06/11/1997 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1997 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Members Present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, and Adam Rivas. Staff Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Glenn Dunnam, and Agnes Bennick. Guests: Perry Shea, SCA Engineering, Glen Cunningham, Dean Hooper and Ruth Jacobson, Friends of the Yelm Library, Lion's Club representatives Jan Loutzephiser, ZelIa Matthews, and Victoria Pesacreta, and Prairie Day's Princesses Lindy Lipper, Frances Neiland, and Beth Church. Jan Loutzenhiser introduced the Prairie Day's Princesses and spoke of the job they do representing Yelm at various functions. The Princesses presented Mayor Wolf and Councilmembers with Prairie Day Buttons. Mayor Wolf offered her thanks and p'resented the princesses and Lion's Club representatives with pens. ' 2. Agenda 97-98 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. J. Minutes 97-99 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS THE MAY 28, 1997 MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. I APPROVING 4. V ouchers I 97-100 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 6363-6460, TOTALING $215,654.22. CARRIED. 5. Final Payroll Approval-- May 1997 97 -101 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING PAYMENT OF MAY PAYROLL CHECKS 509-593, TOTALING $97,796.27. CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions. None 7. Public Hearing -- Six Year Transportation Plan. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 7 :40 pm, and announced the date, location, and reason for the public hearing. No objections were made to participants. Perry Shea, SCA Engineering, was introduced and gave an overview of the process. He explained , that each year the City must identify and prioritize road improvements for the next six 6/11/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc, 97\6-11 mn97 Page 1 years. Changes from the past year's street program include removal of Creek Street and Five Comers project, and the Y -2 Study; both projects are currently under underway. . Projects 10, Mosman St. Improvements, and 11, Solberg Street Improvements have been added as replacements. Mayor Wolf opened the floor for audience questions/comments. Glenn Cunningham questioned the cost for Edwards St. ($335,000) vs. the cost of the Five Comers project (375,000). Perry Shea explained that the figure for the Five Comers project was for the construction phase only. Ken Garmann added that state equipment costs were also not included in the Five Comer's figure. Mayor W olfrequested questions/comments from CO\lncil. Councilmember Miller asked if the Edwards St. project included drainage? Perry Shea responded that it would solve drainage problems and rebuild the road to collector standard including sidewalk, and a turn lane at the Y elm Ave. intersection. Councilmember Rivas asked if the trees along Edwards would be saved? Perry Shea responded that some of them would have to be removed and Mayor Wolf added that by ordinance tree removal is approved by Council. Mayor Wolf asked if the time lag between the Stevens St. improvements and West Rd. improvements would cause additional traffic problems on West Rd. Perry Shea responded that the Stevens St. upgrade would improve road linkages and circulation and may present a slightly different picture than it does currently. Ken Garmann added that a portion of West Rd. remains in Thurston County and that they probably would not be interested in funding a project. Being no additional questions/comments Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 8:05 pm. a. Resolution 361 97-102 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING RESOLUTION 361 THE 1998-2003 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM. CARRIED. 8. Old Business: a. Resolution 362 97..:103 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING RESOLUTION 362 OPPOSING LEGALIZATION OF SCHEDULE 1 DRUGS. CARRIED. 9. Reports: a. Library - Kristin Blalack provided a written report for May 1997. Ruth Jacobson, Yelm Friends of the Library, assured Council that the Friends are still committed to building a larger library, but that efforts have taken a different direction. She then turned the floor over to Dean Hooper who explained that the Friends have spent 6/11/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc. 97\6~ 11 mn97 Page 2 31 months using a "stone soup" format to raise funds for a new library. To date they have $81,000, 2 acres of land, private pledges, and $35,000 in pledged grant funding. Mr. Hooper and Mrs. Jacobson have been attending Timberland Library Board of Trustee meetings and indicated that the