08/27/1997 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 27,1997 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. all present joined in the flag salute. Members present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, and . Adam Rivas. Guests: G. ~ewby, Jim Harding, Lois & Bob Fankhauser, Roland & Sandy Verrone, Mollie Hendrickson, George Cowles, DorilYn Evans, Patty & Jim Forrester, MJ. Mitzner, Claude Copen, and Mike McLanglis. Dale Fry, Russ Hendrickson, Glen Cunningham, Margaret Clapp, Margo & Bill Cowles, Russell Grafton, William Confield, Bob COYne, and Tracy Durhan. Ron Carlson, Wesley Goss, M.L. Clemens, Cindy Cecil, Al Morris, Tim Shelby, Jim & Dorothy Brown, and Myranda Smith- Nisqually Valley News. City Staff/Consultants: Sandy Mackie-Owens, Davies Mackie; Tom Skillings and Brian Matthews-Skillings-Connolly Inc., Shelly Badger, Tim Peterson, Brian Asmus, and Agnes Bennick. 2. Agenda Approval. 97-143 b MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF ITEM 2A, LID WORK SESSION. CARRIED. 2A Local Improvement District (LID) Work Session - Mayor Wolf introduced Shelly ba~ger who introduced Tom Skillings of Skillings-Connolly Inc. and Sandy Mackie of Owens Mackie. She then explained the City's goal of removing waste water from the Centralia Power Canal and Nisqually River. Since 1995 the City has been working on a plan to build a Class A water reclamation plant at a cost of$9.1 million. Of the funding 43.8 milli<;>n is from loans and $3.7 from grants. Formation ofa LID is being explored as a means of raising the final $1.5 million. An initial meeting with interested property owners was positive and helped identify the location of five benefit areas. or "pods" where the potential for participation could be cost effective. Informational letters were sent to property owners inside and around the pods advising them of this meeting and providing an opportunity to have questions addressed. . Sandy Mackie explained that if formation of a LID was not successful the sewer plant upgrade would be placed on hold. Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs) were expected to cost $2,000 or approximately $14.5.0 per month to those who joined the LID. Joining the LID would guarantee or reserve capacity for future sewer hookup(s) at today's cost. Hookup costs for new connections are expected to increase over time to reflect increases in costs to the City. Certain properties would be exempt from inclusion as explained in the letter sent to property owners. 8/27/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\8- 27mn97 .doc Page I For the LID to be financi~llY feasible, 100 ERUs in each oftlie 5 pods would need to join. rhe decision facing those inside or close to the pods is if they would like to be included or excluded from the pod and the LID. Sign up sheets ere provided for property owners to indicate their preference, and staff/consultants will be available for follow up questions specific to individual properties. If the City proceeds with the LID formation, the city will pick up the formation costs. A public hearing would be scheduled providing an opportunity for the public to testify. City Council would pass a resolution approving/disapproving the LID formation which would begin another 30 day comment period allowing property owners another opportunity to express. their desire to be included/excluded. The final step in the process is placing the issue on the ballot. A 6101<> p\otest vote would disallow Council approval of the LID formation. Project timeline projections are: (1) 1997-98 construction period and sending assessment notices. This would begin another 30 day period for changes/corrections t be made prior to the loan closing. (2) A mid-year equalization notice sent in 1999. (3) Spring of 2000 the first assessment billing would occur. The floor was opened to questions. Some of the general questions asked by the audience were: *Would purchase ofERUs guarantee development rights? No (The property in question is not in the City and would be under Thurston County's requirements. *How would contingency or cost overruns be handled? The bid process was explained. * Must septic tanks still be pumped? Yes, Yelm uses a STEP system, and the City must pump tanks periodically. . *Does the $9.1 million increase treatment levels as welt' as capacity? Yes, the City must find a land based application for waste water to remove it from the Centralia Power Canal and Nisqually River. *Does inclusion in the LID also guarantee water connection/availability? No. *Would property without structures still have to pay? Yes, if it is in the LID area. *Questions relating to commercial property? Staff explained that they would need to be looked at individually. *ls it possible to combine the LID with road improvements? Yes. *Will the city buy back ERUs if property owners change their minds? Yes they will be reassigned. The audience was thanked for their participation, and encouraged to contact staff if they don't wish to be included in the LID, or if they had questions specific to their property situation. Shelly Badger, Sandy Mackie, or Tom Skillings were identified as staff members to contact with questions. 