10/19/1999 BWS Minutes YELM CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORK SESSION 4:15 P.M., TUESDAY OCTOBER ~9, 1999, Present: Kathy Wolf, Velma Curry, Don Miller, Adam Rivas,' Martha Parsons, Glen Cunningham~ John Tpompson, Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann and Agnes Bennick. ' Agenda Items 1. Utility Funds ',A. 40' 1 - Water Fund - Ken Garmann reviewed recQmmended changes. Most line items were reduced by 1.750/0 to accommodate the requested reduction if 1.:695 passes. Exceptions: , ., ' *Small Tools & Minor Equipment... increased from $1,50'0' to $2,0'0'0' *Travel & Training.; ~increased from $1,50'0' to $2,0'0'0' , *Capital Reserve. :. decreases Of$15,DDD, $1,0'00' to cover items above anq $14,0'0'0' for Public Works Yatd. ' Discussion: *It was noted that the W aterFund is now debt free * ,Having more than one employee certified was encouraged' *Water Quality Report and Annual Water Report to Utility Customers *Reduction in nitrate levels in Well #3 from 7 ppm in '92 to 3 ppm *Need for a temporary/emergency'hire budget of$5,DDD Garmann presented a staffing increase proposal for a full- ti!lle and a half- time position to meet Storm Water Management and other department needs. Suggested ' salary amounts were $31,20'0' (15.0'0' p/h) for the full-time position and.$15,6DD ($15.0'0' p/h) for the half-time position:. Benefits would add an additional 20'-2'50/0 for, . fult.tIme and approximately half of that for the part-time position. 1;3. 40'4 - Water Capital Improvement Fund- Garmann reported the $240',0'0'0' would be needed to complete the water construction project and for water rights purchases. . C. 412 - Sewer - Shelly Badger requested that this item be rescheduled to the next meeting. D. 431 - Water.Construction(CDBG) Garmann indicated that grant funds are almost depleted 'and that additional grant funding will be requested along with using funds. . from the Water Capital Improvement Fund. ' ab/cc99/1D-19-99bws . ~t., 2. Review Items from Previous Meetings Insurance: Agnes Bennick distributed an employee insurance benefits cost estimate for next year, showing a per employee cost of$216.01. Liability insurance coverage'will increase 1.6% /$1,254.00 .in 2000 Bennick distributed a work sheet showing projected property tax amounts and budg~t projections using various increases from the 1.42% ImplicitPrice Deflator to the'6% maximum petmitted to cities under 10,000 population. The CitY's assessed valuation is not available yet from the Assessor's Office, so the tax rate for the projections is not known. November 15 is the statutory deadline for setting property tax, levies. Agendas for the nextmeeting were distributed. Adjourn: 6:30 p.m. ~ . " .. )In~ Kat ry~ Mayor ~I Attest: ztauiJ0~'4InU-k Agn~$!p. Bennick, City Clerk ab/cc99/1 0-19~99bws