06 13 2017 Updated Packet
TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2017 6:00 P.M.
Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated d
resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items may not have attachments.
Call to Order
Roll Call
Agenda Approval ACTION
Special Presentations-
Student of the Month (May) Stella Ferrulli
Public Comment
the meeting recorder. Comment topics should not appear elsewhere on
agenda. Time (three minutes per speaker) and the number of speak
are limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements.
Consent Agenda ACTION
Minutes; Regular meeting May 23, 2017 & Study Session June 6, 2017
b. Checks #69104 - #69173 Totaling $497,360.47
City Park Request- Family Fun Day- July 8, 2017.
Longmire Park Request, Yelm Lions Club -Movie Nights 7/1/17; 7/15/17;
7/29/17; 8/12/17 and 8/26/17, 5:00 pm 11:30 pm.
Mosman Phase 2 Specialized Environmental Services Agreement-
WHPacific, Inc
Synchro Model Update Professional Services Contract-Shea, Carr &
Jewell, Inc. DBA SCJ Alliance Consulting
Public Hearing- no scheduled
New Business-
Non Discrimination Policy Agreement (NDA) with the Washington State ACTION
Department of Transportation (WSDOT).
Presenter: Maryanne Zukowski
Attachments: Staff Reports
Mosman Phase 2 Specialized Real-estate Services, Professional
Service Agreement-Epic Land Solutions, Inc. DBE firm
Presenter: Maryanne Zukowski
Attachments: Staff Report, Agreement
City Splash Park Professional Services Agreement with WHPacific,
Presenter: Maryanne Zukowski
Attachments: Staff Report,Agreement
Dancing Dog Farm & Rescue Service Provider Agreement
Presenter: Chad Bedlington
Attachments: Staff Report, Contract with Project Scope and Budget
Design Contract-2017 Asbestos Cement Water Main Replacement
Presenter: Chad Bedlington
Attachments: Staff Report, Contract with Project Scope and Budge
Old Business-
Ordinance No. 1022, Unified Development Code Update ACTION
Presenter: Tami Merriman, Associate Planner
Attachments: Staff Report, Ordinance No. 1022
Department Updates-
Council and Mayor-
Councilmember Curry represents Yelm on the following committees.
Thurston County Solid Waste
Yelm Finance Department
Advisory Committee (SWAC)
Yelm Public Safety Committee
Authority Liaison
Councilmember Carmody
represents Yelm on the following committees.
Intercity Transit Board Community Investment
Partnership (CIP)
Yelm Community & Economic
Development Committee
Yelm Finance Department
Councilmember Littlefield
represents Yelm on the following committees.
Yelm Community & Economic Development Committee
Councilmember Stillwell represents Yelm on the following committees.
Thurston County EDC Board Yelm Finance Department
Yelm Public Safety Committee
Councilmember Wood
represents Yelm on the following committees.
Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Public Works Committee
Transportation Council (TRPC)
TComm 911 Admin Board
Councilmember DePinto
represents Yelm on the following committees.
Thurston County Law and
South Thurston Economic Justice
Development Initiative group
Yelm Public Safety Committee
Yelm Community & Economic
Development Committee
Councilmember Hendrickson
represents Yelm on the following
Thurston County EMS-Medic Yelm Emergency Operations
Yelm Public Works Committee
Mayor Foster represents Yelm on the following committees.
Yelm Community & Economic Yelm Finance Department
Development CommitteeCommittee
Yelm Public Works Committee
Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Emergency Operations
South Sound Military and Nisqually River Council
Community Partnership
Executive Session- no session scheduled
13. (Correspondence is available upon request)
Needs-Yelm Community Center on June 20, 2017 4:30-6:00 pm.
Upcoming Meetings
Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, June 27, 2017, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building
Council Study Session, Wednesday, July 5, 2017, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building
Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building
All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.
about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402.
Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda item
speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limit
portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and
should not address topics for which public hearings have been co
a person
with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to co
processes or activities, please contact Lori Mossman, at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to the
scheduled event. The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Preliminary Agenda and
Approved Council Minutes are available at www.yelmwa.gov.
Agenda Item 6a Minutes
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1. Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
2. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Jennifer Littlefield, Tracey
DePinto and Russ Hendrickson.
3. Agenda Approval
4. Special Presentations- none scheduled
5. Public Comment- no comments
6. Consent Agenda
a. Minutes Regular meeting May 9, 2017.
b. Payables Checks #69027 - #69103 Totaling $353,561.10.
c. Coles Landing Final Subdivision 20070057
7. Public Hearing Unified Development Code Update
Mayor Foster opened the Public Hearing at 6:03 pm and Tami Merr
Planner gave a brief overview of the proposed changes.
