09/23/1998 Minutes . \,.. CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 23,1998 1.. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order ~t 7: 30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Present: Don Miller, Martha 'Parsons, Velma Curry, Glen Cunnin~ham, and Adam Rivas. Guests: Myranda Yun, Nisqually Valley News; Patty Kinney, Olympian; Debra Delzell,. Skillings Connolly. Staff: Ken Garmann, Brian Asmus, Agnes Bennick and Annette Laughlin. 2. Agenda Approval 98-164 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE AMENDED AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF 9. b. PROCLAMATION, UNDER NEW BUSINESS. CARRIED. . 3. Minutes Approval 98-165 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM APPROVING THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 9,1998 AS PRINTED~ CARRIED. .4. Voucher Approval. 98-166 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING CHECKS 9467-9508 AND CHECK 5914. CARRIED. 5. Payroll Approval. 98-167 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM . APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY. SEPTEMBER PAYROLL. CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions - None 7. WELL #3 UPDATE-An update was given by Ken Garmann and Debra Delzell, Skillings Connolly; on the drilling ofWell3A. The well has been drilled to 680 feet. At 425 feet, magnesium was reached. There was a lot of water but with very poor , quality. It wa~ concluded'that to remove the magnesium would not be satisfying. There were also 5 times the allowable standards of aquifer. The level of the well has been raised and there will be extensive tests on the quality of water done this next week. Once aquifer level is reached and quality of water desired is obtained, we will . begin a one-year monitoring of water quality, with the chance of having to add a sand filtration. Discussion between Council, staff and Debra was held. 8. Old Business: Ordinance 631 - Repealing Curfew Ord. 440 and 406 98-168 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAs APPROVING ORDINANCE NO. 631 - REPpALING CURFEW ORD. 440 AND 406. CARRIED. Yelm City Council mso/cc. 98/9/23 mn.doc Page 1 . . \,.< 9. New Business: a. Burlington Northern Santa Fe - Yelm to Lakeview Acquisition. Ken Garm'ann informed council that he was working on grants to purchase, maintain and for the acquisition of 14+ miles of railroad. After discussion with council, Ken asked for approval to continue negotiations with Jerry Johnson, Burlington Northern. 98-169 MOTION BY GLEN CUNNINGHAM, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS , APPROVING CONTINUATION OF NEGOTIATIONS WITH BURLINQTON NORTHERN SANTA FE - YELM TO LAKEVIEW ACQUISITION. CARRIED. , b. Proclamation - Mayor Wolf received notice that a proclamation would be arriving in the iliail, declaring October as the month of the Young Adolescent. She asked permission of the council to sign when it arrived. 98-170, MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING PROCLAMATION DECLARING OCTOBER AS THE MONTH OF THE YOUNG ADOLESCENT. DON MILLER OPPOSED. 10. Reports: a. City Hall Liaison 1. City Hall- Written Report. o 2. Court - Written Report. 3. Public Works - Ken Garmann updated counCil on Edwards St. improvement status. TIB will not be able to fund project until July 1999. Ken is' exploring' . other possibilities. The Building Official position is still open. Yelm Creek meeting was held by Senator Dan Swecker. He agreed to help the city find funding, with the City taking the lead position. A technical advisory committee is 'being formed: Swecker, DOE, Thurston Conservation, Dept. of Game & Fisheries, Corp of Engineers, City Staff, and local citize'ns. Attended an Y -2, Y~.-3 meeting, with everything 'progressing; , 4. Park/Park Use Requests' 98-171 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY . 'APPROVING PARK USE REQUESTS a) OCT. 3, BOON~ F M:IL Y BABY SHOWER, 35,12:30-4:30, b) OCT. 17, BOY SCOUT TROOP 268 JAMBOREE, 100, 6AM-DARK, c) OCT. 10 & 11, VPD SLAMMIN JAMMIN 3 ON 3, 9AM- DARK. CARRIED. 5; Police- Brian Asmus informed council of the complaints they have been receiving about the on street parking in Prairie Creek, Prairie Heights, and Quail Meadows. He also stated that there is not an Ordinance to enforce. There was discussion on this matter and Public Works, with the Police, will be doing some research to help solve this problem. 6. Planning - Councilmeniber Cunningham attended a worksession on CD-:3, Large Lot Commercial, regarding sub-dividing. . 7.' Water Reuse - none. b. Mayor - Heartwalk meeting, Meeting with Shelly Badger, Western Washington Fair, Economic Development meeting with Don Miller and Adam Rivas. Available for viewing: Annual Report from Prosecuting Attorney. The:first Budget meeting will be held on October 6, at 4: 15. . Yelm City Council mso/cc.98/9/23mn.doc Page 2 :t . \,... c. Council- Glen Cunningham attended Yelm Creek meeting with Senator Swecker. Don Miller attended Foreign Trade Zone meeting with Shelly Badger. Velma Curry . attended the Senior Citizens Board meeting and also the Yelm Creek meeting. d. Financial Report - none. 11. Correspondence was reviewed. 12. Adjourn: 8:55 0~' . Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council mso/cc.98/9/23mn.doc Page 3