11/12/1996 BWS Minutes .: CITY OF YELM CITY COUNCIL MINUTES BUDGET WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 121 1996 Mayor Wolf called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. Council Present: Martha Parsonsl Velma CurrYI ~on Millerl and Adam Rivas. Staff: Shelly Badgerl Ken Garmannl and Agnes Bennick Items discussed included: 1. Water - Ken Garmann explained his worksheet for the Water Dept. and the projected increase needed to p~rmit the maintenance and improvements (tank repairl line replacements 1 etc.) needed to the system. Council concurred that increases should apply to both residential and commercial customers. Mayor Wolf and Council agreed that it is also important to keep the income level of the area in mind'when looking at increases. Discounted water ratesl other than the program for low- income senior c~ tizens will not be given. Ken will prepare proposed rate increase figures and provide information ,on a?ditional wells at the next meeting. 2. Chip Seal Program - The amount to be spent on chip sealing roadways should be doubled for 1997 from $201000 to $401000. This will help catch up on work postponed during the sewer construction project. 3. Building Fund - $401000 was earmarked. Council discussed the. possibility of using a modular home.as a public works shop. Approval would be needed from Thurston Co. to use right-of-way between 'the public works yard and railroad bed. 4. A commitment of funds for a tree approximately $2.00 p/resident and $7/500 total of $12/200. program included start -up 1 for a 5. Money for the Five-Corners Projec~ 6. $26/000 for the Buildings/Grounds/Structures Maintenance line. Expenditures will include an upgrade to the alarm systeml heating/cooling servicesl flagsl garbage bagsl etc. 7. $1381000 Capital Reserve 10/29/96 Budget Work Session Minutes ab\wp51\1l-12bws I . I I 8. Salaries council discussed the commitment made at the beginning of '97 to use a third of unbudgeted revenues to provide salary increases. Staff increases included in the package presented were a 40 hours p/week position for a public works, a 20 h/p/w new position for a building inspector, 10 h/p/w increase for the court; and increasing a part -time administrative staff position to full-time One of the 1997 budget goals was to bring clerical/court salaries into line with state-wide averages. A step program was presented. Positions were identified and matched to a step range. For employees not receiving a step increase a $75 COLA increase was included. Council-discussed a 4 year review cycle for the Step Schedule. 9. Council discussed the $280 per employee medical cap and felt the amount was fair and as much as the City could afford to pay. lO. A revised vacation schedule was discussed. No changes were made to year 1-2 which remain at 10 days. Year 3-4 are also unchanged at 13 days. Years 5 - 9 'are changed to 15 days p/year; 10-14 to 18 days p/year and 15 or more years to 20 days p/year. 11. Elected officials' salaries. Following discussion the mayor's salary was increased by $100 p/month to $415, and councilmembers by $75 p/month, to $175. Increases in council salaries may not be received by councilmembers until they h~ve been elected to a new term. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm. ~ hJf'~. Ka hry M. Wolf, yor Clerk 10/29/96 Budget Work Session Minutes ab\wp51\11-12bws