10/16/06City o}' Yelm Planning Commission AGENDA Yelm Planning Commission Meeting Monday, October 16, 2006 4:00 P.M. Yelm City Hall 105 Yelm Avenue West 7. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Approval of Minutes September 25, 2006 3. Public Communications 4. Public Hearings: None Scheduled 5. Other A. Sustainable Development - Review and Endorse a definition of sustainable development to guide the review process for the Thurston Highlands Master Planned Community and Environmental Impact Statement. B. Thurston Highlands Update - An update of the status of the Thurston Highlands Master Planned Community Environmental Impact Statement. C. Planning Commission Work Program - An overview of the Planning Commissions work program for the remainder of 2006 and 2007. 6. Adjourn Next Planning Commission meeting Monday, November 20, 2006 - 4:00 P.M. Yelm City Hall Council Chambers Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped. For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL Glen Cunningham called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM Members present: Glen Cunningham, John Graver, Carlos Perez, John Thomson, and Terry Kaminski. Staff: Tami Merriman Members Absent: Guest: Kathy McCormick, Thurston Regional Planning Council Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY JOHN GRAVER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMSON TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 21, 2006 MINUTES. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. Public Communications: The Commission reviewed an email submitted by Mr. Steve Klein. No action was taken. The Commission also reviewed written comments regarding the Comprehensive Plan update by Ms. Gail Cane. 2006 Comprehensive Plan Update Tami Merriman asked the Commission if they had reviewed the staff response to comments received at the August 21, 2006 Public Hearing. Glen Cunningham asked Mr. Klein if had received a copy of the staff response. Steve Klein responded that he had received staff comments and disagreed with two items. Mr. Klein stated that the comprehensive plan should address the Y3, and state that it should not be used for compliance, and the developer impact fees should be reviewed and increased. Glen Cunningham asked staff to respond to the comments submitted by Gail Cane. Tami Merriman spoke to the four items written in Ms. Cane's comments. 1. The Comprehensive Plan should be updated to include Part V Capital Facilities. The Capital Facilities Plan is scheduled for review in 2007. 2. How will Yelm finance utilities for new development, and attached Ordinance 847. All new development installs (in not already existing) utility lines, and road improvements as part of their land use approval. Ordinance 847 is an LlD for improvements to include utilities and road improvement. Property owners are being assessed only for the improvement that occurs in front of their property. 3. How can potable water be supplied when Yelm's wells do not meet water quality standards? The City of Yelm's wells are monitored and tested, and meet state requirements for a public water supply. One well is not in use due to not meeting these requirements. 4. How will sewage be disposed of in wetland areas as to not increase well pollution. The City of Yelm does not allow any development in wetland areas. All new development is required to connect to City sewer service. Yelm Planning Commission September 25, 2006 Page I Tami Merriman asked the commission if they had any other comments or changes to the proposed update to the Comprensive Plan, and if not, did they wish to forward their recommendation to City Council for approval. MOTION MADE BY JOHN THOMSON, SECONDED BY JOHN GRAVER TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE TO CITY COUNCIL WITH RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE. Other -None: MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Tami Merriman, Associate Planner Glen Cunningham, Chair Date Yelm Planning Commission September?5, 2006 Page? d N w U ~ ~ N "~ H N 'O ~ ~~ 6 ~ O ~ r~ U ~" w W ~ ^' L1 O ~d O ^~ O O W U ..~ ~ G ~ '~ w oM ~a ~„ ~, w M w ~~ O ~ ~ ~' a r oc°o 00 9 ~ ~ ' ~ `i' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ obi o a ,n N ~ Uc~r, m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °~ o ~ a ~ ~ m ~ '~ o ~~~ ~ .