06/24/1998 Minutes .' 1. 2. 98-99 3. 98-100 4. 98-101 5. 98':102 6. 7. CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 24, 1998 Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Glen Cunningham and Adam Rivas. Absent Velma Curry. Guests: Dan McReynolds and Terry Wright, Parametrix, Inc.; Tom Skillings, Skillings-Connolly, Inc;" and Myranda Yun, Nisqually Valley News. 'Staff: Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam, Ken Garmann, and Agnes Bennick. > Agenda Approval. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes Approval. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE MINUTES OF JUNE 10, 1998 ASPRINJED. CARRIED. Voucher Approval. MOTIO~l?Y MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER , APPROV~G PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 8463-8505 TOTALING $32,064.46. CARRIED. ' f' Payroll Approval. MOTION B,Y bON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING THE JUNE 1998 PRELIMINARY PAYROLL. CARRIED.> Public Comment/Questions. None Public Hearing Six Year Transportation Plan. Mayor Wolf closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing at 7:35 pm. The time, date, place and reason for the hearing was announced. No objections were voiced. Mayor Wolf called on Ken Garmann to present the staff report. Ken Garmann explained that the plan covers the period from 1999-2004 and prioritizes 17 street and road projects. An annual update is required by Washington State Department of Transportation. New projects are added to the list as projects are completed and ,dropped. Garmann identified the three highest-ranking projects as 1) Y elm Ave. improvements, 4th St. to Five Comers, includes sidewalks, turn lanes, and Vancil and Clark Rd. intersection realignment; 2) Stevens Ave. improvements, 1st to West Road; and 3) Mosman St., SR507 to Solberg Street, including intersection realignment. Garmann added that as the Edwards Street project is scheduled to begin this year, it has been dropped from the list. Discussion continued on details of various projects. Being no additional comments or questions Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 7:55 pm. Yelm City Council cc.98\6-24mn.doc Page 1 ,. a. , 98-103 8. 98-104 9. 98-105 Resolution No. 372 ' ,MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS . APPROVING RESOLUTION 372 ADOPTING THE 1999-2004 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION PLAN. CARRIED. II'! Consultant Agreement with Parametrix, Inc. Ken Garmanil explained that Parametrix of Sumner was the consultant selected for Edwards Street design services. The $35,555.98 agreement has been approved by the Transportation Improvement Board and reviewed by the City's attorney. Garmann requested approval to partiCipate in the TIB Consultant Agreement. When questioned Garmann indicated that the contract was for the maximum amount, and he anticipates th~t. it will actually be less than the contract amount. " MOTIONBX GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY DON MILLER AUTHORIZING :tHE SIGNING OF A $36,555.98 CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH PARAMATRIX FOR DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE EDWARDS STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. CARRIED. Garmann introduced Dan McReynolds and Terry Wright of who will be working on the project. Mr. McReynolds thanked Tom Skillings for his cooperation. Mr. Wright showed a project slide and explained that when completed, Edwards Street would have sidewalks, planting strips, no parking signs, bicycle lanes, and left turn lanes onto Y elm Ave., and from Edwards into the middle school parking lot at Jefferson. Discussion continued concerning easements and the loss of parking on Edwards Street, with Council consensus being that the project should meet current road standards for collectors allowing off street parking only. " ' " . Pacific Fiber Link, LLC - Fiber Optic Cable Agreement. Ken Garmann explained that the City was approached by Pacific Fiber Link for approval to install fiber optic cable on First Street. This agreement presented to Council establishes a joint arrangement between the City and Pacific Fiber Link, and changes the location to Crystal Springs, Edwards, and ,Mosman Streets to avoid cuts on First Street. Garmann asked Tom Skillings, who worked on the agreement to comment. T o~ Skillings provided additional information about the agreement. Skillings felt that the agreement is fair to both parties. The contract calls for Padfic Fiber Link to pay a share of traffic control, engineering: administration and inspection costs. Cost saving by combin.ing the project will be shared SO/50. The City will also benefit by the availability of four one-inch ducts of dedicated space in the conduit. . This project is being coordinated with the Edwards St. project. . Shelly Badger added that the City needs to work on a telecommunications ordinance. She will check to see if it is possible to enact a moratorium until the ordinance is developed. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE FIBER OPTIC CABLE AGREEMENT WITH PACIFIC FIBER LINK. CARRIED. Shelly Badger commended Tom Skillings and Ken Garmann for their work on this project. Council concurred. 