10/13/1998 BWS Minutes Y'ELM tin( COUNCIL BUDGET WORK SESSION TUESDA )',. OCTOBER 13, 199~ 4: 15 PM, Y'ELM CIT)( HALL PRESENT: Kathy Wolf, Glen Cunningham, Velma Curry, Martha Parsons, and Don Miller. Staff: Shelly Badger, Agnes Bennick, Annette Laughlin, Ken Garmann, Cathie Carlson, Tim Peterson, Terry 'Vandiver, Vern Prell, and Stephanie Conners., COURT' Budget was approved with the full-time position being reduced to half time, being left open for request for full-time when needed. ' ADMIN Accrued Leave will be increased to $5,000, Insurance was increased' $1,000, Machinery/Equipment was increased to purchase Y2K compatible computer. Bldg/Grounds Maint. Supplies $7,500 and Bldg/Grounds Custodial/Cleaning $7,000 was added to Administration. Audit costs $16,000 will be available, Audit has started Wednesday, October 14, 1998. P.W. Priorities for Public Works: 1) Public Works Yard-$500,000 2) Storm water Management Program, 3) Office Equipment-$3,700: computer for Ken, fax, and printer, and 4) Staff Engineer-$40,000 annually: eliminate the Y2 time building official position, $33,000 is already budgeted for consulting. ,Council asked staff to do more research and return to council with more precise information. 5) Yelm Creek Study-$15,000 to 38,000 total. BUILDING Eliminate Y2 time building offici,al position. ANIMAL No changes reported. PLANNING A $250 decrease in Travel/Training. $4,500 for Equipment/Software to upgrade 2 computers to Y2K compatibility, which will be brought back to Council with more accurate figures. Local Planning will be decreased by $500, but will need to be . budgeted in the future to improve our Central Business District. LIBRARY Additionallighting-$480+tax, replacement of glass in door-$348+tax: investigation for other options and bring back to Council, front door is ADA complied, request for 2-week cleaning of bathrooms is being held until further no~ice. HISTORIC A request for the full $6,000 carryover. Goals for 1999:' 1) Gomplete the Kiosk Project at Cochrane Park and 2) Possible Register Additions. PARKS No changes. Request for $5,000 carryover from Professional Services to , be added to Building/Structures-Cochrane. It was decided to focus Parks on completing Cochrane Park. , BUDGET WORK SESSION allbudget 1 0-13 Page I STREETS Priorities: 1) Street ivlaintenance $60,000. 2) Mower $5,000. The city will be acquiring more property on Edwards St. on Yelm Ave. E that will need to be maintained. TREE This is first full year of funding and has more of a layout. Request for $4,000 carryover. . MUNICIP AL Annual payment transferred from General Fund to ,BuilJing Fund to make payments for land and bond. Public Works Building was discussed. Further discussion at later Budget Work Session. Y2K FUNDING Need for a consultant regarding the City's future need for Y2K compatibility. Staff will be doing some research and return to Council with an amount and proposal. f-4J IkW4 Kathryn M. Wolf, Mayor Authenticated: ~/hf4 P /j~1c Agnes P. Bennick, City Clerk BUDGET WORK SESSION allbudgetl 0-13 Page 2