06/26/1996 Minutes Agenda Item/ > Motion # 2. 96-102 3 . '96-103 4. 96-104 5 . 96-105 (' CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1996 1. Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Velma Curry, Amos Lawton, Don Miller, and Adam Rivas. Guests: Lynn Kolilis and Paul Quails, Yelffi Lion's Club; Amber Zahn ~nd Martha Millington, Yelm prairie Day's Princesses; Diane Lachel, Viacom; 'and Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News. a. > Lynn Kolilis introduced Prairie Day's Princesses Amber 'Zahn and Martha Millington. The princesses presented the mayor and councilmembers with 1996 Prairie Day Buttons. Mayor Wolf presented Amber and Martha with Pride of the Prairie Pins. ' Paul Quails addressed Council and thanked them for their support in providing assistance in fixing problems with the Scout Cabin. He was wished well by all in recovering from his recent illness. Agenda MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes - 6/12/96 and 6/19/96 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING MINUTES OF JUNE 12, 1996 REGULAR MEETING AND JUNE 19, 1996 WORK SESSION AS PRINTED. CARRIED. June 1996, Payroll MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER' APPROVING PAYMENT OF THE JUNE 1996 PAYROLL. . CARRIED. a. Vouchers MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS #19858-19862~ TOTALLING $1,719.19. CARRIED. 6. Concurrency Management & Transportation Facility Charge - Mayor Wolf explained that she was requesting the staff report and questions prior to opening the public hearing ~ Sandy Mackie, 580's tie to Comprehensive Owens Davies Mackie, explained Ordinance the Growth Management Act and Yelm's Plan which mandate the City's YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc,96\6-26-96.MIN PAGE 1 .J respohsibility to estimate future population, facilities needed, levels of service, and. to identify funding sources to maintain levels of service. Under Growth Management, the City also has the authority to assess fees for the costs new development imposes on the community. Secondly, the ordinance identifies how to satisfy concurrency. Concerning transportation, the ordinance establishes a new transportation facilities charge, similar to the park fee-in-lieu, to be assessed to provide for system improvements based on the projects benefit and impact to facilities. Appendix A of the ordinance identifies 13 transportat.ion projects with all city subareas represented. The ordinance provides a process to avoid h?vingindividuals paying more than once, through both taxes and fees, and provides for a way to allow credits to be given for .impact reductions or for projects which create a significant economic benefit to the community (Pg. 6,3,d). It also allows for certain projects to pay fees 50% at issuance of building permits with the balance to be paid within 4 month. Additional provisions are 'guidelines for staff (findings in. italics) to use in. determining the standards that must be met when evaluating new projects. Mayor Wolf opened the public hearing at 8: 00 pm. and announced the date, place, and purpose of the hearing. The floor was open to receive comments. Being no comments Mayor. Wolf read a letter from M. D. Edwards requesting consideration of a statement in the ordinance indicating that the City intends to stay below surrounding jurisdictions when setting and adjusting the public portion of the fees. His letter also asked that current projects already set in motion under economic models not including such fees, not be dis~upted or destroyed. Councilmember Rivas pointed out that items mentioned in the letter were addressed in the ordinance. 96-106 Being no additional comment, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 8:08 pm. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, .SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY ADOPTING ORDINANCE 580 WITH VERBIAGE INCLUDED INDICATING INTENT TO MAINTAIN FEES AT A LEVEL BELOW THOSE OF SURROUNDING JURISDICTIONS, AND THAT YMC 15.40.020 BE AMENDED, AND THAT PEAK HOUR TRIPS ON PAGE 6, 3 , D BE REDUCED TO 500. CARRIED 7&8 9. Public Hearings 0ad been postponed to 6/24/96 Public Comment - None YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\6-26-96.MIN. PAGE 2 I. 10. New Business: a. Diane Lachel, Viacom, was thanked and presented with. a Certificate of Appreciation for the excellent job Viacom did on the City's Water Reuse Video. In response to questions concerning blocking recent basketball games, Ms. Lachel explained that games fall into four categories: regular games - home and away, and . playoffs - home and away. Regular away games can always be shown. However, viewing of other games is determined by agreements. Ms. Lachel then explained that Viacom is considered one contiguous system (including Yelm) and that when part of the 35 mile radius is blocked out, the whole system is blocked out. The NBA and Sonic's agreement .allows making games available thru Pay Per View as an additional revenue source. The Sonics could have offered a waiver of the Pay Per View fees, but chose not to. Copies of Viacom's publication Cable in Classroom were di~tributed. This publication is provided free to local schools (2 copies per school) and lists programming suitable for educational purposes. The Water Reuse video prepared by Viacom was viewed. 96-107 b. Howard Godat (Krislen Apts.) Contract Shelly Badger explained that this is a contract for the UCBO project but requires Council approval as the City is lead agency. Contract charges would be paid by a Comm~nity Development Block Grant. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING 'SIGNING THE KRISLEN APARTMENT (GODATl CONTRACT. CARRIED. 96-108 Old Business: a. Ordinance 579 - Sr. Accounting Clerk and City Clerk- . Treasurer. Tabled from 6/12/96. Mayor Wolf explained the change to emergency ordinance status due to timing. MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED .BY DON MILLER, APPROVING ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 579. CARRIED. 