Tony Engler, Yelm resident spoke in favor of removing the setba
retail marijuana stores.
Jeff Mahan, owner of THC of Olympia, spoke in favor of allowing
in Yelm. Mr. Mahan collected signatures from his customers, some
that are also in favor of retail marijuana stores in Yelm.
Ciaran Wilburn, owner of THC of Olympia also spoke in favor of
marijuana stores in Yelm.
Mayor Foster closed the Public Hearing at 6:19 pm.
8. New Business
a. Ordinance No. 1022, Unified Development Code Update
9. Old Business none scheduled
10. Department Updates-
Agenda Item 6a Minutes
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Michael Grayum updated the Council on the following:
Yelm Softball team is going to state.
Campaign season and city staff will remain impartial, coming soo
Campaign Forums.
May 15-All city staff were invited to attend an Employee Appreci
luncheon and reviewed the 2017 Budget year to date.
Employee Appreciation Week- Councilmember Carmody brought pizza
the Public Works staff and last week Councilmember DePinto broug
into the Police department.
We are accepting Yelm Student Support & Success (YESSS) applicat
Yelm Planning Commission and Parks Advisory Committee has updates to
the Parks Plan and will hold a Public Hearing on June 19, 2017 a
Two of the three new Police vehicles are being outfitted and wil
road soon.
Prairie Days Parade has been moved to Saturday, June 24, 9:30 am
Spring Clean-Up was a huge success- 16 containers were filled.
First Street Sidewalk construction project is underway.
Storm drainage work is starting.
Six-Year Transportation Improvement Project on the agenda for th
6 Study Session.
We are strengthening our IT Network Connection by installing new
Spray Park contract will come before Council at the June 13 meet
11. Mayor and Council Initiatives
Councilmember Curry attended the Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory
Committee meeting.
Councilmember Carmody attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting and the
Community Investment Partnership meeting. Councilmember Carmody
speaking with the Washington State Department of Transportation
upcoming Seattle to Portland (STP) bicycling event.
Councilmember Littlefield attended the Thurston Thrives Coordinating committee
Councilmember Wood attended the Thurston Regional Planning Transportation
Council meeting.
Councilmember DePinto attended the South Thurston Economic Development
Initiative group meeting and the Yelm Community & Economic Devel
Committee meeting.
Mayor Foster attended the Economic Council Business Awards meeting, Yelm
Visitor Bureau branding meeting, overview of Lean Management meeting,
debrief meeting on recent storm with the City of Lacey Managemen
cutting for Junk Queen, ribbon cutting for Habitat for Humanity,
at JBLM, South Sound Military and Community Partnership, Nisqual
meeting, attended Eagle Scout Court with Nolan Lyle and Council
Hendrickson and Tracey Wood and had Jury Duty but was not called
12. Executive Session no session scheduled.
13. Correspondence included
Agenda Item 6a Minutes
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Yelm Chamber of Commerce invitation from Yelm Community Schools
25, 2017 10:30am-12:30pm
14. Adjourned at 7:00 pm.
__________________________ Attest: _________________________
JW Foster, Mayor Lori Mossman, City Clerk
These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Counc
available on the city website at www.ci.yelm.wa.us.
Agenda Item 6a Minutes
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TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2017 6:00 P.M.
Councilmember Molly Carmody called the meeting to order at 6:00
2. Present: : Russ Hendrickson, Joe DePinto, Tad Stillwell and Jennifer
Littlefield. Absent: Mayor JW Foster, Councilmembers Tracey Wood and EJ Curry.
Staff present: City Administrator Michael Grayum, Public Works D
Public Works Manager Maryanne Zukowski, Wastewater Treatment Fac
VanBuskirk, Community Development Director Grant Beck, Associate Planner Tam
and City Clerk Lori Mossman.
3a. TCOMM Presentation
Executive Director Keith Flewelling and Deputy Director Wendy Hi
Council about who they are and what services they provide.
3b. WRF Phase 1
Brian Bunker from Parametrix explained to Council the upcoming c
Phase 1 and expressed the need to replace aging hardware.
3c. 6-Year Transportation Improvement Project (TIP)
Maryanne Zukowski explained the projects that are scheduled and
will be a Public Hearing on the TIP at the July 11, 2017 Council
3d. Introduction of new Thurston Regional Planning Council Execu
The new Executive Director introduced himself to Council and shared a li
Thurston Regional Planning Council does for the community.
