02/14/1996 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY ~4" 1996 Agenda Item/ Motion # 1. ' Mayor Pro-Tern Parsons called the meeting t'o ,order at 7: 30. pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Don Miller, Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, and Bob Gallagher. Guests: John Ridgway, ACCESS; Dean Hooper, Yelm Friends of the Library; Debra Delzell; ,Skillings Connolly; and Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News. Staff: Shelly Badger, Glenn Dunnam, Ken Garmann and Agnes Bennick. 2. ,Agenda 96-021 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY BOB GALLAGHER APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. 3. Minutes - 1/24/96 96-022 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE JANUARY 24, 1996 MINUTES AS PRINTED~ CARRIED. 4.' Vouchers.: #19283-19366", Totalling $310,997 .17 96-023 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 19283-19366 TOTALLING $310,997.17. CARRIED. 5. John Ridgway, Water ACCESS, explained that he is approaching jurisdictions to determine interest in pursuing public swimming facilities . Financing could' be available 'through grant, county, local and private sources. Councilmember Miller recounted that on' two different occasions' voters turned down levies for this purpose. He asked if Mr. Ridgway had addressed the school board. Mr. Ridgway indicated' that he intends to contact the school board. Mayor Pro~Tem Parsons added that the upkeep and maintenance costs of pools are generally a problem, even for large cities like Seattle. She suggested coverage in the Nisqually Valley News to generate interest. Shelly Badger expressed her enthusiasm about Mr. Ridgway's group trying to get people involved at the grass roots level. Community park/recreation need surveys have always identified a high level of interest 'in an area pool. ' , 6/7 . ' Mr. Ridgway thanked Council for their suggestions and time and indicated that strong community support would be needed to be successful. No public comment/questions. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96 2/14/96.MIN PAGE 1 8. New Business 94-024 . . a. Economic Development Council Contract... Shelly Badger explained that this a standard annual agreement. An additional $2,500 has been included to participate in a county-wide marketing project. She recommended approval of both and indicated that Region~l Planning Funds budgeted for ' 96 would cover the contract amount of $5,500. MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE 1996 EDC COUNCIL CONTRACT AT $5,500 FOR SERVICES INCLUDING THE COUNTY-WIDE MARKETING PROJECT. CARRIED. b. Resolution 342 - Declaring a State of Emergency when dealing with the flood. . As it wa~ necessary to approve this resolution during the period of emergency no action was required. c. Water Reuse Project - Consultant Agreement for Design, Addendum #1. Shelly Badger explained that the addendum addressed additional DOE requirements. Three of the requirements need no additional funding. The fourth addendum item, preparing base maps for the plan, and profile sheets for piping t6.the reclaimed water system storage tank, requires additional funding of $41,836. The amount expended is recoverable and approval of Addendum #1 was recommended. 94-025 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING AN EXPENDITURE OF $41,836 FOR ADDENDUM #1 OF THE WATER REUSE PROJECT CONSULTANT AGREEMENT. CARRIED. 9. Old Business - None 10. Reports: a.. Library The Librarian's January Report ~nd Timberland Regional Library's ~ews Release were provided. b. Planning - Councilmember Lawton reported that the Planning Commission continues to work on the sign code. Shelly Badger added that a Public Hearing on Design Guidelines has been scheduled for March 4. Samples have been sent to the Olympia Master Builders and some developers for their input. c. Parks - Councilmember Curry request approval of a park expenditure of up to $750, from budgeted funds, for a marble topped table to be used to display Margie Jackson's bronze sculpture in the City Hall lobby. I . 94-026 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING EXPENDITURE OF. UP TO $750 .OF BUDGETED iPARK FUNDS FOR A TABLE TO DISPLAY MARGIE JACKSON'S SCULPTURE. . CARRIED. : 94-027 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY BOB APPROVING A PARK USE REQUEST FOR A WEDDING. GALLAGHER CARRIED. d. Police - Chief Dunnam reported on the recent flood situation. Fortunately, no' lives were lost locally and YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96 2/14/96.MIN PAGE 2 Yelm's' Disaster Plan worked well and will probably not need changes~ 'As the City had relatively little damage, the police and public works staff assisted Thurston County with their' response. City hall statfmember Shari Gemmill spent the day helping handle phone calls at the operation center. Cedar Creek prisoners were recruited to fill sandbags. Chief Dunnam felt it was a good team effort. It is unknown at this time how much or if FEMA will reimburse the City for costs related to the flood. Shelly Badger added that operations during the flooding situation ran very smoothly under Chief Dunnam's leadership and that' it was a very good test for Yelm. Mayor Pro-Tern Parsons requested letters be sent to all those involved with copies to staff members personnel files. Chief Dunnam volunteered to take care' of the correspondence. e. Public Works - Councilmember Miller reported that the City was lucky and had experienced only minimal damages. Work continues on replacing the 4th St. water main and a water line 'extension to prairie Lumber. Water samples taken following the flooding indicated no water quality problems. Councilmember Miller reported that the estimated cost to repair City water tanks is $50,000+. He suggested consideration of a rate increase to address these problems. An additional problem area is the public works yard. ,Lack of physical space and covered storage ar,eas to adequately protect equipment shorten the life of the equipment. A recent problem was experienced with equipment freezing during an extreme cold spell. A solution might be an exchange of property. Shelly Badger told Council that our grant application for water tank costs was not successful. The City will apply again in November. Other funding possibilities include low interest loans and/or bonds. ' Ken Garmann reported on underground utility work to be performed by puget Power in the spring. Work will be confined to the northwest area of the City. Other items reported on included grants being considered for sidewalk and bike path enhancements, water damage to 150 feet of roadway, and the cooperative attitude and efforts of the public works staff during the flood situation. f . Court - Counci lmember 'Lawton reported' that data entry work ,continues. Copies of the January court report were included in packets. g. Water Reuse - Shelly Badger reported that the $7 million request is not a line item and it looks like the YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96 2/14/96.MIN PAGE 3 two water reuse bills will die. It is possible, but unlikely that the bills would be amended from the floor. Although the proj~bt has been well ,received; it looks like no one wants to allocate the money from the supplemental budget. h. Financial - none i. Mayor - Mayor Pro-Tem Parsons reported on receiving a card from Mayor Wolf; attending Officer Esslinger's graduation, . 1/31 ; Capital Budget Cornmi ttee testimony; Mayor's Forum, 2/2; Kiwanis Citizen of the Year application; and Nisqualiy River Council Land Basin Land Trust Auction, contact Shelly. j. Council Councilmember Gallagher reported on Transportation Policy Board meetings - a vacancy to be filled, review of next year's Transportation Plan, and the region~lfunding process. . Councilmember Curry reported on attendingthe.Governor's Heart Month Proclamation meeting. Councilmember Miller reported on meetings attended, Discussion areas: CAPCOM, a possible move to the puget Power location; and IT, future planning. Chief Dunnam reported on a new program being planned for senior citizens. The program would provide a daily call at a preselected time to seniors choosing to subscribe. If there is no response to the call, an officer would be dispatched to the residence to evaluate the' situation. A bank. account has been opened at Prairie Security Bank for donations. 11. Correspondence was reviewed 12. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm. .~~ ' 2!J JJ:~ ' . , ) t' ,. . 0....-/,1 Kathryn M. Wolf, Ma or Clerk YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96 2/14/96.MIN . PAGE 4