1977 Minutes
January 12, 197~
The 'regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was ca, ed to order by Mayor
Coates at 7 :30 PM with the following Councilmen present:'"Webb, Drogseth, and Lawton.
Visitors included Ted Schultz, Ed Stevens, Don Miller, A1etha eugh, Orren Peugh,
Gordon Hampton, and Larry Mellama.
A motion was'made by Webb'''' and, seconded by Lawton to approve t minutes of the
December 8, and. 28th meetingse Motion passede
. A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Drogseth to 'allow, t following vouchers:.
Current Vou Nr. 3424 - 3481 $ 8,029_19
Water 913 - 926 74,118.64
City Street 626 - 63J 1,309.34
Garbage 499 1,184.05
Title II Anti-Recessionar,y Fund 39 512.42
Motion carried by una~ous vote.
, ,
Mayor Coates read a letter from MoSman Agency concerning fire nsurance on the fown's
puildi~gs. Afte~ discussion, a motion was made by Lawton and econded by Dro~seth
to get the new City Hall r-a.ted.i:e.nd insured, as well as-, the Pol ce Station. Motion
Drogaeth moved to accept a lease agreement between the ToWn 0 Yelm and Weyerhauser
Company, said lease to cover the installation of a radio anten a and transceiver at
the Ye1m Water tower. The motion was duly seconded by Webb an ipassed by a un-
animous vote 'of the Co~cil.
The matter of taking a census was discussed by the Counci~. D ogseth moved and Webb
seconded a motion to accept the estimated census of the State f Washington Office of
Program Plan..ning and Biscal Manggement for 1977 e Passed unan' ouslYe
Mayor co~tes read the'Library report submitted by Nancy Snyder Ms. Snyder replOrted
circul~tion for the last month of 1916 was approximately 1976, with 444 patron signatures,
Other activities included a puppet show, Girl Scout activities Headstart visit, trip
to Rainier Senior Center. The librarian. also announced a seri s of Saturday shows for
kids beginning Dec. 4th and, lasting till the end of Ivlarch. Th Library board met and
elected a new slate of officers with PhtllisLedington chosen hairwoman, Kay Gifford,
Vice~~hairwoman, and new board member Phyllis Huff to serve as Secretary~ ' .
Ed stevens reported that Richardson Well Drilling will set up
d.eeper for the same price, as Kincy e ...
new well
The actual cost of 'paying Jan Loutzenhiser's road was $1,409.0 or $67.00 more than her
payment. Webb moved and Lawton seconded a motion to instruct he Clerk to advise
Mrs. Loutzenhiser and bill her for the $67&00 balance. Motion carried.
Lawton moved that the Council adopt the following as the 'pmlic
respect to extension of the Town Water System.
1 -' ,Except in extraordinall:tJ' situations, approved by' the Coun
basis, extension of water lines will not be constructed
and equipment.
2 - Requests for extensions of water lines must be submitted 'n writing in the ,form
prescribed by the Town ( which shall be developed by the own Engineer) such re-
quest will be submitted. to the Town Clerk who will prompt y forward the same to the
Town Engineer for recommendation& The water line extensi n request shall be con-
sidered and acted upon by the Town Council at the next re ulAr meeting eccuring
not less than seven days after, the request is submitted t the Town Clerk.
of the Town wfth
a case by case
of Town employees
J - Each request for a water line extension shall contain as minmmum: A legal
description of the 'premises to be served, a scaled drawin. of the ,premises to be
served, and a description of the intended water use.
4 - All construction of water line extensions shall be perfo ed by a license~ and
bonded contractor (unless done by Town labor) pursuant to plans prepared by a
licensed engineer and approyed by the Town Engineer.
5 - When a water line extension is presented for acceptance b the Town Water System,
it shall be accompanied by a bill of sale covering all el ments of the line ex-
tension, any required easements (in the form approved by e Town 'Attorney) cover-
ing private property through which the water line passes, and any, permits and '
franchises,required from ?ther governmental agencies cont oIling ri8hts-ofQway
through which the water 11ne passes.
/~......! ~~
The motion was ,seconded by Webb and adopted by.the unanimous vote of. the Council.
Lawton made the motion, seconded by Webb to adjourn the meeting until ilanuary, 19,
1977 at 7=30 PM. Motion passed unanimously~
~ January 19,1977
The adjourned meeting of the Counc~l of the ,Town of Ye1m was called to Order by
Mayor Coates at 7:)0 PMe Present were Councilmen Brown, Southworth, Drogseth,
Webb, and Lawton. Also present were Mayor Bert Smith of Roy, Rex Purdy, and
Orrin and Ale,tha Peugh.
The following vouchers were presented for payment} January salary for BDown and
Mayor ~ert Smith of Roy was present at the meeting to re~uest the Town of Roy
be permitted to purchase parts from'our .old police car/ll Webb made the motion,
to sell to the Town of Roy, parts needed from the 172 Dodge for $150.00. LaW'ton
seconded the motion. ' '
There being no report from Engineer Stevens on the 'progress of the well drilling
due to broken down equipment, action was postponed until the next regular meeting.
Ther being no further business, the meeti~g was adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Atlbest :,
~~,u ~-~~~4
Ann Ze~ba' , Deputy/Clerk
Coates, Mayor
February 9, 1977
The Reguiar meeting of the Council of the Town of Yeelm was ca led to order at 7:30 PM
by Mayor Coates with the following Counci~en present; Brown; Southwor~h, Drogseth,
Lawton and Webb.. Others present were: Ted Schu~ tz, Ed steven , Bill I som, Don Mil1e'r,
Cliff Bryant, lletha Peugh, Orren Peugh, Gordon Hampton, Arch e McLean; and Don
A motion was made by Webb to approve the minutes of the Janua y l2thand 19th meetings.
The motion was seconded by Drogseth and passed by a unanimous vote of the Council.
A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Lawton to-pay the f llowing vouchers:
:Voucher s # 3482
927 -
, City Street
Title 2 Anti-Recessionary
634 -
~10tion carried..
