06 27 2017 Updated PacketAGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING ► UPDATE TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 6:00 P.M. Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated documents including staff reports, resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items may not have attachments. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Agenda Approval 4. Special Presentations- Student of the Year (2016 -17)- Nolan Lyle 5 min LED Giveaways- Christine Hoffman, Puget Sound Energy 5. Public Comment — Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. Comment topics should not appear elsewhere on the agenda. Time (three minutes per speaker) and the number of speakers (five) are limited and may be adjusted to meet agenda requirements. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes; Regular meeting June 13, 2017 b. lo. Payables; Checks #69174- #69250 Totaling $278,114.86 C. City Park Request- Prairie Street Rod Association (PSRA) 30" Annual Car Show, August 5 & 6, 2017, Community Wide Event 7. Public Hearing- none scheduled 8. New Business - a. 2017 Emergency Pavement Repair Project -TIB Grant Agreement Presenter: Chad Bedlington, Public Works Director Attachments: Staff Report, TIB Grant Agreement Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement- WHPacific, Inc. Presenter: Maryanne Zukowski Attachments: Staff Reports, Agreement ACTION ACTION ACTION ACTION C. Ordinance No. 1023, Updating Title 18 YMC Unified Development Code ACTION which removed specific buffers for Marijuana Retailers from the Zoning Code Presenter: Tami Merriman, Associate Planner Attachments: Staff Report, Ordinance No. 1023 9. Old Business- none scheduled 10. Department Updates- 11. Council and Mayor - Councilmember Curry represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County Solid Waste • Yelm Adult Community Center Advisory Committee (SWAC) • Yelm Finance Department • Yelm Public Safety Committee Committee Yelm Public Works Committee • SE Thurston County Fire Authority Liaison Councilmember Carmody represents Yelm on the following committees. • Intercity Transit Board 0 Community Investment • Yelm Community & Economic Partnership (CIP) Development Committee • Yelm Finance Department • Yelm Public Safety Committee Committee Councilmember Littlefield represents Yelm on the following committees. *Thurston Thrives steering committee Councilmember Hendrickson represents Yelm on the following • Yelm Community & Economic Development Committee Councilmember Stillwell represents Yelm on the following committees • Thurston County EDC Board • Yelm Finance Department 12. Executive Session- no session scheduled 13. Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request) Yelm Election Precincts Map for 2017 Thurston County Auditor News - Ballots mailed to Military and Overseas Voters for August 1 Primary Election Thurston Regional Planning Council Pre - Agenda Friday, July 7, 2017, 8:30- 10. 11:OOam Chamber of Commerce After Hours Open House, Thursday, June 29, 2017, 5:07 — 7:30 pm 14. Adjourn Committee • Yelm Public Safety Committee Councilmember Wood represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Public Works Committee Transportation Council (TRPC) • TComm 911 Admin Board Councilmember DePinto represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County Law and • South Thurston Economic Justice Development Initiative group • Yelm Public Safety Committee (STEDI) • Yelm Community & Economic Development Committee Councilmember Hendrickson represents Yelm on the following committees. • Thurston County EMS -Medic • Yelm Emergency Operations One Board • Yelm Public Works Committee Mayor Foster represents Yelm on the following committees. • Yelm Community & Economic • Yelm Finance Department Development Committee Committee • Thurston County Mayor's Forum • Yelm Public Works Committee • Thurston Regional Planning • Yelm Emergency Operations Council Board • South Sound Military and 0 Nisqually River Council Community Partnership 12. Executive Session- no session scheduled 13. Correspondence (Correspondence is available upon request) Yelm Election Precincts Map for 2017 Thurston County Auditor News - Ballots mailed to Military and Overseas Voters for August 1 Primary Election Thurston Regional Planning Council Pre - Agenda Friday, July 7, 2017, 8:30- 10. 11:OOam Chamber of Commerce After Hours Open House, Thursday, June 29, 2017, 5:07 — 7:30 pm 14. Adjourn Upcoming Meetings Council Study Session, Wednesday, July 5, 2017 has been cancelled Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, July 25, 2017, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per CD (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to 3 minutes and the number of speakers limited to five. Comments during the public comment portion of the meeting should not be associated with measures or topics appearing elsewhere on the agenda and should not address topics for which public hearings have been conducted or are anticipated. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Lori Mossman, at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.yellirrnwa.ov. For information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement, click this link htt : / /www.cii. ellirrn . wa.us /hurrnan- resources /. Student of the Year Jurie 2017 ........................................................................................................................................................ ...................................... ........ 2 ............................................................................................................... We are h.a..P.Py to iritroduce oux ......... .... 293 6.-.1..7 Cily-.2f-jdjia�� . .. ......... ......... ..... .. ........ ....... ....................... ...................... Nolaxi. h.a.s the cornpassian., ern.pathy and caxirig nature that is ri.eed.ed. iri. th.i.s type of prof essi.aria We ca.i-ii-i.ot wa.it to see how his if wi I.I. U.11fold. as he jourri.eys irito a.d.u.1thood.. Copt -i.gra.tu..!.a.ti..o�t-i.s.No.i.a.i-i.! Agenda Item 6a Minutes Page 1 of 3 YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2017 MINUTES PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 2. Roll Call Present: El Curry, Molly Carmody, Jennifer Littlefield, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Russ Hendrickson. 3. Agenda Approval 17 -161 MOTION BY RUSS HENDRICKSON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - Student of the Month (May) - Stella Ferrulli Mayor Foster read Stella's bio and presented her with a plaque. 5. Public Comment - Jay Yates, Eagle Scout troop #268, thanked the Council and Public Works Manager Maryanne Zukowski for allowing him to complete his Eagle Scout project by installing 180 "buttons" (informational plaques) to storm drains throughout Yelm warning about pollutants. Steve Klein would like Council to reconsider allowing the Yelm Chamber to use the Yelm Community Center at no cost. Mr. Klein asked that Council discuss this matter at a Study Session. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes - Regular meeting May 23, 2017 & Study Session June 6, 2017. b. Payables - Checks #69104 - #69173 Totaling $497,360.47. C. City Park Request- Family Fun Day, July 8, 2017. Longmire Park Request, Yelm Lions Club -Movie Nights 7/1/17; 7/IS/17; 7/29/17; 8/12/17 and 8/26/17, 5:00 pm - 11:30 pm. d. Mosman Phase 2 Specialized Environmental Services Agreement - WHPacific, Inc. e. Synchro Model Update Professional Services Contract -Shea, Carr & Jewell, Inc. DBA SCJ Alliance Consulting. 17 -162 MOTION BY RUSS HENDRICKSON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing - none scheduled S. New Business - a. Non Discrimination Policy Agreement (NDA) with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) 17 -163 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO SIGN AND EXECUTE THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR SPECIALIZED ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, UPON APPROVAL FROM THE WASHINGTON 6 -13 -17 Agenda Item 6a Minutes Page 2 of 3 STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (WSDOT). SECONDED BY RUSS HENDRICKSON. MOTION CARRIED. b. Mosman Phase 2 Specialized Real- Estate Services, Professional Services Agreement -Epic Land Solutions, Inc. DBE firm 17 -164 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO SIGN AND EXECUTE THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR SPECIALIZED REAL - ESTATE SERVICES. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. MOTION CARRIED. C. City Splash Park - Professional Services Agreement with WHPacific, Inc. 17 -165 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO SIGN AND EXECUTE THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR SPECIALIZED ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE CDBG FUNDED SPLASH PARK. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. MOTION CARRIED. d. Dancing Dog Farm & Rescue Service Provider Agreement 17 -166 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF YELM AND DANCING DOG FARM & RESCUE (DDF &R) FOR DOG FOSTERING AND ADOPTION SERVICES. SECONDED BY RUSS HENDRICKSON. MOTION CARRIED. e. Design Contract -2017 Asbestos Cement Water Main Replacement 17 -167 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD AUTHORIZING MAYOR FOSTER TO SIGN A CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $iS3,482.40 WITH PARAMETRIX, INC. FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE 2017 ASBESTOS CEMENT (AC) WATER MAIN REPLACEMENTS. SECONDED BY JOE DEPINTO. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Old Business - Ordinance No. 1022, Unified Development Code Update 17 -168 MOTION BY JOE DEPINTO ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 1022 UPDATING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE IMPLEMENTING NEW AND UPDATED POLICIES OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS RECOMMENDED BY THE YELM PLANNING COMMISSION. SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. DISCUSSION FOLLOWED REGARDING THE 1000' BUFFER OF MARIJUANA RETAIL FROM SCHOOLS AND DAYCARES. 6 -AYES, 1- OPPOSED. MOTION CARRIED. 10. Department Updates- Michael Grayum updated the Council on the following: • Congratulations to Yelm High School Seniors. • "Meetings with the Mayor" is going well. • "Chat with the Chief' is scheduled for Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at 1:00. • Prairie Days Parade is on Saturday (instead of Thursday) June 24, 9:30 am. STP Race meeting Friday with Cascade Bicycle Club and Yelm School District. Skate Park is closed for now due to vandalism and burning of the porta- potty. 6 -13 -17 Agenda Item 6a Minutes Page 3 of 3 • Vandalism at the Yelm Community Center bathrooms • Yelm Police Department has received their third new vehicle. • Received a $5,000 Sidewalk repair grant from AWC. • Applying for a $125,000 Department of Justice grant to fund 50% of the salary and wages a new Police Officer. • Lacey has the world's first 300 - degree training platform that Officers can practice on. • Increased Police presence will be at the Skate Park and Yelm Community Center. 11. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Curry attended the Yelm Senior Center meeting and the SE Thurston County Fire Authority meeting. Councilmember Carmody stated the Intercity Transit Board is going on the road and will hold a meeting on June 20 from 4:30 -6:00 pm at the Yelm Community Center and are asking for public input on their routes. Yelm Economic Summit will be held on June 15, from 2:00 -4:00 at the Yelm Community Center. Councilmember Stillwell attended the Yelm Finance Committee meeting and the Yelm Public Safety meeting. Councilmember DePinto commended Officer Tillman for a recent arrest. Councilmember DePinto attended the South Thurston Economic Development Initiative group meeting and the Yelm Community & Economic Development Committee meeting. Councilmember Hendrickson met with Chief Stancil, discussed the Comprehensive Plan changes. FEMA turned down the application for some city staff to attend training in Maryland in 2018. Attended the School Bond meeting. We have received new software on speed signs. Mayor Foster reported that he and Councilmember DePinto coordinated clean up events last weekend. Jason's Greenhouse has donated the hanging baskets around town. Mayor Foster thanked City Administrator Michael Grayum and department heads for taking care of business while he was out of town. The Mayor met with some of the Skate Park youth and received some great ideas on where the next Porta -Potty should be placed and how to stop future vandalism. They expressed gratitude to the Mayor and Council on making the space available to them. "Meetings with the Mayor" and "Chat with the Chief' have been a success. Mayor Foster attended the Community Investment Partnership meeting. Encourages Council to find someone to attend their meetings if they are not available to attend. 12. Executive Session - no session scheduled. 13. Correspondence included Invitation to an Intercity Transit Open House to discuss our Community's Transportation Needs -Yelm Community Center on June 20, 2017, 4:30 -6:00 pm 17 -169 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO ADJOURN, SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. MOTION CARRIED. 14. Adjourned at 7:00 pm Attest: JW Foster, Mayor Lori Mossman, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.ci.yelm.wa.us. 6 -13 -17 VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of checks approved for payment at II'oa�<<sda� V oaou�. 2 "T, 23i Il "T council iPayroll Direct Deposit-Employee xxxxx xxxxx $ 31,776. 89 iPayroll Checks - Employee 69174 69174 $ 730.88 iPayroll A/P Checks xxxxx xxxxx $ - iPawyrolll A/P EFT & Drafts xxxxx xxxxx $ 8174 8.24 A/P Checks /Voucher 69175 69240 $ 197,257.26 A/P Voucher EFT & Drafts xxxxx xxxxx $ 37,797.79 Utility Refunds 69241 69250 $ 11803. 80 TOTAL $ 278,114.86 Mayor Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember CITY CLERK: ATTEST: The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by at a regular council meeting held this 27th day of June 2017. Agenda Item 6.b. 1 of 18 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 1 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 Agenda Item 6.b. VENDOR I.D. 0256 I- 461229735 401 534.10.25.00 412 535.10.25.00 101 542.30.25.00 001 576.80.25.00 I- 461231169 412 535.80.48.00 I- 461231171 412 535.80.48.00 I- 461231172 412 535.80.48.00 I- 461231173 412 535.80.48.00 I- 461231174 412 535.80.48.00 I- 461231175 412 535.80.48.00 I- 461231176 412 535.80.48.00 I- 461233217 401 534.10.25.00 412 535.10.25.00 101 542.30.25.00 001 576.80.25.00 I- 461234664 412 535.80.48.00 I- 461234665 412 535.80.48.00 I- 461234666 412 535.80.48.00 I- 461234667 412 535.80.48.00 I- 461234668 412 535.80.48.00 I- 461234669 412 535.80.48.00 0274 I- 53880282 001 518.81.42.04 401 534.10.42.01 412 535.10.42.01 CHECK NAME STATUS DATE CINTAS CORP #461 06/12/17 WWTP UNIFORMS D 6/27/2017 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT 06/12/17 WWTP UNIFOR UNIFORMS 06/12/17 WWTP UNIFOR UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT 06/12/17 WWTP UNIFOR UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT 06/12/17 WWTP UNIFOR 06/14/17 LONGMIRE RESTROOMS D 6/27/2017 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 06/14/17 LONGMIRE RE 06/14/17 PD /COURT RESTROOMS D 6/27/2017 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 06/14/17 PD /COURT RE 06/14/17 CITY HALL RESTROOMS D 6/27/2017 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 06/14/17 CITY HALL R 06/14/17 YCC RESTROOMS D 6/27/2017 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 06/14/17 YCC RESTROO 06/14/17 WRF RESTROOMS D 6/27/2017 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 06/14/17 WRF RESTROO 06/14/17 PW RESTROOMS D 6/27/2017 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 06/14/17 PW RESTROOM 06/14/17 MUSEUM RESTROOMS D 6/27/2017 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 06/14/17 MUSEUM REST 06/19/17 WWTP UNIFORMS D 6/27/2017 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT 06/19/17 WWTP UNIFOR UNIFORMS 06/19/17 WWTP UNIFOR UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT 06/19/17 WWTP UNIFOR UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT 06/19/17 WWTP UNIFOR 06/21/17 LONGMIRE RESTROOMS D 6/27/2017 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 06/21/17 LONGMIRE RE 06/21/17 PD /COURT RESTROOMS D 6/27/2017 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 06/21/17 PD /COURT RE 06/21/17 CITY HALL RESTROOMS D 6/27/2017 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 06/21/17 CITY HALL R 06/21/17 YCC RESTROOMS D 6/27/2017 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 06/21/17 YCC RESTROO 06/21/17 WRF RESTROOMS D 6/27/2017 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 06/21/17 WRF RESTROO 06/21/17 PW RESTROOMS D 6/27/2017 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT 06/21/17 PW RESTROOM COMCAST JUN 2017 NETWORK BTWN BLDGS D 6/27/2017 COMMUNICATION: NETWORK JUN 2017 NETWORK - C COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE JUN 2017 NETWORK - W COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE JUN 2017 NETWORK - S CHECK CHECK CHECK AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 18.79 26.32 15.03 15.03 95.69 112.49 70.77 113.23 47.35 111.77 38.75 11.31 15.83 9.04 9.04 95.69 112.49 70.77 113.23 47.35 111.77 2,212.91 368.82 368.82 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 1,261.74 2,950.55 2of18 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 Agenda Item 6.b. CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0737 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY I- L627847 PTA FILTERS D 6/27/2017 000000 401 534.10.48.00 GEN SVCS EQUIP REPIR /MICE PTA FILTERS 104.92 104.92 0751 PUGET SOUND ENERGY I- 201705200003489065 MAY 2017 WRF ELECTRIC D 6/27/2017 000000 412 535.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES MAY 2017 WRF ELECTRI 6,259.67 I- 201705200011589278 MAY 2017 WELL ELECTRIC D 6/27/2017 000000 401 534.