04/10/1996 Minutes CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1996 Agenda Item! Motion # 1. Mayor Kathryn Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. 2. 96-056 3. 96-057 4. 96-058 Council present: Velma Curry, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton, Bob Gallagher, and Don Miller. Guests: Bernardean Broadous, Thu,rston County Prosecutor i Jim Powers, Deputy Prosecutor; Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News; Dean Hooper and Kristen Blalack, Yelm-Timberland Library. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken"~' Garmann, Brian Asmus, and Agnes Bennick. Agenda MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS AMENDED BY THE DELETION OF 7. C. CARRIED. Minutes - 3/27/96 MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY ALMS LAWTON APPROVING THE MARCH 27, 1996 MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Vouchers MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY VELMA;CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 19497-19617, TOTALLING $357,451.13. CARRIED. 5 . County-Wide Drug Task Force - (Tabled from 3/27/96) Thurston Co. Prosecutor Bernardean Broadous and Deputy Prosecutor Jim Powers explained their goal to gather and make available gang related information from all county juris!dictions. The program would reduce duplication of trainingiand information gathering. A" strong emphasis was placed on naving a unified approa9h, getting ahead of problems, and avoiding being put" in . . . \ a reactlve posltlon. : ! I In talking with cities that are experiencing gang problems, a common theme is wishing they had recognized [the problem and acted earlie"r, while the situation could still "be cont:rolled. Program models from around the country have been examined and the intent is to design Thurston' County's program to meet d . f' I nee s specl lC to our area., ! . Support is currently'being sought for the "concept. Analysis of financial resources will come later. ; Although, Ms. Broadous believes that federal and other'resources will be' available for this kind of program. Councilmember Parsons inquired into the response of other police department~ to the task-force concept. Ms. Broadous explained that she had met with several police chiefs earlier today and the response to the concept was positive, their concern was resources. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc,96\4-10-96.MIN PAGE 1 96-059 6. 7. 96-060 96-061 Mayor Wolf asked if endorsement of the concept was the only item for approval at this time? Ms. Bro:adous responded affirmatively and indicated that she was not asking, for a financial commitment at this point. ! Councilmember Gallagher questioned the co:q.cern of police chiefs about resources, if financial resources would be I needed later, and what we would see at the en~ of the process? Ms. Broadous replied that the concept was the; key factor nOWj that the financial need is unknown at this ~ime. She also expressed her belief that this task force ~s necessary and that this approach works! Deputy Prosec~tor Jim Powers responded that Yelm would have available and ~enefit from the knowledge and skill of officers with speci~lized training, knowledge, and experience' in dealingl with gangs. ,Additionally, local officers would have thej opportunity to ride with and benefit from the tra'ining re~eived by other officers in the unit. the intent is that i the unit would operate interjurisdictionally which would be*efit all member communities. : i Brian Asmus questioned the units relationship) to the Thurston Co. Gang Awareness group, specifically ifiit would be an expansion or replacement? Ms. Broadous responded that TCGA does a good job of sharing information but ;can' t go beyond that functionj they are very good, but limi~ed in what they can do. The proposed unit qould ensure the consistent and ongoing entry of information into the systeml MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY MARTHA 'PARSONS ENDORSING THE CONCEPT OF A COUNTY-WIDE GANG ENFORCEMENTlTASK FORCE WITH A REVALUATION TO. BE DONE WHEN FINANCIAL I RESOURCES ARE REQUIRED. CARRIED. II' Public Comment/Questions Dean Hooper announced a $25,000 grant for thetnew library and new possibilities for additional funding. ITile sales have not gone as well, as expected. Councilmember~ mentioned some possible sale places. \ New Business: a. AWC Surplus Equipment Program - Agnes Bennick explained "the purpose and possible advantages of this dew program. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA ICURRY APPROVING PARTICIPATION IN AWC'S SURPLUS EQUIPMENT PROGRAM. CARRIED. Councilmember Miller arrived at 8:05 pm. b. Council meeting date change - Mayor WolD explained that she and Shelly Badger would be attending the I AWC Conference inJunean~ requested that the 6/12/96 meeting be moved to 6/5/96. . f MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING A , , COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE FROM 6/12/96 TO 615/96. CARRIED. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\dc~96\4-10-96.MIN PAGE 2 96-062 9,. 8. Old Business: a. Revisions to Sign Code - Mayor Wolf explained that at the last meeting' council approved the sign bodel with the exception of Pg. 10 I #2 I directional signs. It was agreed that a trial period be setl allowing the real estate industry the opportunity tOI of its own. duressl limit signs to daylight, hours on weekends and placement out of pedestrian traffic. The distributed ordinance and code revisichn page. reflect council's directive. ' . I " b. Ordinance No~ 576 Adopting the Sign Code I MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTpN APPROVING THE' ADDITION OF LANGUAGE UNDER SECTION 15.24.090, D., 2 AND ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 576 AND THE SIGN CODEl CARRIED. Reports: I. a. 'Library - Kristin Blalack reported on tfue VITA programl Story time , ,Internet sessions being offered next week and National Library Week. b. Park - Councilmember Curry announced a vacancy on the Park Advisory Board. Shelly Badg~r reported on handicapped accessible sidewalks planned for City Park rnd progress at Cochrane Park. Concern was expressed" that care be taken to preserve the 'remaining portion of the old irri~ation system at Cochrane Park. . I c. Planning - Mayor Wolf read Tom Cundy's letter resigning from the Yelm Planning Commission. Co~ncil discussed concerning if a replacement is needed ,and th~ current number of positions on the Commission. Staff will follow-up. d. Police Councilmember Parsons eXPlailned a proposal submitted by Chief Dunnam to trade in the DARE Van on a 1995 Chevy Lumina (Program Vehi~le) leaving a bal~nce due on the new purchase of $3 1500. Two other PD vehicles (/'91 Chevrolet Caprice and Dodge K car) would be sold ~ith the money generated from the sale, estimated at $3,5001, being used to offset the unbudgeted purchase. Council questioned Shelly Badger concerning the transaction. She responded that the purchase should be made out of the police v~hicle line item (General Fund), with replacement to the Genera~ Fund following the sale. The end result to the budget would be -0-. , e. Public Works - Councilmember Miller repor!ted on a Request for Qualifications for an engineer for the 1{-2 Study; leak detectionl 6 water leaks identified and grand standing. , j Mayor Wolf announced that the Police and Public Works Departments are coordinating efforts to have a!roadside litter patrol' for Earth Day (4/22) Staff will' be given the opportunity to participate. f. Court - Councilmember Lawton indicated 'no word on when computer input would be completed. Shelly Bbdger said that YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\4-10-96.MIN PAGE 3 V 3DVd NIW'96-01-v\96'~~\qB ~IJNnOJ A~IJ W~3A ~~alJ A4~J '~0~uua8 'd s~u6V J J?UJWl f? (j hlUbO :4sa44V p;w 'noM~F ~'~Uc 'wd Sv:8 4E paU~nO~pE 6u14aaW a~~ '11 'paMa~Aa~ SEM a0u8puodsa~~oJ '01 I . 'pa4~E4s aq Jaqw8wl~0un00 Mau e 6u~40818~ JO SS800.xd 8~4 4E1{4 pa4sanb8~ put:? sloo1{08 811~A~84EM 81{41 JO 4uapua4U~~adns, SE uO~4~sod E pa4da00E SE1{ 81{ 4eq4 pa0vnouuE ~8q6el1ED ~aqwaill110unoJ - 110unoJ '~ .. 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