3e. Unified Development Code Update
Tami Merriman updated the Council on the proposed changes and th
the Public Hearing held on May 23, 2017, concerning Food trucks,
Farmers Market, Text changes and the sections that pertain to Wa
Ordinance No. 1022 will be on the June 13, 2017 agenda for actio
3f. Yelm Municipal Code Updates-System Development Charge Amorti
Marijuana Buffers & Sewer Code Update
Grant Beck shared a PowerPoint presentation with Council and exp
retail marijuana stores. There was much discussion regarding rem
UDC but maintaining the restriction set by the state. Grant also
schedule for system development charges that would make it easie
pay those required fees.
3g. Presentation of Organizational Framework
Michael Grayum shared some of the things that the management tea
meetings. Michael proposed the draft mission, vision, values sta
each department for projects completed and upcoming.
Agenda Item 6a Minutes
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4. Mayors Report -
Mayor Foster was absent from the meeting.
5. Councilmember Updates
Councilmember DePinto asked about the Yelm Chamber holding the monthly Chamber
events at the Yelm Community Center.
Councilmember Carmody has met with the Cascade Bicycle Club in preparation for the
upcoming Seattle to Portland (STP) event in July.
Adjourn 7:45 p.m.
____________________________ Attest: _______________________
Molly Carmody, Chair Lori Mossman, City Clerk
These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Counc
available on the city website at www.ci.yelm.wa.us.
Agenda Item 6.b.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
The following is a list of checks approved for payment at council:
Payroll Direct Deposit-Employee
Payroll A/P Checks
A/P EFT & Drafts
Voucher EFT & Drafts
Utility Refunds6915569173$3,257.06
____________________________ /_______________________________/________________________________
Mayor Councilmember Councilmember
Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember
Councilmember Councilmember
CITY CLERK:_______________________________________
The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment
passed on a motion by______________________________________________at a regular council meeting held
this 13th day of June 2017.
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Agenda Item 6c City Park Request & Longmire Park Request
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Agenda Item 6c City Park Request & Longmire Park Request
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Agenda Item 6d Mosman Phase 2 Specialized Environmental Services Agreement-WHPacific, Inc.
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Agenda Item 6e Synchro Model Update, Professional Srvs. Contract-Shea, Carr & Jewell, Inc. DBA SCJ Alliance Consulting
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Agenda Item 8a Non Discrimination Policy Agreement (NDA)with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT).
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Agenda Item 8a Non Discrimination Policy Agreement (NDA)with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT).
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Agenda Item 8a Non Discrimination Policy Agreement (NDA)with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT).
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Agenda Item 8a Non Discrimination Policy Agreement (NDA)with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT).
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Agenda Item 8b Mosman Phase 2 Specialized Real-Estate Srvs., Professional Srvs. Agmt.-Epic Land Solutions, Inc. DBE firm
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Agenda Item 8d Dancing Dog Farm & Rescue Srv. Provider Agreement
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Agenda Item 9 Ordinance 1022
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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Yelm amending the Unified
Development Code Title 18 YMC.
WHEREAS, the City of Yelm updated the Yelm Comprehensive Plan on Februa
WHEREAS, the Yelm Planning Commission reviewed the Unified Development Code, Title 18
YMC, and proposed updates to implement new and updated goals and
Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held an open meeting and a public open
proposed updates to the Unified Development Code; and
WHEREAS, the Commission held a duly advertised public hearing on the pr
amendments, as required by the Growth Management Act, Section 36
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission made recommendations to update the Unified
Development Code consistent with the new and amended goals and p
Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Yelm City Council has held a duly advertised public testim
comments from citizens, stakeholders, and community members; and
WHEREAS, the Council wishes to update the Unified Development Code to i
and updated goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan;
Section 1.The Unified Development Code Section 18.12.010 YMC is hereby amended as
18.12.010 Ministerial review - generally
The purpose of the ministerial review process is to ensure that
consistent with applicable development, construction, and design
the Unified Development Code. Ministerial permits do not require pub
or public review, and include:
Construction permits (building, mechanical, and plumbing)
Right-of-Way use permits
Certificate of appropriateness (Changes to Yelm Historic Registe
Civil plan reviews
Ministerial site plan reviews
Boundary line adjustments
Home occupation permits
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Final subdivisions, final administrative subdivisions, final sub
alterations, and final binding site plans
Final short subdivisions
Mobile food vending
Sign permits
Section 2.The Unified Development Code Section 18.12.105 YMC is hereby amended as
18.12.105 Mobile food vending
A. When Required. A mobile food vending approval is required to sit
food vending cart or vehicle not part of a special event in any commercial
zone within the City and is also the right of way use permit for those
applications in the City right of way.
