1974 Minutes 48 " January 9, 1974 The regular meeting of the Town Council was called to order by Mayor Coates~ Councilmen present were Arnold nrogseth, Richard Sokolik, George Brown, Harvey Webb and Council-woman Eve,lyn Sickles. Also present were attorneys ShUltz and Stiltz, engineers Pat B.yrne and Ed stevens, Odie Kyler, Roberta Longmire,'Mar,y Meyers and DorrI1iller. , - On a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Webb, the minutes of the December meeting were approved as, written. The following vouchers were ordered paid on a motion b,y Webb, seconded by Drogseth: o Current Legislative committee Washington State,Magistrates Postmaster Badger Meter COe Pickett Drugs Assn Washington Cities Rentex Services Patrick Byrne & Assoc., Rebert Sherman Yelm Telephone ~ Thurston Regional Planning Rosano Electric Puget Power Lora B. Cca. ~es Pitney Bowes Nisqually Valley News Wolfls' Harvey Webb Arnold Drogseth Evelyn Sickles . Mosman Agency Lomi ta Tag Co. U.S. Leasing Corp& Book Publishing Co. Washington Natural Gas Thurston County Auditor Washington Physicians 1-1obil Oil CoO' Atl~tic Richfield Mufflers Limited Kisor Tire Co.- Industrial Friction State Motors Colonia'l Insurance Co. Olympia Air Rollution Thurston County Civil Defense Yelnr Telephone Goodyear Ti. re Co. Spoon Automotive Yelm Na t '1 Auto Parts $~~ 5.DO . 15.00 8.00 4.7-:5 8.04 75.84 8.,82 95.14 15.00 29.49 . 240.00 77.09 . 58.15 20.00 116.00 69~30 9.05 20.00 20.00 20.00 687.24 7.07 24.32 550.00 6).76 45.31 97.25 138.61 43.43 14.06 " 86 .07" 43.74 92 . 20 12.00 69.52 125.00 45.03 70.18 15 e.J 3 53.20 o Ga.rbage Thurston County Land Fill Dept. of Regenue Mobil Oil Co. Atlantic Richfield co. Postmaster ~osman Agency .u & H Service 120.00 31.61 31.31 62..55 4.00 577.00 28.52 o streets - . Mobil Oil Co.. Atlantic Richfield Ye1m Garage United. Industries Puget Power Mosman Agency 6.25 20..32 42.76 67 ..90 123.75 163.76 Under discussion was the guestion whether the city should purchase garbage containers to be used by commercial accounts&. Suggestion was made qy Engineer Pat Byrne. that these custiomers be contacted. and the' advantage of using con~' ~,I" .< I 'I C'- 49. tainers explained, and also to get their expression on the added cost. of container service~. ?Mayor Coates asked Councilman Brown ir he would look into the cost of both the one yard container as well as tpe two yard size and the possibility, of renting one of each size on a tr~a!l. basislt Garbage'service to :the newlYl"annexed areas was discussed.1 It was pointed out that many customers had committed themselves for six months or a year with Pierce County Refuse o. and had paid in advance", Spggestion was mad~ that perhaps a lowe.r monthly charge by the city wpuld bring us nearer in line with the compe,tition. No action was taken" Engineer Byrne was authorized to furnish the city with an aerial map for $125.00 plus charge:s for updating the city lTlap, on a motion by Brown,L':seconded by Drogseth and unanimously passed.. "\", ,,' v ..; . On a motion by Brow:n, seconded by \iebb and unanimously passed" the amount of $5.00 was apprqp'ria~ted to be used as needed to prepare'a bomprehensive plan . for:,..the 'Yelm:'!8:rea thrQ;\lgh the combined efforts of the /Thu~ston Planning canrnission, the Ye1m Planning commission and the offi.ces' 011 f bbth fhe city attorney and the city engineer. . . Mayor Coates brougnt the matter of .the Yelm Cemete~ before the council. A motion was made by Brown that the Hayor appoi17-t a. commi~tee to make a preliminary study on all aspects of the operations involved should the city take over the cemetary now held by the Odd Fellows Lodge I. Evelyn Sickles and Arnold Drogset~were appointed as a committee of two_I On a motion by Webb., seconded by Brown it was passed unanimously that the engineering service agreement presented by EngineerEV~n:el be accepted as presentede, This would retain Patrick Byrne and. As'soctates at a monthly fee of $80.00 and that he be paid for other ext~a services as stated'in the agree- ment. Councilman Brown again asked for discussion and further consideration of pur- chase of the Rosano~ lots, howeY~r there was no response mka.e({,~by any CO:tl..1Q;cil- man present or by the Mayor" where upon the meeting was adjourJ:?ed.. ) (:5~ o.~~ }J / L, (1/ ~/~~ '. . c~J~ Lora B. !Coates, Mayor . er February 15, 1974 Mayor Coates called the regular Council Meeting to order 7:30 P.M. Council- members 'present were: Sickles, Drogseth, Hebb, Brown and S6kolik. Also present were Attorneys Schultz & stiltz, Engineer Stevens" }frs. Lortgmire, Mrs. Kyler, Don Miller, Gene Coulter, and Frank Fisher. I After deletion of the last paragrapp, the Januar.y minutes were approved on~a motion by Sokolik and seconded by Drogseth. On a motion by Sokolik and seconded by Webb, the following February vouchers were' approved for payment': Current Arnold Drogseth Evelyn Sickles Harvey Webb O.J. Hartyr Pa~rick Byrne & Assoc. . Pickett Drug Nisqually Valley News U.S. Postmaster Pitney.Bowes Puget P<awer $ 20.00 20..DO 20.00 98.54 80.00 6..05 5.,58 8.00 72.10 57 .09 50"' Rosano Electric Mooney, Cullen & Holm, Attorney Robert Sherman Rentex Services Pitney Bowes Washington Natural Gas y elm ~Telephone Atlantic Richfield Yelm Garage Mobil Oil 'Coe- .Larry McKissick Washington Physicians state Motors v~olf stone -Namley-l-r cMannarna Colonial Ins e ,Co.> J.V & Deshaye,M.,D. Yelm Auto Parts Olympia Hedical Lab. $89 ~34 93.8.5 15.00 8.82 24.32 91.09 74.,60 105.98 4.20 359.76 35.00 12l~31 43.21 520.00 12.00 25.00 52.10 18.00 O....-.:~. " ~ I' ~} Water Thurston County Treasurer State of Washington Puge t Power Pioneer Business Forms Yelm Hardware Badger Meter Ince Nisqually News Yelm Garage Centralia College 27 .40 5.,00 68.62 13.85 33.29 945.,00 340)8 6.30 18.00 Garbage Yelm Garage D!tH Mobil Atlantic Richfield Postmaster Pioneer Business Forms Mobil Oil Co. 18.86 5.25 42..78 4.00 13.86 74.24 o streets Yelm Garage Mobil Oil CO:. Atlantic Richrield Puget Power Lakeside Industries 16 & 2 8. 18.80 10~98 123.75 40.95 Engineer Stevens suggested the Council members hold a study session to review the new water ordinance and make necessary changes before adoptiono The date was set for Feb.' 20th at 7 :30 P .11.> in the City Hall.. > Q Mrs. Longmire, Chairman <mf the New City Hall Building Committee reported that various means tJJ:f financing were being explored, but more study was needed before the best method cou19 be decided upon8 The Cemetery Committee gave their report with regard to the meeting with the" Cemetery Board at Kent.. The main point brought forth was ~he neglected state the cemetery is now in and the tremendous amount of man hours that ,would be required to make it presentable. The matter was tabled pending further inf orma ti on> and s t~dy e. It was brought before the Council that dissatisfaction was expressed by the Yelm Businessmen's Association with the new lic~nse schedu1~ for 1974. Some businessmen had stated they would refuse to pay the. higher fee.. 0.1 After some discussion the Mayor and Council members unanimously dec~ded the charges were fair and' that payment would be enf0rced as pro~ded. by law. In view of the phone ca~ls necessa~ in the transaction of city business 'by Attorney Schultz, it" was moved by Brown and seconded by Sickles that he be issued a Yelm Tel~phone credit card. On a motion by Brown, seconded by Webb and,passed unanimously, it. was moved that by Ordinance #l60"the City accept for annexation that parcel along Crystal Springs Road extending to Canal Road., . 51 Attorney Schultz was authorized to make a9plication to Th stan County fer a permit to install a water. main on. Crystal SpringsoRo~d. Oght of w~ as per attached engineers print, ,2F~ent for the perm1t 1n t eamount of $27.40 (ten dollars,plus"three cents per foot) was authorized.. :1 Councilman Brown moved that the City purchase the two lots City Hall from John Rosano. Sokolik seconded the motion, voyed "yea", Drogseth abstained from voting. Total cost 0 $10,000 to be paidcin four yearlypayments of $2,500 each, 7~. Spraying and trimming of the hawthorn tree'S3 was brought to the' at ten ti on of the council, nothing definite w~s decided. to the rear of the ickles and Webb the property is rate of interest There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :55 P.M. . ~"""/l . ./ ,/ L C~ O.-J../r1artyr; Clerk-Tr. , / I ,I ,/<' . !...........,~~ March 13, 1974 .:1. . I . The regular meeting ~f the Town Council was called to order by Mayor Lora B. Coates at 7 :.30 PM in the"Yelm 'City Hall. Others,present were Mrs. Roberta Longmire, Mrs., Odie Kyler, Jim Forrester, Attorneys Schultz & Stiltz, Engieers Byrne & Stevens, John S1dft, Don Miller and Mr. Larry Otos, Director of Thurkton County Parks & Recreation. . The February minutes were~approved on a motion by Brown and seconded by Drogseth. On a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Webb the following current March bills were approved for payment: I CURRENT: George Brown U.S~ Leasing Corp. Nisqua!ly Valley News Washington Natural Gas Rentex Services Harvey Webb Evelyn Sickles Lora B. Coates Thurston Fire Dist. #2 Arnold Drogseth Pickett Dn.u.g Theodore Schultz Yelm Telephone Timberland,Libra~ Puget Power Patrick. Byrne Q O.J. Martyr J.ohn Rosano Colonial Ins. Olympia Radi01igical Ass'n. . Washington Physicians Xelm Nat'l Auto Parts Thurston Humane Society Pickett Dr~gs 'State Moto-t-s Yelm Telephone,; '. Thurst. Mason Health District Mobil Oil 'Co. ' Atlantic RiChfield' $11.70 24.32 32.04 79.85 8.82 20.00 20.00 20.00 .1,337.93 30.00 3.09 450.00 33.76 663.25 51.30 618.88 2.86 2,500.00' 12.00 66.00 109.28 13.56 . 126.40 3.14. "'" 38.04 88.1~i 569.0q 186 .3q 44.57' GARBAGE: " Tacoma Ra~!:tier ~uto Freight 30.14 '52' D&-H Mobil Service Yelm "Garage .. . M:obil.Oil C6~ Atlantic Richfield $ 3.40 38.90 59.29 8.23 $. Wa ter: I I Pacific Water Works, Inc. Thurston Teachers Cr. Union Loyd Stocker' A & I Lumber Supply Yelm Hardware Yelm Garage Puget Power' 5,791.94 52.00 6.00 5.25 122.63 21.20 113.49 o Ci ty~ Streets:: D & H Mobil Service Puget Power ,Atlantic Richfield Lakeside Industries Mobil Oil Co. ' 4.f:>5 124.92 4.58 165.38 9.82 After a thorough di'scussion regarding the Yelm C~metary, on a motion by BDown, seconded by Webb, it was passed unanimously that letters be sent to local churches and other organizations asking their reactibnn & willingness to contribute toward the support .of the cemetary should the City of Ye1m take over the operation trom,. theo OQ.d Fellows. Mayor Coates stated~that a tenant who had recently rented the small house ~n the Fristoe property now owned by the City has requested assurance that the rent would not be raised after June, The Council unanimously agreed that the rent would remain the sarne. Mayor' Coates reported on a meeting between herself, Marshal Hastie and Mr. Truit and B~ler of the Highway Dept. regarding the possi~ility of raising th~ sp~ed limit on the State Highway x;unning thru Ye1m. . After q.iscussion, a clecision was made to have the city engineers and the Marshal study the survey made by the Stateaand meet 0...., with the Highway Department to determine and reqommend what change~,if ,any need to be made. At the same time Attorney Schultz will 'study the legal aspects of ,the matter/ Mr. Otos spoke briefly on the functions of the Parks &, Recreation Departmerit which he represents. He expressed their willingness to be ~f assistance.i~ .any program planning as well as a~ problems that ~ight arise in our City that relate to his department. . " On a'motion by Brown, secondeq by Webb it was passed,unanimously to borrow $2,500.00 from the FIRE EQUIPMENT. :R.ESER~ INVESTMENT FUND and transfer that amount to the CURRENT EXPENSE FUND to be exaended as the first yearly payment on the Rosano property, interest at the rate of 6% to,be paid on the 19an. " On a motion by Webb and seconqed by Sickles, it was passed unanimously that $11,500.00 be transferred from the CUMUL1\TlVE RESERVE FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES to the CURRENT EXPENSE FUND to be expended a~ fi~am.payment on the ~Fristoe property. Attorney Schultz pointed out ~hat Ye1m City Ordinance #116 regarding the imposing of a city license on punch board~ has been cancelled out because of the new State law on gambling. O.K. was given by the Council ,to have the Hawthorne" trees sprayed twice durch 1974. The City Engineer was instruct~d to ch~ck with the County Building Dept. and ' 0" " investigate any plans for p~rm~ts pn conwercial and or industrial bui~dings for the month of March as well as ~he,future. ' / .Upon a motion by Drogseth and ~econded by Webb, it was unanimously passed that the Council approvetfuhe prepar~d prospectus for 300 feet of ~t~eet improvement beginning ~ block south' of Yelm Avenue and extending south, to..the middle of the next block on ~hird Street. ' Resolution # 125 to amend the, City of Ye1m six year plan to include the above work on Third Street was: approved qn a motion by Brown and seconded by Drogseth. .