04/24/199 SS Minutes
r City of Yelm
Council Worksession Minutes
Wednesday, April 24, 1996
6:30 P.M.
City Building Evaluation Process, Meeting II
Mayor Wolf, Councilmembers: Amos Lawton, Martha Parsons,
Bob Gallagher Don Miller and Velma Cur:rry. Staff:
Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Tim petersoh, and Agnes
Bennick I
Mayor Wolf explained that she had requested that. staff begin
working on a process to inventory and evaluate existing City
property and determine estimated maintenance/repai~/replacement
times and costs. This will allow a logical planni~g process to
meet future .needs.
Council reviewed a the Facilities Inventory prepared by the public
works department. Items evaluated and ranKed by need included:
~6undation, interior/exterior paint, roof,floor,car~et, plumbing,
HVAC systems, electrical wiring and landscaping.
Buildings evaluated/discussed included city hall, 1st priority
HVACi library, 1st priority interiorpainting/carpet~ng/HVACi the
police building, 1st priority roof/HVACjelectrical,! it was felt
that this building could continue to serve with some renovations;
and the public works yard, possible repairs/altevnatives were
discussed, . with more information to be gathered concerning
expansion of one o~ the buildings located at the se&er treatment
plan t . ., I
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 22, at 6:30 pm.
Closed 7:25 pm.
~ 2DX:~
Ka hryn M. Wolt,. M or
Council Worksession 4/24/96