1973 Minutes , '20, .;, } .:\ Ordinance ;~38 relating to fiscal.man~gement and establishing a 'CumUlative Reserve Fund for Fire Protection PUrPoses for' the Town of Yelm, was read and approved on a "motion by Drogseth, seconded. by Gallagher. !orotion carried unanimously. Ordinance # 139, relating to Federal Revenue 9haring Funds and establishing a Federal Revenue. Sharing Trust Fund for the Town of Yelm was read and " apprpved on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Gallagher, Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance #140, relating to fiscal manggement and establishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund for Park Improvement Purposes for theTo~ of Yelm was' read and approved on a motion by Sokolik and seconded by Brown~ Motion carried unanimously. o Ordinance #141, relating to fiscal managem~lnt. and estabJ..ishing a Cumulative Reserve Fund for Several Purposes for the lown of Yelm was read and approved on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Gallagher. Motion carriedunanimo~sly. Ordin~pce #142, relating to fiscaLlmanagement anp establishing a Contingency Fund for the Town of Yelm was read and approved on a motion by Gallaghe~, seconded by Drag"seth. Motion carried unanimously It" The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.H. on a motion by Sokolik and seconded by Gallagher. h' > Vf~/' ~\b I )1' " ~., )~ ? , ~v..,\~~ A~\J \ ~ ~\/ \ VifT)~' , '~-~._~ / \ /.... '-. , ) -vi: ~ -.----' ,./\/...., - ~ '" jd. Ma~tYr ~ Clerk-TreasurBllr: ~/& Lara B$ C<aates, Mayor D- c January 10, lE173 In the absenee of the l\1ayor, on a motion by Drogseth and seconded. by Sokplik, Councilman George Brown was elected Mayor-Protem~ Other Councilmen~resent were Drogseth, Nelson and Sokolik. Also present were Mrs. fu)berta Longmire, Vern Miller and Attorney ~tiltz. " Minutes Qf the December meeting.were .approved on a motion by Sokolik, seconded ~~o~e~. " On a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Nelson, the fo~lowing bills were ordered paid: Curren t: ? Yelm Telephone O.J. Martyr Western, Auto Thurston County Reg~onal Planning Thurston Count~ Fire District Timberland Regional Libra~ Association of Washington Ci ties-- Thurston - Mason Health Dist. Fri stoe , Taylor &. Schul tz Mosman Agetlcy Washington Nat~~lGas Nisqually News U.S. Leasing Corporation Rentex Services Corp. -Wolfts Pickett Drug Puget Power V.N., Sandavol Lomi ta Tag Co. (. $81&64 8.96 4.25 221.00 919.05 582.50 71.72' 97 050 255..00 ,455.00 86.65 46 ~.61 24..32 8082 24&91 9.08 57 0,48 45.00 6.67 o I, I I 21' Dept. of ,Motor Vehicles Memorial Clinic Thurston County Civil.Defense , Olympia Air Polluti9n Control Thurston County Humane Society Mobil Oil Coo Ye1mGarage Washington Physicians $4~80 32.00 106.. 00 63020 94.75 164.73 11.58 55.35 ) v streets: Smith Auto, Inco Mosman Agency Dept. of I'1otor Vehicles Jltlobil Oil Co" Ye1m Garage Yelm Hardware Puget Power 41.06 344.00 3..20 11..33 4.65 31.27 126.70 ig/a ter:; , , Mosman Agency Yelm. Garage .Mobil Oil eo. Puget Power .167.00 17.59 6.14 91.76 Garbage: 'Dept~. l-1otor Vehicles .-Smith'Auto, Inc. John Rosano Yell) Garage Mobil Oil Co. Mpsman Agency 1.60 23.10 60.00 15.80 59.07 106~oo IDhei~f:0,ililbringbills pertUning to police car maintenance and repairs were ordered not paid: Rex Purdy, Spoon 'Automotive John Hastie A & I !~uniber Supply 44017 32.38 42 e 47 14.21 Some councilmen stated that they were not satisfied with the operations and expenditures in the Yelm Police Dept. A proposal for landscaping the three entrances to the town which ~as presented by Vandive~rand Rutledge was tabled until next ~eeting. Jim Forrester requested permission to build a r~ck in front of Bob's Tavern to hold the garbage and rubbish cans that are now there 4) It was:: suggested that the cans be placed in the rear of the building instead of the front. The clerk was instructed to reque'st Dr. Arnold, to furnish manufacturers specifications on his busiaess building. The Town will then ask Mr. Christensen to state in letter form" their opinion as to how these specifications do not conronn to the CoUnty Building Codee- The Council will then state specifically on what the'variance is to be granted., Attorney stiltz stated that it is possible that the Mayor and Councilmen of Ye1m may be exempt from complying with Initiative 276 on a population basis. , Councilman Brown mentioned that Book Publishing Company publishes a book on Muriicipal Law which he thought would be of value to Yelm. Cost of the book would be $300.00 with a y~arly charge'of $75000 to keep 'it current. Attorney Stittz volunteered to'write to the compa~ for details. Attorney Stiltz was asked to draw up an Ordinance stating a set fee to be paid the Judge Protem in those cases when the Town Municipal Judge has been dif?qualified from presiding on a case because of prejudice'G It was suggested that a Resolution be adopted changing the three committees, namely Finance, Water & Garbage , and Streets from the present three member each to two. . 22 Mr. :Mern Miller, Manager of.Puget.Power brought a"proposal before the coUncil to change the streetincandescant lights to mercuf,y. He explained that the present 1500 Watt lights are now costing the city $2.50 each;, the hew type would be 4, 0000 Watts at a cost of $2.55 - close to three times as much light for five centsomore. It was moved by Drogseth and seconded~ by SOkolik that the Town make the change~ :Hr. Miller also suggested the need for additional lights at the following locations: . . I 1$ Second & Mosman 2. Third & Mosman 3.. Fourth & McKenzie 40. Longmire & Yelm 5. Fourth & Jefferson -" o Relocation of the light at Edwards & 110sman was advised., The Street Connni ttee was asked to make their recommendations on this matter. George Brown stated, he did not think the amount of $2,.500 as shown in the Water Fund Budget for 1973, under Revenue from Property Taxes, should be there~ Attorney stiltz said it was, lawful to be there, but suggested that it couJd be transferred~out. It was moved by Drogseth, seconded by Sokolik, and passed unanimously that a Resotution be passed that," Be.fore more money is spent or contracted to he spent for any item above the amount budgeted, approval of the Council must be obtained~ It was moved b:y, Sokolik, seconded by Dregseth, and passed, that a Resolution be passed that, ttThe Council be informed of any transfer'"from one iteni'to another in the, budge.trt & Tl?e meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M1~ on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Sokolik~ - '- JtLJ)~ G1\cd\vy to.aeorgeCBir6wn.J lNlqot' Pro -tem o u: · ~~ ~ Ma~tyr. ~erk-Tre~surer o ;1 I .1 23 February 14, 1973 '- - The regwlar meeting of the Town CoUncil was called to order at 7:)0 P~M9 by Mayor tara B. Coates. Councilmen present were Roger Nelson, Arnold Drogseth, .Richard Sokolik, Doyle Gallagher and George Brown. Others present were r1rs. Roberta Longmire, Hs. Levina Phillips, Attorneys Schultz and stiltz, Don l1iller, Marshal John Hastie and Frank Fisher. ,I'4inutes of the January lOth meeting were a:pproved on a motion by Drogseth and 'seconded by'George Brown. On motion by .Nelson and seconded, by Gallagher the following bills were ordered paid: . Current John Hastie,. ~o .. J. -r.1artyr A'& I Lumber Had-Com Electronics, Inc. Del Chemical Yelm Telephone Thurston County Sheriff Nisqually Valley News 'Washington Physicians Colonial Insur~nc~. Go. Vern Bolinder Comp~ Cascade Loggers Spoon Automotive Atlantic Richfied Co~ . Kisor Tire Co. Yalm National Auto Parts Rentex Services J.fobil Oil Co. Pitnew Bowes D & H Mobil itpsano Electric U.S. Leasing Corp. Washington Natiral Gas Pioneer Business Forma Pickett Drug Patrick Byrne Town of Yelm Municipal Trust Wash. state Magistrates Ass'n. \floIf 1 s . Puget Power $ 71.13 53 & 52 14871 13.13 66.54 96.74 44.00 22.99 55.35 36.00 50.00 S6.44 7~.24 91.46 9.3011 145.61 8.82 184.68 70.60 4.45 1.25 24.32 85.39 .53.24 3.63 126.95 13.23 15.00 6028 55&09 Water Western Utilities Mosman Agency Badger Meter Co., Puge:b Power Yelm Hardware Yelm Nat'l Auto Parts W.K. Burkett 16~67 61000 504.00 90.42 18.48 6.43 25.00 Streets Mobil Oil Co,. Yelm Garage George Brown Puget Power D & H. Mobil 134)96 14.96 17" 74 1264) 7 0 23.11 llarbage U.s.. Postmaster Mobil Oil Co. D & H Hobil Atlantic Richfie[d 8.00 44.76 4072 46066 24: On .a motion by Brown, seconded by Sokolik and. passed unanimously that seven street lights be added by Puget Power to ~ur lighting 5,Ystem, fuLdwaa~decided that $4000,00 be transferred from Construction Bngineering in the street .Fund to street Lighting to stand this added expenseq , A motion l-las'made by Brown, seconded by Gallagher, and passed unanimously that the' City Clerk ,be instructed to take a population census