Engineer stevens recommended the Council eliminate anXf~urthe ~drilling at the present
well site'in the industrial area. He also recommended that t ey drop plans for the
pump ,and well house It A motion wasmade ~y Brown and seconded by Webb to accept,
steven' reco~nendation8 Motion carried.
stevens presented progress re'ports and statements from, Reliab e Steel Fabricators
in the amount of $23,179.54 and WttB. Davis Co. for $13,935.14. A motion was made by
Lawton and seconded by Southvlorth to approve paymen~ of the b. Iso ,;MQtion passed.
Engineer Stevens also reported that in connection with the To water system improve-
ment project" the ~@wn would need to raise an additonal sum 0 approxliuately $87,000.00
by issuance of water revenue bonds. Mr. Archie '}1. I'1cLean, Pre ident of }lcLean & Company~
Inc. Investment brokers in Tacoma, Washington presented a lett r to the M~or and
Council containing a proposal to purchase Town of Yelm Water venue Bonds. Mayor
Coates read the letter proposaY to the Council and directed th Clerk to attach the
same to the minutes of this meeting~ The proposal presented b'j Mr. McLean provides
in substance that his company will purchase $90,000.00 of firs lien Water Revenue
Bonds having a parity with the outstanding 1966 Water Revenue ondsjtthat $35,000.00
of such bond would bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum d $55,000:00 of such
bond would bear interest at the rate of 6~ per annum; that af er February 1, 1987
such bonds then outstanding could be paid in advance by the To n at par in inverse
numberical order on any semi-annual interest payment date; and that HcLean & Company
would pay $97.50 for each $100000 par value of such bonds, plu interest accrued to
the date of delivery. A check in the amount of $5,000.00 was elivered with the letter
proposal by McLean & Co., 'Inc. as a 'good faith deposit for the purchase of the bonds.
Mr. McLean explained his proposal to the Council and after dis ussion thereDn, Council-
man Brown moved that the Town accept the proposal of McLean & ~ '0., Tnc ft to purchase
,~90,000\900 of Town of Yelm First Lien Water Revenue Bonds. Co cilman Drogseth
seconded the motion and the motion was adgpted by the unanimou vote of the Council 0
Thereafter, Attorney Schultz presented copies of a proposed fo of an Ordinance pro-
viding for the issuance and redemption of $90,000.00 par value of Water Revenue Bonds.
Town Clerk Roger Side advised the Council that the next ordina ce~number in order was
Ordinance # 207, and Mayor Coates directed that such number be affixed to the pro-
posed Ordinance for the purpose of discussion. Attorney Schul z reviewed the pro-
posed form of Ordinance # 207 with the Town Council, and after iscussion thereon,
Councilman 'v~ebb moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance No. 2 7 entitled as follows:;
uAN ORDINANC,E Relating to the waterworks utility of the Town; ecifying and adopting
a system or' plan of additons to-and betterments and extensions f the Waterworks Utility
of the Town of Ye1m, Washington; declaring the estimated cost ereof ~s nearly as may
be; providing for the issuance of $90,000.00 par value of Wate Revenue Bonds, 1977,"
for the purpose of obtaining the funds with which to pay part the cost of carry,ing
out such system or'plan; creating a special fund to provide for the payment of such
bonds; fi~ng the date, form, maturities, interest rate, covena ts and terms of such
bonds; and providing for the sale and delivery of such bonds to McLean & Co., Inc.,
Tacoma, Washington. II .
Councilwoman Southworth seconded the motion, and the motion and Ordinance NOe 207 were
duly adopted by the unanimous vote of the Counci 1.
A petition for annexation presented by owners of not less than 5% of the assessed value
for tax purposes in the area southeasterly of the Town of Ye1m, bounded by West Road and
Old McKenna Highway on the North, Creek Road on the East and Hi hway 507 on the South. '
'Lawton moved to accept the petition and set, }l'arch 9 at 8 :;:00 PM as the day and
time for a public hearing. The motion was~~conded by Webb and passed by a unani-
mous vote of the Council.
A motion was made by Southworth and sec'onded by Lawton allowing the Postal
Department to post traffic directional signs at the Yelm Ave. 'exit of the Bost
Office parking lot. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Drogseth and passed authorizing John
Rosano to install, an area light in the area of the Water Tower.
An application for false arrest insurance was discussed with the Council
instruction th~ Clerk to make application for the sameo
The library report was read by Mayor Coates with Librarian Nancy Snyder re-
porting exceptionalognwth in 1976.0ther activities included Pre-School classes
visiting the librarY$ films for the Senior Citizens, aquisition of a tape pl~yer/
recorder, and committee work planning summer activities.
~ .
Engineer S evens presented a map of the water line extension applied for by Orren
Peugh, Lloyd Reichel, Gordon Hampton and the Yelm Congregation of the Jehovah's
Witness_ChUrch. The map showed Stevens. recommendation for ,the distribution of the
cost of the proposed "Vancil Road Waterline Extension" and the basis for future
charges for hookup and front footage. Lawton made and 'Weob seconded a motion to
accept the recommendation of Stevens. efor' distribution "of costs and ~uture hookups
when and if the water line is installedo Motion carriedo
A motion was made by Lawton and~seconded oy.Drogseth "to adjourn the meeting at
10;30 E~M. oMotion passed.
L ra B. Coates, Hayor
t 21
March 9, 1977
The motion was seconded by Drogseth and passed unanimously. _
Librarian Nancy Snyder reported 456 patrons checked out 2107 ooks and o~her library
materials during the month of Februaryo Ms. Snyder-also repo ted visits by Headstart,
Pre-School and Bluebird groups, visit to the Senior Citizens enter at Rainier, and
final meeting ~f the Summer Activity' Comm~ttee in Lacey. The YelmLibrary Board met
Feb. 8th with the next ~cheduled meeting March 14th with the' ublic invited.
The Mayor declared the meeting open for comment on the,Yelm V ews Annexation petition
at 8:00 PM. There being no corrunent f~f.>m the public, a motion was made by Brown
and seconded by Drogseth to adopt Ordinance # 208 for the ann xation .of the area
described on the annexation pe~ition. Motion carried.
n a meetingcheld by
Brown and^City Clerk
establishments asked
rogseth seconded a
The Council discussed the.gamling tax rates. Brown reported
the County Commissioners and attended by the Mayor, Councilm
Roger Eide, relating to gambling tax.rates. Licensed gamblin
for a reduction in the tax rate. Councilman Brown moved and
motion to retain the rate now established. Motion carried.
