11/09/1999 BWS Minutes
4:15 P.M., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1999
Present Kathy Wolf; Velma Curry, Adam Rivas, Martha Parson, Glen Cunningham, John
Thompson, Shelly Badger and Agnes Bennick.
1. Property Taxes - Agnes explained that the figures used in original paperwork were 1998
figures. New "preliminary" figures have been received from the assessor's office and new
numbers were presented. As presented the maximum amount would be requested, with the
expectation that the figures would be adjusted downward by the assessor to stay within the
$3.10 cap. As only preliminary figures are available until next month and the property tax
certification by statute must be to the assessor by November 15 this strategy seems to be
the most logical choice. The actual amount budgeted however, would be the minimal
expectation minus a 2% reduction. Council consensus was that the highest figure
should be used for the certification process and the lowest figure used for budgeting.
Mat~rials for the public hearing will include an Ordinance certifying the maximum
amount, a resolution stating the increase in a dollar amount and the percentage increase and
a certification form. This is necessary because of Referendum 47 requirements.
2. Current FundTransfers - It was determined that most transfers will have to wait until the
budgets for the smaller projects are completed. Transfers for debt payment are already
known. The was some discussion concerning the Municipal Building Fund transfer .
amount and a one year increase earmarked for the public works building. The DARE fund
should work with the same level transfer as last year.
There was some discussion on the merits of the DARE program which has been combined
with the GRADE program. The fund name may need to be changed at some point to better
reflect program content. .
3. Discussion: 1-695 impacts on future city costs and revenues; that if all tax increases must
be approved by a vote, at what point might it be necessalY to consider staff reductions to
stay within revenue allocations; the difficulty and spiraling costs of attempting to keep
salary levels equitable for all classifications of workers; and the expected continuing cost
increases for medical coverage.
4. AdjoUlTI 6:30 p.m.
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Kat ryn M. ~ off, Mayor
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Ag s P. Bennick, CIty Clerk