Timberland Board recognizes Yelm' s needs. However, the board's position is that they cannot, due to policies and RCW, legally fund more that $10 per square foot of the $130 psf estimated cost of a new library. According to Mr. Hooper, Timberland also claims that they cannot build a library within the city. Mr. Hooper added that he believes nothing in law prohibits the use of timber revenue for such new construction, and that Timberland's policies and resolutions need to be reviewed and updated. Yelm Friends of the Library will be requesting an appearance before city councils of other small jurisdictions. Additional discussion concerned a new district, chances of passing a bond, Board of Trustee members appointments and terms, and the chances of success using other funding mechanisms. Mayor Wolf emphasized that the Friends efforts are apart from the City, and that the City is providing and maintaining library space proportionate to the City's population. She also urged caution that in making a point with Timberland, the whole system not be jeopardized. CounciImember Miller asked if the City would be retain responsibility for maintenance costs on a new, larger library? Shelly Badger responded that we -would under contractual agreement. Councilmember Rivas asked what was being sought from the City? Mr. Hooper responded with points concerning the potential for individual donors pledging $1,000, numerous activities/groups in the community attempting to raise funds, income level of the community, and timing difficulties for contractor donated materials and labor. Councilmember Rivas expressed his feelings that local donations of materials and lahar have not been fully explored. . Shelly Badger added that she believes the project needs to be developed into a design phase to determine the availability of business and contractor in-kind donations. And that the project should begin the actual site-plan process to determine needs. b. Police - Chief Dunnam reported that all three new vehicles are on the road. c.' Public Works - Councilmember Miller reported that he had attended a PW meeting on Tuesday, and announced that Edward Slnith had passed the test for Water Distribution Manager II. Council and staff commended "Smitty" for his efforts and success. d. Mayor - Mayor Wolf requested an update on the Newcomer property, staff will follow-up at the next meeting. Meetings attended included the Y -2 Update and Transportation Advisory Committee meetings which reviewed input from the April workshop. Mayor Wolf reported that 6/11/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc. 97\6~ 11 mn97 Page 3 property owners in the Fox Hill Rd. area had requested that the proposed routes be moved farther south. The TAC is looking at possible routes and comparing them to project goals. They will meet again and make recommendations. Perry Shea added that five years ago when the Transportation Plan was prepared the Y-2 project was near 105th. Original goals were to reduce downtown corridor congestion, maintain the vitality of downtown, be in close proximity to the Urban Growth Boundary; and increase connectors and circulation in the SE area. If changes to the original goals/locations are made, the changes must also be duplicated in the Comprehensive Plan, which can be changed only once per year. Councilmember Miller added that a TAC meeting is planned for Tuesday, June 24, at 2 :00 at Prairie Park. Other meetings attended by Mayor Wolf included the YMCA dedication, EDC Annual meeting, Governor's Mansion, School Business Partner, TRPC, and Mayors' Forum. Chamber of Commerce, TRPC and TPB joint meeting, and Brown House addition to the Yelm Historic Register. e. Council - Councilmember Curry reported that the Park Advisory Board meeting had been canceled. Councilmember Miller attended a CAPCOM meeting, and Councilmember Parsons reported on attending an IT performance review meeting. f. Financial- Agnes Bennick presented an overview of the May '97 End of Month report at pointed out a lag in water revenue, and the need to allow the sewer fund to create and build a reserve to synchronize the cash flow and debt payment schedule. A loan to facilitate this process will be evaluated during the week and brought to Council for approval. ;,'; g. Park/Park Use Requests ".. I 97-)X)4 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING , PARK USE REQUESTS FOR THURSTON CO. PARKS & RECREATION, TURNMIRE BIRTHDAY PARTY AND YANKEES #3 GAME A WARD CEREMONY. CARRIED. h. Court - A written court report was provided. 10. Correspondence was reviewed. 11. Adjourn: 9:15 pm. ~~ 111 tJ4 Katliryn M. 01:f, Mayor 6/11/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc. 97\6-11 mn97 Page 4