1971 Minutes I ,I. I- -10, , 1" ,21; C"" Jan~ary 13, '1971 'The r~gular meeting of the coUncil was' calied t9 6rderby'M~or Coates at 7 ::)0 P., M. Present were Couneilmen Koeppen, Nelson, Drogseth and. Sok.o1ik.- 'Absenp'wa's Councilman -Gallagher. Others present were _ Frank Witt, Geo. Bro~, Dallas Edwards, Dan Miller, Robert J chnson, Chief McClllskey and Deputy Hast~e. On a motion made by Drogseth and seconded by Sakalik that the minutes of the December 9th meeting be approved ,as distributed. . 'The: current monthly bills' \-lere presented conded'by Drogseth were .ordered paid: CURRENT' EXPENSE US Leasing Corporation Sargent-Sowell, Inc., Masman Agency' , Dept. of,Labor & Ind. 'Mosman Agency Ro.sana"8 Electric Center ' Nisqua11y Valley News ,Assn. of Wash~ngton Cities Puge't Power Lomita, Tag Co. - ~ Wash, Natural Gas Co. "Wash. Physicians Service Thurs,.o Co.. Sheriff IS Of.fice, Chevr.on Automotive, Yelm Telephone Co. Thursto;n ,Co. 'Auditor D& H Mobil.Service Sargent-Sowell . , Guardian Life I:flsuranceo C.o .", WATER " , Puget Power , 'Dept'. of Labor & Ind. Mobil ~l Co'rporatian De} Chemical Carporation , Williains Electric Yelm, Telephone ,Co. Mosman. Agency Northwest In. Laundry Co. , Yelm Hardware . STREET , Dept. ' of Labor & Ind. Thurston Cg~Auditor Del Chemical Corp. Standard Oil Co. Pacific Sand & Gravel, 'Co~' Mosman Agency . Puget Power ~argent-Sowell, Inc. GARBAGE. Myers Auto Wrecking Chevron Automative Dept. of ,La~or & INd. Ye~m Garage Hosman Agency . Thurston Co. Auditor and on a motion 'by Sokolik and se- ," $ 23.32, .27.'00 3.50.00 9..18 10.00 4.41 10.1.5 104.77 33.90 6.72 51.30 1.5.30 ' 6:00 89:67 37.10 1~60 6.66 14.25 184.53 67.80 12.77 20.01 16.91 56..70 16.65 200..00 12.60 8.99 10..00 3.20, 16.92 ' 10.93 1h.18, 150.00 109.00' ' , 141.97 l5~75 48.20 10.00' 17.75 102.00 1.60 Dallas Edwards was presen,j;, requesting approval:for a water'ho~k-up to the , waner main located ,on Longmire '& Jones stre.et;~',' This is' to be approxi.mat~ly 360 feet in length with all pipe and fittings to be :lnstatled'to the"ti ty' Be ,specifications. Hr. Edwards also asked permission to extend Jone's Stre'et 'from 'Longmire to Chambers Street. 'Koeppen made 'a mation to approve this , extension which was seconded by Drogseth. Jvlotian carri~d~ ' The,rejblacement of 'City Attorney and Municipal JUdge was brought under dis- -cussion' with the 11ayor making the appointment of Frank Witt as City Attorn~y. This appointment was effective as of Januar-.f '6, 1971. , Retainer fee for the' position of the Attorney was established at $85.00 a manth~ An appointment for municipal judge was not made at thi? time. A judg~ pro-tem' is to: be selected for each caurt session. Glen Pettit was appointed judge pro-tern for Janua~ and Februa~ sessions. The ree was set at $15.00 a session. I Chief-of-Police presented his monthly report.. A 'need for a community brochure was discussed and t~~'Cbuncil was informed that t-1r. Hiller' and Rap. Wolf. had copies of saine. ' 21'8" Due to a,dogproblem; the function of the HUmane, Society was discussed ,with some members of the Council stating that the agreement be' followed and some not voicing an opinion with~ the result of no, concrete action being taken. The rock festival scheduled for June 17th in this cominui1.i ty was brought ~~der discussion; ways and means to police the affair and what help the City could expect to, recemve 'from other sources. ',It w~s decided to, ask help of, the State Legislature arid Association' of \-lashington Cit~es in this' matter. The Council gave permission -to Chief McCluskey' to train'and , establish deputies for this; 'and to ask aid from the Civil Defense for this ,program. ' Nelson made amotion to ban all punchboards within the" city liIni ts, in Q order to conform to state~laws. This was seconded by Drogseth and the motion carried. .Ref':illd of :$150.00 is to be made to Bob I s Tavern. At motion was made by Drogseth that the City purchase a disability income policy for the chief-of-police from the Guardian Life Insurance Company for an annual premium of $185.54.' This was' seconded by Koeppen and the motion carried. . There being' no furthur business, J~he, meeting adU,ourned at 10:00 P,. M.. Y' ", "&~ ". ,_, " " · / 1 0~~/C~ , Yora-~. Co~teB, Mayor, ", '" '~ . ~ \. o o o I I I .21!J:," February 10~ ~971 The' regul~r meeting of the Council, was called to or?er by May;or Coates with Councilmen 'Gallag~er~ Nelson, Drogseth, Koeppen,and'Sokolik present., o:t~ers present we~e Attorney Witt" R. W. ~Taylor, Lester Crocker, Joe Agosto, Ch~ef McCl~skey and' Bob Johnson.' On a motion made by'Drogseth and seconded by Koeppen that "the minutes of 'the 'Jarluary 13th meeting be, approved as distributed. and on a ,motion by Drogseth and' se- The current monthly bills were presented conded by Sokolik' were ordered pain:' CURRENT EXPENSE Puget Power Wash. Natural Gas Co. US Leasing Corp. Wolf's Inc. ,Mosman Agency' Nisqually Valley New's El vera K. J ,?hnson.",. Rentex Service Corp. Osborne -McCann S tancta:Nd ,Oil Co.' Wash Physicians Service Yelm Garage Ye1m 'felephone Olympic ,Air Pollution WATER ' Puget Power Nisqually Valley News Q~ympic Electric Co. Pactfic Water W9rks Supply Ye1m Hardware' Yelm Telephone, Shel,l Oil Company , Perinwa1t" Corp. ' ,STREET . Pacific Sand & Gravel Puget Power Yelm Hardware GARBAGE Standard Oi1'Co.. Nisqually Valley News , $ 37.. 95 55.32 24.32 19.39 , 51.00 78.28 12.00 14.70' 12.98 16.79 15.30 17 ~18 ' 19.70 , 40~J5 72.43 50.'00 56.70 91.73 30.98 15.85 2.64 28.05 13.79 112.50 lle66 25.03 . 