~, .. A communication 'was read from the Ye1m Telephone Co. President, Merle Curry requesting approval of its plans to replace a substantiam Portion of eXisting aerial lines and poles with a system of unde~round ducts to carry the phone cables. ,On a motion by Bro~ and seconded by Webb, itowas unanimously passed that thecity engirieer be re- qUest~d to review the plans as presented and make his report. at, the April Council meeting. I .1: 'I ~ - : ( <t 53 There was sOme - discussion'regarding--t,h~ 'n~ed of removin.ga laIjge ~ree110cated. on the Fristoe,p~r6perty. On'Gi ~otio~ by ,~ebb and seconded by Brow1n" ~~,.}'fa~ ~?~ed, that the street committee attempt to determ1ne whether or 'not rOQts from the" tree are likely' to be detE:bi\ental to possible water lines,' and report tis findings. Mayor Coates read a petition signed by Donnie Wiseman, W.~.Mosm~n and Roger Eide. The'petition ~sked for a 45 minute parking lfumit on the,North ~ide of Yelm Avenue in front of lots 13 & 14, block 7, McKenzie First Addition. B~fore passing on the request, Attorney Schultz wished to review the law 'gov~rning Stiate highways within. a city. . T,: Mr. Ed Brown asked for restricted parking in front of his res~dence at the corner of First & Washington Streets. He stated that trucks in partidular park there ~5r extended hours, presenting a Visual hazard for traffic wm:shfung~to turn ~he corner. l-1ayor Coat,es, assured him every effort would be made to correct the situation. i- On a motion by Brown, seconded by Webb, it was passed unanimously that the City adopt a'platting Ordinance for planning as set forth by Thurstdn 'County ~s it exi'sts wi th'.lt 3929.. On behalf of the PUGET SOUND LAND & DEVELOPEME.UJ1r CO., INC. Mr. John Swi:GttJpre'sented an nApp~~cation for Processing A Preliminary PlatU ,described a1:Kingsviel-! Division 2,3,4 Sec 18 Twp 17N Range 1E, W.M., Approximately 15 acres - U8residential lots. On ammotion by Webb, seconded by Sickles, it was unanimously v~ted that the. APPLICATION FOR PROCESSING A PRELIMINARY PLAT be accepted, an~he Yelm Planning Commission be instructed to set a date for a public hearing af~er holding, a study session, then make their .recommendations to the councii at the !next regular meeting. , . '_ it: IL 7 . Attorney Schultz was instruc~ed t~prepare two resolutions, the first deals with, environmental assessments, thei~cond will require the ,review df 'all plans'for c~ercial & industr,i~l b~ldings and developments by the TownlSngineer prior to the issuance of buiilld1ng permits. Resolution #128 controlling~latting subdividing an~ dedieation,of land was also to be prepared. . ' - There being no further ~usiness the meeting adjourned at 11:55 P.M.. ~.. \' ~ ~ ffi R- ~~. .. ora B. Coates, ,Mayor ,O.J.. RESOLUTION NO. 125 ,\. :': . . _, '. WtiEREAS,pursuant to the requirements of ROW 35.78.010, Laws of the State of ,,~ashJ.ngtonJ the Town of Ye~ did on June 23, 1~72, designateab.d classify certain s~reets within the corporate. limits as arterial streets; and I ' ;WHER~, the T?wn ?o~nc11 o~'the Town of Yelm, being the legislative b:bdyof said town XBRxhas determ1ned,thatreV1sion of said arterial street ~lan be necessary and desirablej "_ NPW, '!HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Councl.l of the Town of Ye1m that the fol~o~ng_ ~s hereby designated and ~stablfushed as a se~ondary Arterial street of the T~wnof Yelm, and is a?ded to the l1st of said streets previouJly so designated and establishe~ i~ resolut1on No~ 119; That portion of Third Street that runs mid-block .. ,b~tween Ye~ Avenue and Wash1ngton street to mid-block between ~Jashington Street a d McKenzie Street. ,a ~T IS FU~THER RESO~VED that a copy of thi~ Resoiution, togeth~r with two copies of sa1.d ArterJ..al Street 'Plan,' be filed by the Town C~erk with tJhe Director of II' h of the State of Washington. ~ J.gways ADOPTED this 6>lhBth day of March, 1974 . .... .. . / ~: Approved: . . . & ... c-c4 . Lora B. Co~te$, Mayor;, ' Attest :: 54 RESOLUTION NO. 126 WHEREAS, orderly andpropergrowmh of commercial and industrial areas within the Town of Yelm is essential to the public health, safety and welfare; and" WHEREAS, the Town of Ye1m desires to insure that future commercial and in- dus~ri~l developments' inc9rporate proper design practices as the same relate to, engineering factors including surface drainage and runoff, waste disposal,:,traffic control and other relevanp safety and health factors; ~OW THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF YELM.~ 'W;ASHINGTON AS FOLLOWS: ..... Section 1. Fram and after the date of passage of~ this Resolution, all applications for building permits for industrial and commercial facilities shall be reviewed by the Tow~ERgineer who shall evaluate the same to determine compliance'wit~design criteri~and'engineering factors set forth in Section 2' of this ,Resolution. No building permit shall be hereafter issued for any industrial or, commercial facility until application for the same has been reviewed by the Town Engineer and~he Town Engineer shall have issued his recommendation or report relative j;hereto" ,as pro- vided in Section 5 of this Resolution. ' o .....,;;J l' ~ . ~ 'Section 2. The Town Engineer shall review each such application for building permit,;,fpr itldu'strial and commercial facilities t? ~etermine that the sarne incorporate 'proper, des.ign practices relating to the following engineering factors: '. . ~a) surface dr~inage and runoff (b) waste disposal (c) traffic'control (d) all other relevant safety and health factors t" ,'. Section 3. The Building Inspector of the Town of Ye4n shall transmit to the Town Engineer two {~) copies of each application for building permits for industrial and commercial f~cilities, and two (2) copies. of all pl~ns'..accompanying each such application. Sectian 4. 7h~ Town Engineer may require ~ny applicant to submit ,such a,dd~ t,ional information in the form of additions to or clarifications of plans previouslY,sub- mitted, details of design criteria or 'calculations, traffic counts, or other such informatioll as may be necessary to effectuate the objectives of this Resolution., -0 Section 5. Within.ten (10) days ,of his receipt of each such application, the Town Engineer shall submit his written recommen~ation to the Town Building Inspector and Shall send copies thereof ,to the applicant and to the Town Clerk. In the event that the Town Engineer is unable to issue his recommendation within said time, he shall, instead, submit to the Town Clerk within said ten (10) day period, his report setting forth'the reasons therefor, including aqy additional information which he deems necessa~for the applicant to supply, and the Town Engineer shall se~d a copy thereof to the applicant. The Town Building Inspector may hereafter issue any building permit for industrial or commercial fa~lities: ' , (a) the application for which the town Engineer has recommended .~pproval; and . ~) >:i . .. (b) the application for which the Town Engineer has recommended ~pproval subject to conditions, which conditions have been accepted by the applicant. tach such ~pplication for building permit whfubh the Town Engi~ee~, h~~:, (a) recommended approval subject to conditions, whibh conditions have .!!2.!: been accepted by the applicant; and (b) recommended denial shall automatically come on for consideration by the Town Council at it~ ,next ~eg~anly scheduled Council meeting, unless said application was received by the lown Engineer less than ten (10) d~s prior thereto, in which event the same shall come on ,for con- sid~ration at the next subsequent Council meeting thereafter. o ADOPTED this 13th day of March , 1974. ~~ d {OHa- I I I, . . ... ~'..... 55", RESOLUTION NO.' 121 WHE~SJ orderly growth and 'development of the town of Yelm is ,essential to .the public health, safety and welfare of the c~tizens of thi town. and WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Yelm desires to provide orderly pro- , , ceduVes for determination of the impact upon the evironment of all proposed actions affecting the same; NOW>> THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF YELM, AS FOLLOWS:: 'Section 1. The provisions contained,in this Resolutio ,shal~ ~ot apply to the construction of any single family residence or natural ppurte'nances thereto, including by way of illustration, but not limiting thereto, garages, fences and driveways; nor shall the constru~tion o~ any sucn single f i~y residence or appurtenance thereto within the Iown of Yelm require the preparation of 'a "detailed statement" as said term is defined in Revisedn Code of Washington, Section 43.21 C. 030 (c). Q Section 2. From and after the date of this Resolution, all applications for building permits other 'than such permits for projects set fo th in Section 1 of this Res'olution shall in addition to any other requirements . posed by any other ordinance or resolution of the Town of Ye1m, be subject to t e follo~ing procedure; . (a) Each applicant for. such building permit shall prepa e and submit to the Building Inspector of the lown of Yelm, on forms furm::shed b said Buiihding Inspector, an Environmental Assessment Statement. (b) Prior to issuance of .any such building permit, the uilding Inspector 'shall immediately upon receipt thereof, refer each such Envi onmental Assessment Statement to the Thurston Regional Planning Council for its eview and recom- mendation. Within twenty (20) days of its receipt of each s ch Environmental Assess ment Statement" the :Ihurston,:Regional Planning, Co~nci shall forward to the Building Inspector its recommendation relative to the project contemplated by such Environmental Assessment Statement, which recommenda ion shall state: (i) '~at saidpr~ject is deemed not to be a major act on significantly affectin~ ~he quality of the environment; or ' (ii) ~hat said projeet is deemed'to be a major action s gnilicantly affecting the quality ,of the environment; or : , (iii) '.1.'hat no reconunenda~ion relative to the effect of he project upon the environment' can be made, setting forth in detail the reasons therefor; e~g,., la~k ,of sufficient dat~, etc. , (c) Aqy Environmental Asses~ent Statement upon which o'recommendation , shall have been made by the lhurston Regional Planning Counc.l within twenty (20) q.a.ys of, its' receipt thereof as provided in subsection (b) of' this :.section, shall . ge ,automatically referred to .the Town Council for action and shall be deemed to be so referred without recommendation of the Thurston Reg.onal Planning Council. (d) For any project which is deemed not to be a major ction significantly affecting the quality of the environment, as det~rmi~8d purs nt to the ,provisions of subsection (b) or subsection (c) of this section, the BuilingInspector shall ..forthwith issue a building permit therfor upon applicant's co pliance w~th ~ll other applicable ordinances of' the Town which are sugject to dministration by ,the Building In~pector. . (e) For any pr'oject determind to bea major action signi icantly affecting the 'quality of the environment, the Building Inspector shall, prior to the issuance of a building permit therefor, cause the preparation o~an Envir~nmental Impact statement, which Environmental Impact statement shall pon completion therof, be refeEred to the 'l~own Council for determination in onnection therwi the Section 3. From and after the date of this Resolution, 11 app~ications variances, conditional use permits" changes in land useclassi ication, and . '-proposedplatting; subdivision or dedication of land, except uch platting, , subdivision and dedication wh:fuch is exempt from compliance wi h the provisions of Resolution Number of the Town ~f Yelm, shall, in addition to any other requirements imposed by any other ordinance or reso ution of the Town o~ Ye1m, ae subj act to the following procedure:. . - .. (aa Each such applicant shall prepare - and submit to ~esponsible' for the initial review of such applickation, such official" an Environmental Assessment statement. for I'own official orms furni shed by 56, ;~b;)t.Each 3sucfi:i:-'EnviitonineritattA~se~sment ;'Stiat?em@Q;tLsbal~, b~l:t.'e~e~~d:;~. bl<::it:Qef or ......,~~.............,. .j' ......,.