved. The following bills were read and Current: Rosano Electric iCenter' Tacoma Rainier Freight Co. Gallagher Heating Oils puget POl<-rer Pioneer Business Forsm Don's Cleaning , Tom Fergu's gn ,,,J N,. 1"J. Tnd. Laundry Wolf f s ' ,Mosman Agency Yelm Lumber'& Hdw. r'lm bi 1 'Yelm., Garage, , Yelm Telephone Co. Standard 011 Co. 1"1 T:1 C.N. craul , Eli~~beth M. Jones '1,/IJash. State Emp. Retlrement Milton E. Johnson William O. Triggs Wash. State Emn. Retirement Yelm Br. Thur." Co. Bank ordered paid as follows: $2:42~U2 7.85 92.47 53.89 13.77 33.00' 3LI-.4.9 hele 4.93 10.,00 , 1,.66 19.70 8.,73 21.+.94 27 e 93', 62.14 113.25 6.25 179 .,10 230..22 25. 2~_ 46.70 iria ter:- , Standard Oi.l Co. :Elizabeth M. JonBs Yelrn ,Garage Puget Power Pi on'eer Business Forms N.W. I nd. Laundry, ,Yelm Lumber & Hdw. Yelm Telephone Co. ,A,nn I. Zembas Mi.ltonE."Johnson Elizabeth H.' Jones. Robert M. Johnson Wash. State Emp. Retirement ,Yelm Br. Thurs. Go. Bank , '6.56' ,12,,55 5.23 74.90 59.,46 10 0 ~-5 121. 81 , ~:., 30 7.; 89 180.32 ' 93.04 122.03 , ?'7 . 00 92.20 Street: P'uget Power Robert M. Johnson Dan Has10wski ,iiV:ash~ State Emp. Retire., 95.70 112.59 33.26 6025 Garbage: , , iVI6bi 1 Shell Oil Co. Robert M. Johnson "Eliza'beth rvr.. Jones Wash. State Retirement 3.38' 9~23 99.,,19 ,90'. 60 10. .50 Mrs. Butler and Mrs. T~eadwell'fro~,Eatonvi~e were p~esent~ They were on the Council 'and 'VIere interestedJ~lice Protection. Tag ,Fraizier' and Dave Pi les from, the Thu~s ton C'ounty' Sheriff's Dep&rtmerit w~re present to ~xplainthe politie protecti6n they would give us, if Yelm d~cided to accept their protection. After discussion' Councilman Henderson made, ,a motion seconded by Councilman ,Vandiver we accept the agreement~ Mot~on carried. ,\ ' "7J1c:.~ Mrs. Coates was present to ask the Council,to vacate thefstreet , ,1"'60' from 'First street to Railroad tracts. 'Nate Hendf3rson property jo'in~ 'this he was in favor :ofr'::bhms., George Brown ask 'that VJ~~stre'e't b&tw&efl ~,~ be vacated from First street to 'Railroad tracts. He stated 8.S there' W~IS 8, ci ty water' line on his side he would gi bea,n 'ease~ent.' , , The Counci1 was in favor of thBis vand ask that Att,orney' Fristoe be contayted for legal advise. " The, dead lin~ for Dog licansewas set for March'l, 1968. Councilrn,a:n Render'son moved the meeting' adjOUrn this HaS seconded by Councilman Nelson. ,Notion carried. :4f,,~ D" Gee. . Brown, Hayor /"'7 c .-;; l' Jy~~ /h ,~U4/ t, ,-' (~a /! - ~- 1/, ' Elizabeth N. Jones, Clerk, ; . , l' o o o I I.. .1 'JI'larch 13, 1968 '16l' t. . .,~..' ;-;' ~. . . ~ '.P ~,,?~~ . l"j, The 'regularmeetinp.:- of the 'r01r<ln Council was called' to order by , 8.:Tor, Brown with Councilmen Nel'son, Hender~on and Vandi ver present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The following bi1118 were read a'nd ordered paid a.s follows,: Current: ' , puget Powe.r' Don · s' Halph E. Johnson, Rosano'sElectric Center N.W. Ind. ~aundri Gallagher Heatirig Oi~s A &1 Builders, Yelm Lumber & Hdw. Wash. State Retirement Standard Oil Co. Nobil , 1 G Br OvJn s arage Wash. State Ret'irement Miltrin. E. Johns6n , ,N i l!., '.',' lrJ ash.. ;::it aGe mp e. Ret lremen t Elizabeth Me.J~nes , C.!vI. l\1c Fa u 1 if/ash. State Empl Retirement '~) 37.95 20..00 20.00 5.45 .4.18 33.30 4.37 4.,99 12..50 3.72. .60.82 199..37 47...98 , 180.60 10.00 113.25 62.14 6.25 Wa ter.; $ 68..10 129.,45 ' 26.13 12.55 23.50 , 10. 00 8.:36 250,,18 h6.08 88 0 6'5 93~ OLf. 31.70 19.,50' 10.19 , 6.48 95.70 22. 88 90.13 76.70 , 33.26 9.,25 puget Pow'er 1e1m Lumber & Hdw. Lake Lawrence C'onst. Co. Yelm Teleohone Co. . Pennsalt Chemical Corp.. Shell Oil 00. N.W. Ind. L8,undry fv1 ' , Badger eter Co. - Wash~ State ,R~tirement Nifton E. Johnson' Eliz~beth M. Jones Robert M. Johnson 1rJa.sh. 'State. Emp. Retirement Street:' Pacific Sand & Gravel Yelm Lumber &, Hardware P'uP'et Power ':,) Wash.. St~te Retirefuent' Milton E. Johnson, RobertM. Johnson Dan Has lowski ~'Jash. 'State Retirerntn' Garbage: ..$ 25.38 ." 26.25 '15..99 27~98 9.0 . 60 . 225.40 17.5'0 Nis~ually Valley News' !VIa b i I' ' Shell. Oil Co.. '1tJash. State Retirement Elizabeth 'M. 'Jones Robert M.: Johnson Wash. State Retire~ent Nick Dira of Tacoma ,was nresent. He stated he had purch~sed lots from 811;1' JvIiskey and wanted the T.own to furnishlh~tated ' .he was going to bu.ild a home arid pr.ehaps at a furture date he wduldput in a T~ailer Court. Thi~'property is 'butside the City limits so no decision co~ld be reached without further ~tudy. Meeting adjou~ned. ., Jty J ~v'1V'v/\ (:..EO rv. BROT.n\J' MA,.rtn'l' , ,A ~. \...). ....~. '~V.l"~ , ~i.. ~J l. 1,62;.'" April 10" 1.968 The regular meeting of the Town Council' was called to order t?y l\'layor. Bro\.rn wi th C'ouncilmen Koe11p.en, Eide and Vandi ver ,preserr. The minutes o~ the pr~vious. meeting l^!ere rea.d and approved.. ~ The following bills were read and or~ered paid as follows; ..". Currerit.: Yelm Telephone. Co. Hobil , Pickett Drug Store C. Van Allen, Thur< C.o. Sheriff Standard Oil Co. Shell Oil Co.' .Thurs., Co. Fire ~]}ist. . #2 Emp. Securi~y Dept. Dept. Labor & Ind. Wash.' State Retirement Puget Power Burien Insulation . Gallagher Heating Oils Emp. Se'curity Dept. Wash. State Retirement H.l/J. -Industrial Laundry Hilton Johnson ,'" Wash. State Retirement Elizabeth M. Jones C.l'l. HcFaul Wash. State Retirement <!:}, r8 6r (!? .") .':J 20.07 5.21 . 750.00 . 37.. 87 10.80' . 64.0'..00 130.68 21.60' 63.56' , 35. 67 83.60 ,66. 26 50.16 ';7'. ~o . 4~oe. 180.,60 10.00 113..25 62.14 6.25 o vi! a,t e r : Puget POi;Jer "Vi p jt~1" LIT ' i\.~ '1'b P-l ~_~, .J:J ...,J .......... "I ,1-1. ... ,l..:...w. ~ J.:. N .\-1. ~nd. 'Laundpy' Yelm Telephone Co~ Pickett Drugs Tax Commission IvIosman Agency Wash. State Hetirement Bureau of . Internal Re.venue' Dept.nf Labo~ & Ind. "Employment Secur~ty Ann I - Zembas' Iltli 1 ton Johns on Elizabetp M. Jones Robert M. Johnson Wash. Stat~ Retirement. . Yelm Br.Thurston Go.'.Liank ~) 61t...88 1. 1:(5 . ~-lJ r.) 46 ~). ' 10.30 .9~ 10 120.,29 91.00 32.40 138.90 20..55 130.oB 9..32 ea.65 93.04 31.70 19..50 , 13E::.90 '0 .Street: PugetPov-Jer Pacific Sand & ,Gravel A & I Builders SUDPly 'Emp1oymen.t Securi ty. ',' Dept. of Labor & Ind.' Wash. State Retirement Milton E. Johnson Robert M. Johnson Dan Na slot-I ski Wash. State,Retirement 111.,87' , 25. 86 2.26- 1.17.52 .iZ-74 7.50 90.13 76.70 '33.26 , 9.?-5 Garbage; , St'andard Oi 1 Tax Commission Shell Oil Co. Wash. State:Retirement Dept. Labor &.Ind. "Employment Securi ty Wash. State Retirement' Elizabeth ft.. '.Jones Robert.M.J6hnson 25.3(3.. 16.. ~.2 11.70 12.60. 9.66 67..76' 17.50 90.60 225.40 ...0 . 'Resolution No'. III regard1ng Yelm becoming a member of . Th~rston County Regional Plannihg Council ,was read. CQuncil~ man Eide made a tnotion seconded by Councilman Vandiver, the Resolution be adopted. Motion carried. I I ,I April continued A petition to v~cate,th~, following street 'and alley was'read That.protion ofM6Kenzie Street to the Town of ~elm andb~ the alley ~etweeri Yelm Avenue and Washingtbn S'creet to the f}.lown of Yelrn paralled fo said Yelm ' 'Avenue which lies betv.reen 'Pirst Street to the TO'rJ'n. nf,;:;J1elmCand .the Northern Pacific Hailroad Company right or way" Reserving an easement for exi'sting water ,line in said alley and acass thereto. The petition ''''Jas signed by r1r. 8c Nrs.,.Coates, }'4riil & Nrs. Ha te Benders on, IvJr e. ~"C Nrs. Arnold Drags eth, ~'1.r 8c. Mr s. Geo. Bro'\rJn and Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Brown. ' '16ar Councilman .'-landi ~\ler made a motton seconded by ,Councilman 'Eide we' accept th~ .peti tion. FIotion carried. Public hearing date v.ras 'set for }j1ay 8, 1968 at 8p'C1ock Town Hall. J.'J. . eeting.adjourned. ~., " 'E '. ' ' r ~h;17J1~;~. . Eli'zab ,h ,H. Jo , ' Clerk. Resolution No. 111 ',HELATING, to appointment of represehtatlve to the Reg).6nal Planning "CoutTci 1. WHEHEAS,. ROW 36.700060 provides and authorizes a county or city to join together or ~Jj_ th other mv.nieipal corporations to form a Regional Planning Council and provides for the administratj.on of such a ~egionalPlanning Council, and: , , ' \~!HEHE.AS~ ", it is 'the desire of the TOvJn of Yelm, to JOIn, with Thurston County fo for a Regional Planning Council for the develop- mentof more comprehensive county wide planning andprovids for its .proportionate share of the cost of financing the ,work. N01d, rrHEHEF.oEE,'BE IT' RESOLVED that 'the f}'oHn of Yelm join ~i th ,Thurston' County, ,1da.'shington in the formation of, a Regional P1anni,ng C.ou.ncil pursuant. to statute. ,THAT IVIA'{OR, GE5 C .BHOlilJN is hereby appointed by the, To~n of ~elm to officially represent said city of th~ Regional, P'lanning Council and have the power to vote on behalf' of said To~rn. BE'IT FURTHER RESOLVED ,THAT Roger Nelson is hereby appointed by the rrown of ~elm to be ex-officio or 8.1 terna to,membe on the Regional f'lanning Counci 'to' act only in the absanc~ 'oftha regul&r appointee. " . ' BE IT PUHTHER HESOLVED rpHA~Il the TOvJn of Yelm hereby agrees to budget a. and allocate the sum of $158.00 as its'cost of financing the work of 'the Regional Planning C ounci 1 ~ DATED this lOthday of Apri'J. 1968 C ounei 1 Ed,. Koeppen Hoger Eide ' Attest:, Lo Vandiver Eliz&beth M. Jones Clerk of the ~riuncil 1'64 RESOLUTION NO. '112 WHEREAS, the owners of more than'two-thirds (2/3) of'th~ property abutting upon the hereinafter ,described real property have' peti tioned 'the Council of the Torr/n of Yelm for the vacation of the following described prbpe~ty~ to-wit: That po~tio~of:McKenzi~ Street to the Town of Yelm and of the al1~y between Yelm Avenu~ and Washington st~eetto~the'Town of Yelm parallel trr said Yelfu Avenue which'lies between First Street ,to tb~ Town of Yelm and t.'he llortbern Pacific Railroad COn1J]fuiy right 6f way, Reservihg ab easement for, ~xisting water line in said alley and access thereto. G and, T.r--.,.....PEAI"~ 'h 1\1" :'t C -1 f tl, T f ~r 1 h ,VI1..H,tLH ,.1'::), -c; - e J. ayor ana --,ounc l 0.. ' De' o~.Jn 0 Y. em' 'a ve determ:i..ned that ,said property has never been 9pened as a street in the ,Town of Yelm and have determined ,that a hearing upon said petition should be he ld, NOtV', THERE,"i?OHE, , wBE IT RESOLVED that Wednesday the 8th diy of May 1968, at the hour,of 7:30 otclock P.M"at the Town Hall of the Town of Yelm; be, and the same are hereby fixed as the date and hour and place for a hearing upon the consider- 'ation of, the vacation of said property by O~dinange, an~ ' BE IT FUHTHER RI)~IS.OLVgD ,that the, Clerk of the Town , 0 o'f Yelmls hereby authorized" and directed to post notj_ceas required by lav.;. qf the time and,'place of hearing upon the petition for vacation ofaai? property.. Passed this iOth day 'of April, 1968 ~rg~. Attest; tf:ii<<L~) . T nC lark, . o o I, '.1 I Hay 8, 1968 16,,5- ; ''-:,.' . " , . ;' j, , ,- Public hearing' was scheduled for', this time'" Acting 11ayor Koeppen c~l,led:the meeting to order ,with Councilmen Eide, Nelson and Henqer- son present. As th~re,were no ~rotests on the vacating of the ~treet and alley Councilman Nelson moved tha't Ordinance No. lIe be adopted and ,published. ,Counci lman Eide seconded.. Hotiori ,carried.., ,Acting 1\'1ayor Koeppen opened the regular ,meeting of the Town with ~oun~ilmen E~de, Nelson and Hend~rson present. The min~tes of the'previous meeting were read and appr6ved.. I The following bills were read and ,ordered paid as follows: Current: Puget Power' So. Puget $ound Reg. Library Thu~o Co. h~giotial Pl~rining Thur. Co. 