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES MAY 2017 WELL ELECTR 2,357.86 I- 201705200018922415 MAY 2017 PD ELECTRIC & GAS D 6/27/2017 000000 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (WTR /SWR /PWR)MAY 2017 PD ELECTRIC 1,624.54 I- 201705200018922597 MAY 2017 MUSEUM ELECTRIC & GAS D 6/27/2017 000000 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (WTR /SWR /PWR)MAY 2017 MUSEUM ELEC 87.02 I- 201705200018922787 MAY 2017 LONGMIRE PARK ELECTRC D 6/27/2017 000000 001 576.80.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES MAY 2017 LONGMIRE PA 222.35 I- 201705220008049060 MAY 2017 YCC ELECTRIC & GAS D 6/27/2017 000000 001 575.50.40.03 YCC ELECTRIC /GAS MAY 2017 YCC ELECTRI 424.36 I- 201705220011120155 MAY 2017 SW WELL IA ELECTRIC D 6/27/2017 000000 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (WTR /SWR /PWR)MAY 2017 SW WELL IA 444.34 I- 201705220011585308 MAY 2017 SHOP ELECTRIC D 6/27/2017 000000 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (WTR /SWR /PWR)MAY 2017 SHOP ELECTR 10.80 I- 201705300000004915 MAY 2017 SEWER ELECTRIC D 6/27/2017 000000 412 535.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES MAY 2017 SEWER ELECT 504.86 I- 201705300000004980 MAY 2017 ELECTRIC & GAS D 6/27/2017 000000 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (WTR /SWR /PWR)MAY 2017 ELECTRIC & 899.73 001 576.80.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES MAY 2017 ELECTRIC & 427.93 401 534.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES MAY 2017 ELECTRIC & 329.61 412 535.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES MAY 2017 ELECTRIC & 2,517.55 I- 201705300000005276 MAY 2017 STREET LIGHTS 1 OF 2 D 6/27/2017 000000 101 542.63.00.00 STREET LIGHTING MAY 2017 STREET LIGH 11,433.26 I- 20175A300000005276 MAY 2017 STREET LIGHTS 2 OF 2 D 6/27/2017 000000 101 542.63.00.00 STREET LIGHTING MAY 2017 STREET LIGH 324.14 27,868.02 1520 TAB PRODUCTS CO LLC. I- 2370451 FOLDERS AND LABELS D 6/27/2017 000000 001 521.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES FOLDERS AND LABELS 464.36 464.36 1886 LEMAY - PACIFIC DISPOSAL I- 8782620 APR /MAY 2017 LONGMIRE DISPOSAL D 6/27/2017 000000 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- LONGMIRE APR /MAY 2017 LONGMIR 423.86 I- 8783359 APR /MAY 2017 PW DISPOSAL D 6/27/2017 000000 001 518.30.48.00 CUSTODIAL /JANITORIAL SERVICE APR /MAY 2017 PW DISP 292.48 716.34 3of18 2 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 3 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 Agenda Item 6.b. CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 2251 2M COMPANY, INC I- 14054170 -000 CITY OF YELM PARK MAINTENANCE R 6/27/2017 069175 001 576.80.48.05 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- CITY PK CITY OF YELM PARK MA 8,197.31 I- 14054170 -001 ACCUSYNC REGULATOR VALVE R 6/27/2017 069175 001 576.80.48.05 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- CITY PK ACCUSYNC REGULATOR V 358.50 8,555.81 2257 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION, INC I- PAYMENT #1 1ST STREET SIDEWALK IMPROVMNTS R 6/27/2017 069176 316 595.61.63.00 SR507 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION 1ST STREET SIDEWALK 67,372.96 67,372.96 1823 ADVANCED ANALYTICAL SOLUTIONS, I -19702 WRF LAB SAMPLING R 6/27/2017 069177 412 535.50.48.01 SYSTEM TESTING /OUTSIDE LAB WRF LAB SAMPLING 277.60 277.60 2150 AMERICAN FENCE RENTAL LLC I -13748 ADDITIONAL FENCE - SKATE PARK R 6/27/2017 069178 001 576.80.48.02 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE - SKATEBD ADDITIONAL FENCE - S 489.15 489.15 0165 AUTOZONE I- 3731516684 SPONGE, CAR WASH, TIRE SHINE R 6/27/2017 069179 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. SPONGE, CAR WASH, TI 26.88 26.88 1631 AV CAPTURE ALL INC. I -1404 JUL 2017 RECORDING SOFTWARE R 6/27/2017 069180 001 518.85.41.00 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE JUL 2017 RECORDING S 270.66 270.66 0116 AWC I -52855 JW -2017 BUDGET &FISCAL MGT REG R 6/27/2017 069181 001 513.10.40.00 EXECUTIVE TRAVEL /TRAINING JW -2017 BUDGET &FISCA 200.00 200.00 1903 BEAN GENTRY WHEELER & PETERNEL I -58441 MAY 2017 GENERAL BUSINESS R 6/27/2017 069182 001 515.30.41.01 LEGAL SERVICES /CIVIL MAY 2017 GENERAL BUS 2,849.50 I -58442 MAY 2017 PROSECUTORIAL SVCS R 6/27/2017 069182 001 515.30.41.00 LEGAL SERVICES /CRIMINAL MAY 2017 PROSECUTORI 3,000.00 I -58443 MAY 2017 RECOVER FELON MEDCL R 6/27/2017 069182 001 515.30.41.01 LEGAL SERVICES /CIVIL MAY 2017 RECOVER FEL 123.00 5,972.50 2248 BOX FIVE CREATIONS I -0297 VEHICLE STRIPING R 6/27/2017 069183 001 521.31.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT VEHICLE STRIPING 108.80 108.80 1916 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC I- 17445949 JUN 2017 FINANCE COPIER LEASE R 6/27/2017 069184 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS JUN 2017 FINANCE COP 258.61 I- 17445950 JUN 2017 PW COPIER LEASE R 6/27/2017 069184 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS JUN 2017 PW COPIER L 222.68 I- 17445951 JUN 2017 WWTP COPIER LEASE R 6/27/2017 069184 4of18 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 4 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 Agenda Item 6.b. CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1916 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICCONT I- 17445951 JUN 2017 WWTP COPIER LEASE R 6/27/2017 069184 412 535.10.42.03 COMMUNICATIONS: COPIER JUN 2017 WWTP COPIER 146.55 627.84 2253 CAPITOL GUTTER I -6001 WELL 4 - GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT R 6/27/2017 069185 401 534.50.48.00 SYSTEM GEN REPAIRS /MICE WELL 4 - GUTTER AND 345.67 345.67 0240 CASCADE COMPUTER MAINT. I- 9200654 3RD QTR 2017 COPIER MAINT R 6/27/2017 069186 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS 3RD QTR 2017 COPIER 39.65 39.65 0310 DATABAR I- 228683 JUN 2017 STATEMENTS R 6/27/2017 069187 400 538.30.49.01 PRINTING JUN 2017 STATEMENTS 104.80 400 538.30.42.00 COMMUNICATIONS /PHONE /POSTAGE JUN 2017 STATEMENTS 117.19 401 534.10.44.00 PRINTING /ADVERTISING JUN 2017 STATEMENTS 471.64 401 534.10.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE JUN 2017 STATEMENTST 527.34 412 535.10.44.00 PRINTING /ADVERTISING JUN 2017 STATEMENTS 471.64 412 535.10.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE JUN 2017 STATEMENTS 527.34 2,219.95 0322 DELL MARKETING LP I- 10172572884 PD MONITOR, TOWERS, ADAPTER R 6/27/2017 069188 001 521.31.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT PD MONITOR, TOWERS, 1,958.68 1,958.68 1676 DRAGON ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, I- 170316 -06 03/16/17 WEEKLY TESTING R 6/27/2017 069189 412 535.50.48.01 SYSTEM TESTING /OUTSIDE LAB 03/16/17 WEEKLY TEST 145.00 145.00 1558 DWAYNE LANE'S I- HS765248 2017 RAM 1500 #5248 - TONY'S R 6/27/2017 069190 001 594.76.64.00 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 2017 RAM 1500 #5248 12,688.50 101 594.44.64.00 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 2017 RAM 1500 #5248 12,688.50 25,377.00 0365 FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS 652 I- 2017 -06 0100836792 JUN 2017 CITY HALL PHONES R 6/27/2017 069191 001 572.10.41.00 LIBRARY SERVICES 0 &M JUN 2017 CITY HALL P 36.95 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE JUN 2017 CITY HALL P 727.51 001 575.50.40.01 YCC -PHONE /ALARM /INTERNET JUN 2017 CITY HALL P 72.58 401 534.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE JUN 2017 CITY HALL P 160.82 412 535.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE JUN 2017 CITY HALL P 148.50 1,146.36 0365 FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS 652 I- 2017 -06 0100837933 JUN 2017 PD INTERNET R 6/27/2017 069192 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE JUN 2017 PD INTERNET 58.95 58.95 5of18 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 5 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 Agenda Item 6.b. CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0365 FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS 652 I- 2017 -06 0101012603 JUN 2017 PD PHONES R 6/27/2017 069193 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE JUN 2017 PD PHONES 364.88 364.88 0365 FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS 652 I- 2017 -06 0101012611 JUN 2017 PW FAX /MODEM R 6/27/2017 069194 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE JUN 2017 PW FAX /MODE 36.63 401 534.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE JUN 2017 PW FAX /MODE 36.62 73.25 0365 FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS 652 I- 2017 -06 0101012638 JUN 2017 WWTP MODEM R 6/27/2017 069195 412 535.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE JUN 2017 WWTP MODEM 38.23 38.23 0365 FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS 652 I- 2017 -06 0101012646 JUN 2017 COURT PHONES R 6/27/2017 069196 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE JUN 2017 COURT PHONE 38.23 38.23 0365 FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS 652 I- 8783439 APR & MAY 2017 YCC DISPOSAL R 6/27/2017 069197 001 575.50.40.00 YELM CC- GARBAGE APR & MAY 2017 YCC D 292.46 292.46 1665 FASTENAL I- WAOLY61079 VENDING SUPPLIES R 6/27/2017 069198 001 576.80.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN VENDING SUPPLIES - P 170.65 101 542.30.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN VENDING SUPPLIES - S 85.33 401 534.10.35.00 GEN SVCS TOOLS /EQUIPMENT VENDING SUPPLIES - W 26.48 412 535.10.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT VENDING SUPPLIES - S 11.77 I- WAOLY61155 POLICE VEHICLE REPAIRS R 6/27/2017 069198 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. POLICE VEHICLE REPAI 9.34 303.57 0383 FLOHAWKS PLUMBING & SEPTIC I- 3069033 MAY 2017 SLUDGE REMOVAL R 6/27/2017 069199 412 535.80.48.02 WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE DISPO MAY 2017 SLUDGE REMO 4,303.85 4,303.85 0391 FOSTER PEPPER PLLC I- 1170168 MAY 2017 WATER RIGHTS DEFENSE R 6/27/2017 069200 401 534.20.41.00 ENGINEERING PLANS & SERVICES MAY 2017 WATER RIGHT 96.00 96.00 0432 GRAY & OSBORNE, INC I -36- 13579.00 MOSMAN AVE PH 2 - 4/30 - 5/27/17 R 6/27/2017 069201 316 595.10.61.00 MOSMAN PHASE 2 ENGINEERING MOSMAN AVE PH 2 - 4/ 531.25 531.25 0440 HALF MOON SANITATION I -37979 SKATE PARK TOILET REPLACEMENT R 6/27/2017 069202 001 576.80.48.02 BLDG /GROUNDS /MTCE - SKATEBD SKATE PARK TOILET RE 800.00 800.00 6of18 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 Agenda Item 6.b. CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 2254 HARRINGTON CONSTRUCTION AND DE I -994 COATES ROAD EST PAVING R 6/27/2017 069203 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE COATES ROAD EST PAVI 3,570.80 3,570.80 0486 J & I POWER EQUIPMENT, INC. I- 366556 LINCH PIN R 6/27/2017 069204 001 576.80.48.00 REPAIRS /MICE VEHICLES & EQUI LINCH PIN 2.70 I- 371116 KUBOTA PROSUMER MULCH KIT R 6/27/2017 069204 001 594.76.64.00 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT KUBOTA PROSUMER MULL 92.45 I- 372109 KUBOTA PROSUMER MULCH KIT R 6/27/2017 069204 001 594.76.64.00 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT KUBOTA PROSUMER MULL 98.15 I- 372452 AIR CLEANER LONGMIRE PARK R 6/27/2017 069204 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- LONGMIRE AIR CLEANER LONGMIRE 62.24 I- 374000 WASHERS, BEARING SHAFT, CARBON R 6/27/2017 069204 101 543.30.48.00 GEN SVCS EQUIP REPAIR /MICE WASHERS, BEARING SHA 109.13 I- 374211 STIHL TRIMMER & BLOWER R 6/27/2017 069204 101 542.30.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN STIHL TRIMMER & BLOW 410.80 I- 378138 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES R 6/27/2017 069204 001 576.80.48.00 REPAIRS /MICE VEHICLES & EQUI EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 18.30 793.77 1666 JERRY'S COLOR CENTER I- 00052331 LONGMIRE PARK SUPPLIES R 6/27/2017 069205 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- LONGMIRE LONGMIRE PARK SUPPLI 6.08 I- 00052360 CITY MGR - PAINT OFFICE R 6/27/2017 069205 001 513.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY MGR - PAINT OFF 97.73 I- 00052393 CITY MGR OFFICE - PRIMER R 6/27/2017 069205 001 513.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY MGR OFFICE - PR 99.96 203.77 0550 LAFROMBOISE COMMUNICATIONS, IN I -98186 PARK /REC PLAN UPDAT PUBLIC MTG R 6/27/2017 069206 001 558.10.44.00 PRINTING & ADVERTISING PARK /REC PLAN UPDAT 108.80 108.80 1626 LES SCHWAB WAREHOUSE CENTER I- 42300248930 85 MACK WATER TRUCK REPAIRS R 6/27/2017 069207 401 534.50.48.01 VEHICLE REPAIRS /MICE 85 MACK WATER TRUCK 34.78 34.78 0625 MILES SAND & GRAVEL CO. I- 1553715 ROCK FOR TRAILS, COCHRAN PARK R 6/27/2017 069208 001 576.80.48.06 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE -TRAIL ROCK FOR TRAILS 274.82 001 576.80.48.04 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- COCHRANE ROCK FOR COCHRAN PAR 274.83 549.65 0638 MOUNTAIN LUMBER & HARDWARE I -1705- 256770 MISC BOLTS, TIE DOWN RING R 6/27/2017 069209 001 576.80.48.04 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- COCHRANE MISC BOLTS, TIE DOWN 46.87 I -1706- 257374 TIE DOWN, SHACKLE, SPRING SNAP R 6/27/2017 069209 001 576.80.48.04 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- COCHRANE TIE DOWN, SHACKLE, S 41.93 I -1706- 258485 TOUCH FLOW RAIN WAND R 6/27/2017 069209 001 576.80.48.05 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- CITY PK TOUCH FLOW RAIN WAND 23.90 I -1706- 259504 FABRIC WEEDBLOCK & REDI -MIX R 6/27/2017 069209 7of18 6 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 Agenda Item 6.b. CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 0638 MOUNTAIN LUMBER & HARDCONT I -1706- 259504 FABRIC WEEDBLOCK & REDI -MIX R 6/27/2017 069209 101 542.50.41.00 BLDG /GRND /MTC SUPPLIES JANIT FABRIC WEEDBLOCK & R 107.47 I- 1706 - 259810 STAKES R 6/27/2017 069209 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE STAKES 17.51 I -1706- 259833 MISC BOLTS R 6/27/2017 069209 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- LONGMIRE MISC BOLTS 6.51 I -1706- 260002 REDI -MIX R 6/27/2017 069209 101 542.64.48.00 SIDEWALK REPAIR MAINTENANCE REDI -MIX 29.25 I- 1706 - 260146 TOW STRAP & HOOK R 6/27/2017 069209 101 542.30.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN TOW STRAP & HOOK 43.47 I- 1706 - 261134 MISC BOLTS, HAMMER BIT R 6/27/2017 069209 101 543.30.48.00 GEN SVCS EQUIP REPAIR /MICE MISC BOLTS, HAMMER B 28.21 I- 1706 - 261187 MISC BOLTS R 6/27/2017 069209 101 543.30.48.00 GEN SVCS EQUIP REPAIR /MICE MISC BOLTS 5.33 I- 1706 - 261545 COUPLING R 6/27/2017 069209 401 534.10.48.00 GEN SVCS EQUIP REPIR /MICE COUPLING 92.34 I -1706- 263699 COUPLING, ADAPTER R 6/27/2017 069209 412 535.50.48.00 TRMT. PLANT MICE COUPLING, ADAPTER 20.19 I -1706- 264029 ONE SIDED KEY R 6/27/2017 069209 412 535.50.35.00 BLDG MAINT /SUPPLIES ONE SIDED KEY 4.33 I -1706- 264390 KEYLESS LAMPHOLDER R 6/27/2017 069209 101 542.30.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES KEYLESS LAMPHOLDER 5.41 I- 1706 - 264511 ONE SIDED KEY, KEY RING R 6/27/2017 069209 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- LONGMIRE ONE SIDED KEY, KEY R 9.20 I -1706- 264563 ONE SIDED KEY R 6/27/2017 069209 412 535.50.35.00 BLDG MAINT /SUPPLIES ONE SIDED KEY 4.33 I -1706- 264644 ONE SIDED KEY R 6/27/2017 069209 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MICE- LONGMIRE ONE SIDED KEY 4.33 490.58 0649 NAPA (Acct # 11701) C- 069905 CORE DEPOSIT REFUND #69884 R 6/27/2017 069210 101 542.30.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIR /MAINTENANCE CORE DEPOSIT REFUND 40.76CR C- 071085 CORE DEPOSIT REFUND #71049 R 6/27/2017 069210 001 576.80.48.00 REPAIRS /MICE VEHICLES & EQUI CORE DEPOSIT REFUND 123.92CR I- 069884 BATTERY R 6/27/2017 069210 001 576.80.48.00 REPAIRS /MICE VEHICLES & EQUI BATTERY 229.4-1 I- 069967 CAR RAMP R 6/27/2017 069210 001 576.80.48.00 REPAIRS /MICE VEHICLES & EQUI CAR RAMP 54.11 I- 070107 FLASHLIGHT, PERT DIAP R 6/27/2017 2.33CR 069210 412 535.50.48.00 TRMT. PLANT MICE FLASHLIGHT, PERT DIA 114.33 I- 071049 4 BATTERIES R 6/27/2017 11.17CR 069210 001 576.80.48.00 REPAIRS /MICE VEHICLES & EQUI 4 BATTERIES 547.50 780.71 8of18 7 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 Agenda Item 6.b. CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 2121 NATIONAL SAFETY, INC I- 0471692 -IN WATERPROOF PANTS, RAIN BIBS R 6/27/2017 069211 401 534.10.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT PANTS, RAIN BIBS - W 108.02 412 535.10.25.00 UNIFORMS PANTS, RAIN BIBS - S 151.23 101 542.30.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT PANTS, RAIN BIBS - S 86.42 001 576.80.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT PANTS, RAIN BIBS - P 86.42 432.09 1555 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C- 3742 - 151309 RETURN BRAKE HOSES, WATER PUMP R 6/27/2017 069212 412 535.50.48.02 EQUIP /VEH REPAIRS & MTCE RETURN BRAKE HOSES 30.23CR 401 534.50.48.01 VEHICLE REPAIRS /MTCE RETURN WATER PUMP 57.11CR I- 3742 - 149773 CHEROKEE - BRAKES, BRAKE HOSES R 6/27/2017 069212 412 535.50.48.02 EQUIP /VEH REPAIRS & MTCE CHEROKEE - BRAKES, BRA 101.84 I- 3742 - 152094 OIL FILTER R 6/27/2017 069212 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. OIL FILTER 13.08 I- 3742 - 153649 SILVERADO -TAIL & MINI LAMP R 6/27/2017 069212 001 576.80.48.00 REPAIRS /MTCE VEHICLES & EQUI SILVERADO -TAIL & MIN 86.79 I- 3742 - 153686 POWER BELT R 6/27/2017 069212 401 534.10.48.00 GEN SVCS EQUIP REPIR /MTCE POWER BELT 29.84 I- 3742 - 154155 AIR FILTER R 6/27/2017 069212 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. AIR FILTER 9.24 153.45 0716 PARAMETRIX, INC. I -01 -79022 SEWER FACILITY PLAN - 5/27/17 R 6/27/2017 069213 413 594.35.41.01 SEWER FACILITIES PLAN SEWER FACILITY PLAN 1,674.46 I -01 -79023 WRF ON -CALL SVCS 4/30 - 5/27/17 R 6/27/2017 069213 401 534.20.41.00 ENGINEERING PLANS & SERVICES WRF ON -CALL SVCS 4/3 988.75 2,663.21 0723 PCI SERVICES LLC I -22420 2ND QTR 2017 PW PEST CONTROL R 6/27/2017 069214 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS 2ND QTR 2017 PW PEST 152.18 I -22421 2ND QTR 2017 PD /CRT PEST CNTRL R 6/27/2017 069214 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS 2ND QTR 2017 PD /CRT 195.66 I -22422 2ND QTR 2017 MUSEUM PEST CNTRL R 6/27/2017 069214 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS 2ND QTR 2017 MUSEUM 108.70 456.54 0761 QUILL CORPORATION I- 7248273 WIRELESS MOUSE R 6/27/2017 069215 001 514.23.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES WIRELESS MOUSE 27.15 I- 7545063 ENVELOPES & RULER R 6/27/2017 069215 001 514.23.