3. Minutes 97-144 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 13, 1997 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 4. V oucher Approval. 97-145 . MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING PAYMENT OF CHECKS 6807-6840, TOTALING $31,854.59. CARRIED: 8/27/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\8- 27mn97 .doc Page 2 5. Preliminary August 1997 Payroll. 97-146 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF THE AUGUST 1997 PRELIMINARY PAYROLL. CARRIED. 6. Public Comment/Questions. Mayor Wolf announced that comment is limited to 5 individuals, speaking for 3 minutes each. She explained that this is not a debate period, . that it is a time to bring issues before the Council that you would like them to consider. It will not be a forum where .specific answers/commitments are provided. Harold Mertz (F oxhill Rd.) - expressed concern about the Y - 2 road location and felt that the project isn't justified as heavier traffic volumes come from the Lacey and Olympia direction. Mr. Mertz did not feel that the Y-2 corridor is justifiable. Ken Hansom (Clark Rd.) - indicated that he was the spokes person for a large group of neighbors opposed to the Y-2 study/project for a number of reasons. He fells the Y-3 or north route should be developed first. He also felt that there are too many unknowns that are confusing people, and that a traffic count should be conducted. Tim Shelby (105th) - believes that the project would relieve pressure from the main roads. but would result in a bottle neck a the traffic light (intersection) where the traffic rejoins SR507 /Y elm Ave. E. Murray? (Foxhill Rd.) - expressed concern that if the read is built, it will wipe out his mother's home. Patty Forrester - requested that council consider the impacts the project would have on people's lives. Mayor Wolf responded that what is underway is a feasibility study only, and when completed any decision or recommendation will come before City Council for final approval. She explained that the Y-2 corridor, along with other road projects, was identified.in the Yelm Transportation Plan (1993) as a means of maintaining service levels as part of our 20 year growth projections. Funding for the Y-2 study became available first, and construction dollars won't be available for many years. Meanwhile decisions must be made. Mayor Wolf thanked the speakers for coming and invited them to remain for the rest of the meeting. 7. Public Hearing - UCBO Krislen Apartment Project Completion. Mayor Wolf closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing at 7:30 pm. The time, date, place and reason for the hearing was announced. No objections to participants or conflicts ere stated. Mayor Wolf introduced Cindy Cecil who explained that the project was built with a c.ombination.ofHousing Trust Fund and Community Development Block . Grantfunding. She commended the City for their support, Robert Henderson fora donation of additional land needed for a retention pond, and City staff for their involvement in the project. She hopes to have the occupancy permit by next week. Apartments will rent for between $96 and $320 per month, depending on the individual's income level. The complex also includes an on site laundry and club 8/27/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\8-27mn97.doc Page 3 house which will be available for public meetings. Staff requested that the project be accepted as completed so the Department of Revenue paperwork process (approximately 30) days can be initiated, and release of the final $25,000 held in reserve by DCTED until project close out, will be available to the I UCB~ as quickly as possible. Being no additional comment or questions, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing and reopened the regular meeting at 7:53. pm. 97-147 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS ACCEPTING THE KRISLEN APARTMENTS PROJECT AS COMPLETED AND ALLOWING PAPERWORK TO PROCEED. CARRIED. 8. Public Hearing - Interim Ordinance 595 - Emergency Food Plain Ordinance. CANCELED AND RESCHEDULED TO SEPTEMBER 24, 1997" 9. Public Hearing - Amendments, to the Yelm Critical Areas Resource Lands and Flood Damage Prevention Ordinances. Mayor Wolf closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing at 7:55 pm. The time, date, place and reason for the hearing was announced. No objections to participants or conflicts were stated. Shelly Badger gave an overview of the 8/18/97 Staff Report to the Yelm Planning Comniission. She explained that the Dept. of Agriculture Rural Development is requiring revisions to these ordinances as part of the process for approving the loan/grant for the Water Reuse Project. The changes will restrict sewer hook-ups in Critical/Flood areas fro properties designated in the FEMA floodplain as of 7/30/97; in wetland areas and within Prime Agriculture Land and Important Farmland. Staff requested council approval of Resolutions 365 and 366 and ordinance preparations direction. Being no additional comment or questions, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing and reopened the regular meeting at 8:02 pm. 97-148 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS 364 AND 366 PROVIDING TAP-IN RESTRICTIONS AND DIRECTING STAFF TO PREPARE ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS TO REFLECT THE APPROVED CHANGES. CARRIED. " 10. New "Business: a. Engineering Contract Approval. Tom Skillings reviewed the contract with City Council. 