B.Decision Making Authority. The site plan review committee shall
mobile food vending applications asprovided in Chapter 18.10 YMC.
C. Criteria for Approval. A mobile food vending application shall b
the proposal complies with all applicable development, construct
design standards of the Unified Development Code.
D. Term. Approval ofa mobile vending application shall be effective for 12
months from the date of approval.
Section 3.The Unified Development Code Section 18.16.090 YMC is hereby ame
18.16.090 Impact fees
A. Transportation. The project makes a contribution to the facilities relating to
capacity improvements identified in the adopted six-year traffic
improvement program, in the form of a transportation facility ch
calculated as follows:
The city council shall establish the transportation facility chae (TFC)
annually as part of the adoption of the most current six-year transportation
improvement program (STIP). The TFC shall be based on the develo
contribution to the increase in local traffic and the capacity-related
improvements identified in the STIP.
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STIP = The total cost of all capacity-related improvements on the six-year
transportation improvement program.
LP = The percentage local traffic (generated within the city of
represents the total traffic at the intersection of 1st Street a
TG = Total traffic growth (peak p.m.), based on an annual growth
applied to the base traffic count over the six-year period covered by the
latest STIP.
BG = Background traffic growth (peak p.m.), based on an annual growth rate
applied to the base traffic count over the six-year period covered by the
latest STIP, excluding any new development.
BT = Baseline traffic (peak p.m.) in the first year of the lates
1.Credits shall be given to reflect the projected impact on the community
system, such as traffic decreases where an existing facility on-site is
removed or replaced, and traffic reduction systems which are bin
and likely to remain effective for the life of the project.
2. Credits may also be given for projects which create a significant
economic benefit to the community, including industrial or
manufacturing uses with an excess of five-hundred trips per day. The
size of the credit shall be measured at an appropriate percentag
anticipated annual tax revenue increase to the community and available
for capital contribution to transportation facilities on the app
as a result of the project. The said credit shall be calculated as follows:
a. Estimated gross revenue for six years.
b. Multiply gross revenue by 0.2 percent (B&O tax).
c. Multiply gross revenue subject to sales tax by 1.5 percent (city
share of state sales tax).
e. Add products of b and c above.
f.Multiply total from line e by nine percent (percentage of tax
revenue budgeted to city road fund).
g. Multiply product from line f by 28 percent (percentage of money
the road fund that is designated as private share for projects o
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B.Schools. The project makes a contribution to Yelm Community Schothe
fire protection facilities as identified in the most current version of the
capital facilities plan adopted by Yelm Community Schools and en
resolution of the Yelm city council.
C. Fire Protection Facilities. The project makes a contribution to
protection facilities as identified in the most current version of the
facilities plan adopted by the S.E. Thurston Fire Authority and
resolution of the Yelm city council.
D. Payment of impact fees shall be as follows:
1. For projects involving the division of land for sale or lease, u
issuance of a building permit for construction of each lot of re
the traffic attributable to that lot;
2. For projects approved through site plan review, upon the issuanc
the building permit authorizing the construction of any phase, for the
traffic associated with that phase;
3. For projects approved through site plan review which do not incl
list of tenants at the time of approval, upon the issuance of th
permit for the tenant improvements, if required, or otherwise upon the
issuance of the business license, for the traffic associated wit
Section 4. The Unified Development Code Section 18.31.030 YMC is hereby ame
18.31.030 Special uses.
The following uses are allowed within the low-density residential zoning district,
subject to the special use permit process and design standards o
Development Code:
A. Child day-care centers and nurseries;
C. Cemeteries;
D. Funeral homes;
E.Convalescent care facilities;
F. Assisted living facilities;
G.Congregate care facilities;
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H. Senior centers;
I. Bed and breakfast/transient lodging places;
J. Essential public facilities;
K. Freestanding wireless communication facilities.
L. Churchesand places of worship.
Section 5.The Unified Development Code Section 18.32.030 YMC is hereby ame
18.32.030 Special uses.
The following uses are allowed within the moderate-density residential zoning
district, subject to the special use permit process and design standards of the
Unified Development Code:
A. Child day-care centers and nurseries;
B. Preschools;
C. Cemeteries;
D. Funeral homes;
E. Convalescent care facilities;
F. Assisted living facilities;
G. Congregate care facilities;
H. Senior centers;
I. Bed and breakfast lodging places;
J. Essential public facilities;
K. Freestanding wireless communication facilities.
L. Churches and places of worship.
Section 6.The Unified Development Code Section 18.33.030 YMC is hereby ame
18.33.030 Special uses.
A. Child day-care centers and nurseries;
C. Cemeteries;
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D. Funeral homes;
E.Convalescent care facilities;
F. Assisted living facilities;
G.Congregate care facilities;
H. Senior centers;
I. Bed and breakfast lodging places;
J. Essential public facilities;
K. Freestanding wireless communication facilities.
L. Churches and places of worship.
Section 7.The Unified Development Code Section 18.35.030 YMC is hereby ame
18.35.030 Special uses.
A. Child day-care centers and nurseries;
C. Cemeteries;
D. Funeral homes;
E.Convalescent care facilities;
F. Assisted living facilities;
G.Congregate care facilities;
H. Senior centers;
I. Essential public facilities;
J. Freestanding wireless communication facilities.
K. Churches and places of worship.
Section 8.The Unified Development Code Section 18.36.030 YMC is hereby ame
18.36.030 Special uses.
A. Cemeteries;
B. Funeral homes;
C. Convalescent care facilities;
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D. Assisted living facilities;
E. Congregate care facilities;
F. Senior centers;
G. Essential public facilities;
H. Freestanding wireless communication facilities.
I. Churches and places of worship.
Section 9.The Unified Development Code Section 18.37.030 YMC is hereby amended as
18.37.030 Special uses.
A. Cemeteries;
B. Funeral homes;
C. Convalescent care facilities;
D. Assisted living facilities;
E. Congregate care facilities;
F. Senior centers;
G. Essential public facilities;
H. Adult entertainment business(excluding live entertainment).
I. Churches and places of worship.
Section 10. The Unified Development Code Section 18.38.030 YMC is hereby ame
18.38.030 Special uses.
A. Cemeteries;
B. Funeral homes;
C. Convalescent care facilities;
D. Assisted living facilities;
E. Congregate care facilities;
F. Senior centers;
G. Essential public facilities;
H. Adult entertainment business (excluding live entertainment).
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I. Churches and places of worship.
Section 11. The Unified Development Code Section 18.39.020 YMC is hereby amended as
18.39.020 Permitted uses.
A. Manufacture, assembly, repair, servicing of goods or products su
mechanical, automotive, marine and contractors or builders equ
and supplies, concrete, cement, asphalt, building materials and
electrical and electronic equipment or products.
B. Assembly of manufactured products, remanufacturing/recycling and
processing of materials such as wood products, including furnitu
cans, cable and pipe, plastics and synthetic materials, concrete products,
cloth, paper, commercial bakery goods, cosmetics, agricultural o
products, scientific, medical and precision instruments and equi
livestock rendering facility, and auto wrecking yards.
C. Warehousing and storage of equipment, commodities and products.
D. Commercial greenhouse
DE. Accessory uses clearly subordinate to, and an integral part of,
use of the property (e.g., plant cafeteria, recreation area).
EF. Manufactured home as an accessory use for security or maintenance
FG. Commercial uses which are clearly subordinate to a permitted use
service stations or hardware stores.
GH. Public buildings, public safety and emergency response facilitie
police and fire stations.
HI. Living or residential quarters as an accessory use such as guard
large establishments where such quarters are customarily provide
security and/or insurability of the premises.
IJ. On-site and off-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities as an
accessory use to any activity lawfully allowed in this zone; pro
such facilities meet the state siting criteria adopted pursuant
requirements of RCW 70.105.210.
JK. Attached, co-located and freestanding wireless communication facilities.
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Section 12. The Unified Development Code Section 18.39.040 YMC is hereby ame
18.39.040 Standards specific to the industrial district.
A. Minimum lot area: 10,000 square feet.
B. Minimum lot width: 100 feet.
C. Minimum front yard setback: 15 feet.
D. Minimum side yard setback: 15 feet unless the property abuts res
zoned property, in which case the side yard setback shall be 25
E. Minimum rear yard setback: 15 feet unless the property abuts res
zoned property, in which case the side yard setback shall be 25
F. Maximum building heights: 40 feet.
G. Building location: 25 percent of the floor area of a building wi-story
gross floor area in excess of 40,000 square feet shall be sited
linear feet of a double arterial.
H. Landscaping. In addition to standard landscaping requirements, p
which share a common boundary with properties in a residential o
space/institutional district shall provide a 10-foot landscape strip, in addition
to the rear or side setbacks required.
