03/25/1998 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 25,1998 1. . Mayor Wolf opened the meeting at 7: 30 pm: All present joined in the flag' salute. Present: Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham, and Adam Rivas. Excused: Don Miller. Guests: Sally Toteff-Thurston Co. Health Dept and Myranda Yun, Nisqually Valley News. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Glenn Dunnam, and Annette Laughlin. 2. Agenda Approval. 98-42 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELM.A CURRY APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF 9b- RESOLUTION 371. CARRIED. 3. Minutes Approval. 98-43 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE MINUTES AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 4. , Voucher ApprovaL 98-44 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING PAYMENT OF CHECKS #7948-7978. CARRIED. 5. Payroll Approval- Preliminary March '98 Payroll. 98-45 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY MARCH PAYROLL. CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions - None 7. Sally Toteff, Thurston County Health Department, briefed the City Council on the Draft . Hazardous Waste Plan which continues the regional hazardous waste program that was begun in 1991. She started by explaining the present situation of the program and stated that much has been accomplished, it is now time to re-examine goals. It was also stated that if business continued as usual there would be more hazardous waste in the environment, increased cost and liability, and an impact on the drinking water. Sally then went on to cover the Base Programs of the Draft Plan which are operation, education, and compliance. The New Programs were then highlighted as follows, Assess the Hazardous waste collection, Operate paint swaps, Prepare a disaster plan, Conduct multimedia campaigns, and Provide an annual inspection program. Advantages, disadvantages and costs were presented to the council. Sally then explained that each city would be asked to adopt the final plan, but before doing so, council and staff are encouraged to provide comments on the draft plan. The comment period is open until April 30, 1998. Mayor Wolf, council, and staff were in agreement that this was' a good program. Shelly Badger then suggested that Sally present her information to the Chamber of Commerce, because small business are to be involved in this program, and the public would then also get another chance to here the presentation and submit comments. ' Yelm City Council cC.98\3-25mn.doc Page 1 ...' ~ ". 8. Old Business: a) Amendments to Chapter 15.40, Concurrency Management. Shelly Badger explained that she had met with Sandy Mackie and he had advised that there be no payment schedule at this time. A Staff Report was provided with the recommendation to approve amendments 1. Revisions to Table 1, Appendix A and 2. Adding Table 3, to Ordinance 620. There was discussion on the no payment schedule by council and staff. 98-46 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING ORDINANCE 620 WITH THE ALTERNATE PAGE 2, WHICH REPEALS SECTION 15 AO.030.E.3-P A YMENT SCHEDULE. CARRIED WITH COUNCILMAN CUNNINGHAM OPPOSED. 9. New Business: a) Case No. V AR-988217-YL. Shelly Badger stated that a Public Hearing was held on this issue, complying with Zoning Ordinance for set-backs. This would allow Nisqually Plaza to have zero lotlines between buildings. Discussion regarding the requirements of the separating walls was held between staff and council. 98-47 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM TO APPROVE CASE NO. VAR-988217-YL, PROVIDING THAT THE SEPARATING WALLS ARE FIREWALLS. CARRIED. b) Resolution 371. Shelly Badger asked for authorization for Mayor Wolf and City Council to sign the corporate resolution and full trading authorization forms. 98-48 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING AUTHORIZATION OF SIGNATURES BY MAYOR AND COUNCIL ON RESOLUTION 371. CARRIED. 10. ,Reports: a) City Council Liaison - Written Report 1) City Hall- None ,2) Court - Written Report 3) Public Works - Written Report 4) Park/Park Use Requests -Lions Easter Egg Hunt, 4/12, l1am-3pm 98-49 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING THE LIONS REQUEST FOR USE OF THE PARK ON APRIL 12, 11AM-3PM, EASTER EGG HUNT. CARRIED. Shelly Badger stated that there was a correction in the Park Minutes regarding a 6 foot extension of the cement pad by the stage, NOT the Skateboard Park, Park staff was notified and all were in support of the change. It was also stated that Chief Dunnam was having motion lights installed, by a volunteer, near the basketball area so there would be availability to youth in the evenings. 98-50 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY TO APPROVE ADDING 6 FEET TO THE CONCRETE AREA IN FRONT OF THE STAGE IN THE CITY PARK. CARRIED. Yelm City Council cc.98\3-25mn.doc Page 2 ,I (,,~. J....o. Shelly Badger presented a letter froni John Alder, Yelm Eagles, written to Randy's Funland, provider of carnival rides at Springfest, presenting the rules and regulations for use of the park, to avoid any damage to the grounds. 5) Police - A written report was provided. Councilmember Cunningham also reported that the '91 Chevy was sold, DARE graduation, he attended a Crime Stoppers lunch and presented a plaque to Mayor Wolf thanking Yelm for their support, CAPCOM grant for radio availability for Yelm Police is being revisited and will be brought to Council when dollar figures are available, Chief announced that he would be applying for Supplemental grant, for an additional year through COPS. 6) Planning - Councilmember Cunningham announced that OJ) April 8th, the Strategic Tree Urban Forestry Plan will be up for review and consideration by council. Written documentation was delivered to council. Written information was included in packets regarding A Forum on Neo- Trad~tional Housing Design. 7) Water Reuse - Councilmember Rivas handed out written documentation.on the News coverage by three TV stations covering the construction of the Reuse project, Lagoon # I was emptied, photo of ground breaking ceremony and banner will be placed in the lobby, April 22nd City Council meeting will include an update and video of the progress at the Sewer Treatment Plant, presented by Jon Yanasak and Tom Skillings. Shelly Badger is serving on Department of ~' Ecology Financing Advisory Restructuring Committee, FAR Committee, reviewing the proposed changes to the funding allocation method for the Centennial Water Fund by the State revolving loan fund. b) Mayor - Meetings attended included Blood Bank Dinner, St. Patrick's Day event at Skillings/Connelly, Shelly Badger and Jackie Alexander from the Thurston County and State Tourist Bureau, IT -commute reduction, Nisqually River Council, Japanese students came to City Hall, dedication of High School baseball complex, and mitigation with Amtech and Clean Air. Mayor Wolf presented a letter from the UCBO - thanking City Council and staff for their support. Agnes was elected to Board of the State Municipal Clerk Association. Mayor Wolf mentioned an article in the Tacoma News Tribune about the Ramatha students complaining of bias, and asked Council permission of to make a quote, if asked, stating that it is a matter of concern if anybody is being treated unfairly, to go through the proper channels of reporting it. c) Council - None d) Financial- Written Report 11. Correspondence was reviewed. 12. Adjourn: 9:03 pm. ~J J1; 04 Kat n M. olf, Mayor Authenticated: ..~~ yJ~~L Agne,' . Bennick, City Clerk-Treasurer Yelm City Council cc.98\3-25mn.doc Page 3