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES ENVELOPES & RULER 160.59 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES ENVELOPES 158.10 001 513.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES ENVELOPES 45.17 391.01 9of18 8 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 9 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 Agenda Item 6.b. CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1845 RGD, Inc. I -YELM 5 -2 -17 EXCAVATE FOR WATERLINE REPAIR R 6/27/2017 069216 401 534.10.48.00 GEN SVCS EQUIP REPIR /MICE EXCAVATE FOR WATERLI 2,312.59 2,312.59 1805 RH2 ENGINEERING I -67830 WATER SYS IMPRVMNTS THRU 5/28 R 6/27/2017 069217 431 594.34.63.06 SW YELM WELL IA CONST ENG WATER SYS IMPRVMNTS 303.31 I -67957 WATER COMP PLAN THROUGH 5/28 R 6/27/2017 069217 404 534.10.41.00 WATER COMP PLAN WATER COMP PLAN THRO 28,405.45 28,708.76 1898 SCJ ALLIANCE I -51322 ADA SIDEWALK RAMP 4/23 - 5/20/17 R 6/27/2017 069218 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE ADA SIDEWALK RAMP 4/ 1,320.00 1,320.00 1681 SUNBELT RENTALS, INC I- 69095209 -001 1ST ST PROJECT LED BOARD RENTL R 6/27/2017 069219 412 535.80.31.00 OPERATING SUPPLIES /LAB ETC. 1ST ST PROJECT LED B 1,171.65 I- 69710976 -001 SELF - PRIMING TRASH PUMP RENTAL R 6/27/2017 069219 412 535.50.48.00 TRMT. PLANT MICE SELF - PRIMING TRASH P 1,485.80 I- 69748078 -001 SOD CUTTER RENTAL R 6/27/2017 069219 101 542.30.49.00 RENTAL EQUIPMENT SOD CUTTER RENTAL 220.77 2,878.22 0864 SUNSET AIR I- 304880 FINANCE DEPT AC MAINTENANCE R 6/27/2017 069220 001 514.23.48.00 CONTRACTED REPAIRS /MAINT FINANCE DEPT AC MAIN 383.17 383.17 2182 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY INC I -30537 2017 INTERCEPTOR EQUIP #6328 R 6/27/2017 069221 001 594.21.64.00 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 2017 INTERCEPTOR EQU 14,093.61 14,093.61 1280 TACOMA CITY TREASURER I- 90764877 MAY 2017 SLUDGE DISCHARGE R 6/27/2017 069222 412 535.80.48.02 WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE DISPO MAY 2017 SLUDGE DISC 2,785.00 2,785.00 0878 TAGS AWARDS & SPECIALTIES I- 187473 MAY STUDENT /2016 -7 STUDENT R 6/27/2017 069223 001 513.10.44.01 PUBLIC RELATIONS MAY STUDENT /2016 -7 S 39.17 39.17 0895 THURSTON CO AUDITOR I- 671755 DEC OF BOUND LINE ADD & MAP R 6/27/2017 069224 101 542.64.48.00 SIDEWALK REPAIR MAINTENANCE DEC OF BOUND LINE AD 239.00 239.00 0893 THURSTON CO PUBLIC HEALTH I- 2017 -05 05/02/17 WATER SAMPLES R 6/27/2017 069225 401 534.80.48.00 WATER SAMPLING FEES 05/02/17 WATER SAMPL 405.00 405.00 10 of 18 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm Agenda Item 6.b. BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 38.00 38.00 069227 CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE 0912 47.39 TIM'S PHARMACY 47.39 I- 03173877 05 SUNBLOCK FOR OUTDOOR CREW R 6/27/2017 001 576.80.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES SUNBLOCK FOR OUTDOOR 2255 TUCKSEN, STEPHANIE I- 2017 -0617 TUCKSEN 2017 -0617 TUCKSEN DEP REFUND R 6/27/2017 001 586.03.00.00 YCC- DAMAGE DEPOSIT RETURN 2017 -0617 TUCKSEN DE 0936 UPS STORE I- 00000002450 SHIPPING LAB EQUIPMENT R 6/27/2017 412 535.10.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE SHIPPING LAB EQUIPME 0937 USA BLUEBOOK I- 282589 SEWER SUPPLIES R 6/27/2017 412 535.80.48.00 COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT SEWER SUPPLIES 0955 VERIZON WIRELESS I- 9786718136 MAY 2017 PW CELL PHONES /TABLET R 6/27/2017 401 534.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE MAY 2017 PW CELL PHO 412 535.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE MAY 2017 PW CELL PHO I- 9786751368 MAY 2017 PD CELL PHONES /MCTs R 6/27/2017 001 521.10.42.01 COMMUNICATION: PHONES MAY 2017 PD CELL PHO I- 9786891258 MAY 2017 CDD CELL PHONES R 6/27/2017 001 558.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE MAY 2017 CDD CELL PH 2069 VERIZON WIRELESS I- INVI2840092 MAR 2017 GPS SERVICES R 6/27/2017 401 534.50.48.01 VEHICLE REPAIRS /MICE MAR 2017 GPS SERVICE 412 535.10.48.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MTCE MAR 2017 GPS SERVICE 0995 WA STATE DEPT OF ECOLOGY I- 2017 -06 EL150105 PW LOAN #EL150105 R 6/27/2017 400 592.31.00.00 STORMWATER INT LOAN REPAYMENT PW LOAN #EL150105 1002 WA STATE DEPT OF ENTERPRISE SV I- 71117552 MOSSMAN -STATE HR DEV 5/25 -26 R 6/27/2017 001 513.10.40.00 EXECUTIVE TRAVEL /TRAINING MOSSMAN -STATE HR DEV 1002 WA STATE DEPT OF ENTERPRISE SV I- 73163270 BUSINESS CARDS R 6/27/2017 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES BUSINESS CARDS -HATCH 101 542.30.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES BUSINESS CARDS -STEVE 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES BUSINESS CARDS -STEVE 069229 434.31 434.31 069230 100.03 100.02 069230 973.69 069230 268.66 1,442.40 069231 60.87 60.87 121.74 069232 628.22 628.22 069233 345.00 345.00 069234 22.28 22.28 22.29 66.85 11 of 18 PAGE: 10 Agenda Item 6.b. CHECK CHECK CHECK AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 069226 38.00 38.00 069227 250.00 250.00 069228 47.39 47.39 069229 434.31 434.31 069230 100.03 100.02 069230 973.69 069230 268.66 1,442.40 069231 60.87 60.87 121.74 069232 628.22 628.22 069233 345.00 345.00 069234 22.28 22.28 22.29 66.85 11 of 18 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 11 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 Agenda Item 6.b. CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1023 WA STATE PATROL I- I17008533 MAY 2017 FINGERPRINT BACKGRNDS R 6/27/2017 069235 001 514.81.49.00 BUS. LICENSE BACKGROUND CHECKSMAY 2017 FINGERPRINT 50.00 50.00 1031 WATER MANAGEMENT LAB INC I- 158923 05/11 & 05/16/17 WATER TESTING R 6/27/2017 069236 401 534.80.48.00 WATER SAMPLING FEES 05/11 & 05/16/17 WAT 356.00 I- 159059 05/18 & 05/23/17 WATER TESTING R 6/27/2017 069236 412 535.50.48.01 SYSTEM TESTING /OUTSIDE LAB 05/18 & 05/23/17 WAT 356.00 I- 159070 05/25 & 05/30/17 WATER TESTING R 6/27/2017 069236 412 535.50.48.01 SYSTEM TESTING /OUTSIDE LAB 05/25 & 05/30/17 WAT 356.00 I- 159291 06/01 & 06/06/17 WATER TESTING R 6/27/2017 069236 412 535.50.48.01 SYSTEM TESTING /OUTSIDE LAB 06/01 & 06/06/17 WAT 356.00 1,424.00 1035 WELLS FARGO I- 5004013609 JUL 2017 CDD COPIER LEASE R 6/27/2017 069237 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS JUL 2017 CDD COPIER 234.05 234.05 2256 WIDHALM, LEO I- 2017 -0610 WIDHALM 2017 -0610 WIDHALM DEP REFUND R 6/27/2017 069238 001 586.03.00.00 YCC- DAMAGE DEPOSIT RETURN 2017 -0610 WIDHALM DE 250.00 250.00 1706 YELM ANIMAL ALLIANCE I -2016 DOGS 2016 DOGS TAKEN TO YAA R 6/27/2017 069239 001 539.30.41.00 ANIMAL CONTROL /CARE & CUSTOD 2016 DOGS TAKEN TO Y 600.00 600.00 1068 YELM COMMUNITY SCHOOLS I- 1600002204 MAY 2017 FUEL BILLING R 6/27/2017 069240 001 558.10.32.00 FUEL MAY 2017 FUEL USAGE 40.69 001 514.23.32.00 FUEL /VEH. MTC. MAY 2017 FUEL USAGE 36.33 001 521.10.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED /OIL MAY 2017 FUEL USAGE 3,379.51 001 576.80.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED MAY 2017 FUEL USAGE 876.06 412 535.80.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED MAY 2017 FUEL USAGE 261.10 101 542.30.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED MAY 2017 FUEL USAGE 277.82 401 534.80.32.00 FUEL /OIL CONSUMED MAY 2017 FUEL USAGE 624.93 5,496.44 1 BAILEY, BRYAN & FARM I- 000201706232054 US REFUND R 6/27/2017 069241 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 09- 1665 -06 25.00 25.00 1 BANK OF AMERICA I- 000201706232049 US REFUND R 6/27/2017 069242 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 05- 1940 -04 432.68 432.68 12 of 18 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm CHECK BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE STATUS AMOUNT DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 4.18 4.18 069244 CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE 1 BEYER, CHARLES 069246 I- 000201706232051 US REFUND R 6/27/2017 069247 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 07- 0735 -04 110.95 1 069248 GORE, SUE 5.58 5.58 I- 000201706232046 US REFUND R 6/27/2017 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 01- 2160 -98 1 GORE, SUE 999999 I- 000201706232047 US REFUND R 6/27/2017 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 01- 2330 -98 1 HULL, RICHARD 55.83 I- 000201706232052 US REFUND R 6/27/2017 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 08- 0870 -01 1 MAUNA, BOBBY & MELIS 999999 I- 000201706232053 US REFUND R 6/27/2017 999999 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 09- 0370 -09 1 MILLER, KATHLEEN I- 000201706232050 US REFUND R 6/27/2017 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 06- 0070 -10 1 SOUNDBUILT HOMES I- 000201706232048 US REFUND R 6/27/2017 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 03- 5036 -00 1 STAGE, EDWIN & TERR I- 000201706232045 US REFUND R 6/27/2017 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 01- 1830 -00 0280 COPIERS NORTHWEST I- INVI585388 JUN 2017 COPIER USAGE E 6/27/2017 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS JUN 2017 COPIER USAG 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS JUN 2017 COPIER USAG 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS JUN 2017 COPIER USAG 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS JUN 2017 COPIER USAG 401 534.10.42.03 COMMUNICATIONS: COPIER JUN 2017 COPIER USAG I- INVI587208 JUN 2017 WWTP COPIER USAGE E 6/27/2017 412 535.10.48.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MTCE JUN 2017 WWTP COPIER 0395 HD FOWLER COMPANY I- I4525372 BOLT &NUT KIT, RUBBER GASKET E 6/27/2017 412 535.50.48.00 TRMT. PLANT MTCE BOLT &NUT KIT, RUBBER I- I4527032 BLIND FLANGE E 6/27/2017 412 535.50.48.00 TRMT. PLANT MTCE BLIND FLANGE I- I4539359 WATER METER SUPPLIES E 6/27/2017 13 of 18 PAGE: 12 Agenda Item 6.b. CHECK CHECK CHECK AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 069243 4.18 4.18 069244 307.96 307.96 069245 354.79 354.79 069246 54.78 54.78 069247 110.95 110.95 069248 5.58 5.58 069249 65.58 65.58 069250 442.30 442.30 999999 166.82 126.03 7.85 112.48 55.83 999999 16.69 485.70 999999 170.98 999999 490.63 999999 13 of 18 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm 0.00 BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 4,431.86 DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 0.00 CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE 0395 HD FOWLER COMPANY CONT I- I4539359 WATER METER SUPPLIES E 6/27/2017 401 534.10.48.00 GEN SVCS EQUIP REPIR /MICE WATER METER SUPPLIES 0618 MERRIMAN, TAMI I- 06152017 FOOD FOR CITY ECONOMIC SUMMIT E 6/27/2017 001 558.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES FOOD FOR CITY ECONOM 1528 JCI JONES CHEMICALS, INC C- 723435 RETURNED 7 CHLORINE /2 SULFUR E 6/27/2017 412 535.50.48.00 TRMT. PLANT MICE RETURNED 7 CHLORINE/ I- 723218 6 CHLORINE & 2 SULFUR DIOXIDE E 6/27/2017 412 535.50.48.00 TRMT. PLANT MICE 6 CHLORINE & 2 SULFU 2245 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC I- OOSX- 117Y -LMX4 PRINTABLE MAGNET SHEETS E 6/27/2017 101 542.30.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES PRINTABLE MAGNET SHE I- 00SX- 117Y -QL3L SHARPS CONTAINER E 6/27/2017 412 535.80.31.00 OPERATING SUPPLIES /LAB ETC. SHARPS CONTAINER I -03DQ- 2501 -R6K3 OTTERBOX PHONE CASE E 6/27/2017 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES OTTERBOX PHONE CASE I- 03HS- H5YF -QVD9 CHAIRMAT E 6/27/2017 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES CHAIRMAT I -071X- 4385 -CC2G TV CORD AND CABLE POWER KIT E 6/27/2017 001 518.89.49.00 DATA PROCESSING OTHER EXPENS TV CORD AND CABLE PO I- OJSY- IKNF -YVOL COMPUTER LAN NETWORK CORD E 6/27/2017 001 518.89.49.00 DATA PROCESSING OTHER EXPENS COMPUTER LAN NETWORK I- OVNV- F4Q3 -QGVK PHONE CAR MOUNT, SCREEN PROT E 6/27/2017 412 535.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES PHONE CAR MOUNT, SCR I- OVPK- 9L4J -OG68 USB STEREO SPEAKER SYSTEM E 6/27/2017 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES USB STEREO SPEAKER S ** T 0 T A L S ** NO REGULAR CHECKS: 76 HAND CHECKS: 0 DRAFTS: 6 EFT: 5 NON CHECKS: 0 VOID CHECKS: 0 VOID DEBITS VOID CREDITS TOTAL ERRORS: 0 PAGE: 13 Agenda Item 6.b. CHECK CHECK CHECK AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 345.23 13.23 899.98CR 3,504.51 53.78 6.O5 34.47 49.99 60.19 24.37 76.27 16.44 INVOICE AMOUNT 199,074.56 0.00 33,365.93 4,431.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 999999 1,006.84 999999 13.23 999999 999999 2,604.53 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 999999 321.56 DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT 13.50CR 199,061.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,365.93 0.00 4,431.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 14 of 18 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 14 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 Agenda Item 6.b. " G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS " G/L ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT 001 513.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 242.86 001 513.10.40.00 EXECUTIVE TRAVEL /TRAINING 545.00 001 513.10.44.01 PUBLIC RELATIONS 39.17 001 514.23.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 187.74 001 514.23.32.00 FUEL /VEH. MTC. 36.33 001 514.23.48.00 CONTRACTED REPAIRS /MAINT 383.17 001 514.81.49.00 BUS. LICENSE BACKGROUND CHECKS 50.00 001 515.30.41.00 LEGAL SERVICES /CRIMINAL 3,000.00 001 515.30.41.01 LEGAL SERVICES /CIVIL 2,972.50 001 518.20.48.00 BUILDING MAINT /REPAIRS 456.54 001 518.30.48.00 CUSTODIAL /JANITORIAL SERVICE 292.48 001 518.81.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE 1,226.20 001 518.81.42.03 COMMUNICATION: COPIERS 1,168.17 001 518.81.42.04 COMMUNICATION: NETWORK 2,212.91 001 518.85.41.00 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 270.66 001 518.89.49.00 DATA PROCESSING OTHER EXPENS 84.56 001 518.90.00.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES (WTR /SWR /PWR) 3,066.43 001 521.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 464.36 001 521.10.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED /OIL 3,379.51 001 521.10.42.01 COMMUNICATION: PHONES 973.69 001 521.10.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MTCE. 58.54 001 521.31.35.00 SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT 2,067.48 001 539.30.41.00 ANIMAL CONTROL /CARE & CUSTOD 600.00 001 558.10.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 180.39 001 558.10.32.00 FUEL 40.69 001 558.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE 268.66 001 558.10.43.00 TRAVEL /TRAINING /DUES 13.23 001 558.10.44.00 PRINTING & ADVERTISING 108.80 001 572.10.41.00 LIBRARY SERVICES 0 &M 36.95 001 575.50.40.00 YELM CC- GARBAGE 292.46 001 575.50.40.01 YCC -PHONE /ALARM /INTERNET 72.58 001 575.50.40.03 YCC ELECTRIC /GAS 424.36 001 576.80.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT 110.49 001 576.80.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 38.00 001 576.80.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED 876.06 001 576.80.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN 170.65 001 576.80.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES 650.28 001 576.80.48.00 REPAIRS /MTCE VEHICLES & EQUI 814.93 001 576.80.48.02 BLDG /GROUNDS /MTCE - SKATEBD 1,289.15 001 576.80.48.03 BLDG /GROUNDS /MTCE- LONGMIRE 512.22 001 576.80.48.04 BLDG /GROUNDS /MTCE- COCHRANE 363.63 001 576.80.48.05 BLDG /GROUNDS /MTCE- CITY PK 8,579.71 001 576.80.48.06 BLDG /GROUNDS /MTCE -TRAIL 274.82 001 586.03.00.00 YCC - DAMAGE DEPOSIT RETURN 500.00 001 594.21.64.00 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 14,093.61 001 594.76.64.00 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 12,879.10 "* FUND TOTAL "* 66,369.07 15 of 18 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 15 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 Agenda Item 6.b. ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** G/L ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT 101 542.30.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT 110.49 101 542.30.31.00 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES 81.47 101 542.30.32.00 FUEL CONSUMED 277.82 101 542.30.35.00 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR EQUIPMEN 539.60 101 542.30.48.00 VEHICLE REPAIR /MAINTENANCE 40.76CR 101 542.30.49.00 RENTAL EQUIPMENT 220.77 101 542.50.41.00 BLDG /GRND /MTC SUPPLIES JANIT 107.47 101 542.63.00.00 STREET LIGHTING 11,757.40 101 542.64.48.00 SIDEWALK REPAIR MAINTENANCE 268.25 101 542.90.48.00 STREET REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE 4,908.31 101 543.30.48.00 GEN SVCS EQUIP REPAIR /MICE 142.67 101 594.44.64.00 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 12,688.50 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 31,061.99 316 595.10.61.00 MOSMAN PHASE 2 ENGINEERING 531.25 316 595.61.63.00 SR507 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION 67,372.96 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 67,904.21 400 538.30.42.00 COMMUNICATIONS /PHONE /POSTAGE 117.19 400 538.30.49.01 PRINTING 104.80 400 592.31.00.00 STORMWATER INT LOAN REPAYMENT 628.22 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 850.21 401 534.10.25.00 UNIFORMS /SAFETY EQUIPMENT 138.12 401 534.10.31.00 GEN SVC OFFICE /OPR SUPPLIES 66.43 401 534.10.35.00 GEN SVCS TOOLS /EQUIPMENT 26.48 401 534.10.42.01 COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE 666.29 401 534.10.42.02 COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE 527.34 401 534.10.42.03 COMMUNICATIONS: COPIER 55.83 401 534.10.44.00 PRINTING /ADVERTISING 471.64 401 534.10.47.