~;..~.....,..;.'''r...''.''...J .,..,'-, ,(';1 . ". ,., _ . '. ..' .<:'. " . _~. ", . . v:;r<;"wn\:~C~yi).cil\~attits next reguiliar meeting following submission' thereof. - THe' , TownCoun~il shall thereafter det~r.mine~based upon such Environmental Assessment Statement, and any additional information wliich it may deem relevant, whether such application" if_,grcinted, will constitute a major action significantly affecting the quality 'of the e~vir~nment. (c) If the 'Town' Council shall determine that any such application, if granted, will not constitute a major action significantly affecting the quality of the environment, then said application shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of all other ordinances and resolutions of the Town of Yelm applicable thereto. (d) If the Town Council shall determine that any such application, if granted, 0 will constitute a major action significantly affecting the qualtty of the envlrolllllent, then, prior to the f'urther processing of' said appYication, the 'l- " Town Council shall cause an, Environmental Impact statement to 'be prepared, -with the assistance of the Town Engineer anqany other person, corporation or agency the Town Council may deem appropriate. -Following preparation of any such ~nvironmental Impact statement, the--'same shall be referred -to, the Town Council for determination in connection therwith. . Section 4.J.'he provisions contained in this Resolution are provi~ed for Compliance with Revised Code of -Washington, Chapter 43.21 C, ana aqy amend- ments thereto, commonly known as th~ State EnvironmentalPplicy Act of ,1971. ,". ( . ADOP(1:ED this 13th day of March , 1974. o RESOLUTION NO. 128. -WHEREAS, orderly growth and development of the Town of Ye1m is essential to the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the-Town; and :;WHEREAS, the platting and ~ubdividing. of land" within the corporate limits of the Town of Ye1m is deemed to effect the Town's growth and development; ,and WlIEREAS, the Council of the Town of Yelm desires to provide for the orderly processing of applications for the platting, subdividing and dedicat~on of land; - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL~D BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF YELM~ ',AS FO~LOWS: Section 1. The Planning Cammissi~n of the Town of Ye~, with the assistance and reco~endationof the Town ~gineer, is hereby directed to undertake a stuqy of pro- cedures relating to submission and approval of plats, subdivisions and dedications, and standards-f2r the design, layout and development thereof, and to--present to the :Council of' the own of Yelmwi thin six months hereof a proposed ordinance providing uniform proceedures in connection therewith. Section 2. From and after the date of this ResoJ.ution, all proposed subdivisions of aqy lot, parcel o~ other tract of lan~ into mo~e than four lots or tr~cts or other o divisions of land for the purpose of sale or building development, whether immediate or future, and the resubdivision or replatting of land or lots, and all dedications 0.. of,streets, alle~ easements or land for other phamic uses, except diyisions of land where each parcel is five acres 9r more in area and no new street dedications are ~ecessa~ to service such area tracts, shall be and are hereby declared 'to be subject to the provisions of Ordinance 3829 passed and appr.G~ed by the Board of Commissioners or Thurston County, Washington on October 28, 1968, relating to Plats and SUbdivisions, which such Qrdinance is hereby adopted by reference. The Town Clerk is'hereby directeq to maintain three- (3) copies of said Ordinance 3829 in the office of said Town Clerk, for public examination during all normal business hours. o Section 3. Whenever the following words appear in said Thurston County Ordinance 3829 the same shall be deemed to ~ave the following meanings for the purpose of this Resolution,: ~I I I" . , : f . j~ . 57 County The wo:n.a ItcolintU" shall be deemed to . the Town of Yelm, State of Washington. . ' Board The word "boardlt shall be deemed to me Council of the 'xown of Yelnf. : . Planner The wdrd "~lanner" shall be deemed to mean the Planning Qommisaion of othe own of Yelm. Engi.neer Ihe ~ora~~"engineern shall be deemed the Town Engineer of the T~wn of Yelm. Section 4. ,Should anyprovision~ of said Thurston Cou ty Ordinance 3829 be in conf1i?t.W1th.anY ?rdinance of~the Town?f Yelm, the ll~tter shall.~ontrol; and any pro~s1ons ~n sa~dGThurston County Ord1nance3829 Wh1Ch are ob~ously 'peculiar to Thurston CountY,; only shall not apply. ADOPTED this. 13th 4ayof March ,1974. ....t;-.." '..~ o ~ttes April 10, 1974 Mayor Co~tes called the regular meeting of the Town Council to Qrder at 7:30 PM in the .Yelnl City Hall. Councilmen'(;present were: SOkolik, Dcigsetm, Brown, Webb and Councilwoman Sickle.s. Others at the meeting 'w:ere Attor eys Schultz and stiltz, Engineers Byrne and stevens, Don Miller, Hal Wolf,J . aqd Mike Edwards~ The minutes of the March ~eeting were approved as written o. a motion by Drogseth .and .:~~:cot:lded by Sickles. - . . , iJ.h~ 'following April vouchers were approved for payment on a 'motion by 'Webb and seconded by Sokolik: a Current Colonial Insurance Co. Washington Natural Gas . Thurston Co~ Auditor Mol;lil : Oil Co.- Y~lm Hat'l Auto Parts William Newcomer Robert Sherman Yelm Telephone , .Yelm Businessmen f s Assoc #I Wolfs.' . 9oa~~.EquiRmeqt Co. Pickett Drug Nisqually News Washington Physicians Dept. of Emergency Services state Motors Kisor "llire Co. . Postmaster Motorola, Inc. Patrick Byrne & Assoc. Mosman Agency U.S. Leasing Corp. Puget Pow.er $ 12.00 59.04 ' 92.66 314.67 74.72 . 8.73 15.00 91.58 12.00 31.33 31.50 5.14 47.23 44.32 10.31 92.20 202.85 10.00 . 22.31 80.00 140.00 . 24.32 .' 50.84 58. Water Thurston Teachers Cr. Union Yelm Hardware Pacific Water Supply Ni squally News Postmaster Puget Power Garbage . Mobil Oil Co. Eric's O.K. Tire Postmaster Nisqually News D ::&. H.. .Se;rvice Yelm Garage City streets Yelm Garage Mobil Oil Co. L~keside. Industries PUget Power . $ 52.00 85.17 . 311.62 3.00 5.00 890.62 99.10 .17.10 5.00 3.00 18..74 63.82 44.09 33.60 123.38 .126.95 o After arepor~ by the Cemete~ Committee, a motion was made by Drogseth, seconded by Sickles that the clerk notify.the Odd Fellows organization by letter that the city has decided not to take over the operation of the cemete~. Counci+man Brown made a motion that the Cemete~ Committee further investigate the .possibilities of fonning a cemetery district. 'The motion was seconded by~S?~o1ik. Engineer Byrne reporte~ that he had not had sufficient time to make a thorough investigation of the proposal made by the Yelm Telephone Co. but would give a complete report at the n6*t meeting. Q The street coMmittee recommended that all the trees be removed from the Fristoe 'property as they in fact present a possible hazard to the city water lines.. Brown moved they be removed and the motion was seconded by Webb and passed unanimously. Attorn9y.SchUltz made arecammendation that a thorough study be made by'the Engineer and the Council to determine what speed limits areprope~ and desirabl~ for the various areas within the city limits and that parking zones also be reviewed for possible changes~ 0..... ' '. It was moved by Webb, seconded by Drogseth and adopt~dJ that the preliminary plat of KINGSVTEW d~lnsions #2, 3 $ 4, if approved, would be a: major action significantly affect~ng the quality of the environment, and that accordingly an Environmental Impac~ Statement shall be prepared in connection therewith. Engineer Byrne discussed adminitration of Resolution # 126, and that financial :security in the form of bonds or cash deposits may be required by the Council'trom. time to time to insure the completion o~ the necessary improvement requireg to , implement the intent of the resolution~ . Mayor Coates appointed Councilmen Brown and Drogseth as a Committee to s~lldy ~nd review.Ordinance 692, and ther~by establish definite fire zones for the City. From this information Attorney Schultz will' prepare a new Fire Z~ne Ordinance. . The following letter from the-New City Hall Committee was read by Mayor Coates. It was moved by Webb and seconded by Sickles the recommendations as presented inn the letter;be ac?~pted and that t~e committee proceed with the finali~ing of the pre- liminaryplans with the architect at a fee not to exceed ,,$350.00. Brown'c,~st a nay vote. April .10, 19Z4' ,0 City Council Town ofYelm. :;'. . Gentlel!l~ri .: The ttN~lv"City Halllt conunittee ,has determined $80,000.00 will be needed to complete a new facility. ' The committee recommends the following sources Sale of old garbage dump land Rev. Sharing l.'unds - .19i4 Councilmatic Bonds (issued for 20 yrs. with an option to pay off atte~ .5 yrs) of funds be utilized: $6 ,.~OO. 15,000. 40,500. $ 62,000. (landscaping & furni sh. ami t tel I "'- ", I ""'--- I (J 59, (contld) < WITH. VOTE OF THE PEOPLE I',. . ,"~' " - "'-"~ . . ,- General Obligation Bonds , "$18., GOO.. $80,000. ",\ . 'J This plan wou~~,~~.ow the facility to be built even if the sp cial levy should fail. "': .\ .r'", The conunittee ru:tth~r':'reqti~sts authority to proceed with fina izing of the plans with the architect. and,to"secure bids, for the CQuncil's cons' dera:~ion. Respectival~ submitted, ROBERTA B. LONGMiRE:" Chairman" New City Hall,Go~ttee 00' a motion by: Drbgselbh~'>s$conded by Webb, with:Brown'voting ay, the motion was approved to dec;:Lare, assurplus'JI advertise for sale and secure bids" for the City property described' as follows: Lot one(1) in block two (2), McKenna Irrigated Tracts, ac ording to plat thereof recorded in.volume..,90f plats, page 43, records of Thurst n County, located,'in"", Section 20,:'t'9wllsbiP..'J.7 north, range 2'.east, W.M. (8 acre) , BIS stated in Resolution '/fi29. . ',.. ',' . ' ( . .' ~.I' .,', ct. '., rc , .' . .,. .)).' .. :"'~ I The City Hall Committee was requested to be present at meeting along with. the architect: if at all possible . .', council Mayor Coates.brought,before the council ag~in the numerous co plaints coming in of violations of the city dog ordinance. Ihere was unanimous agreement that both the law on leash and license will be strictly enforced. Ifhe clerk was authorized to hire- a dog catcher to make a thorough canvas of the city at a cost not 'to exceed $125.00 for one week. This will be repeat d periodically if necessary to accomplish the desired results. · There being no further business the meeting was adjourned 1:45 P.M. ~#! Coates, Mayor RESOLUTION NO: 129 WHEREAS the real property desGrlbed hereinbelow was acq red by the Town on or about 'September 10, 1963; and ~ WHEREAS the said described real' property was for several years used by the Town as a garbage collection and dump site in connection with the operation of the municipal garbage collection service; however, the Town has n t needed nor used said property for such purpose or an}'" other purpose J '0 WHEREAS at the,regular public m~eting of the~ Town Counei 'held April 10,1974 the future utility to the Town of the said described real'pro erty was fully dis~ cussed and determined to be surplus. . - .......,., - - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ~y THE COUNCIL OF THE TO' OF YELM AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the following de~cribed real property sit ted in Thurston County, sta ,te of Washington, to-wit; Lotone(l) in Block ~wo (2),'McKenna Irrigated Tr eta, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 9 of Plats, page 43, records of said county, be,and the same is-hereby declared to be surplus longer,req~red for providing any public utility o to the needs f the Town and no service of t~ Town. 60 .. "'. <"^::::t:::- - 2. That the said described surplus real property be so~d by the Town at public sale for the benefit of the Town and the Clerk of the Town be, and h he is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of such sale and call for ~ids for the sale of the same; Said property shall be sold subject to ease- ments, reservations and restrtctions of records. ADOPTED' this 10th day of April 1974. ~ . Att~ ~ - ,', own ~. ~/} . )~....C~ MAYOR ' o f1 ~ , " May 8, 1974 The regular meeting'of the Council~Jof the Town of Yelm was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor 'Lara B. Coates.~ Present'were Councilmen Webb, Drogseth and'Sokolik, Councilwomanr.,Sickles, Attorneys Sc:tlultz & Stiltz and Engineer Stevens. Councilman Brown stopped in momentarily with copies of bonding related material wh~ch he requested the Clerk di$tribute to the M~yor and Council memberso Visitors present were Mrs. Janet McCloud, Mr.