07/10/1996 Minutes Agenda Item/ Motion # 1. 2. 96-112 3 . 96-113 4. 96-114 96-115 ') CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1996 Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton, Don Miller, and Adam Rivas. Absent: Velma Curry. Mayor Wolf explained the Councilmember Curry was recovering from surgery. Guests: Jim Weidinger and Tim Brunner, Thurston Co. Fire District #2; Frances Andrews, John Thompson, Margaret Clapp, Joe Williams and Bob Wolf, Design Guidelines Steering Committee; and Kristina Lord, Nisqually Valley News. Staff: Cathie Carlson, Ken Garmann, Glenn Dunnam and Agnes Bennick. Agenda MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes - 6/26/96 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING REGULAR MEETING AND WORK SESSION MINUTES OF JUNE 26, 1996 AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Vouchers #19864-19957 MOTION BY DON MILLER SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS'19864-19957, TOTALLING $264,313.31. CARRIED. a. Payroll MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING PAYROLL EXPENDITURE FOR TEMPORARY PART-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF EMPLOYEES. CARRIED. 5. Public Hearing - Proposed Design Guidelines. Mayor Wolf announced that copies of the Design Guidelines had been provided to Council at the last meeting and asked if Council had any questions. Cathie Carlson was asked to clarify the area that had resul ted in two Planning Commission no votes. Cathie explained that the area questioned concerned Zoning Code and Design Guidelines terminology differences that some members questioned as being confusing. The differences have more to do with aesthetics and placement on lots than with zoning identification and are actually an advantage to staff members. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\7-10-96.MIN PAGE 1 Cathie also explained the change, from planter boxes to a 12 ft. sidewalk with trees every 30 ft., to create a, more pedestrian friendly business area. Current sidewalks are 8 -10 ft. wide. The 12 ft. requirement would only be required upon redevelopment. Mayor Wolf opened the Design Guideline' Public Hearing at 7: 37 pm. and asked for questions/comments. No qbjections to participants was voiced. John Thompsen identified himself and addressed Council. He commented on the high level of public participation and cooperation that went into preparation of the Design Guidelines. During the process the document had been reviewed at various stages by the steering committee, public, Yelm Planning Commission and Council. He then read a list of steering committee members and stated that he believed this to be a document all can live with. Being no additional comments or questions, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 7:59 pm. 96-116 a. Ordinance 581 MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 581, DESIGN GUIDELINES, AS A NEW SECTION OF THE YELM MUNICIPAL CODE. CARRIED. 6. Public Questions/Comments. Jim Weidinger, Citizens for Fire District #2 read the options he had submitted to the City for consideration for the OAPCA grant. Chief Dunnam offered to work on the project with the Fire District. Mayor Wolf requested that public works be consulted where appropriate. Jim Brunner, Fire Commissioner, District #2, questioned placement of city limit signs, and if they are accurately posted. Chief Dunnam replied that they are accurately posted on 3 sides of the city, at the SR507 entrances from Rainier I and from McKenna, and at 93rd. Mr. Brunner questioned Berry Valley Road and was advised that all of Berry Valley Road is inside the City. 7. New Business: a. Olympic,Air Pollution Control Authority - Possible $501 Grant for an air quality oriented project. (See 6) YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\7-10-96.MIN PAGE 2 8. Old Business: a. 5-Corners Mitigation Loan - Mayor Wolf explained that following authorization at the last meeting, staff had gathered loan information and paperwork has been started. Each bank was requested to submit an amortization schedule, the most favorable was a 5.650% loan submitted by Key Bank. Prairie Security Bank submitted 5.770% and 1st Community Bank declined. 9. Reports: a. Library Kristen Blalack reported on a large increase in the Summer Reading Program enrollment b. Police Department - Chief Dunnam spoke of the '95 polic'e Report, concern that the juvenile detention center will be outdated before it's completed, and the need for legislative changes concerning detention/incarceration. c. Public Works - Ken Garmann spoke of contacting DOT regarding removal of trees on state highways and agreement to participate in the costs, STP and ISTEA funding criteria changes to give all jurisdictions equal opportunities, and Thurston Co. has been approached and seems receptive to sharing costs for a traffic ~ignal at 5-Corners. d.Parks - Chief Dunnam received a $500 check for the skateboard park and Ken Garmann reported on'painting and work going on in Yelm City Park. e. Mayor - Mayor Wolf read a letters. received from Ferns, Ireland expressing interest in becoming sister cities, more information is needed; and a request from Timberland for information for a partnership grant, Friends of the Library will provide the information. Agnes to follow up. Councilmember Parsons was asked to attend a Heartwalk Meeting on 7/18, the walk will take place Sept 28. EDC will have a dinner/dance cruise on Labor Day and a box lunch cruise the next day. A citizen complaint was forwarded to the Police Chief for follow-up and all were reminded of the "Prairie Days" Parade on July 25. Tim Brunner, Commissioner, TCFD #2, indicated that 40% of fire calls and 50% of Medic I calls are from within city limits. He announced that a levy lid request would go before the voters in September. If successful the levy rate would increase from $1.05 to "$1.50 (per thousand dollars of assessed :valuation). The district understands that the City cannot match that rate and requested that the city consider' long-term equipment YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\7-10-96.MIN PAGE 3 financing as part of the City's annual payment. Councilmembers were invited to attend upcoming meetings/workshops concerning the fire district's plans. Several Councilmembers expressed interest in attending, if their schedules permit. Councilmember Miller asked if the district had entered into a fuel agreement with the school. Mr. Brunner responded that they had not. They will be checking with the police department to find out how that situation is working. Chief Dunnam replied that it is working great. Discussion followed concerning costs of a computer system, possible options for financial responsibility, managing large numbers of users. Additional information concerning the computer system should be available within the next 30 days. 14. Correspondence was reviewed. 15. Adjourn: 8:50 pm ~4y:;1) Jrj fi^ rdk Ka hryn M. Wolf, May r Clerk Ag YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\7-10-96.MIN PAGE 4