I. Restrict industrial uses on property within 500 feet of the Yelmail
line to those that support or depend on rail access.
Section 13. The Unified Development Code Section 18.40.020 YMC is hereby amended as
18.40.020 Permitted uses.
A. Parks, greenbelts, golf courses and open space for active or pas
recreation or enjoyment;
B. Institutional buildings, including municipal or other government
public safety and emergency response facilities, including polic
stations, emergency medical centers, and hospitals, and may incl
land devoted solely to the storage of equipment and materials, bus tran
stations and park and ride lots;
C. Community meeting or recreation halls;
D. Libraries, museums or similar cultural facilities;
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E. Churches, temples and synagogues;
F. Residential uses as an incidental use to the permitted use such as
caretakers quarters, or as an accessory use to institutional fa
housing for students, staff or faculty of colleges and hospitals
G. Manufactured homes as an accessory use for security or maintenance
H. Manufactured buildings where a community need is demonstrated by
public agency such as temporary classrooms.
I. Churches and places of worship.
Section 14. The Unified Development Code Section 18.41.020 YMC is hereby ame
18.41.020 Temporary uses.
A.The following temporary uses may be authorized, subject to speci
limitations in this section and such additional conditions as ma
established by the site plan review committee:
1.Contractors offices, equipment storage sheds and storage yards,
portable lavatories on the site of a permitted, active construct
project, for a duration not exceeding one year.
2.Manufactured home as part of a construction project for office u
construction personnel or temporary living quarters for security
personnel for a period extending not more than 90 days beyond
completion of construction. A 30-day extension may be granted by the
community development department upon written request of the
developer and upon the departments finding that such request fo
extension is reasonable and in the public interest.
3. Any district as an emergency facility when operated by or for a
4.In the open space/institutional district where a community need
demonstrated by a public agency such as temporary classrooms or for
security personnel on school grounds.
5.Circuses, carnivals, rodeos, fairs or similar transient amusemen
recreational activities.
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6.Christmas tree sales lots and fireworks stands, limited to locaton on
lots not used for residential purposes in commercial or industri
7. Indoor or outdoor sales sponsored by schools or other nonprofit
organizations for no more than three days per event and no more
four times in any calendar year.
8. Seasonal sale of unprocessed agricultural products, limited to locat
on lots not used for residential purposes in commercial zones wh
improved to current city standards.
9. Fundraising car washes.
10. Uses found by the site plan review committee to be similar in nature
and impacts to those listed temporary uses.
11. Farmers markets.
B. Standards for Temporary Uses.
1. Each site occupied by a temporary use shall be left free of debr
or other evidence of temporary use upon completion of the use.
2. A temporary use shall not occupy more than 15 percent of the par
spaces required for the primary use of the property.
3. Temporary uses must provide sufficient off-street parking and vehicular
maneuvering area for customers.
4. No temporary use shall occupy parks without an approved park use
request or any public rights-of-way.
5. The site plan review committee may establish such additional
conditions as may be deemed necessary to ensure land use
compatibility and to minimize potential impacts on nearby uses. These
include, but are not limited to, conditions regulating the time
frequency of operation, parking and traffic circulation requirem
screening, and site restoration.
C. Standards for Farmers Markets. A farmers market in the city of Yelm
provides a place where local growers and artisans can offer thei
locally grown produce and crafts for sale. A farmers market is not for
the purpose of reselling farm products nor for selling used or h
goods. In addition to the standards listed above, the farmers market shall
meet the following standards:
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1.Markets shall be operated only by a nonprofit corporation organi
under the laws of the state of Washington, comprised of growers
farmers from Yelm and the immediate surrounding area.
2.Liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 will be required
times the market is open. The city of Yelm shall be named as an
additional insured.
3. At all times the market is in operation, a market manager or
administrator shall be in place to oversee the functioning and
organization of the market. The contact information for the manager or
administrator shall be provided to the city.
4.Markets are limited to locations:
a. On lots not used for residential purposes in commercial zones
which are improved to current city standards;
b. On city-owned property that meets the criteria in subsection
(C)(4)(a) of this section; provided, that it shall not be in a c
c. On collector or local access streets in a commercial zone, as
approved by city council.
5.Markets may only operate from April through October, provided that
infrequent and limited term specialty days clearly referenced in
temporary use application are allowed.
