01/28/1998 Minutes . ! CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 28,1998 1. Mayor Kathryn Wolf opened the meeting at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. 2. 98-10 3. 98-11 4. 98-12 5. 98-13 6. 7. Present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Glen Cunningham, and Adam Rivas. Velma Curry was excused. Guests: Mike and Bev Malan, Amos Lawton, and Myranda Yun-Nisqually Valley News. Staff: Shelly Badger, Cathie Carlson, Tim Peterson, Glenn Dunnam, and Annette Laughlin. Agenda Approval. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes Approval. \ MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. Voucher ApprovaL MOTION BY ,MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS TOTALING $40,384.12. CARRIED. -Payroll Approval. . MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PAYROLL FOR JANUARY 1998. CARRIED. Public Comment/Questions. Amos Lawton announced that there will be a birthday party of Arnold Drogseth Friday, from 2-4 at the Emanuel Lutheran Church. Public Hearing - Amendments to the Yelm Zoning Code and Road standards. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 7:38 pm and stated the time, place, date, and purpose for the hearing. No objections were voiced to any participants. Cathie Carlson reported on Road Standards options including Right-of-Way Widths (existing and future), Traffic Calming Techniques (curh extensions at intersections), Pedestrian Safety, Parking Needs and City Maintenance. Cathie then answered some questions from Council. Mayor Wolf called for public comment. Mike Malan was concerned about l City Council Minutes mso\cc.98\ 1-28mn.doc Page 1 road standards in a mobile home park. Discussion between Staff, Council and t~e Malan's was held. It was then stated by Cathie Carlson that requirements for road standards fell under Zoning Code Amendments. With no further questions or comments, 'Cathie Carlson then proceeded with her report on the Zoning Code Amendments, which included such topics as: Residential Development, Manufactured Housing (Chapter 17.63), Parking (Chapter 17.72)and Landscaping Regulations (Chapter 17.80), and Site Plan Review (Chapter 17.84). Under Residential Development 2. and 3., general discussion about the feasibiiity of small lots in commercial zones being able to develop as commercial projects. City Council felt that small lots should be allowed to , develop as residential. 5., Bev Malan, real-estate agent, stated that some, homeowners might decline buying a house located next toa rental unit , . Councilmember Miller felt that requiring developers to mix residential types , was too restrictive ~nd didn't allow for developers to be flexible in responding to current market dbmands. , ( , ; I 'Manufactured Houking, Section 17.63.180B, was tabled temporarily after discussion between Staff, Council and the Malan's regarding streets and, sidewalks inside mobile home parks. With no further questions or comments, Cathie Carlson proceeded with her,' report oil Zoning Code Amendments which included topics on Residential Development, Manufactured Housing (Ch~pter 17.63), Parking (chapter 17.72) and Landscaping Regulations (Chapter 17.80)~ also, Site Plan Review (Chapter 17.84). 98-14 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AD,AM RIVAS TO APPROVE ROAD STANDARDS AS SUBMITTED. CARRIED. 98.; 15 . MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO APPROVE THE ZONING CODE AMENDMENT WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: CHAPTER 17.24.020 PERMITTED USES, #2 ADD- LOTS OF RECORD, ONE ACRE OR LESS MAY DEVELOP AS RESIDENTIAL SUBJECT TO THE R-14 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. CHAPTER 17.26.030 PERMITTED USED, #2 ADD- LOTS OF RECORD, ONE ACRE OR LESS MAY DEVELOP ,AS RESIDENTIAL AND SUBJECT TO THE R- 14 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. 'CHAPTER 17.61.240, F 1 AND F2, REMOVE- THE LAST SENTENCE IN EACH OF THESE STATEMENTS. CHAPTER 17.63.180, WE WOULD LIKE.TO TABLE THIS SECTION UNTIL WE GET MORE INFORMATION INCLUDING ADA REQUIREMENTS. CARRIED. City Council Minutes mso\cc.98\1-28mn.doc Page 2 8. Ordinance No. 616 (ANX978205-YL) SE Comer of Five Comers 98-16: MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO 616 (ANX978205-YL) ANNEXING THE 8E CORNER OF FIVE-CORNERS. CARRIED. 9. Old Business: .. a. Thurston County Regional Jail Site-Update. Shelly Badger attended Thurston County Regional Jail meeting on the proposed location of the jail, which is in the Mottman Ind~strial Area. Information was included in packets. . 10. Reports. a. . Librarian's Report, December 1997 - Written Report. b. Council Liaison Reports. 1. City Hall, January 1998 - Written Report . 2. Court, January 1998 - Written Report 3. Public Works - No report . 4. Parks/Park Use Requests - No report 5.. Police, January 1998 - Written Report. Councilmember Cunningham also stated that the DARE Blazer had been sold and another car was purchased. Councilmember Rivas suggested that the Assistance to other Agencies he separated, especially Nisqually Pines and the surrounding area. Councilri1emberMiller asked what FTO stood for. ChiefDuImam explained, Field Training Officer. 6. Planning - No report. Meeting was canceled. . 7. Water Reuse - Shelly Badger provided two response letters, and stated that it was in the best interest of the City to proceed with the. Venture Contract with the Mayor's signature. . c. Mayor's Report. Mayor Wolf stated that interviews for the Building Official position on January 15 resulted in the selection of Drew Femely. He will start on Monday, February 2, 1998. . Other meetings attended were: NRC . on 1- 16, Executive on 1-20, Railroad meeting at the UCBO on 1-21, Housing Authority ribbon cutting for their new facility on 1-23, also on the 23rd,. attended the Adam Smith meeting in Tenino, Shelly Badger and Mayor Wolf , met with several local businesses on the 26th, had a meeting the Shelly Badger on 1':"27, on the 28th, met with the Thurston Regional Planning committee for an evaluation of the Director, and as a suggestion, the Yelm for Clean Air will l:;>e holding a public meeting on February 12 and would like a representative from the City to attend. Adam Rivas agreed to attend. . d. Council Report. Councilmember Rivas extended a big Thank You to Tim Peterson, Public Works Supervisor for all the plowing of snow!! e. Financial Report. Written. 11. Exe~utive Session to Discuss Possible Real Estate transaction. Mayor.W olf announced that the Executive Session would last approximately 15 minutes ..' City Council Minutes mso\cc.98\1 -28mn.doc Page 3 \0 ~" .?' and closed the regular meeting at'9:S0 pm: The meeting was reopened at lO:O~ pm. . . '. 12. Correspondence was reviewed. Council~ember Cunning~am agree\d to attend the WSDOT - Local Involvement CommIttee (LIC), focusIng on the Tacoma' Narrows Bridge and SR16 Corridor. 13. ,Meeting was Adjourned at 10:11 pm. . , · ~/J7/td/J Kathryn , . Wolf, Mayor f!!:j- Authenticated: L City Council Minutes. , mso\cc.98\l-28mn.doc Page 4