25.00' The Council decided to publish a notification ,in the ~acoma Daily Index to interest some ,contractors in the work needed to widen and, surface Third Street. Two. previous publications of bids have failed to, attra'ct any offers. It was reported that street lights were out'on co~ner of Railroad A~e.and , Jefferson St. and First St. and Van Trump St. and Puget Power to be so notified~ , False arrest insurance was brought under discussion and the Attorney was' , assigned, to gather data ,on premium rates and other related infonnation. Complaint~ of late night disturbances at the Post Office parking lot was brought up for discussion with no concrete solution reached for this problem. No park- ing signs need to be put up in order for thepoiice to take action. CO,uncilman Koeppen brought up. the dog problem and the Council agreed to revert back:to the terms of the existing agreement. Members of Algiers, Inc. were present to submit to the Council a "Notice of Intention' to Commence Annexation Proceedings". This consists of approximately ninety-five acres. A committee of several oi tizens were named to, study this proposal and'report the findings to the Council'regarding the adequacy of ,the' water supply and storage, ,street maintenance' and law enforcement. ,Persons named to this committee are George Brown, R. Eide, H. Wolf, Don ?"1iller, William Mosman, D,Edwards, A.' Ferguson, Ken Hansen, H. Thompson,E. Pickett and J~r~ Sprague. A mottoD was made by Drogseth and seconded by Sokolik that, the aliYove named conunittee be established ,and to ,consist of not less than five, members. The motion carrie~ unanimously. Attorney 'Witt notified the Council that a radar was for sale,' by the ,Ci ty of Ru'ston for the sum of $700.00. A motion was made by Koeppen that we purchase 'the 'radar on $100.00 a, month lease basis~;this was seconded by Drogseth and the motion'carried. ' .2:20" Chief, MGCluskey gave his monthly report and 'al"so on his. difficulties wi th the County Sheriff f s Office. . It was decided that the Hayor or members of . the' :CounciI' meet with the Sheriff to 'Ioea te source. of trouble. A motion was made that Robert Johnson be employed during the,su~er months to maintain :the park. The .salary to be .commensurable to theamount budgeted. . . The coming' rock festival was again discussed and Councilman Nelson suggested that since the Town could' not do anything to prevent it; .for .everyone to main- tafn a. calm attitude to minimize any troubl~~~ .' ..... (" The meeting' adjourned at 10:00 p~ M. ~. 0 <<~;8~ . yora B. Coates, Mayor ~ Elvera K. c . o , ",~ o ,t':' .' 2" 22 i'" March 10, 1971 TheYr~gular~meeting was called to~~~der b~ May~~ Coates with Councilmen Drogseth and KoeI?pen prese~t. . A quorum was no~ present so ,the mee~ing wasr~cessed until March 16, 1971.' . March 16~' 1971 I The recessed meeting was called to order by Mayor Coates with Councilmen Drogseth,Koeppen and Gallagher pres~nt. Coun:cilmen Nelson and Sololik were absent. Others present, ~ere George Brown, Frank'Witt, John Hastie and J. Sleavin. . ~ '. Drogseth made a lnotion and was, seconded by Koeppen that the min~tes of 'the Frebru~~ lOth meeting be app~oved as distributed. 'The monthly bills were presented and on a motion made bYoGallagher and ,seconded by Drogseth were'ord~red?paid: .1 CURRENT EXPENSE . Pickett Drug BtoiF.e U.\S.Leasing,Corp. 'Wash. Na ~ural Gas Co . , Puget Power Engels' Office Equip. Inc. Thurston Co., Civil Defense Mobil, Oil Corp. Nisqually Valley News Yelm Telephone Co. Wash. Physician's Service Standard Oil Company , WATER ' Puget Power , 'Yelm Telephone Go. Yelm'Hardware Pacific Water Works. Supply STREET Puge~'Power Pacific Sand & Gravel GARBAGE Rentex $ervice Corp.' , t1al t f s ,Lumber' <i ;~ 6.78 24.32 59.98 41.74 7.88 97.00 24.63 97 .02 24.80 '15.30 83.87 60.45 , 14. 90 ,3,0.93 63.00 '112.00 27.17 12.60 10.00 ,George. Bro~,Chairman of, the Committe of the Annexation petition gave his report ~~commendingthe hiring of an engineer to survey the project' as to 'the feasibility of the annexation. 'J. SleaVin of'Sle'avin-Kors, Engineers gave a resume ,of their services to various cities and ,that they would like to ,serve the Town of Yelme The Council st~ted that no action would be taken at this tim~ regarding his re- quest. ,The 'Council gave their approval of the pnrchase of a new radar unit for the police car; the price of the ~it was $1038.0Q( The' unit to be pai~ for on a $50.00 monthly lease rental plan. , , The Council discussed the garbage disposal problem aw the closing date of the town dump will be on J~ly,l, 1971.' No solution was, fOunt. for this pr~blem and no member was appointed to serve on the County Utilities: Board. I , , The Council, 'di scussed false arrest insurance for' the police' department., Koeppen ,made a mo~ion that was seconded b~ Gallagher that the City purchase a, policy to cover all of Qurpolice ,personnel. Discussed was another ,full time police officer but no funds had' been budgeted for this expenditure for the ye'ar of '1971. 'Mayor Coates stated 'she had not found areplacemerit for Mr. Moreland as CiVil Defense'Director. There being no furthur business, the 'meeting adjourned at 10;30 P. M. 224- April 14, 1971 The regular meeting of, the City Council was called to order bt Mayo~,Coates with' Councilmenn Gallagher ,Koeppen, Drogseth and Sokolik present. Others' present were Howard Godat,' Mr. Isaacson, D~ 'Edwards, Mr. King, J. Sprague, R. Johnson, Roberta Longmire; Barbara Fisher, and oJoOO Hasti~.' ~i, mot'ion was made, by Koeppen and, s~conded by Gallagher that the minutes of the March 16th meeting be approved as distributed; , , The current monthly' billswerepr~,sented 'and on amotion' by Sokolik and . seconded by Drogseth were ordered paid: ' CURR~"'NT, EXPENSE Thurston Co. Fi:re~DIDi,strict No.2; $969.12 'TimberlandRegion~lLibra~ 484.50 Thurston Regional Planning Council 221.00 'Wolf r s Shopri te ' 4.80 Puget Power 37 . 