Mayor Coates read a letter from C..E.T .A. Co-ordinator John R. Olsen concerning Out...
reach Station in rural areas of Thurston County.
Mayor Coates read a letter from the Office of Community Deve
projects, with the application and instructions passed to th
pment regarding C.E.T.A.
Councilmen for their
A .
Archie Ferguson presented a proposal for the purchase of the
City to the Council, exp~aining the availability of water in
. possibility of connecting to the Yelm water system. The Co
Mr. Ferguson~s proposal.
elm Golt" Course by the
he area) and the
il agreed to consider
The Council will take under advisement, a proposal by Mike
site and~wel1 in exchange for the front footage along his 'pr
Killion Rd.
wards to deed a well
erty on Hiway 510 and
There being no further business, tne meeting was adjourned a
Drogseth and seconded by WebQi
9:30 PM on a motion by
I, Attest:
t/ ,<;
Roger Eide, Clerk-Treasurer
April 13, 1977
The Regular meeting of 'the Council of the Town of Yelrn was called to order by Mayor Coates
at 7:30 PM with the followi~g Councilmen present, Webb, Brown, Lawton, Visitors present
were Larr,y Benson of Byrne-Stevens, Rex Purdy; Carol Purdy, Glenn Nutter, Ted SchultzG
The minutes of the March 9~h meeting were unanimously approved on a motion by Webb and
seconded by Lawton.
A motion was made by Webb to allow payment oithe following vouchers:
Current 3591 3642 $ 9,416.62,
Water 955 962 7,579.05 [
City street 653 658 1,056.75
Garbage 504 1,230.85
Title 2 Anti-RecGssiona~ 42 536$65
The motion was seconded by Lawton and passed by a unanimous vote of the Council.
A letter from John Casavant~asking for water service to his Greenacres development was
read and discussed. A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Webb to 'instruct the
Engineer to write Mr. "Casavant a letter notifying him of the availability of water and
instructing him in the matters of cast and procedures for installing the system. Motion
:.. ::.
The Clerk was instructed to contact Wolbert Broth~rs in regards to spraying the Hawthorne
trees on Ye1m Ave.
Marshall Purdy told the Council of plans to pool the dispatchers with the Town of Eainierp
explaining that the C.E.T.A.program will pay for dispatchers for full time coverage. The
Council decided, after some discussion, that they would have to have more information on
the responsibility of the Town of Ye1m before they could approve the plan.
, "-
Marshall Purdy m~quested permission to transfer salary paid to Robert Cecil to Harold
Hobsono A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Brown th allow the request~ Motion
Brown~oved to allow up
program and prospectus.
vote of the Council. C
Don Barnard was instructed by the Council to>t~ke the mower engine to Yelm Garage to
determine what the most feasable,way ~c,restore it is~
The Clerk was instructed to obtain insurance rates for the different levels of liability
proppsed by Mosman agency and report to the Council.
Dr. Nutter explained the position of the School District in regards to obtaining easements
for the water line to the new High School. He presented the easement proposed by Thomas
and Roberta Longmire. After soliciting the opinion of the Attorney, the Council decided
they could not accept the easement in it's present form. Lawton moved to accept the ease-
ment when it was written in a ,form that can be approved by the Attorney. '!'he motion was
seconded by Brown and passed by a unanimous vote.
A written report on the activities of the Library was received. Circulation for 'the month
of March was determined at 2741, with ~04"patrons utilizing the Library.
to $500.00 to~the Town Engineers to prepare a six ,year street
The motion was duly seconded by Webb and passed by a unanimous
As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 PM on a motion by
"Lawton and seconded by Brown. Motion carried.
d/: ~/~ ___~~;;&_
, ~,~ \
May 11, 1977
The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Ye1m was call d to order by M~or
Coates at 7=)0 PM with the following Councilmen present, Webb, , rown, Southworth,
Drogseth, and Lawton. Visitors present were, Nancy Snyder, Rex Purdy, Car~l Purdy,
Glenn Nutter, Pat Byrne, Ted Schultz, Cliftori- Bryant, and Don MOller. .
A motion was made by Webb'and seconded by ~awton to approve the ,inutes of the April
meeting. Motion carried.
On a motion by Webb and seconded by Brown, the following vouche
paymen t :'
~.. '.1'
approved for
Water 0
City Street
Vou # 3643 - 3698
963 - 975
505 506
659 - 669
$8,6220 0
Water line easements were reviewed and discussed by the Council. A motion was made by
Drogseth and seconded by W'ebb to accept the easements as 'presen (d. Motion "p.assed un";' ,
Engineer Pat Byrne presented a contract change order for buildi the water line' to the
site of the new high school.. The possibaity of constructing th water line along Hi-way
510 was discussed with Mr. Byrne stating that in the profession opinion of his firm
the cost would be approximately $30,000.00 more. '
A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Webb authorizing a c nge order between the
Town and W.B.DaVis Co. subject to the execution of an agreement etween the Town and Ye1m
School District #' 2 on the payment Der the water line.. Motion c rried"
Mr. Byrne explained the prospectus presented to the Washington S ate urban arterial Board
for their consideration. The project included improvements to 'rst Street N.E. which
would extend to the industrial area. He also explained the 6 ye'r street Plan, discussing
thepossibi1ity of Local Improvement District to improve streets and sidewalks in the
Town. He indicated he was willing to meet with the Council and l~nning Board to explore
the alternatives. '
The Library report was given by Nancy Snyder indicating that 216
materials were signed out by ,439 library users during the month
also described additional activities held in the Library during
books and other
Ms c> Snyder
A letter of recommendation from the Planning Board concerning th
Telephone Co~ .for a parking variance was read by the Clerke The
recommended the variance be grantedprovidedi? the traffic'flow be
or arrows ,from Washington Street to the alley~ 'Brown moved and
motion to accept the Planning Commission's recommendation. Hoti
~ letter\ from Lawrence J. Oudean seeking the position of animal
with the Cler~:instructed to have Hr. Oudean appear at the June
interviewed by the Council.
request of the Ye'lm
Planning Commission
designated by signs
rogseth sec'onded a
n carried..
ontrol' officer was read
ouncil mee~ing to be
A motion was made by, Lawton and 'seconded by Brown to adopt Ordin nce # 209, "An ORDINANCE
6? tHe Town of Yelm relating to street naming ana numbering and stablishing a uniform
addressing and grid system for the purpose of assigning street n es and house numbers to
streets, residences and buildings vIi thin the Town of Ye1m.. Moti n carried.
