10/12/1999 BWS Minutes ~t . ,," .~ ;,.. " . I.' ~'. < . " " ~ . / .-:. "1 , 'J .' , I ,., ~.~ . " f . . i. f ~ .',<, .' ".:YELM ejTY .cOUNC~L .. . 'BUDGET WORK SESSION. . . "4:15 P.M.', tUESD.AY>6C~9J3ER 12,'1999' . ,'. . . ~ ~' ~t . : ' J..{ " .Kathy'W~li,Vl<lma Cuny,.Don Miller;,Adam)liy~s;Ma~tha' ~iis.on;:~GI~n " . " :. ',"Cti~ningham~ Jo~p'ThbinPS.OJ:i, She~ly. Badger', Cathie-~a:rls9.I.l, Ken:Oarmann, .' . f' . '. . . ~._ . 't,.". " : '~nd Agnes. Bem;iick. . .' . ') ,. ' . . . " . , ,.' ~ . 'I ~~ . t..' "" t , '. . ~ . ;,the~'~.)vass~~e.disc~ssion concerning: doing b~sin:e~s)ocaIiy'to ~u~p~rt t~e . . '.:.Y elm busine's~ ~o~mu~ity~, ". '., . '. " '. '-:t" . . . ~'in :r':-. :' " , . .......: ~ge'~~~ It~,~s .' .' ~ :''';'1.-/':' , . ''-, ". 't', . .' " ., . (,' I , .)', - . ...., . . . . '"' , " ~ "~". . - ,"'> " . ". .. . . Cutren\F~nd B~dgetRequesjs .were.retew~d" . ...... . ." .... '.' A. 0015)2 .::Yelri1'~uni~ipal ~ourt - Requ~sted,L75%redtictions~were'ma.dein , ,_ , s'uppIy, cotpntuniccitions, and rriac~irieiy/equipmennines. Ari'in~rease was requested' , forprofes,~io~~l.~ervic~s~to coye{~ourt.,i.~t~rpre.ter costs.. " ,[I '. ~ , :'. .' . ,- .. " . " '" 1. :..o:t. . ," , Unbudgetyd!equests included wotkstati'ons.inthe court offic~s;apd'a private setti,ng". fqrt\le pro'se'cut61\'~nd defendanf~ tq. meet. Mayor. W olfpointedout that her office is : aV'ailabIc' for .~~~ and ha~'heen"tise(( in the p~stby die prosecutor. ~ '. . ,< '. : .' '," .... ...... ..... . ',' .'.} . '. . ~ . ,~ . .," . .' . '. _. . . , ..... . ~ , - . (~ .; S'~e~ly 'l?~dger :a'dd,ed that the current bll:dgeted~ount of $'17 ,obo fo"rj~il serVl~es , .. '" isn' fadequate.- . S.he suggestedth,at the am04nt be :doubled. - Mayof..Wolf pointep: out. . th~tinvesting .,doJIars, in a'poFce .departmendsn"'t eff~ctive if th~ jail services budge.t ..' .;: ' ..isn:~.ad~quate toallow.t~ejudge to '~rd~r incarceration..'. .':' , of. - . . > \ \~ J 13. '00 (~}4.:- Administr~tive SerVices~ Agnes .Ben~i~k.~yvieWed budget changes;' : .,' , . . '. inCluding' the . L 75%red~ctron of $},745. .:Redu~hoIis~ere alsom4de~iriJhe Al!d.it:. .. ,line.with funds mpve.dt9Jhe.BuiIding/Grounds/MaiI?-tenance ai1.d~Custodial Lines. . ::,.' Thes.e'lip'es wer~ :m,oyedinto the, ad~inistrative.budget..Iastyearto 9,orrect'a BARS. ' ~iscodiQg thaJ.re~eCted t~es-e.c.dsts as capital'expend~tures.:.: . ,.i,' "'\.:-.;..... ::. ". . ..'" ;' -'"..-,. . .:.....', ....- "; . ", ".".'. " :r~ay6r W oIr r~q:tIested t4Cl;tas' the~e ,two lines covet :cost~ for 'all 'citY stru~tures'- they : '.b~:iderttified- insonieways?they are not~0~sid~redpartofthe4epalime'nt',s' " . , ':'opt~rating budgef Bennick:will continue to dc>'tha(iJ]. the deiai~ sheet: 'M'lYof.:W oIf ,..~: also ,su'ggested' consid,ering ~.ome type of p.ortablecarport Or' shelterfot~'the city staff.