95 u. S. Leasing Corporation 24.32' 'Wash. Natural Gas Co'. 42" 80 Yelm Telephone Co. 11:60 Thurston Co. Humane Society 79.00' Thurs-Mason Health District 96.50 D& H Mobil Service 3.38 J1ranI{ Witt 255.00 Yelm Telephone Co. 24..55 Atlantic Richfield Co., ,13.00 Standard Oil Co., 15.2,4 <> Nisqually Valley News 27.57 Mobil Oil Corporation 44.24 Vern H. Bolinder Co.' 55. 80 Wash. Physicians Service 15.30 J,ohn L. Hastie 54.09 ' WATER Puget Power ' ' 53.. 76 Elvera K. Johnson 6.00 Yelm Garage' 21.26 Yelm Hardware 30.. 6 8 STREET Gallagher Heating Oils 20.88, Pacific' Sand & Gravel Co.. '42.14 Puget Power 112.00 , GARBAGE , ' Rentex Services Corp.' ' '12.60 Mobil Oil ,Corporation 24.09 ' , Nisqually Vailey News 30.14 o o Mr. Isaacson of ~ & I LUmber was present to ask for water service outside cit~ limits. The Council gave approval of this extension, stating it w.ould have' ' to be eightinqh pipe in order to hook up to theeXi~ting water main. ' 'Mr. Kingof~Tacoma was'present to discuss opening a auto-wrecking yard outside the east city limits. ' The Couhcil gave no decision on this proposal as they have no, jurisdiction ,over this. , Dallas Edwards submitted to the Council a "Notice of Proposed Annexation" con- taining.I.87 acres. The CouncIl gave approval of the proposed annexation as it would. straighten the city limit boundary line. 'The Council had given pre- vious approva~ of the water extension of this project. ' Barbara Fisher pres'ented ~o the Council a. peti tien of forty-one names asking that the law-enforcement'be ,stricter during the late evening hours to curb speeding and excessive noise. The, Council took this under advisement and promised action would be taken. (Council man Nelson entered .the meeting and Councilman 'Gallagher left.) '0 . ' , , . ' , A group of youngsters and th:efur parents were, present to complain "'about the pre- vious arrests of these youngsters and that 'the Mayor should replace the Chief- of- police. The Council listened to the entire tirad~ and then those present were told that the Police Chief would not be replaced solely on this qomplairit. Following~a knock 'on the council chamber door, a man entered who introduced himself as~ir. Copeland, an' Attorney and informed the Mayor and Council tore':" place the Police Chief or the City would find itself in tro~ble. No co~ent was made. ,0 ' I I. I ,2'25,' Engineer Godatpresented the plans for improvement ofrrhird street and the Council authorized him to advertise for, imformal bids. These bids to be openedori the May 12th m~eting ~ " Councilman Sokolik reported onothemeetingof the Regional Planning Council that he attended and stated that the variance for garbage burning might well , be renewed for an indefinite period. .' ' The limi,tation of theesixtyqays of the f~ling' ~f the "request of ~he "Intention to Commence',AnnexationU ,by Al,gier's Iric,. was reached., The annexation procedures were 'delayecl.byAlgier I s, Inc'., therefore the Council needed to' ,take no further action. ' ' ' . Koeppen made a.motionthat was seconded by Sokolik that th~ citypurcha~e a ca.rt, for street' cleaning purposes. Jer~ Sprague, representing the ,Lionfs~Club, a~ked fo~ permission to use ,the c~ty park for a dance and beverage'~~spensing. The Council voted not to allow use of the park for this activity ,and would not grant ,approval. .Mr. 'Sprague also asked approval tq erect' signs '''Welcome to Yelm't at the east city limits.' Drogseth made a motion "wllich wqa seconded' by Sokolik that'permission be granted. Motion'ga:I!ried. Drogseth made ,a motion which was ~econded by Nelson that the salary of Deputy Hastie be increased by $160.00, e~fe,ctive May 1, 1971. Motiqn carried. o ' , Due to increased cost of materials" ,Nelson made.a, motion that the ra:~es for water 'hook-ups be increased from ~lOO.OO to $150.00 and to be paid in advance. This was seconded by Koeppen and ~he motion. carried. Attorney Witt tQ draw, ,up an ordinance to this effect. ' ,0 Councilman Koeppen presented his ~esignation from the Council to the members stating reason of ill health. It ",was Accepted by the Mayor and Council members with' regret. A motion was made by Drogseth that George Brown ,re~&aee Ed Ko~pp~n, for the unexpired term. It. was sec;onded by Soko1ikand the motion carried . unanimously.. This replacement. to ~be effective im.mediately. Chief McCluskey presented' his mon~hly repor~. The meetinf adjourned at 11~OO P. t.1. ~ . ~ .. . .... vftZ/h Lo a B. Coates, Mayor " Elvera K. ~ , .. , ~ 226' May 12, 1971 George C. Brown was SvJorm in as' Councilman to replace Ed Koeppen ." ,The term of office ~o be held until the next city election. The regular'meeting of the, Council was called to order by Mayor Coates with Counclillbnen Drogseth,Gallaghe:r:-, Sokolik, Nelson and Brown present. Others 'present wereJ.. Sprague, L. Nyi tr~, R.Longmire,D. Bekmans, Frank Witt, Kathy Nelson" Ted Ridge, Mr.; Swenson, Mrs.. Morrison, Mrs. Stough, Mr. 'And Mrs'Wm. Hinr~chs, Do~ Miller, and members of Daily Olympian Press. Drogseth made a, motion which was seconded by Gallagher that the minupes be ap- pN,o.ved a's di stri bu ted. o The current monthly vouchers were presented and on a motion made by Gallagher and seconded by Sokolik that they be 'paid.' CURRENT EXPENSE Standard. Oil Company " $ 29.36 , Engel r s Office Equipmen-t 7.88 Law, Enforcement Retirement' 84.00 > Memorial ,Clinic 37.00 Lorraine Nyi tray , 5.00 Wash. Physicians Service 15.. 30 Thurston County Jail 30.00 Vern H. Bolinder Co. 50.00: Yelm Telephone Co. 33.75 Mobil, .oil Company 35.95 'Red-Com ~lect'ronics " 21.53 lrJolf.' s lnc..' 12.48 Yelni Hardware 52.58 Q Puget Power, 34~41 Wash. Natural Gas Co.. 30..80 , Grainger's 5.15 u. S. Leasing Corp. 24.32 Yelm Telephone Co'~ 6.30 , Pickett Drug Store 2.52 WATJI::R Puget Power 52.62 ' Rentex Services Corp. 16.80 STREET Atlantic Richfielf Co.' 27,.61' Puget Power 112.00 GARBAGE . Yelm Fixit Shop 9.67 Standard 'Oil Co. 33~46 o Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Stough of Timberland Regional Library were present to ask ,for Council approval that a Board of,Llbrarjr' Trustees ,be appointed. This Board t'o consist ' of five members,,' who would serve one, two, three, four and ,five year terms. The Council ,voted to select a co~~~ttee of five members to serve 'on the Libra~ Board. Mr.' Rodge and Mr. Swenson of Yelm Ambulance Servmce'were present to ask ~id in maintaining said, ambulance. 'They were' informed that the' town could not help in anyway in, this'a private endeavor. The cleaning of thestr~et and thejanitofal work of the city hall was brought under discussion. It was the conclusion of the Council that the wor~ was not being done satisfactorily and Councilman Drogseth is to speak to Mr. Wall to improve this ,5i tuation. The informal bid for widening Third Street fifteen feet was discussed; ;sinc~ 0 the property owner~ who ,deeded the orginal, fifteen feet insist upon a five foot sidewalk, ,the Council voted not to accept the bid'since these complications have arisen. They tabled the project. until the issue of the sidewalk has been settled~ , , Paul Turner was appointed as Director 'of Civil Defense. , , 'Glenn P~ttit resigned as Police Judge Pro-Tem effective May 12th and no replace- men t has been named e, . ~periodof ,dicussion was held on the conflict of interest that someCouncilme~ and citizens expressed on the position' of City Attorney held by Mr. Witt., Brown made a motion that Mr. Witt be replaced, which was seconded by Nelson., To eliminate any difficulties ~ahk Witt submitted his resignation to the Mayor and Council. The vote taken on the motion carried by a mayority with Brown, 'Nelson and S0~olik I "'I"~ .... . -:- ... ~..~._,.... I 2:2~ voting yes, Drogs~th voting no and Ga~lagher abstaining. . Themeetililng adjourned at 10:40 P. M. ./. '. 'll-;:. .~ ElveraK. :':y -~: ~~,~ '" -~~. -" :~~~--~~- ..... ~- ...... . ~:1-_ ,~..._.......:..-..~ ~/~c~ . Lor . B. .Coa tas ,. . ayo'!!.. . . ,.:' '<\". ~...,.".?..n.~e.. . . t,: "-1", >;t. J,eI . "'#". I . . . . . . -"-'-, -. -~- .~< ~ ~ ~.~..:......,.- ~ :.-: ~~~...",~~._-,--, ~""'- - '._"-~...............,- I I I '229,' June 9, 1971 ' The regular meeting of the Counci~ was called to order by Mayor ~oates . with Councilmen Brown, Nelson and Drogseth present. ~allagher and Soko11k ,were absent. Others present were J. Sprague and R. :Longmire. , \.....\' , A motion was made by Drogseth and was seconded by Nelson that the minutes of me?t- fuB~n:~'May 12th be approved as di stri bu t~,d . The current monthly bills were pre~ented and with the exception of two (Mobil ) Oil Corporation and Mosman Agency)'were ordered paid on a motion, made by I Brown and 'seconded by Drogseth. . Motion carried. ' CURRENT EXPENSE _ Timberland Regional Library Wasb Natural Gas El vera K. John son Puget Power Municipal Revolving Fund Yelm Telephone Wolf's Inc~ Thurs. Co. Fire Distrmct No. 2 us Leasing Corp. \vash. Pg.ysicians Service Thurston Co. Humane S~ciety Thur~-Mason Health District Vern H. Bolinder , Chevron Automotive Yelm' Telephone Engel's Office Equipment, Co. WATER Wm. Hinrichs Puget Power A & I Builders Supply Co. Yelm Hardware Pacific Water Works Co. Lew Rents Pennwalt Corp. STREET Burlington Northern Inc. Mobil Oil Corporation 'National ,Chemsearch Corp. Puget'Power GARBAGE' Chevron Automotive Rentex Service Corp. Atlantic 'Pichfie1d Co. $ 484.50 10.90 30.30 35.17 402 .00 12.85 10.66 969.12 24.32 15.JO 79.00 96.00 50.00 18.32 34.i5 59.84 , 4852.05 76.72 3.30 11,,39 58.86 13.13 28.85 20.00 12.11 86.38 112.00 17~.69 12.60 32 .. 51 The bids were opened for the roll top desk with Mrs. M. Carle receiving the desk for a bid of $20.26 The'Council gave approval of the appointment'of Charles A. Barnard to the position of Pol;ice ' Judge for a term of four (4) years commencing June i, 1971. Discussion was' again held on Third street improvement with the decision reach- ed that if the former owners insisted upon a sidewa1k'as'part of the fifteen re~t donated, the Council would,notwiden Third Street and would thereforee deed the property back to the Birklands. The Birklands were to l?e informed of this decision and they are to notify the Council of the answer. ,Council gave approval to pay C. H. McFaul one-half month salary as Police -Judge since the effective date of his ,resignation was ,May -31st 1971. (Councilman Nelson left'the meeting; he had asked to be excused before the meeting started.) Since a qu'orum now was not present, discussion only 'was held on garbage rates, the need for a building inspec~or and whether to join the Solid Waste Commdssion. A need for a building inspector ~as, arisen and the Mayor 'will get in touch, vd th several contractors who might be interested to serve on a fee basis'. On the solid waste problem it was decided that representatives from the Towns of Bucoda, Tenino and Rainier be invited to meet with the garbage committee on Wednesday, 'June 16th at 7: 30 P. M. for further stu~y.' The Council has not 230:" signed the agreement 'with the Solid Waste Corrmussion as they felt the fees were toO' high and ,that th~ TOWI1__of Rainier and Yelm would Jlave only ,one vote al ternating 'yearly. '" The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P. M. ~ 7/J . '- I ,-,;Is L~6-L Lora B. Coates, Mayor o , , , ~ o 0' o I I I 2~];~. July -14, 1971 The regular meeting of the Ci tyCouncil was called to order by Hay"or Coates . .with Councilmen