A review of the Town Liability Ins. coverage was made by the Cou
contract for the po~icy as presented.
Ther~ was a request from Rex Purdy on behalf of the Police Depar
the Council to the sate Legislators regarding their 'proposal to
funds from the state budget.
There peing no further business, the Council adjour
and seconded by Brown.
a decision to
ent for a letter from
elate law enforcement
a motion by Lawton
Roger Eide, Clerk-Treasurer
June 8, 1977
The Regular meeting pf the Council of the Town of Ye1m was called to order by Mayor
Coates at 7 :.a0' PI"! with' the following Councilmen 'present.: Brown, Webb, Sout}:lworth p and
Drogsethe Visitors included Kip stilt~, Ed St~vens, 'I):)n Miller,rvIr.& Mrs.' Lawrence
Oudean and Rex. Purdy 9 '
.A motion was made by, Webb and seconded by Drogseth to apprpve the minutes of the}1.ay 11,
1977 meetingo Motion carried.
EvelYn. Southworth made and Webb seconded a motion to approve the following vouchers
for. payment:
3, 29ll1'2'~
Currept 3699 - 3749
Water~ 976 - 989
City ~treet 670 - 680
Garbage 507 - 509
Motion carried.
Marshall Purdy e~plained the need of riot helmets and night sticks for the po1icee
After some discussion a motion was made by Brown and seconded by Southworth to
authorize the purchase of 4 helmets and 6 night sticks, helmets to cost $50.00 and
sttcks to coast $8015 each~ Motion passed unanimQusly.
Lawrence Oudean presented the animal control program he has started in Rainier and
asked the Council to approve a similar plan~for'Yelmo Southworth moved and Drogseth
seconded a motion to enter ihto a working agreement with Mr. Oudean for 3 months at
a maximum of $100.00 per month beginning June 9, 1977. Motioq carried! ~
Webb moved and Southworth seconded a motion authorizing Marshal Purdy to deputize Mr.
Qudean to issue citations under chapter 6 of the Yelm Muni?ipal Code. Motion carried.
c ' ~'
A motion was made by Southworth to establish a '~No ParkingIJ zone on the south side of
Yelm Ave. from 3rd st. to Yelm Cleaners and on the north side of Ye1m Ave. from 3rd
St. to Gordons pa.rking lot. The motion was duly seconded by Brown and passed by
a unanimous vote of the Council.
A motion was made by Brown and seconded by Southworth to authorize Don Barnard to
hire someone to mow and rake the Parke, Motion carriedo
Ed Stevens presented and explained the certificate of partial payment submitted by
'W.Bo Davis Co. for work completed on the School Water 'Line. A motion by Webb and
~econded by Southworth t~ allow the'payment was passed by the Council. 0
Kip Stiltz proposed amrnending the Criminal Code of the Town, with the Oiu.neil.ans'tructing
him to make changes and pr;sent them at a future meeting.
A report on the a.ctivities of the Library was submitted by Nancy Snyder,tibrarian.
Circulation for the month was 2435 items with f~ve hundred fifty,p~trons signing out
material. Activities and events scheduled for the mofuth by the Library were listed0
Ther being no further business, the meeting was adjour
Drogseth and seconded by Southworth.
d at 10;15 PM on a motion by
I ,
;- .,' -
12'5 \
July 13, 1977
The Regular meeting of the Council of the Town bf Yelm was c lIed to order at 7:30 PM
by Mayor Coates with the following Gouncilmen 'present: Brc Drogseth, Webb, Lawton,
and Southworth. Visitors included Jean James, Kathy 11i11s, n Miller, Bill Iso~,
L~rry Benson, Bill Newcomer, Robert Neale, Kip st~ltz and N cy Snyder.
A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Brown to adopt th
1977 meeting as read. Motion: carried.
the JUne 8,
A motion by Southwor~h to'approve the payment of the vouche
seconded by Lawton.
II . '-990 -
II " 510 -
<,:$' :7,295.41
City Street
Attor~~y Stil tz read Ordinance No. 210. After discussion, moti.on was made by v-Jebb
and seconded by Drogseth to adopt Ordinance # 210 "AN ORDIN' NCE of the Town of Yelm
authorizing the Clerk-Treasurer to invest inactive and othe funds in excess of
current needslt (9 l-1otion carried.
Larry Benson of Byrne-Stevens presented a Gertificate of Pa . ent for the final
pajlnent on the School waterline. A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Lawton
to allow payment of the Certificate. Motion carried.
Change @rder #5 on the Water Construction Project was prase ted and accepted on a
motion by Webb and seconded by Southworth.
Change order #6 on the School Water Construction Project wa presented and accepted
on a motionby:Webb and seconded by Lawton.
Nancy Snyder stated in the libra~ report that the library as busier than ever
with 2781 items checked out by 642 library patrons. She al 0 reported good response
to the Summer Activities Program with 110 children signed u. Other programs' wi~l
include growing sprouts, antique identification and a full .ength movie.
Jean James proposed a park c~ittee to raise funds for pIa ground equipment for the
park. She discussed possible ways to raise funds with a ra fIe the most desirable. .
After ,some questions and' discussion,1;,vtbe, ebuncil determined that her project ~as
worthy and that they would help in any way possible.
Bill 'Newcomer, Fire Marshall for Fire District # 2, explain d the need for fire
inspections. Mr. Newcomer introduced Robert Neale of the T urston Cougty Office
and he 'spoke on the uniform fire code adopted by most entit es in the state, and
he urged the Town of Yelm to also adopt it. The Attorney w 11 resear~h and report.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned t 8:30 PM upon a motion
by Southworth and seconded by Drogsethe Motion carried.