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES 2,687.47 401 534.10.48.00 GEN SVCS EQUIP REPIR /MICE 2,884.92 401 534.20.41.00 ENGINEERING PLANS & SERVICES 1,084.75 401 534.50.48.00 SYSTEM GEN REPAIRS /MICE 345.67 401 534.50.48.01 VEHICLE REPAIRS /MICE 38.54 401 534.80.32.00 FUEL /OIL CONSUMED 624.93 401 534.80.48.00 WATER SAMPLING FEES 761.00 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 10,379.41 402 589.01.00.00 REFUND /APPLY SEWER DEPOSIT 1,803.80 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 1,803.80 404 534.10.41.00 WATER COMP PLAN 28,405.45 * ** FUND TOTAL * ** 28,405.45 412 535.10.25.00 UNIFORMS 193.38 16 of 18 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 16 VENDOR SET: 01 City of Yelm BANK: AT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 Agenda Item 6.b. " G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS " G/L ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT 412 535.10.31.00 412 535.10.35.00 412 535.10.42.01 412 535.10.42.02 412 535.10.42.03 412 535.10.44.00 412 535.10.47.00 412 535.10.48.00 412 535.50.35.00 412 535.50.48.00 412 535.50.48.01 412 535.50.48.02 412 535.80.31.00 412 535.80.32.00 412 535.80.48.00 412 535.80.48.02 413 594.35.41.01 431 594.34.63.06 NO VENDOR SET: 01 BANK: AT TOTALS: 87 BANK: AT TOTALS: 87 REPORT TOTALS: 87 OFFICE /OPERATING SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS /MINOR EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS: PHONE COMMUNICATIONS: POSTAGE COMMUNICATIONS: COPIER PRINTING /ADVERTISING PUBLIC UTILITIES SERVICES EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & MTCE BLDG MAINT /SUPPLIES TRMT. PLANT MTCE SYSTEM TESTING /OUTSIDE LAB EQUIP /VEH REPAIRS & MTCE OPERATING SUPPLIES /LAB ETC. FUEL CONSUMED COLLECTION REPAIRS /MAINT /SPT WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE DISPO "* FUND TOTAL "* SEWER FACILITIES PLAN "* FUND TOTAL "* SW YELM WELL IA CONST ENG "* FUND TOTAL "* 133.02 11.77 655.57 574.73 146.55 471.64 9,282.08 77.56 8.66 4,886.46 1,490.60 71.61 1,177.70 261.10 1,575.66 7,088.85 28,106.94 1,674.46 1,674.46 303.31 303.31 INVOICE AMOUNT 236,872.35 236,872.35 236,872.35 DISCOUNTS 13.50CR 13.50CR 13.50CR CHECK AMOUNT 236,858.85 236,858.85 236,858.85 17 of 18 6/26/2017 6:04 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 17 --------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- SELECTION CRITERIA VENDOR SET: 01 -CITY OF YELM VENDOR: ALL BANK CODES: All FUNDS: All CHECK SELECTION CHECK RANGE: 000000 THRU 999999 DATE RANGE: 6/27/2017 THRU 6/27/2017 CHECK AMOUNT RANGE: 0.00 THRU 9,999,999.99 INCLUDE ALL VOIDS: YES PRINT OPTIONS SEQUENCE: CHECK NUMBER PRINT TRANSACTIONS: YES PRINT G /L: YES UNPOSTED ONLY: NO EXCLUDE UNPOSTED: NO MANUAL ONLY: NO STUB COMMENTS: NO REPORT FOOTER: NO CHECK STATUS: NO PRINT STATUS: * - All 18 of 18 CITY OF YEL Yelm City Hap 105 Yelm Ave W Yelm WA 98597 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Dare ReNAI To YPAC' City Council: 360- 458 -3244 Park Use Request Form for Yelm City Park (Located at First Street (SR 507) and 7 )srna/ Avenue) Completion of this form is required to `reserve' the Pavilion area at Yelm City Park, and/or for one of the events Iisted below *. As per the Yelm Municipal Code (YMC) Title 9, Chapter 9.68 —The Yelm City Park is open to the public, and for ail events not requiring the approval of the City Council, is available on a "first come first served basis_° The following events require City Council approval: "Circus, carnival and traveling exhibition, *any religious or political meeting, and zany community -wide GROUPIPERSON MAKING REQUEST TO BE US 7' _ TILE 4. n CONTACT PERSON(S) MAILING ADDRESS _ L .... __ ... ... UD C. '' l PO Box City _ Zip Street or PHON11 .. z i f. FfNNtAa� GROiSP 59Z V CAE Yelm City Park eskq oorns Ball Field Stage Booths Facilities: (All available on "first come first Play- * Pavilion ground (Center coveMPN /c tables). served basis" - except �' �ti�. �i, Pavilion}. "' t Vim, I hereby agree on my part and for the organization I represent to abide by the City of YeIm Parks rules a ,.. --- policies (as per the Yelm Municipal Code) related to the use of park facilities which includes the ItO I-6 section on "applicant's responsibility." • Applicant is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits, including appropriate health permit as needed. • Any applicant using park grounds and facilities accepts financial responsibility for any damage done to said grounds. Application for use of a park facility will constitute acceptance by the applicant of the responsibility stated above and willingness to comply with all rules and regulations regarding the use of park facilities as prescribed by the Cit Council of the City of Yelm. In the event of damage, appllcant will accept the City Council's estimate of the amount of same. • The applicant must exercise the utmost care in the use of Yelm Darks and agrees to protect, indemnify and save the City of Yelm harmless from use of requested facilities "groups /organizat" ns sp nsorn `community -wide' events must provide the city with proof. 'f self-insurance. e �i�� " � 7 t, • Adult leaders of organizations using park facilities will remain with their groups during all activities and will be responsible for the observance of all rules. • All organizations and groups will, in all cases, clean and put in order the park grounds used by them before leaving. • Consumption of any intoxicating Iiquor on park premises without first obtaining lawful authority, is considered an act constituting disorderly conduct. • Smoking tobacco products by use of cigarette, cigar, pipe or any other smoking device inside the boundaries of any park, without first obtaining lawful authority, is unlawful. • Remaining after closing time prohibited. Hours of park accessibility at all parks is as follows - Winter hours: 6 am to 8 pm, (October 1 to March 31) and Summer hours: 6 am to 11 pm (April 1 to September 3 0.) • Currently there is not a fee charged for use of the Parks, but donations are gladly accepted. • The City of Yefm is not responsible for lost and/or stolen items on city park property. • Yelm City Park is a public park, and is available on a "first come first served basis -" Please be aware that when you reserve the pavilion facility, this does not restrict other activities in other areas of the park. • Please initial that you have read and understand all of the above rules and ignature of person making request. Nate pay t d � t3�ty of YNm ataff "" bate C-\ DS�EIYDOCtJME' PN' rS+ PARKS�crrYPARK�YEi ,MCITYPAKKRFQUESTFORrvi DOC Agenda Item 6c City Park Request Page 2 of 2 DATE JMMIDDNYYY) A iieft� e6Ra CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 04/04/2017 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE, POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN °THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT* If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIOI' K INSURED, the pollcy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provislons or be endorsed. if SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Hagerty Insurance Agency, LLC pHa�}g JerF lus aNi (800) 32Z -4050 FAX ICN0141 River's Sdge Drive _ _..dd, Nwry Traverse City XT 49584 -3265 I NSURERISI AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC X iNSURERA.- Markel Insurance Comgany, -, -, 38970 INSURED INSURERS Prairie Street Rod mAssociatian� • _ �, mm,uY�, INSiiAER C - Pa sow 2352 Yom D Iu9ll R� ER m.......�__...�- m______ .�._.....�....�� �.�..,�..._�.. Yelm WA 98597 INSURER E.mm._ _...- .,_ ... _..._.- _..._.- ..- ..._.. ... - -.. FUR e A c COVERAGE$ CERTIFICATE NUMBER: Cort ID 2295 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN t$ SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Abbr m ...TYPE OF INSURANCE UORI....°..�....� ant IC,..,�.. I"1t IC E (af�, �,. -,.�. .._,.. ....- .- ....._ _ ...__"....- ....... �, MWI INSR .._. -.. -.r, _ _YNIIiY1aLR �t ! LIMITS A g COFAMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILrrY EACHOCCURRENCE - $ 1,000, 000 CLAIMS -MARE OCCUR 360288449772-0 04101f7017 44/01/2010 . PRMi p _qgLu r ce ITIT_ S .._ 104. a00 MED E7LPfAnr ores person] s 10.000 PERSONAL &ADVINJURY S_ 1,000,000 GENIAG RELATE LIMIT APPLIES PER! GENERALAGGREGATE_ DIIOH- . POLICY l JECT E Lot PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGO S l r a oo a co OTHFR: TS AUTOMp9ILELIABILITY B N D aN L M 1 $ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per parson) S OWNEO .._ -' -- SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY (Per ac[Jdent) S AUTOS ONLY AUTOS AIRED NON-OWNED (° — D AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Pea a c!o S .W....... _ -__ - -_ -- a UMtBRELLALIAti OCCiJR.: EACH OCCURRENCE S L CLAms-mADE RELATE E 61iCES3LiAB AGGmm- ...."�...W......... -ITITITITIT -...- DFD RFTFNTinHS 8 1 ORKERS COMPEN SATION area rts= �sz AND EMPI.OY>:RS' LIABILITY .❑ Y 1 H ANYPROPRMETDR PARTN EM F�2ECUTIVE, EL .� EAC H A CV C.I.O...EAT _ S I In¢EREMCLUDE¢7 N f A (Man aory In NH) E L DISEASE • EA E MPLOYEE _ _ $ II yea deschbe and DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS' bV E.L. DISEASE POLICY LIMIT S 8 S , DESCRIPTION CF CPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD Tat, AddKierml Remarks Schedule, may be atfaehad It more epece Is required) Include as additional insured: Certificate Solder but only, with respects to the nomad insured "s action's and / or negligence with regards to the Prairie Street Rod Association 30th Annual Show and Shine to be held at Yelm City Park in August 2017. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES S1 CAfrCELLED BEFORE TH? EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICi= WILL 13E DELIVERED IN AC40RDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. City of Yelm 105 Yelm Ave W AUTHORUDREPRESENTATIVE..... Yelm WA 95597 I 0198 &2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 26 (2318103) The ACORD name and logo are registered merits of ACORD Page 1 of 2 To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council Agenda Item 8a 2017 Emergency Pavement Repair Project -TIB Grant Agreement ,00v4 All Page 1 of 8 Lit 0 Yelm Y f % lff md 10 : 911101. � 1 From: Chad Bedlington, Public Works Director Date ,tune 16, 2017 (for City Council June 27, 2017) Subj: Transportation improvement Board (TIB) Grant Award 2017 Emergency Pavement Repair Project — Various Locations Attach: Award Letter, Project Scope, and (2) Copies of Fuel Tax Grant Agreement Recommendation Authorize the Mayor to sign and execute the TIB Fuel Tax Agreement whereby entering into an Agreement with TIB to mutually fund the 2017 Emergency Pavement Repair Project — Various Locations. Background The City was successful in securing TIB funding for pavement repairs generally located on West Rd SE, Solberg St SW, and 3rd St SE in the amount of $31,375. Local match requirement is 10% at $3,485 for eligible project items. Current Situation Public Works submitted an application on 5/31/2017 requesting emergency repair funds through the TIB Arterial Preservation Program. On 6!212017 Public Works was notified that our application was approved for the proposed pavement repairs. The repair work will be completed prior to 8/31/2017 as conditioned by the Agreement with TIB. Thurston County Public Works will be completing the work on behalf of the City. Project Funding TIB Grant Funds $ 31,375 Local Funds TIB match 3,486 Total Project Budget $ 34 „861 Fu Ind inq Source: Fund 101 (street operations fund) has available funds to cover the local match fund requirement. Street Repair /Maintenance funds from Fund 101 will be used. ,tv m commissiotzer Richard Stevens, Chair Grant County Mayor Patty Lent, Vice Chair eery of Bremerton Jim Albert office of financial Management & i. . Elizabeth Chamberlaia city of Walla walirr Wendy Clark- Getan, P. C. Claliam Transit Gary Ekstedf, P.E. Yakima C®unfy Cam Menlo per Terri Jeffreys Mason county lay Weber County Road Administration Board Ashley Probart Executive Director PO Box 46961 Olympia, WA 98564 -0941 Phone: 360-596-1140 Fax: 360 - 586 -1165 www.tib.wa.gov Agenda Item 8a 2017 Emergency Pavement Repair Project -TIB Grant Agreement Washington State yy Page 2 of 8 Transportation Improvement Board June 2, 2017 Mr. Chad Bedlington, P.E. Public Works Director City of Yelm 901 Rhoton Rd. Yelm, WA 98597 Dear Mr. Bedlington:: Congratulations] We received and reviewed your application. The enclosed project scope meets TIB criteria and is approved for funding. We are pleased to announce the selection of your city for $31,375 from the TIB 2017 Emergency Repair Program. In order to receive reimbursement for your project, you must: Sign and return both copies of the Fuel Tax Grant Agreement to T1 B. TIB will return one executed agreement for your files. How does the City of Yelm receive reimbursement? Send the final invoices to your TIB Engineer. Your engineer will prepare project closeout paperwork for your signature. After you return the signed paperwork, T[B will release payment to the City of YeIm. If you have questions, please contact Jason Phelps, TIB Project Engineer, at (360) 586 -1151 or via a -mail at JasonP @T1B.wa.gov. Sincerely, . 4- �.- Ash[ey Probart . Executive Director Enclosure Agenda Item 8a 2017 Emergency Pavement Repair Project -TIB Grant Agreement 2017 APP Emergency Repair Program Approved Scope for YELM Page 3of8 Approved Repair List Total Approved Repair Area (Sq Ft) 8,61.8..$[{ Ft Approved Pavement Repair Cost $27,888 Approved OTHER Cost $6,973 Approved TIB Funds $31,375 Total Approved Pavement Repair Cost $34,8 61 Required Local Funds $3,486 Federal Repair S Route Site Number 1 9053 2 9052 3 9053 4 905c 1 5 9041 6 9047 i 7 904j 8 904£ STREET NAME West Rd SF West Rd SE West Rd 5E West Rd 5E Solberg St SW Solberg St SW Solberg St SW 3rd St SE LIMITS Emer cross Streets 103rd Ave NE, Prairie Park St NE 104th Ave NE, Prairie Park St NE West Rd 5E, Prairie Park St NE Prairie Park St NE, 4th St NE YeIm Ave W, Washington St YeIm Ave W, Washington St Washington 5t, McKenzie Ave SW YeIm Ave E, Washington St Repair Repair Repair Area Length Width tSta Ft] Approved (Ft) (Ft) 98 ft 12 ft 1,176 sq ft y 40 ft 12 ft 480 sq ft y 62 ft 12 ft 744 sq ft y 30 ft 26 ft 780 sq ft y 52 ft 1 23 ft 1,196 sq ft y 415 ft 11 ft 506 sq ft y 130 ft 24 ft 3,120 sq ft y 77 ft 8 ft 616 sq ft y cost $3,806 $1,553 $2,408 $2,524 $3,870 $1,637 $10,096 $1,993 2017 Emergency Repair Program - Approved List Page 1 of 1 Washington State Transportation Improvement Board 3- W- 978(004) -1 (N Fuel Tax Grant Agreementgenda Item 8a 2017 Emergency Pavement Repair Project -TIB Grant Aa re 4 e P 8 Page CITY OF YELM 3-W-978(004)-J, 2017 ErneLgengy Pavement Repair Project Various Location STATE OF WASHINGTON TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD AND CITY OF YELM AGREEMENT THIS GRANT AGREEMENT (hereinafter "Agreement ") for the 2017 Emergency Pavement Repair Project, Various Location (hereinafter "Project") is entered into by the WASHINGTON STATE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD (hereinafter "TIB") and CITY OF YELM, a political subdivision of the State of Washington (hereinafter "RECIPIENT"). 1.0 PURPOSE TIB hereby grants funds in the amount of $31,375 for the project specified above, pursuant to terms contained in the RECIPIENT'S TIB- approved Grant Application on file, which is incorporated into this Agreement by this reference; supporting Project Documentation in 3.0; chapter 47.26 RCW; title 479 WAC; and the terms and conditions listed below. 2.0 SCOPE AND BUDGET The Project Scope and Budget are initially described in RECIPIENT's Grant Application and previously incorporated by reference into this Agreement. Scope and Budget may be further developed and refined. Any alterations to the original Project Scope or Budget as initially described in the Grant Application must be authorized by TIB in advance by written amendment. 3.0 PROJECT DOCUMENTATION TIB requires RECIPIENT to make reasonable progress and submit timely Project documentation as applicable throughout the Project. Upon RECIPIENT's submission of each Project document to TIB, the terms contained in the document will be incorporated by reference into the Agreement. Required documents include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Contract Completion Updated Cost Estimate with final summary of quantities; and b) Project Accounting History 4.0 BILLING AND PAYMENT At the closeout of the Project, but no later than August 31St, 2017, the Recipient must submit an invoice for all costs and expenditures actually incurred in the course of performing eligible work directly related to the Project, during the Project period. Any invoice received after August 31, 2017, will not be eligible for reimbursement, unless the local agency has received prior approval from TIB. TIB agrees to reimburse the Recipient for those Project - related costs and expenditures properly documented on the Recipient's invoice. Fuel Tax Agreement Page 1 of 5 May 2017 Washington State Transportation Improvement Board 3- W- 978 (004) -1 Fuel Tax Grant Agreementgenda Item 8a 2017 Emergency Pavement Repair Project-TIB Grant Agreement Page 5 of 8 5.0 TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement shall commence on the latest date of signature of the Parties and terminate upon closeout of the grant or when terminated as provided herein, but in no event shall the term of this Agreement exceed six months unless amended by the Parties. 8.0 AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement and written amendment executed by both of the Parties. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by persons authorized to bind each of the Parties. 7.0 ASSIGNMENT The RECIPIENT shall not assign or transfer its rights, benefits, or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of TIB. The RECIPIENT is deemed to consent to assignment of this Agreement by TIB to a successor entity. Such consent shall not constitute a waiver of the RECIPIENT's other rights under this Agreement. 8.0 GOVERNANCE & VENUE This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington and venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County. 9.0 DEFAULT AND TERMINATION 9.1 NON- COMPLIANCE aj In the event TIB determines, in its sole discretion, that the RECIPIENT has failed to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, TO shall notify the RECIPIENT, in writing, of the non - compliance. b) In response to the notice, RECIPIENT shall provide a written response within 10 business days of receipt of TIB's notice of non - compliance, which should include either a detailed plan to correct the non - compliance, a request to amend the Project, or a denial accompanied by supporting details. c) TIB will provide 30 days for RECIPIENT to make reasonable progress toward compliance pursuant to its plan to correct or implement its amendment to the Project. dj ShouId RECIPIENT dispute non - compliance, TIB will investigate the dispute and may withhold further payments or prohibit the RECIPIENT from incurring additional reimbursable costs during the investigation. 