~ z o ~ U ~ ,z H 0, ~ °~ ^~~ NAB ~~` ~~ ~ a ~~ aa~ ~~ o w ~ ~~ C L-- 1- City of Yelm Planning Commission AGENDA Yelm Planning Commission Special Meeting Monday, September 25, 2006 4:00 P.M. Yelm City Hall 105 Yelm Avenue West 2. 3. ~+ 4. 5. Call to Order and Roll Call Approval of Minutes August 21, 2006 Public Communications Email from Steve Klein dated September 3, 2006 Public Hearings: None Scheduled Other A. Comprehensive Plan Update -Review comments received during the public hearing and from the Thurston County Planning Commission, and provide direction to Community Development staff on any changes to the hearing draft to recommend be considered by the City Council. B. Principles for Sustainable Development with the Thurston Highlands Master Planned Community - Review a draft definition for sustainable development for endorsement by the Planning Commission and City Council. 6. Adjourn Next Planning Commission meeting Monday, October 16, 2006 - 4:00 P.M. Yelm City Hall Council Chambers Enclosures are available to non-Commission members upon request. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations far people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability in need of accommodations to conduct business, or to participate in government processes or activities, please contact Agnes Bennick, at 360-458-8404 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. All Planning Commission meetings are audio taped. For information on obtaining a copy, please call the Community Development Department at (360) 458-3835. YELM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 4:00 P.M. YELM CITY HALL Glen Cunningham called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM Members present: Glen Cunningham, John Graver, Carlos Perez, John Thomson, and Terry Kaminski. Staff: Tami Merriman Members Absent: Guest: Kathy McCormick, Thurston Regional Planning Council Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY JOHN GRAVER, SECONDED BY JOHN THOMSON TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 21, 2006 MINUTES. ALL WERE IN FAVOR. Public Communications: The Commission reviewed an email submitted by Mr. Steve Klein. No action was taken. The Commission also reviewed written comments regarding the Comprehensive Plan update by Ms. Gail Cane. 2006 Comprehensive Plan Uadate Tami Merriman asked the Commission if they had reviewed the staff response to comments received at the August 21, 2006 Public Hearing. Glen Cunningham asked Mr. Klein if had received a copy of the staff response. Steve Klein responded that he had received staff comments and disagreed with two items. Mr. Klein stated that the comprehensive plan should address the Y3, and state that it should not be used for compliance, and the developer impact fees should be reviewed and increased. Glen Cunningham asked staff to respond to the comments submitted by Gail Cane. Tami Merriman spoke to the four items written in Ms. Cane's comments. 1. The Comprehensive Plan should be updated to include Part V Capital Facilities. The Capital Facilities Plan is scheduled for review in 2007. 2. How will Yelm finance utilities for new development, and attached Ordinance 847. All new development installs (in not already existing) utility lines, and road improvements as part of their land use approval. Ordinance 847 is an LID for improvements to include utilities and road improvement. Property owners are being assessed only for the improvement that occurs in front of their property. 3. How can potable water be supplied when Yelm's wells do not meet water quality standards? The City of Yelm's wells are monitored and tested, and meet state requirements for a public water supply. One well is not in use due to not meeting these requirements. 4. How will sewage be disposed of in wetland areas as to not increase well pollution. The City of Yelm does not allow any development in wetland areas. All new development is required to connect to City sewer service. Yelm Planning Commission September 25, 2 W6 Page 7 ~- r w ~'' °' w ~ 7 '~ U H ~ U d ~ ~ ~ t -~ O U W ~ ~ O ~ O N+ E+ W ~ ~ o ~ O ~+ ~~ d I W a o~ w~ ~~ ~ ~~ a .~ ~o o~ ~o o~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ o0 U IW .~ o v a ~~~ w ~Q ~s d ~ ~ a, ~ Ca `tea ~a~ 0 ~ Y-°~ er+ +~ ... ~ 8 ~ WpH N ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~~ a ~~ ~ o ~" i~ ~,;o 0 o~~ ~, . 0 0~ ~ , ~, ~~~ ,-~ d r I Cl OIL ~ i l._