of Yelm, to be com- pleted no later than April 6th of this yearo The Olerk was directed to contact Mro Christensen, requesting that the City of Yelm be notified of any building permits issued by Thurston County for construction in Yelm. o Jim Forrester was requested to remove the garbage cans from in front of Bohls Tavern and place them in the rear of the building, in compliance with 'Gikiinance # 131., Attorney Schultz suggested that Ordinance # Ih5"relating to compensation for police judge pro tem be passe~upon at the March council meeting. This' ordinance would fix the rate of $15.00 for each session in those instances, where the Police Judge must disqualify himself because of pregudiceo Attorney Schultz stated that a.new ordinance would be brought before the' March council meeting which would be a revision of the City Ordinances pertaining to the water operationso Mr. Frank Fisher expressed hisodesire to purchase two City~lots located to the re,ar of the Yelm Cleaners,," and made an offer of $1,,000.00. . }\'lotion was made by Brown, seconded by Gallagher,and passed unanimously that this offer be taken under consid~ration at the next council meeting. Expansion and remodeling of the 'rown Hall was discussed. It was deciaed that Mayor Coates appoint a committee composed of councilmen and business men as well as ,representatives of thee Library and liire Departments; so that a broad range of ideas and plans mighteemerge for consideration. On a motion by Drogseth, seconded by Gallagher and passed unanimously it was O~ ,.c., decided that $10,000.00 of current expense operating money be placed on interest in Current Expense Investment with Washington Mutual Savings Banko Motion roaffe by SOkolik, seconded by Gallagher and passed unanimously that Ordinance ~89, section #7 be amended to change the annual Cabaret License fee from $150~OO to $75~OOo Motion was 'made by Councilman Brown, seconded by Gallagher arid passed un~ animously that $500000 he transferred from thee street cleaning. fund to 0 miscellaneous and be used for trimming the 82 hawthorne trees on Yelm Avenue., ' ' , Mayor Cba'tes asked Attorney Schultz to draw up a contract between:' himself and the Town of Ye1m covering fees for, his services. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 PoM. on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Gallagher. ~~/J' " ,~uD,,~ Lora B. Coates, Mayor o d~~ O~tYr, Cler~reasurer 'IJ.( ~ 25 MarcH ~4, 1973 M~or Lora B. Coates called the regular meeting of,the Town Cbuncil ~o order at 7;30 P.M.. Councilmen present were Roger Nelson, Doyle Gallagher, Richard Sokolik and George Brown. tithers present were Mrs. Tom Longmite, Mrs. Richard Nels0n, Frank Fisher, Don Miller, and Attorneys Schultz and Stiltz. Minutes of the Februa~ meeting were 'approved on motion by Gallagher, seconded by Sokolik. · -I' On a motion by Sokolik and seconded by Gallagher the current bills 'Vlere approved for payment& 0 I Current a Pio~eer Business Forms Pickett Drugs Mosman Agency c 0 Pi tney Bowe s Puget Power Wolf's Washington Natural Gas Pitney Bowes Rentex Services O. J. Marty;r Capital Business Machines Nisqually News Thurston ~Fire District #2 Yelm Telephone Patrick Byrne U.S.Leasing Corp. Ted Schultz Timberland Regional 'Libra~ Washington Physicians Atlantic Richf~eld Mobil Oil Co.. Olympia Radiological Wolfstone-Don1ey-McNannama Vern Bolender 'Thurston 'Mason' Health District. Thurston County Humane Society Streets Alfonso Gonzo1as Wolbert Bros. Service Western Auto Ye1m Garage Mobil:':i0i1 Co. Yelm Nat'l Auto Parts D & H Mobil Yelm Hardware' Puget Power' $ 25.30 4.11 31.00 62.40 49.79 41h6'"' n "I[~ <&,,', ~,jl 70.77 55.95 8.82 2..10 26.93 6.75 979.05 85.95 83.12 24.32 ;312.00 688.00 55.43" 15. 71 : 167.59 57 . 40 260.00 147 .50 , 97 ~ 50 105.75 500.00 125.00 15..51 11.16 6.92 2.99 99.92 27.16 126.70 Water Alfonso Gonzales Rockwell !\ffg. Co. W.S'. Darley & Co., Mobil Oil Co.. Yelm. Hardware Puget Power 225.,00 480.70 25.35 10.24 32.81 75.57 I Garbage U.S. Postmaster }vIobil Oil .Co. Je1m, Garage Atlantic Richfie1d Thurston Co. Land Fill - 8..00 31.45 !is .7 7 16.17 120.00 A communication was read from Pat ~rne regarding a request which had b~en made by Mr. Ralph Wall of HERTER1S, INC. The request was to reconstruct the road grade on RPoten Road at the Burlington Northern Crossing and to resurface about one hundred fee;t5. a.fter regrading. Engineer Byrne recommended this request be granted for reason that traffic mation and visibility over the tracks would be improved. 26 .Mayor Goates brought to the attention of the Council a Qtlit Claim Deed offered by Mr. & Mrs. Lou Cochrane to the Town of Yelm on property now being used as Yelm streets. It was moved. by Browri,seconded by Sokolik and> passed Unanimously that the Deed be accepted with th~s. .,. . . , Ordinance # 14, relating to the fixing of compensation @&r Police Judge Pro tem was read and passed on a motion by Brown, seconded by Sokolik and passed unanimously. Sealed bids were opened and read on advertised surplus items. On motion by Brown, s~copded .by Sokolik it was moved that the bids of $22.00 for one five H.P i motor and $,5.00 for one signal light be accepted from Roy Buck, also the"bid of $7 .,0 for one, H.P. motor from Frank Fisher. 0' * On motion by Ne~son; seconded by Gall~gber. and passed unanimously the offer fram franK Fisher for two city lots was accepted at a total price of $1500.00. The City will furnish warr~nty deed arid ~itle insurance to the property. Councilman' Nelson stated that he was moving from Yelm to Tacoma and offered his re~ighation which was accepted with reluctance by Mayor Coates. Mayor Coat'es brought. the name of Frank Fisher before the council as af~eplace- ment to fill the unexpired tenn of Counc~lin~ Nelson. As she said, in the previous election the people had indicat~d Mr.F1sher as their <second choice, and she felt he would make a desirable and dedicated member of the Yelm~council. No action :was taken to name a replacement.'at this meeting. On motion by Brown, seconded by Nelson and passed unanimously it was decided that Uniform ~riaffic Citation Forms be place,d in use at the eax:l~est possible date as s~ggested by Attorney Schultz. Ordinance W146 was passed ap~~approved on a motion by Brown, seconded by Nelson.and" passed unanimously. This ordinance fixes. water meter hook-up cha!t;ge at :$150..001& Councilman Brown opened a discussion. relating to M~yor C~~tes'dismissal of a policce officer. After an exchange of opinions with I"ir. Brown suggesting a hearing 'before the council, Mayor Coates reaffirmed that the dismissal was in order and would bemain in .effect. o The meeting was brought to a close on a motion by Gallagher and seconded by Nelson at 11:50 P.M. */~ Lora B. Coates, Mayor Martyr, Clerk-~'easurer " . j/ ' * To replace above paragraph: " t ~ . Frank L. Fisher, a resident of Yelm, presented a proposa~.~or the purchasecfrom the Town of an unused and unimproved tract of 1 and owned by the Tqwn lying adjacent to property l:remng purchased by him. Mr. Fisher proposed ~o purchase said tract for the sum of $l,500.oo~ Discussion foll- owed on tpe fair market value of said tract and the prospects of the Town having a need for such property. After due discussion, and upon the motion by Nelson, seconded by Gallagher, the resolution annexed hereto was adopted. o '5 ~ "" -"".o' f......~' ':..:lf~' '-, 27' . .:, 'lp'~i'fti~~'il:' .""1.97 j , " . . . . The regular meeting of the Town Council...was'called to order at 7 :30 'p .M.. by Mayor toraB. Caates~ Councilmen present-were Sokolik, Drogseth, BroWn, and Gallagher~ Others present were Mrs. Longmire, Mr.. Wl11ite, Fr~nk Fisl,ler, ,,~:Don Miller" and Attorneys Schultz' and stiltz.O) " I". ~' On a motion qy Sokolik-and seconded by Gallagher the minutes of the March'14 meeting were approved as read:@! - . ': The fol~0wing bills. were approved for payment on a.motion by Brown and seconded ,- -' by Gallagher: '. ~ENT Puget Power Western Auto Western Utilities Badger Meter Co.' $ 8.00 . \, 15.00 4..2.8 ::... .. 49~26 32.03 24.32 .., '.'1", 295&06. 12.28' ,. -8 ~ 82 84.90 51.14 . .2.20 62...80 6~12'1 311.,96 62.96 . 55 e.43 ...... . 1'1 .'j 2,.31' 106 .26 ~ . . 69.24 9.40 92" 01 136.48 ' _I Postmaster, Robert Sherman 9.'J. Martyr. Puget Power Pioneer National Title CP. u.a. Leasing Corp. Thurston Fire District # 2 Nisqually.News Rentex' Services Corp. Yelm Telephone 0 W~shington Natural Gas y e~ Hardware Atlantic Richfield Pickett Drug Sta te M'otors ."Yem Nat'1 Auto Parts' Washington Physicians. Pitney Bowes Mobil Oil Co. WATER GARBAGE Loyd Stocker Atlantic Richfield Mobil. Oil. Co e Yelm Garage Natl Auto ~arts D &. H Mobil :,...,.", 31.15 57 ~14 27.52 693.