07/08/1998 Minutes ,.\.6' ..'(i' .~ 1. 2. 98-110 3; 98-1'11 0'4. 98-112 5. ' 98-:-113 6. 7. 98-114 , CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 8~ 1998 f\JJ!! Mayor Wolf called the meting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag , salute. Present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons; V elm a Curry, Glen Cunningham, and Adam Rivas; .Guests: Nellie Am)lndson;Velma Rhodes, Steve Craig, Gateway Project; , Kristin Blalack, Yelm Librarian; Myranda Y un, Nisqually Valley News; and Patty , Kinney, Olympian. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Brian Asmus, arid Agnes Bennick. Agenda Approval. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS , APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PREPARED. CARRIED. Minutes Approval. , MOTIO~BY MAR1.'HA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELM~ CURRY APPROVING THE JUNE 24, 1998, COUNCIL MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Voucher ApprovaL MOTION,BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS , , , APPROVING PAYMENT 'OF VOUCHERS 8514-8563 TOTALING $321,148.73. CARRIED. Payrol~Approval. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE JULY 1998 FINAL PAYROLL, CHECKS 1626-1710 TOTALING $100,667.78. CARRIED. PUQlic Comment/Questions - None Library Bid AcceptanGe - Shelly Badger reported that of the 8 requests for proposals sent out only 1 was returned. She presented three possible options fo1," consideration. #1- $5638.54 for the door and electrical work. #2- $10,591.64 for items in #1 phis carpeting but no pad. #~- $11,263.10' for items in # 1 and #2 'phis carpet pad. , MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED,BY VELM'A CIJRRY ,ACCEPTING THE LIBRARY ENTRANCE PROPOSALS1)BMITTED BY B &Y CONSTRUCTION AND THE ELECTRICAL WORK TOTALING $5638.54. ' CARRIED' Discussion continued concerning the cost of replacement carpeting and options, and the amount oflead~time needed to co~plete the work during the library closure. Consensus, was that more information is needed. . 98-115 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM , REQUESTING THAT THE LIBRARY CARPETING ISSUE BE TABLEQ TO THE NEXT MEETING. CARRIED. ' " ~"'1f. 8. Old Busine~~':,. _r , ' , , ,< a.. . ; Gateway ProJect Update:' Steve Craig explained that this project' was identified In:the Yelm City Council , cc,98~7-8mn,doc Page 1 .. I,. .... :" . " . '~ . '98-116 9. d. 98-117 10. 98-118 a. b. Yelm Vision Plan (1/5/95) The pian supports placing an archway or gateway ~tthe west, east and south edges of the c;ity.f Craig reported that the plan had ,DOT support .f~r locations within the 25-35 mph zones, and possibly some assistance with supplies.' He also indicated that the Glenn Blando has suggested participation by Clover Park V ocational- Technical Institute. b. Discussion continued with Council requesting options without an arch. The possibility of using the gateway posts for special events banner display was suggested. Council :.' consensus was that the project sh~uld ,continue as 9utlined in the Draft Work Plan. ' Wodd War II Memorial Funding.Request. Mayor Wolf read a letter from the Funq Raising Committee requesting a contribution to the memorial fund; MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER 'APPROVING A $100 DONATION FROM THE REGIONAL PLANNING EXP~NSE LINE. CARRIED~ c. 'Reports: . ,Library ~'A written report was submitted. Mayor - Mayor Wolf reported on attending an EDC meeting, a meetIng with the CAD, ~nd a Railroad meeting. Council Report - Councilmember Miller reported on' a CAPCOM meeting. , Councilmember Cunningham reported on riding with the police department. Councilmember Parsons reported on attending an IT meeting. .. Park/Park Use Requests:~" . , MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING' A PARK USE REQUEST FOR THE FENNELL F AMIL Y GET . TOGETHER ON AUGUST!. CARRIED., Executive Session. At 8: 14 pm; Mayor Wolf announced that Co~nci1 would go to " Executive Session for approximately 20 minutes to consider a real estate transaction. The regular meeting was reopened at 8:28 pm. ,.' . ,'. .,MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA. CURRY AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO SIGN DEEDS AND PAPERWORK RELATED TO A ROAD . REALIGNMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE. "CARRIED. Br~,an 'Asmus gave a report on joint jurisdictio~ law enforcement efforts over the 4th ~f July holiday. He reported that the 11 officers made 192 traffic stops, with 50 resulting in soine type of follow up from citations to arrests.. . ~~f'iII 11. Correspondence was reviewed. , RI . 12.' . Adj\lumed: 8:40 pm. 1l . . , ~.. .,', .... . / 11. .. . wJ. J j Kat- ~~~; tlJor .. dVY Authenticated: /7 ' ". ' // . '." /7 j). . . '{~/(?/JUJ rWk/J?tL-uL., .Ai/les P. Be~i,c~,City Clerk ~.. . I" , (l> ,'{elm City Council . cc,98~ 7 -8mn,doc Page 2 , . ,#k> ~.. .: