04/09/1997 Minutes .' CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1997 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Members Present: Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, and Adam Rivas. Martha Parsons and Don Miller were excused. Staff: Ken Garmann, Glenn Dunnam, and Agnes Bennick. Guests: DickRehn, LeMay, Inc., and Dan Fisher, Nisqually Valley News. 2. Agenda 97-62 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 3. Minutes 97-63 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE MARCH 26, 1997 MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 4. V oucher Approval. 97-64 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 6099-6174 (VOID 6078-6098) TOTALING $90,811.50. CARRIED. . 5. March 1997 Payroll- Final Approval. 97-65 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING THE MARCH 1997 FINAL PAYROLL OF $96,386.86. CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions. None 7.. New Business: a. Thurston County Auditor's 1997 Election Calendar. Copies were provided. b. Drug-Free Washington Pro~lamation - Council consensus was given designating April 1997 as Drug-Free Washington Month. . 8. Old Business: None 9. Reports: a. . The Librarian's Report for March 1997 and Timberland Regional Library Board of Trustee meeting minutes of 2/6/97 were provided to Councilmembers. b. Police - Chief Dunnam reported on the previous evening's meeting with the mayor, staff, a FEMA representative, and community members that had been impacted by recent floods. Contact information for Thurston County Emergency Management was updated. New concerns were raised by homeowners due to a large number of insects breeding in s~anding water. Ken Garmanrt added that Cathie Carlson was gathering information and at this point she has been advised by the Washington State University Extension that samples need to be collected and analyzed to determine the duration or life span of the insects involved, and their value to the environment. Department of Ecology has indicated that caution must be taken concerning the legality of the City spraying on private property. DOE also advised that spraying may be restricted near waterways. 4(9(97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\4-9mn97 Page 1 Chief Dunnam will coordinate an update to citizens by the end of the week. Chief Dunnam announced that two new police vehicles have arrived at Nelson Chevrolet and the third should arrive shortly. He also arinounced that the City had been awarded a $2,500 Thurston County Community Network Grant for Phase ill of the skateboard park. c. Public Works - Ken Garmann announced: the Jefferson St./Railway Ave water main replacement has been completed; Notice to proceed has been delivered on the Five ComerS project; an open house for the Y-2 Pre-Design Study has been scheduled for 4/22/97 from 4-7 pm, at Mill Pond School; work continuing to find solutions to high water on Yelm and Thompson Creek; and reported on the 3/27/97 SR 507-510 corridor open house. Council received copies of graph depicting WW Treatment Plant flows from 6/96-3/97, and an updated department work plan for 1997. d. Water Reuse - Mayor Wolf reported that the last update she received had our project included in the Capital budget. It must still be passed by both houses and signed . by the governor.. .Bills have been submitted to both houses for their consideration and approval. e. Mayor's Report - Mayor Wolf reported on attending the following meetings: Economic Development Council, a budget hearing, Leadership Thurston County, Nisqually Regional Interpretative Council Foundation, Thurston Regional Planning Council, Mayors' Forum, Yelm Chamber of) Commerce, and state and local flood follow- up. . f. Council Report - Councilmember Curry reported on attending a Jail Advisory Council meeting. Funding continues to be the number one concern. g. . Financial;., .Councilmember Curry reported that most funds ar~ on target. Agnes added that funding for the DARE had arrived. 10. . Correspondence was reviewed. A TRPC Recap was included in packets. 11. Adjoum:8: 10 pm. ~~/ ?rt.Jf~ KathrynM. olf, Mayor Authenticated: .1 ,..11> 'j; !J~~. Agnes ' . Bennick, City Clerk-Treasurer 4/9/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\4-9mn97 Page 2