9.2 DEFAULT RECIPIENT may be considered in default if TO determines, in its sole discretion, that: a) RECIPIENT is not making reasonable progress toward correction and compliance; bf TIB denies the RECIP #ENT's request to amend the Project, if any; and c) After investigation, TIB confirms RECIPfENT'S non - compliance. Fuel Tax Agreement Page 2 of 5 May 2017 Washington State Transportation Improvement Board 3- W- 978(004) -f Fuel Tax Grant Agreemenfg"" Item 8a 2017 Emergency Pavement Repair Project -TIB Grant Agreement e 6 8 9 TIB reserves the right to order RECIPIENT to immediately stop work on the Project and TIB may stop Project payments until the requested corrections have been made or the Agreement has been terminated. 9.3 TERMINATION a) In the event of default by the RECIPIENT as determined pursuant to Section 9.2, TIB shall serve RECIPIENT with a written notice of termination of this Agreement, which shall be served in person, by email or by certified fetter. Upon service of notice of termination, the RECIPIENT shall immediately stop work and/or take such action as may be directed by TIB. b) In the event of default and/or termination by either PARTY, the RECIPIENT may be Iiable for damages as authorized by law including, but not limited to, repayment of grant funds. c) The rights and remedies of TIB provided in the AGREEMENT are not exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. 9.4 TERMINATION FOR NECESSITY TIB may, with ten (10) days written notice, terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, because funds are no [anger available for the purpose of meeting TIB's obligations. If this Agreement is so terminated, TIB shall be liable only for payment required under this Agreement for performance rendered or costs incurred prior to the effective date of termination. 10.4 USE OF TIB GRANT FUNDS TIB grant funds come from Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax revenue. Any use of these funds for anything other than roadway system pavement repair is prohibited and shall subject the RECIPIENT to the terms, conditions and remedies set forth in Section 9. 11.0 INCREASE OR DECREASE IN TIB GRANT FUNDS At Bid Award and Contract Completion, RECIPIENT may request an increase in the TIB funds for the specific Project. Requests must be made in writing and will be considered by TO and awarded at the sole discretion of T[B. A[I requests for such increases must be made pursuant to WAC 479 -05 -202 and /or WAC 479 -01 -060. If an increase is denied, the recipient shall be liable for costs incurred in excess of the grant amount. In the event that final costs related to the specific Project are less than the initial grant award, TIB funds will be decreased and /or refunded to TIB in a manner that maintains the original ratio between TO funds and total project costs. 12.4 INDEPENDENT CAPACITY The RECIPIENT shall be deemed an independent contractor for all purposes and the employees of the RECIPIENT or any of its contractors, subcontractors, and employees thereof shall not in any manner be deemed employees of TIB. Fuel Tax Agreement Page 3 of 5 May 2017 Washington State Transportation Improvement Hoard 3- W- 978(004} -1 (CO, Fuel Tax Grant Agreemen`genda Item 8a 2017 Emergency Pavement Repair Project -TIB Grant Agreement 7 of 8 13.0 INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS a) The RECIPIENT shall indemnify and hold TIB, its agents, employees, and officers harmless from, and process and defend at its own expense, any and all claims, demands, suits at law or equity, actions, penalties, Iosses, damages, or costs (hereinafter referred to collectively as "claims "), of whatsoever kind or nature brought against TIB and arising out of, in connection with or incident to this AGREEMENT and/or the RECIPIENT's performance or failure to perform any aspect of this AGREEMENT. This indemnity provision applies to all claims against TIB, its agents, employees and officers arising out of, in connection with or incident to the negligent acts or omissions of the RECIPIENT, its agents, employees, officers and subcontractors. Provided, however, that nothing herein shall require the RECIPIENT to indemnify and hold harmless or defend the TIB, its agents, employees or officers to the extent that claims are caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the TIB, its agents, employees or officers; and provided further that if such claims result from the concurrent negligence of (a) the RECIPIENT or its employees, agents, officers or contractors and (b) the STATE, its employees or authorized agents, the indemnity provisions provided herein shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the PARTY, its employees, officers, authorized agents, and/or contractors. This indemnification and hold harmless provision shall survive termination of this AGREEMENT. b) The RECIPIENT specifically assumes potential Iiability for actions brought by RECIPIENT's employees and/or subcontractors; and, solely for the purposes of this indemnification and defense, the RECIPIENT specifically waives any immunity under the State Industrial insurance Law, Title 51 Revised Code of Washington. c) In the event either the RECIPIENT or TO incurs attorney's fees, costs or other legal expenses to enforce the provisions of this section of this AGREEMENT against the other PARTY, all such fees, costs and expenses shall be recoverable by the prevailing PARTY. 14.0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION a) The PARTIES shall make good faith efforts to quickly and collaboratively resolve any dispute arising under or in connection with this AGREEMENT to avoid additional incurred costs and delays to the project. The dispute resolution process outlined in this Section applies to disputes arising under or in connection with the terms of this AGREEMENT. b) Informal Resolution. The PARTIES shall use their best efforts to resolve disputes promptly and at the lowest organizational level. c) In the event that the PARTIES are unable to resolve the dispute, the PARTIES shall submit the matter to non - binding mediation facilitated by a mutually agreed -upon mediator. The PARTIES shall share equaIIy in the cost of the mediator. d) The PARTIES agree that they shall have no right to seek relief in a court of law until and unless the Dispute Resolution process has been exhausted. e) In the event of litigation or other action brought to resolve a dispute or enforce this Agreement, each Party shall be responsible for its own attorneys' fees and costs. Fuel Tax Agreement Page 4 of 5 May 2017 Washington State Transportation Improvement Board 3- W- 878(004)-1 Fuel Tax Grant Agreemerif°`genda Item 8a 2017 Emergency Pavement Repair Project -TIB Grant age 8 Agreement 8 15.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, together with the RECIPIENT'S Grant Application, the provisions of chapter 47.26 Revised Code of Washington, the provisions of title 479 Washington Administrative Code, and TIB Policies, constitutes the entire agreement between the PARTIES and supersedes all previous written or oral agreements between the PARTIES. 16.0 RECORDS MAINTENANCE The RECIPIENT shall maintain books, records, documents, data and other evidence relating to this Agreement and performance of the services described herein, including but not limited to accounting procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended in the performance of this Agreement. RECIPIENT shall retain such records for a period of six years following the date of final payment. At no additional cost, these records, including materials generated under the Agreement shah be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review or audit by TiB personnel duly authorized by TIB, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal and state officials so authorized by law, regulation or agreement. If any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the six (6) year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. 17.0 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES The undersigned acknowledge that they are authorized to execute this Agreement and bind their respective agencies to the obligations set forth herein. Lead Agency Chief Executive Officer Date ......... Print Name Transportation Improvement Board Executive Director... ..... Date Name Fuel Tax Agreement Page 5 of 5 May 2017 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement - WHPacific, Inc. Pagel of 44 G TA L UK To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Chad Bedlington, Public Works Director Maryanne Zukowski PE, Public Works Manager Date June 16, 2017 (or June 27, 2017 Council Meeting) Subj: Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements Attach: Professional Services Agreement — WHPacific, Inc Recommendation Upon approval from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), authorize Mayor JW Foster to sign and execute the Professional Services Agreement for Design /Environmental Services for Fort Stevens Elementary — Pedestrian Improvements. Background The City advertised for Statements of Qualifications (SOQ)s March 31, 2017 and April 7, 2017 for Architectural and Engineering Services. The City received seven (7) SOQs related to the Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvement Project. WHPacific was ranked by the panel as the most qualified firm. Scope of work was negotiated and the services are within the approved budget for spending 2017 and the planned budget for 2018. Funding Preliminary Engineering this Contract �. �....:.. Consultant Contract Desiqn Phase ._ Fund..�.1.fi...._..2 ... .T.... .._ —.m $ 10,925 ........ ..............__...�___�......_ .............._......._Grant .. ._...._ -- $ 70,004 ......Total............ $ 80,929 ......... WSDOT Contract $ 675 $ 4,325 $ 5,000 Funding Construction 2018 Fund 316 (Gas TaxJ Carry -2018 Grant Total Forward _.........._.._......_ .._ ........................_.... Construction Phase $ 8,400 $ 121,769 $ 340,620 $ 470,000 TOTAL Project Costs $556,717 I I P a g e 2 H:1—Strcet ❑ eoartment1Prniects\Sidewalks1Ft Steveris ELP_mentarv\CC3un(-11 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement- WHPacific, Inc. Page 2 of 44 Current Situation Staff recommends execution of a Professional Services Contract in the amount of $80,929.00 for design and engineering services for a spending limitation of $20,000 in 2017 and the balance in 2018 with the approved budget. CPag(. tt. ,,..µgat r °r, r rf D�,c.)ar t-u'nent, .Pry ()ir'ct:s\',S- Lrtew, ..Vs Ft St evens I2.erren .'ar,✓ .Cr)uaur:.N. 1. Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page om44 � Agency u~��c,nmx ����n�xx*��' ��mm�~ o—ww�v"=ss*oxoax Services Cost Plus Fixed Fee Consultant Agreement Agreement Number: Firm/Organization Legal Name (do not use dba's): WHPacific, Inc Address Federal Aid Number UBI Number Federal TIN or SSN Number 602-587-396 20-3966470 Execution Date Completion Date 1099 Form Required Federal Participation Yes No Project Title Fort Stevens Elementary — Pedestrian Improvements Description of Work As shown on Attached EXHIBIT A. STIP[LA A/Prospec tus Description: f rnprove safety for students and pedestrians a long I 00th Way Southeast and Grove Road near Fort Stevens Elementary with new sidewalks and ADA compliant facilities. 2017 - Not to Exceed (NTE) $20,000 F71 Yes No DBE Participation Total Amount Authorized: $80,929 M yes No MBE Participation Management Reserve Fund, 0 71 Yes —11% No WBE Participation Yes —I[% No SBE Participation Maximum Amount Payable: $80,929 Index of Exhibits Exhibit Scope n[Work EuhibitD DBE Participation FnbihilC Preparation and Delivery u[FJocUonk: ngund(}dhw,Outa Exbibi( 0 Prime Cunyu)tuoL Cost Computations Exhibit Sub-conSUltallt Cost Computations Exhibit [ Title VI Assurances Exh)bkG Corti0uatkxnDoCuMuntS Exhibit / AJieuedConxu[Uuni Design Bnnr Procedures Exhibit ] Consultant Claim Procedures xenzmoolw"m»or LocalAgencyA&E Professional Services oonf Plus Fixed Fee Consultant Agreement Page /or^v Revised 311112016 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 4 of 44 A,giri�::eintcni� Niambn'! LocalAgency A&E Professional Services Cost Plus Fixed Fee Consultant Agreement Page 2 of 14 Revised 311112016 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 5of44 The CONSULTANT, on a monthly basis, is required to submit DBE Participation of the amounts paid to all DBE firim Invoiced for this AGREEMENT All R.eports, RS & F materia Is, and other data Furn ished to the CONSU LrA NT by the AGENCY shall be retumed All electronic files, prepared by the CONSULTANT, Must meet the requirements as Outlined in Exhibit "C Preparation and Delivery of Electronic Engineering and other Data." All designs, drawings, specifications, documents, anti other work products.. including all electronic files, prepared by the CONSULTANT prior to completion or terinination of this AGREEMENT are instruments of service for these SERVICES, and are the property of the AGENCY. Reuse by the AGENCY or by others, acting through or on behalf of the AGENCY of any such Instruments of service, not occurring as a part of this SERVICE, shall bc without liability or legal exposure to the CONSULTANT Any and all notices or requests required under this ACS REEMENTshall be made in writing and sent to the other party by (1) certified mail, return reec Ipt requested, or (i i) by entail or facs I rn I le, to the address set forth below: If to CONSULTANT: Name: Sarn Richard The CONSULTANT shall not begin any work under the terms of this AGREEMENT until authorized in writing by the AGENCY. All work under this AGREEMENT shall be completed by the date shown in the heading of this AGR E F N/IFNT titled "Completion Date . " The established completion time shall not be extended because of any delays attributable to the CONSULTANT, but may be extended by the AGENCY in the event of a delay attributable to the AGENCY, or because of 'dable delays caused by an act of GOD.. governmental actions, or other conditions beyond the control of the unavul L, CONSULTANT. A prior supplemental AGREEMENT iSSUed by the ACENCY Is required to extend the established completion time. Lo cal Agency A &E Pro fessio nal Services Cost Plus Fixed Fee Cons ultan t A greemen t Page 3 of 14 Revised 311112016 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 6 of 44 Agreement Number; Local Agency A&E Professional Services Cost Plus Fixed Fee Capsultant Agreement Page 4 of 14 Revised 311112016 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 7 of 44 Local A gency A &E Professionai Services Cos f Pius Fix ed Fee Consultant Agreem en t Page 5 of 14 Revised 311112016 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement- WHPacific, Inc. Page 8 of 44 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 9 of 44 Compensation Acton beha I rofsald emp I oyees or other persons while so engaged, and any and a I I claims made by a third party its a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the CO N S U LTA NT's employees or other persons while so engaged oil any of the work or set-vices provided to be rendered herein, shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the CONSULTANT. The CONS U LTA NLT shal I not en gage, on a At I (- or part-ti rne bas is, or other has 1 s, during the period o f this AGREEMENT, any professional or technical personnel who are, or have been, at any time during the period of this AGREEMENT, in the employ of the United States Department offransportatiou or the AGENCY, except reguiarly retired employees. without written consent of the public employer of such person if he/she will be working on this AGREEMENT for the CONSULTANT. During the performance o C th is AG R E E MFNT, the CONSULTANT, for itself, its assignees, sub - consultants, subcontractors and successors in interest, agrees to comply with the following laws and regulations. Title V1 of the Civil R ights Act of 1964 (42 U S. C. Chapter 21 Subchapter V § 2000d through 2000d64a) Federal-aid Highway Act of 1973 (23 U.S.C. Chapter 3 § 324) • Rchabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Chapter 16 Subchapter V § 794) • Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. Chapter 76 § 6 101 et. seq.) • Civil R i 0 uhts Restoration Act of 1987 (PUbiic Law 100-259) • American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Chapter 126 § 1210I el. -veq.) * 23 C; FR Part 200 * 49 CFR Part 21 * 49 CFR Part 26 * RC W 49.60.180 In relation to Title V1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the CONSULTANT is bound by the provisions of Exhibit 47' attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGRE E M E NT, and shall 1 nc I tide the attached Exhibit ` "F" 111 every sub-contract, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations OT directives 'issued pursuant thereto. The right is reserved by the AG F NCY to to i nate this AGREEMENT at any h me with or without cause upon ten (10) days written notice to the CONSULFANT Ira the event this AG REEIVIENT is I erm mated by the AGENCY, other than ro r de fault on the part cat tile CONSULTANT, a final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT for actual hours charged and any appropriate fixed fee percentage at the time of termination of this AGREEMENT, plus any direct non-salary costs incurred up to the time of lerin ination oaf th I s A G R EEVl ENT. No payment sha I I be made for any SERVICES corn p ieted after ten ( 10) days fo I low] ng receipt by the CONSUL1ANT of the notice to terrminate, If the accumulated payment made to the CONST-TLTANT prior to Notice of Termination exceeds the total amount that would be dust/ when computed as set foah in paragraph two (2) of this section, then no final payment shall be due and the CONSULTANT shall immediately reimburse the AGENCY for any excess paid. €f the services of the CONSULTANT are terminated by the AGENCY for default on the part of the CONSULTANT, the above formula for payment shall not apply. in the event of a termination f'or default, the alTIGUnt to be pall to the CONSULTANT shall be determined by the AGENCY with consideration given to the actual costs inCUrred by the CONSULTAN'I'm performing SERVICES to the date of'termination., the amount of SF.RVTCES originally required which was satisfactorily completed to Eves! A genCy A &E Pro FeSsional ServiCes Cost Plus Fixed Fee Consult n t Agreement Page 7 of 14 Revised 311112016 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 10 of 44 The CONSULTANT sh=ill make such changes and revisions in the completed work of this AGRE EM ENT as necessary to correct errors appearing therein. without additional compensation thereof. ShOUld the AGENCY find it desirable for its own purposes to have previously satisfactorily completed SERVICES or parts thereof changed or revised, the CONSULTANT shall make such revisions as directed by the AGENCY. This work shall be considered as Extra Work and will be paid for as herein provided under section X111 "Extra Work." Local Agency A & E Professional Services Coss Plus Fixed Fee Cons ulta "t Agreement Page 8 of 14 Revised 3111/2016 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 11 of 44 The CON SU[lANl[mny sub-con so| tan to. and the /k{3ENCYshuU comply vvi[hmU Federal, S tatu. and ioua laws, rules, codes, regulations and all AGENCY policies and directives, applicable to the work to be performed tinder this AGREEMENT This AGREENTENT shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State or Washington. IbcCONSC[]ANTshuU defend, indemnify, and bmN The S Cate ofVVxa]zir:gtm,(S'r}{[E) and the A[}ENCYanti thoirufDcens and cmp|oyory harm |#yu from m8 c|aims, dema nds, or suits m1 {uw or equity arlsing in whole or In pad from the ncgbgemnoe of, or the breach m[anymbi{gu1ion tinder dbIaAGflE Ek{ ENT by, the C()NSUCTANTmrthe CON S U LTA NT's agents, ern p loyees, sub c onsu I tan ts, subcontracto rs or vendors, o f any tier, or any other persons for whom the CONSULTANT may be |uguUy UoNo, provided that nothing herein m>/uO require aCONSULTANT tn defend nr indemnify the STATE and the AGENCY and their officers and employees mga{nxtand hold harmless the STATE and the /\GEy4C}~ and their officers and employees from c|oinoa, demmzdu or suits based anio[y upon the negligence of, o, breach of any obligation under this AGREEMENT by the S'l7\[E and the AGENCY, Lhcir agents, officcra, employees, sub-cons u| tan ta, subcontractors or vendors, ufany tier, or any other persons for whorn the sTArE andlor the AGENCY tnay be legally liable, and provided further that If tile cinionuor suits are caused hvncresult from the concurrent negligence uf(m) the C{}NSOLl}\NTnrthe C(}NSOI]ANT'o agents, employees, xub-uunyultuota, subcontractors or vendors, of any der, or any otherpcmonu for whom 1he CONSULTANT is legally |iub(o. and (b) the S'l/Vl'E and/or AGENCY, their agents, ufMuery^ employees, su6-o011auitoots, subcontractors and or vendur , mFany tier, nr any other persons horvvhorn the STATE and mrA(}ENCY may be hg4|ly |iublc` the dcbonue anti inderrmity obligation shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the CONSULTANT's negligence or the ncg!igcnuom[ the C()NSU" LTA N7`mageota` err] p}oyouo,suh-oanou|!antx.xu6cmntrmotomor vendors, uf any tier, or any other persona for vvhoro the CONSULTANT may be leguUy liable. This provision a}/uD be incimdcd in any AG R F EM ENT between CO N S U [TANT and any sub-con su Itant, SUbcontractor and ven dor, of any ti ec The C(}NSULl/\NTohm]lu [so defend, indemoify' and hu\d the STATE and the A(]ENCY and the irofficers and urapkoyecx bann|cxx From u[ l c|uirax, dunands, urooits at [uvv orcquity miming in m/bo]o or (m part from Ah e aIirgcd patent o/oopyri gb(iofhmgemunlor other a}|egud[yionproperuppn`phu\ionnr use of trade secrets, patents, proprietary inh>nnation,kuuw-honv` copyright rights orinventions by the C(lNSULI)\Nl'or the C[}NSUl]AN7-`s a-ootu,emp)oyocy`yoh-oomxu]tuntm, subcontractors or vendors, ofunydccmranyodzerpersoomforwhomdbo CONS U UFA NT may be legally liable, in performance of the Work tinder this AGREEMENTor arisinty out ofany uueinoumocchun*khtbcAGREEK4EN'[o[merhodx`pnmeyweo,deaigns,in{onnudnnurcxhcri\emxhurnixhedur oonzcouuicaiod to S]CZVl'E uod/ur UbcA( ENC Y, ikcir agents. ot§oers and mnp|nyceo Pursuant to tbeAI;RE EK4In NT; provided that tb/m (nGomnity ybyJi not uppiy to any aOeg�ed patent orcopyright iofringomcut or nthur allegedly hoprupermpprupriabonorumcofi(adexecro1u,paten\x,propr\eturyin5o/rnutiou,knovv-hoa\cnpyrigbt n'gbixur inventions pcuu[ring from ST/QTBund/nr/kGE>1C Y's, their agents', o[boery'and eozp/uyees` failure (»cnmp[y with spec ifio written iuytruodous regard iog use pro vidudioSTATE and/or AG F N CY, tbci/ agents, othoumand cmployees by the CONSULTANT, its agents, employees, sub-consUltants, subcontractors or vendors, ofany tier, or any other persons for whom the CONSULTANT may he legally liable. The CONSULTANT's relation to the AGENCY shal I be at all times as an independent cowractor. Notvvithstuwding any dohcnnination by the Exec ubve Eihirm B card orother cri bun u[. the /\@ENCY In ay, in ito so le diuco:buo, by vvhUcn notice to the CONSULTANT tounioute this AGREEMENT If it is found after due notice and examination hv the AGENCY that there imu violation mfthe Ethics io Public Service Act, Chapter 42.52 RCVV,or any similar statute involving the CONSULTANT io the procurement o[ or performance tinder, this &GBUEEMEN'[ The cQN&D LTA NT spec itioo]|y assumes potential | lab i1ity for mc({ons bTOLI glit by the CONS LiL][&N'7`sown employees or its agents against the STATEmod /ordhe AGENCY and, solely For the purpose o[thia indemnification and defense, the CON SOL]ANTspecifically vvoiveS any iconnuniiy uudcrLbostaLe industrial iouuramce law, Title 5L RCW. This w/ulvorbum bcu/ mutually negotiated between the Purdma Agrecrnem Number. Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 12 of 44 The C(}NSUL[4WT shall obtain and keep in force during the terms oC this AGREEMENT, mrmaodzemviae required, the following iouuruooc with companies Or through sources approved by the State Insurance Commissioner pursuant to Title 48 RCW. Insurance Coverage A, Worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance as required by the STXFE BnnzJ: mm>(a)ciyeim.wo.ua Phone: 380~458-8499 FaoainoUc: 360~$58-8417 section IX "Termination of Agreement- Of this AGREEMENT, shall be limited to the accumulative arnount of the aLithorl zed AG REE MENT amourit or one m 111 ]on do I I ars ($ 1,000,000.00), whichever is greater, unless the 11 m -it of hability is increased by the AGENCY pursuant to Exhibit H. In no case shall the CONSULTANT's professional liablilty to third parties be 11inited in any way. Local Agency A &E Professional Services Cost Plus Fixed Fee Consultant Agreement Page 10 of 14 Revised 311112016 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 13 of 44 The parties enter Into th I s AGRE E NT ENT for the sole benefit o C the parties, and to the exc [us] on o F any third party, and no third party beneficiary is intended or created by the execution of this AGREEMENT. The AGENCY will pay no progress payments under section V "Payment Provisions" until the CONtSULTANT has filily complied with this section. This remedy is not exclusive-, and the AGENCY may take such other action as is available to it under other provisions of this AG RE EMEN'T, or otherwise In law. F'(ffPMff*TT,W =4 The Federal Highway Adrn i n i stration shall have the right to participate in the review or examination of` the SERVICES in progress. focal Agency A & E Professional Services Cost Plus Fixed Fee Cons"Itan t Agreemen t Page 11 of 14 Revised 311112016 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 14 of 44 This document and referenced attachments contain all covenants, stipulations, and provisions agreed upon by the parties. No agent, or representative oFeither party has authority to make, and the parties shall not be bound by or be liable for, any statement, representation, promise or agreement not set forth herein. No changes, amendments, or modifications of the terms, hereof shall be valid unless reduced to writi n a and sl 4P gried by the parties as a supplement to this AGREEMENT, This AGREEMENT rnay be s i mu I taneous iy executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original having identical legal effect. The CONSULTANT does hereby ratify and adopt all statements, representations, warranties, covenants. and AG REEM ENT's contained in the proposal, and the supporting material SUbm i tted by the CONSULTANT, and does hereby accept this AGREEMENT and agrees to all of the terms and conditions thereof. *140"ManaW =1* M111"ItT, TIM The CONSULTANT acknowledges that some of the material and information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this AGREEMENT or its pe rformance may consist o IF 'In Connat-lon that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.56 RCS' or other local, state or federal statutes ("State's Confidential Information"), The "State's Confidential Information" includes, but is not limitect to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card info ation, dri v er's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records (or any other Information identifiable to an individual), STATE and AG F NCY source code or abject code, STATE and AGENCY security data, non- public Specifications, STATE and AGENCY non - publicly avai [able data, proprietary software, State security data, or information Which may J eopard Me any part of the project that relates to any of these types of information. The CONSULTANT agrees to hold the State's Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to rnakC use of the State's Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this AG RE, EM ENT, to release it only to authorized ern plovees, slab- consultants or subcontractors req u 1 ring such information for the purposes ofcarrying out this AG F_MENT, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party without the AGENCY's express written consent or as provided by law. The CONSULTANT agrees to release such infortnation or material only to employees, sub - consultants or subcontractors who have signed a nondisclosure AGREEMENT, the terms of w h 1 ch have been previously approved by the AGENCY. The CONSULIANTagrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to the State's Confidential Information. I rn mediate ly upon expiration or termination of this AG PEEME NT, the CONSUL TA.NT shall, at the AG E NC Y's option: (i) certify to the AGENCY that the CONSULTANT has destroyed all of the Stato's Conti deritial Information; or (ii) returned a I I of the State's Confidential Information to the AGENCY; or (iii) take whatever other steps the AGENCY requires of the CONSULTANT to protect the State's Confidenual InformatIOR, As required Linder Executive Order 00-03.. the CONSULTANT shall maintain a log documenting the following: the State's Confidential Info. atio rcceived in the performance of this AGREEMENT; the purpose(s) for which the State's Conficicntial Information was received; who received, maintained and used the State's Confidential Information; and the final disposition o F the State's Confidential I n Formal i on. The CQ NS U LTANT's records sha H be subject to inspection, review, or audit upon reasonable notice from the A(3ENCY. The AGE14CY reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate the use of [lie State's Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the CONSULTANT through this AGRFEWNT. The monitoring, auditilig, or investigating may Include, but is not limited to, salting databases. Aii.=rcciiruuinll Nundbe�ir Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 15 of 44 Agreement NLNYII)U: !-aced A gency A & E Pro fes s io na I Services Cast Pfus Fixed Fee Cons ultan f A greem en f Page 13 of 14 Revised 311112016 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 16 of 44 tab ul ations, comp utations, summ anes, in ventories, a nd writt ngs regardi rig con ferences, conversations 0 1' C� telephone conversations, and any and all other taped, recorded, written, printed or typed matters, of any kind or description; every copy of the foregoing whether or not the original is in flic possession, cuqody, or controi of the ,'ON S U LTA N T. and eve ry copy o f an y o f the forego i n g, w hether or not such copy is a copy ider Eica I to an original ,wr whether or no t such copy contains any commentary or notation whatsoever that does not appear on the original. "Native files" are a subset of ES I and refer to the e [cc tronic format of the application in which such ES I is normally created, vicvved, and /or modified. The CONSULfAN'I'shall include this section XX "Records Maintenance" in every subcontract it enters into in relation to this AGREEMENT and bind the sub-consuitant to its terms, unless expressly agreed to other-wise in writing by the AGENCY prior to the execution of such subcontract. in witness wnereoT, Me parves nereco nave executea Mis==TM-1T777`7—r=aj 777t y7a V - E xecut ion Date " box on page one ( I ) o f th is AGRF-F-MENT, Signature Date Signature Date .4 n.,v mr)(10cahon., change, ol- relbrmatron �#'th is ,I (;REE",VENT.vhe211 rvvg re al)PPm,'ed a~w ro fi,rm hJ! the Q11ice of the,411orrie,�, GleneraL AoFt( �VPCIA NUrV00" g Local A gency A& E Pro fes sional Services Cost plus Fixed Fee Consultant Agreement Page 14 of 14 Revised 311112016 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 17 of 44 City of Yelm Fort Stevens Elementary — Pedestrian Improvement al =1 I =� 6MOLIJ w MIJ OLIM91 414 %114 Scope of Work Project No, WSDOT Form 140 -089 EF Exhibit A Page I of I Revised 1013012014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement - WHPacific, Inc. Page 18 of 44 EXHIBIT A City of Yelm Fort Stevens Elementary — Pedestrian Improvement WHPACIFIC SCOPE OF WORT{ The work to be accomplished under this agreement will be for WHPacific, Inc. (CONSULTANT) to provide engineering design services for the City of Yelm (CITY). Services include the production of Plans, Specifications and Engineer's Estimate (PS &Ej for sidewalk improvements along the north side of 1001h Way SE connecting existing sidewalk on north side of Middle Rd SE, just east of Cochrane Ave SE, to Grove Rd SE; and west side of Grove Rd SE from 100`h Way SE to just south of Greenleaf Ave SE. The project will include the following elements: 1) Construction of approximately 1700 linear feet of curb, gutter, sidewalk, and amenity strip. 2) Construction of ADA- compliant curb ramps, per PROWAG 3) Installation of Stormwater facility to support the proposed sidewalk improvements. The project design and PS &E will be based upon the following standards: 1) WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines 2) WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction (2015) 3) WSOOT Standard PIans 4) Department of Ecology Current Stormwater Manual for Western Washington Low Impact Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound 5) City of Yelm Design Guidelines The CONSULTANT and the CITY have prepared the following detailed scope of services for this project: 1.0 PROIECi MANAGEMENT The CONSULTANT will provide project management and administration during the design phase of the project, to include: 1.1 General Project Management —The CONSULTANT will develop and maintain project scope and budget, coordinate with CITY staff, coordinate and review the project team's work, maintain project files, and conduct project team meetings to coordinate project activities. 1.2 Progress Report / Invoices — The CONSULTANT will prepare and submit progress reports/ invoices to the CITY monthly. 1.3 Quality Control Reviews —The CONSULTANT will perform quality review checks prior to submittal of work to the CITY. 1.4 Field Review /Scoping Meeting - The CONSULTANT will conduct. one (1) site visit with the CITY staff to have a clear understanding of the Scope of Work. Any changes to the Scope of Work will be identified and resolved. 3.5 Project Coordination Meetings - The CONSULTANT will attend up to two (2) project coordination meetings at the Yelm Public Works Department, in conjunction with the design submittal reviews. The CONSULTANT will prepare meeting notes and distribute to all meeting participants. Page 1 of 7 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement - WHPacific, Inc. Page 19 of 44 2.0 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY AND BASEIVAP The CONSULTANT will complete a topographic survey and develop a topographic base map for the project area from the existing right of way on the south side of 100 "' Way SE to the building line of the houses on the north side from 50 feet west of existing sidewalk end at Middle Rd SE, just west of 100`" Way SE, to the Grove Rd SE; and from existing right of way on east side of Grove Rd SE to the building line of the houses on the west side of Grove Rd SE, from 100 "' Way SE to Greenleaf Ave SE. Included in the base map will be Right -of -Way limits; a one -foot (1') contour interval; trees; outline of vegetated areas; visible utilities having surface and /or above- ground features; underground utilities as marked on the surface by a private underground utility locate company; overhead power and cable lines in horizontal position only; sanitary sewer and storm water structure as -Built plans including type of structure, rim and invert elevation, connections and pipe material if discernible, including the connecting structure lying outside of the above - described mapping limits; mailboxes; signs; fences; private driveways to the garage entrance and private owner constructed street -side improvements. The base map will be prepared at a scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1 " =20'). Base mapping will be tied to existing monumentation and defined on the plans. 3.0 PRELIMINARY PLANS (30% Plans) 3.1 Preliminary Plans - The CONSULTANT will create design base file and prepare Preliminary Design Plans to show the basic elements and extent of the project. The Preliminary Plans will be prepared at 1 " =20' scale using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 software, WHPacific and City of Yelm CAD standards. 