10/27/1999 Minutes ;4' CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 27, 1999, 7:30 P.M. YELM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All present joined in the fJag salute 2. a b. c. d. 99-181 Council present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Gfen Cunningham and Adam Rivas I Guests: Denise & Brent Irvine, Kwt Eckert, Nisqually Valley News, and John Thompson Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Glenn Dunnam and Agnes Bennick. . . CONSENT AGENDA. Mayor Wolf pointed outthe change to a consent agenda to exptrlite approval or rooccuITing items. . . Agenda Minutes: October 13, Regular Meeting, October 12, 19,26 Budget Work Session Correction to 11113/99, 7a, paragraph 2, 1st sentence, change Rivas to Cunningham. V ouchers:Checks 11681- U 735, Totaling $125,643.12 Payroll: Preliminary October 1999 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS WITH A CORRECTION TO THE OCTOBER 13 MINUTE$. CARRIED. . 3. . Public Comment/Questions - None 4. Public Hearing -=- Stonnwater Maintenance - Cancelled. to be rescheduled. Ken Garmann will advise council when he ~s ready to reschedule. 5. . New Business: a. Parks and Recreation Plan - Rescheduled. This will rescheduled as part of the year-end Comprehensive Plan Amendments. b. Contract Approval- Yelm Creek Flood Managem~nt Plan. Ken Garmann introducoo Cynthia Carlstad, project engineer, Tetra TechlKCM, Inc. G~ann explained that the contract is for the Yelm Creek Flood Management Phm to mitigate flooding.. Council approved $38,000 in the 1999 budget for Yelm Creek work, and the City received a $75,000 grant from Department of Ecology. Three consultants were interviewed. Staff requested approval of awarding the Flood Management Plan contract in the amount of$113,000 to Tetra Tech/KCM, Inc. 99-183 . :; Discussion concerning the product to result, use of the FEMA map as part of1he process, need for a plan in applying for grants and geographical scope (city limits) of phase 1. Garmann explained that work would include gathering iriformation, attending meetings, altenlatives . analysis, reviews byvarious agencies, public hearings,' council review,' and drafts revisions until a plan is adopted by Council. Cynthia Carlstad indicated that they were happy to be working with Yelm on this plan arid pointed out timing advantages because the City basn't eliminated a lot <?f their options. MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVINGTHE A WARD A $113,000 CONTRACT FOR A YELM CREEK FLOOD MANAGEMENT PLAN TO TETRA TECHIKCM, INC. CARRIED. Yelm City Council Minutes City cbuncil/cc.99/10-14-99 1 ,l' c. ., ~" 99-182 d. 99-184 6. , a. Contract Approval- BNSF Consultant Contract. Garmann reported that the contract is with David Evans & Associates for work on the BNSF acquisition. Yelm received a $340,000 STP , grant and is providing a local match of $60,000; all the funds have been collected and are in , the account. The Gity needs to meet federal guidelines' ~d standards, for the acquisition. One ' , of the requirements was that there be pedestrian access component so that public monies could be allocated for this project. A cost analysis also has to be developed to determine the value of the physical properties such as rails, ties, switches, bridges, etc., and an appraisal. David Evans & Associates has been working with the City for the past year and Garmann requested an extension in the anlount of $1 0,196 to complete a trail plan, cost estimates, and to determine the value of improvements. There was some discussion concerning vandalism. , MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM" SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING A $10,196 CONTRACT EXTENSION TO DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES. CARRIED. Ordinance No. 676 - Budget Amendment increasing the transfer from the Current fund to the , Arterial Street Fund. Shelly Badger stressed that the Edwards Street Project did not exceed its ' budget and was actually slightly under budget. When the numbers were put together for the 1999 budget, the wrong number was used as the grant amount. The grant aniount should have been lower and the City match should have been higher. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 676 INCREASING A TRANSFER FROM THE CURRENT FUND TO THE ARTERIAL STREET FUND TRANSFER TO $49,000. CARRIED. Old Business: UCBO Loan Authorization Request. Agnes Bennick reported that following the last council meeting she contacted the attorney concerning Cecil's letter. His initial response from the information provided by Cindy is that Council approval is unnecessary under the agreement, but he will check the entire contract. Shelly Badger added it is not clear, that the agreement requires Council's approval, but that Cecil's understanding is that it does, so the attorney has been asked to clarifY the matter. Badger explained that when the City approved the UCBO to apply for the CDBG grant, the City is bound to the federal/state governments to insure that the facility will be used for specific purposes for a period often years." This offers protection so a project isn't completed and then the use changed for a commercial purpose. The City established a contract with the DCBO agreeing to those terms. Cecil is preparing the Youth Facilities appli~ation and wanted to include fuformation in the grant application concerning the thrift shop expansion. It was noted that she stillcould include the information in the grant application. Council consensus supported the project, but formal action could not be taken. b. Storm Water Rate Work Session. Ken Garmann reviewed handout material and reminded Council that a storm water ordinance is required but a storm water utility is not, and requested direction. Monthly storm water fees as shown were $2.50 for single family umts and a reduced , amount for multi-family units. Commercial/industrial rates were based upon percentage of impervious surface. The estimated annual operating expenses were $23,650 and estirilated , revenues at $30,447. , Garmann will try to get out information to the residents. The public hearing will be combined with the sewer rate increase public hearing scheduled for November 23. 7. . Reports: a. City COlmcil Liaison Reports . 1) City Hall- Councilmember Curry reported that everything was going well. Yelm:City Council Minutes City council/cc,99/10-14-99 2 2) 3) . . Court - Councilmember CutTy, a written report was provided. . '. Public Works ~ CouriCilmember Miller deferred to Ken Garmann. Garmann had nothing to add. Councilmember CUllllingham reported complaints re Culle~s St. and if progress was being made? Gannann responded that both contractors are being encouraged to expedite the ,work. . 4) Park/~ark Use Requ<?Sts -.,- Councilmember Parsons reported on the Cochrane Park dedication. . . . '. . 5) Police- Councilmember Cunningham, a written report was provided; . 6) ,Planning - Councilmember CUnningham was Ilotpermitted to attend the meeting due to the 'public hearing. , . ,b. ' .' Mayor - Meetings/events'attended: meetings with Shelly/Glenn, Miller Brewery, budget work sessions, Y2N3 hearing,' TRPC transportation, Cochrane Park and reuse dedication, EDC, Bosses Day lunch, and Law and Justice. Certificates/letters were received from Senator Swecker and Gary Alexander. Council was thanked for 100% attendance at the transportation . meeting and Johll Thompson was commended for attending the transportation meeting, budget . work sessions and council meetings. . . . .~ . . . Tuesday, November 9th is a budget work session and also theTCI holiday message taping. . " Mayor Wolf pointed out the full agenda expected for the December 8, meetmg ~d hoped that everyone would be attending. . c. Council-Councilmeinber Parsons att~ded'an IT meeting. C~uncilmember Curry attended a Senior Center board meeting. 8. Correspondence was reviewed. 9. Adjourn: 8: 12 p.m. ~~~h?tdIJ. Ka M. W [,Mayor .. y- Attest: U~M yJ0~~ Agrt/s P. Bennick, City Clt!k Yelm CitY Council Minutes city council/cc.99/1 0-14'-99 3 .