08/13/1997 Minutes CITY OF YEtM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 13,1997 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All present joined in the flag salute. Members present: Don Miller, Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, and Adam Rivas. Guests: Brian Matthews and Debra Derzell-Skillings Connolly, Myranda Smith and Fiona Reeves-Nisqually Valley News, Martin Best, Keith Parker- Yelm Creek Apts., Dick Rehn-LeMay, Leonard LeDuc, Glen Cunningham, Barbara Wood, and Stu Conley. Staff: Ken Garmann, Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam, Agnes Bennick, and Annette Laughlin. 2. Agenda. 97-132 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 3. Minutes. 97-133 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY . APPROVING THE MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 4. Voucher Approval. 97-134 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING PAYMENT OF CHECKS 6674-6775, TOTALING $176,962.85. CARRIED. 5. Payroll Approval. 97-135 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING THE FINAL JULY 1997 PAYROLL. CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions. Introduction of Myranda Smith, new employee at Nisqually Valley News. . 7. Public Hearing - FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant. Mayor Wolf closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing at 7:36 pin. The time, date, place and reason for the public hearing were announced. No objections to participants or conflicts were stated. Staff report and exhibits were provided. Shelly Badger. attended FEMA criteria meeting and recommended that the City not proceed with the FEMA grant because we do not qualify. She suggested that we use our. funds, $4,000 previously authorized by Council, to produce a sound recommendation. 8\13\97 City Council Minutes Page 1 : ~J Public Comment: Barb Woods agreed with Shelly Badger that we need updated data. Stu Conley stated that a letter from, Leo Deathridge's attorney, indicated the culverts are I undersized, and suggested that the City cQuld designate areas as dry wells or build a levywall around the development. Mayot Wolf stated that this opinion was based on one I report, and the entire county must be inchlded in any correction. Keith Parker stated that I . the creek was. damned by vegetation and that on-site lagoons on back of property were 4 feet underwater. Don Miller stated that the FEMA Grant has nothing to do with the rehabilitation of Yelm Creek. Ken Garmann stated that was correct. Mayor Wolf asked if any information about the county meeting was kno"jll? Chief Dunnam attended County meeting on August 13 and he agrees with Shelily Badger that it would be best to identify the problem and possible solutions. Barb Wobds agrees with Shelly Badger that assessments should be made first. Martin Best stated that FEMA provides money and the State establishes criteria. He also stated it would be b6st for the City to gather data. I Council discussed benefits vs cost of FEMA Grant. Mayor Wolf closed the public . hearing at 8:20 p.m. 97-136 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONqED BY ADAM RIVAS TO NOT PROCEED WITH FEMA GRANT APPLICATION PROCESS. CARRIED. . I 97-137 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS I AUTHORIZING STAFF TO COME UP WITH SCOPE OF WORK AND BUDGET. CARRIED. 8. Old Business: a. LID - Status Update- Shelly Badger reriewed Staff Report and Exhibits, and recommended the City proceed with mailing out letters and maps to property owners. Also to publish map in Nisqually Valley News with an article based on letter. 97-138 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER TO I PROCEED WITH SENDING LID LETTER WITH NO CHANGES RECOMENDED. CARRIED. 97-139 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON TO CHANGE CITY COUNCIL MEETING TIME FROM 7:30 TO 6 P.M. ON AUGUST 27, 1997 TO ALLOW TIME FOR A LID WORK SESSION. CARRIED. 9. New Business: a. . IT Amtrak depot, Centennial Station Agreement for 1-1-97 through 12-31-00. Yelm's 1998 share of $400. 97-140 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY TO RENEW THE 97-00 IT AMTRAK DEPOT AGREEMENT. OPPOSED BY AMOS LAWTON. CARRIED. 8\13\97 City Council Minutes Page 2 b. Resolution 364, Rural Development Loan Agreement of $3,398,500.00. 97~i41 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY FOR MAYOR WOLF TO" SIGN LOAN RESOLUTION 364. CARRIED. 10. Reports: a. Library - Librarian's Report July 1997 b. Police - Glenn Dunnam announced that the New Disaster/Emergency Plan was distributed today. HBO conducted a live-taping of "Wake up Washington" involving drug addiction. DARE is to change to Drug and Gang Resistance. Thank You to Thurston County for loan of speed radar reader board. c. Public Works - Councilmember Miller updated current Public Works activity. Y-2 Meeting, Tuesday, August 19, with presentations at 4:30 and 6 p.m. Councilmember Adam Rivas reported he was glad to see Patty Forrester had joined the committee as she had input on original plan when she was on City Council. Mayor Wolf stated, in response to the public not being notified, that the Six Year Street Plan had been discussed at Public Hearings in July of 1993 and 1994 during City Council Meetings. d. Mayor - Mayor Wolf commented on Parade, Council and Staff participation, Prairie Days, Lighter than Air, American LegionJVFW meeting, filed for re- election, Economic Development Council meeting, Shelly Badger and Mayor Wolf met with reporter for the Olympian, RDA loan officer, meeting with CAO, Twin County Credit Union Opening, Chamber of Commerce meeting with Kevin Sullivan, TRPC meeting. Correspondence included: TCl bringing KONG to Puget Sound on September 11. A letter regarding Youth Center by Bobby Roseberry was recommended to the DCBO. e. Financial - Councilmember Velma Curry read July 1997 report. f. Park - 97-142 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED,BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE 8-23 PARK USE REQUEST FOR THE LAKEWOOD REFUSEPICNIC. CARRIED. 97~143 a MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE 9-6 PARK USE REQUEST FOR THE TINA BLACKFORD B"- DAY PARTY. CARRIED. g. Court - Written report for July 1997. 11. Correspondence reviewed included Final Legislative Bulletin for 199? , Elected Officials Survey, State Wide Regional Meetings - August 13, Shelly Badger attended OAPCA staff meeting - City is in support of request. Amtech and Lasco are well below requirements. Four speakers at meeting, 3 were for and 1 against. ICSEW plays- "The. Hurt of One" and "The Honor of One", and US Dept of Veterans Affairs, Dedication of Tahoma National Cemetery. 12. . Adjourn: 9:24 p.m. Jf~~ J1l W4 Ka yn M. W olf, Mayor Authenticated: 8\13\97 City Council Minutes Page 4