-76 2877 42 .,!1 STREETS II A & 1: Builders D & H Mobil Service Sweepster, Inc. Puget Power . Muni ChemCorp. ' . ., Sahlberg Equipment CO'o Yelm . Hardware Mobil Oil Co. Atlariti~ Richfield , Patrick~~rne & ~ssociates 65.19 14.71 5.17 126.70 41.01 54.,5 19.22 .9.13- 9.26 51.00 ARTERIAL ST~ETS Thurston County Road District # 2 ", . 165~24' Mayor Coates accepted nominations to fill the vacancy ,fleft by the resignation of councilman Roger Nelson. George Brown nominated Frank Fisher and Harvey :.:Webb, Richard Sokolik nominated Ronald Lawton" Nominations closed on motion . by Brown and secohded py Sokolik. Count of the secret votes showed the following: Ronald Lawton - 1 vote, Frank Fisher... 1 vote, .and Harvey Webb - 2 votese 28.', A complaint waSl brought b~fbre the councilpy lotrs.. Roberta, Longmire that ,there is a collection of trash; litter, etc~' 'on ~he premises of and the' adjoining vacant property of James Harding~, The town was asked to enforce Ordinance #114 which states that a violation may by adjudged a misdemeanor punish~ble upon conviction by a fine not the ex- feed ~OO.OOe It was stated that vlolr's Shop ,Rite believe, they 'should no longer be required to p~ the Monthly eharge for. a street light on First Street placed there same' years ago at their request. ., '[hey feel that the Town of Yelm is new in a financial position to bear this ,charge in vie"" of the fact, that only recently seven new lights have been added to the town lighting systeme No definite action Was. taken to cancel the chargee a The need for a replacement for both street and garbage trucks was discussed., It was suggested that. the city explore the possibility of purchasing Govern~ ment surplus equipment if such might be available, also to secure firm prices on new vehicles for further consideration0 ' Councilman Brown m'entioned the prOblem being brought on by tree roots causing the sidewalk to buckle;, alongside the scheel on Edwards street. '!he sidewalks being the responsibility of the school and the trees that of the city, it was suggested that a meeting be arranged so that perhaps something might be re- solved to correct th'1s,o long overdue, condition. Three property owners beyond the town limits on C~sta1 Springs Road expressed their desire tor water" service from the Yelm, water system. It was suggested that the cost to the property 'aWners would be prohibitive l~~ess~a greater number of Yawners were .to share in' the cost of the line. There being no further~ business the meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM on a motion by Gallagher and seconded by Drogseth. - . - Yg(l~ ~t~~ates, Mayor ~, ' .. a .\ ~ . ~ . tyrrGlerK-Tre:7fx:' ..:; RESOLUTION NO. 122 WHEREAS, the Town" of Yelm is -the owner of the real property, described hereinbelow which property is not presently beIng used by the Town and is no lori'ger needed for the 'purpose for which is was. acquired, and the To~ Council has determined the disposal of such property would be in the' best interest of and for the common benefit of the Town and its citizens; and WHEREAS, the Town Council, after due consideration has determined the fair and reasonable market value of the property described hereinbelow is $1,500.00; NOW THEf{EFORE, It is h~reby RESOLVED that thee Town of Yelm sell to Frank L. Fisher and Barbara Je- Fisher, husband and wife, for the sum of $l,500.oo, tne following described real property situated; in Yelm, Thurston County, Washington, to....wi t: That po"rtion of tp,e Southeast ,one quarter of 'the Southwest one quarter, Section 19, Town- ship 17~ North, Range 2 East" W.M., described a~ follows: o Commeneing 1174.16 feet from the center of' the Northern Pacific Rail Road right-of-way, on the Southeast side of said right-of-way and on the Southwest bo~da:r:y' of the County Road (state Secondary Highway 5-H); thence in a Southwesterly direction and at ri.ght angles with said road a'distance of 280 feet \1.' '>('1;..,,< 29, to ,the true'point of beginning;; thence 'Southeasterly and parallel to said rbad128~49 feet; thence s~uth- westerly and at right angles to said road 138 feet; thence Northwesterly, and parellel to,samd road 12'8.49 feet], thence' 'Northeasterly and at' right angles to.siid, road 1)8 feet to the true point :'of beginning:~ ;1 j. ~ and further RESot VED that, the Mayor and the Town Clerk be and they, ~ , are herelo.y authorized to execute and deliver a warranty deed and sich' other instruments as are reasonably necessa~ to effect the aforementiohed conveyance, and that a policy of title insurance covering the aforedescribed real property b~~/purchased by t~e '.l;'own and" deli vered to' the said' purchasers 8 / TOWN 'OF YELM / By~.g~~- ayor ", :1-, .",... I' Passed: March 14, 1 {3 Approved: March 14, 1913 May 9, 1973 Mayor Coates called the regular meeting of,the Town Council to order at 7:30 PM& Councilmen present were Sokolik, Webb, Drogseth and Brown. 'Others prf3sent wer~ Attorneys Schultz and Stiltz, Mrs. Roberta Longmire and Frank Fisher. Minutes of the April meeting were approved on a motion by Drogseth, seconded by Sokolik., .' ' ," .' 'The following c~rent' bills were ordered p~id on a motion by Sokolik, and ,seconded by Drogseth: I' ~ ".. ' Current, : Washington NatUral Gas U .So Le,asingCorporation MoSman Agency Puget Power Rentex Services 'Mil ton Johnson Wolf1s'Shop Rite Pioneer BUsiness Forms Yelm Telephone,' Pickett Drug~. ' Postmaster ' Mobil Oil Co. State Motors Yelm National Auto Parts Bolinder Co. ' Colonial InsUrance Yelm Telephone Nisqually News' Washington Physicians Atlantic Richfield Thurston County Sheriff \. ' $ 40.85 24032 10.00' 49.26 13.23 B.93 . 6.93 4.91 22~65 1..81 12.00 119.5.5 11.36 17.72 33.45 18.00 51. <fit? 210'95 55843 129.7,4 30.00 80 Garbage Mobil Oil Atlantic Richfield Yelm Garage D & H Sendce Nisqually News $ 34014 64.75 77.68 223~82 . 78 e 01 Water: Western Utilities Atlantic, Richfield Yelm Garage A & I Lumber Western Auto Puget Power OoJ. Martyr Nisqually News Mobil Oil Gallag~er Oil City Streets: -, Puget Power Yelm Hardware 183.92 17.09 55.86 8.07 1.88 70.45 8.,90 ,,' 78.,01 12.82 15~73 o 'r:,,;';~ 126.70 18.90 A bill received from 'the Ci~y Engi,neer in the amount of $)13.00 was tabled until the June meeting. Harvey Webb" replacing resigned Councilman Roger Nelson, was welc:aned into the Town Council by Mayor Coates. Mayor Coates read a communication from John Swift & Associates regarding the final plat of Kingsview and documents of easement and right of way over and across the unplatted portion of the property across which the water main was constructed. Also examined was the result of th~ bacteriological tests on the recent ~xtension of the Yelm water system,a~.copy of the water 'system arid the final plate Attorney , Schultz stated that he wished j;.'o review the documents before asking the Chairman of the Yelm Planning Commission to sign the final plat as requested in the letter. Mayor Coates brought before the council, the subject of Ordinance Codification. On a motion by Bmwn, seconded by Webb, the attorney and clerk were instructed to prepare a Oall for Bids document which shall be published in the local news- paper. in '~ The Clerk was instructed to place summer water rates in effe:e:t on lofay billing instead of June due to the extremely dr,y weather conditionso A report on truck prices disclosed that our cost on street dump truck would be ,aproximately $5,OOOeOO and garbage truck with compactor approximately $16,000.000 FolloWing a discussion on the urgent need for this equipment, a motion was made by Brown, and seconded by Sokolik and passed unanimously that the Town purchase two new vehicles, namely, a 28,000 GVW & a 10,000 GVW truck under.the state Purchasing Contract if legally per.missable. Otherwise bids will'be called for on the' purchase of said trucks and on a sixteen CUo yard rea~ load garbage compactor. Councilman Brown reported that he had discussed with school Officials, the problem regarding the removal of the trees along the school sidewalk on Edwards Street. The county would be willing to remove the stumps if the Town would but these trees down toa ten foot stump. The Town could accomplish their part of the project for about $400.00., No action was taken beyond discussion<r;of the matter. " Mayor Coates brought up the problem of dogs in the city and asked for. some action as a solutions Everyone agreed that dogs are numing rampant causing damage to property as well 'as being a general nuisance. Many dog owners show slight if any 0 regard to the ToWn Ordinance which states dogs must be on a leash if they are on any property other than their owne~s~ All dogs loose or otherwise must be,~ licensed. The clerk was instructed to place notice to this effect in the local paper. Following this notice a dog catcher will pick up eve~ dog found running loose wi thin the' Town lim! ts G . , .' " Mayor Coates stated that she had received a request from Mr. Marvin 'Wagner on be- half of the Lions Club. They requef3ted permission to erect 81 school bus shelter on Town property 'near the water tower to accomodate children waiting for the Southworth school bus. The clerk was instructed to check into the matter of liability in case of injury to a child on the town property. Some action on the request will be taken at the next co~cil meeting. I I 'I 'Complaints have been received on the littered condition ,the City 'park has been left in following its use by groups after ball games and ether meetings. It was stressed that the purpose of the park is for play and pleasure, but if the use of the park. is appreciated, then persons in charrgeof, the youngs'ters should see that it is.left in a presentable condition. Revision of the schedule of fees for business licenses was discussedo No definite changes were made at this meeting.' . The clerk was instructed to transfer from the Ci ty .. Street Fund the following . amounts: $400~OO to Street Lighting and $600.00 to Mlscellan,eo11.s, from 541 12 Construction EngineeringG The meeting was adjourned at 10:,5 P.M. on a motion byProgseth and seconded Q.y Sokblik& ~/t?