04~ c? ~
Roggr Eide, Clerk-Treasurer
Augustg.lO JJ ,1977
The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order at
7:30 PM by Mayor Coates with the following. Councilmen pr~sent: 'Brown, Southworth
and Drogseth.. Visitors included Kip stiltz, Nancy Snyder, Harry Southworth, steve
Poleman, Bill Isom and Gladys Lyons;, ,
On a motion by Southworth and seconded by Brown'J,the following vouchers were ap'proved
for payment:
Current Vou # 3834 - 3864 $ 6,887.48 O'~
Water 999 - 1007 16,061$10
Garbage 515 .... 518 1,677...95
City streets~ 682 - 684 216.$0 L~'
Title 2 Anti~ReC6 43 557020
Motion carriedG
Nancy Snyder reported 591 library patrons signing out a total of 2448 items during
the month of July. MSe Snyder was also active in the production of the"Reluctant
. Dragon" puppet show which was to be shown on August 12th at Yelmf) Other Library
activities included a Houseplant Clinic', trip to the Senior Citizens in Rainier,
Pre-school Story Time program and Prairie Days Parade activities.
,Engineer Byrne presented' the Six Year Street Plan as required by lawe After discussing
the plan and requesting comments from the aUdience, Mayor Coates read Resolution 137
adopting the six year pIano Resolution 137 was adopted on a motion by Drogseth and
seconded by Brown and a unanimous vote of the Council. .
Pat ByrBe brought to the attention hf the Council, a building permit applied for by the
First Church of Christ for a building'to be erected in the Industrial Zonee He felt
that seme industries would not be compatible with a church for environmental reasons
and advised the Town to change-their Zoning laws from pyramid to specific use 'zoning.
~ip Stiltz passed out a copy of the new criminal code for the Council to study. He
recommended they note any possible. changes so they could be discussed at the September
A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by_Southworth granting the V.F.Wo penmmssion
to construct a barbecue in the City Parko Motion carried.
Har~ Southworth appeared bn behalf of the Ye~ Planning Commiss;on requesting .the
Council to increase the members from five to nine. Because the urdinance would have
to be amended, the Council instructed the Attorney to prepare the necessary Ordinance.
There being no further bus~ness) the Meeting was adjourned on a motion by Drcgseth
and seconded by Southworth~
Rog~ Eid , Clerk-Treasurer
, .
I"~' ,
,,(.. - -.- ~
'II. ',.'
.,', _/
'~ ,)"
NO~~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town C"ouncil 0
the Comprehensive Street Program of the Town of Ye 1m :'be and t
and extended in the form and manner set forth in the document
Exhibit A which by this reference thereto is incorporated her'
forth hereinlt
the Town of Ye1m that
same is hereby revised
nnexed hereto marked'
n as though fully set
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and h is hereby directed to I .
file a copy of this Resolution and the revisions and extensio s of the Comprehensive
street Program of the Town of Ye1m made a part hereof with th Director of Highways
of the State of Washington with thirty days from the dat~ her of.
Adopted this 10
day of August, 1977.
Attest: )
August 26, 1977
Special 'Meeting
The Special Meeting for the purp'ose of discussing whether the 1974 Dodge police
car, presently out of service should be repaired or.a neW ,car purchased, 'was
called to order at 7 :30 P1-1 at the ):elm City Hall by Mayor LeBo Coates. Present
were Councilmen Brown, Southworth and Lawton. Also present were Marshal Purdy~
Carol "Purdy, Harry Southworth, Bob Cecil and Samuel Burant. '.
,., .,~"
Marshal Purdy reported on the extent of the repairs required to restore the
damagedvehi.cle and on the availability of a used police car from the state
Patrol~ After discussion, George Brown made the motion to repair the damaged
police ca:r as soon as possible. Motion, seconded by Lawton and passed:unanimouslyo
G.eorge Brown was appointed to make the necessary arrangements.. .
There being no further busi.ness, the meeting was adjourned at 8 :00 PM .,' '
September 14, 1917
The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Yelm was called to order at
7 ~?O PI'! oy 'Mayor. G?ates~ ~i th ,the fo~1o~ng" Councilmen present~:" .ar'own, Southworth, Webb >>La,
,.~~d ,.Drogseth~ Vl.sl.tors J.nc~u~ea. Kip stJ.ltz, Nancy Sny~er, Harry Sou~.nworth~ Clyd.'
, ':B,~,m~~ Billrt:}cm 8:nd' JJQ~,;::~;~I~i,!;;~:,:!Bob Heath, Bob Jansen_,_LaV,?~e Hayes, ,& Ed' Stevens & n
Ona ;motion by "Southworth and: secorided 'by Brown,' the following vouchers were L
~pproved for payment: ,. ~
, Current Vou # 386, - 3931 $9,641011
Water - .. 1008 - 1021 4,375.25
qarbag! 519 - 525 1,873~1,
City.Street 689 - 694897e19
Motion carri,eds
A'M',otion' 'itYo approve the minutes of .the regualr meeting held August la, and the
'~p.~c;ial meeting held August 26, 1971 was made by southworth and seconded by Webb
and passed by a unanimous vote.
Bob Heath,representing,the U.C.BoO., asked tbeCouncil to contribute .$100.00 per
month to theU~C.B.O~ to supplemen~ th~ salary of the administration. Brown
suggested theCoun'cil ,be certain 'of the legality of such a contribution before
committing the Town~ '
The Yelm Lions Cl~b requested permission to construct a shelter for school ,children
on'city property at 2nd and Washington. A Motion.was made by Brown and seconded by
Drogseth to grant their request. 'Motion carried. ".
Drogseth moved for the adoption of Ordinance # 211 uAN ORDINANCE relating to planning,
amending Section 2.36.010 of the Yelm Municipal Code (Ordinance'number 119, Section
1 (a). The motion was duly seconded and passed by a unanimous vote of tq~ ,Counci10 D.'.
ta.lit~l1l~ved and Southworth seconded a l1lo~ion to adopt (jrdinance # 212, "Ale ORDINANCE t 1
amending Town of 'Yelm Ordinance No. 206 arid the Town of Ye1m b~ge~ f()r the calendar '
year 1977 ~~: . Motion carried. '
Th~ "'NEW CRIMINAL CODE'" for the Town was discussed by the Council and AttorneyStiltz
with..the Council tabling the proposed ordinance until ~t can,be st,udied further.,
:The -Council 'aiscussed th~ Thurston County Solid Waste Management Plan and adopting
a. resolution approVi~g the.,plan. Mayor Coates appointed Brown and Stevens to study
the Plan and to make a recommendation to the Councile
A letter from the Thurston County Fire District # 2 alluding to the disrepair of the
rear doors to the fire station and. requesting; the Town to repair them was read and
discusseds The Cl~rk was instructed to get some estimates on the repaire
.:-z.:-..-.P-~ - ~ -
I' '
, , '
'\oI>o~"......~~~-- .~~
A motion was made by Southworth and seconded by Webb that no c ty e~plo~e~ be
permitted to spend more than $25eOO without authorization or ~ r~q~sit~on from
the Mayor or C~erk. Motion carried.