'Ci~il Defense -, N.W. Ind. Laundry G~llagher Heating Oils Ellzabeth 11/1. Jones Mosman Agency , Ekonomik 1'nc. Yelm TelepHone Co. Dan's Yelni Lumber & HdliJ'. Wash. State Retirement E~ Robert Fristoe Sheriff Vari Allen Thurston Mason Health Yelm rrelephone Co. Ye 1m Gara'~~T,e . Brown's Garage Wash. State Retirement Nisqually Valley ,News 'Nilton Johnson Wash. State Retirement C.11. f'lcFaul Elizabeth M. Jones \iash. ,State Hetirer~ent :$ 33.65 31 ~.. 3L~ .150.00 14.50 4..18 270,23 9. Ll,O 42~ 00 '1.97 ,'8020 20.00 15 ~ 1.~_0 7.50 150.00 1034..4.6 71.25 19.30 1 . .57 40.91 12.00 75.00 180060 10.00 62.ll1 11'3.25' 6..25 tv a t e r : Puge't POlr-Jer Wa;h. State Retirement Rosano's Electric Ceriter N.W. Indus~rial Laund~y Nisqually Valley New~ Nisqually V~lley News Badger Ivleter Co.. Robert M.. Johnson I'1ilton Johnson ElizabethM. Jones Wash. State Retirement Yelm Br. Thurs. Co. bank Street: Puget POv-rer " Thurs. .Co. Hoad Dist. No.1, Y elm Garage . 'Mobil ' Yelm Lumber & Hd\..r. Wash. State Retirement' Dan Maslowskt Robert M.' Johnson EdIt on Johns on Wash. St~teBetirement 65.93 56.29 L~. 18 10 .. 4.5 75.00 l8!t55 175.02 . 31. 70 8.8.65 93 . 04, 19..50, 138.90 103.40 17.50 13.31 B.88 33.75 11.10 .33.26 76.70 90.13 9.,25 .' Garbage: Nisqually V~lley News Nis~uall~ Valley. News Mobil Brov.Jn t s Garage" Wash. State Retirement Robert M~ Johnson Elizabeth M. J6nes Wash. State Retirement 39. 80 ,54.89 14.41 . 55~ 62 21.00 2'2'5.40 90 '.60 i7.S0 1;ll6;; }, May 8, 1968 riontinued, Discussion was had on Darrell Rochester ~uilding a side-walk , on Second Street next to the ,Bo1,vling Alley' at his expense. CouncIl- man. Eide moved that he ,be al1oi-ledto build the 'sidewalk accordin9; to specifications ,at his own expense.. Counc~Llman Henderson seconded Motion c'arr ied. At'tention Has brought to the fact that, Nr. Eochester realize tha t the parking prob lem there was still the To1tJn' s i'esponsibili ty. Discussion was'had on placirig a dry well at Second & J~ffer~ono ,,~ouncilman Eide made a motionse6oned by Henderson that a dry well b~ installed at 'Second & 'J~fferson.Motion carried. Meeting,adjourhed. o ~~ ~x:;;: ~ o 0: . Ju..ne 12, 1968 .1671. The regular meeting of the Town Council was called to order by Mayor Brown wit,fu all Councilmen present~ The minutes of the previous me~~ihg were read and approv~d. The follO'\'ving bills '(t.rer'€} read and ordered paid as follows: , Current: I: W~shington State Retirement ,Standard Oil Co. Ye 1m f.relephone' Co. Washington State Retirement Wolfts Shop-Rite . Yelm:Lionfs.Club Puget POlder. . N . vI.. ,Ind. Laundry. Don f S . Gallagher Heating Oils. Hi 1 ton ~Tohnson W~$hington State Retirement . d . IvI.. :Me F a u 1 ' . ElizabethM~ Jones Washin~ton State Retirement 'Sheriff \lan Allen.' , elk' 12- 00 ~h' ... 4'" 20 19.20 7.50. 12. 72' 200.00 30.:57 h.18 20.00' 47.87 1.8'0.60 10.00 62.lLL 113.2.5 . 6.25 750.00 '. Water: Washington State Retirement, Puget Power '. N.W. Industrial Laundry Yel m Telephone Co. Shell Oil Co. Yelm Garage Western U~ilities Yelm Lumber & Hardware Robert M. Johnson ,Milton Johnson Elizabeth M. Jones Washington State Retirement ~J; 230'40 68.,31 E3.36 e..6o 2.8h '/74.18 l4-ru. ~'2Z ~,6. .50 31.70. eS.65 93.04 19.50 '1 Street: Washington State Hetirement Mobil P~c'ific Sand &. Gravel Puget Power Shell Oil 'Co. Yelm Gara,ge Del Chemical Corp. Dan Maslowski' - Robert M. Johnson Milton E. Johnson Washington State Retirement ,$ 43.99 , 4093 26.6:; 1.0 3.40 5.41' C;o.oo ~}j9 .65' 33.26 76.. 70 . 90.13 9.2'5 . I Garbage :' . vvashington State Retirement Shell Oil Co. ~ickett Drug Store Mobil '. Ann Zembas Robert xvI. Johnson Eliz~beth M. Jones \1Jashington State. Retirement , . ~~ 2'1.'00 . 14.47' 2.19 1 7 . 2~~ 55.93 225 . ~_O 90 . 60 . 17050 MrB~ Oliver Carpenter, Jerry Gray and Reverend .Stierwalt were present. Mr.' Gray ask, the CouncIl to consid'er p~ssing' a.n or'dinance for equal housing.' Mrs. Carpenter stated she had ask Mr,~ Gray .to speak as she felt Yelm was in peed of the ordinance~ No. action was taken. Carl Rader, Ted. Schmidt 'and Bill Bonnett' of the Thurst6n County Humane Society' were present and ask the Town to par- tic.ipate in' their ,new animal shelter. The cost to the TOv.Jh wouldte about fifty cents per capi.tia. Resolution 113 was discussed but no action taken. ilJf ..L. 0 :, . d Lee vlng aaJourn$ . E~zabt:d"l1 B:.Jones, Clark Geo.'C~ Brown, Mayor, 1'68 June 17, 1968 Nayor Brown called' a" ?pecial raeeting. The purpose of the meet- illTas 'to discusJ3appe"ltl tion that had been received. Fire Chief GO'Hles Counci Imen lr.@ l!! ~~'" .:LA~J. Koeppen, C ltizen Galla,gher and' Hr. Gordon" Heer present. k_ The petition request that Gordon's Ma.rket, cease to burn any more tr-ash in their burner. The p'eople felt }.t Irlas a firehazard. Aft3er much discussion Mr. Gordon said he would cease for a month. He agreed to pay the Town Twenty-five {$25.00) per month to hailil all garbage. ' HeetinO" adJ'ourrted. . C) " .June 19" ,1968 ' I I Mayo,rBrOirJn called a 'special meeting of the ~:ov.Jn Counell to order with Councilmen Koeppen, Nelson.Eide and He,nderson ~resent. :J . ...... The purpose 0,1:' the special meeting vIas to discuss Resolut1.on 113, declaring certain streets Arterials~ The Resolution wa~ re~d and ap}Jro:ved. The Clerk tiTas instructed to advertise notice of a Public He-aring .to be heaLd July 10, 1968; ,8;00 P"I'"l. Town Hall~' Meeting adjourned. e~~'lr: E12zabeth'M. Jones, Clerk \>, , / ". " o o 'O.,~ . (, 'I'.. ' . I II 'July 10, '1968, 169:: Public hearing was schedu.led for this time. Acting Hayor Koeppen 9alle.d th'e meeting"'to order with Councilmen Nels'on, Hen9-erson, Eide 'and',Vandiver-present. As there Here no pro t e s ton Res 01 ut i'o n No. 113 9~~c i Iman ' Henderson: made amotion seconded by Eide that it be, adop'ted. Hotion carried., ,July 10,,1968 ~ct ing Nayor KO,eppen opened the regular me'eting of the Town Council iwth Councilmen Eide,Hende~son,V~ndiver and Nelson present~> The minutes'bf the previous meeting' were read and approved. , < , . - ' The following bills were re~d and 6~dered paid as follows: Current: , Wash. State Retirement IDept. of Labor'&,Ind~ Thm~ Co. Fire Disto No.2 Ye 1m Telephone Co. ' Thurston Mason Health, Shell Oil Co.. , Employment Security Wash.: State Retirement , ",lolf IS So. Sound Regional Library Sheriff Van Allen Don's N.W. Ind. Laundry Puget 'Pow'er Elizabeth M. Jone~ Hallagher Heating Oils E. Robert Fristoe Emp +oyment Security Milton E. Johnson Wash. State Retirement Elizabeth M. Jones C . N. IvicFaul Wa~hington State Retirement d~ tiP 7.50 9.1'4, 640.00 19.00 71.21) 12:.89 52.80 12.00 8.29 319 · 34 750.00 17..00 4.18 30 . 57 . 6.00 '. 15.27' 150.00 50'. 16 179.35 11.25 112.'00 62. lL~ 7.15 1^Jater: . Washington State Retirement Standard Oil Co. ,N. vi. ~ndustrial Laundry Yelm Lumber &: Hardv.Tare, Tax Commission ,Puget Po~er, Pennsalt Chemical Corp Bureau of InternalRe~enue Employment Se'curi ty Dept. of Labor' & Ind. Ann I. Zembas , Milton E. Johnson Robert 'M. Johnson ,Elizabeth N. Jones, W~shington ~tate Retiremen~ Yelm Br. Thur'ston County Bank Street: . Washin~ton St~te Retirement Shell Oil Co. Puget Power lvlobl,l PadificiSand & Gravel EmplOY2:~nt Security Dept. abor & Ind. ' Dan Maslowski Robert M. Johnson Miltcin E. Johnson V\Jashington State F~etirement $ , 2304.0 ,10.75 '8.36 21.06 1121.90 6e.7r:; 23.. .50 138..90 104.68 Ill. 8.5 18.. 6~_ 88.65 30 . ~-5 93.04 , 20.,75 138.90 ~!) 11. 10 ' 8.73 103.hO 3.94 16.46 S8. 08' 13.85 33.26 76.70 90.13 9.25 '(.:}anh8.'ge: ~ashirigton'State Retirdment Tax, Com.rnission Yelm Gar~_ge JYlo bi 1 ~) 5 3 ~ 89 12.79 28.16 7.46 '1,70 July 10, 1968 (continued) Garbage: . . Shell 071 Co.. -S't~ahdard 011 Co. .Yelm ~eleph~n~ Co~ Employment Security ne~~. of Labor & I~d. Robert M. Johnson ElizabethM. Jones ltJashington State Hetire:ment $ 9.97 3.23 13,; '20 92.40 15.60 225.40 90.6b 17050 '.Pi; petitton requesting .two -hour parking on Main Street from ~Third Street to Edwards Street. vias 'Dr-asent'ed t'o the Counci 1. The ~fo,lloTJfing names were on it, Beverel'y Narr; Clyde Alexander"John Rosano I'1arge Hachs1er ,. CThhc;k Demich Anaa: 1JIarieTrip1ett,' Roger Bide, ~J.G.. 0' mosman Joe aschenbrenner, Don Gould, Evelene Landon, Robert Holden Emma.Je'an Le~loine, Charles,Barnard, 1"11chae1 J.Norquist, Honganita v. Carle, J.E. McNamara.IVI.D'.. Ervin Sveum, Don Hiller Josephine LeMoiner R.H. Coates, and Laura B. Coates. After discussion amotion .was duly made and 1\111 t . Johnson was ins true ted t.o purchase" signs 'and p,qr~t. them. " , . A letter' fropl Lions ClubYwas' :read reque'sting permission to hold a parade down Yelm Avenue also a street dance in Wolf's 'P'arking lot 0 Vahdi v.er made a motion secOnded by' ~die that permission be granted~: Motion carried. Meet~n,gadjourned,. . ~~~~~'. Ed. ~. Ko p:en (Acting Mayor) .ZL < .-.;~.' "C"l" ~b .th l\ff - ~J l. ~ e __. . .~: Clerk Resoluti6n No. 113 '0 WHEREAS<, the Council of the Town of Yelm has g1 ven fu..:rther consideration to the establishment of ~rterial w~y~. in the Town of Yelm,' and: a~s a res,nlt, of said stlj.dy has determined. that :iBnet,fffioml(jwing SbJies,t,stbe edieellared.'eAn~t:er$ai8gtree!ts,l ,Thlrd Street from .Stevens .... Street to Hosman Sty.eet" Stevens StJ:~eet froin, Railroad A ve'nue to q~lhird St.ree"t, Van f}:rur\1 p Street from~,First Street to Third Street. . . ft PE I T" RES OL'\TE'D rn--Arp 't.rpD1\T']:i',.tC:'tDA v .' h' 10./.-h d>''''' ~n' J' 1 1968 . f ,..) ,.if V J ,di ." UV..W. H.L:.J\..'J ......J.. t _e L- ay 01 u y _ , a.- the hour of' 7;30 o'clo6k P.M" at the Town Hall of .the Town of Yelm~ be and the 'same are hereby fixed as the'date and hour and' place for 1 . · '.l-h . d t:! f tt.-, At.,'l ~~-. t. a nearlng upon u ,e conSl era l.on Q,u,e r erJ.a ~.l~ree progre.m. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED . tl:Jut the Clerk of the 'llown of Ye'lm is hereby authorized arid directed to post' notice ~s required by law' of the tIme an'a place of hearing u,pon the Arterial Street' program. Passe~ this loth day of July 1968 A~' .' Actl~g IVlay'Or;l.' ,...' Attest: '~~2F'~~ ~WnvGlerk ~ . o Hearing Pubtished; Nisqually Valley News June 18 &:2~ 1968 ' 'I I .1 ,:.fI, '7 '. . ., .. ~ . . ,1..' ;;1.; August, lL~,' 1968 I 1.1he reg'ular. meeting' of}"':':the TOirln Council vias called to order by Mayor T::O::n:::: :;:::l:::v::::P:::::~:O::::d:e::da::n:;::::e:~eseh~.' l The following bills. were 'read and ordered pg,id as .follows: Current: Olarence Van 'Allen I~Iobil Wash. Sta'ce Retirement Shell 'Oi 1 Coo Yelm Telephone Co. ,\iash'. State Het,irement Don's NisquallyValleyNews Yelm Garap:e' .puget 'Power Yelm-Telephone'Co. N.W. Ind. La~dry .D&.H Hobil " Elizabeth M. Jones Pickett Drug Store Milton E.! Johnson Wash. ~State Retirement C. H. . McFaul 'Elizaheth M.' Jones Wash. State Retirement ~t,75o .,00 . 5.72' 40.39 5.62' 11.00 12.00 20 e. 00 : 7 028 2.09, 30 . 29 11. 20 6.27 6.01 12..00 4..85 ' 180.66 '. 