01/27/1999 Minutes CITYOFYELM " CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 27, 1999 1. 'Mayor Pro-Tern Martha Parsons called the meetin!? to order at 7:30 p.m. ' 2. 3. 99- is 4. 99-16 s. 99-17 Present: Don Miller, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham, Adam Rivas and Martha' Parsons. Mayor Wolf was excused. Guests: Mike Harbour, Interctiy Transit General' Manager, and Doug Bloom. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Gannann, Glenn Dunnam and Agnes Bennick Agenda Approval Minutes MOTION,BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 13, 1999 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Vouchers MOTION BY\TELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING PAYMENT,OF CHECKS 10125-10174, TOTALING $118,439.14. CARRIED. Payroll ,MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED-BY VELMA CURRY, APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY JANUARY 1999 PAYROLL. CARRIED. , . 6. Public Comment/Questions - None '7. Interctiy Transit - Michael Harbour, General Manager explained I.T.'s Mission and reviewed sources of revenue and services provided in I,T.'s service area. Information was provided on sales tax collections, services to. the disabled, ridership, efficiency, reserves 'andoptions. I.T. will be requesting a sales tax increase equivalent to $0.02 , on a$10 taxab~e purchase that would generate approximately $4.6 million in'sales tax, and provide a $1.2 million match from the Motor Vehic1e Excise Tax Fund. Ballots should be mailed to each voter in February for the March 9 mail only election. Harbour also discussed possible service increases if the measure is successful and possible reductions if the ballot measure fails. 8. 'Final Plat - Prairie Heights, Division III - Shelly Badger explained that Council approved the preliminary plat with conditions, in 1994. The Planning Commission recommends Coupcil approval with two exceptions noted in the January 21, 1999 staff report. It was noted that road standards are those in effect when the plat was originally approved. ' 99-18 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE PRAIRIE HEIGHTS DIVISION III FINAL PLAT, WITH CONDITIONS. CARRIED. Yelm City"Council Minutes mso\city council\cc.99\1-27 -99min.doc Page 1 9. a. 99-19 b. 99-20 10. II. , a. 1) 2) 3) (a) (b) 4) 5) 6) 7) (a) b. , ,c. Old Business Ordinanc,e 652 - Agnes Bennick explained that this ordinance amends the mileage , , reimbursement ordinance adopted in December and that instead of a fixed. rate, the rate will be tied to the IRS' rate. ' 'MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS ADOl?TING ORDINANCE NO. 652. CARRIED: Ordinance No. 653 - Agnes Bennick explained that at the iast meeting staff was directed to prepare an ordinance amending the 1999 Budget by including the , negotiated and approved Salary Steps and individual salaries for Yelm Police ' Officers. MOTION BY GL~N CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY. ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 653 AMENDING AND ADDING POLICE , ' SALARY STEPS AND INDIVIDUAL SALARIES TO THE '1999 BUDGET. CARRIED. New Business: None (b) 'Reports: City CounCil Liaison Reports City Hall- Councilmember Curry explained that a written report was provided. Agnes Bennick reported on new computer equipment. Court -'Councilmember Curry explained that November and December written reports were provided. Public Works - Councilmember Miller noted that a 1999 W O1:k Plan was provided reflecting projects underway in the Public Works Department. Y elm Ave. Access/Egress Revision - Discussion concerned the possib Ie revision and ,shared egress/access on the rail right-of~way between,Yelm City Hall and the cotner 'property. Council'had many questions ,concerning the long-term use of property and th~ types of activity that should/should not be ,allowed. Council consensus was that ,staff should continue to work with parties involved~ 1958 WSDOT Highway Report - Ken Garmann explained that he was providing this document for Council as an interest item. Park/Park Use Requests - No report or requests. Police ~,Councilmember Cunningham noted that a written report was provided that includes tWo major investigations. Planning - Councilmember Cunningham reported that the last meeting included a review of current mobile/manufactured home requirements. Water Reuse -Councilmember Rivas ' Reuse Project Status Update - Shelly Badger gave an, overview of the project engineer's written report. Currently the project is on budget, but 11/2 months behind schedule. Job descriptions are being examined and anew variable schedule job description is being developed for the new position. LID Bond Anticipation Note (BAN) - Shelly Badger explained that it will be necessary to issue a $1.5 million BAN for use as'interim construction financing for the Local Improvement District. An Ordinance will be ready for Council at the February . 10 meeting. . Y2K Committee - Councilmember Rivas reported on progress made at the first executive committee meeting and plans for the next meeting and an agency representative meeting to be held in March. Mayor - no report Yelm City Council Minutes mso\city council\cc.99\1-27 -99min.doc Page 2 't. ... '. Q' d. Council - Councilrnember Curry reported On attending a Senior Center meeting. Councilmembers Cunningham and Miller reported that the Y-2/Y-3 meeting had a good turnout and that SCA and Perry Shea did an excellent job. 12; Correspondence was reviewed including an invitation and the Awe Legislative Bulletin mailing list. 13 Adjourn: 9:00 p.m. ,911d/~/1'~ Martha M; Parsons, Mayor Pro- Tern Attest: "7. - . /;- -,/)A. --.. (11J2,f,j rV~:(_ Ag . - s P. Bennick, City Clerk . Yehn City Council ~inutes mso\city council\cc.99\1-27 -99min.doc . Page 3