Ma'Glor Coate,s appointed Lawton and Drogseth to. the salary' commi ,tee$
IJ/ ,: t ' '.
A motion was made by Drogseth and "seconded by Southworth to gf ,t Robert'~:E. Fish
permission to cut trees in ffont of his property on the Canal: . o~d. Motion carried.
The Library Report was read br Mayor Coates.
Thei~ being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at ':15 PM' on a motion
by Drogseth and sec:onded by Southworthe
Coates; Ma.yor
. ~~~
Roger;'Eide, Clerk....Treasurer
October 12, 1917
~ by Mayor Coates
'The regular meeting of thE!, Counci~, of the Town of Ye,1m was cal ad to orderAat, 7 :30 PM
'wit}{ the following Councilmen pre'sent: i'Weob; Southworth, Drogs ~h, Brown and Lawton..
Vis{t~rs includ~~' Bob--J~s~n~-. Don Mi~ler, M~litl Stillings, .La lry Benson, Robert Sanders,
Phylits Ledington,. Kay .GJ..fford, OddieKyler" LaVonne Hays, Sam !Durant, Joanne Plwnb,
and Fred, Van Camp.. ' ' · / '
A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Drogseth tQallow pa ant of the following
vouchers: _ " ' - ., ~/:; 5',: ;..' I
General You # 3932 - 3986 $10,929.07
Water' 1022 - 1030 2;2 ~.63
qarbage 526 - 530 1,7 p.OO
qity Street 695 - 705 ,3,2 B.3l
Motion carried.
After stUdy' by Counciln1an B~own and Engineer Stevens, a recomrn ndation was made by'
~hem to adopt t~e Thurston, L:ounty Comprehensive Solid Waste I1a ~agem~nt Plan.. A motion
was'made by Drogseth and'se'conded by Webb to adopt the plan. : 1 tion carried.
A motiori w~s-made by Drogseth arid seconded by Southworth toac lePt the bid of $175.00
, for surplus property/submitted by Samuel Brewer. Motion passe 1.
The blibrary report, prepared by Nancy snYder was read by Libr Iry Board member Kq
Gifford. The report indicated 468 patrons Checking out a tots I of 2119 items. Other
activities included visits by the Seventh Day Adventist upper lass and the Yetm High
School speech classes~ full length films, films shown at the' inier Sportsmans Club
for Senior Citizens, and films and 'stories at the ~eLm Coopera ive PrscSchool. Mrs.
Gifford also asked the Council to consider an appropriat~onof $100",00 for supplies
at the Library for the 1978 budget~
A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by Lawton to author.ze'an' expenditure of
$70.00 for a storage cabinet for ~he,libra~. Motion carried.
Larry Benson of Byrne-Stevens, Town engineers, stated 'that the engineers recommended
a platting ordinancee Attorney, Schultz reminded the Council 0 a resolution' adopting
.. the-Thurston County Platting Ordinanc~. The Coyncil instructe Schultz~o review the
Ordinance and make recommendations for aqrchanges ~e, felt were necessar.y$
~ ,.
~yorCoates app~inted.Drogset.h ~d Brown to a .committee to me,t with the attorney
and engineers to ident~~ the area to be subject to "late comer chargesn, served by
the water line to the Ye1m High School.
Webb moved and Drogseth seconded a motion that all purchase orders and purchase oon-
tr~pts requiring pa.yment of more than $1,000.00 contain a provision to effect .
assignment to the Town of any and all claims for overcharges as.to goods. and materials
purchased in" connection with the order or oontract" Motion was unanimously adopted.,
Dr9gseth "made awmotion se~onded by Webb to accept a peti ti0n for annexation' cover- O' ".
ing: the property described in the Notice of Intent to Commence Annexation Pro-
ceedings filed -by ~1arlin and Phyllis Stillings and i.nconnection thereWith require
that the subject area be anne~ed subjectoto the existing indebtedness of the Town
of Ye1m and zoned R-2, Multiple 'Family Residential. " ~1oti'o-n"carried.
"_.. . .... . - . I . . .
A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Lawton authorizing $SOOieo~~o~~the p~6hise
of materials to carry":0ut renovation and repair projects at the Police Station and
Fire Hall. ,,~o:tion carried"
LaVonne Hayes requested that a contrmbution from Federal Revenue Money be considered
for the U~BO on the 1978 budgete' Attorney Sohultz was instructed by the Council to
determine' the legality of such.;an expenditure It
t- ....
. ~
A motion was made by Lawton to purchase.a new carb~tor.for the police car. . The
motion was seconded by Webb and pa.ssed with a ,unanimous vote of the Councile
A schedule of proposed chang~.s in the Police Union Contract w&'spresented by the
UniooeMayor Coates appointed Schultz, Drogseth and Lawton to a committee to
negotiate with the Union. ' .
A motion by Drogseth to adopt OrQ,inance Nre ~13 was second~d by Southworth and passed
with Lawton, Drogseth, and Southworth' voting "yes,r: and Webb abstaining.
Resolution # 138 pertai~~g to the adoption of the Thurston County Comprehensive
Solid 'Waste Management Plan was adop~ed on a motion by Drogseth, seconded by Webbe
There being no further business,.~ motion was made by Lawton ~d'seconded.by,South-
warth to adjo!rnthe mee~ing at 10;.30 PM" M'otion carried.',. .
Coate s, Mayor
'C~ -Tre surer
..11 ~...