10. . Old Business: a. Yelm Health Assessment - Mayor Wolf asked for City Council direction on the City pursuing having a Health Assessment prepared. This project has not been budgeted and would extend beyond the City's boundaries. Council expressed Yelm City Council Page 2 cc.98\6-24mn.doc b. 98-106 c. concern about the area covered, cost and staff impacts. Consensus was to determine if the assessment could be done with a minimal cost and limited staff involvement. P .' i Ordinance'628 amending Ordinance 615 (12/97). Agnes Bennick e?Cplained that an interfund loan was approved at the end of 1997 to cover a shortfall in the Sewer , Fund. Funding expected has not: been received and this ordinance would extend the' loan repayment for date up to 12.0 days. MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 615 AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 628 BY EXTENDING THE INTERFUND LOAN REPAYMENT DATE. CARRIED. , ' OAPCA Response to LASCO Violation. Mayor Wolf explained that copies of both were provided in Council packets. The violation caused ~y improper use of equipment has resulted in the clo,sure and ultimate removal of the conveyor system involved. .MID'or Wolf pointed out that there was some confusion at the last meeting,'and that the wastewater Treatment Facility is located by LASCO not a drinking water facility. , . 11. New Business: a. Housing Rehab Loan Subordination. Agnes Bennick gave an overview of the memo explaining that income received from payment of Housing Rehab Loans made in the late' 80s and early' 90s can be reused to provide matching funds for CDBG grants. And that $20,000 from this source had been used aS'startup for the current CDBG Water Improvement Fund. When someone wishing to refinance approaches staff, the request is scheduled on the next council agenda. This can delay the request by up to two weeks and could result in an interest rate change. With council's approval, some of these issues could be addressed at slaff level by initiating a policy allowing staff to offer some initial guidelines for approval or disapproval. Policy as presented would not permit subordination for loans exceeding the outstanding mortgage balance, unless the new amount includes payment to the City as shown in the memo. Also included was a repayment formula along with the total amount of payment required'for various loan amounts and the homeowner's monthly cost for this payment. Shelly Badger added that some callers want to increase the mortgage to consolidate other debt. This puts the City into second place for payment, with more money owed. Mayor Wolf pointed out that Sandy Mackie's recommendation is to not allow an increase in the mortgage amount other than for rehab repayment. Councilmembers expressed their feelings that no increase should be permitted other than the existing loan amount. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING ESTABLISHING A POLICY ALLOWING SUBORDINATION OF HOUSING REHAB LOANS FOR THE EXISTING MORTGAGE AMOUNT AND PERMITTING INCREASES ONL Y FOR AMOUNTS TO BE REPAID TO Tf.IE CITY. CARRIED. ~J b. Ordinance No. 629, amending Ord. 610 (12/98). Mayor Wolf explained that this ordinance does some budget clean up and extending the temporary public works position thru September 30, 1998 funded from the park budget. 98-108 " MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING O'RDINANCE 629 EXTENDING THE TEMPORARY PUBLIC Yelm City Council Page 3 cc.98\6-24mn.doc 98-107 '. :. \. '" 12.. a. . 1) 2) 3) 4) 98-109 b. c. 13. 14. ~. WORKS POSITION THRU 9/30/98 FUNDED FROM THE PARK BUDGET. CARRIED. Reports: City Coup:cil ~iaison Reports. , . . City Hall ~eport - Agnes Bennick gave an overview of the written report on YeaI' 2000 Compatibility. Court - A written report for May 1998 was provided. . Public Works - Councilmember Miller reviewed the provided written report. Park/Park Use Requests. - Councilmember Parsons reported that two Park Use Requests were received. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING PARK USE REQUESTS FOR THE KIDS KAROAKE AND UCBO SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM. CARRIED.. Shelly Badger updated Council on the first ,monthly mobile recycling planned for Yelm City Park scheduled to begin on July 6. 5) Police Report .-:. Councilmember Cunningham reviewed the written report. Chief Dunnam expanded on the financial and shift coverage difficulties the department has been facing due to required officer court appearances. The overtime issue will be evaluated during a mid-year budget analysis in July. Planning - Councilmember Cunningham reported that the Planning Commission meeting had been cancelled: Water Reuse - A written report was provided. Tom Skillings added that the project is going on schedule with no significant change orders. He also reported that the CDBG pilot study didn't increase water pH level as much as hoped, but that improved results are anticipated by adding an additional step. Mayor~sReport - Mayor Wolf reported on attending the A WC Conference, and weekly meeting with CAO. Mayor Wolf announced that a copy of proposed A WC ' Resolutions are available, that a new Community Y olith Services worker will begin working in the front office on July 6, and Hire A Veteran Proclamation. Council Report - Councilmember Rivas polled those present on reducing the garbage service subscriber subsidy used to offset self-:haulers actual costs, and the costs of dumping building materials. . Correspondence was reviewed. Adjourn 9:45 pm. f.' 6) 7) Authenticated: YJ2u y:J~d P; Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council cc.98\6-24mn.doc Page 4