11. b. Five Corners Improvements - Shelly Badger explained the need to initiate mitigation and indicated that building permits could not be issued until this was accomplished. The maximum projection used in the presentation for consideration for a 20 year loan was $300,000. ,The actual anticipated cost is $265-$275,000. DOT has verbally committed $25,000 and a $6,000 match from Thurston Co. has been offered, although the City is also hoping for right of way from the county. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\6-26-96.MIN PAGE 3 Ms. Badger requested Council authorization to permit the CAO and City Clerk to evaluate loan submissions from 3 local banks, and to determine the most cost effective proposal. Approval was also requested to initiate loan paperwork with the selected bank, and to authorize,S. Chamberlain and Associates to begin project, design work on 7/1/96. The three loan proposals received have various combinations of interest/fees. None charge an early payoff penalty. Repayment would be through general tax revenues, 5-Corners Mitigation fees on approved projects ($100,150), Arterial Street Fund revenues ($48,000) plus an additional $14,000 per year 'from motor vehicle tax revenues. A grant is also pending and if awarded, would further reduce the debt. 96-109 Due to the condition of the intersection and development planned, Ms. Badger recommended that the City take the lead on this project and that Council authorize staff to prepare necessary paperwork for the loan, and authorize Mayor Wolf and staff to sign necessary project loan documents to allow design to begin 7/1/96., If council prefers, a decision could wait until the next meeting. MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF THE NECESSARY LOAN PAPERWORK AND FOR MAyOR WOLF AND OTHERS (AS REQUIRED) TO SIGN LOAN DOCUMENTS WITH THE SELECTED BANK AND FOR S. CHAMBERLAIN TO BEGIN DESIGN WORK ON 7/1/96. CARRIED. COUNCILMEMBER RIVAS OPPOSED. ,96-110 c. Tree Removal Request - Ernestine Gray - Mayor Wolf read a letter from Mrs. Gray requesting removal of two trees on Yelm Avenue. Discussion followed acknowledging' a sight line problem created by one of the trees and the possibility of calling upon DOT, puget Power or property owners to carry responsibility for some of the costs. MOTION' BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON THAT ONE , TREE IN FRONT OF THE GRAY HOME BE REMOVED AND THAT STAFF INVESTIGATE AND DETERMINE RESPONSIBILITY FOR' REMOVAL OF TREES. CARRIED. d. Resolution 346 - approving an Interlocal Agreement with the school district 'for fuel purchases and authorizing' payment of cost plus 2 cents per gallon. Discussion, followed concerning purchasing 'a computer to monitor pumps and possible ways' to share the expense. A meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow to discuss the details ~ Councilmembers stressed the importance of having the agreement begin by 7/1/96. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\6-26-96.MIN PAGE 4 " 96-111 MOTION BY AMOS LAWTON,SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING RESOLUTION 346 WITH THE FINAL PER GALLON COST TO BE NEGOTIATED AT THE 6/27/96 MEETING. CARRIED. 12. Reports; a. Planning - Councilmember Lawton indicated that .the. Commission had been reviewing the Concurrency Ordinance. b. Liaison Reports 1) City Hall - Councilmember Parsons reported on Daisy Lawton;s Retirement, the .newsletter, and position changes. 2) Court Councilmember Lawton indicated that the court is doing a good job. The part-time computer input person left and Cami is completing the job. The May '96 Court Report showed 145 tickets proc~ssed: 68 criminal citations and 77 infractions. 3) Public Works - Councilmember Miller reported on a meeting with Sally Totteff, Thurston Co. Health Dept; selection of S. Chamberlain & Associates to perform the Y-2 corridor study; water and sewer line extensions; and on installation of ADA sidewalks at the park. 4) Police - Councilmember Parsons reported that CAPCOM costs for '96 will increase to $12,760, and that $3,000 had 'been committed by United Way to complete funding needed to implement the "Are You OK"? system. 5) Water Reuse - Shelly Badger and Kathy Wolf reported that they had met with the lobbyists and discussed a plan to send letters thanking the legislators who worked with Yelm during the last session. The lobbyists will also be . working with AWC to organize water reuse efforts. Shelly Badger announced that the City did not received the DOE Centennial Grant or State Revolving Fund Loan and pointed out that no 'funding had gone to reuse projects. Most funding went to clean up public health problems. c. Financial - Councilmember Curry indicated that she had met with Agnes for two hours for an overview of the City's financial situation. Future reports will be given at the second meeting of the month. 96-112 d. Parks Use Requests MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING USE OF THE PARK ON 8/18/96 BY THE OLYMPIA BEAR BACKERS FOR A BARBECUE. CARRIED. 'YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\6-26-96.MIN PAGE 5 e. Mayor Meetings/Events Attended included: AWC Conv~ntion, Yelm's presentation, and passage of Yelm's Water Reuse Resolution by a vote. of. the membership on Friday; Y-2 preserttation; Traffic Mitigation Work Session; Nisqual.ly River Council, discussion concerning effluent going into the river instead of the canal, and comments that worse pollution ii goi6g into the river from other sources; EDC; Amtech, concerning pollution reduction plan. Correspondence: prairie Day's Parade, and Tumwater ,. thank you for letter of support. f. Council: Councilmember Lawton reported on attend a youth meeting at St. Martins, Councilmember Miller on attending the Law and Justice Committee meeting. 13. Richard Reader Certificate - Mayor Wolf recognized his heroic actions. Although he was unable to attend, the certificate will be mailed to him. 14. Correspondence was reviewed. 15. Adjourn: 10:00 pm. ~. . . . JIn.~ Kat ~WOlf, Ma~ Attest: Clerk YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\6-26-96.MIN PAGE 6