: I -:~,: . t
: ' ," 'WHEREAS" :t_he'Towri 9?uncil,. of the, Town of Ye~recogni FS th~t the.
increase in: sol~d waste,pro~ucts has created ~solid waste man~ ament,problem
'heretofore. riot accommodated by ~oca1 government w:i.th.respect:to ~he collection
,and. permlinent disPQsal ?f sol{d w~ste" and the financial suppor thereof; and
" . WHERF;AS~ "the availability of adequate and appropriate ; located sites
ror solid 'waste disposU. is ,rapidly diminishing within Thurston Icounty and ,the
To:wn o~ 1elm,a~, ," ' ," , .
, ': ~EREAS, it i~ the wish of the Town Council to proper r effect its
. responsibility in the .a~ea ot solid was~e man~gemen~';and . '. .
. " .. : WHEREAS, '10ca:;1. government jurl.sdict1.ons wl.thin Thurst n County h~ve
jo~nt~y. undertaken planning t~ward' uni'f~ed ~Olid' waste. di~posa~,~I. a~. ~".. ",' ,: ,
'" WHERE~, the Town..Council has renewed the document e' ~i tred Thurston
County Comprehe~s.ive Solid Waste Management Plan prepared by th Thurston Regional
Planning Council; and .. ~! .,' .,.' "
WHEREAS, the State 'of Washingt'on 'Department of Ecolo , ,Land Resources.
Plannirig Sectien, has requested that said Thurston CountyCompr hensiveSolid Waste
~anagement Plan be adopted by resolution,prior to their app~ova of sai~'dbcument; and
'L~HEREAS, the Town Council finds that:'
',"' (i)'" 'The' Thur~t()n County Comprehensi va Solild Wa'ste .~ agement Plan is in .
!e~era~ dcOnfOrnl~~.ce"Wi th" the various comprehens~ v~ plans for an I, wi thin the Town of
J.e.~.a-n; an ' .
, . (2) The ~~d plan is designed to protect the general, e~lth, safety and
welfare of, the residents of the Town of Yelm; and . ...[ .
. -(3) The plan ha~ been reviewed 'by a Citizen Advisor,y pommittee representative
of the various pUblic and private agencies involved in solid w~ fa ma~agement; and .
(4) The plan appears to have been prepared in accottr ce~with the 1969
state of \iashington Solid Waste l~ahagement Act (Chapter 70..95,' bwh
ST~TE Ol"WAS~~G,TON, .:that ,~h~, document entitled uThurs~ort Count I Comprehe~sive So1id.
. Waste.. Man~g~men~, :lan" .d~t~d. December,. 1976, together with Adde I urn dated~ February, 23:,;
~977, ~hich plan ;s on: f~le 1n 'th~ Offl.ce of the Town Clerk, is ereby ra~ified, in
so far as it pertains to the Towno! Yelm.
DATED this/?, d
day of OctobeT, 19710
Towri Gl~l!k
-November ,:,9,) ;1917
The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Ye1m was called to order by Mayor Coates
at 7:30 PM with the following Councilmen present: B~!DWn, Lawton, Southworth, Webb and
Drogsetho Visi tors included Carol Purdy,' Rex Purdy, 'Harry SouthwDrth, Nancy Snyder,
Ronald Taber~,Ei:i' Stevens; -Delores Sanders, ,~obert Sanders, Ted Schultz; Marjorie Eide,
and Don Miller for his,' n~p. '
Minutes of ~~e October meeting we~e corrected to ~tate Brown was absent and then adopted
on a motion by Webb and seconded by Southworth.
'.- .
$ 7481.50
, Motion carried.
A m8tion was made by Brown to pay the Local Government tax of 1.25% of the the total
salaries to the Employment Security Dept. for unemployment compensationG The motion
was duly seconded by Webb and passed unanimously.
City Street
~ou # 3987 - 4044
1031 eo 1041,
706 .... 7),7
531 - '534
....-.... '
A motion was made, by Lawton and seconded by Southworth to pay the following vouchers~
Ronald Taber presented. plans for building 32 housing units- two and three bedroom, to the
Council and asked the, Councils opinion on the need for rental units in the. Town. After
discussion, the Council felt there was a need for the units and upon amotion by Lawton
and seconded 'by 'Webb>> authorized the Mayor to sign a letter so stating. Motion carried~
Library report was read by Nancy Snyder ~ '
~' ". ~ ,,~. I '. . - .. ~
~ contract between th'e Town' and C. E. Tu: was presen tad for the Mayor' s'signatureo
contract was referred to the Attorney for approval and will be considered at the
meeting. ,-,' " " ,
Ari ''''Agreement and Declaration of Trust" submitted by the United Teamster \velfare
was referred to the Attorney for recommendat~on.
A motion was made by Southworth and seconded by Webb authorizing Drogseth to negotiate '0.... ",:,-
terms for a contract with Lawrence Oudean, animal'control officer, also to ask for an
accounting ~f money received~ by Mr. Oudeane Motion carriede ,-
Trust Fund
A letter'from the Planning C~ission brought the following points to the attention of
the Council:. " -
i. The Ross Shippentower Conditional Use Permit.
2~ The proposed platting ordinance for the Town.
3~ The Ordinance referring 'to annexation, which states, .an~exations should
, be presented', to the 'Planning' Commission fOr recommendatione The;,,',~lanning Commission
also felt that if the Council did not require their services~ the Planning Commission should
be abolished4 .
Motion instructing the Attorney to prepare an Ordinance to provide for the abolishment of the
Planning Commission was made by BDown, seconded by-Lawton and passed by a unanimous voteGl
" ,
Attorney Schultz"was instructed by the Council to write to Ross Shippentower concerning the'
expira.tion, of his conditional use permite
Schultz'spoke on the allocation of funds to the UeBO. He stated this was possible if the
Town would 'enter into a contract with the UCBO for the performance of functions allowed by
State and Federal laws. .
, .
Motion was 'made by Webb and seconded by Southworth to budget for a $10.00 per mo. raise in
p~ for the Mayor and Council for 1978. Motion carried.
There being n9 fur. ther business, the meeting was adjo~ed at 10:30 PM on a motion by Webb
and seconded by Southworthe, ~'-"F //I/,17~ /0, "
/d A J~' U Lt:4J-??
Attest: v;.--~
Lora Be Coates, Mayor
. ,,{ r-'"J.....
