09/25/1996 Minutes Agenda Item/ Motion #. 1. 2. 96-147 3. 96-148 4. 96-149 5. 96-150 6. CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1996 Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. All present joined in the flag salute. Members Present: Don Miller, Velma Curry, and Adam Rivas. Guests: Bob Wolf, Yelm Chamber of Commerce; Perry Shea, S. Chamberlain; Bernard Chaplin, Parametrix; Bill Trull, Yelm Tire; Dan Fisher, Nisqually Valley News; and Sara Moore, The Olympian. Staff: Shelly Badger, Ken Garmann, Cathie Carlson, Brian Asmus and Agnes Bennick. Agenda MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING THE AGENDA AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Minutes' MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING THE 9/11/96 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS PRINTED. CARRIED. Payroll MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY VELMA CURRY APPROVING PAYMENT OF THE SEPTEMBER PAYROLL. CARRIED. Vouchers MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS 20177 -20'183, TOTALLING $13,773.45. CARRIED. Public Hearinq - Yelm Development Fee Schedule. Mayor Wolf announced.the date, time and purpose and opened the public hearing at 7:33 pm. No objections to participants was raised and no prior knowledge was reported. The staff report was given by Cathie Carlson. She reported that the Planning Commission held 2 public hearing and a work session on this issue. In a motion on 8/19/96 the Planning Commission indicated that proposed fees were comparable to those of similar communities and would cover 30% of the Planning Department's budget. The Commission recommended Council consideration. Specific differences pointed out by Cathie Carlson and included the addition of Traffic Impact Study and Analysis fees ranging betwee'D' $500-$650. Fees would cover staff and administrative costs to process applications. Also changed was the 50% fee reduction for combined multiple applications submitted concurrently for Applications for Environmental Review and Annexations. Being no additional comments or questions, Mayor Wolf closed the public hearing at 7:42 pm. 96-151 7. 8. 96-152 96-153 96-154 MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS THAT COUNCIL APPROVE THE UPDATE TO THE YELM DEVELOPMENT FEE SCHEDULE AND ADOPT RESOLUTION 349. RESOLUTION 349 CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: 1) AMEND THE MULTIPLE APPLICATION CREDIT TO READ: "COMBINED MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS, EXCLUDING ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND ANNEXATIONS, SUBMITTED CONCURRENTLY ARE DISCOUNTED BY 50% FOR ALL FEES OTHER THAN THE HIGHEST INDIVIDUAL APPLICATION FEE. II 2) MODIFY TH E APPLICATION FEES TO REFLECT THE PROPOSED FEE SCHEDULE AS ILLUSTRATED ON THE ATTACHED LAND USE APPLICATION FEE ANALYSIS. CARRIED. Public Comments/Questions - None New Business: a. Girl Scout Cookie/Calendar Sale MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS APPROVING THE GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL'S REQUEST FOR CALENDAR AND COOKIE SALES IN YELM. CARRIED. b. Cabaret License, Mikey's Pub. A license had been issued in the past to the applicant with no problems. Sergeant Asmus expressed no objection. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY DON MILLER APPROVING A CABARET LICENSE TO BE ISSUED TO MIKEY'S PUB. CARRIED. c. Y-2 Contract with S. Chamberlain. Ken Garmann gave background on Yelm Transportation Plan recommendations and the '94 grant for the Y-2 study. Matching funds needed to proceed with the project were obtained last year anq S. Chamberlain and Associates was selected to do the study. Perry Shea, S. Chamberlain, explained that they had been working on the" proj ect for 5 years. The study will examine the proposed Y-2 corridor and identify the best al ternati ves as they exist today. Phase I of the project will develop goals and objectives for the proj ect. Phase II will be a detailed environmental assessment. The entire process is expected to take 12-14 months and will include 4 public meetings, press releases, newsletters and a committee with members from transportation agencies (IT, TRPC, etc.) and council involvement. It was recommended that the City serve as lead agency to allow the City to control the project and respond to local needs. The end intent is that the road be transferred to the state as a state highway. The City will have to compete for funding to proceed to construction. The design study will allow the City to be competitive for available funding. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS AUTHORIZING MAYOR WOLF TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH S. CHAMBERLAIN FOR THE Y-2 DESIGN STUDY. CARRIED. YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\9-25-96.MIN PAGE 2 d. Bob Wolf, Yelm Chamber of Commerce reported that Forester Kevin McFarland had inventoried and evaluated 85 City trees. 