~ Lara B. Coates, ,Mayor ? " -r.tre a surer .. .... June 13, 1973 The regular meeting of the Town Council was called to order at 7 :45 P .Mo' by, Mayor. Coateslt Present were the following coUncilmen: vlebb, Brown;: Progse'th ,~d Gallagher. Others present were Mrs. Roberta, Longmire" Don Iuller, Mre & Mrs. Harrison, Mr. &'Mrs. Hill, Attorney Schultz and Engineer Byrnee l1inutes of the May meeting were read and approved on a motion by Gallagher a;c:td seconded by Br~wn. . On a motion by Drogseth, secqnded by Gallagher the following current bills were ordered pajrd: Current ~ Yelm High School \iashington Natural Gas D & H ~{obil Puget Power Yelm Garage Attorney Mooney & Cu11en Wolf's Dept. Store . H.S. . Postmaster Pickett Drugs Nisqually Valley News, Yelm,Natl. Auto Parts U.S. Leasing Corp. ~ U .s. P9stmaster Yelrn 're.lephone Rentex Services Yelm Hatl., Auto Parts Pioneer Business' Forms Jvrotorola, Inc 41 Pickett Drugs Dan 1-1arcus State Motors Yelm Garage Larry McKissick $ 3.00 2.4.l$2 6_53 51.12 - 13. 70 80.,0 26.16- 7~20 4.99 5..77 2.81 24.32 8.00 28.14. 8&82 123.20 291.54 51.13 4.06 2';10 91.39 3.15 168.93 31 3.2' standard SerVice Tire Co. Mobil Oil CoQ. Washington Phy~icians Thurston-Mason Health Servi~e Nisqually News \ Specialized Service, Inc.. ' Ye1m Telephone Atlantic Richfield ,COo Water Western Auto Badger Meter Co. Ye1m Hardware D & H }lobil Atlantic-Richfield Mobil Oil Co. A & Itumber Puget Power, Pacific Water Works Supply WoK" Burkett Garb~ Mobil Oil Co.' Atlantic Richfield D & H Mobil Service Thurston County Land Fill Arterial streets Thurston County Road District Oi ty Stree~ Puget Power Nayor Coates appointed a committ,ee, consisting of Councilmen Drogseth" Webb and Brown to- study the proposed draft of the water ordinances prepared by Engineer Byrneo. . The committee is to present its recommendations at the July meeting. The clerk wasi~tructed to publish a NOTICE OF CAJ~L FOR BIDS for Codification of all Town Ordinances of the Town of Ye1m on a motion by Brown and' seconded by vle~b. In compliance with the law, "pposition 'numbers for the ,:purpo8e~of ele!S:tion were assigned to the following councilmen: #l Arnold Drogseth 2 Doyal Gallagher 3 Har'Yey Webb 4 Richard Sokolik 5 George Brown Position #1, #2 & #3 will be voted upon in the upcoming election in November& 0, . > Applications for busines~ licenses were approved for P & H Launder.mat and Handycraft Shop.. On a motion by Gallagher ,and seconded by Brown, it ~as moved that .the Council acknowledge that that por~ion of water main of the TOlin of Yelm lying wi thin the plat of KINGSVIEW and_ on and under the real property described in the ease- ment dated May 4, 1973, e~ecuted by the Puge$tSound Land Development, Ince. has been fully 'paid for and no front footage charge will be assessed within the plat of KINGSVIEW and alo!1g the easement to a depth eq~l to that of the plat of KINGSVIEW. . o ~ " Councilman Brown neabmnien~ed that the Town pwrchase. the property to,. the rea~ 'of the Town Hall which Jo~n Rosano has offered to sell for $lO,OOOoOO~ Follow- ing a short d~scussionk }1~yor Coat.es shgges\ted~tlhaJ.t~due5tiQ\~~he\~:absence' d1:H"11one of the councilmen, a deeismbnube_postponed until a full council is,present. The matter was tabled until the next:meeting. A communication was read frcm the Lions Club requesting"approval of the iCouneil to hold a street dance betlind Bob's Tavern and for a Pet Parade through iiiro.n streets' during the Ye1m Prairie Days celebrationc On a motion by Webb, seconded by Gallagher the request 'fas granted. On a motion by BrOl-ln, and J seconded by Drogseth the clerk was instructed to order the following items for the Water department:, One Va~ve Locater at an approximate 33 cost. of $1554'.00 and one Diaphragm Suction Pump at approximately $10.00e The need for an Ordinance prohibiting fireworks was under short discussion~ Since opinions differed regarding the matter, no action was takene , ,'!he Clerk was requested to contact Jim Forrester, reminding him of the sidewalk repairs that should be mane in front of Bobts Tav~rn & Laundermat. I Mayor Coates appointed Councilmen Drogseth, Brown and Webb as a committee to study and recommend changes in the Town Business License Schedule. A bid was received ~ram Monte McKenzie in the amount $225.00 for the .' remova;t of trees on Edwards Street between Yelm Ave41 and Van Trumpo It was decided th~t the proposed street work which required the removal ,of these trees would be delayed indefinitelY41 The question, whether ,or not the Town should adopt the state Unifonn Litter Control Code Ordin~nce was brought under discussion. Mayor Coates appointed Councilmen Brown, Gallagher and Sokolik as a committee to study the contents of the ordinance and give a report a~ the July Council meeting; Attorney Schultz advised the c'ounei1 that ,the City would be unable to purchase . the dump and garbage truck under the State Purchasing Contract as previously anticipated~:aritl stated that he ~o:uldprepare and bring to the July council meeting, a NOTICE TO BIDDERS onS,'the two truc~s for publication. On a motion by Brown and seconded by Drogseth the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 P.M. I ;;Z:;/#t?~ Lora B. Coates, Mayor f July 11, 1973 Regular meeting of the Town Council was called to order at 7:)0 P.M, by HayorLora Bo 'Coates. Present were the following councilmen: Webb" Brown, Drogseth, Gallagher and Sokolik. Others present were Mrs. ~azel Downs ..., visiting Mayor Coates from Independence, Missouri, Mrs. Roberta Longmire, and Attorney KiplStiltz~ Minutes of the 'June meeting were re,ad and approved on a motion by Webb and seconded by Browne 1_' CURRENT state Auditor Pitney Bowes Pickett Drugs Puget Power Nisqua11y Valley News Ma.yor Coates OoJ. Martyr U.S.Leasing Corp. Washington Natural Gas D & H Mobil Yelm Garage Wolf"s Shop Rite . Yelm Hardware I' Yelm Telephone Rentex Services $ 367.80 97 .83 4098 49.26 5.89 101.12 ,13.12 24032 26.. 36- 10.'38 2.05 9.25 3.15 57 ,,44 , 8~82 34 ,Town of Yelm (Petty cash) 'Gordon' s Market Motorola Washington Physicians .,__ Mobil Oil . .- Yelm Hardware , Atlantic Richfield. Yelm Nat1l Auto Parts 25.00 7..17 17 Q6 9 73.88 224~63 2.06 14~93 139.30 - .> GARBAGE . Young's Glass D & H Mobil Atlantic Richfield Mobil Oil Yelm Garage 4.83 .4.73 52.59 51 .17 . 25.00 o WATER Western Utili.ties Patrick Byrne . Depto of Ecology NisqUally Valley News Puget Power . United Industries A & I Builders Badger Meter Yelm.coHardware Pacific WatE1r Works \ole-stem Auto Thurston County Teachers Union .42 5630,28 20.0,0 4&13 88jt21 72,,05 3.,89 52,.