Brown, Drogseth, Nelson And Sokolik present. Absent was Coun",:, cilman Gallagher. . .' ,Others present were T. Ledington, Mrs.' Longmire, R.. Kerr, T. Scpultz,'J. Agosto, . D. Miller and members of the Olympia Press.. If..', motion was made by o Drogseth and seconded by Brown that the minutes of the June ~th meeting be approved as distributed.. The'current monthly bills were by Drogseth were, ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE Wolf I s Shopri te US Leasing Corp. Elvera K. Johnson D&'HMobil Service I,'ickett Drug Yelm Telephone Go. A & I Builders PugetPower Wash. Natural Gas Co.. Mosman Agency Wash. Physicians ,Service Vern H. Bolinder : YeLrn. Telephone Go. Rad-Com Electronics Atlantic-Richfield Co. Standard Oil Co. Mobil Oil Corp. WATER , Western Utiliti~s 'Supply 'Yelm Hardware Badger Meter, Inc. STREET Standard, Oil' , Puget Power Pacific Sand & Gravel Co. GARBAGE :Rentex Services Corp. ARTERIAL STREET Howard N. Goat & Assn. read and on amotion by Nelson and' seconded . $ 2~,32 4.79 15.20. 3.32 2~96' 13.45 48.78 33.65 15 .J 8 , 10.00 15.30. 50.00. 32.05 34.86 14.81 37.88 254.75 95.90. 19.83 440.27 14.11 112.,00 :24.81 12.60 455.89 Mr., Martyr, Manager of the Liquor Store asked for a 1'15 Hinute Only" parking' sign to be. placed in front of the store. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Highw~ Dept. asking.if it w~re permissible to restrict'parking on a. state highway. Also to find out why crosswalks have not been pc:Linted 'since Ye1m A~enu~ had been resurfacedo . . Mr. Ledington was present to ask permission for the Lion's Club to use the City Park for ,the annual carnival. Permission was gran~ed with the stipulation that no horses be alloweq to enter t~e park. . . The persons attending the July 15th meeting of the S~lid 'Waste Commission gave a report, of the results of. that . meeting.. The 'Council ,stated there were too ' many unanswered questions regarding the rates to be 'char'ged to give approval' ,of the Town becoming a member of't~at Commission. The Commission did grant one vote instead of a one-halfvote to the towns. An increase in garbage and 1rTater rates were discussed with a suggestion that the water rate oe raised by one dollar a month minimum and garbage be also ,ratsed by one dollar a month. 'It was tabled ~~til next meeting for further discussion before a final decision is made. Mr. Kerr and Mr. Agosto were present to ask for an extension of tne present agreement(Yelm Views)to cover water service for additional property known as NisquallyPlaza. 'The Council stated Mr. Agosto would have t~ submit to. the Town complete lans of the entire .project before making a decision." 2.32, Ordinance No. 124 providing an emergency appropriation from the Wat-e'r Fund was read;" Drogseth made a niotj.on that.. was seconqed' by BrO'~m . that the'Ordinance be adopted. The motion carried. Pursuant to. th{3 agreemen.t; tab probationary pe'riod of the Chief-of- Police havirig ended; Drogseth.made amotion to grant 'the one hundred dollar a month salary increase for Chief -of-Police J..1cCluskey , effective July 1st.. Seconded by Sokolilc and.tfue motion carried.. A motion was made and seconded that the 'meeting be adjourned. ; ~ . , , , "' ~.;?,,/' " ",<7.' .//"),' ,,-, /7 >7' ,// / /1 "..........'1 ~ 6 'j (/ /1"-- . / /. ;,Y"") , t!/Uu / {.l tW' -'IlL., , L09 B. Coates, Mayor , . o. o ,'" n lJ , 0 o 233'~" August 11, 1971 'The Council met 'and in the absence of the Mayor, Councmlman Brown was elected to ~ctas Mayor Pro-Tern. The regular session, was then called to order' by Mayor Pro'-Tern Brown with CounciJ.men Drogseth, Nelson and Sokolik present. A).. so 'present were Attorney Schultz and Stilz.,' Councilman Gallagher was absent. , , Drogseth made the motion which was seconded'bySokolik that the minutes' of July 14th be approved as distributed., . I , , The current monthly bills were read and'on a motion made by Sokolik and seconded by D~ogseth were ordered paid: I CU RRENT EXPE1\lSE Wash. Natural Gas Co. Puget Power Yelm Hardware Wolf's Shoprite Frank Witt D & H Hobil ,US Lasing' Corp. Nisqually Valley News Standard Oil Co. Mobil Oil Corp. Ye1m Telephone Wash'. Physicians Service Wolfstone-Donley-McMannama Thurston County Sheriff Vern H. Bo1inder Cq. . 1rJATER Pacific Water Works Supply' Co'. Ye1m Hardware Nisqually Vall~y, News Puget Power . " ",. ,,'J STREET Puget Power Rentex Services Corp. Standard Oil C6. GARBAGE Atlantic Richfield Co. D & H Mobil Service Misqually Valley News $ 2.66 35.42 11.60 5.18 85.00 1.61 24.32 8.70 42.55 24.29 35.85 15~30 98.00 14.00 . 50.00 , 248.50 13.04 58.38 161.53 112.00 14.70 31.74 10.54 6'.05 58.37 For information only it was brought to the Council's Attention that potL~Qn of Third'Street be deeded back to the Birklands. No further action will be taken unless written nO,tice is received from them. R. Steirwalt asked permission for another meter hook-up to their present water line for the future Methodist Parsonage. The Council' gave their, appro- val, of ,the additio~al hook-up. The subJect of bingo playing was dicussed and' the Council gave approval that charitable organization be allowed to conduct such, games. Attorney &chultz to draw up necessary papers. The agreement for another water connection by Algier's Inc. was discussed but no action was taken pending study of the'proposal by the Attorney. One conclusion reached was to have an Utilities Engineer survey the City's water s.ystem to detennine, the feasibility ,of ,adding more connections. I ,,\iater ana: ,garbage rate increases' were discussed with the following suggestions made; water, rates up $1'.00 @ month from $3.00 to $$.00 minimum for 400 'cu. ft. f~r inside city limits ,and for th~out$ide raised from $3.50 to $4.50. The winter rates to be 30~ per hundred cu. ft. over and summer rates to be 20~ per hungred cu. ft. over 'the minimum~ The garbage, rate for one (1) can per week to be ,increased from $1-.50 to $2.50 per month with 50~ @ month for each additional can for inside city lirnits~ Outsidecity'limits rate for one can per week ,raised to $5.00 per month with 50~ to be charged for each additional can. Drogseth made 'a, motion that the above rates be established-wi th the, rate raise to be effective August 1, 1971; this was secon~ed by Nelson. The motion carried. Attorney Schultz to write an ord'inance to this effect.' \ For the coming elections;J positions for Councilmen were drawn with the 23'4 f~~l~wlling results: 'Council position #1 - Richard Sokolik, ,position #2 - George Brown and position' 113 .... Roger Nelsqn. There being no further business; Nelson made a motion that the meetfung ,be recessed pending the r~turn of the Mayor. This was seconded by Drogseth and the motiqn carried. .~ El vera K.; 0, 0, /L A ~bW\/\ George C. Brown, Mayor Pro-Tern , . o o o I I I :23'5.:..' September 8, 1971 Councilman Drogseth made a motion that the meeting of Augu.st 11th be. . adjourned. It was seconded' by Councilman Brown and the motion carried. . . , ,. . . . The regular se'ssi on of the' Council meeting was t:pe called to, order by Mayor coates., with Brown, .Drogse:th and Nelson present. Councilman' , Gallagher :was absent. Councilman Sokolik- was excused. Attorney's Schultz and Stiltz were present. Others present were Mrso Kyler, Mrso Nyitray and Mrs. Longmire, H. LeHay and associates.' .' It was moved and seconded that the'minutes of Augus~ 11th. be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were read and on. a motion be Brown' and. ,seconded by . Dr()gse:th were ordered paid: eu RRETIJT EXPENSE 'Thurston:"'}\1ason Health Dist. Thurston County' Human Society Yelm telephone Co. Chevron Automotive D. H. Mobil Service Mobil Oil Corporation . Phil Brods~'s Uniform store Vern H. Bolinder Co. Wash. Phtsicians 'Service Standard Oil Co.. of Calif. .Timber land Regi onal Library . Thurston Co. Fire Dist.. 'No. 2 Wash. Natural Gas Co. Yelm Telephone Co. Elvera K. Johnson Puget Power JvIosman Agency Engels" ,Office Equipment 'Inc. Wolfs' Shoprite U. S. Leasing Corporation c!- 9{:" ,rt~ tp C::9 0 {;)'\\;,J 79.00 44.85 17.94 16~87' 26.82 15.75 50.00 15.30 27~33 484~5o, 969.50 2.66 .11.10 ' 11,,68 29..63 30.00 .46020 5.61 24.32 , "vATER Puget Power. Yelm Hardware Rentex Servi ce s Corp.. Pennwalt Corporation. 124.47 39.39 12.60 28.85 STREET Atlantic Richfield Co. Mobil Oil Corporation A & I B~lders Supply Inc. y elm H~rdware' Pay & Save Corporation' puge-t Power ' . 30.47 15.74 18.52 31.65 31.29. 112.00 The increase :Ln garbage and water ,rates will not go in effect until the termination of the 90-day freez~ order of President Nixon. . This is on the advice of the attorney Schultz. , Harold LeMay. of the Pier:ceeCotinty Refuse Co~ was present to ask per- mission for ma~ing a survey of the garbage situatiqn in the city and to. submit' a' cost estimate. Brown made a motion that 'this be taken under advisement and that LeHay Enterprises would be notified 'of a . dissision later. ~ec.onded by Nelson.and the motion carried. Under 'd~ussion was t.he proposed Comprehensive plan' and the proposed Zoning, ordinanCire with a few changes made. The' ~ate of OCJ,ob,er T, 1971 was 'set for the public hearing and the notice' to be published; twenty days in adv~nce. \ \. Nothing was decided on the water service to Nisqually Plaza. It was discussed that an engineer make a surYe~7but no action'was taken. at 9:50 P.H. ~ iJ ~~ 7~..J Lora B. Coates, Hayor I I l ~ I , 29FT" , ~. s{- :" October ,13, 1971 The regular meeting of'the' City Council was' called ,to order by Mayor Coates at 7,:30 P.M. Present were Councilmen Drogseth, Nelspn, Brown, Sokolik and Gallagher. Others present were ?atrick Byrne, Roberta Longmire, T. Schultz, ,and Ce Stiltz. On a motion made by Progseth' and ,seconded by Brown, the minutes'of the September 8th meeting,wer~ app~oved as distributed. Motion 'carried unanimously;;. ' The following current bills were pre,sented and' a motion was' made by Brown and' seconded .by Drogseth that' th~y be ordered paid.. Current Expense . Central stores Revol.ving Fund Yelm Telephone Company'. 'Puget Power Nisqually Valley News Wolfs Shopping Center , U. s. ,Leasing Corp. . Mosman Agency, Pickett Drug Store -Elvera K. Johnson , Wash. Natural Gas Co. , standard 'Oil Company Mobil Oil Corp. Vern Bolinder Compa~ Wash.'Physicians Service Yelm Garage '$ 55.00 81.31 41074 4.00 9..11 '24.32 21,,00 4.33 8'.96 14 e 82 ' 25.57 14.12 50.00 15.30 23010 .' Water standard Oil c6. ,Rentex Services Corp. Yelm'Hardware , Pioneer Business Forms Puget Power., 'Pacific Water irlorks Supply 'Badger Meter Co. 10.92 . 12.60 33.40 55.8) 74.87 99.91 440.37 Street , Muni -Chern Corp. . Pacific Sanq & Gravel puge t Power, 16 3 ~ 63 '48.86. 