6.Seventy percent of gross sales goods offered within the market must be
from the following categories:
a. Fresh farm products, including locally grown fresh vegetables an
fruits, herbs, nuts, honey, dairy products, eggs, poultry, meats
fish. Also included in this category are fresh flowers, nursery
stock, and plants.
b. Value-added farm products, including preserves, jams and jellies,
vinegar, wine,cider, syrups, salsas, smoked meats, and salad
dressings made from locally grown farm products.
c.Flowers and other value-added farm products, including bouquets,
wreaths, vines and gourds, and personal care products made from
predominately locally produced products.
d. Processed farm foods not made on site including juices, preserved
foods, candies, pastries, cookies, muffins, breads, pies and rel
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take home desserts, yogurt, ice cream, puddings, and pre-made
7.Up to 30 percent of gross sales goods offered within the market can be
from the following categories:
a. Processed farm foods such as juices, preserved foods, candies,
pastries, cookies, muffins, breads, pies and related take-home
desserts, not prepared on site.
b. Prepared foods made fresh on site available for sale and immedia
consumption. Vendor must be owner/operator of business and not
operating under a franchise.
cb. Artisans. Persons whoHandcrafted items including leather goods,
wood craft, body care products, candles, aromatic floral and her
mixes, beadwork, basketry, pottery, jewelry, clothes, blankets,
clothing.craft with their own hands the products they offer for sale.
Commercial kits, molds, patterns, prefabricated forms, and ready-
made objects which have been painted or embellished, imported,
or second hand items are not eligible. All jewelry artisans must sell
jewelry that is made by their hands.
8.One nonprofit or community booth.
9.One local business booth each day of operation.
10. Sanitation shall be provided by either agreement of use of restr
facilities convenient to the site, or by portable sanitation fac
Portable sanitation facilities must be located or screened in a manner to
not be visible from the traveling public.
11. Sales reports shall be reported to the Administratorevery three months
with a final report at the end of the October.
12. An approved operation agreement between the farmers market
association and the city of Yelm is required.
18.62.120 Farmers market.
Farmers markets approved under YMC 18.41.030 may have the follow
A. Up to two off-site sandwich board signs may be used as directional signs
during the hours the farmers market is open to the public. Directional signs
no greater than nine (9) square feet and displayed no earlier than one hour
before the market opens and no later than one hour after the mar
Agenda Item 9 Ordinance 1022
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are allowed. All other signs shall be consistent with the provisions of this
B.The farmers market may have one sign for each street frontage of
market space. The sign(s) shall remain only during the hours the
open to the public. The sign shall be limited to 12 square feet
freestanding sign less than eight feet in height, and 21 square feet if it
monument sign. Setback from property lines shall be 10 feet.
C. Each vendor may have one sign and one sandwich board sign. Sales
menu boards are exempt. Square footage of allowable sign area is 12
square feet. Sandwich board signs shall meet the following:
1. The area of the sandwich board shall not exceed six square feet
in size and shall not be wider than two feet.
2. Sandwich boards shall be constructed out of materials able to withstand
typical Northwest weather such as metal, finished wood, chalkboa
whiteboard, or plastic. Sandwich boards shall be maintained in a
legible and intact manner.
3. Sandwich boards may only be displayed during the hours the farme
market is open to the public. If farmers market hours continue
past daylight hours, precautions should be taken to place the si
location where it is readily visible after dark. Sandwich boards
be wired for lighting.
4.Sandwich boards may be located no further than 12 feet from the
vendors booth.
D. Farmers markets may be eligible for additional signage pursuant
18.62.040 and 18.62.100 YMC.
Section 16. The Unified Development Code Chapter 18.68.010 YMC Mobile Food V
hereby amended as follows:
Chapter 18.68Marijuana RetailersMobile Food Vending
18.68.010 Intent
It is the intent of this chapter to uphold the provisions of the
requirements for the location of marijuana retailers.
It is the intent of this section topermit mobile food vendors an opportunity to
enhance the pedestrian experience and support the intent of the
zone in which it is located. Mobile food vending includes offer
Agenda Item 9 Ordinance 1022
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to the general public from a vehicle, conveyance, or a nonpermanent structure
or place of business.
18.68.020 Design StandardsGeneral requirements
No retail outlet for the sale of marijuana concentrates, useable
marijuana-infused products shall be located within 1,000 feet of the perim
the grounds of any private or public school (including preschool
elementary schools, and secondary schools), playground, recreati
facility, child care center, public park, public transit center,
game arcade admission to which is not restricted to persons aged 21 years or
A. Mobile food vendors may be located on private property, City proor
City street right of way (not SR 507 or SR 510).