10.00 62.1u. 113.25 6.25 t\Tater: 'Wash. State Retirement She 11 01 1 Co.. N.W. Ind~ Laundry Pennsalt Chemical ]PupetPower y .:) . elm Lumber & Hardware D &;H Hobil Elizabeth M. Jone's Hobert ,M. Jof,..nson Milton Johnson Wash. State Retirement Yelm Br. Thurston Co~ Bank Street: Wa~h. State Retirement Puget ,Pow:er Gallagher, Heating Olls- Ra.lph Johnson . , Yel in Garage . Pacific Sand & Grave Yelm Lumber & Hardr..;are, Dan Maslowski. RobertM. Jo'hnson 11i 1 t onE'.J ohns on Wa~h~ State Retire~ent <> ~~ 23.40 8.42' 10 ..L~5 .2 34> 50 87005 3.56 3.66 93.04 43.90 88..65 19050 126070 ' :$ 11.10 1m :3i( ~_ 0 9.54 20 .' 00 , l5. 78 474> 81 11..06 33. 26 ' 76.70 90013 9.25 'Garbage: Wash. $tate,Retirement 'Mobil Shell,' Oi 1 Co. Robert M. Johnson , Elizabeth I"I. Jones Wash. State 'Retirement $ 21. 00 15.89 12'.76 225.40 90 o' 60 17~50 A. letter from Northern Pacific Rai lway vJas read regarding $; ne.werOS$i(at Stevens Street,. No action was taken. " Mr. B~ntlj asked p~rmission to move a, traile~ on Third St~e~t also lN8.I1ted to knovJ vlhat a water hook up would cost.. Permission trJ'8.S granted for ,the r:L'railer. Milt Johnson quoted, hook-up price. . .I'vtayor Brown offered his resignation.. He felt as t,hou he ,'couldn't devote enough t:tme to the -job., The Council offered to take more of the work load. Councilman Henderso.n made a motion seconde,d by Nelson .'that the resignation not be ,ao'cepted. ,Motion carried .' 172' August 14., 1968 (continued)" 'Clerk was instructed to call .fOY'" b"ids on a nel~l"pump to replace the Turbine pUIn,p.. Specifications "the same as the pump nOH being used". Budget was discus"sed it was dedided to include a ne1^J casing and insulatinio~ the present pump. " Meeting adjourned~ (\ H ti~~ ft~ .. Eliza etp. r~1. ",Jol s," lek o o o .1.14' Se~tember 11,; 1968 contln~ed . Bids were open for the DeW pump: .E:quipmen~ Supp: cO~...:~o'~........~1,976.00' T H coma Pump Sup ply Co......... 0 . . .. ~ tW2, ~-.5 2 .. ~. 0 A.fter 'discussion Oouncilman henderson made a motion seconded by . Eide that the bids be turned ~over to the 'we.tel" Commi ttee and l'1i1 t johnson .fo,r . further study. Ivlotion carried,.' c:: :~. d.c:c:t;31:YG" . , The Budget. was discus sed i.t v.Jas declded 'to blidget for Aminal. Shelter. :Fifteen dollar raise Has given to full t:tme employ~e 's'~ . . IvIovea and seconded to adopt the budget and ha ve i t published~ Pub~ic heiring date' was set for Octobe~ 7, 1968,8;f,.M. Town Hall. , . Hayo~' Brol-JD resigned. The Council 'accept~d hlsresig'nation,with regret.. A motion '.was duly r(lade that Mayor Brown be complimented on the tirrle and effort he'had spent in. offlceo . , . Gounc'j~lman Eide v-ias e.ppotnted to fulflll the 'unexpired 'terrn of Ha.yor Bro'V.fn. J . ," , (V1' to,' d d _1ee ~ng a j ourrie .. tl' j~l~ E~li za teth 1"'1.. Jones, .lJt>>,!~~ \"re ..8.. 13ro\^In~ Mayo, qctober '7, '1968 Public hearing was held on ~he Budget. .As -nobody opposeq, it $\;~}m,otm.opt;v.nls duly mad~ 'the 'Budget be, adopted! as pD~blished. " .~z~, oer Eide, Ma'Y,or' . i" . . I I I. o o o September 11" 1968 ,1.7',:3': The regular meeting of, the 1:,Pown Council was ca;lled to order by ,Mayor Brown with Councilmen ~peppen Eide Henderson and Vandviver'present. 'Themin'utes o{the pr'e"v1QousO me"e'tihg were t'eadand approved.., . .Q ;:. -0 -e. " ':; 0, The follpwihg bills were read and ordered paid as,follows: C.urr en t ;' :. Yelm l},lelephone Co. D & H 1Vlobil " Wash. State Retirement Clarence Van kllen,Sheriff Yelm Garage Nisq~a11y Valley NewS Don t s . Nosman Agency PU,fYet Power 'Wa~h. State Retirement' ~volf 1 s" N.W. IndustrilaLaundry Milton E.' Johrtson Wash. State Retirement Co1YU 1'1cFaul Elizabeth M. Jones' Wash. Stat~ Ret~r~ment $ 11.,65 35.22 7.50 750.00' l~O 0 70 ,5.65 20.00' 15.00 26.80 12. 00' 8.17 i~. 18 180,060 10'..00 62. l~_ 113.25 :6.25 'Vle.ter::' . Tacoma Pump f,:, Drilling Fl'oyd's ,. Yelm Lumber & Hardware Puget POiN'er . N.1;.[. Ind. Laundry Yelm Telephone Co~ Washington State Retirement Ann Zembas Elizabeth M. Jones Robert M. Johnson Milton E. Johnson Wash. ,State Retirement ,l1. ~ ""8 1 4- ~ii'I\:Ofj )'{.' Ii ~" , 7- '.J '.' .. ' 4...18 20 . 06 85.55' 8.)6 12.05 :5 6 . 29 , 9. 32' 93.04 h3.90 88 .,65 19.50 Street: Shell Oil Co. Pupe t P 01tJer ,,) G . , Ye,lm ~ra,ge L.N. Curtis & Sons Wash. Sta~e Retirement Ivlobi1 W~sho"State Retirement RobertM.. Johnson Dan, ~,1as lowski ' J\1ilton E. Johnson ~}, 1? ro 'W --'-c-. .':) 103040 1086 58.40 11010 7060 9..25 76070 33.26 90o~3 Garbage: , Shell Wash. State Retirement f10 b i 1 Robert M. Johnson E15,zabeth M. Jones Wash. State Retirement $ 4.96 21.00 20006, 225.1l0 90..60 17..50 Mr. Bently ask for a water hook-'up in exchange for his fifteen' feet of rightway the Town wants for a roadway in front of his~ .place. :DisC1.1Ssion f,ollov.red aKoeppen made a motion seconded by Eidethat the Town not buy or trade property for water hook- up ", Motion carried.. 'Mr. Birklartd was oresBntand wanted to know what kind 6f street would ~e c~nst~utted if he gavefif~een'foot, ofrig~t- , of-way.. 'He was assured it \-Jould be properly bui.1t as the County would construct' it 'trJi th the approval' of the State Highl^JSY Dept- artment.~rhe County Englneerswou,ld be coptaneed to enlighte'n hirri on construction~ I I I BUDGET 1969 .REVENUE GENERAL " Business. License'. . '... '.. '. ~ .. . . ~... ... .. . . . . . ~~lLI.OO .00 L1~ense & Permits~~.........'....~...~...... .1200.00 Fin e s & For f e i t u.r~ e s .. " .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . .' 2000. 00 Rents ('Fire Hall......,............-........... .~076.00 l115 Revenue from other Ageni~s:'. . . . Liquor' Tag" ...... . ....'.. .. .... .'. . . . . ..lJ . . ,,'$ 351L.~.~ 75 , .' N. V. .Excise tax'..""...... ..e............ .22'26.'90 Liquor 'Excise tax.. ......" ..... ... .-. ... .. .1382.30. /?/ 7- T 1 "1 A a,~ / ~,:;.. 7 b. b . axes......~....~.............~...... p'VU~.7U State .;Aid. .'. .-..0>. .'.... ..,... ~.. ........ 750..00 .Cash on h'and.. ......0.... ....... e....... ....... e. _4.800..00.... .$32,4.3~1 3.J., (, ij.s-,'9 1 WA ':PER. ' FlTND: Consumers Collections..." ............ ._... ...'.~;lt'.",OOO..OO H 0 0 k - Up. . . . . . . . .. '.. . fl' . .. .. .. . . ,~,. .. . . .. . .. .. .'.. . . .. . .. 1 , 0 00 . 00 Front Footag,e.. ...... ... ~ ..~ . .'....... ...... 3,000.00' ' Cash on hand... .'... ...'... .'....... e. ..... ... 2,750.00..... ~f;20,750..oo STREET J?UND: , . ,Gas . tax~ ......... . .. .... . . .'.. .. . ... '" ... .. .It,.!t .,$3133..90 ' 'ChHrge for Current Service.:........ co. .'. ..... . 500.00 T r a t'1 s'f e r (C u r r e n t ) . .... ... . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 212,). 0 G a<, 3 C! ..) ": L> 0 ft'l,ne s · . . . . . .... . . . . . ... '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ .. . . . .. . 100. 00 Cash on hand.... ........... ...-a". It'. a.... ...... e. 1000.,00... .~~6,958. 90, . . . 7/ CJ .13. 9 6 ARTERIAL, STREET F1ThlD: Gas T ax. · · · · ~... . . . . . . ... . ~.. .. . . . . .. .'. .. .. .. . ~~ 2120 .' .5 0 . . CSlsh on hand............. '. . . .. ~ . . . . . '. . . .. 4290.00.".... $6, 4~o-~.. 50! G,t\:RBAGE: .Consumers collections.~.....................~$5700..00 . Cash ol;). hand....,... .......;. .-...... .:.... .......' Bo~o'.oO.... .,~;6500..oo -Grand T<o.tal $73,0.50.,91:' 73., J ~.)~J. 1- FUND 'ESTIIVIATED EXPENDITURES ACCCOUNTS, TOATAL. DEPT. 'rIOTAL CLASS General . .Salaries&. '-lages . . . ~ C 1. k' . dl'16~e eo IC,gc>, . e r .. ... . . . . . . . . ._ .. . . .. 'f/) . . . . Attorney. . · . .. .. ... .,. . .. 600..,0.0 :z, .9~.CJ' 0-:0 Police Judge.... ..:... 700.00.. .. .. $2, 880-.00 Maintance & Operation Retirement. . . . . . ... . . ~~ 11'G.90 ;;'.~I ~ S 0 c i al S e cur i t \T. . . . It . 100 . 00. . . . . . Contractual' Service'''' . Town Ball.... ...... . .-.. ;~;~2000. 00 Bonds................ 100.00' Election & Advt...... 300.00 State Exam........... 300.00_ .Office........'....... 250..00. '. .Fire Protection....... 3,~.8"8..oo....... .~~~~6,LI,.38..00 .3 oCJ. CJ..-O 276.00 Other Expense Assoc. or,Wash. Cities 55.55 C Otlnc i 1 Exp ens e . . 'l! . ... ... 300.00 ~Attorney Expense...~... 50.00 Library... .... ...'. .. ... .1,56'1.00 Park. . . . .. . '. .. . . . .. . ;. .~ .. 400.00 1J'hurs. Co. Plannin.g..... 160.00 Olym Air Pollution.... 39~97.......~$2,566.52 Transfer to Str~et...............~~.'......2,125.0o Capitol Outlay.....~.........~.......~..... 1,591~42 ;t 3 6~--: 0--0 I 5" 0;), '1 ~ . Total...~......~......~...~$15,877.84 / 0, 0 9;1..,3,0 }',6, BUDGET tle6e Continured PROTECTIog TO PERSON & PROP~RTY S alari.es ~ - \v.~ges . Deputy:. 'M'ars ..t;:l.l: .. .. c. c. '. ~~319~".. Bo. ,../e ..~. ~ .." $3, 19L~.eO Haintance &'; Op a.t:i.on-.., ~". '. 0 C . . , , . Hetiremeny. _:........ .-. '.. 0 200.00c c , .. . . S oc i.e.1.' Se,~u J. ty. ..... . '. '.. . 100,. OO~...._ .,_.. ~)3PO Contractual ,Servi e' . . Town .Hall.... .\f". ... ~~2000.00 . . Bonds. . .~ " '.. . .'~'f: . ..:" c. . ,..~".. ~ .10,0.,,, D..O" " 0 .. C 'c>': Elect. &- Adv . .-. .0.<.'.'0. ,,30.0....0.0... State Exam. .... ~. .....'...." JOO.D.D~. . . Offl c e. . . . .. '... . '.... . ,2Sa,....O,O" > .> Fyre :.Pret ec iion... ...... .34.88._.~O,O'...o.G.' .'$1i-Q, 4.3 e.. 00 Other Expense I . ~ ~ , ~ ~ o. . '0'.."" _' . . Assoc. Of Wash. Cities 55.55 Council Expen . 3g0.00 Atto-rBBY... ....... .'....... - t, .50..QQo . Librar:r_.. -. . .;..~ .-. .'. .1561.,QQ . ~ 0,' "0 Park. "0 . .. . /'.. . .'~ .;.,,,., 0 .,a;OO.QQ . 4 .. c: " ., c c ~. . Thurs. Co./Plan ing...,."160.QQc"""";,,,,, . 01y.' Air Poll.... ..~. ,30.97......$2,566.52 Transfer to Street.~..o............ .2~305~oo Cap i to 1 011 t 1 a y .- . . .' .. .... ~. .' .,.. .. .'... ~ .,"" " 1 , .50 ? . 78 , . " : 'Jlotalllll..... .'................. ......' ...~~16,092.30 o 3 e. .. I) .. ~ 4 .4 :0 :.6' 4:t to (. r.1aint8:nce &'- 'Opera.tion, ~. 0 l> . l> ~ .'. ". . 'f. -' '" ~ ~ , . , . . Retirement..o.~.._o.o.$ 215.00 . . Insuranqe............. 155.00 . So C . Sec. & Ne d ~ . . '. .. '. :. . 205 . 00. " ' ThuTS.\> Co. Sheriff. .,..~~,9000.;O'O. " .' ." v ' MlMsc. Expense.......... 1000.00..0.. .$10,575.00' ,. '" ~ ... a C ContractuaL Service .. _.... ... Health. .. . . .' 0 .....'. . .""UH.'~~~ 32:r:5..00" " ,. ; _ .. . ' Civil Defense.....~.o. 80.00 Thurs. Co. Humane.. .'0 _.h 259.,670... .'. ~; 69!~.,67 Capit'ol OutIayo............ .'......0.; ~...... 2l19~20 Total.~......~........$16,553.67 o Tot,a1 General Fund.... e. .$32".645..97 \rlA TER FUND: . Salaries & Wages.. , . '. " , Supt..... ........... .... 0$2,.40.Q..QQ c Clerk.,.... .-. .'.. . .~. .. . ..... 1,6.80,..0"0,,. . Lab '0 r. . . .. . 1) .. . ~ . . . .. . ... E , 200 . 00 . . 0.1 ark .Be lief. .. ... .. . . .'. . ~nQ..QO,o.. . .. . . . $5, 380 ~ 00 Mintance & Operation . ~ : ..,~, . Retirement....... 0..... .,$ 400.0,0 Soc. Sec & MecL.~...'..,..., 30Q.,QQ.,.,,~..,. 700.00 c . t 't 1 s · . on'rac ua erVlce . ,_. oa Power. . . . . . . .. '. . . ;. . .. . . . . $1 ,. 000 . 0 Q , Insurance............... 150.0Q ,~.. _ . . . .. l ' . Utili ty 'Ila.x............ 50Q.QQ. .. . . ... ~r16_S0..00 a '.. f' l;. ..) .'": Materials & Supplies . Supplies & Repairs.....$2,700.00, Truck. . . . It . ... . .. . .. .. . . . '. . _ 300. 00 . . .' Office............... .'. .'. ~60Q.OO.............. -.$3,600.00. o .. Other, Expeh.sea _) . ~ 7 C . . Repay Lean to Fire Res..$lOOO.OO Bond .Reserve.......~.~... 1500.00, Band 11. e de mp t i 0 h'- . ... . . . .. 2100 ~ 00 " '.. ' . 1966 Bond Res.... It....... . f)20.0~.,...,. ,'.". .' . 1966 Pr'ln. & Tndi......~...1920.00...0....~)7,L~.1}O.OO . ~ a pit 0 1 Out lay. . .. .o.... . " . ..... .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . ~; 2, 9 80 .. 