112.00' ~l~bage Chevron Automotive Pioneer ,Business Forms 110bil Oil Corp. 13 ~ 86 41.43 1j.54 . ordinance No., 125 was read that amended Section No. 2 of Ordinanc? No. 16 stating time and place of Council mee:cingse Drogseth'made a,motion'that this Ordinance by adopted, it,: was seconded by Gallagher. The motion carried and said Ordinance to .bepublishedo Roberta Longmire, ,Chairman of the PlanningConunission presented to 'the 'Council preliminary reports and public hearing on' said Zoning ,Ordinance.. After .some discussion and one :rninor change made, Brown made, amotion that Ordinance No. 126 be appro~ed which was seconded by Soko&ik. . The motion carried 'unam_mously~ Said 'Ordinance was ~rdered pubi~s~ed. , ' , (Gallagh~r leftmeetirig at 8 :30, P. 11.,) , '.' , \ . Under old business; the fee for attorney,A, services was".discussed with the dee4.sion reached that the amount would be $85.00 p~"r""-month plus' expenses. This amount to be budgeted for the year of 1972:~'~Qince . this amount: was not budgeted for 1971,' Brown made a motionth~_,_, an, emergencyapp~opriation of $500~OO be made to cover attorney,feei . . for remainder of 1971. This was seconded by Sokolik and the motion carried. . " I I ,! The budget for 1972 was discussed with the' Council stating no salary incresses for'employees with the exception of the City Clerk" Also no major improvements were budgeted for as a uhold the line" budget was stressed. .238 Brought under.disGussion was the possabilityof' getting another six month variance to burn at the towns' garbage dump. It was decided to ask for anoth~r varianGe since the private contractor has noi? accomplished the' task of read~ng the land-fill garbage~siteso . ~ . . , ' . , , Patrick Byrne was present to report on the Nisquqlly Plaza water' . system and to advise the Council on steps to be taken in order for them to approve the system to be looped to the present one: Since ~1r. Byrne will be doing considerable work 'for the City, '. Brown made a motion that he be retained' as City Enginmer and that he be paid ort a day to d~ basis. . Sokolik seconed and the motion carried. A contr:act is to be drawn up between Mr. Byrne and the' Ci ty of Yelm.. ' . The Clerk reported that a surplus of money is in the City checki~g account and. asked permission to invest some of thmssurplus.. . . Brown made a motion which was seconded by Sokolik that a resolution be passed giVing the Clerk permission to transfer surplus money . from one' bank or account to another. The motion passed unanimously. o A report on the condition of our present Police Car was given stating it'was in need of replacement. 'Under discussion was to, buy a used one from the "state Patrol or to p~rchase a"new Police Car. Drogseth and Brown 'were appointed to .make the fi~al decision. Sokolik made a motion td authorize an'emergency appropriation of $1500.00 or $3500.00,whfchever of the two, sums that applied to " 'purchase a car,. and theoCoUncil to abid~ by the decfsion of'Drogsetn . and .Brown. This was seconded by Nelson. The motion carried. There being no further b'usiness;,.. the meeting was recessed 1.llltil further notice. Time--tO:]O Po' M. ~. ~... .... / I ,';J~~'( , . ,~ Elvera ~.JOh~ ,n, Cler~ , ~'. /" /'/) .~ '----/ . ~ t;... /. ,IYl/J ~ ~ / Lara ff. Coates, Mayor o o J, "I ." I .1. I .239< November 10, 1971 Councilman Brown made a motion that th~ mee~ing of October 13th be adjourned. This motion .was seconded by Drogseth ang the motion car:r:ied. The regular meeting of the Council was then called to order by Mayor Coates With Councilmen Drogseth, Brown, Sokolik, Nelson and Gallagher present. Others present were Attorneys T. $chu1tz and C.. Stiltz, R" Longmire, Rev. Hess,. Do~ Wiggin, Mary Me~er, J. Forrester, Patrick Bryne and Ray Rei se . Councilman Drogseth made a motion that the minutes of the October 13th meeting be ~pproved as distributed. Seconded by Sokolik and .motion . ' carried unanimously. The following bulls were pre.sented and it Was moved by Councilman Sokolik .tha t they be. paid.. The. moti on. was seconded by Gallagher. Motion.carried unanimously. . CURRElfr EXPF.NS.E 'Wolf 's Shopri te Rentex Services Corp. Yelm Telephone Co. Wash. Natural Gas Co. Elvera K. Johnson PugetPmier U. S.Leasing Corp. Pi tney Bowe:s Nisqually Valley News Yelm Fixi t Shop Ye1m Hardware Municipal Research Center v.[ash. Phipician's Service Hobil Oil Corp. Hosman Agency . Chevron Automotive Thurston Co. Sheriff. Vern H. Bolitider Co. Wash. Law En~orcement Retirement Standard Oil Co. D & H Mobil Service Yelm TeDephone CQ. $ 10e30 . 16.80 12.55 35.35 9.20 39:47 24.32 39.90 147 .96 4.20 '20.82 5.25 15030 26.37 20.00 116.10 . 54.00 50.00 . 96.00 , 37. 82 29.79 ,41.15 . WATER Patrick J. Byrne and Associates. Yelm Hardware Puget Power James E. Brown ,Pacific Water Works Supply Co. 325.26 '26.68 69.06 . 114.00 40.30 STREgT Nisqually Valley News Puget Power 32'.66 112.00 GARBAGE ,. standard Oil.Company Atlantic 'Richfield Co. 43.89 15046 There were no cOIlJ1l1unicatJ..ons, Attorney SchUltz was instructed to wri te to Gordoni:ffi,ampfer, owner of Gordon's Market to ask. him to remove and keep his signs off the side- w~lk. Mr. Sprague 'Of Sprague Construction 60. was also notified that, his sign was on City property and obstructing traffic 'visibility. Mrs. Longmire reported. that she had moved her ob~tructing sign 0 . }1embers. of the Council had been ad~sed of the contents of the cont~act regarding retaining ,Patrick B~e as' City Engineer. Councilman Brown . moved that the City sign the contract, and Gallagher 'seconded the . motion. The motion carried unanirnous~y that Mr. Bryp.e be appointed to the position of Engineer. . , 240 . 1/ . 