-67 187 e 49 193044 4.78 52 " 00 The only sealed bid received for codification of ordinances was fram Book Publishing Company in the amount of $1,,75011>00 for 150 pages, a $10.00 charge for each pa;ge in addition to the basic 150" an additional $10.00 for each map or diagram or tabulated page, $150.00 additional for tabulated title -0' '- divider pages. This is for 25 copies of code. Additional supplemental service for updating for a 5 year period at an annual charge of $100.,00 plus $10.75 for each page of new additional ordinances. It was suggested by Mayor 'Coates that the bid proposal be studied further by o~ attorney, before being accepted e- - Because some of the councilmen had not yet had an opportunity to make a complete study of the water ordin?nce prepared by Engineer Byrne, it was .tabled until the next council me~ting. l-1ayor Coates read a letter from the Chairman of the"New City Hall" committee, which st~ted that there was a unanimous vote of those present at their last meeting to recommend that the city council purchase the tract of land at the Southeast corner of Mosman Street and Yelm-Rainier highw~ measuring ?pprox~ ima~ely 1501 x 185' as a blulding site for the new City Hall, price $6,500eOO~ On t~is subject relating to building and building ~ites, aoletter was read from the firmeof Bennett" Johnson, Slen~s & Smith" Architects in which they wished to offer ~heir suggestions and recom~endations on a preliminary basis at this time. It was generally agreed that before ,the Town did avail themselves of this service for a fee of $300.00; it would be well to know just what to expect for this amount. Attorney stiitz offered to contact the firm and bring us something more definite at the next meeti~ge Atto~ey stiltz suggested that. a joint meeting of the council and the buildfng committee might be of value so that perhaps three or four available building sites might be brought forth for serious, consideratio~ as the first step. o co As the state Uniform 1i tter Control Ordinance is quite lengthy, it wC!!s tabled pending ~urther study by~the committee. The clerk was instructed" to publish N'OTTCE TO BIDDERS on the three following, units: Sixteen (l6) yardnrear-loading garbage collectionpackero, 27,500 lb. GVW trlJ.ck for transporting sixt~en cubic yarg 9ol1ection and packer unit. _ One ton flat bed ~ruck with hydraulic bed hoist for general utility purposes. The clerk was also instnucted to send specifications on these units to major dealers and manufacturers in this areae . 35' On 'a motion by Brown and seconded by Webb, it was moved that :1>100.00 be appropriated as Convention 'Expenses for Judge Barnard for the period September 23 - 26 at Oreas Island, also the' amount of $25e-OO for' membership fee. Changes in the Town ordinance on livestock. was discussed., Atto~ey Stiltz stated that he would draft changes which he would have at the next meeting' for considerationo I There being no further business, on a motioo'by Drogseth and seconded by Gallagher, the meeting was adjourned at 10:~@. P.M. ~fe~ 'Lara B., Coa tes" Mayor ~"''''')m /~~. ~ ' ~ (- ,-' ~r "'/~'.. Q,(j:>" art~P:J"'Cler' Treasurer ,</" ,I'~ \.-.... I. August 8, 1973 I The regular meeting of the Town Council was called to order by Mayor Coates at 1 :30lt,PM.. The follol.\-ring councilmen were present: Webb; Sokolik and Browne Others~present were Attorneys Schultz and Sti1tz, 'Mrso Longmire, Leonard Doche~ty, Engineers Byrne,~ and ste~ens",' " ' -'~ On a motion by Brown and seconded by Webb the minutes ,of the July meeting were approved as presented. \ ,The August bills were ordered paid on a motion by vlebb and seconded by SokoJ:ik. They are as follows: . CURRENT I u . s. Le~sing Corpora ti Ot) Ye1m Hardware Yelm Telephone ~hurston ,County Sherrf~ Rentex 'Services ' Wolf 1 s Shop Hi te Washington Natural Gas Pitney Bowes Thurston County Auditor' D & H Mobil Services , Pickett Drugs "Puget, Power O. J. Marty;r Nisqually Valley News Atlantic Richfield Co. 'vlashington Phy si cians , Yelm Nat'1 Auto Parts Mufflers Unlimited Mobil Oil Co.- $24..32 73.11 80..08 6.00 8.82: 15'.70 13..38 , 57 .45 85.21 1..29 ....65 43017 12", 82 20.51 28.83 73.88 " l4.~83 46.62 106",89 WATER 'Ye1m Hardware Pacific Water Works Puget POvler ,'Rosano Electric Postmaster Badger 'Heter Co.' 28.,5'7 55.63 lI>0.98 7.09 4.00 80",47 _J~~ Y, . . ~....",., .;;..''''..~.~.~ 36: GARBAdE Yelm Auto Service Postmaster Mobil Oil Co ll" Yelm Garage ~p3 ",15 4$00 13.02 26~o8 CITY STREETS Pacific Sand & Gravel Wolbert Brothers Puget Power 22.B8 1750.00 126.70 J.'layor Coates read a cQIDm.unica,tion from rvJIN CITY CABLEVISION, .INe. They 0 indicated that they were interested in providing cable teleyision service .. : for the Town of Yelmc. On a motion by Webb and seconded ~ Sokolik, the clerk 'was instructed to invite a representative of the firm to the September Council meeting so that full details might be explained to the Council'll The state Litter Control Code Ordinance 149 was adopted on a motion by Brown and seconded by W'ebb. It was passed unanimouslYe' Ordinance # 148, prohibiting a~y person from riding, walking or in any .manner permitting any horse to be upon any sidewalk in the Town of Yelm was moved by Webb and seconded by Sokolik& No Action was taken on the new Water Ordinance pending further study by the committee. Revision of the Town Business License Sched.UJe was tabled until the September meetinge The .following sealed bids ere opened: , Floe's :rnc ~, Chehalis Garbage Truck Chassis Sinclair-Anderson, Olympia n' rr rr Floe's Inc", Chehalis Utility Flat Bed Truck Sinclair-Anderson, Olympia n " 11 tt Industrial Refuse Systems, Seattle Garb. collection Refuse Reduction Systems, Seattle II ff $7 ~941.27 6,613.65 S,191.5Q 5;0800.95 body $lO,055~62, u 8,932067 o On a motion by Bravn, seconded by Vlebb it was moved that since more time was needed to study the bids, the meeting be Ccontinued on August 22nd, and that action would be taken at tha.t time. The motion passed unanimously. " On a motion by B:r.own and seconded by SokoItik" it was moved and passed un- animously that the bid for codification of the Town Ordinances be accepted as pre'santed by Book Publishing Co. of 2518 Western Avenue, Seattle and that Mayor Coates sigh the contract, attested to by the clerke>' .Detai~s oare as follows: . C Basic Charge - MuItilith Code of 150 pages.......................$l,750eOO :Gkarge for each page over 150 pages ..... .,. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .... . . . .. . .. . .. . . 10...00 (Map, Diagram or Tabular pages - extra per page.................... 10000 Charge applicable ~o basic code and supplements) The basic charge incl~des 25 loose-leaf Binders imprinted with title of code Tabbed Title Div~der Pa as - Additional if Ordered Include Basic Cost for 2 sets ................0...0...................150..00 Addi tional sets - each .. . .. .. .. . . .. ... . . .. . . " . . .. ... . .. " . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10.00 ) . Additional copies over~ 25 ordered at the time of the original printing may b:? obtained at $15.,00 per COpYe, , Additional supplemental updating service for a 5 year period at an annua~, charge o~ $100eOO plus: $10..75 for each page of new additional ordinanceso Attorney Schultz presented a proposal to the council fro~ BE!iNETT, JOHNSON, SLENES & SMITH, A.I.A &. ASSOCIATES, of Olympia .regarding a stud.y for the Town of Yelm relating to the proposed new Town Hallo They propose to provide all of the work mentioned in a final report for an amount not to exceed $850.00. If the work proceeds into working drawings and'construction, they would deduct $450.00 from the standard fee 'scheduleo No firm action was taken on the proposale o I I 1- 87" On a" motion by Sokolik and seconded" by Webb, with Brown lOting nay" it was passed 'that- the Town of Ye1m adopt therecOmr.nendation of the Town Planning Council to delete this portion of subsection 7" of Section *:~,',~, Ordinance 11126 which reads as..follows: IIThis subsection shall not apply to lots under single ownership which are or exceed tw:oJ'(2) ,'acres.in1 sizeo"! The amendment ,was made in Ordinance # 147.. " ~>'~'~~ . Mr., Leonard Docherty made a request to build q fence which would enclose his lots nUmbers 2,' J, c & n and the)'~alley right-o.f-way in HcKenzie t s add! tion to Yelm, but would proVide gateways for ent~ance during emergencies. The request "was granted I~. Docherty on a motion b~ Sokolik .and seconded by Webb with Brown voting nayo ,\ Hotion was made by Brown', seconded by' ~vebb and passed ill1animously to br~pg2" the Consumers Deposit .Fund into balance with the Treasurers Cash Book in compliance with the recommendation of, the state Aud.itors Office.. Consumer ~eposit recorlds~~ndicate the amount of $1350.00 being held in Consumer Deposi ts on 31 July 1973 whilse the Treasurers Ca,sh Book shows a balance of $1,410..97. The clerk was instructed ,to make a transfer of ftt;O.97 from the Consumer Deposit Fund to the Water Fund, thereby reconciling the accounte Attorney Schultz will draft a resolution ~Q that effect. . Engineer Byrne brought to" the attention of the Mayor and Council, that the lasttegislature had passed Referendum #27 which provides interest-free state funds to Towns and Cities to make a comprehensive planning survey a.s' to future water needs and facility expansion. He also explained that there will be free funds avai labIa to pay 40% of actual construction to Towns that qualif,y after the survey ha~ been made., Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Webb, and passed unanimously instructing Engineer ayrne to make application for the Town of, Yelm as the :first step toward expansion of the Town water . system at a cost of ;$3,,500000 with Hayor Coates signing on behalf of the Town of Yelm.., ' Toward the end of the meeting there was' a heated exchange between Councilman Brown and the Town Clerk. Hr. Brcwn insisted on voicing strong and reR~ated criticism of the clerks work~ The clerk stated that he was c~pable of pre- fonning his clerical work without directions from Brown, and has done so to . the satisfaction of Mayor Goates and the state Auditor, and that he has re- ceived no complaints from any employee on the payrollo Martyr accused the councilman of making demands beyond his authority, and stated that he had no' intention of remaining in the position if Brown continues in his efforts to ,make the clerks job unbearable. As there was no response to the Public Hearing on a propos.ed amendment to Zoning" Ordinance #126 wh~ch would establish a Residential-Agriculture Zone, Attorney, Schultz agteed to meet with J'vIrs. Lon@t1ire and an' additional member of the Planning Commission to discuss and finalize the amendm~nt. The meeting was recessed at 11:50 P.M. to be continued at 7:30 PM on August 22nd in the Ye1m Town Hall. A':ugll)s~;u22.1I197 3 > The meeting resumed at 7:30 P.M. Mr. G~ H. Duggins, Sales representative of Floets, Inc. was present at the .meeting to answer questions relative to the need for a larger truck to be used for garbage collection unit. On a motion by Brown, seconded by So~olik it was moved that a new bid be published 'for the larger chassis with revised specifiGations. As two of the councibmen were absent it was decided to wait until the September meeting to vote on the collection unit and one tons utility truck Q. ' . As there was no further business the meeting was , 'motion by Brown qnd seconded by Webb.., on a 88 September 12, 1973 IDhe regular meeting of the Town Council was called to order by Mayor Lora B. Coates at 7 :30 P .t1. The following councilmen were present:' Richard Sokolik, Arnold Drogseth, George Brown and Harvey Webb. Others present were Attorney Schulti, Engineers Byrne and stevens, Roberta Longmire, Nancy Marchand, Mar,y Myers, Floyd Cumming~" l-1ark Curtis, Craig HcCaw and Roger stutzman. Minutes of the August meeting were approved as written on a motion by Webb and seconded by Sokolik. On a motion by Brown~land seconded by. Drogseth, the following September bills were.approved, for payment: CURRENT Pickett Drugs Rentex Services Pitney Bowes Nisqually News Ye1m Telephone Washington Natural Gas Book Publishing Coo' Nisqually News puget Power Charles Barnard . Thurston Fire District # 2 Timberland Libra~ U.s.. Leasing Corp. D & H Mobil Fristoe, Taylor & Schultz U.S. Postmaster Loyd We Stocker O..J. Hartyr Larry r1cKissick Ken Meixner Central Auto Parts Ye1m Natl Auto Parts Ye1m Telephone Rosano Electric Atlantic Richfield Mobil Oil Washington Physicians state Motors KrugerEx..~on Thurston-Mason Health Diste W~~i:l.TER . Ye1m Garage Beckman's D & H Service Yalm Hardware Pacific Water Works Western Utilities Mobil Oil COe< United Industries Puge,t Power GARBAGE Thurston LandFill Atlantic Richfield Mobil Oil Co.. o $ 4..17 80-82 104.88 106.75 29.56 22.70 584(<00 15.,00 4 7 ~,7 0 100000 1273,,89 526.00 24.32 1.26 8..20 8.,00 9.,00 70,58 89083 23.19 23.85 33.85 0 38.85 2.57 71004 115.,16 36090 2069 6.81 29.36 24~15 4.36 7036 12~83 231~43 82 go 92 6019 53 co15 114~97 1200.00' .52..28 29.. a:9 0 ' . l6~54 1260-70 CITY S,'iEREETS Lakeside Industries Puget Power Residential- Agriculture Ordinance # 150 was passed unanimously on a motionoby~ Sokolik and seconded by Drogseth.. Bid for one Dumpster garbage compactor unit in the amount of $10,485.25 was awarded to $mdustria1 Refuse Company on a motion by Brown,~seconded by Webb and was passed unanimously 00 The higher bid was awarded because it was determined that the Dumpster compactor would better serve our needs - giving us more tonage capacity. Bid in the amount of $5,080~95 for one 1974 GMC flat bed utility truck was awarded to Sinclair-Anderson on 'a motion by Webb, seconded by Sokolik and passed unanimously. I r~...~' I~ f- -r:-- 1: I. '\ -""F.,~ 39 ,A bid for one 1974 GMC garbage truck chassis in the ~ount of $6;613865 was . 'awarded to Sinclair-Anderson on a m0tiQn by BroWn and seconded by Webb and passed unanimously.- The Committee reports on both the proposed new w~~er ordinance and the vevised Business License schedule were tabled until the October meeting. Mr. McCaw of TwIDn city Cablevision, Inc. explained their proposal to service Yelm with cable televisiono Channels would be 4,5,7,9,11,13,56 and possibly 2. Each service inst.a.llation cost would be $19.95 with a monthly charge of ~t6~oa., Attorney Schultz was asked to review the proposal and report on the matter at a future meeting~; Mr. Mark Curtis of Regional Planning Commission explained the goal and general policy of, their master plan on shoreline management and asked that Yelm help in efforts to preserve and p~otect the resources and ecology of the state's shore- line region. f'froCurtis agreed to come to another council meeting in' the near future after the Mayor and Council have, had, time to give the plan more thought, and: study~ ' A petition for Annexation was submitted to the council covering a general area between Rhoton Road and Crystal Springs Road~ A letter from the Yelm Planning Commission recommended the Town of Yelm annex this property as the petition has been signed 'by ,the property owners of more than 84% of the assessed valuatione They further recommended that this area be zoned partially "Manufacturing" and the balance "Residential -A griculture" as defined on the accompanying ma;F>'e 'Ihe petition was signed by the following persons: N~r. & !vIrs. Charles Kyler, August Tokarczyk, Harry Lewis, M'r & l{rs. Donald Miller" Karole Grinder, Richard Flannigan, Alfonso Gonzales, Hr. C.E, Grinunet, Mr. Mrso Gornmart,Floyd Cummings Jr.., Shirley stone, William Cummings, Tressa Brand, Nancy Marchand, Ray Hills and Lorraine HillsJc, On a motion by Brown,~ seconded by Webb, the council moved to accept the petition for annexation and set the. date of October 10th to vote on the petition after the Public Hearing on the Annexation on the same date., Ordinance # 151 was passed and adopted which allows the Mayor and Councilmen an expense or compensation fee of $20.00 for each regular council meeting attenaed, not to exceed one meeting per montho The motion was made by Brown and seconded by Sokokik9 The motion was carried unanimouslYe On a motion by Drogseth end seconded by v-lebb it was moved that the anticipated $15,7720.00 in Revenue Sharing Funds for the twelve month period ending June 30th, 1974 be allocated for the City Hall building program. On a motion by Brown and seconded by Sokolik it was passed unanimously that Resolutions #123 and #124 relating to additions to the street program as stat~d in R~solution #119 be approved. The recommendation of the building committee to purchase the two lots at J.l.losman & Yelm AveG was rejected on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Sokolik.. A request wa~m~de tpat pther proposals be presented for consideration. A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Webb, th~t the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer 'place on interest Revenue Sharfng Funds in the amount of $12,243.000 Ona motion by Brown and seconded by Drogseth, the Town of Yelm set its Tax Levy for 1974 on property valuation of J't;2,675,862...o0:)at .1.',e>5 :mills". {or a total of $20,068e97 by City Ordinance #152 in accordance "lith RCW 840.520020. There being no further 9usiness, ,,the meeting adjourned at 11 :55 P .I1., :l ~:t:1~ ",:>..-, .. .