04/24/1996 Minutes Agenda Item! Motion # 1 . 2. 96-063 3. 96-064 4. 96-066 5. 96-065 CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1996 Mayor Kathryn Wolf called the meeting to oDder at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Martha Parso~s, Amos Lawton, Bob Gallagher, and Don Miller. Guests: Orvi~le French, Gene Coulter, and Kristina Lord, Nisqualty Valle~ News. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Glenn Dunnam, ana Agnes Bennick. Agenda I MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED IBY AMOS LAWTON I APPROVING THE AGENDA AS AMENDED BY THE ADDITION OF IT PLANS UNDER REPORTS. CARRIED. .. I Minutes - 4/10/96 Worksession & 4/10/96 Regular Meeting I MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY ALMS LAWTION APPROVING THE WORKSESSION AND REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF IAPRIL 10,' 1996. CARRIED. Payroll - April 1996 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER, APPROVING THE APRIL 1996 PAYROLL. CARRIED. 6. Vouchers ,MOTION BY BOB GALLAGHER, SECONDED BY AMOS ~AWTON . I PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 19621 19635, TOTALLING CARRIED. I I APPROVING 5,048.62. Public Comment/Questions - none 7. New Business: a. Ordinance No. 578. Shelly Badger explrined that this would combine the two loans made to the Water Reuse Fund and pet repayment to begin in September, when JEundlng for the project .is anticipated. i . b~ Thurston/Mason Co. Chemical Dependency Program Survey - Agnes Bennick explained that the surveys has ~een received in the mail with a request that they be distribJted to council. 8. Old Business - none 9. Reports: a. Planning - none b. Council Liaison Reports 1) City Hall, Councilmember Parsons reported on participation in Earth Day activities; Spring ~leanup, planned for 4/27; computer program updates; publisliing of council position vacancy and invitation to bid on staff car; and Secretary's Week Luncheon. 2) Court; no'report. Statistics for March were provided. 3) Public Works.- Ken Garmann reported that 21 inquiries had been received from consultants in' res\ponse to the advertisement published for the Y-2 Project, ~nd that the new YELM CITY COUNCIL .ab\cc.96\4-2~-96.MIN PAGE 1 water truck had been delivered. I ' Councilmember Miller reported that 6 leaks had been detected to help correct the imbalance between water sales and water volume pumped; recommended that the \ water tanks be inspected; and indicated that Yelm is hurt by low water rates when applying for grants. Mayor Wolf requested that Councilmember Miller, Shelly Badger and Ken Garmann come up with recommendations. 4) Police - Councilmember Parsons reported that the PD had' traded the DARE van for a '95 Chevrolet Lumina with 23,000 miles and that less is owed on the vehicle thkn expected; the award of a $ 5 0 0 grant from AWC; and impact I of higher fuel costs on the police department and public works department. 5) Water Reuse - Shelly Badger reported ttlat the City was working with the lobbyists to develop a resolhtion supporting water reuse and alternative technology projJcts funding for small cities. If the resolution is approved alt the AWC Annual Conference, it will be presented 'to the Legislature for support. c. Mayor Wolf r~ported on Lacey's Arbor Day gift, a dogwood treei Chamber Beautification Committee meeting, and plans for Yelm Ave; Meetings with the CAO; Careers !presentation to grandson's' class; AWC Resolution Committee, and effort to involve small cities statewide in support of state funding to explore and advance ,water reuse; AWC Conventi6n, Yelm will do a reuse round table presentation or wo~kshoPjon water reuse; Secretary's Day Luncheon; and Council workse~sion. d. Councilmember Miller reported on proposed changes to IT's routes in this area due to lack of ridershi~, and a public meeting to discuss the proposal, scheduled for Tuesday, 4/30, at City Hall. He encouraged attendance. \ Councilmember Miller also reported on a propo~al for Thurston County to purchase the Puget Power building ahd rent space to CAPCOM, Emergency Service and Medic I. This proposal is affordable and has many positive aspects indluding existing, 'communication tower and necessary wiring, abi]ity to house all three agencies under one roof and room for e*pansion. e. Parks - 3 Park Use Requests ] 96-066 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE HINES/MG CAR CLUB, RAMIRO/BRAUD AND MCCAMMANGT PARK USE REQUESTS. CARRIED. 10. Correspondence was reviewed. 11. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm. ~ In.~~ Ka hryn M. Wolf; Ma or Attest: vr; ~IL Bennick, City Clerk YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\4-24-96.MIN PAGE 2