3.2 Design Memorandum - The CONSULTANT will develop a preliminary design memorandum, which will include a summary of critical design elements that will provide the basis for final design and plan preparation. The design memorandum will include the following elements: • Design Criteria • Preliminary Sidewalk Horizontal Alignment • Preliminary Sidewalk Vertical Alignment • Preliminary Cut /Fill Limits /Retaining Wall Locations if any • Preliminary Drainage Review • Analysis of potential utility coordination items 3.3 Utility Coordination - The CONSULTANT will complete the following: Contact Utility Owners to obtain record drawings. Utilities will include water, sanitary sewer, drainage (City of Yelm), gas, power (PSE), and communications (Comcast, Fairpoint). Identify potential conflicts and coordinate with utility companies. 3.4 Geotechnical Analysis - The CONSULTANT project engineer and geotechnical engineer will walk the site with the CITY representatives to determine locations for site exploration and small pilot infiltration test (PIT). The CONSULTANT will perform soil exploration and evaluate LID feasibility per Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington from the Department of Ecology. HWA will perform the following: Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement- WHPacific, Inc. Page 20 of 44 Prepare Exploration Plan for two PiTs and submit to CITY. CITY will provide traffic control, if necessary, excavate the PIT test pits, and provide water for PITS at no cost to HWA. Mark test pit /PIT locations and arrange for utility locates. Conduct a Pilot Infiltration Test (PIT) at 2 locations to determine long -terra stormwater infiltration rates. o The PITS will be conducted and analyzed in general accordance with the 2014 Ecology Stormwater Manual. HWA will log excavation (by the CITY) thro ugh each PIT the day after running the test to view /sample receptor soils. Prepare a draft report presenting the results of the explorations /PIT along with recommendations for infiltration. • Finalize report upon receipt of review comments. 4.0 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT DOCUMENTATION (NEPA) CONSULTANT will prepare an Environmental Classification Summary (ECS) for use in FWHA's NEPA determination for the project. It is assumed that the appropriate NEPA mechanism for the project will be a Documented Categorical Exclusion (DCE). The following tasks are included in the NEPA documentation. The CITY will prepare the APE: 4.1 Environmental Classification Summary - CONSULTANT will complete an ECS for the project to address potential impacts to the environment from the project. 4.2 Cultural and Historic Resources -A cultural resources study will be conducted for the project area in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. This will include a pedestrian survey supervised by an archaeologist that meets the qualifications outlined by the Register of Professional Archaeologists. Additionally, an architectural historian will review records corresponding to the indirect area of potential effect for this undertaking. 4.3 Biological Assessment - CONSULTANT will prepare a Biological Assessment (I3A} for the proposed pedestrian improvements. The BA will cover the Mazama pocket gopher and any other species required under state or federal endangered species regulations. The BA will address the potential impact of the project on listed and sensitive species and be provided to support related NEPA related determinations. CONSULTANT will work with the CITY and the US Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) to establish appropriate survey protocol, and update soil mapping for the Project area. CONSULTANT wilt conduct surveys far the Mazama packet gopher (gopher) in the Project area. The surveys will be conducted by a qualified biologist and follow protocol established by Thurston County in coordination with state and federal authorities. Three total surveys will be conducted, at least 30 days apart. A final report will be produced which meets USFWS standards for wildlife surveys. CONSULTANT will request a determination letter from the USFWS regarding the survey findings. 4.4 Approval Documentation of Right of Way— Right of way documentation for the project will be prepared. It is assumed no Right of Way purchase will be required. Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement- WHPacific, Inc. Page 21 of 44 5.0 STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) S.1 CITY as the lead agency for SEPA provided an exemption for SEPA under WAC 197-11 - 8002C for Sidewalks and 18.20.0 20 YeIm Municipal Code (YMC) for Iess than 1000 CY of excavated materials. If these parameters change the City will complete SEPA. 6.0 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 6.1 There will be no formal public involvement. There are no driveways to reconstruct. CITY will handle any landscape plantings that need to be removed with the property owners, 7.0 90% DESIGN The CONSULTANT will update the project design to the ninety (90) percent complete stage. The CONSULTANT will complete the following tasks: 7.1 Utility Coordination - Based on coordination with the utility companies, the CONSULTANT wiII complete the following: • Determine if conflict resolution requires a design change or utility relocation. • Adjust design to minimize utility relocation, where feasible. • Confirm Iocations that require utility relocation. • If required, pothole potential utility conflicts to determine actual depth (consider an allowance of $2,000 for potholing). • Coordinate with utilities to schedule the required relocation work. 7.2 90% Plans - The CONSULTANT will develop project plans to the 90% complete stage. The scale of the roadway plan and profile sheets will be one inch equals twenty feet (1 " =20'). The plans will be prepared using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 software and WHPacific and City of Yelm CAD standards. The following is an anticipated sheet count for the plans. Sheets Descri hon 1 Cover Sheet/Vicinity Map/Sheet Index 1 Legend /Abbreviations/Notes 3 Survey Alignment/ Control Plan 3 Site Preparation / Erosion Control Plan 1 Typical Sidewalk Sections 1 Typical Sidewalk Details 3 Sidewalk/Paving Plan 2 Curb Ramp Details 3 Landscaping Plan and Details 2 Traffic Control Plan 20 TOTAL 7.3 Cross Sections - The CONSULTANT will prepare cross sections at 2S -foot intervals. The cross sections will be used to identify size and locations of cut and fill slopes, potential impacts to right of way and utilities, and possible areas far retaining walls. Page 4 of 7 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement- WHPacific, Inc. Page 22 of 44 7.4 Drainage Report - The CONSULTANT will prepare a Drainage Report, in accordance with the most current Department of Ecology Manual. 7.5 Engineer's Estimate - The CONSULTANT will identify standard and non - standard bid items, and will provide itemized quantity calculations for all contract hid items. An engineer's estimate of construction costs will be prepared. 7.6 Contract Documents - The CONSULTANT will prepare project specifications. Specifications will follow the 2015 WSDOTIAPWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. The CONSULTANT will prepare project- specific special provisions and incorporate relevant WSDOT General Special Provisions to specify work not covered in the Standard Specifications. Federal contract provisions, CITY hid documents, prevailing wage rates, and applicable standard plans will be added. The CITY wiII provide bid documents required for use in the specifications. Specifications wil: be prepared in Microsoft Word format. The CONSULTANT will send the 90% Design to the CITY and WSDOT Local Programs for review and comment. 8.0 100°x6 DESIGN The CONSULTANT will update the project design to the 100 percent complete stage. The CONSULTANT will complete the following tasks: 8.1 100% Plans - The CONSULTANT will address CITY and WSDOT Local Programs comments from the 90% review, and advance the plans to the 100% complete stage. 8.2 Final Cross Sections - The CONSULTANT will address CITY comments from the 90% review, and advance the Cross Sections to the 100% complete stage. 8.3 Final Drainage Report -The CONSULTANT will address CITY comments from the 90% review, and update the drainage report based on the 100% design. 8.4 100% Cost Estimate - The CONSULTANT will address CITY and WSDOT Local Programs comments from the 90% review, and update the cost estimate based on the 100% Plans. 8.5 100% Contract Documents - The CONSULTANT will address CITY and WSDOT Local Programs comments from the 90% review, and advance the Contract Documents to the 100% complete stage. 8.6 Comment Response - The CONSULTANT will review the CITY's 90% review comments, and prepare responses to all comments. The CONSULTANT will transmit a PD copy of the 100% Plans, Specifications, and Estimate to the CITY and WSDOT Local Programs for a final review. The CONSULTANT will provide hard copies of the Final Drainage Report and Final Cross Sections. 9.0 FINAL DESIGN PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES (PS &E) Based on the CITY's review of the 100% Plans, the CONSULTANT will produce a final set of Bid -Ready Plans, Specifications, and Cost Estimate. The CONSULTANT will complete the following tasks: 9.1 Final Plans - The CONSULTANT will address CITY and WSDOT Local Programs comments from the 100% review, and finalize the plans for bid advertisement. Page 5 of 7 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement- WHPacific, Inc. Page 23 of 44 9.t Final Cost Estimate - The CONSULTANT will address CITY and WSDOT Local Programs comments from the 100°% review, and finalize the cost estimate for bid advertisement. 9.3 Final Contract Documents - The CONSULTANT will address CITY and WSDOT Local Programs comments from the 100°% review, and finalize the contract documents for bid advertisement. Final Plans and Specifications will be provided in electronic (Word, PDF and AutoCAD) format, and in hard copy format. The CITY will upload the plans and specifications to Builder's Exchange for distribution to Contractors. ASSUMPTIONS 1) The project design will be completed within seven (7) months of the signed notice to proceed, 2) One (1) 1nvoice/Progress Re port will be prepared per month. 3) The CONSULTANT will prepare construction plans in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 format. 4) The roadway and sidewalk section will be designed based on CITY standards. 5) The CITY will provide contact information for all utilities located within the project limits. 6) The project will not require additional right -of -way or permanent easement. 7) The CITY will distribute Contract Documents via Builder's Exchange. DELIVERABLES I) Protect Management a. Invoice/Progress Report —1 copy per month (7 total) b, Meeting Minutes —1 copy via email. 2) Topographic Survey/Basemap 3) Preliminary Plans and Design Memorandum — 5 copies 4) Draft and final ECS with discipline reports 5) 90% Design a. 90°% Plans —2 full size (22" x 34 ") copies b. 90% Plans — 3 half -size (11" x 17 ") copies c. 90% Cross Sections — 5 copies (11" x 17 ") d. 90% Estimate — 5 copies e. 90° % Specifications —S copies f. 90% Drainage Report — 5 copies 6) 100°% Design a. 100% Plans —1 electronic copy (PDF) b. Final Cross Sections —1 copy c. Final Drainage Report — I copy d. 100°% Cost Estimate — I electronic copy (PDF) e. 100% Specifications — I electronic copy (PDF) f. Comment Response —1 copy (Excel) 7) Final Design a. Final Signed Plans — I electronic copy (PDF) b. Final Signed Plans — 1 full size (22" x 34 ") copies c. Final Signed Plans — 5 half size (11" x 17 ") copies d. Final Cost Estimate — 1 copy e. Final Specifications — 1 electronic copy (PDF) Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement- WHPacific, Inc. Page 24 of 44 f. Finaf Specifications — 7 hard copies SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION The CONSULTANT will begin work upon the CITY issuing a notice -to- proceed. The consultant wilt proceed with environmental, survey and geotechnical review Under the restriction of limiting the spending to $20,000.00 until January 2018. OPTIONAL SERVICES Upon written approval by the CITY, the CONSULTANT will provide engineering services beyond this Scope of Work. Services may include additional meetings, adding additional or increasing the existing design tasks, right -of -way acquisition services, construction management and inspection services, geotechnical services, or other work deemed necessary by the CITY. Such work wilt be specified in a written supplement to this agreement, which will establish the scope and costs. Page 7 of 7 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 25 of 44 d'law Particination . .... . . . ....... ............... HWA GeoSciences, Inc., DBA HWA GeoSciences, Inc. Certification D5F0024692 UDBE Yes, SBE Yes I #600404388 A g ii ecm ein IL N L � M 11) C 11" �: WSDO T Form 140-089 EF Exhibit B Page I of I Revised t0I3012014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 26 of 44 in this Exhibit the agency, as appl icable, is to provide a description of the format and standards the consultant is i o use in preparing electronic files for transmission to the agency. The format and standards to be provided may include, but are not limited to, the following: FRINUMMATOUT, MMM��_� MM j N, �V'fu` "I'11 11 u R 1[ `411JGInlr:JR "YI- - WSDOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit C Page I of 4 Revised 1013012014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 27 of 44 lM w, M 111111 1 11 �� 1 111 pil � I 11! 1 ENIMM421110 I 11ji 1101, IMITTIRRIMMM Ooucia),enil NiupuL)cr: WSDO T Form 140-089 EF Exhibit C Page 2 of 4 Revised 1013012014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 28 of 44 11. Any Other Electronic Files to Be Provided MEMMMUM WSDOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit C Page 3 of 4 Revised 1013012014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement- WHPacific, Inc. Page 29 of 44 A. Agency Software Suite B. Electronic Messaging System C. File Transfcrs Forrnat WSDOT Fora: 140 -089 EF Exhibit C Page 4 of 4 Revised 1013012014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement- WHPacific, Inc. Page 30 of 44 Exhibit D Prime Consultant Cost Computations See Attached Exhibit D - Consultant Fee Estimate WSDOT Form 140 -089 EF Exhibit D Page 1 of 1 Revised 1013012014 agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian mpr .. entsPr,fessi —1 S.,ices.Agre —t W P-fic, Inc Page 31 of 44 0 - I N m w C e < N .- - o o- ._ o w .- i_.._ __ ....... ._ .._ _ ......._..... ..._.._... _ _ - _ u � y Wo m m a w 0 w u o °833 sal ------.. .... ....... - _ ww °goz <' m d c � > d S g a m w8a$ _ Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 32 of 44 Sub-consultant Cost Computations The CONSULTANT shall not sub-contract for the performance of any work under this AGREEMENT without prior written permission of the AGENCY Refer to section VI "Sub-Contracting" of this AGREEMENT. Subconsultant under this agreement: HWA GeoSciences, Inc., DBA HWA GeoSciences, Inc. (shown on attached EXHIBIT D) Agreemont. M,iirinber: WSD07'Form 140-089 EF Exhibit 6 Page I of I Revised 1013012014 ,Agenda It— 8b F,ft Stevens Elementary Pedestrian hpr .. —ts-Pr,f.ssi—1 S.,i,.s Ag--t W P-fi, Inc Page 33 of44 Ix . .... . . - - c it tx -- - -- --- ----- Ig Olt . . . . . ... . . ..... Z.. Z� tg Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page o4m44 During the performance m[ this AGREEMENT, the CONSULTANT, for itself, its assignees, and successors 11. Compliance with Regulations: The CONSUI-TANT shall comply with the Regulations relative to non- discrimination i n federal I y aNs isted prograins o f the AGENCY, Title 49, Code of Federal Regu lations, Part 2 1. as they may be amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the "REG UL ATIONS"), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this AG[;LEEMENT. l Sanctions for Non-oompUumcc:Inthe event of the CONS DC[&NI`m non-compliance with the non- discrimination provisions o[ this AGREEMENT, the AGENCY shall impose such A{l5LEEMGNTomn«bons as iC the 'STATE, or the F}|WAuouy determine to be appropriate, including, but not linndmd oo- ~ Withholding of payments tothe CONSULTANT under this AORBEMENTuobl the CONSULTANT complies, and/or; Cancel lation, termi nation, or suspen sion o f this AC REEM ENT, 1 n w hole or in part. 6. Incorporation of Provisions: The CONSULTANT shall 'Include the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (5) in every subcontract, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the R.EGULATIONS, or directives issued pursuant thereto. The CONSULTANT shall take such action with respect to any sub-consultant or procurement as the STATE, the AGENCY, or FHWA may direct as a rneam� of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for non-compliance. Provided, however, that in the event a CONSULI'ANT becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with asub-consultant or supplier as a result of such direction. the CONSULTANT may request the A(3 ENCY enter into yuoh litigation m protect the interests of the STATE and/or the AGE 0CY and, in mddiciun, the CONSULTANT may request the Uo{oodS0ztes enter into such litigation to protect [fie io1eosLn of the United States. Agrccmi�n( Number: wxSDOr Form /4o-0meEF Exhibit F Page vmm/ Revised 1013012014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements - Professional Services Agreement- WHPacific, Inc. Page 35 of 44 Exhibit G Certification Documents Exhibit 0 -1(a) Certification of Consultant Exhibit G - I(b) Certification of Exhibit C ®2 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered Transactions I:;, ;diibit G-3 Certification Regarding the Restrictions of the Use of Federal Funds for Lobbying Exhibit G4 Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data Agreement Number: WSDOT Form 140 -088 EF Exhibit G Page 1 of T Revised 1013612014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 36 of 44 I'll'' 11111 111 1111 F 111111111111 1111 11 I hereby certify that I am the and duly authorized representative of the firm of WHPacific, Inc whose address is 12 100 NE 195th Street, Bothell. WA 98011 and that neither the above firm nor I have: a) Employed or retained for a commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee, or other consideration, any firm or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above CONSULTANI to solicit or secure this AGREEMENT; I acknowledge that this certificate is to be furnished to the City al' Yelm and the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department o F Transportation In connection with this AGREEMENT involving participation of Federal-aid highway hinds, and is subject to applicable State and Federal laws, both criminal and civil. Signature (Authorized Official of Consultant) Date Agreement Numb r: WSD 0 T Form 140-089 EF Exhibit G Page 1 of I Revised 1013012014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page o7m44 Exhibit G-1 (b) Certification of city of Yelrn I hereby certify that I am the. m[ the City ofYebm .oud or its representative has not been required, directly or indirectly as an express or implied condition in connection with obtaining or carrying out this AGREE MENT to: a) Employ or retain, uragree to employ to retain, any firm or person; or b) Pay, or agree to pay, to any firm, person, or organization, any fee, contn'bution, donation, or consideration of any kind, except as hereby expressly stated (if any): I acknowledge that this certificate is to be furnished to the I and the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, in connection with this ,4W and is sub�,ffj_LQ�ja .1icable State at ft Federal laws, both criminal and civil. I Agire:nienl Mum!N,,,r: ���� Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page oam44 Exhibit G-2 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered Transactions [. The prospective primary participant cordbcoto the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: A. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, orv:[uotadh/ excluded rrom covered transactions by any Federal department nragency; B. Ulave not within a three (3) year peiiod preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them fbccoozozimmimu o[ fraud uru :nonimml ofrease in oonzeuhmt with obtaining, uUuoup\iug to obtain, or performing upublio (Federal, 8tate, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction, violation of Federal or State anti-trust statues or commission of embezziernerit, theft, hnrQcry, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making Oa[so xLutonuontu, or receiving stolen property; C. Are not present��u�uudfor orndemvioe oro�l�ch�u�bvu c�� (Federal, State, local) with commission o[ any of the offenses cnunuorutedin paragraph (()(h) o[ this certification; and D. Have not within a three (3) year period preceding this application / proposal had one or more public transactions (Fcderui. State and local) terminated for cause ordefault. K. Where the prospective primary participant is uoub\o to certify to any of the statements in this ourdfiuudoo. such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. VVBPacific.Inc Cunmd&mt (Firm Name) Signature (Authorized official ofConsultant) Date &gmernomrNvmdhCV: �omrp�nnr4�m���e�m�m� p��m�of� Nw Revised 10/30/201* Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 39 of 44 Consultant (Firm Name) i,ignature (Authorized Official of Consultant) Ag.rvcmcinil Numn[-)er WSOOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit G Page I of I Revised 1013012014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreeni Pacific, Inc. Page 40 of 44 j 0 0 . . This is to certify that, to the best of rny knowledge and belief, the cost or pricing data (as defined in section 2. 101 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and required under PAR subsection 15.403-4) submitted, either actually or by specific identification in writing, to the Contracting Officer or to the Contracting Officer',� representative in support of Ft Stevens Elementary Ped. Improvments * are accurate, complete, and current as of 6/16/17 This certification includes the cost or pricing data supporting any advance AGREEMENT's and forward pricing rate AGREEMENT's between the offer or and the Govemment that are part of the proposal. =7 10 kor puti.,iiro Prf ii tuvru rnl or r,�qdeii- m„iilhrnw,�'uun iir1w0 ",["lit v:1 i 61k'nliiii fyii a v ni:urp,�ill.of.E aik" Ions u ii dry, rn;,aniih, a md p icc uon.,n wit.rr... 4311 I[ ;FJe"k anid p 11' 1 ue Ar'�ft[ N4 EN ii u�,, PA T. Ckic,: dri y, in vA i � r rrnrrl ye au o P ii I cjtlltwr Gr G1 o ill >t l S L 11 iJ St.', 'a q r ar,,: I ii r,,, .% b 11 e, i rku. i vIit rr; Mi We H i I jj or.. in tvW I r,'o- n S, ,in u, ucl ed a 11 Lid f i L'o, WSDOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit G Page I of 1 Revised 1013012014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 41 of 44 W_711� Alleged Consultant Design Error 10'roce O-W-res Step 4 Attempt to Resolve Alleged Design Error with Consultant After the meeting(s) with the consultant have been completed regarding the consultant's alleged design error(s), there are three possible scenarios: WSDO T Form 140-089 EF Exhibit I Page I of 2 Revised 1013012014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 42 of 44 • If mutual agreement is reached, the agency and consultant adjust the scope of work and costs to reflect the agreed upon resolution. LP, in consultation with FHWA, wilt identify the amount of federal participation in the agreed upon resolution of the issue. • if mutual agreement is not reached, the agency and consultant may seek settlement by arbitration or by litigation. WS D 0T Form 940 -089 EF Exhibit I Page 2 of 2 Revised 1013012014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 43 of 44 Consultant Claim Procedures The purpose o f th is exh i bit is to desciibe a procedure regard i ng c lai rn(s) on a consultant agreemen t. The fo I lowirm procedures shou Id on iy be util lzed on consultant claims greater than $ 1,000. If the consu Itant's c laim(s) are a tot of $ 1 000 or less, it would not be cost e ffec tive to proceed through the out] ined steps. it is suggested that the Di rec tor o C Publ ic Works or Agency En gi neer negoti ate a fai r and reasonable pri ce for the consu. Itant's c I aim(s) that total $ 1,000 or less. I This exhibit will outline the procedures to be followed by the consultant and the agency to consider a potential claim by the consultant. Step I Consultant is a Claim with the Agency Project Manager If the consultant determines that they were requested to perform additional services that were outside of the agreement's scope of work, they may be entitled to a claim. The first step that must be complet is the request for consideration of the claim to the Agency's project manager. I The consultant's claim must outline the following. pi 111 111111 ie4111 1111 11 pi�'­ I N1111ql Ili, A If the Agency does not agree with the consuftant's claim, proceed to step 3 of the procedures. Av.,iricei nein � Niiv nbc WSDOT Form 140-089 EF Exhibit J Page I of 2 Revised 1013012014 Agenda Item 8b Fort Stevens Elementary Pedestrian Improvements-Professional Services Agreement-WH Pacific, Inc. Page 44m44 1!11111 111 111 ! 1�111 The Director nf Public Works or Agency Engineer shall review and administratively approve ncdisapprove the u|uinn`or portions dheruo[vvhiuh may inc iude getting AQencyCouncUor Corn miysion approval (as appropriate to agency dispute resolution . U[dhe project involves hxdeculpurtiuipatkou obtain concurrence f�omVVSCOT Local Programs and PBVVAregarding final yutticnouo1of the claim, {f the obaiuz is not eligible for federal participation, payment will need to be from agency ffinds. Step 5 Informing Consultant of Decision Regarding the Claim The Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer shall notify (in writing) the conSUltant of their final decision regarding the omnuu[tunt'sdninn(s)./nu| tide dhe fiun do] tar amount ofthe accepted olabn(s and rationale utilized for the decision. Step 6 Preparation of Supplement or -New Agreement for the Consultant's Claim(s) The u�cnuy shall vv�te�eo and/or new uguecn�entand pay the cunxu�o/ the unxnunr of the claim. Inform the consultant that the final puyrncn{ 0orLhe ugreumuoL iosuh|cc1ozaudb. �4 rt,�c� 'iicmcNum�c,� r m/mDOrForm f 4ouaoEpExhibit J Page omr2 Revised 1013012014 n 8c Ordinance No. 1023, State licensed marijuana retailers to reduce buffers to 700 feet except for elementary and secondary schools, and playgrounds Page 1 of 3 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To: Mayor JW Foster Yelm City Council From: Tami Merriman, Associate Planner Grant Beck, Community Development Director Date: June 16, 2017 (for June 27, 2017, City Council Meeting) Subj: Ordinance 1023 Background On June 13, 2017 City Council updated Title 18 YMC Unified Development Code which removed specific buffers for marijuana retailers from the zoning code. A city is given authority by Section 69.50.331(8)(b) RCW to permit the licensing of marijuana premises within one thousand feet but not less than one hundred feet of the facilities described in Section 69.50.331(8)(a) RCW, except elementary schools, secondary schools, and playgrounds, which must remain at not less than one thousand feet of the perimeter of the grounds of such uses, by enacting an ordinance authorizing such distance reduction. Council Options The Council has the option to: Adopt Ordinance 1023 relating to state licensed marijuana retailers to reduce buffers to 700 feet, except for elementary and secondary schools, and playgrounds. Adopt Ordinance 1023 relating to state licensed marijuana retailers to reduce buffers to 100 to 900 feet, except for elementary and secondary schools, and playgrounds. Take no action, leaving the buffer. Page 1 of 1 n 8c Ordinance No. 1023, State licensed marijuana retailers to reduce buffers to 700 feet except for elementary and secondary schools, and playgrounds Page 2 of 3 CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 1023 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Yelm relating to state licensed marijuana retailers to reduce buffers to 700 feet except for elementary and secondary schools, and playgrounds. WHEREAS, the City of Yelm updated Title 18 YMC Unified Development Code on June 13, 2017; and WHEREAS, Section 69.50.331(8)(a) RCW provides that the state liquor and cannabis board may not issue a license for any marijuana retail premises within one thousand feet of the perimeter of the grounds of any elementary or secondary school, playground, recreation center or facility, child care center, public park, public transit center, or library, or any game arcade admission to which is not restricted to persons aged twenty -one years or older; and WHEREAS, a city is given authority by Section 69.50.331(8)(b) RCW to permit the licensing of marijuana premises within one thousand feet but not less than one hundred feet of the facilities described in Section 69.50.331(8)(a) RCW, except elementary schools, secondary schools, and playgrounds, which must remain at not less than one thousand feet of the perimeter of the grounds of such uses, by enacting an ordinance authorizing such distance reduction, provided that such distance reduction will not negatively impact the jurisdiction's civil regulatory enforcement, criminal law enforcement interests, public safety, or public health; and WHEREAS, with the exception required by state statute for elementary schools, secondary schools, and playgrounds, the City Council finds that reduction of the one thousand foot buffer from the uses set forth in Section 69.50.331(8)(a) RCW to seven hundred feet is appropriate; and WHEREAS, a marijuana retailer licensed by the State of Washington Liquor and Cannabis Board shall be required to comply with all applicable regulations established by the City including, but not limited to, all building and fire code regulations and zoning regulations and shall be required to provide a copy of the state - issued license to the City upon request. A marijuana retailer licensed by the State of Washington Liquor and Cannabis Board shall also be required to comply with all applicable state regulations and all requirements set forth in the state - issued license; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE YELM CITY COUNCIL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: No state licensed marijuana retailer shall be permitted within seven hundred feet of the perimeter of the grounds of a recreation center or facility, child care center, public park, public transit center, or library, or any game arcade admission to which is not restricted to persons n 8c Ordinance No. 1023, State licensed marijuana retailers to reduce buffers to 700 feet except for elementary and secondary schools, and playgrounds Page 3 of 3 aged twenty -one years or older, with the exception of elementary schools, secondary schools, and playgrounds, for which uses the distance shall remain at one thousand feet. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect and after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of Yelm this 27th Day of June, 2017. JW Foster, Mayor Authenticated: Lori Mossman, City Clerk PUBLISHED: Nisqually Valley News, July 7, 2017 EFFECTIVE DATE: July 12, 2017 News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, June 16, 2017 PRIMARY CONTACT: Mary Hall, .i..l��it °Q CO.th Uir °ston.W« .LIS (360) 786 -5408 Agenda Item 13 Correspondence Page 2 of 5 UP 1 9 s. Ballots Mailed to Military and Overseas Voters for the August 1 Primary Election Olympia, WA — The Thurston County Auditor's Elections Division mailed 4,068 Primary Election ballots to military and overseas voters registered in Thurston County. Federal law requires we mail ballots 45 days in advance of Election Day to provide these voters with ample time to vote and return their ballot in case they are deployed. Ballot declarations must be signed and dated by Election Day or received via email or fax by 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time on Election Night. For those not in the military, we will mail your ballot on July 12, 20 days before Election Day. Races on the ballot include City Council members in the cities of Lacey, Olympia, and Tumwater, and school district directors for the Olympia and Tumwater school districts. "These local races impact families living in our community. The Local Voters' Pamphlet is a great resource to read up on the candidates. I encourage voters to use this as a tool when casting their vote," states Auditor Mary Hall. Voters who have not received a ballot by Wednesday, July 12, 2017 should contact the Elections Division at (360) 786 -5408 for a replacement ballot. Elections 2000 Lakeridge Dr SW, Bldg 1, Rm 118 Olympia, WA, 98502 Phone: (360) 786-5408 Fax: (360) 786 -5223 -30- Ballot Processing Center 2905 29th Avenue SW, Ste E & F Tumwater, WA 98512 Phone: (360) 786 -5408 Fax: (360) 705 -3518 11121 "M 11111 1 Olympia, * 1 Phone: 0 4 1 4 Deaf & Hard -of- Hearing: Washington Relay 711 Licensing . .00 ak I+ D R 0 Olympia, li 98502 Licensing Phone: 0 4 Recording Phone: 0 4 (360) 786-5223 Anenda Item 13 Cnrresnnndence PRE - AGENDA 8:30 a.m. — 11:00 a.m. Friday, July 7, 2017 The TRPC pre- agenda provides our members the opportunity to review the topics of the upcoming TRPC meeting. This information is forwarded in advance to afford your councils and boards the opportunity for discussion at your regular meetings. This will provide your designated representative with information that can be used for their participation in the Regional Council meeting. For more information, please visit our website at www.troc.orp. Consent Calendar ACTION These items were presented at the previous meeting. They are action items and will remain on consent unless pulled for further discussion. a. Approval of Minutes —June 2, 2017 b. Approval of Vouchers 1- 5 /JBLM Update PRESENTATION WSDOT will update the Council on the 1 -5 congestion improvements underway from Thorne Lane (Lakewood) to the Mounts Road exit. The update will include an overview of the scope, timing of project phases, and a description of pre- and post - project traffic modeling. This project is important to Thurston County, as post project modeling reveals improved northbound access out of the County, but increased congestion into the County at Mounts Road. Retreat Debrief DISCUSSION The Council held its biennial retreat on June 2 in Bucoda. The Council's meeting packet will include the contractors final retreat report. There will be a brief presentation on the outcomes of the retreat and then the Council will discuss the identified next steps and any additional next steps the Council deems appropriate. Safety Performance Measures UPDATE Staff will brief Council on federal safety performance measures and state targets. RTIP Amendment Process 1ST REVIEW A proposal to streamline the RTIP amendment process will be reviewed. Appointment of 2018 Work Program Subcommittee ACTION The Chair will appoint a Work Program Subcommittee to draw up the 2018 Work Program. Ethics Policy 1ST REVIEW At the Council's May meeting, staff presented a draft update of TRPC's ethics policy. The Council had questions and comments and staff committed to bringing a revised version to the Council in July. Staff will go over the changes made since May to address the Council's input for consideration of action on the consent calendar in September (no August meeting). TRPC 50th Anniversary DISCUSSION This year marks TRPC's 50th anniversary. The Council has asked for short agenda items throughout the year to recognize this milestone. Staff will present information found in newspaper articles from the late 1960s regarding TRPC. Report from Outside Committee Assignments INFORMATION Member Check In DISCUSSION Executive Director's Report INFORMATION Agenda Item 13 Correspondence Page 4 of 5 Ye I m *I Ra i ni e r Roy McKenna j N ', 5 :07 - 7:30pinli Fl,"'E', R URS lburs day, June 29, 2017 �II�I�N. fil-10L)SE I Dlid You knowthe Nisl(liI,jadly"Valley News NA), is tlie oldlc�st business in WArn? S I a ff vill 1,,)e ("m hand t10 4,11t1s,"A"(11, r)(x,jr arid g�vt� t[te cattlema, tiflk to iu,jlvvlI-fisJ[ng de�palrlrrlelrlf, provj*41 lyy 1111-1 11 Y N, . . ........ . 1 ()0 Eht� N,E, BUDG l,`,3,, SLIrri: 2 Located 13ch'Md ....... . ..... . . ..... ................... A, N", its "° W/1 I U111"'tj b f , +104 ) 8/, CO,� Agenda Item 13 Correspondence Page 5 of 5 04 ,