-J 0',,-- -.:\ /""-'~--:)~ ')</} /" 7~ ~f'r:-;s~er ,;x ::> 41 N 6~~, ^ THE R -E Ji' 0 R E," BE IT RESOLVED by the Town council of the Town.of Ye1m that the Six 1ear Comprehensive Street Program for the ensuing'-sixoyearsbe revised and modified by the addition of th,?se streets designateq in Resolution No. 123 e BE I~ FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution. be filed by the 'l'own Clerk with the Director 'Of Highways of the State of ~ashington. ADOPTED this 12 day of September, 19739 'I Approve . October 10, 1973 . In the absence of Mayor Coates; on a mot~on by Gallagher and seconded by ~rogseth, Councilman Sokolik was voted Mayor Pro-tern for the meetingo Councilmen present were Brown, SOkolik, Gallagher and Webb. Others present were Attorney stiltz, .Engineer Byrne, ]'frs.. Odie Kyler, Hrs. Mary Meyers, M:r:sC! Ray Hills, and Artie Horst9 Minutes of the September meeting were approved as presented on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Webb." . Current bills were ordered paid on a motion by Brown, and seconded by Gallagher. ,I: .Current U.S. Leasing Corp. Puget Power Nisqually Valley News Employm~nt Security Dept. Washington Natural Gas Pickett .Drug store Yelm Telephone Yelm Businessman Assoc. Rentex Services Corpo IT .. S.. Postmaster . Kisor Tire Co. Atlantic Richfield Co. Hobil Oil Go. Washington P~sicians Service .Yelm National Auto Parts · J II> Tcka.rec;,~yk Rad-Com Electronics, Inc. Yelm Telephone , D &. H Mobil Service $ 24.32 46 to 73 '198..42 2'110 25.12 4047 39.06 7.50 8.82 12.00 7.30 68.13 77.20 55.35 47 ,,91 5.25 34013 , 50.44 2.10 "1.., . " Water f Loyd Stocker . - Puget Power W.K... Burkett Yalta Hardware Patrick Byrne & Assoc. Pacific 1rJater Works Supply 5.00 101.59 240.00 16028 251.30 1,658.67 Garbage Mobil Oil Co.. Yelm Garage 'Atlantic Richfield Co. Thurston Co. Landfill 48..32 4.20 12.62 120.00 42' streets ----pat'rick""l3yrne & Assoc. ?'uget Power D & H Mobil Coo Mobi~ O~l Co. Yelm Garage i$239040 .117/)85 6'.'22 , 5.40 26 " 78 As no person appeared in objection to the Petition for-Annexation of the property bet'tieen Crystal Springs Road & Rhoton Road at the public hearing, a mQtion was made by Webb, seconded by Gallagher and passed unanimously that this area be annexed to the 'Town of Yelm, by Ord #153 A motion was made 'by Brown, seconded by .Drogseth and passed unanimously that the Town of Yelm accept as filed, a Pepition for Annexation for property contingent to the above area which continues northerly to Canal Road.. Petition was signed by the following owners: Harrison, Jackson, 'Horst, Knight, and Ginger& The petition for annexation ~ll be voted on after the Public Hearing set for the regular council meeting on November 14, at 7=30 PM in the Yelm City Hall. .0 On the proposed new Water' O.rdinance, Engineer Byrne suggested thq,t a meeti.ng be held consisting of council members, the city Utility Superintentftant,. members of the Clerk's Office 'and a member of the Engineer stilf! to review and make recommendations suitable for adoption. There was a general discussion regarding the construction of water lines to service the area to be annexedo The clerk was asked to CHeck with the state A};ldi tors office as to the legality of bO]fn;rowing money from the Fire Eq\llp- ment Fund Reserve to finance theproject& No problem was anticipated in accomplishing thise A motion was made by Drogseth~ seconded by Webbrj\ passed una1l.limously that $3; 943 GOO in Fea:eral Revenue Sharing funds be placed on interest in FIDELITY SA\~NGS & LOAN ASSOCIATIONo A request vTas made by fire District IIJ 2 to runda line from the city gen- erator at the pump house to tpe Fire Hall to be used for emergency serviceo The Council voiced their approval provided the wdrk is done at "tne expense of the Fire Distri~to o Councilman Brown 'made a motion that the Clty purchase one lot across the alley to the 'rear of the fire Hall for the sum of $5,000.00 from John Rosano G' The' motion was second.ed by lrJebb..,. Passed J~nan:tou:_~ly. " :, Councilman' Brown 'brought 'an unlit area on Fohrth street betw'een Yelmp.venue and Washington street, to the attention of the' Council. He made a motion that the Town request puget Power to install a light there., The motion" was seconded by Webb and passed un~nimou61y. There being no fur.ther business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PoM. on a motion by vlebb,. seconded by Gallagher eo ~A/;; <=to a B. Goates,. M~~ ~0' Y:?z/ " 0/ . .,.. ,/ t ,/ , ," , \ , /", . -" ,. ~ " o ~~~J Treasurer o I I' I 4~' ~t., .,. ..;. J3'\ J<~f (... /1 November 14, i973 .1. ~ ,': .{ the regular meeting of the Town _Copncil was called to order by :f.1ayor Coatese All councilmen Were present. Others present were Attorneys Schultz and 'stiltz, Engineer Stevens, Oddie Kyler, Mary Hyers, Nr~ & Mrs. Jackson, M'rslII, Jensen, Mr. & Mra.Harrison, Mrs. Horst,' Gene Coulter and Jerry Sprague. I , The clerk was asked' to make one correction in the October minutes by changing "no dissenting votes'" to 'fpassed unanimously", in the paragraph regarding the motion to purchase the Rosano property. Current vouchers Were approved on a-motion by Sokolik and seconded by Drogseth. ! ' Currf;3nt Wolf's Pi tney Bai es " Pickett Drugs Puget Power Patrick Byrne U.S.' Leasing' Rentex Services Nt squally Va11:~y News' Washington Natural Gas U .5. Postmast'er Pat's Lighthouse A tla ntic Richfield Thurston Mason Health Dist. Motorola, Inc. Washington'Physicians Yelm Auto Parts Yelm. Telephone , Mobil Oil County Sheriff 11~72 40.,50 5.65 129.31 102.40 , 24$32 13.23 51..72 . 42.65 8.00 -', 2,~l)0 83.88 32.58 23~81 55.35 30.16 79.61 148.63 26.00 Water Badger Meter eo. Yelm Hardware Gallagher Oil 'A & I,Lumber Pacific Water Works .409.04 18.,93 31.41 2.47 57.12 'Streets Atlantic Richfield Co., Lakeside Industries , Puget PGl er D & H Mobil Service Yelm Hardware 15.68 26.39 123..75 6.96 15.65 ;" Garba.ge ; :' ,'Atlantic Richfield ,Mobil Oil Co", 'George Brown 69.10 J9 It 09 30.70 As no person appeared at the 'public hearing in objection to the .#2 annexation peti tion -of property extending to Can8J. Road, it was passed unanimously bn:;:;a mption : byBrOw'n and seconded ,by Webb, that the city accept the ~peti tion as filed' and' , ,. that a. meeting ,of the review board be called for the final approval. A motion 'was made by Brown and ,seconded by Webb that an architect'be employed to m~ke a feasability stuqy with recommendations relating to the_new Cit,y Hall as well as recommendations .of remode3:.ing needs for the present'puilding. A motion wa.s,made_b1 Sokolik and secondedxby Brown that the Building Committee be re- quested: to recommend an architect for the above study. The motion passed unan.... 1motlsly ~, . . Motion was made by Gallagher, seconded by Webb, With Brown voting nay, that if Gene ,Coulter purChased both lots to the rear of City Hall, he be requested to grant' the city an ,easement for the construction of a drain field should it become necessary and a:1so to grant a right of way for emergency'vehicle travel. 4-4 4) :.?l';:.> 1,.- On, a...motion by nrogseth,. seconded by, (jall~gher,.. it, was, passed ,unanimously that the following schedule on salaries, wages and benefits be adopted for the year 1974:. .. I: I' ,Ytilit:rv Superintendant.... 0'.. .. .. ............ ~.. City of' YelmWage Schtlqu;Ie for 1974. Marshal. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . '. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ..'.. . Deputy 1 ......................" . . . . . .. . . . .. . . Deputy 11 ................................... Clerk 'fi'easurer......................... , . Municipal Judge/.....~.................. $lOO.OO Month v 800.,00 " '( '; i .. , 550.00 ' tt 550.00 .. 750.00 11. 160.00 It ,0""'" ~ , J ~ DeputyE~erk ........t.................. Muniqipal CourtClerk~$3.00 p~r hr. Not to exceed $50.00,per month. Deputy Supervisor ...~...............4.. Extra Laborer .......~.................. *'*-~~~~~*"~~~~-~'"*'X.-?HHP,}->k~HH~ 4.00 per h~';'Q 175.00 per month .3.00 per hx:.. SICK LEAVE: Sick leave will be accUmulated at the rate of. ~) one halt day per month, with a :maximum of (30) days allowed e. This is, not to be applied to annual or ~acation leave. ( . *i.~*'~,,<-;~<:-h~--;HHh'HH~"**"X~.k~~ PAID VACATIONS: After" (I) year of employment, (1) week of vacation .is allowed, 4fter (2) ye~s of employment, (2) weeks of vacation. are allowed" after :(10) y~ars, (,3) weeks would be othe established- rule. **7}****~-**~(.** Holidays : The followi~g are paid holidays: New Years, Ch:r-istmas, Memorial Day, July Fo~th, Labor Day, 'lhanksgiving" and Veterans Day. ************* o The above sick leave, paid vacations and holid8\Ys as stated, are to be allowed for all pez,nanent employees qf the Town of Yelm.. Attorney Sdhultz.wQS reque~ted to noti~ the Auditor that a speci~election be held in the row of YelrrJ, fixing a 2 mil~ tax .levy for the purpose of raising $50,000.,00 for the constru~tion of a new city hall. Tl1e expenditure of $3,500 ~(jr' the City Engineer to proceed with the state Compre~ensive Study' Pl8.!1:~'fqr the Yelm ~ater system, w~s passed unanimously on a motion by Brown and s~conded by l':)r.bg~eth", A motion was made by Brown anp seconded by Webb that the above study be authorized subject to the . legality of the contract and advice. of the city attorney. Ordinance # 155, relating to the Yelm wat~r system was passed unanimously on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Gallagher. This ordinance states that wa ter bill s not paid by the 20th ot any month shall become delinquent 8!}d that service to such customers shall be terminated without n<D7tice and will not be restored until such bill, toge'ther.With a charge of $5.00 for termin- ~t~ng and restoring 'Wiater service hl;i.s been paid.' . :,-,:,.' On a. motion by So~olik and seconded by Drogseth it was passedtha:t;i:.J~e~~a9tion ta'\tenteetQber;.:a~O~h~,:topurchase the Rosano property to the rear qf 'the 'Ci 1;.y Hall be resinded., Brown voted nay. Mayor Coates read a conullunication from the New City Hall Conuy1i.ttee, with the recommendation that the Yelm Town Council consider the purchase of the Fristoe pr.operty as the site to build the new city hall. o 45~ , ".'