& Mrs. Shipen- tower, Ronailid Lawton, Don~Miller and Marshal Hastie. April m~nutes approved, as presented on a 'motion by Sokolik and second~d, by Drog~ seth. :) . ;~: - .. On ,a motion by Drogseth anci'seconded t?y Webb the follqwing current,'vouchers .j were approved for payment. Current Patrick Byrne A & I Builders Lacey Equipment Postmaster Nisqually News 'Puget Power Postmaster U.S. Leasing Corp. Nisqually Valley News Pickett Drug D& H Mobil Service Mayor Coates Hartlrey Webb Arnold Progseth Evelyn Sickles Yelm Telephone Rentex Services 'WasAington Physicians Yalm'Telephone Yelm Nat'l Auto Parts Atlantic Richfield Motoroia, Inc. 'Mobil. Oil Co. Colonial Insur. Co. Garbage Mobil Oil Co. Nisqual1y News Yelm Garage D & H Mobil Service Nisqually News Atlantic Richfield '" , . o $594.51 5.51 4.41 5.00 40. 84 49.97 5.00, 24.32 30.24 2.53 , 2.50 20. ao 20.00 20.000 20.00 37.25 36.75 66.48 81.63 128.36 17.35 22.)1 252.33 12.00 " '..,:) o 73.67. 21.55 714.34 6.31, 2.98 6.30 . '-'f:} -;.or , , SEATTLE~FIRST NATIONAL BANIf BANK INVEST~'1 ENT DIVISION, August 5, 1974 Town, Clerk Town, of Yelm" Washington FO~'$40,500 Town, of Yelm, Washington Lim~ted T~x Levy General Ob~igation Town Hall Bonds 1974A 'and to bear coupons 8S follows: ,.1 . '.... ,,' .8 % per ~nnum 'for bond,S maturing in the years i976, to 199 inclusive; % per annum for bonds maturing in the. years to , inclusive; % per ,annum for bonds maturing in the years to " inclusive; % per'annum for bonds maturing in,the.years to inclusive; , % per annum for .bonds maturing in the years, to inclusi ve; ~per annum 'for bonds maturing in the years to', , inclusive; % per a~num for. bonds maturing in. the years to inclusive; .%'per annum. for bonds maturing in the years to t inclusive; ,. - per annum for bonds maturing in 'the years to " inclusive; % per-annum for bonds maturing in th~, years to , inclusive; % per annum for bonds maturing in the years to inclusi ve; %' per annum for.bonds maturing in the years to , ,inclusive; ":1" " ., '1 . '/~_-"""')'O.,l % per annum for bonds maturing in the years, to inclusive; % per annum for bonds maturing in. the years to , inclusive; ',. per annum for bonds maturing,i~ the years to , inclusive; ,. per annum for bonds maturing in the years to incltisi ve; % per annUm for bonds maturing in the years to , inclusive; % per annum for bonds maturing in the rears % per annum for bonds ,maturing in the years to inclusive; to , . inclusive; , WE. WILL 'PAY YOU $100.00 per $iOO.OO plus accrued interest from date of issue to .date o~ delivery of'the bonds. The following is for information 'only: "-'-'-'< ~-,- ------ -~ Gross interest' cost :' $ - 4). ~'040;OO""""~' Less premium -- I Plus 'discount -0- I Net interest cost 41,O~U.OOI , Average rate ~7. Tf:lis Bid is for prompt acceptance and for delivery of the, bonds on or before 0ctober 1, 1974 f' andiamade subject ,to the terms and provisions of your o~ficial Notice of :1 Sale., ;,I,tiS,' a~:~~;;'subject ....to, , the unqualified, approving leg~l opinion'bf ' pre,s~on, , Thorgrl.IDson, El11.s, Holman & Fletcher, bond counsel of Seattle" Washington, which we request to be printed on the bonds. . . , . j " , ~-.~' To' 'evidence. o~r' good faith we enclose' our cashier,' s check for, $2 025.00. ' Respectfully submitted, Dated: E. R. Haller Bond Trading Officer SEATTLE-F IRSr NATIONAL, g{, ACqEPTED: o , E.R. Haller . .. FO'R"rHE' '$ 18,000 . LEGALLY ISSUED GENERAL OBLI~ATIONOFTHE . , TOWN OF YElM, WASHI'NGTON, .:;; " ,TO, BE,OATED 'AUGUS,T.l, 1974 IN DENOMINATIONS OF '$1,000 EACH, INTREST PAYABLE SEMI--ANNUALL Y ON THE .FIRST, DAYS OF FEBRUARY AND AUGUS . OF EACH..,,' ,Y:EAR.,. ,MATURING SERIALLY FROM AUGUST ,1, ,1976>,'J~O' AUG ST 1,' 1981t,.., , INCLUSIVE, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR NOTICE O.F.:SALE HICH I.S MADE." A .PART, 'HE.REOF": '1:";<. .~ . . "'( . We'AGREETO PAY FOR ALL OF SAID BONDS $ 18',?OO.00 . . , TO THIS FIGURE WE WILL' AOD ACCRUED INTEREST:: ;;TO DA E OF DELIVERY FOR THE FOLLO\t!I,NG BONDS I AN EFFECTI.,vE RA, e: 9F ,"_' :,,,.7.5327 " t. NET INTERES'T COST $ 9,190.00. ;,'; . .' 'I rmB AUGUST 20, 19114 MR.. O.,J. MARTYR 'TOWN CLERK YElMCITY 'HALL ,!ElM, WASHINGTON '. DE'ARM,R. . MARTYR: . "-.1" .'.... . ' .$ 12,090.00 PAR' VALUE 8.00 , DUE 8/1/76 ~ $ ..'.6 ,OQO. 00 PAR VALUE 7.00 , DUE 8/1/83 $ , . ,. PAR VALUE DUE $,. . PAR VALUE' .\ DUE .- $ PAR VALUE , DUE $ PAR . VALUE.. , .DUE . ~ . , " . . TO'8/1/82 , ./".,:, . TG afil84 TO .TO ,!;" 'TO.';,:' " ~atonat BankofCotiunerce' Hed Office . . . . 110 .Second Avenue '. p, . Box 3966 , Sea tIe, Washington 98124 '. .' .,> . ~~. ~ ' INCLUSI VE. . J NC l US I VE, INCLUSI VE. , INCLUSIVE".. I~ INCLUSIVE .... TO '. I NCLUS IVE,." . . . ~ .~ .. . , " THIS BID IS S:UBllECT TO THE APPROVING LEGAL OP'IN'lON OF .TON;, THORGRIMSON, ELLIS, HOLMAN S FLETCHER, BON~Y.".COtJNS WAS.HINGTON, AS TO THE REGULARITY AND LEGALlTV OF;..THE P H'ElD. I.N CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THeSE BONOS. "ISo:TO.:.,:,BE FURNISHED BY YOU' WITHOUT COST TO us. .. I ." ; 'I. . t' '. : 1 ,~ : ESSRS. PRES- ,'. .L OF SE'ATTL~, OCEEOINGS. AtD OPINION . t . .~. '. I I I The National Ba k of Commerce of'$eattle . MR'..' O:'~,' .J.' ,MARTYR 1914 -2- . ' ~ J: ".:, AS \~V.:tO'ENCE OF OUR GOOD FAITH, we ENCLOSE HEREWfTH A .M .NAGERtS CH:e:'CK 'IN.,}Tf:lE' AMOUNT O.F $900.00 , BEING 5' OF THE A,M.OlJNT 0 THE BONOS 4 ...' SAM.~,.. .TQAPPLY UPON THE PURCHASE PR leE OF SAID BOI\U)'S; t THEY ARE .:.' . A~A~OEO.'.TO US AT THIS TIME' AND DELIVERED TO ,US;.wt'THIN HIRTY-FIVE'",(35l ~DA;V.?~ ,:f:;'PlLOWiNG THE. ACCEPTANCE OF THIS 810; OTHI!~W:tse., It IF WE ARE..' . .NOTI...TH,t:,'SUCCEdSSFUL BIDDERS" SAID CHECK IS TO 8~:'.'PROMPT Y RETURNED..TO ..;",: ::US.,.i'; J,ff"OELIVERY IS NOT MAOE WIn'fIN THIS THIRTY~.f':lVE (5) DAY PERIOD,,'.' " . iWE;'MAY~~'uPON DEMAND, RECEIve OUR DEPOSIT CHECK AND>;CANC LOUR LtABIltT.Y HE,RE\)NDER.,OR AT OUR. OPTION, 'EXTEND THE TIME 'O'F: Dl!tIVe:V AND CONT,~Nl.n: .' ..,.....:. THl$' ,~ONTRACT. . . . ",j;..' \ i '. "{ RESPECTFULLY SUBMtTTED# . . .' '" THE NAT'fONAL BANK OF COMMERCt{ OF SATTlE . ~~, ~~ 0_~ BY: STANLEY Dt!' SAVAGE INVESTMENT OFFICER .r _,_' " .'i TH:e''.A'tlOVE ()PFER IS HERf:BY ACCEPTED .BY PROPER AUT~,ORIZA ION OF THE'," .TOWN :OF YELM, WASHIN(;TON Tlits ,'I.. DAY OF, .91~. .. T 'ATTeST: ", .,.' .\o~. .. . . . , , ,,,, .... " ' !' : ,,' ' 0 " " ~ ',OUO. , " ," ,b,a,rI:k':of.olympia '.7 .....,. 'OLYMf!IA 'OFFICE " 8th and Capitol Way, P.O. Box 1849, Olympia Washington 98507(296) 75~-850b OTHER OFFICES: TENINO. ,WESTSIDE ~'YE'lM ' ,'August, 20" ':19.74 ~~ t ""'7''; Robert MaFtyr'" C i ty~ C refk " . ',~_ '"qi,ty . Hai,.l 'Yelrn,~Wl:L~hing~on 98597 : ~ ~f.,. . . .. , .If-. . , . .,. . ,. . 'Regar~i:i1g :" " $18,000 ,'To,wri ofYelm, Washingto1;1 'Gener'at 'Obligation, ToWn.. Hall Bonds, , 1 974'B' <, and to' bear ,coupons as 'tollow~: '~,<<""., ;:~~'! ,,- .... .', . . .-,.r~ , 6.50 ,~c;.per,~n:ri4m for b,onds ma'tuTing .in, the,:years "1976' "to 1984' " "inclusiveg' - , WE ~I,LL PAY YOU ,', toO.dO~,per,..$lOO.OO pl:us, accrued, interest'froriCda:te~of i~sue' to dat~ of 'delivery pf.'the bond:s...., .:Th~ following ~isfo:J;,",i:llforinat<i,ori oIlly: . '. "'-:", .,~ .,,' " . . " Gross ,int\~resf cos,t, , " ';Lessp'remium Plus DIscount -N,e,t ' int.erest' cost ,Aver8;gera t~ " . ..~:~~~O,.~O ..... ..,",',H ~' ":' ' ,- 0 - . -, < - , , - , T 930.00 >, 6.50 I ' >, ,l c::: (\, This bid is, .m~~:fe$ubj~c t 'to .the terms and provisions of" y<<Vr of~'ici t Notice of, ,Sa1.~. , ' . It.:.is also: sub~'e6t ,.to >the4'nqtialffied~ approving. :legal ,op1:l1i0n, of Preston,.,:T]:1oFgrimsori:,.. . Ellis, HO:lz:nan &: Fletcher whi.ch .we' r~quest.tobe pripted. on 'the . bonds. ' '" To' evidence, our, good .faith we en~l.ose our..Cashier"sCheck fpr. $900;00.: ..~..' ,~ .~ '. . ACCEPTED: " . ".~e.sp :1:fully 's.~bmit,ted .... "~'0? ,- B NK OF OLYMPIA (Mrs.) 'Ruthe M~ Sahier Cashier I Dated: 't "", , , ' , . .~ .,' . ~, - '. . ,1Jb g~1o rlipPAd ~:.. ')j0iVt0UHt~: ^ t , - \;.,. .; ,::.I ..1 " seATtLE-FIRST N~TIONAi..,BANIf B " .! ANK NV ugust '5, 11 Bo nds " 197 1984 , , EST~'1 ENT DIVISION ') A 1974 .Town Clerk Town of Yelm, Washing.ton .For $18,000 Town .'of, YeJ..m,', Washington General Obligatioil Town Ha , 1974B 1_ and ;0 bear coupons as follows: % per annwn,for bonds maturing in the years 1976 to, , inclusive; % ,per 'annum for bonds maturing ,in the years 1978 to inclusive; . , % per annum for bonds maturing in the years to , inclusive; % per annum for bonds maturing in the years to , inclusive; % per annum for bonds maturing in the years to inclusi ve; % per annUm for bonds, maturing in the years to , inclusive; .% per annum for,bonds maturing in the years to , inclusive; % per, annum 'for bonds maturing in the years to , inclusive; % per annum for bonds maturing in the years to , inclusive; % per annum for bonds maturing in the years to , inclusive; % per annum for bonds maturing in the years to inclusi ve; % per annum for bonds matu.ri-ng in the years to , inclusive; I '}k ". % 'per annum for bonds maturing in the years to , to ---L. .1 inclus~ve; % per annum for, bonds maturl.ng in the years inclusive; % per annum for bonds maturing in the years to 'inclusive; % per annum, for bo'nds, ma.turing in the years to inclusi ve; % per annum for bonds maturing in the years to , inclusive; % per an,num for bonds maturing in the:years ' to , inclu~ive; % per'annum for bonds maturing in the years to , inclusive; .WE WILL PAY YOU $lOa.OOper $100.00 plus accrued interest from date of issue to date o( delivery of the bonds. The following is for information only: , , Gross 'interest-cost' -,' --.. ,- .~,~ '-' -- 9:' "'ltO~O'O--"-- Less premium' -0... L' , Pl:us discount' -0-' I Net ,interest cost 9,710.00 L' Average, rate , '" 7.959016%1: TIlis, Bid is for' prompt -accept'ance and for delivery -of the bonds on eJ before October 1,1974 and i,s made subject to the' terms and provisions of your~lfficial Notice of =,,1", ;,.,-'"sal,e,. . It, 1,',S ','al,', 8~ ',S, ubject: to the unqualified approving legal opinion .of ,Preston,' , Thorgr~mson, ElllS, Holman & Fletcher, bond counsel of Seattle, Washngton, ,which we req,:,est to be printed on the bonds. ~":'{f To evidence our good fa,1 th we enclose our cashier's check for $ >. Respectfully sub~itted," ACCEPTED: ~Dated': ' SFATTL,.. E_FIRST,' NATIONALBf;' . ' c: /. ./ L <:;;;. ~. _ .. c:::::. . .. tr.. ' E.R. lialler. Bond Tradtg Officer 'I. ,I I -. ~) 61 .~ ...I Water' W.K. Burkett Ye1m Har~ware_ Pacific Water 'W'orks. Nisqually Valley ~ws A.& I Lumber Supply Badger Meter Co. '$125.00 46.95 208.24 2.98 , 29.12 116.93 City streets Lakeside Industries Mobil Oil Co. D & H Mobil Service Al Gonzales Puget Power 89. 18 29.41 27.42 350.00 126.95 Marshal Hastie reported on an extensive speed check his depart nt had conducted in three separate areas within the "City limits on Highways 510 and 501. After his recommendation thi}t the speed limits remain at the present twenty five (25) miles per ho~,~ a thorough discussion followed regarding the avisability of raising the speed limit to thirty (30) miles per hr. On a mot' on ~y Dr?gse~h, and seconded by Sickles, Ordinance #163 was unanimously 'passed des~gnat~ng ~n brief, the speed limit on all portions of State Highway507 wit in the corporate limits of the Cmty of Yelm, be and hereby is established at 25 miles per hour. That portion of State Highway 510 within the corporate limits f the City of Yelm from a point 300 feet, northwesterly of Solberg Street to a poi t 300 feet south- easterly of Edwards Street, be and is hereby established'-at 20 miles per hour when flagged to indicate public schools in session. Tw~ sealed bids on the eight acres declared surplus by the cit were opendep and read. Mr. Ralph Black offered $l,6l;i0 and George McNamara bid 4,155, both bids were rejected on a motion by Webb & seconded by Sickles. The lerk was instructed to again advertise for bids up to and includfung June 15th, 197 . _/ On a motion by DrQgseth and seconded by Sickles it was moved t at a bulldozer be engaged to make the above property more presentable for prospe tive bidders, allow- ing $50.00 for the work. Ronald LawtQn asked permission to construct a garage eight fee from the alley on his property at Jones & Solberg Streets, on a motion by Sokoli and seconded by Wepp i~ was unanimous illy approved to grant Mr. Lawton a variance. As permitted in Ordinance #126, Section XV, (1) & (2) a conditional use was granted to Mr. Ross Shippentower for the temn: of two years on a motion y Webb ,:as,econded by Sickles and unanimously approved. MaY9r Coates expressed the urgent need for a grass sweeper attachment for'the park mower, On ~motion by Drogseth, seconded by Webb it was unanim usly approved that we purchase the e~uipment at a cost not to exceed $200. Regarding the proposed mahole & Conduit~nstallation by the 'Ye Telephone Co., it . was unanimously agreed that a Corporate oBond sighed by Merle C ry would be acceptable in lieu of the required Contractors $4,000 bond. tThe Clerk wa instructed to inform Mr. Curry to that effect by letter. On a motion by Drogseth, seconded by Sokolik it was unanimously approved by Resolution #130 to engage the bonding attorney firm of Preston, Thorgrimso , Ellis, Holman & _Fletcher to assist with the issuance o~ the Councilmatic and Ge eral Obligation Bonds at a f~e not to exceed $1,000. Ordinance #161 relating to annexation of, certa~n contiguous pro erty to the Town of Yelm, Washington, amending and correcting Ordinance #153 was un nimouslypassed atter' a motion by Webb and seconded by Drogseth. There being further business, the meeting was recessed until 7: 0 P.M. Wednesday, May 15. Those present whentthe meeting resumed on 'Wednesday, 15 May war Mayor Coates,' Councilmembers Sickles, Sokolik, Drogseth andWebbj also Don Mi let'and,Rodney Coates. On a motion 'by Webb, seconded by Drogseth, Ordinance #162 was 'p ssed unanimously and adopted p'roviding for the submission to the eqalified electors f the Town of Yelm at a special elec~ion to be held on July 9,~1974, of ,the propositi n whether or not the town should is'sue its general obligation 'bonds in the 'principal sum of $18,000 for the purpose of providing funds necessa~ to construct and equip a n w town hall. Any action on the issuance of Councilmatic bonds in the amount of '$40,500 was tabled until the regular June meeting. I . '. ,(:-,. ....--;) 62' Ie- -4. .," ......... on a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Sickles it was moved that the sum of $,100 be spent f~r tiulldozing. work on the ...dump ground property thereby rescinding a motion made earlier in the' meeting on the same matter. . I I ! On a motion by Sokolik, seconded by Webb it was unanimously passed that the request to hold the annual parade and dance during Prairie Days be granted to the Lion's Club. A water line easement over and across the easterly (5) feet of the'north- easterly one-half of Lot 4, Slock 2, McKenzies First Addition to Ye1m, as recorded .in Volume 8 of Plat-s, page 26, was acce'pted' from the Pro~ it 0"- , Sharing Trust of Wilcox Farms, Inc. on a motion by Webb, seconded by Sickles. _ The following voucher. was approved for payment on a motion by Drogseth and seconded . ~y Sickles.: Harold Hobson $10.80 There being no further business the meetin~d at 8:00 P.M., - "~.gtZ~ ~ora B. Coates, Mayor June 12., 1974 The regular meeting of the city counetl w as called to order by Mayor Coates '0' ' at 7:30 P.M. Council members present were Evelyn Sickles, Harvey Webb and George Brown. Also present were Attorneys Schultz & Sti~tz, Engineer stevens, C.O. Creel, Rodney Coates, Loyd Stocker; Larry Bentl~y, Lawrence Mellama,. and Don Miller. 0 ',0 On a motion by Sickles, seconded by Webb the minute~ of the May meeting were approved 'as presented. The following. current vouchers were prdered .paid on a motion by Brown and seconded by Sickles:: CURRENT Evelyn Sickles Lora B. Coates Harvey Webb Yelm Telephone Postmaster Lacey Equipment Pitney Bowes O.J. MartyT Nisqually News Ye1m Garage Rentex Corp. Patrick BYrne Washington Natural Gas Hunt Office Supply Pickett Drug Bekemans Auto U.S. Leasing Corp~ Puget Power Thurs~Co. Fire Dist #2 Timberland Library Robert Sherman Theo~ore 'Schultz Coast Office Equipment Atlantic Richfield Co. Goodyear Tire Co. oYelm Nat'l Auto Parts $20.00 20.00 20.00 91.88 10.00 187 .37 116.00 12.46 . 55.51 17.46 8.82 119.00 88.19 3.68 11.10 14-026 24.32 54.49 . 1,337.93 663.25 15.00 450.00 50.40 l6.611 70.8) 106.13 o .' t',,, ~ I I ,I , : Kisor Tire Co. . Coast Office Equipment Frank~ssFishing Center Motorola, Inc. . Colonial Insurance . state r10tors Thurston Humane' Society Thurston-Mason Services Washington Physicians Mobil Oil Thurston County Sheriff ARTERIAL STREETS Lakeside Industries WATER H-K Western Supply YeIm Hardware Postmaster racific Water Works Supply A&I~Build~rs'Supply Puget Power o CITY STREETS ' Mot)il Oil Co. P:uget Power D & H Mobil Service Worbert Bros. Patrick Byrne o GALFffiA(itE Q . . Mobl.l Oil Co. Daily Olympian D & H Mobil Service . Atlantic-Richfield Darl Flowers $24.71" , 31.50 3.68 17 . 85 12.00- . 51.60 126.40 32.19 66.48 117.29 72.00 . 4,745.48 7 ..21 . 47 .30 - 5.00' 418.41 ~ 6.51 0 75.37 : 30.33 126.95 " 119.97 0 . 200.00 0 80.00 . c 53 .42 0 11 .96 3.68 23.80 100.00 63". :Action on Councilmatl.c bonds was tabled until the July meeting. . The subject of garbage service to customers outside the city wa Coat~s appointed councilman George Brown a~ a committee of one County Refuse Co. regarding their existing,franchise. discussed. Mayor 9 contact Pierce Mr.C.O. Creel made a request for water service to his property along Yelm Avenue between Chambers Rd andKi11i~n Roa d. In questi~n was whether the existing small water main would adequately service anothe~ household. On a mo ion by Brown, seconded by Webb,~itwwas unanimously passed that th~ City Engineer would study the matter and arrive at a cost figure for the installati9n for a new 611 main 0 replace the existing line. Cost of the study was not to exceed"$200. Sealed bids on the eight plus acres property previously used as a city dump ground were opened. .Larry Bentley submitted a bid in the amount of $6 360 and Lawrence Mellema in the amount of $7,001.05. Sickles made a motion to a cept the Mellama bid and authorize the City Attorney to prepare the necessary docume ts for the transaction. Webb seconded the motion with Brown castin~ a nay vote. On a 'motion by Sickles, seconded by Brown, it was unanimously a reed to approve the recommendations of the City Engineer regarding the proposed con uit installation by the Ye1m Telephone Company. . Following a discussion regarding the water system at Yelm Views by Bnown, seconded by Webb and unanimously passed to request th a. study of the system to determine just what is required to bri Certification standards as requested by the Health Department. ceed $250.. There being no further business ~:~~~~ O.J~(Martyr - Clerk-Treasurer . L/ I a motion was made Ci~y Engineer to make g the system up to Study cost not to ex- " 64 ,-.:: ._~ ............ July If), 1974 The regular meeting ,of the T0WIl Council was called to order by Mayor Coates at 7:40 P.M. Council members present were Dick Sokolik, Harvey Webb and Arnoilld Drogseth. Also present were Attorney Schultz, Engineers Byrne & Stevens, Rober~a Longmire, Russell Olson and Don Miller. The minutes of the June meeting were approved as presented on a motion by Webb and seconded by Drogseth. Postmaster Yelm Garage Harvey Webb Puget Power Byrne & Associates U.S .'Leasing Nisqually Valley News Swedberg & Assoc~ Rentex Corp O.J. Martyr Yelm Nat'l Auto Parts Arnold Olson State Motors Washington Physicians Pitney Bowes Mobil Oil, $ 17.20 Lara B. Coates 103.98 3.95' Arnold Drogseth 20.00 20.00" D & H'Mobil 7.39 3.02 ' Wolf's . 8.75 80..00 J Lacey Equipment -' 25.67 24.320 YelmBusinessmen's Asstn.6.00 37.250 Pitney Bowes 52.20 350.00 Yelm Telephone 109.79 12.60 Bekeman's Auto 6.90 10.62 0 Mosman Agency 31.00 4.24 " Ivereons Grocery 8.50 125.00:) Rex Purdy 122.00 16.04 0 Yelm Telephone ,77.04 66.48 ' Colonial Ins. Co. 12.00 104.40 Pi,ckett Drugs 4.06 186.80 Atlantic Richfield " 38.42 WATER Puget Power Byrne & Assoc. Yelm Hardware 84.JO " Thurston Teachers Cr.UQion 83._0b 200.00 ,. Nisquall~7News '102.21 4.36 o GARBAGE Mobil Oil Co. Atlantic Richfield 43.10 Nisqually News 40.42 Postmaster 102.21' 5.00 CITY STREETS Yelm Garage D & H Mobil Service Pacif,ic Sand & Gravel 82.03 Mobil Oil.Co. '28.20 Puget Power 21.00 34.41 126.95. On a motion by Drogseth, seconded by Sokolik, it was unanimously passed that, the recommendations of the Yelm Planning Commission be accepted approving the Environmemtal Impact Statement and the Kingsview Plat, Divisions 3 & 4; Mr. Russell Olson, representative of the'KINGSVIEWodevelopment requested'per- mission from the Council to errect a sigh~:. not to exceed four feet square" advertizing and giving directions toKINGSVIEW to be placed at the corner of Yelm Ave. & Edwards street, if the owner of that property would consent. ,On a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Webb, ,the request was unanimously:approved. A review of the new water ordinance number 166 was made and owas tabled, with 'passage set for the next meeting. ~. .. ( . . Ordinance # 165, providi~g for the issuance and sale of @eneral Obligatio~ Bonds by 'the town in the aggregate principal amount of $40,500 for the'purpose of pro~', viding funds to pay part of the cost of constructing and equipping a new town hall, was unanimously adepted afterfmotion by Sokomik and seconded by Webb. o On a motion by~Webb, seconded by Drogseth, it was unanimously passed t.hat August 20th be set as date for the sale of bonds, and a special meeting be called for that date for the purpose of opening, reading, eva~uating and considering the bids for the new town hall building. ,I I: I ~:; .... - '.. ....",..., "- .....~ ~.~ 65 h.'~" ~ The council expressed their approval of the vacation of an ~ ley in Block 16 if the nece'ssi ty should be indica tedi' The request wa's made Mrs. Roberta Longmire. Onoa motion oy Webb" segonded by Sokolik Re~oiuti9n # 130 ap roving a govern- ment subsidized Senior Citizens Housing Development of 20 to 24 units was approved unanimously. Ordinance # 164 relating to an emergency appropriation from e General Expense Fund and authorizing' a loan from the Fire Equipment Reserve d was presented. Said ordinance was discussed and action thereon was deferred to 'the regular meeting in August persuant to the laws of Washington. ( At 11:40 P.M. the council adjourned the meeting to reconvene July 22, 1974 'at 7 :30 P.M. in the, Town Hall in YelIn. > ' ' July 22, 1974 The-meeting was resumed on July 22, at 7=30 at the Town Hall ith the following present: Mayor Lara B. Coates, Council members Sickles, Drog eth, Brown and Webb._ Attorney Theodore Schultz, Ralph Provincial, .Architect, Mrs. ongmire; Mr. Robert ,Fristoe and Mr. Don Miller. o ' . Motion was made to amend Fire Zoning Ordinance 91 to designa e the area bounded by First Avenue, Jefferson Street, Second Avenue and Washing on St. as Rire Zone " #' one (1) all other areas within the Town Limits to be desig ated as Fire Zone "# three (3).' ,l~he motion was made by Webb, seconded bySickl s and opposed by ~rown, IDhis action approved by Ordinance # lQ8~ ;:. ,. On a'motion by Webb and seconded by Sickles, ,it was unamimou , the 'Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute ,a, contract with rchitect Ralph ,D. Procencal on behalf of the, Town 'of Yelm when iormalized~by t e Town Attorney. Further authormzed was the initia~ payment or. two hund~ollars ($200) contemplated by the contract. On a motion by Sickles, seconded by Webb, with Brown opposin Ordinance # 167 was adopted. An Ordinance ol the' Town of Ye providing for the issuance and sale of general obligation bo in, the principal amount of $18.000 for the purpose of providi part of the cost of const~ucting and equipping a town hall the principal and interest thereon. Mayor Coates announced her appointment of Senator Harry LeWis, George Brown and Hal Wolf ,as a' committee to study the Comp~ehensive Water Ian for Yelm and to make comments and recommendations regarding its corite , the following ,Washington s of the 'town g funds to pay 'pr'oViding for It was~~~animously approved after a motion by. Brown and secon ~s. Roberta Longmire be authorized to contact the following \;ity .Hall prop~rty site ,Lee & Martin, Bracyo& Thomas and' Fa ,Selection of the firm would b~ t.>ased on the limited time, wit limitoset,at" $400. 0 ed by Drogseth that irms to survey the new rick Byrne & Assoc. the upper money' On a motion~by Drogseth, seconded by SiCkles, it was pas~ed that Mayor Co?