00 . Total '~\later Fund.,.. ..$20,750.00 'I . . I I 177. STREET FT-D\TD. . . Phys ical JYlain'tances . .' . . ":") d . . ,tl,] 1 '7"" 0 3 H. 0 a . 1^T 0- ;}- S 00 -0 .. 4 0 0 0 ~ '!J (') 0' ~ '" 1! Co '4 0 l{j). _ ..~ C_ tI . ~)~:clelf.i8.1k3 " 0 .~.. " <> '" .. . . .~ .. .. . .... hOO 000 . . - " ,,' Ih'. . &torm Sewers..o..~"o... """0 200000... .~"<"""'f~1:77?,,03 ''j;rnff:i.c Se:r11~. co .. Stf,eet; li~ht;s ";,',,",, Q .. " " " " ,,',,$230.S'~ 00 Street Cleaning" ~ ~ " " : . : 0.. 1000: 00 Traffic Contr~l~~.o~~o.;.. 350~OO , Tr af fie P 61 ice" " .. .. .. " a." <> I> ~ 200 ,,'00 ". " .. " " '" a $ j ;I 855'.. 00 . o'verhe'ad R'etirement. .. ~. ..... ~. . 6 ..~$ 231.87 S'OC. See,; & Ned...o....... 95~oo .Insu:r:'ance..........~..... 8S~oo' . Eqtlip & Supplies.......... . 500.00" ~ ,,~'. . ~ .iU:;911. e.7 Non S tre e t C os t .. . . .. t> . . . " " " . " . " 6 .. . .'.. .. . .. '" . . ." .500.00 T'otal Street Fund...... ~~7, 038.90 AR'TERIAL'STREET FUND: Consturc.tion.". 60 .. ." 0 . 0 . 0 " . .. 0 " . .. " . o' . " ... ."00 (I .. " ,,~~h,L!.10 ,,50. GARBAGE: .Sal~0tes&Wnges . . " f)~SP(,q<:) 1 '" nla' 'I'\T . . 4[~21,()O' on . ... .J- "" L..... -:.. ~_ ;:oj CJ, .. tJ' n n ., 'C . <> . 0. . t) it' - Lt~ -.J 0: .....,.' ClArkDo.o~ocoo~o~~.~ .~'. ~'o~120000n ;}.'.gl i e..r S 1 e:r> k 0 " 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~. ~ ~ 0 0 . ~ 1 S' 0 0 0 (I 'f1l l' .'f' D'l" 1 -) r I ()r"I' . d!') (' ~O O' 1\ _;.e_.:tt~._ J..s!"'oSR~....t'iOCl!30~c-eOoo _......~..c'o: \)ooo<&OQ~O";..1}~!.S.'/~.G> ') 1\lFd_ITi~8n CA' ~ On (.:.>r P. T :i nh. . " - . Eet-7.:r0f11t=Jnto...!\".. <> 00 o'.n o.$13}1m...OO '. . . . Q 0 .' 2~~ 00 ~~76 00 ..:>O.Co :....>ec. 0.0".000000.00... ._c.....Jo ~"ooooooo.W7..o C ontr8:ctu.al Servi.ce' Insur-a nc e . " 0 " " " " " " . " . .. 0 .. ~t l,SO (> 00 . O..ffiC6Er (o.~ Q'o,Q ~ 0 C (,00 C 0 (\ t).l:t'.(\'(J.~ 300~-()O U t: l 1 1 t- iT' fp R X.' .... 7 ~ 0 n .J _ . _ _ ....~~) , ... f...... .., 0 IQ 0 0 Q' ;'; 0. (I 0 0 0 0 (] Q 0- ;.~ {S . I' T- <::I1'n4'y>~T . . 11 O' no. . s~~ ~ r.:' 00 _.J r:'... . .l. ....\. 1.~ .~ 0 0 0 Q. ~ '" oQ 0.. C G Q 0 0 Q 4;".. l'J t' .) 0 .:. 0 __ l)., c)". r: eo e Q " Q. H t- __ / ~. \ 1\.110. te r~L p.l JG Sli'rlD 1::' 8 ,':) . ~1\.'l~l.C,J.<: ~c Hiso.. D .. 0 0 .. c. <> 0" " " .. I) e $12~9_,OO .. .._ . $1239.,00 Total Garbag~ Fund......~$6,500~OO Grand Total .$73.345..37 '" October 9, 196~i-) L,en.a> B... Coates 1-,19.8. sworn into' office to fulfill the: unexpired term of Roger ~i~e.. Clerk Elizabeth Jones officiated# I-{ ti Octo ner 9; 19f1:l Tbe r~egular meeting, or .the'Tot-in COJ.lncil was called to order by--~~1ayorEi.de wi th' Councllrne,n Render,s,on )':\,nd VaJndi ver a.nd Coime i 1- l,-Joman ,Lo.raG 0.8. t es ,pres en t ~ . ~', ;, ~ ., " . The m.in.utes of' 'the previous meeting ""ere read and approved. . ,(' 1.' The following bills were read and or~ered paid ,as f,ollows: Current: v ' Wash. St8te Retirem~n~" t . ~ Yelm ':1:6 lephdne Co." Thurs. Ca. FiJ"e Dist Sheriff VanA\len ]\10. b i 1 ? 0 ~ r. , Ye1;111 U arags ~ ". Shell Oil Co.,' ~ . ~ 6., lVash. State f(eti'rVeni,en't ' . " ' . " . Emplayment Sec"u:r:':lty ",'4" " Thurst~n Masoh He~lth Dep.t ,of Labor & Ind. Nil t,o.n Ell J,ohnson Wash. State ~~tireme~i' r,o G~liagher ~eating bils' Puget' Power' ' 1ft! a If ' so, Emplovment Securi tv ,,',. ~ - , N . ~\r. Ind. Latlndry" - - Q' Dan is," ' _ Nisqnally Vailey New~'~co- So. Sound Reg. Library , vJash. State cRetir~meqt, ,,',c ' Empl'oYl11~nt ~ecuri ty , E. Bobe~tFri3toe Elizabeth M. Jones C. Iv1. McFau~ $, 7 t:;?O..50 i 1.: 00 . 6L~O .00 750.,00 . ~ 7'. 88 76.65 '5. 3.2 10.00 ~2.eO 71.-25 9 0 l~_ 1180'.,60 ' . 12.00 27.90 3~.83 6.7'.5 ' 1.11 4.18 20.00 3-9. 61.1- 319 I> 31./., '6.2" 5.0 . 16 lS'o.oo 113.25 62. lL~ [j j Water: . C, e- .. < ('" a v c; ~ ,. ( ;J . ,W~~h~ .~ta~e Rettremerit, _ ~- ,M .., ....... . . " l! - :> t. . .. , Puget Pow,er N.W. Ind. Laundry Shell . or ,~~. "';J 'oil ,. C ~ Nisqually Valley Net-IS " " Yelm Lumber '& Hdw. Yelm T~l~pho~e, .r . co Meter Box-Eqtiip~ Co. Pickett Drug ~tore Bureau of Internal Hei1enu(-) Wash.' State Retirement Emp 0 See uri t:T . De,pt." ' Dept. of Labar & Ind~ 'Hobert H. t:Tohnson Elizabeth M. Jones Milton E. Johnsan Tax Commission St:re at: Wash. Stat~ Retirement , Yelm Lumber Co. Puget Power . Lunberg Concret' Pipe Co. Deschutes River Const. CO.o Washington State Retirement Employment Sec1i:ri ty, , Dept. of ,Labor &:Tnd. Robert' H. Johnson Milton E. Johnsan Dab. lVlas lowski . 0:..... t .'j l ~p 23.4.0 68,.22 8 ~ 16 ,4.:88 , 100.,On: 7 . 59': 10.80 l.~ 0 52 1.O~ " 126.70 19.50 106.40 1L~,. 85 L."J.90 9 3. o~_ 88.61) 144~3i 1 ,~C'\ 0 ' ~3. 7 / 12 . 2l.!-: 103.4,0' 20 3. 3LI- 87 .,78 9. ,25 58.08 '13.85 " 76.70 90.13 33.26 o o I I I October 9" 1968 '17f,. 'Ga.rbage: ' , W~shington State Retirement.. Shell Oil Co. ' lJ.\ax Commission 110bi 1 Nisqually Va.lley News Wash~ State Retire~ent , 'Employm,ent Securi ty Dept. Dept. of Labor & Ind. Robert M. (Johnson' Elizabeth M. Jones ~~ 21.00 l5.86 18. 44 ' '4.20 29.,89 17.50 97 .' 5!f. lr,;.6o 225.1+0 '90.60 l.nJarren Simons a,sk for a 'new water line on his property. He stated the old w,e.tar line was not adequate. Hendersonme.de, a, motion ~econd?d ,bi.V~ridiver t~? Town place a new wate~ line' on' 3rd to ast Clty IJ..mJ..ts. Mr. ~J..mons agreed to grant an easement. p'ermission <was granted to the, Cler'k ilo go t.o the FoO,.O. Thursday. ,~rhe Qlerk WG,S instructed to \..Trite to Attorney Fri.stoe, an,d ask him to bring our Ordinance':l2~egarding guns up to the same standarcit as Thurston County. , - }:fayor Eide appointed' the' following Corom! ttees'; Finance.....Vandiver and Coates' lHlte:et" ...0 .;Nelson n Koeppen Street .....Vandiver n Henderson -" n r Garbage. . .. 