/' 't -' ' ;1, , . ' Acting. upon .. the. . recommendation of the < Ne.v...C~i-ty,. .}ta.ll. :Blrl.lding Commit t'ee, the . 'Council, on a motion by Gallagher and seconded by Webb, moved to purch~$e the Fristoe 'property described as follows: Block 4 of Yelm less the south 108 feet thereof as recorded in book of Plats, .reconds of Thurston County, Washington. This lot is 68~ 8 by 147,.54 feet<t Price of the lot is $29,500. Councilmen Brown and Sokolik cast negative' votes. Mayor Coates stressed the very urgent ne~ for an up-to-date map showing accurately all of the Yelm water SYstem. . On a motiop. by Gallagher and seconded by Webb, the clerk was instructed to have. our City Engineer make the additions and corrections necessary to make our map current. The proposed sidewalk in front of the Birkland property on Th:hrd street was discussed at length. Councilman, Brown stated that the county was now in the process' of preparing a cost estimate on the project, and would present it to . the Coun~il upon canpletion. . .Ordinance # 154 relating to the operation of the Yelm municipal water system, amending Section 4 of Ordinance # 108 was read. It states, that if front footage charge is not paid at the time of connection to the water main, the owner maY elect to pay the charge in thirty.~'f5t.~> equal monthly installment payments_ 'fhe Ordinance was pa.ssed unanimously on a motion by Brown and .secoQ.ded by Webb.. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 P.M. "- ',ffe~ Cos. t;~ s, Hayor I' ~---).: ~ ". /",.; } /...--:).-97Z ' \,......:...~../ "')'.../;~.. '.~ "c. ...( -, .t...-' -; O. J--;' Ma:'rt;yr'l~-Glerk-Trea~~er / / 1/ ~ i ,,/. . (-~^-:,/ ~. ", , . December 12, 1973 7he. regUlar meeting of the Town Council was called to order by Mayor Coates~ vouncilmen present were Drogseth, SOkolik,rBrown and webb,1a1se present were attorneys Schultz and Stiltz, Roberta Longmire, D.Ro Bekemans, Jerry Sprague, Hal Wolf Jr., Don Miller, Mro Reitan, Mre Whitmore, Mr.., Tenely and attomley Bob Fri s}.oe. On a moti'on by Brown, seconded by Sokolik and passed unanimously tha!t- the mi.nutes the ~ovember meeting be approved. The following vouchers w~re ordered paid on a motion by vlebb and seconded by Sokolik:" . Cur-rent I PO$tmaster Timberland Librar.y v{~shington Natural Gas Nisqually Valley News Mayor Coates IBpt~, of Motor Vehicles U~s:.. .Leasing Corporation Ren tex ,Services Rosano Electric Pickett Drugs Puget Power Bean & Gentry Yelm Nat'l Auto.Parts Yelm Telephone Col'.bnial Ins.,. COe. Washington Physicians Re~ PUrdy $ 8.00 45...78 54.,,1: 46 ..48 26.20 8..00 24.,)2 8<1182 1.26 5.,96 45.65 · 25..00 20.,90 89.85 12.00 , 55.35 12.15 ~'t . 46 Garbage Postmaster N:isqu8:1ly News Yelfu Garage' O.J. Hartyr' $ 4~00 . 76e.78 7.83.' 1.42 'WAter Nisqually Vets Puget Power Pioneer Business Forms Ye1m Hardware Nisqual}.y News A & I Lumber Co. Ye1m Garage Loyd Stocker 7.94 87.00 18.63 8,.57 76.8.5 8..18 2.63 13.10 . streets: Lakesid.e Industry Puget Power Ye1m Garage 1,.7.5 123.75, 3.51 ,O~<". .. . , r , . On a motion by Brown, second,~d.,by Sokolik it was passed that Ordinance # 154 be amended.by Ordinance # 156 to imply that front footage charge coulp .be paid over a period not' to exceed thi'rty six monthst~l~ a lesser 'perioa if' so desired by. the OJ ner fl< . . The" following budget for the year 1974 was adopted by Ordinance #158 on a motion by Brown, seconded by Sokolik and passed unanimously: , Est. Cash Bal. $16,447.00 11,000.00 7~300.00 2,587.00 -0- 2,500.00 7 ,254.38 310.00 1,000.00 8,358.00 22,312.68 Ct'il<!J)7tJ2~l~,<"'~t1) 001 401 402 101 199 102 .403 105 106 104 .103 Current Garbage Water City streets Federal Revenue Sharing Arterial streets Water Redemption Revenue Cummulative Reserve * Park Improv. Contingency Cummulative Reserve -~re Protect& Cummulative Reserve -Municipal PurP9 Est. Receipts $59,568.00 13,500.00 35,700.00 5,108.00 15,922.00 2,932.00 3,827.50 16.00 -0 "'" . 440.0') 1,725.00 ....Total " ~<Budget $76' 31.5.00 , . 24.,,500.00 43 ,000.00 7,695.00 15,922000 5,432~OO 11,081.88 326.00 . 1,.000 ..00 . '8,798000 24,097 068 o Total All Funds $79,129.06 $139".038.50 218,,167 &56 It was moved.by Webb, seconded qy Sokolik and .passed unanimously that Opminance ,,#159 be passed stating EVERY PERSON CONVICTED BY THE POLICE JUSTICE' OR MUNICIPAL COURT OF A VIOLATI ON OF THE PROVISIONS OF ANY ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN Oli' Y1"'L!-1 FOR WHICH NO PUNISHMENT IS SPECIFICALLY 'PRESCRIBEP-; IN THE ORDINANCE SHALL. BE PUNISHED . , BY A FINE OF NOT JfORE 'r-ffAN FIVE HU1'J'DRED DOLLARS OR IMPRISONMENT, IN JAIL FOR.A PERIOD NDT TO EXCEED SIX MONTHS OR BOTH SUCH FINE AND I1vfPRISON!>iENT~ M'ayor Coates' brought before the council the advisability of placing collision insurance on the two newly purchased city trucks., On a motion by. liJebb, 'seconded by Drogseth and passed unanimously that $250.00 deducthble be placed on the garbage truck at a yearly cost of $383.00 and $100.00 deductllble on the utility truck at a yearly cost of $100.00. ." ."', Judge Barnard adminis~ered the oath of office to the recently electad officials withtora B. coates taking the o~th as Mayor and Arnold Drogseth and Harve y Webb as councilmen. The Results of the November election'were as rollows: Mayor (Four Year Term) Lora B. ,Coates Ronald Lawton George Brown 94 .52 ,36 . " 1 (FoUr Year Term) . , 160 2 ~(Four Year Term) 103 66 Council PositiQn No. Arnold Drogseth Council Position No. Evelyn M.- Sickles Frank: Sheppard Council Position No It 3 c Harvey L. Webb 153 ,0 ~ .' ,I: "If., I I 47 . On a motion by Brown, seconded by Webb', i iwas unani.mouslypassed' that the":o; ci ty BUSINESS LICENSE SCHEDU~E ~e amended by Ordinance # 157' .tcr, r'ead as follows: More Than $100,000.00 Gross Annu~~y $96.00 ~e:r. year More 'Ihail' 50,000.,00 Gross ~nually 48.00 It rr ';iUess Than 50,000.00 ,Gross Annually 24..0() 11 n tess Than 2, 500G"'OO Gross Annually 12..00 It It '1, ChaPge in ,the boundary of Rhoton Road was discussedo Attorney Sch~ tz stated he would study the present boundar.1~lines anq determine what and how the change could be accamplishedo Councilman Brown moveq for.a, resolution rescinding the action taken at the November meeting regarding the purchase of the Fristoe property .'~A heated discussion followed. . The fact was presented that it was too late to back out as an agreement had b~en signed dated December 6, 197 3~. After assurance by the City Attorney that all matters pertaining. to the transaction had been 'handled in a completely legal manner, Mr. Brown's motion was defeated on a vote of two for and two against, resulting in a tie breaking vote by Mayor Coates. - , A -motion was duly mad~ by Webb, seconded by Drogseth, Sokolik voting yes, Brown nay, that by Resolution #123 the sum of $14,967.00 be transferred from the Federal Revenue Sharipg Trust Fund to Current Expense to be expended as partial payment for acquisition of the new City Hall site~ , . Councilman Brown moveg that the city purchase the two Rosano, lots to the rear of the City Halle After much discussion the motion was defeated- Brown and Webb voted for, Sokolik and Drogseth against, with a tie breaking vote by t.1ayor Coatese- Messers ~i tan, Whi tmQre and Tenely of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows explained in detail the operatiQns of the Yelm ICemetery which they now own and operate. They presented their ~sh,to turn this enterprise over.to the City of Yelm ex- plaining their reasons for thinking the City would be in a position to better . service the area needs for a cemetery" The council agreed to postpone anY final decision on the matte~ until a later date. Mayor Coates gave a r~port on her visit with Roberta-Longmire of the Planning Commission M n H_.de tQ Bonney Lake" Black Diamond and Ea tonville. Each of these . cit1-es have newly built or remodeled city.halls which offered good ideas and plan's which they felt. ,would prove valuable in choosing ,a sui table building plan to fit the needs of our city. On a motion by Drogseth, seconded by Webb, it was moved 'that the city hi.re the fim of SWedberg & Associates of Tacoma at.a cost not.'to exceed $100.00 ,for their recommendations and advice on modifying the Black Diamond plans e 0 " There being no further.: business the meeting adjourned at 12 :05 A.M. .-t/.-r,,\ , ) , . c..:;)_,;"J/ /\ "'/"']~ \ Iy~/:/ ?" :: ...."'" J/ I ," ,_, ... ' ,c, -- //'{. .~' /:/ ,/_~J ..'Martyr, ,%erk:-Treasurer l~.~ / /