08/14/1996 Minutes Agenda Item/ Motion # 1. 2. 96-126 3. 96-127 4. 96-128 5. CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1996 Mayor Wolf called the ~eeting to order at 7:30 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Council present: Don Miller, Martha Parsons, Amos Lawton, Velma Curry, and Adam Rivas. Guests: LeRoy "Ben" Bendien, Yelm Library Boardj Dick Rehn and Norm LeMay, LeMay, Incj and Kristina Lord and Dan Fisher, Nisqually Valley News. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Brian Asmus, and Agnes Bennick. , Agenda MOTION BY DON MILLER SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF PROPERTY INSURANCE COVERAGE AS ITEM i. UNDER REPORTS4 CARRIED. Minutes - 7/24/96 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 24, 1996~AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Vouchers #29979-30074 MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 29979 - 30074, TOTALLING $137,521.68 CARRIED. Public Hearing: 6 Year Transportation Plan. Mayor Wolf announced the date, time and purpose and opened the public hearing at 7: 34 pm. No obj ections to participants was raised and no prior knowledge was reported. The staff report was given by Ken Garmann, who reported that this is a annual requirement. Projects not included in the plan are not eligible for some types of funding.' Projects 1 & 2 have been on the plan for several years, and were rated in 4th and 5th place in last years application for funding. #3 is in the design process, but has not yet been completed. Being ,no questions or comments, Mayor Wolf closed the public, hearing at 7:44 pm. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\8-14-96.MIN PAGE 1 96-129 6. 96-130 7 . 8 . 96-131 a. Resolution 346 MOTION BY MARTHA PARSONS, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING RESOLUTION 347, THE 1997-2002 SIX YEAR STREET PLAN. CARRIED. Annexation of Canal Road Park Property. Shelly Badger explained that the City was annexing 13+ acres for municipal purposes. The property is owned by the City and its intended municipal purpose use exempts it from usual annexation procedures. Staff requested approval of forwarding the draft ordinance and annexation request to' the Thurston Boundary Review Board. MOTION BY ADAM RIVAS, SECONDED BY AMOS LAWTON APPROVING FORWARDING THE DRAFT ORDINANCE AND ANNEXATION REQUEST TO THE THURSTON CO. BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED. Public Comment/Questions. Kristina Lord was congratulated on her new position as editor of the Prosser record-Bulletin and Grandview Herald. Kristina introduced Dan Fisher who will be covering local government news. Norm LeMay was introduced by Mayor Wolf. Norm introduced Dick Rehn who will be attending council meetings and working with the City. New Business: a . Tree Removal Twin Co. Credi t Union requested removal of two trees in City right-of-way. Councilmember Rivas asked if removal of the trees was project related? Ken Garmann replied yes, and added that replacement trees are included in the landscape plans for the project. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING, REMOVAL OF TWO TREES IN CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY AS REQUESTED BY TWIN COUNTIES CREDIT UNION. CARRIED. b. Ken Garmann, Public Works Director, requested approval of extending a seasonal part-time position to a permanent full-time Public Works Assistant I position. Funding for the position in 1996 would come from expenditure reductions in the '96 Parks, Streets, and Water budgets, and from litigation funds received from the State of Washington. Extending this position would allow the Public Works Supervisor to spend more time responding to supervisory and administrative needs. Council discussed reviewing this permanent position increase request when presented for consideration as part of the '97 budget planning process. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\8-14-96.MIN PAGE 2 96-132 96-133 9 . 96-134 10. MOTION. BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY MARTHA PARSONS APPROVING EXTENDING THE SEASONAL PART-TIME POSITION TO A FULL TIME POSITION THROUGH THE END OF 1996. CARRIED. OPPOSED: COUNCILMEMBER LAWTON; ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER CURRY 0 c. Budget Calendar - Agnes Bennick requested that Council consider dates to be set for Budget Work Sessions and changes for 11/27 and 12/25 regular meetings. ~OTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS THAT BUDGET WORK SESSIONS BE SCHEDULED FOR 4:00 PM ON 10/8,15,22/96 AND 11/5/96, THAT THE 11/27/96 REGULAR MEETING BE CHANGED TO 11/26/96, AND THE 12/25/96 REGULAR MEETING BE CANCELLED. CARRIED. Old Business: a. Ordinance No. 582 - Staff request to receive a stipend in lieu of Medical Insurance. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING ORDINANCE 582. CARRIED. b. Scheduling of Facilities Works Session. This work session is a continuation of work on an ongoing project. Councilmembers .agreed to meet on 8/28/96, at 6 pm, immediately prior to the regular 7:30 council meeting. c. Norm LeMay explained his contract amendment proposal which will base recycling proceeds to the City upon a formula of weight of material, times the material value, times the number of residents; or $1,000 per year, whichever is greater. Council consensus supported the proposed contract amendment. Reports: a. 1) Library - Kristin Blalack was unable to attend and provided a written report indicating a 13.3% circulation increase in July. 855 children signed up for the summer reading program and 152 have finished reading 10 books. 2) Court. Councilmember Lawton indicated that things were going well. The Court Administrator's written report showed 172 tickets received in July; 66 criminal citations and 106 infractions. Other court activity reported include'd 214 cases handled through arraignments, trials/pretrials, hearings, and reviews. b. Police - Brian Asmus reported a small turnout for Yelm PD's 1st National Night Out observation, it may be YELM CITY COUNCIL . ab\cc.96\8-14-96.MIN PAGE 3 V 3DVd NIW'96-v1-8\96'00\q~ ~IJNDOJ ^~IJ W~3^ Op81np8~8S sT OUT488ill JJO ~oT~ v/6 v 08Z/6 uo ~TEM4~E8H aq~ JO aUO~~a.1\8 p8puTwa~ pUE pa118ouEO oUTaq apT~ uooIT'eq paTnpaT..{08 ~aT..{ U1 pa~TnS8~ plet:{ ~aT..{4E8M ~ood 4~q4 p84~od8~ SUOS~Ed ~aqwawTT8UnOJ - TT8UnOO 00 o Uln.:IO,g 8,~0~EW 9/6 a~4 4E aOETd a~E~ 111M u01ssnosTP 'p8pa8u OSTE s1 aAT4E4u8Sa~d8.::I: P~EOH ~4TT1q~sTa 0 Oou04s~nl{.L -e !Ul1a.x 4uasa.::I:da.::I: 111M SleA Ter ~aqUlailllTouno,J '0 (: L - 0 ( : 5 WO.::I:] '~~p8.::I:nl{.L p~( .aq4 UO s.6uT4aaw aa44 TWUlO,] ~.::I:OSTAP\i a'4SEM P1IoS 00,] uO'4s.:Inq.L .AIQ4uoUl PU84'4E 0'4 reToTJJo pa=lo8Ta U~ pa4S8nba.:I ! ~04noaso~d 0 0,] u04s~nt{.L UlO~J a4~pdn ssaua~EME 6UEO !aouasqE ~8l{ uT SUOT4ounJ oUTPua'4'4~ ~oJ SUOS~Ed .:IaqUl8Ul11ounoO pu~ '4nOU.:In'4 ap-e.:I-ed al{4 ~oJ JJle4S PUE1T8uno,] pa~u-el{4 !paUl.:IoJ 6u1aq 81 aa441UlUloO le 'UlTa.x dlaT..{ 04 op UBO ~aT..{4 4ET..{M 819M uOTssnos1P 'Ul1a.x U1 oU14aaW BTdUl~10 JO 4~Od ! ~-e1dS1=p uo aq 111M P~-eOH a8naer MM al{:+ I~-epuns 04 ~-ep.:In:+-es UlO~J a6u-eqo ~lep 8~a4leM JO 1EA14Sad uo p84~odaer :J10M .:IO~EW - ~O~EW oJ -aaI~~~~ -96/6Z/6 ~o~ s~a~~M ~o ~~AI~Sg~ S,~I~NnO~ ~gAI~ x~~~nOSIN aNY ~IN~Id 96/8/6 Is:n~;:) s INgW xa~r:r~A x~~~nOSIN gH~ xs: s~sanOg~ gsn }I~~d ~NIAO~dd~ ~gr:r~IW Noa xa agaNo~gs Ix~~n;:) VW~gA ^gNOI~OW SET-96 .s:+sanba.:r asn ~.::I:-ed OM4 .6u1ATa08~ uo pa:+~oda~ ~~~n,J ~aqUlaUlI18uno,J - S~~-ed oa O~.:IOM aa41TwUloO 4~l:?4S 04 4am SEl{ JJE:+S ;)MV. . a~n4;:)n.::I:4SE~Ju1 . asna~ apn1ou1 8aT4T.::I:oT.:td 8.1\14l:?1816a'1 ,JMV. 4Bl{4 pUle ~Ea~ 81t{4 S~1le:+ :+aopnq aA11E1sToa1 ~oJ pa1npaq6s uaaq SEq asna~ .:Ia1EM 4-eq~ pa4.::I:oda~ SEA 1er .::I:aqwawt10uno,J asnaer ~a1EM 0 p OPH ~allEi\. ~.::I:.::I:ag: UO su61s .6UTU.::I:80UOO S:+UT-eTdw08/S1uaUlwoo uaz141,J PUl:? !1~8~ 4SEl l1-eJ4~ot{S aq4 ~aAOO 01 pasn a.:raM spunJ V3.LSI '11-eJ1.:Ioqs ourpunJ _ p.:I-eog: ~8rl0d UOT4~4.:Iodsu~.:r.L S,,Jd~.L :papnl8ur SUl84T .:IaT..{40 08.:InoTJ S1~4 U papnl;:)uT 40U a~-e S4S00 ll:?sodsTG oS~UE4 t{40q ~oJ 000'9-5$ 04 sa141110EJ ao-e~04s ~a4~M JO U01408dsuT pu~ oU1uE818 ~oJ a4~Ul11sa aq4 pa:+Epdn UUEUl.::I:ED ua~ - S~.:IOM o11qnd .0 osuaZT4T8 ~oTuas .:IaTuTEer apnTouT 04 P8pu84xa uaaq SEq pUE .6u1uun~ pUE dn S1 'UlE.::I:OO.::I:d G Il)IO no.x a.::I:VII aq:+ !~.::I:Ed p.::I:Eoqa4E~S a~:+ JO III aSEl{d Sp.::I:EM04 aopo'1 aSOOW aq4 UlO.J:J UOT4BUOP 001$ le ! aldoad 8.:IOUl t{;)~8.::I: 04 ~lea.A 4xau S^~a a1.:I1le.::I:d l{41M P8u1qUlOO h. Financial - Councilmember Curry reported that she had reviewed July reports and that everything was as expected. Current Fund expenditures are at 54%, very good for this time of the year. i. Property Insurance Coverage - Shelly Badger reported that due to the claims received following the February floods, our insurance carrier is requiring that improvements such as roads , culverts, curbs, traffic lights, bridges, overpasses, tunnels, etc. be inventoried, and that an engineering survey be done to determine replacement cost, and an additional premium paid for coverage. Staff feels this coverage is not necessary, as this type of damage is usually due to a disaster covered by FEMA. 11. Correspondence was reviewed. 12 Adjourn: 9:20 pm (~~ In/)f~ Katnryn . Wolf, Mayo .At test: Clerk YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\8-14-96.MIN PAGE 5