82 of the trees (Paul's Scarlet Hawthorn) are infected with Leaf Spot Fungus, aphids, early defoliation and have been inappropriately pruned. Five trees were classified as hazardous. Three European Hornbeam trees in the CBD are in good condition. Two management options wi th suggested programs were presented. Option 1 included a spraying and pruning program costing $16,072. Option 2 proposed removing and replacing trees with a similar but more resistant species of tree. Replacement cost estimated at $14,760. 96-155 The possibility and benefits of joining the Tree City USA program were discussed. Tree ordinance samples from other jurisdictions can be reviewed as a basis of developing our own. Council encouraged Mr. Wolf to follow-up with the Chamber to determine interest. MOTION BY DON MILLER, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS THAT THE CITY MOVE TOWARDS BECOMING A TREE CITY (TREE CITY USA PROGRAM). CARRIED. .f e. Urban and Community Forestry Month Proclamation. Mayor Wolf read a proclamation designating October as Community Forestry Month. She explained that a group will leave East Wenatchee on 10/3/96 with a seedling to plant near Capital Lake. The group will pass through Yelm on 10/9 when the proclamation would be presented to be carried to the capitol with the seedling. 9. New Business: a. Ordinance No. 584, amending 578 Water Reuse Interfund Loan. Shelly Badger explained that the loan was made to allow design work to continue on the reuse project. Lag time in the contract with the Department of Ecology makes it necessary to extend repayment to April of '97. MOTION BY VELMA CURRY, SECONDED BY ADAM RIVAS ADOPTING ORDINANCE 584 EXTENDING REPAYMENT OF AN INTERFUND LOAN TO WATER REUSE TO APRIL 1997. CARRIED. 96-156 10. Reports: a. Planning - Cathie Carlson explained that the City had written to FEMA expressing concern about the February flooding and seeking floodplain information. FEMA has committed funds to do a study of Yelm Creek which will provide 100 year flood mapping and elevations. b. Liaison Reports: 1) City Hall reported that the 1994/95 state audit is under way, the budget process is underway, and on activity surrounding the presidential visit. 2) Court - No report due to Councilmember Lawton's absence. 3) Public Works Councilmember Miller reported on water storage facilities inspections, water line YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\9-25-96.MIN PAGE 3 extensions, Five Corners project schedule set back to early spring, sewer outfall repair, and new wastewater trainee Vern Prell. . Councimember Miller suggested that a bill be forwarded to the Democratic Central Committee for costs incurred due to the presidential visit. Mayor Wolf suggested, and council agreed, that a letter of inquery be sent instead. 4) Police - Brian Asmus commended Tim Peterson and the Public Works staff for their response to needs created by the president's visit. He reported on Officer Rompa's graduation, Officer Stancil's preparations as new DARE officer, and the school district finger printing program. Thurston County has indicated that they will no longer have jail space available, except to incarcerate felons, for use by other jurisdictions. Meetings with other jurisdictions to negotiate jail service are underway. A new arrangement will create a problem with time needed to transport and book prisoners. 5) Water Reuse - Councilmember ~ivas reported that the AWC Task Force will hold their 1st meeting on October 4. Participating jurisdictions include Coupeville, Deer Park, Friday Harbor, Tumwater, Yelm, and others. c. Financial - Councilmember Curry reported that most funds were on target with expectations. d. Parks - Councilmember Curry reported that a budget work session had been held and figures turned in. e. Mayor Mayor Wolf reminded all HeartWalk participants to meet at City Hall at 7 am on Saturday. Teams from the School, Chamber, City and Rainier will be participating. Meetings/events attended included, Thurston Regional Planning Council, their third meeting this month; Transportation Policy Board; the Puyallup Fair, manning the Nisqually River Council Booth; Lunch with the CAO and Chief of Police; EDC special meeting on 9/18; and briefings on 9/18 and 9/19 re President Clint'on's visi t. Upcoming: 1 ) Festival of Waters at Yelm City Park on Sunday. 2) Thurston Community Network Retreat, 10/19/96. f. Council - Councilmember Miller reported on attending the Law and' Justice Committee meeting. Two IT Board positions are available and he will be attending the Washington Public Transit meeting next Tuesday and Wednesday. 11. Correspondence was reviewed. 12. Adjourn: 9:35 pm. i(~ /17. x:~ Kathryn M. Wolf, May'r 1 IJ 15 f;}//t tLl Bennick, City Clerk ,Agnes YELM CITY COUNCIL ab\cc.96\9-2S-96,MIN PAGE 4