- . . ,car> .Discussion coqcerried pros/cons of parking at the.public'works.yard, . ' . }ype.s/qu();lio/ of~tnict~r~. ava~labl~<ap~ if p'e~~~~d .b.~'Code.. ..~:' . ~ . ";:' ,~ .. .' , ' . Th~' Machinery/Equipm~rit line includes funding to cover the<cost of replacement '. computers, if e'quipment is damaged during a"Y2K {fvent. Councilmember Rivas . ~,,, ,'~:' asked- ifthtffunding.is not neede{io replace eq~lpment,'could"it'be:usedto'provide . . . ,.'. '," ' . t~e worl~staiion~,.requested by ,the .co.urt:'~~hnic~ irtdicated that as' the 'twq .: .... ,".. '. ,'.: .:; depatt~ents are)n thes'amefuIld,- it would just be' a mat:ter of 1p.ovjrig in6n.ey from. .' , ',.oIie~ine to:another; , . . ., , . ! :. ..... . . ~"-. . " , '. ,', '.. " -'." " ..: "; "~'. ... . 7' ." ,,' ::ab/cc991{O~12,.99bws' . .'; . ~_. ~ .'. '. 'I ~. p' /' i .I,' . 1- r,' < ' '.< ~." ' : . .' '. . '. ~.' . ,. . " " ; . , ,: .1., . ' '. t'. . '. "' ",..,., t: '. ,_ : UnBudge~ed r~quests:indudedYelm M.unic'ipal Codec.o~versioI?',."'Futurereq~i~sts'are: '" . .:; for a~opy)1tachine (2,year?)and do~um:e~t'im'aginings.'Y$tems:, . ::... .~' .t,' ";!:,,: ' .' ...., "'.': "'. '" ;'. :. \' .' .~..';'.'. '., ..,' .:._,:. .1, '. ,'.' , ,,,.: ;',' ,'.... . .'" ". '.' ',.: : '..". .... . '.' . . G;",~001524'~ auildi.hg.bepaitment,'r,~d.uctio~s :were equ;~lly~istribut~d to each'operating., liny" ", " . . .,,' . . . ,....'" . ,>" ," " . ' "." '. .' .. 1'.' 1 .:, ~ . ' Unb'udg~ted requests~ncl~ded.r'epla'cihg t~~ b'uifding .jp-spe.Ctor~s vehicl~(~ayot. . . ; , : ',Wolf askecfstaf(to che'ck arid see what might be avaiI~ble,thr()ugh police departllleht . forfeit/drug seizur.e impounds. .' .~;, I, . ~ ,- . . , ' . .: " , ," ' . D. :OO:l. :S39.:-,:An:imai' COlltrol-:' req~e.~te(fr~dhctions.were :mad.~ to the' tWo'no~;:~'., :' '. "., 'per~Prtnellines.Rev'el).ue'gl1n~r~ted .to <;i~te' - $4J5 frohi,'the sale. of a'nim al licenses. " Animal'Careand:'Cu.Stody (iinp6~ndtc?$ts'todate '- $3;20,0". . " .,' , . . ,'j T r ,"', . . . ".j. "_,1. ,-'~ '. . ,. '~ ' :' , "" ' . . " ',', " ". E~ I. O()j '$,5:8.- PlahnirigI::?epartni~ht ~~ to accommodate a p6s~ibl~'mpve~ departp~H~nt " .',~: ".restru'cturit;ig, ,~rid technology.needs; a requ,e~t was'made.to.e$tablish adepartm~nt ":te~'erve. line' for $21 ~060 from'ull.!lsed 1999;$alaries.and'$1 0,028'':$1 0;690 from oiher . "".deparfm~l# lines: .". '. :'.::'.. /,i : .'.:,',"" ,.' " '.. '. " ,.: -: "" ," <. ;,:. _ . - " .' . .','Cd~ncil conse~sussupporte~'establis~iilgciIldfundi?ga'reserve qne',withinth'e . .:: ......planning departrrie.nf,.~- . .' .', ,'" . ., . .'. \', ' . ..', " ::( "' . - . . "..., ~ - '.' . ," , "." : ," .' ~. , ',' ,:'.. .'.Tllere was some 'dis~ussion coJiceiiling:costs t9 in9ividua~1ine items.: .Blal~,ck " ,: expressed 4 des'ire: ~6,better und'erstand wh,a(expenses wer~'coded t() which. e~p~~?itu~~,Jirit:?s, ..... ' . - '. " - r. 'l . :Z;", ,', . ,.', , . . -c . . . G.' 001 -'5,73:- Historic - Agnes Be~nick explai~ed th4t' the $6,000 funded'in 1999 for the kiosk!signage"4cicl been transferred over to Water Re,m;e for'Cochrine Park and :< 't.,. . '., ~. . .... , ' (orsigpage/kiosk exp~nse~.$~,OOO was,requested fot'~dntracted se~ices'for<.' , .' .' ' ,~. .- '. , ' - , t . , _ " ", ' .- . . lriig~.tion' l?istrict signage' sUltable,~~rdisplay., at c:oc:l1rane Park'.. ' :" . , 1._ ," f . , . '" . ,~\ . ". : "\ . : ;:. .' ' . . <' . ", I', " .. ,. . ., , '. ~ . . ~!' , _ - . . _. " : G~:mh<;ilmeinbef' MUler .inqu~red as to whithe 1.75% re~uCtl'dn.J).ad not heen app lied. tyIayor:'!v ()lfr~spori4ed th-a,t it was due to the' s~all size.:oI the b'1.Jdget'.. . T~ere.was. ' , . 'so~ediscu~sioh COI)c.~~~~g th((~eed for.new<~~m~~rs..;,': ...' ,i .. .., ."". .. ~ . Street Related .Funds, ;A.,j 01' CitY Stree,ts '- the l.h~~ieciuctiOJi was applied eqri~l1y t06perilijn~ lines. A ';>Qpe tiipe.$2Q;O'OO redtictioirin ,Street Repairs and-l\tIainfenance was'request~d witH ._}h~~u.n(fi?!?,tobe.'\ised fot'th~ ?u~lic worksyardprojecL:. .. . :.' '::": '. .', ,:. .... .. :t . . .' ... .-" " . :', " '. . . . .. " '- ',_" ' :~ I. . .' ~:... )7.0 ~~raiisr?t:ta.tion FaciJi,tie$ C;:h~rge~~? ,rep'ort' : . ~', " " ."J. <~. ,"~ I .' ~ ". ~ .,::,. '. '.: ". ~~."~ " ' " .~ '\ ~ . IH{"'::Tree F.,U;no ~ taihi,e, C~rls6nreviewed th~,budget. . A ne\y,line;:for,'nurserylitees WCl;S' ""a;dged'an~ furidedby reduc~i9ns,ih the s~pply, c()mmunic'aJiori_s~'arid'pfofessloti~l'servlce' lilies: '. /.. .. ~ ":, " " ; " . J : ab%~c99/1.0-r2-99b~s'" .. . . .. " . t ' . "'t' '.. ". .' " . , ~.. ./ .....' " ',; , ~ ,,"' . ",:.; ,;. t" ..... ',' '-~. '. ' '4 . t; . ,."'J '!~ . . , " ,., .1 . I ~ .,.: ~.~ .. ': ; " f , ~;, " '~,4: . , ," . ~ . 302" ~ M~iiicipal Building Fund .:.- Sheily Badg~r indic~ted thafaB i~ the p,ast, a $60,000' transfer, ftom the general ~und'was planned~'.; " :', :~. 5.", , :,; :4JO LSh6r~lin~Railroad ~'Dis,xu,ssion coii~erneda th!ee~ year gr~nt. -lfat the:: e~d of th~,,' grant,period unused fll:nds,remairi'and .th~\Cjty had not'bee~,sucGessfully iri:acqui,sition, ,> 'tl:Ie~remaining funding' wilt hayc. to b~ returned.' ," _.' ",'c> , ,: ':,,';';.' ' , ". . '",. ,1> .. ~:. . " .' "~ ~ ':',,6.'" .. .,' ,106 -~til~rg~ricy IDis~,~terJ-:- :Y2K'Pundirig ~:Res~h~dul~~~ ',~ ... ).. Agendas for the riex.t me~ting: wer~ di$.tributed:' . .. ',. > , " ' ," ~'. "t.", , ~~ '." . , " . "' , ,. " 'A~jo:u~~: '6:30I.p,~~., '. .. , :, , ~-I-l~'" m iiI 2~~{Ma~~r .. 4- Attest:, " " ~~. ' :..J r " . r,t ($~u 'fJJl.~)U/~L' AgnesP;' !3ennick,'City Clerk . .," ,,' . ~... ",,: . I .~. \ . ,"l ~ "~ ;t . .;..'. .'" ." \( ".;" ....t. ' " ' " ' . ,'." " , . ,~. " " " 'I . . ,J.. ,. "~~l.cc99!10:.12-99b'~s , '>'1 'f'