05/13/1998 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 13, 1998 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Present; Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Glen Cunningham and Adam , Rivas. Guests': John Huddleston, Mark Carpenter, Eric Anderson, Erling Birkland" Gaye N~wby; Ron Carlson, Jim ???, Bob Holcomb, Perry Shea, Susan Graham, Rolan Verron~, Patty Kinney, and Myranda Yun. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Kristin Blalack, Brian Asmus and Annette Laughlin. 2. Agenda' Approval. 98-69 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 3. , Minutes Approval. 98-70 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM , ,APPR~VING THE MINUTES OF APRIL 22, 1998, AS AMENDED- CORRECTED TIME CALLED TO ORDER. CARRIED. 4. Voucher Approval. 98-71 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 8185-8288, TOTALING $634,490.81. CARRIED. 5. ' Payrol1'Approval. 98-72 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPRQVING THE APRIL 1998, FINAL PAYROLL. CARRIED. 6. Public <;::omment/Questions. Jim from Thurston Community Television extended an invitati<?n to the 1998 TCTV Spring Fling, May 17, 1998, 1-5 pm, 440 Yauger Way SW. 7. ,Y-2& Y-3 Project Update. Ken Garmann gave a recap since 1994 including a TRPC grant'to;do the Y-2 study, fully funded in 1996 by DOT, TIB, and the City ofYelm, selected a SCA consultant in 1997, and T AC committee. It was stated that the Y -2 route would not solve the congestion problems unless the study was expanded to include Y-3, and the Federal Highway Administration would no longer fund the project without both studies ~ncluded. Ken Garmann stated that after hearing from Bob Holcomb, DOT, Perry Shea and Susan Graham, SCA, he would ask the Council for an action item which included 1) To enter into a Contract with DOT and 2) To amend SCA Engineering Contract. Bob Holcomb, DOT, presented the fact that the City of Yelm would be granted $140,000.00 to continue with the study. . , Perry S~ea stated he had been involved with the Transportation Plan since 1990, which Yelm City Council , cc.98\5-l3mn.doc Page 1 'I included improving Yelm' s transportation system. Shea gave an overview of Y-2/Y-3 study and what would be taking place in the next year and a half. Next Shea presented a graph covering Y2/Y3 Corridor Study and Environmental Documentation, showi~g Council what steps need to be taken and the funding available. This graph also shows what additional funding would need to be obtained, at a later date, to complete the study by October 1999. Susan Graham presented the approach she would be taking in the Public Involvement/Agency Coordination section of the study. Graham informed Council that she would be adding Y -3 citizens to the committee, contact potential property owners that would be affected by the route and notify them before an Open House was given as to gain feedback: Graham felt it very important to make the citizens that would be. affected informed of the route study before decisions were made. She would then return to the Y -2 potential properties and hold meetings for the potential property owners. Councilman Rivas present~d Graham with questions regarding public concerns. Shea presented the steps needed to be taken which included the Environmental Analysis-technical elements, Corridor Analysis Report-preferred alternatives for both . Y2/Y3-prepare a draft for City, State and Staff review, before published for public. review. Additional Funding would be required to adopt the corridor,_ have the environmental documentation published and hold public hearings. All of this leading to .the preparation of an Environmental Assessment for each alternative route. Much discussiol1 between Shea and Council was held on this topic to clarify all concerns Council had. . 98-73 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT APPROVING THE ACCEPTANCE OF $140,000 FROM DOT. CARRIED. . . - 98-74 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TO MOVE AHEAD WITH SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT #2 WITH SCA ENGINEERING FOR Y2/Y3 PROJECT. 8. Public Hearing - Assessment Reimbursement 'Contracts Latecomers Agreement a) Ordinance No. 624 (Sewer) Yelm Avenue and portions of Burnett Rd and b) Ordinance No. 625 (Water) Yelm Ave/Mt. View Rd and portions of Burnett Rd. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 8: 12 pm and stated the time, place, date, and purpose for_ _ the hearing. No objections were voiced to any participants. A Staff Report was given by Ken Garmann with a review of packet information that was mailed to Council, showing the dollar amount breakdown of each parcel, it was also stated that the agreement is for 15 years. Mayor Wolf asked for Public comments. Mark Carpenter asked if reimbursement took place after hook-up. This was stated to be true. Rolan Verrone questioned why each parcel was assessed on its square footage rather than front footage. Ken Garmann explained that the assessment was for different size acreage. Shelly Badger elaborated that this' meant for developmental growth of the property. There was much discussion between staff, council and the public, which included fire .flow and the school property. Shelly Badger also stated that a 10% Administration fee Yelm City Council cc.98\5-l3mn.doc Page 2 was included in the Ordinance. . With questions answered and discussion completed, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 8:45. 98-75 MOTION. BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 624-ASSESSMENT REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACT LATECOMERS AGREEMENT (SEWER) YELM A VENUE AND PORTIONS OF BURNETT RD WITH CORRECTED FIGURES FOR SQUARE FOOTAGE OF THE CARLSON PROPERTY. CARRIED. 98-76 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECO"NDED BY MARTHA PARSONS TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 625-ASSESSMENT REIMBUSEMENT CONTRACT . LATECOMERS AGREEMENT (WATER) YELM AVE/MT. VIEW RD AND PORTIONS OF BURNETT RD WHEN NUMBERS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED. CARRIED. 9. Old Business: a. Staff Update - McKnown Use of Property Research. Shelly Badger stated that an update with more information will be provided at May 2th CounCil meeting by Cathie Carlson. b.. Staff Update - Water Conservation DistrictIWood's Proposal for Yelm Creek. Shelly. Badger stated that Barb Wood had applied to do work on the Creek, but staff needed more information before approving application, or would like her to participate in planning for the Study to rehabilitate the Creek. Ken Garmann informed Council of some grant opportunities from Fish & Wildlife and . also DOT. c. Status update on Library project. Shelly Badger asked Council for permission to continue with the Bid process for upgrading the library. Discussion between Council and staff, clarifying that if the Library should move, these changes would accommodate City Hall staff. . 98-77 MOTION BY.GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO MOVE FORWARD WITH BID PROCESS TO UPGRADE LIBRARY. CARRIED. 10. New Business: a. . Ordinance No. 622 - Establishing a Police Advisory Committee. .Brian Asmus reviewed Staff Report, emphasizing community involvement ofa 12 member sounding board for Yelm Police Department, and a chance to receive citizens feedback. 98-78 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM TO APPROVE ORDIN.A.NeE NO. 622..ESTABLISHING A. POLICE ADVISORY' COM1\1ITTEE, WITH AI\1E!',JDEj\fE)'lT: . ;\L1." J\1E}\ilBERS SJV\.t.J./ BE CITY. RESIDEN.'I'S AN.D nr1TfI (' "JR.l,? Pf"T'lf)1\). T() C"r~~ J}I>'r'~7J) 2. ;.~ l )l:n r" pdC'pD'-J'lN ''l . '- ... .,. ___ V" J1. Jr. A. Y'....n./.'. _.., ".. ~ ..,/J.L-!__. .c. .... .,".J.~.f. .J',.., LJ, ...I.'\/'.:)JU..n...", (,1 ~IJ]SSING \NORDS. CARRIED. Yelm City Council C'c.98\5-13mn.do\: Page 3 . b. Ordinance No. 623 - Amending Ordinan.ce .No: 586 and Adding an alternate member to the Tree Advisory Board. I 98-79 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS TO PASS ORDINANCE NO. 623 - AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 586 AND ADDING AN ALTERNATE MEMBER TO THE TREE ADVISORY BOARD. CARRIED. c. Authorization to Award. Bid for Well #3 Drilling Project to Ramlo. Preconstruction will begin Monday, May 18, 1998. 98-80 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY TO AWARD THE . BID FOR WELL #3 DRILLING PROJECT TO RAMLO. 11. Reports: a. Library - April 1998, written report . b. Mayor -'- Attendance at the following meetings: County Commissioner, with Don Velma and Glen, EDC, Chamber, Chamber Auction attended also by Adam .andspouse, Glen and spouse, Shelly and Brad, Chief Dunnam, and Bob Wolf, Executive with Shelly Badger, Potluck at City Hall, Southworth's Second Grade Tour, Police Accreditation Team, Regional Planning, Mayor's forum, Reception at JZ Knight's with Shelly Badger andVelnia, Governor's, NRC 10th anniversary, and Amtech-Clean Air. c. Council - Don Miller reported on CAPCOM. Martha Parsons reported that she had attended IT, Park Board, and support services with IT. Glen Cunningham reported that he attendedthe Narrows Bridge Expansion meeting. d. Park Use Requests - 6/6, Mellema, Graduation party, 12-9pm and 7/12, Faith Celebration Church, 9am-5pm. 98-81 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY TO APPROVE PARK USE REQUESTS FOR 6/6-GRADUATION PARTY AND 7/12-. FAITH CELEBRATION CHURCH. CARRIED. . e. Court - April 1998, written report. 12. Correspondence was reviewed. 13. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 pm. f4J{1JM4 Ka hryn M. Wolf, Nfayor - Authenticated Yelm City Council . cc.98\5-13mn.doc Page 4