December ~4, 1977
The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of'Yelm was called to order by
Mayor Coates at 7:30 PM with the following Councilmen pres nt:. Webb, Lawton,
Brown and Drogseth~. Visitors included Ckidie Kyler,' RobertI. Charles, -'Jr,. and
Operet~a ~ler; 'Fred VanCamp, Don:Miller Rex and CarolPur~1, Nancy Snyder,
and Ted Schultz. . . I
A motion, was. made by Webb and seconded)-by Lawton to appro the mnutes of the
November meeting. Motion carried. T. . . . I . . .
A motion was made by Webb and seconded by Lawton to appro the following vouchers
for payment: I
Current Voucher # 4045 "'" 4102 $12,6 .3.68
Water 1042 - 1047 3,7;9032
City steet 535 541 1,8 '1346
Garbage 718 - 733 4, ,711' .37.
Motion carriedg ,
A letter was read from Lawrence Oudean, resigning as anim I control officere
Mr. Oudean stated Social Security payments and the animal Fontrol ordinance as
reasons for his resignation. He also indicated a willing ess to negotiate a
written contract for future service. A meeting as proposel between OUdean,
Drogseth and Schultz to prepare a contract. I
Librarian Nancy Snyder regorted a busy month in November ~th a total of 2502
items'checked out by 538 patrons. Ms. Snyder attended'a reting of the Timberland
Steering Conmiittee and Yelm Library Board\') Other activit.es included visits by the
developmental disabilities class of the V.C.B.O. and clas ~s from the Seventh Day
Adventist school, movies and a Microwave cooking demonstr ~ion, anq a trip to the
Senior Center It , ' I 0 .
Ordinance # 21~ "AN ORDINANCE determining the estin1ated am: rnt": of revenues to be
raised by ad valorem taxes' to be' levied for the town of Y Wm for the fiscal year
1978;" was read and adopted on a motion ,by Lawton and sec I ded by Drogseth.
Ordin~nce # 215 "AN. ORDINANCE o/the Town of Yelm abolis .hg the Yelm Planning
Commission; providing for the Yelm Town Council to assume ~he duties formerly
performed by the Ye1m Planning Commission; and repealing own of Ye1m Ordinance
# 119 and Chapter 2.36 of the Ye1m Municipal Code," was p ~sented by Schultz, as
,instructedrtheCouncil at the November 1977 meetingo Aft ~ discussion and failure
of the chair to-get a mO~ion, the Council ~uled t6 retain ~e Yelm Planning Commiss~
A' motion by Wet)b~'and seconded by frog seth to accept the c eaning bid of Young f s
Service for'Danitorial service for 1978 with -the contract fO remain the same as
1977 was passed by the Council. I
A motion was made by Brown to' authorize l-iayor Coates to s. gn the CETA Title Wi), '
special projects agreement No. 677-0106 with Thurstpn Co ty. The motion was
seconded by Dr~gseth and passed by a unanim9us vote.
Ted Schultz discussed the state Auditor ruling that speci ~ rates for .people (,,':~\r
62 years or over and with income of $4,000.00 per year or iess was illegal. The
Council decided to take no action until the rule was trie in court and instructed
the Clerk to keep informed on the subjecte
The rear doors of the fire Hall were discus'sed and 'Brown s appointed to contact
Kinnear Door .Mfg. Co. for prices. I
A motion was made by Lawton and seconded by Brown to decl e the used electrical
equipment removed from the p1.Dllp~ouse surplus and advertis I for bids. Motion (carried.
Marshal Purdy proposed several changes in the Police budge with the Council agree-
ing to take them. under advisement.
t~e meeting until
r-1otion was made by Lawton and seconded by Brown to
7:30 PM, ~cember 21, 1977" Motion carried.
December ?l; 1977
The adjourned meeting was called to order by Mayor Coates at 7:30.PM with the
following Councilmen present, Webb, ~awton, and Drogsetheo. Vis.itors,included
addle & Opretta Kyler, Rex and Carol Purdy, Bob.Eames, Skip Ikenberry, Charles
Dunn, Bob Jansen and Ted Schultz.
A motion by, Drogseth'. and seconded by Webb authorizing the Mayor to sign a lease
with Weyerhauser to allow an antenna on the water tower was.. passed by a unanimous
. .
A letter from Ralph Provencal was read requesting a variance for the Yelm Telephone
COe from the Fi~e .Zone I construction requirements as set forth in the Uniform
building code. .A motion by Drogseth, allowing the variance was seconded by Lawton
and passed. -
Ordinance troe 215, "AN ORDINA1~CE rel:?;ting to public health an9 sani tatioo;: pre-
scribing rates to be charged by the Iown of Ye1m for the collection and disposal
ot waste material; and amending Town of Ye1m Ordinance No. 173, as amended by
Town of Ye1m Ordixnance No. 192,.and Section 8.12.100 of the Ye1m Municip~l Code.1t
was read and discussed by the Council. A motion. was made by Webb and seconded by
Drogseth adopting ordinance No. 215 esta91ishing"garbage rates for the Town of Yelm.
Motion carriede '"
Bob Eames questioned the Council about posters advertising bingo night at the
Senior citizen Centere The Council as~ed f~r .an opinion from the Attorney, who
stated he could find no ordinance prohibiting such activity.
A motion was made by Drogseth and seconded by ~awton to allow Lawrence Oudean
$50.00 for animal control for November 1977. MQtion carried. .
Charles Dunn explained Central Dispatch to the Councile After,'discussion and answers
by Mr. Dunn the Council decided to allow the necessary.funds in the budget for the
Town to participateo .
A motion to change the salary for the Dispatcher to ,$460.00 per month was made by O. ..
. Drogseth and seconded by Webb and passed by a unanimous vote.
After 'discussion and changes made necessary by joining C~ntral Dispatch and establishing
the dispatchers .salary at $460.00 per month.ll a motion was made byiLawton and seconded by
Webb to adopt Ordinance N"oe 216 "AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the Town of Ye1m
Budget for the calendar year 1978." Motion carried._
There being no further ousiness, the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Webb and
seconded by Drogseth.
Lora B. Coates, Mayor
:::'/~r C~
R6ger Eide, Clerk-~reasurer