-tesand the Clerk be authorized to enter into a contract f r disposal of two buildings Rresent1y' located on building site for the new Town Hall. Said buildings were discussed and determined to be surplus at the meeting ofothe Town Council on July 10, 1974, and were declared no longer needed;further, th ~!::t the amount ' authorized for clearing operations will not exceed $1,800~ .. . On a motion by Webb, seconded by Sickles, Resolution # 131 wa unaniinouslyapproved accepting the revisions, modifications and changes in plans a recommended by Architect Ralph Rrovencal as outlined and shown in reviSed dr wings pf sheets ~~ 1, 2, and 3. ' Water Ordinance # 166 was tabled until the regumar August mee Changes in Speed Limits, Ordinance, # 163 was discussed. Furth r action was tabled ~ntil .~ future meeting. The mee~ing adjourned at 12::15 P.M. as there was no further /2 .. L-~ "'-L -Treasurer ~j 66 -:it-..."?P .......:~ $'" tfy-... r'" ~ .) ~. +, "':\, August 14" 1974 Mayor Coates called the regular meeting of the City Council to order in the Ye1m City Hall at 7:30 P.M,. Council members 'present were Sickles, Sokolik, Webb and'Drogseth. Others present were Attorney Schultz,,. Engineers Byrne and Stevens, Mr.& Mrs. Skinner, Ann Zembas, Roberta ~ongmire, Dale 'Wopct and Don Millero Minutes of the previous meeting were approved qn a motioncby Drogseth and seconded by Sok1olik. ~The following current vouchers were approved for payment on a motion by ~i9kles and seconded by Webb~ CURRENT Rosano Electric Puget Power Washington Natural Gas Ye1m Telephone ,_ O. J. Martyr Ye1m Garage Rentex Corporation Arnold Drogseth U.S. L~asing Corp. Washington Physicians A & I Lumber Co. Yelm Nat'l Auto Parts Pickett Drug Don Redmond, Sheriff Motorola, Colonial Insurance Harvey "{iIleb b 61 N~w CrTY H~~ CONSTRUCTION Donald Rankin Dale vvoou Ralph Provencal Nisqually News GARBAGE Bobbie Wood Mobil Oil Co Atlantic Richfield WATER ~Puget Power Postmastar Bekeman's Auto Patrick Byrne O.J. Martyr CITY STREETS Puget P2wer Mobil 0 "1 Co. Wolbert.!: Bros" Atlantic Richfield ,nt , f: ~ $2:50.77 55.31 100.00 38.,70 17~25 36.03 12.60 20~OO 24.32 66.48 16.16 '. 63~98 4.30 30.00 434.31 12.00 20.00 Lacey Equipment c .. R'obert Sherman : Nisqually News Wolf's Po stma:s[t.er Evelyn~Sickles 'Lara B. Coates Rex Purdy ~ealth & Social Services YelIn Telephone Book Pub1i shing Go $ " '. r State Motors Mobil Oil Co. Atlantic Richfield ~$14..40 15... 00 123..72 '.J C,", 8.05 10.00 40,.00 20.00 . 5000 , 35.81 123023 , 8.95 ~ 116.57 162020 ',9,.57 97.13 1,260.00 1,550028 , 40.51 o 58. 87 60.74 25.73 97 . 84 10.00 16&35 331.83 4.10 Sinclair-Anderson Yelm Hardware Pacific Water Works Young's Glass $4.,000.00 :,; 48.,41 ' 47 9 ~ 17 :If.47 126.95 28.43 200.00 5.60, ; \ 1,468.20 4;80 71,.15 " Sinclair-Anderson Ye1m Garage D & H Service , , The new Water Ordinance #' '166 was unanimously passed after a' motion by Dr'ogseth and seconded bySokilik. o .p -'\ . ~ - . On a motion by Sickles, seconded by Sokolik Ordinance # 169 was un:animously ~pproved, 'relating to traffic and speed limits upon State Highways within the corporate limits of the 'Town of Yelm and amending Section 1, of Ordinance #' 163. Ordinance # 164 providing for an emergency appropriation'in the sum of $2,500 for the purchase of real property to the rear of the 'City Hall and amending the 1974 budget was unanimously approved after a motiop py Sokolik and seconded by Webb. " .~:; . ;.);::}.t:' ;':i'r, ~~': ~{: >i~~A~~>~;{"i'~.;J;; :'7",::~-:",~(:, ~ '~ "* ':~~:;~,;l~~,;:" r' :?~.'Jk:"~"; '~A.l:(, '>;;~~:'~r;i...,. . . . i( :'\:; , .:::':, ". ~..., iJI. ,'.:.-: :t",)~ ~!~': ;::,;,." ::;: \~::,;7,~ ',' .' 1"(/ :, ' ;:~~~v~ ;:~:::'~'F/;,~:' ':;~\ :: . /., r',1>'~~":: ".",,:::~;' ,:J ,,7:,~.}, ~.,~:~';;',\ ~\ . . , '''..' , ,l:'~'f2::;~.j:(:: '.~/> ::ii,'~'\ /. ,:';; ~':;:,:':t<~~,;:~L ';.. u,;~. 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Box 3966' , Sea tIe, W~s~ington 98124' I If ,AUGUST 20, 197, MR. o. J .~~AR TYR TO~1N CLERK YELM Clry HALL YELM, WASH1NGTON DEAR MR. 'MARTYR: FOR THE $ 46, 500 LEGALLY ISSUED GENERA~,'6B LIGATION eONDS OF THE TOWN OF 'YELM.. WASHINGTON LIMITED TAX TO' BE DATED AUGljST 1, '1974, IN DENQMINAT IONS' 'OF" $1,000 EACH, WI TH THE EXCEPTION OF BOND NUMBER I, ,WHICH IS $500, INTEREST PAYABL~ SEMI-ANNUALLY, ON THE FIRST DAYS OF FEBRUARY AND AUGUST OF EACH YEAR, 'MATURING SERIALLY, FRO~~ AUGUST 1, ,1976 ,TO AUGUST 1, 1994 lNCLUS~VE,~ALL IN ACCORDANC~ WtTH YOUR NOTIC~9f SALE WHICH' IS MADE' A'. PA"RT ,HEREO F:. \ "\ ., , \1E AGREE TO PAY FOR 'ALL' 0 F .sA I D' BONDS $ 40 ,,500~OO . TO TIjIS' FIG'URE WE ~~II LLADD ACCRUED INTEREST TO DITE OF DELIVERY, FOR,'THE rFOLLO\tJING BONDS, AN EFFECTIVE R TE OF J~:S043 '. %'. NET. INTEREST COST $ 38',497.50 $ '16,500,.00 'PAR VALUE 8.00 % DUE 8/1/76 TO" 8/1/85 INCLUSIVE $' $ $ $ $ $, $ $ $ 9~000.00 PAR VALUE 7.25 % DUE 8/1/86 %' DUE 8/1/90 TO,' :8/1/89 . If'JCLU5IVE TO~I~CLUSI\fE. TO~----~--r~INCLUSIVE ::==f::~~~::~: 15,000.00 PAR VALUE 7.40 % DUE PAR VALUE ;PAR .VALU:E . % DUE PAR VALUE %', DUE PAR, VALUE 96 DUE TO' INCLUSIVE PAR VALUE % DUE ro I NCLUS I VE' % DUE PAR VALUE TO '1 NCLUSIVE 96.' DUE, TO I Nt L US I VE PAR VALUE TH IS, HI D IS S'UB'JECT TO THE APP ROVI NG. LEGAl. ,OP I N I Ot\J' OF MES SRS. PRE S- -TON~ THORGRIMSON,ELLIS, HOLMAN & FLETCHER, BOND, COUNSEL 'OF SEATTLE, . WASHI.NGTON, ,AS TO THE REGULARITY AND LEGALITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS,' HELD IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THESE BONDS. - SAID OPINION I S TO: BE FURN I SHED BY YOU WI THOUT' CO.S T TO US. '.' ~I ..., l" '. I I~ ; '~,:' ~' , '. ,,-"~ ' The National Bank 'of Confme~ce of Seattle MR. O~ J. MARTYR -2- A GUST ~O, 1974 AS EVIDENCE OF OUR GOOD FAITH, WE ENCLOSE HEREWITH A M NAGER'S CHECK IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,025.00 , BEING 5% OF THE AMOUNT 0 THE BONDS. I. " SAME TO APPLY UPON THE PURCHASE PRICE OF SAID BONDS, I THEY ARE 'AWARDED io US AT THIS TIME AND DELIVERED TO US WITHIN HIRTY-FIVE' (35) DAYS FOLLOWING THE ACCEPTANCE OF THIS BID; OTHERWISE, RIF WE ARE ' NOT THE. SUCCESSFUL BIDDERS, SAID CHECK IS TO BE PROMPT Y RETURNED TO ,US. IF DELIVERY IS NOT MADE WITHIN THIS THIRTY-FIVE (5) DAY PERIOD, WE MAY UPON ,DEMAND, RECEIVE OUR DEPo.SIT CH'ECK AND CANC L OUR LIABILITY HEREUNDER, OR AT OUR OPTION, EXTEND THE TIME,OF DELIVE Y AND CONTINUE TH I S CONTRACT." RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE OFS ATTLE ~&, 1) ~~ BY: STANLEY 'D. SAVAGE INVESTMENT OFFICER , THE ABOVE OFFE~ 'IS HEREBY ACCEPTED BY PROPER AUTHORIZA ION OF THE TOWN,OF YELM,.WASKINGTON LIMITED TAX THIS e , e ' , ' , . . , ' " . , DAY 0 F ' ': " 974 . ATTEST: ". ";1 . .('~, .... ,~.' d .~. .;. ~.. " ' . . ,quO' '. " ,ban:k:.'~o,f'olympla ~'\, .' ".~ . ,L ..1 ' '" ,...."" .. ',', ?l' , . ~. I . \' " OLYMPIA OFFICE .... :. ;' .'. , . ,- ',.,' . '-:i: . 8th ~and Capitol :Way, P.o.. ~ox 1849, Olympia' ,~a~hingt'on 98507 .(Z06L 753~8500 _, 'OTHEROFFICES: TEN;INO.WESlSIDE.'.YELI\II' ' ': , , i .~ . .: ..' ':,:,Aug'~~$f.2(j;. 197:4 t '~""... . .........", . . ~.! . . ~Rol?ert Martyr Ct~y .Cl~rk '. ' .' . City HaIr:" '. . "," Y ~,inf,:. W~Shiri~~:'~~,.,~~;~9? .,'\ -- ;...,'....~ 't Regar4ing :." " ",.-$4'0,-500, TOw:rl,,'oI,Yelm, W~shing~oh ',bimi t'e~ Tax Levy. ,General Obli&at.ion Town,Ball Bonds:~.: '~~74A , .. ~";. ;. '. . ~"."'" . .~: 1 . ."., .". .' . . . ~ + and topearco~pons'as':follows:: , "'I': -".":' ~ -I I . . . ~ '. ' ,.7.. 00. "70 'pei'antlUm.f or" b~nds m~ turi,ng ,in: the 'year s ' 6'.60 %: peran,num fO,r ,'bonqs 'mafuring :in' the -years '6.70 - :.'70' Ber . anriu~I(fo,r ',bonds,' maturing' i~,' the:years , 6:~,80,,'" 70 per" annum for bonds,~a't4rin& -in, the 'ye,ars :. ' " 6.90 70 per annum:for'bond's ma;turii,ng in, the years 7'.'00 ,'% per',~annum:"for . bonds maturing'in, the 'years. '.7 ~ 10 '%perai?-num'.f~r bon.ds maturing in:the, ye'ar's . , to' to .to , . to, to .to, to', ' 1984 C", in~lu$fve;' '7'1.-0...;' ',-inclusive; l....-.O-. ", .:, ~nc1usive;,' l' . -0- ,'inclusive;'~ ' "1.' 0 ,.:,il)c:lusive;...' '19;~~ . ,.inclus'i ve; . , 1994 . ; '~ iil,C 1 us i ve ~ .:;. .-' , . Gross'i'?-t~;rt:st,cost. '35 787~00 ;Le.s~ p.remium" }:', '-0..;.' . "Ph:fs~ discount:. ' . -0- Netl~~er~st cost - .35,787~Oa 1~ ,Ave,rage :tat~,., 6.9760., I:... This ~bid L~.I)latj'~ subj ec tt~ th~ terms ";'dprov~sionsof your officiI ~oCt:~~~f Sale. It','is :a1so subject: to the unqu~lified ;approving legal' opinion, of ,P~est@m,."Thor.gri~'son, . Eais; <Hol~il &F:1etcl;1erwhichwe request to beprirtted .on 't~ebon~s. ... ......... . '. !:to' :e'vidence . o:ur'go.o4 'fai th',we;,enclose our, Cashier's Check ,for.. $2, 0~5. 00 .,' '"R~espe0, Ul1Ys,',U,bm.~'i:.te,J;. '.... '. . >. . .'~-,' - ?!J.;., ,.. , B ' OF, 0 YMPLA ' ....' . ". . "(Mrs.) 'Ruthe M~ '.Salz~ . .... ~ ' Cashi'er. . ;-. " '..,. ,.. ~... " . --...... .,' ~t , , ACC~PTED: : """I'" ~ ..'- ' r l " "-'..=-: pate4: , ,. Ik 130M!0-w rI1rw4 rui:" JOilILODM'~' ". .~ i> ,J !.... " 67 The three bids for construction of a new city hall and lib ary building were. a s follows:: Paulson Construction Co. of Olympia $115,520 Alternates o. 1 $978.00 (Base) CE Skinner of Orting Base' $117,900 Alternate No.1 $1,4 0.00 \ It l~o. 2 1,1 5.00 :1 The Tri une Corp.. of Olympia Base $77,075 Alternate No.1 No. 2 $4,950.00 3,300.00 It;was agreed that the bids be held for review, and a decis on would be made at a later date wheDher!~o accept one of the three or again call for bids. There was a thorough discussion of the City garbage operat ons. On a motion by Webb, seconded by Drogseth it was unanimously approved hat Attorney Schultz be authorized to cancel our order on both the garbage chassis and compactor follow- ing negotiations with Lemay Enterprises, if he deems it ad . sable.. ::: :-.:,/ On a motion by Webb and seconded by Drogseth the meeting w to be reconvened at 7:90 P.M. on August 22nd in the City H at 10:30 P.M- On a motion by Sokolik, seconded by 'Webb, it was unanimous y passed that Attorney Schultz be authorized to take the necessary steps ,to gain itle to th~ Algiers., Water System. The meeting reconvened- a t 7=00 P .~1. on August 22nd in the Ye1m Town Hall. Present were Mayor Coates, Councilmen SOkolik, Drogseth, a d Webb. Also present' were Attorney Schultz" Engineers Byrne and Stevens, Robert Longmire. ' -,1- , , The bids on the new town hall were discussed.. It was gene ally agreed th~t the awarding of the bid would be made at the September reg lar council meeting on September' 11th. On a motion by Webb arid seconded by Sokolik, Resolution #1 0 was unanimously , approved in which the Council declared the $7,001.05 recei ed from the sale of the old town dump property surplus and authorized it to be transferred to the Town Hall Construction Fund" from the Cumulatige Reserve f r Municipal Purpo~es Fund where it had been :placed in holding. There being no further business Mayor' On a motion by Drogseth and seconded by Webb, Attorney Sch Itz was requested to ,prepare the necessary NOTICE FOR BIDS for garbage se!vice or the Town of Yelm. .,.,4* . I' - '. .A _ 68, .I;- ." ,,-~ ~:.. . - .~ .~ RESOLUTION NO. 130 vlliEREAS, the Council of the Town of Ye1m heretofore duly declared tobbe surplus certain real property owned by the Town &'nd formerly utilized as a 'garbage disposa! site; and WHEREAS, th~reafter, said real property was sold pursuant to public notice and callDfor bids in the manner prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, the Town of Ye1m received as proceeds from the sale qf said real property the sum of $7,001.05, and the Town Council hasodetermiried that such f>>nds are no longer needed in the fund maintained for garbage collection and disposal purposes; and WHEREAS, at the time 'of the sale of said real property it was contemplated that the' progeeds therefrom would be utilized for construction of a new Town ~or the Town of Ye1m; NOW', THEREFORE', BE IT RESOLVED ElI THE COUNCIL G:F' THE TOWN OF YELM that the Town Clerk be; and he is hereby, -directed to transfer the sum of $7,001.05 from the Garbage Fund of the Town ,of Ye1m to the Town Hall Construction Fund of the Town of Ye1m. ~ l' gf?~ Lor Bo Coates, Mayor ' Passed; September 11, 1974 .A;pproved .:, September 11, 1974 [J o o ~..... j ~, September 11, 1974 - 0--- 69' ,The regular meeting of the Town Council was ~alled to orde at 7:30 P.M, Council members present were Slckles, Drogse Others present were Loyd Reichel, Roberta Longmire, Loyd S Mr. Visser and Mr. Hartzell representing Le May Enterprise and Engineer st~vens. by Mayor Coates h, Sokolik and' Brown. ocker, Donald MilYer, , Attorney Schultz ,.<::;:, ... On a motion by Sokolik and seconded by Sickles the minutes of the August meeting were approved as presented. The following current bills were ordered paid on amotion by Sickles: CURRENT Pickett Drugs Postmaster' U.S.Leasing Corp. Ye1m Garage Nisqually News Timberland Library Arnold Drogseth Lora B. Coates Pioneer Business Forms Colonial Insurance ' Mobil Oil Co. Hillman Auto Electric Yelm Telephone Mobil Oil Co. Olympian Auto Parts ,I $ 2.28 10.00 24.32 17 .8.5 326.00 663.25 20.00 20.00 40.. 75 12.00 60.00 46.33 88.37 266.54 2.10 WATER 0 ' Patrick Byrne Beckman's Rosano's Electric Loyd Stocker 2,975.00 2.30 179.73 4.00 I , GARBAGE Mobil Oil Co. Yelm Garage Pioneer Nat'l Title Ins. Co. ) 94.52 64.83 69.83 CITY STREETS Puge t Power ) Mobil Oil Co. 126.9.5 o 23.46 CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION ; Ralph Provencal 45.00 ARTERIAL STREETS Patrick Byrne & Assoc. 332.70 y Drogseth and seconded Pitney Bowes Ye1m Telephone Theodore Schul z Rentex Service .Puget Power Evelyn Sickles Thurston Fire istrict # 2 Wolf's Washington Ph icians Service Yelm Nat'l Auto Parts John Story State Motors Massoth Auto P rts Thurston Huma Society Atlantic Rich .eId Oil Co. $187.50 54.09 450.00 12.60 54.99 20.00 1,337.93 19.07 66.48 57 .18 ' 28.7.5 52.20 12.60 126.40 36.e6 Puget Power Ye1m Hardware Ye1m Garage Pacific Water orks' 147.85 39.33 14.70 24.76 D & H Mobil Se vice Atlantic Rich .eld 17.33 25.13 103.96 . Lakeside Indus Upon a motioh by Drogseth, seconded' by Sickles with Sokoli voting"yea" and Councilman Brown ~bstaining) the following recommendations) made by the N3w City Hall Commit~ee, were adopted:: . #' 2. Acceptance of Triune Corporation's basic' bid of $ 7,07.5.00 plus alternate #' 1 in the amouht of '4,950.00, including State S les Tax for a grand total of $86,lg6.00. ' " . # 3.. Authorize the lown's attorney and the architect gether to draft a contract for approp~iatEH~signatures.' #' 4. Authorize the City Clerk to write to the Triune C rp. no,tifying them of acceptance of their bid and asking them to submit ~heir bond$. I Mayor Coates opened and read a Bid Proposal presented by H rold LeMay Enterprises regarding the contracting for garbage services within the ity of Yelm. Following discussion of said proposal and on a.motion made by Brown, seconded by Drogseth, and unanimously adopted, the Council anbhorized Attorney Shultz to draw up a . contract to be presented at. the meeting which, would reconv ne at 7~OO P.Mo in ~~e City Hal~ on Wednesday, September 18th, 1974~ On a motion by Drogseth, seconded by Sokolik it was unanim,usly approved ~hat the Clerk be instructed to transfer $5,000 from the Cumula ive Reserve for Municipal Purposes Fund to the Yelin, Washington Town Hall onstruction Fund. ,The Clerk was instructed to take the necessary steps to am nd the 1974 Budget and transfer $10,000 from the Garbage Fund to the Yelm, Wa hington Town Hall Construction Fund on a motion,by Sokolik, seconded by Sick es and unanimously passed. t70 ',' fP .,'" .. ~ " ..7'.... .' On a motion by Sickles, seconded by Drogseth, it was unanimously approved that $15,922 budgeted for Capital Expenditures now in the ,Revenue Sharing Trust Fund be used for expendmture in the Yelm, Washington Town Hall Construction Fund. Upon motion~by Br~wn, seconded by Sickles it was ~nanimously approved that Engineer Stevens ,be instructed to inspect the street repairs that have been made following the laying of the telephone conduit by Can-Co. Construction Co. and make whatever ,recom~endations h~ deems necessa~ to both Mr. Curry and the construction firm. ,The meeting was adjourned to 7:00 P.M. on September 18, 1974 at 12:55 P.M. September 18, 1974 o The meeting was resumed at 7:00 PoM. a~ the ~elm Town Hall. <> Engineer Stevens reported on the futUr~ needs for the relm water sY$t~m as presented in the Comprehensive Water' Plan and as discussed by the water committee. On a motion by Brown, seco~ded by Drogseth it was unanimously approved that Engineer Stevens be auth9rized to make a thorough study and run down eve~ possible avenue of fundtng at a cost not to exceed $500.00~ Futhermor.e, I1r. stevens advised that t~s cost can be included i~ aninterest free loan from the Department of Socia+ & Health Services for preparation of plans and specifications for the abovecimprovements. Also at a cost not to exceed $75.00 to make a test-flow on h~drants following co~pletion of the telephone construction project. <> On a motion by Brown, seconded by Webb, it was unanimously o approved 'that the Mayor ~nd Clerk be authorized to ~xecute the contract as presented between the Town of Yelm and LeMay Enterprises, al~o ~cceptmng the bid proposal providing for incorporation of the terms set forth to provide waste and disposalo On a motion by Br'own, seconded by Drog$eth; Mayor Goates was authorized to write a letter of intent to the Office of Th~ston Regional Planning and chairman of Referendum 29 Committee, Office of Co~unityDevelopment advising that the Town of Yelm intends to apply for Referendum 29 'funds for the purpose of establishing a multi-purpose Service Center for the YeL~ 6ommunity. '0 Q <> At 10:30 P.M. the meeting was adjourneq to be resumed at 7:30P.M. September 25, 1974 in the Yelffi Town Hall, Yelm, Was~ngtoq. , , The meeting was resumed at 7:45 P.M. Council members prepent were Sickles, Brown, Webb and Drogseth. Also present were Attorney Stiltz, Mrs. Chas. Kt}er and Mr. Don Custer. Presiding was Mayor Cdates. Mr. Don Custer, State Planning Supervisor, explained in detail the means and pro- cedure whereby the Town of Yelm could make appl~cation for funds available under Referendum 29, which provides a grant of seventy five percent of funds necessary, to make the proposed Community Multi-Service Ce~ter a reality. Mr. Custer stated that studies made by their. department strongly indicated that the Yelm area did indeed' lack, the facilities to adequately fill ,the needs of the area. Mayor Coates and the Council members expressed their unantmous support of such a project~ t ;9 On a motion by Brown, seconded by Webb, it was unanimously approved tha.t Mayor Coates make application in behalf of the Town of Yelm for Referendum 29 fun~snecessary ,for the, proposed Yelrn Multi-Service Center, also for her to proceed'with further in- vestigation~ including an appropriate survey and reco~endation report from the Town Engineer. <> Motion was made by Drogseth,~seconded by Webb and lli~animously approve~that the clerk be instructed to transfer the sum of $3,500 from the Current Fund to the City I Street Fund~ IatcYCGt of oix pereont (6%) per 2nnum to be pai4-Bat4l~the-loan is repaido in full. O' There being no further business the meeting was c;?~. ~artyr Cler)7Jreasurer 71' October 9~ 1974, The regular meeting of the Yelm, Town Council was called t Coates at 7:45 PJM at the fown Hall. Council members pre Sickles, Drogseth, Webb and Brown. Others pr~sent were At Engineers Byrne and Stevens, Mrs. Ma~j Yung, Mrs. Roberta Ron Eckart, and Don Miller. On a motion by Webb and seconded by Bro~iU the ,September m'nutes were unanimously approved as presented. The following October bills were o~dered paid ana motio by 'Sickles: Current ,Harvey W'eb b Arnold 'Drogseth Nisqually'News O.J. Hartyr Wolf's c ~he 'Yelm Telephone Co. Rentex Services ?ickett, Drugs Mobil Oil. Co. telm Garage y-elm 'l'lelephone Harry, Hamann Kisor, Tire Co. W'ashington p'hysicians Sinclair Anderson 'Colonial ~ns. I $40.00 20.00 58~54 17.74 11.11 42~61 12.60 2.08 176.25 475.67 82.86 16.00 18.85 66.48 339.89 ~2.00 lora B. Coates Evelyn Sickles Ye1m Fixi t Shop Patreick Byrne ~ployment Security Yelm Busin~ssmen's As Mooney, CUllen &, Holm Postmaster Atlantic Richfield Co. Ye1m Nat'l Auto Parts Olympia Radiological Motcbrola, Inc. Chris & Son Refrigera Lucky Sales &' Service Dr.Prichard (;! J ,...~(.. Yelm'Town Hall Construction Preston, rhorgimson, Ellis, Holman & Eletcher It ' . . . . ,., n . II! n " Un~ t.;.eq- Qra,phic:;s, rnc. Brae y & Thomas _ Thurston County Auditor Ralph Provencal I Water.., . Puget .'Po~er' Ga.rhage IvIobil Oil Co. &3i,ty Streets ruget "Power relm. H~rdwa re A & I Builders Supp:-y , t . ~ : ~ . Badger l\~eter Co $333.14 Atlantic Ric~fi Id 31.95 Lakesige Indust ies ,112.3.5 Atlantic Hi chfi ld :0' ~ 8.62 $287.72 362~72 979.83 265.50 426.37 210.30 . $106.80 33.35 126.95 15.48 24.65 order by Mayor ant were Sokolik, orney Schultz, Longmfute>., Pat Libbey, by Drogseth and seconded $20.00 20.00 3,,68 95.54 2.19 oc. 6.00 50.75 10.00 26.17 47.86 56.00 574~98 ion 25.10 84.80 21.00 Engineer Stevens reported on the meeting held last week and, proposed motions for adopting the comprehensive wate menting of said plan. on a motioq by Brown, seconded by 'Webb th~ foiiowing was unanimous'iy approved:: ,. . f. ~!.. . ~ To set a time/and date for a public hearing at the next to consider the admption of a Comprehensive,Water Plan f instruc:;t the Town Clerk to post such notices as requmred of ,Public' hearings; and instruct. the Town .At~orney "to pr consideration, adopting the Comprehensive 'Water Plan as and plan of action., . . " I y the water committee, plan and the imple- 'egular council me~ting r the Town of YeLm;. ~nd by law for notif~cation pare a-resolution for fffcial Town policy '. I . . On a motion by, Brown,sec,onded by Drogseth, the following was unammously approved: 4- ,,: ... . '" , '\ To approve tpe e~gineering services contract submitt9d b for the'preparation of plans, specifications and bid ~a1 the Town water system ,and to authorize the Mayor and 40W pontract on behalf of the city. the 'I'ownEhgineer for improvements to Clerk to sign said On a motion by Brown; seconded by vJebb, Sickles voting a ~Ji th DV<r1gseth ab- staining, the following was approved:, . :L' .' To author~ze the own Eng1.neer to make application to th State of ~fashington Department of Social and Health Services for a 5 year in erest free, loan for the . preparation of plans and specifi,catiqns and bid call for fmprovements' :to .the TovJn~ water system, .and authoriz~ng the expenditure of $ 50.00 to prepare the app11cation and other documents necessary. . ' ( 72' Ordinance i 170're1ating to "amending the 1974 B~dget and transferring $10,000 from the Garbage Fund to the Yelm Town Hall Construction Fund was approved on a motion by Drogs~th, seconded by'Sickles, On a motion by Sokolik and seconded by 'Webb, Ordinance # 171 was unanimously approved transferring $3,500 from the Current Fund to the City Street Fund. 'On a motion by Webb., seconded by Drogseth, Ordinance # 172 was unanimously approved detennining the estimated amount of ad valorem, taxes to be raised fer the year 1975" vIhioh are: from General Levy Taxes $21,689.00 and, from E}..'CessLevy Taxes $3,000.00.. Hotion wa~ made by 'Webb, seconded by Sokolik and unanimously passed and ap.pro,ved that the 'Town ~ngineer write the City of. Olympia requesting that the Town of YeL~ be included in the contract furnishing chlorine for ,the year~ 1975. o Engineer stevens reported on the condition of the' ,street repairs 'following the laying of telephene 'conaui t and stated he would confer witlol x'ir. }1erle Curry, O\-Jner of Ye1m Telephone~Companyoon the matter. The clerk"tvas instructed to wri te Hr. Loyd Reichel in regard to the house' he has moved, ~t the same time senaing him a copy of Ordinance #134 relating tG the'buiidingcode. The Clerkwasi instr.ucted to seek the best possible Did for sale, of the old garbage truck. There being further business, the meeting lJas adjourned to Octot>er 16, at 7 =30 PM. in the Yelm Town Hall. The regular meeJ;ing resumea October 16th, at 7 :30 P.l1. Present were Hayor Coates, Council members Sickles, Webb, Drogseth and Brown. Others present were Oddie Kyler and IlIlort James. r4ayor Coates read a communication from Ralph Provencal, Architect recommending the re-excavating arid,'re-filling of the portion of the basement hole at the new Town Hall building site by the 'Triune corporation at a cost of $370.00 as stated in letter of 10/16/740 On - a motion by Drogseth and seconded by W'ebb the above recommendation was unan~ously approved. o A motion was made by Brown, seconded by Webb and :passed unanimously approVing pay- ~ent to, the Town Engineer for furnishing the necessary ~ngineering and sl~vey gerv~ces for the angmfutect to complete site work on the proposed Yelm Community Multi Service Center., There being further business, the meeting was adjourned until 7 :30 P .r-1.,'; Thursday, Octobero17~h, in theYelm Town Hall. Q Meeting reconvened at 7:30 PM with Mayor Coates pr.esiding~ Council members present were Sickles, .Brown & Drogseth. Also present were Mrs. Charles K~er and Attorney Schultz. Ordinance #' 173 was unanimously adopted after motion by BrmJn and seconded by Drogseth, relating to public health and sanitation; providing for the removal and disposal of waste materials and establishing rates and repealing Ordinance # 49 and 131~and all <i1f::,her ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict wilbh this ordinance. The pr9posed Yelm Commun~ty Multi-Service Center was discussed at length wtth quest~ons and answers as to the general and legal proceedures that must be followed toward obtain- ing the needed fi~ances to fund the project. The Mayor announced that theprelL~inary budget has been prepared, the date of Wednesday October 30th, was set for a meeting of Hayor Coates, A.ttorney Schultz and tl';le Clerk to review the sam~ before -pub1icati'on of a public hearing on the budget. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10;15 P.M. o -rP~ ATTEST: ,~,~ V/y: ~ O./J ./Hartyr, Clerk {/ . ,I'e RESOLUTION NO. 131 73 WHEREAS, the orderly development and maintenanc of the water system of the Town of Yelm is essential to the publ c health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Town; and . WHEREAS, 0 the Town Engineer has p~e,@),~~ed a Camp ehensi va Water Plan for the Town which presents a guide for the or erly developrll\ent and maintenance of the Town water system~ and I " v'JHEREAS, . the said Comprehensive Water Plan has een reviewed by . the Town Council and.. a public hearing was held thereon on November 13, 1974, pursuant to notice thereof duly given in the manner requt ed by law;, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL 0 THE TO~rJN OF YEL.Tvf AS FOLLOWS:, Section 1. The plan annexed hereto marked "Exh bit AU which is by this reference thereto incorporated herein a.s thoug. fully set forth herein be and the same is hereby adopted as the Comprehen ive Water, Plan for the Town of 1e1mo Section-2. The Town Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to maintain three copies of said Comprehensfuve Water~Plan in his office for inspection during all business hours; ADOPTED THIS day of November, 1974 I . O{1~ Attest: /'. _. _~ r:?wn lerk -- . / Nov.mmber13, 1974 , . ",.,': The regular 'meeting of the Town GmJfil ~as called to order' by mayor' Coates at 7:30 PM~ Council members present were Sickles, Drogseth, Brown, Webb and So.kolik. 'Others at the, meeting were l~s.:c.ongmire, Hary Me. ers, Ron Eckhart, J.an Loutzenheis~r, Mr; McGinnis, Mr. & Mrs. Sprouffske, A torney Schultz & Eng~neers Byrna & Steg~ns. On a motion by Sickles, seconded by SOkolik,minutes'of the September meeting were appraved as presented. i The following vouchers for November were ordered .paid. on I mttion by Brown and seconded by Drogseth: I Current . Lora B. Coates $20.00 o Harvey Webb 20.00 Puget Power 108:05 W'olf 's 7.49 Thurston County Aud. 92.66 Nisqually News 29194 \iashington Natural Gas 22.18 O.J. Hartyr 581.26 Cyrus Grimes 163~34 Hilton Johnson 9. 86 Picketts Drugs 7.80 ' Patrick Byrne 81.00 Ye1m Telephone 80.73 ~, Mobil Oil Co. 184.20 Ye1.'11 Hardware 4.57 Kisor Tire 25.15 CO~l1lunity Health &, ~o.Sv.34~47 Colonial Ins. Co.' 12.00 South Sound Radiologists 55.00 'Bank of lfJlympia 136.40 lIDhomas Harcus Washington st. Reti ,ement Arnold Drogseth I Evelyn Stckles Postma's.t~r Nisqually Valley Ne is Ye1m 'Telephone O..J.. Martyr Charles Barnard Debbie Newc.omer Bank of Olympia r Wash. Srate Re.tirem ~t Rentex Sv. u.s. Leasing Corp.. Atlantic Richfield Atlantic Richfield Motorola CO. Mosman Agency Wash'. Physicians Ye1m Nattl Auto Par's Rex Purdy $406.62 138.88 20.00 20.00 10.00 4.11 49.'Z7 2.80 93.41 26.77 98.60 128.87 18.90 51.14 22.44 ' , 67. 57 80.09 20.00 66.48 '52.49 '426.62 74 vla. ter Badger Meter, Inc. Youngs Glass' Cyrus Gime s Puget Power $ 8~65 12.92 292e4~ 95.34 City streets Atlantic Ric~eld Patric Byrne' Yelrn Garage Atlantic Richfield Thurs. Co. Teachers Cr. Union Bank of Olympia 8.63 132.00 44098 17.41 83.00 102 .20 Garbage Bank of Olympia Ann Zembas Arco Oil Nisqually News 44.60 254.48 48.21 65.94 Town Hall Construction Ralph Provencal 293.96 ,Patrtck Byrne 'W'.K~ Burkett Bank of Olympia ,Ye1m Hardware $ 200~OO 120~OO 38.20 33.66 Paci2ic Sand & Gravel Mobil Oil Co. Puget Pmfer D & H Mobil Service Loyd Stocker Wash. state Retirement 80.85 10.80 126.95 33.ftJ 428.25 90.65 [ Rural Garbage Service Thurston Land Fill t10bil Oil Wash.. State Retirement ~~ , 1,011.55 66.25 53.66 4h.03 Triune Corpqration 9,042.33 Mayor Coates read a communication from David'A. Dejardin requesting a variance in the parking requirements for the proposed 22 unit Eldery I1ou$ing Complex to be 'located at Jones & Edwards Streets. ' On a motion by Brown and seco~ded by Sokolik,oit was unanimously approved that a variance be granted allowiqg that 33 parking spaces be acceptable instead of 44. The proposed Yelm Community Center project was discussed at length with both Mary Meyers and Jan Loutzenheiser explaining the possibilities and advantages of such a project to the Yelm community. The~e being no respoase to the public hearing on the Comprehensive Water Plan, Resolution Np.131 was unanimously approved on a motion by Brown and seconded by ~vebb, Correspondence from the fupto of Social & Health Services dated August 9, 1974 approving the planned report received August 6, 1974 from Engineer Ed Stevens in accordance with provisions of \iAC 248.54..280 was noted and recommendation was 'O~ made that the rate schedule presented by the Town Engineer be included in the application for loan. Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Drogsethand approved unanimously to transfer $4,500 from the Cumulative ~serve for Municipal Purposes Fund to the City Street Fun~ . Mr. Ron Eckhart brought before , the Council a proposal to refinish and modernize all extsttng street signs either with or without reflective letters and numbers. The Council agreed to table any decision until the proposal has had fUFther study. On a motion by Sickles, seconded by Webb, it was unanimously passed that 'the old garbage truck be declared surplus a~d that the $400.00 bid made by Pierce County Refuse Co. be accepted. The Council instru~d the clerk to return the two garbage bins on loan to the Town by Capital Industries at Seattle. Mr.,& Mrs. Sprouffske and Mr. McGinnis, new owners of the former Dottie's Cafe and Chie1STavern property asked the council forpermisssionto build a permanent canopy type awning over the sidewalk with support posts close to the curb line. Th~also pequested permission to install carpeting'on the sidewali, and,requested a(15) fifteen minute un16aqihg zone on Yelm Ave. in front of the restaurant. The requests weFe tabled pending research and study of "Ordinance No.6 by Attorngy Schultz. Attorney Schultz was instructed to write to the owner of the hbuse located be~ind Clyde's Upholstery Shop, formet~y known as the Hendricks house, requesting that it be demolished or moved. o " Motion was made by SOKolik, seconded by Sickles and unanimously a~p~oved, instruct~ ing the clerk to notify Loyd Reichel to the effect that he is not in compliance with tq'e Town Zoning Ordinance in regard to the house recently moved onto property on Jones Street. There being no further, business; 'the meeting...., wa~:adjOUrJlrd~~t. 12 :,40 A.M., . ,:-~~;~ A /~ () cr- ' .~o:- V{A....'. V ft' d/( -V1 ~ Lora "B. Coates, Mayor ' I I I 75' Minutes of Public Hearing on 1975 Budget December 2, 1974 The meeting was called to order,by Mayor Co~tes~at 7:30 PoM~ at ler~prese~t were Attorney schultz and Councll members Slckles, Drogseth, So io11k and webb., There being no other individuals present to, comment on the pr~p Ised budget for the ensuing year, the public hearing was adjourned to be ~ontlnle~~hrU~g~ December 11, 1974. . ~ ' I I I I f I I \ 'I \ , I Tha regular'meeting of the Town Council 'was called to order by ~~~r Coates at 7;30 PM. Council members present were Sickles, SOkolik, Brown and Webb. pthers present were Mrs. Roberta Longmire, Architect Ralph Provencal, AttorneySchu jtz, Engineers Byrne and,SteVe?s, ,Don Miller and Mr. Feldman, Manra.ger of' Evergreen S ;' ngs & Loan. On a motion by Webb and seconded by Sokolik, minutes of the Novel ber meeting were read 'and approved as presented. ~ ' . [ The following vouchers for December were ordered paid on a motio: by Webb and seconded ~&~: . ! Current Vou II 2142 - 2191 '$7,552.11 Water: Vou n: 626 - 637,J~1940.42 Ci~y Streets It, fI' 419 - 433 1,823.,05 Garbage! tt "300 - 308 869.79 City Ha 1 rt "13 14 93~2.84 Roberta ~ngmire discussed Planning Commission activity and thei! plans for a.meeting on a designated day each month, which has tentatively been set as t e first Friday of each month. ....0 - I It was moved by, Brown and seconded by Sokhlik to grant Lloyd Rei hel a variance to th~ building code on rear 'property set-back. Approved unanimously. I I Motion wa~ made by Brown and seconded by 'Webb and passed unanim61s1y to transfer" $1,000 ~om the Contingency Flmd to City street Fund. I It was moved by Brown and seconded by Sokolik to approve Ordinan e No. 174, amending the 1974 budget by adding $5,500.00 to the City Street Fund numb Ired 5,42. Transferred was $4,500 from the Cumulative Reserve'for Municipal Purposes F Id, and $1,000 from the Contingency Fund. I , I Apehitect Provencal reported on building code inspection by the town as QPposed to County inspection. Hewwas requested t~ 'prepare a cost estimate lor council considera~ion. December 11, 1974 Mr. Feldman spoke on Evergreen Savings & Loan activity and deposi t,jtng., a share of the Town funds with their bank. conncil to consider Jim Brown, speaking on behalf of ,the Fire'Department, requested iermission for them to remove, the Oi vil Defense room from the ',Fire Hall, which was 'gran :ed. .'He also inquired about the installation of a light in back of the Hall and paving lof the dirt floor in the 'garage to the rear of the building. f \ ' Don Miller presented TimberlandLibra~y request for furnishings ':n the new library at an approximate cost of $7,$00. The Council agreed to study & discu Is their proposal and determtne what they are able to provide. I Engineer'By~ne discussed ingress and egress from the state Highw ys to the new Bank of Olympia'buildin.g. The Clerk was requested to write,Mr. Edwards, I anager of the Bank asking for an easement so that the curb line would be more round ~.' . ' 1 Motion was made by Brown and seconded by Sickles that the 1975 tiget be adopted as ame~ded. The motion was unanimously passed as set forth in Ordi knce No. 176. I \ t nee No. 175 relating i , Motion was made by Sickles and seconded by Sokolik to adopt Ordi to persons incapitated by alcohol. Motion passed U?animouslYe 76 There being further business the meeting' was adjourned at 9:50 P.M. to be resumed December 19, 1974 in the Town Hall at 7:30 P.M. December 19, 1974 There be~ng less than a quorum, M~or qoat~s declared that theomeeting be resumed on Monday,' December 23rd. December 23, 1974 On a motion by Brown and seconded:by Webb a 15 HP mot~r and pump were declared surplus and offered for sale ata price of $390000.' o . Pre8a~twere Mayor Coates and Council members Sickles, Brown and Sokolik~ Motion was made by Sokolik, seconded by Webb and approved unanimously to furnish material "needed to cement the floor in the rear of the fire Hall. ~'he fire department, agreed to fur~tsh labor necessary to complete the work., The Council confirmed the purchase of" the two lots known as the Fisk property for the sum or $9,500 on motion'by Brbwn,'secondedby Webb and unanimously approved. On a mot~on by Brown and seca:>nded by Sokolik, the request by TMO to install an over- head canopy at the new restaurant 'on Ye1m AVf!. was unanimously.approved. Planting of a permanent Christmas tree on the new city hall~premises ~as d~scuBsed and unanimously approved after a motion by Webb and seconded by Sokolik. On a motion by Brown, seconded by Webb, it was-unanimously approved that Attorney . Schultz draft a maintenance agreement between the Town of Yelm and the UCBO_ regarding the proposed Yelm CommunityCentere " " On a motion by Brown, seconded by Webb, Resol~tion N. 132 was unanimously ~pprovede There beigg no furthe.r business; th~ meeting 'was adjourned at 9 :40 P.M. ~b~O Lora B. Coates; Maybr o RESOLUTION No. 132" BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF YELM AS FOLLOWS.; 'WHEREAS, persuant to notic,~ ,given in the manner provided by law, a 'public hearing was held.. in connection with and; WHEREAS, follmwing said public hearing, the Council of the Town of Ye1m has given due ,and thoro~gh consideration to said matter: " ".. The Council of the Town of Yel1:n hereqy 'finds that said proposed does not signiiBica~tly a.ffect the quall ty bt the environment.- o ~"b . I ~~ .~ ~\; ~ o,~'{ J~ ~\ J~