0 . Renders on h,oe.ppen Mayor Eidecappointed a neH committee'call~d Community Irmprove- ment" He named Lara B., Coa.tes, and Roger Nelson 'to head it. . Vv', Hoger NelsonH8s app.o~nted toqelegate on the Thurston County Regional Plann:i.ng' Commission~, A letter w,as read from. ~'Jolf' s requesting a 15 mile speed limit Ye.itm Ave down past Wolf's store. The ,;request \-1as t~,trned over to the street committe-e. ,l'Jleeting adJourned: ~ .C4e ~~y I;' Boger Eide 1. (:SO .' . . November 13, 19.68 The .regular m<!leting of th<5l Town CounGliJi vIas called to order by mayor Eide with all Covncilmen'pres~nt~ . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. '. rrhe follt1Tolng billSlrJere read. ari.d ordered paid as follows: Curr@nt:. Sh~riff Van Al~en > t.-lash.. St8 teRet lretnent " YelmI1el€lphone Co. Shell Oil Co. . Bro1,'lTn' s Garage Milton Johnson. .Wash. State Retirement Puget P01'ller Wash. State Retirement Gallagher Heating Oils N.W.lnd~ Laundry Dan's C.M'.. Me,Faul Elizabeth M. Jones .Wash. State R@tirement ,It.. r-" (Jr.7 ~O 0 00 '7.50" 11.00 11.66 7 8.,3.3 18.0 660 10.00 ' 3i.20 12.. 0 o. 24.90 . 4.19 20.00 62. l~_ l13025 6.25, [ hTa t~r: Wash. State Retirement Pug~t Power " ~1izabeth M. Jones Rosano Electric Cmnter The' Equipment Supply. Co. N . IN. Ind., Lalmdry Yelm Telephone~ Co. Pennsalt Chemical Co. Western Utilities Ye 1m LUmbe~r .& Hardtvare 13adger r1eter Co.' Thurston Co. Bank Milton E. Johnson Elizab~th M. .Jones Rob~rt M. Johnson 'Wash.. State' Retirement. YelmBr. Thurston Co. Bank' . ~ , $ .23.40 /~. 66.64 13.18 197.05 . 2151..66 , 10.L~5 12~ 60 . 23.25 127.90 18.,11 1.87..80 . 126.70 " . 88.,65 93.04 4.3090' 19~5o 126.70 o Street;' . Wash. State Retirement. Hobil Puget' Power A' & I Builders Suppl.y Pacific' Sand & Gravel Brown f s Garage Dan Haslowskf . Jl,'li 1 t on Johns on' . Robert M.. Johhson Wash. State Retirement $ 11010 11.85 103 . 4.0 2.35' 31.35' . 32.39 33.26 90.13_ 76.70" 9..25 . GarbafJ:@: ~ash. State Retirement Shell Oil Co. Mo b i 1 Ann Zemb~1.s Elizabeth M. Jones. Rob~rt. Johns on Wash. State Retirement $ 53.B9 9.70 17 . 15 .27.96 90. 60 225.ho 17 . 50 o A letter .from Nr. Young was .read s.tatirig he v.lould clean r:poTt.Jn Hall for $18.00 pe~ month. Councilwoman Coates moved that we accept thi~ c.leaning serV1c.~ Hendenson seconded arid it c~~~iedo . Yslm ~el~phone ask for two fifteen minute~ parking'sp~ces. . A.fter' discussi.on motion was made to allot-.1 one space in front. of the . bUilding. Coun~ilwoman Co~tes made a motion seconded by ~mlson that Attorney Fristoe w~ite a letter to O.K. Edwards a~king him" to clean up his lots on Yelm. Ave. ~eetin:~rn~~. .Bli. z~tbeth M. Jane ~ E~i de, J.l.1a.y 0 . DecG}mb~'r 11,1968 ' ]~'S~l;': .Th~ r~gu18.r m~H~ting of the T01t-Ih Cotlncil1t-1'21.s call0d to ord@r by, Mayor. Eid~ with Councilwoman Co~tes and C~uncilmen Kospperi,'Nelson H~nd~rson and Vandiver pr.s.nt~ . . Th~'. minutes of ,the pr@v:l.ous ,TrlC1'HJ)ting 1fl~r/! re1;l~td and ~pprov~do The rollowing 1il~~ere .~8ad an4 order.d paid as follows: I. Curr@nt: , Nis~u&lly Val1e'}y N01PJS A. O~ Young Wolftf Pion@@r Buxinass-Porms So~ Pugot Sound Library DOh'S Employment S@curity NoWo Ind. Laundry .'Gillagher Heating Oils Wash. State Retirement Pug~t POW~l'; C. Mo McFaul , E. Robert Fri'sto@ Elizab@th M~ Jones Wash~ State Retirement Thurs. Co~, Fire Diet. Noo2 Y~lm T~lephon~ Co. Sh9riff Vari All@n Thurston Mt'l.son .n~alth ~!.:"Sfue'l Tc,,0.i 1h0io.} r.:) <> Wa~h. S~a~e Retirem.nt Employment Security D~pt. of Labor & Ind. Milton E. Johnson Wash. St~t@'R.~iremtnt . Rmploym@nt S@curity "'1 ate r : ,.~ $ 69.39 18.80 52..77 4h.; 7 9 319.3ll. 6.00 , .,79 4018. 54.74 12..00 , 33.65 6 2'. ll~ 200.0.0 113.25. . 6..21) 640.0'0 11. 10 .750.00 71.25 7.07 ~D., 39 52. 80. 9.14- 180. 60 10.00 50.16 I Wash. Stat~ R~tir@ment Elizabeth M. Jon~s Sh@ll N.W.Industiral Laundry Yolm Telmphoh@ Co.' Pug@}t Pow@r . D~schutes River Const. Yelm Lumb@lr Be, H&tl"dv-rar0 IDept. of Labor & Ind. Robert m. Johns6n Milton E. Johnson Elizab~th M. Jon~s Bureau of Inte~nal Revenue ,itlash. Stat@ H@tir@ffi@nt Employment S@curity Stre@l.~: ' $ 23.. l.4-0 2..50 18.35 8436 12oS0 63. '78 . l}~J).. 62 . 11. Or::', 4. (.J"J 43.90 Se.6S 88.. 60S 93.04- 126.70' 19 . ,~O 102.96 I W~sho Stats.Retir.ment Yelm Garage Thu~s~Co. Road Dieto No.2 Puget P01,-.!@r Employment Securi.ty Dept. of Dabor & Ind. Dan Has lowsk.i. Robert M. Johnson Iva Ito.~ E. Johnson Hasho. S;ta t@ Re,}t i,r~rn@nt Garbag@: Y~1 m Garan:eJ Shell Oil~J, Co. D &; H l!Iobil' Mobil Knr;:)lo'yrn~nt Security Dept. Dept. of Labor & Ind. Rob@rt M. Johnson E1izab~th M. Jon6s Wash. State Retirement Wash. Stat@ R~tir@ment '11.10 3.91 .So .,00 103 . 1.1.0 S8008 13oe5 '33.26 76.70 90.13 9.25 eo. 9L~, 21.70 5.23 3.19 94.98 15.60 . 225. Ll.O 90..60 ' ~7.50 21.00 '" l'~2' D~cE!}mb~r 11,. ,1968 ,continu@d Engin~er Goadat'- \r.T8.S :preselnt ~lnd ha.d 'pl~dlS for a n~w,housing proJ.~ct on th€ll old IvIcK@'nrra IJIlghway C;!,OSS YGllmCre.$k on th(:fJ 'r;ight si'd~, of the road. 1':1(11) '1."iarited, to knot^' if Y@lm, t\l'ould supply 1,"i~.t@r, th~ C ounei 1. voted in f~...vor 0 Discussion WEtS ht'1Jld onlrisurt;l,nc@e It .was mov~d and s~cond@d to drop colllsiori insurance'} on 'polic~. car. . .&\.greeffi@nt 'r,fith the lI'hurston County Sheilrif,:[' 1 s Departm@nt. lrHslS. .re~d and agr~~d on for the y~~r 1969. It <WB.S brought to the att'@ntion of the' Council that the offic@ \J'18,S in, n~@d. 'of a nerlrJ t~fDfjnrJrl ter 0 A motion vIa.S madet. and s econd@d th&.t f::1. neH o'ne be ,purchas'ed.' Mmmting adjourned. "c~ EIDE NAYOR . . //1 ~... , ~za '. . /~~Vr;;' /~n~' /J . ~;;r \o~/ , .~ j' . \)1 V OJ \ k" / . ~~~i\/ . . . ~ [j o n