97-149. a MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO SIGN THE WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY CONTRACT WITH SKILLINGS-CONNOLLY INC. FOR A MAXIMUM OF $1,247,841. CARRIED. b. Proposed Planned Residential Development & Preliminary Plat. The staff report 8/27/97 City Council Minutes ab\ms\cc.97\8-27mn97.doc Page 4 of 8/20/97 was reviewed. 97-149 b MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE MILL PARK PLACE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT WITH THE FIVE CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE STAFF REPORT TO BE MET BY THE DEVELOPER. CARRIED. c. Centennial Clean Water Fund Legislative Grant. 97-150 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO SIGN CENTENNIAL CLEAN WATER FUND LEGISLATIVE GRANT PAPERWORK FOR THE WATER REUSE PROJECT. CARRIED. d. (1) Budget Work Sessions - Councilmembers will review calendars and set budget work sessiori dates at the September 10 meeting. (2) Council Meeting Date Changes - date changes were requested due to the ,Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. 97-151 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING A CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE FROM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, TO TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1997. CARRIED. 97-152 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS CANCELING THE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1997 CITY COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. e. Sound System Policy - Policy adoption was requested to allow use of the sound equipment purchased by the Park Advisory board for city-wide events/special occasions. 97-153 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING THE SOUND SYSTEM POLICY. CARRIED. 11. Old Business: a. Public Safety Bldg. Roof Repair bid A ward Tim Peterson gave an overview of the staff report and requested Council action awarding the bid to Capital Construction, the lowest bidder, and approving an expenditure from Buildings/Grounds/Structure for the portion not paid by insurance. 97-154 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON AWARDING A CONTRACT TO REPAIR THE ROOF AT THE PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING TO CAPITAL ROOFING FOR $13,224, AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF COSTS EXCEEDING THE INSURANCE SETTLEMEN~ BE MADE FROM THE BUILDINGS/GROUNDS/STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE' LINE ITEM. CARRIED. 8/27/97 City Council Minutes ab \ms \cc. 97\8'; 27mn97 .doc Page 5 12. Reports: a. Council Liaison Reports: 1) City Hall - Councilmember Parsons reported that as both Shelly and Agnes had been out of the office and she had been out of the area there was no written report. 2) Court - Councilmember Lawton reported that everything is going fine and that Hanni Lilly with be off for 4-5 weeks following her surgery. 3) Public Works - Councilmember Miller gave an update of work proposed for the Five Comers intersection and current public works projects. Y - 2 Update - Councilmember Miller reported that staff continues to work towards answering questions and providing information to the public. 4) Police - Councilmember Parsons turned the reporting over to Brian Asmus who reported on activity listed on the Police Report of 8/27/97, reflecting 445 polices cases generated. Other information concerned a recent traffic stop resulting in seizure of a large amount of me thampeta mines,' an upcoming Washington State Patrol Access audit, and staff training completed/scheduled. Also reported was Skateboard .Park donations received or pledged, and an expected completion of the park in December. 5) Park Use Requests - Councilmember Curry reported on the rescheduling of the September Park Board Meeting. b. Mayor's Report - MeetingslEvents attended included: Yelm Senior Center with Councilmember Curry; Thurston Regional Planning Council; Nisqually River Council, attended by Dana Spivey; Chamber of Commerce meeting; Heartwalk Kickoff, attended with Councilmember Parsons; TRPC Budget meeting; scholarship meeting; and a meeting with the CAO. c. Council Report - Councilmember Curry reported on attending the Yelm Senior Center Board meeting. d. Water Reuse - Councilmember Rivas reported on a request to extend the Shoreline Permit for two years. 13. Correspondence was reviewed. 14. Adjourn: 8:55 pm. ~ml ?[1,W4 Kat ryn M. olf, ayor Authenticated Agn s P. Bennick, City Clerk-Treasurer 8/27/97 City Council Minutes ab \ms\cc. 97\8- 27mn97. doc Page 6