3/20/06Off` THE ~,~ City of Yelm Planning Commission AGENDA Yelm Planning Commission Monday, March 20, 2006 4:00 P.M. Yelm City Hall 105 Yelm Avenue West 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Approval of Minutes: February 27, 2006 3. Public Communications not associated with agenda items 4. Public Hearings: None Scheduled 5. Other a. Tour of development activity in Yelm 6. Adjourn After the Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes and Public Communications, the entire remainder of the meeting will be in the field. Therefore, any member of the public that wishes to join the tour needs to check in with the Community Development Department by noon on Monday March 20, 2006. Next regular meeting Monday, April 17, 2006 - 4:00 P.M. Yelm City Hall Council Chambers Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped. For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2006 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL Glen Cunningham called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM Members present: Glen Cunningham, Norm Allard, Greg Mattocks, Terry Kaminski, John Graver, and John Thomson. Staff: Grant Beck and Tami Merriman Members Absent: Carlos Perez excused Motion No. Approval of Minutes: 06-04 MOTION MADE BY NORM ALLARD, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE JANUARY 23, 2006 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Public Communications -None: Public Hearing -None Other: Mr. Beck introduced Kathy McCormick, Thurston Regional Planning Council (TEPC). Ms. McCormick is our coordinating planner from TRPC that will be assisting the Commission and City with the Comprehensive Plan Update. Items in the Comprehensive Plan that need updated are population and housing projections, and the transportation element. Ms. McCormick explained the different areas of the comp plan update, and how TRPC will be reviewing data and assisting the Commission with the update. It was determined to create a subcommittee to meet with Ms. McCormick to review the data and findings offered by TRPC in the update, and report their findings back to the commission. Ms. McCormick projects the Commission will hold an open house in July 2006, a Public Hearing in August, and forward the recommended update to the City Council for approval in September 2006. The Comprehensive Plan will then be updated as part of Thurston County's Comprehensive Plan Update. Mr. Beck invited volunteers to serve on the subcommittee. Norm Allard, John Graver, Terry Kaminski, and John Thomson volunteered to be on the subcommittee. The subcommittee meeting schedule will be forth coming. Mr. Jim Gibson, City of Yelm Development Review Engineer gave a powerpoint presentation to the Commission regarding the flooding event in January 2006. The presentation shows the high ground water flooding to be almost exactly where it was expected it to be, and how different areas outside the City limits are effecting ground water and flooding within the City. Yelm Planning Commission Febn~a~y 27, 2006 Page 1 06-05 MOTION MADE BY TERRY KAMINSKI, SECONDED BY NORM ALLARD TO ADJOURN. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Tami Merriman, Assistant Planner Glen Cunningham, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission Febmary 27, 2006 Page 2