B.All mobile food vendors are required obtain a City business license and be
approved by the Thurston County Health Department.
C. Mobile food vendors may not impede pedestrian or vehicular movem
within the public right of way.
18.68.030 Development and performance standards
A. The maximum size for mobile food unit, including accessory structures, is
300 square feet.
B. A canopy or umbrella may be included with the mobile food unit.
canopy or umbrella should be of vinyl, canvas, or similar durabl
All parts of the canopy or umbrella must have a minimum of seven
of vertical clearance to the ground.
C. Accessory seating and tables must meet the standards of the Americans
with Disabilities Act.
D. Restroom facilities to be used by the mobile food employees shal
contained within the unit or located within 200 feet of the unit
and chairs are provided for customer use, customer restroom facilities must
be provided as required by the Thurston County Health Department
Written approval from the property owner of the restroom facility must be
provided before approval of the mobile food vending application.
E. Mobile food vendors must meet the setbacks to private property lines of the
zoning district in which the use is located.
F. Mobile food vendor units must be self-contained.
Agenda Item 9 Ordinance 1022
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G. Electrical power generators are not permitted unless noise impact
H. Utility service connections are permitted. Electrical service connections may
be permitted by an adjacent property owner when the following
requirements are met:
1.Electrical lines are not allowed overhead or lying on the sidewa
2.The outlet location must be placed outside walkways which are
accessible to the public.
3. Hookup must be permanently wired to the retail stand and meet
National Electrical Code requirements as to type, size and grounding,
terminating in an approved outside weatherproof type receptacle.
I. Mobile food vendors must keep the site clean and orderly at all times, and
pick up all refuse or debris. All vendors must provide a refuse container for
customer use.
J. Mobile food vendors located within parking lots shall not occupy
fifteen (15) percent of the parking spaces required for the prim
property, and provide safe vehicular maneuvering area for its customers.
K. Mobile food vendors located within public right-of-way must:
1.Be located at least 100 feet from an existing food establishment. This
minimum distance may be reduced or waived if the existing
establishment provides written statement approving the location.
2.Assure the public sidewalk remains accessible under the American's
with Disabilities Act.
3.Obtain and maintain liability and property damage insurance cove
in the amount of $1,000,000, naming the City as the co-insured, and
sign an agreement to indemnify and hold the City harmless.
Section 17. If any provisions of this Ordinance or its application to any pe
is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or the applicati
other persons or circumstances is not affected.
Section 18. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect and after its p
publication as provided by law.
Agenda Item 9 Ordinance 1022
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PASSED by the City Council of Yelm this 13th Day of June, 2017.
JW Foster, Mayor
Lori Mossman, City Clerk
PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News, June 23, 2017
EFFECTIVE DATE: June 28, 2017
Agenda Item 13. Correspondence
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Intercity Transit Schedules Open Houses Soliciting
Big Ideas to Discuss Our Communitys Transportation Needs
Intercity Transit launched the Road Trip to engage our growing
communities in a conversation about the future of transportation
around Thurston County. Our population is growing and our region
communities are changing. We are looking forward together, and w
to consider how these changes will transform our community, incl
Intercity Transit services.
During June we are holding open houses throughout our service ar
learn more about your priorities and preferences for public tran
Which services or features are most important to maintain?
How can we make public transit more convenient to use?
Our goal, with your help, is to have a public transportation sys
Think big-picture and let us know how we can help you get where
youre headed or how you plan to get there.
Better transportation takes planning. Lets talk!
Open House Dates & Locations
Lacey - June 12, 4:30 - 6 pm
Lacey - June 12, 4:30 - 6 pm
Lacey Timberland Library
500 College St. SE
Tumwater - June 14, 4:30 - 6 pm
Tumwater - June 14, 4:30 - 6 pm
Tumwater Timberland Library
7023 New Market St.
Olympia - June 15, 12 - 1:30 pm
Olympia - June 15, 12 - 1:30 pm
Olympia Community Center (Rm 100)
222 Columbia St. NW
Olympia - June 15, 5:30 - 7 pm
Olympia - June 15, 5:30 - 7 pm
Olympia Timberland Library
313 8th Ave SE
Yelm - June 20, 4:30 - 6 pm
Yelm - June 20, 4:30 - 6 pm
Yelm Community Center
301 2nd St. SE
If you are unable to attend an Open House, please join the discuITRoadTrip.netITRoadTrip.net to learn more
about the project and complete a brief online survey.
Ally McPherson, Marketing & Communications Representative
amcpherson@intercitytransit.com 360-705-5836