7"\,e);> -' . /./v e~ . ? /(~ /I&:, ) .Erigineer Bryne reported 0n the recent survey that he had made on the water lines at Nisqually Plaza Tracts. He indicated that, two more iines would be needed to connect the existing ones to complete. the loop. (One line of nearly seven ,hundred feet and another one of nine hundred feet; these numbers are approximate). It 'was stated in the survey that no water samples had been taken, but the He.alth .Department had received samples by the name of the homeewners ~nd not. by the nrone, of the additions, this was clarified by the City Water Supt. Council- man Brown made a motion giving the Council's ,autho.rization to Attorney Schultz to noti'fy f\-fr. Agosto, owner of :th'e above Tracts .to make the necessary corrections and also to ne~gotiate a new agreement for water' service.. Seconded, by l1elson and ,the Hotion carried unanimously'. Councilman' Brown moved that the Resolution to approve and ad'opt the Solid.Waste Management Plan as compiled by Hill, Ingman and Chase be tabled and referred to A~tor~ey Schultz and Engineer Bryne for study_. The motion was seconded by So~olik . and carried. o Jim Forester was 'present for pe,rmission. to remove and then replace the ~idewalR in front of his two businesses at~his Ovin expense. The Council gave thei.r. approval with the provision. that the specifications ,be made by the City .Engineer~ Rev. Hess and Don Wiggins ?f the Thurston County Housing Authority were present to relate to the Council the work they are doing and to . develope a cooperative.relationship with City Officials'in making a survey. The Council .took no acti~n in regard to memoership. in the Thurston County Housing Authority~ ' Roy'Rei.se was present to ask .for a refund he had paid an attorney in connection with an arrest. . .He"was advised by the Attorney that a claim would have to be filed with~the City Clerk~ The members of the Council brought under duscussion of acceptingari expense. fee for each. meeting they" attend.. The Hayor did not agree wi th this and was not iil favor. the proposal,. Follmving further dis_o cussion"CouncilIDan Brown'moved that an.Ordinance be drafted all~wing the Mayor and Councilmen twenty dollars a meeting. with limit of one paid meeting a month. Motion wasO seconded by Nelson and i~ carried un~nimoU:sly. . o \CouncllrnanBrownmade a motion '.that bids lBe asked for a motor replac~-. ;kent for the present .police car. oSeconded by Galla~her a~d motion 'carried. '0 lP',_ . As there was no further busfuness, COl~cilman Nelson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by. Sokolik and motion carried unanimously. 'Adjournment time' was 11 :35 P _ M.. o ' ~. ~), ~ ";1- /.-/} /'iJ e>(~/~ O(~~ . )Lora B. Coate s, Mayor o "~" ~ I I I December 8, 1971 241,. The regular meeting of~the Council was called to order by Mayor Coates. R~esent were Councilmen Brown) So~olik,Drogseth and Gallagher. Councilman Nelson was excused. others pr~sent were Attorneys Schultz and Stiltz and John Hastie. Mr'., Brown and Mr. Sokolik were duly sworn in following certification of thier re~election for another four years as Councilmen. Drogseth made a,motion that the mfunutes of the ~November lOth meeting be approved as distributed. Seconded by Gallagher and motion carried. ,'The following bills were presented and on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Sokolik were ,ordered paid. CUR.RENT ExPENSE Timberland Regional Library Thurston Co. ~lre Dist No. 2 Theadore Schultz Wash. Natural Gas Co. Pioneer Bu'siness Forms, Inc.' ',Nisq~ally Vall,ey News 'lfJolf I s Inc. Lomi ta.;,Tag Go. Grainger I s Office ,Supplies & Equipment Yelm ' Hardtiare Puget Power Yelm Telephone 'Co. . Thurston-Mason Health Dist. . Thurston Co. Humane Society D & H Mobil Servi'ce J.' D. Story , , 'Vlash. Physicians Service Yelm Telephone Co. $484.50 969.12 '680. 00 <~ 45.29 14.03 30~96 13.71 6.77 24.26 8.14 44.27 16.20 ,96.50 79.00 18.65 22~50 15.30 . 42.30 , . . WATER Mobil Oil Corporation Pacific Water Works Supply Co" Nisqually Valley News Puget Power 14.71 6)'.32 59.57 88.28 STREET puget . Power MuriiChem Corp~ Yelm Garage Delbert Woodruff Auto Wrecking 112.00 127.90 101.33 2.10 GARB.l\.G E Rentex Services, Corporation Nisqually Valley News Atlant~c Richfield Company 12.60 59. 57 . 46...55 . COlUlcilman Brown was selected to attend the So1tid Waste Cortrrnission meeting on Friday, December lOth. This meeting was called to consider an increase in the rates and for all concerned parties to sign the c'ontractwi th the commission. }1rfi'.~ R. Reise presented a claim to the City of Yelm for the amoupt of $)~8.34 for his legalexpe.nses.' Councilman Bro't-m' made a motion that the City do not pay this claim as it w~s'not filed within the alloted' sixty~day period. This was seconded by Sokolik and.the motion carried. . Drdinance No. 127 approvi'ng and adopting the Budget4'or 1972 was read. No citizen had appeared at the public hearing for or. against the budget; so on a motion by Brown and seconded by Sokolik it was.passed and ordered published. . The.motion carried unanimously. ',...,' An emergency appropriation for payment of attorney's. fees for remaining period of 1971 were discussed and approved at October 13th meeting~Ordinance No. 128 providing for this increase was read and on a'motion by Gallagher and s.econded by Drogse,th was that it' be passed.. The motion carri'ed unanimously and the 'O~dinance was ordered published. 242 Discussion was ,again held on purchasing of a police car. An 'appropriation of $1500.00-to $3500.00 was approved at the October 13th meeting. Ordinance, No. 129 was read establishing the emergency ~ppropriation in the anlount of $J500.00 for tnepurchase of two use,d 1969 police cars from~the Washingto~ state Patrol. 'Drogseth made a motion that the two cars be purchased,for' $1200.00 apiece with siren, red lights and roll bar'to be installed with'the additional monies left over. ,The radio fram the dId car to be installed in one, and a radio for the other car to be purchased at a later~date. Gallagher seconded this motion. The ,vote, taken on this motion was passed by a m.'ajority. Councilman Sokolik did not vote 0 ' 'Discussion only was held, on increasing the rates for the B & 0' taxes or " business license fee; It was decided that a rate schedule ,be established and a public hearing ,be' held before making a firm'decision. mhere being no further business the meeting was adjo~~ed at 9:45 P~M. :J ' '-/ .. // /;? V' · c:>(~ P L r;~-60~ ) Lora, B.. Coates, Mayor ' .. , 'J ,<> .0 o o o .~.:,: