01 09 2018 Agenda PacketAGENDA YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING TI IF.Rnay .IDNi IDRY Q 9n9 R R•nn P M •------•f--------•-•-f--•--•--..... . Website Viewing: Clicking on agenda items will open associated documents including staff reports, resolutions, ordinances, etc. Note: some agenda items may not have attachments. 1. Call to Order - 2. Roll Call - Swearing in of Council Elect — Terry Kaminski 3. Agenda Approval - 4. Special Presentations — December Student of the Month — Kaylee Logan Graduate Yelm! Proclamation 5. Public Comment - Please complete a blue speaker's card and present it to the meeting recorder. For items NOT on the agenda, comments will be welcomed at this time. For items on the agenda, comments will be welcomed at the scheduled time of that agenda item. ACTION 6. Consent Agenda: ACTION a. Minutes: Regular meeting, December 12, 2017 & Study Session minutes December 5, 2017 b. Payables: Checks #70042 - #70140 Totaling $752,240.53 7. Public Hearing — none scheduled 8 a. Ordinance No. 1039, Creating the Information Technology Fund ACTION Presenter: Finance Director, Joe Wolfe Attachments: Staff Report, Ordinance No. 1039 b. Ordinance No. 1040, 2018 Budget Amendment ACTION Presenter: Finance Director, Joe Wolfe Attachments: Staff Report, Ordinance No. 1040 c. Selection of Mayor Pro -Tem 9. Old Business: none scheduled. 10. Department Updates — by City Administrator, Michael Grayum 11. Council and Mayor - Councilmember Curry represents Yelm on the following committees: • Thurston County Solid Waste • Yelm Adult Community Center Advisory Committee (SWAC) • Yelm Finance Department • Yelm Public Safety Committee Committee • SE Thurston County Fire Authority Liaison Councilmember Carmody represents Yelm on the following committees: • Intercity Transit Board Yelm Finance Department • Yelm Community & Economic Committee Development Committee ACTION Councilmember Colt represents Yelm on the following committees: *Thurston Thrives steering committee • Yelm Community & Economic Development Committee Councilmember Stillwell represents Yelm on the following committees: • Thurston County EDC Board • Yelm Finance Department Committee • Yelm Public Safety Committee Councilmember Wood represents Yelm on the following committees: • Thurston Regional Planning Yelm Public Works Committee Transportation Council (TRPC) • TComm 911 Admin Board Councilmember DePinto represents Yelm on the following committees: • Thurston County Law and • South Thurston Economic Justice Development Initiative group • Yelm Public Safety Committee (STEDI) • Yelm Community & Economic Development Committee Councilmember Kaminski represents Yelm on the following committees: • Thurston County EMS -Medic • Yelm Emergency Operations One Board • Yelm Public Works Committee Mayor Foster represents Yelm on the following committees: • Yelm Community & Economic • Yelm Finance Department Development Committee Committee • Thurston County Mayor's Forum • Yelm Public Works Committee • Thurston Regional Planning • Yelm Emergency Operations Council Board • South Sound Military and 0 Nisqually River Council Community Partnership 0 Community Investment Partnership (CIP) 12. Executive Session - no session scheduled. 13. Correspondence - (Correspondence is available upon request). 14. Adjourn - Upcoming Meetings: • City Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 23, 2018, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building • Study Session Meeting, Tuesday, February 6, 2018, 6:00 pm, Public Safety Building CITY OF YELM MEETING INFORMATION All regular Yelm City Council meetings are audio recorded. A $5.00 per CD (prepaid) fee is required. For information about obtaining a copy of the proceedings, please call 360.458.8402. Public comments are welcome. However, in order to proceed with scheduled agenda items the allowable time per speaker is limited to three (3) minutes and the number of speakers is limited to five (5). Public Comments related to items not on the agenda will be welcomed during the Public Comment period. Public Comments related to items on the agenda, will be welcomed at the scheduled time of that agenda item. It is the City of Yelm's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and in need of reasonable accommodations to conduct business or participate in government processes or activities, please contact Lori Mossman, at 360.458.8402 at least four (4) working days prior to the scheduled event. The City of Yelm is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Preliminary Agenda and Approved Council Minutes are available at www.yelmwa.gov. For information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Title VI Statement, click this link: htt ://www.ci. elm.wa.us/human-resources/. CITY OF YELM PROCLAMATION "Graduate Yelm!" Whereas, Yelm Community Schools is aligned to promote graduation readiness at every level of schooling; and Whereas, Graduation Readiness is defined as a student, upon high school graduation, possessing the knowledge and skills necessary to enter and finish their post -graduation education plan; and Whereas, Post -graduation education refers to all positive choices available to students including college, the military, trade and technical schools, apprenticeships and other work development programs; and Whereas, Students who graduate and move into a post -graduation education of any kind significantly increase their employment opportunities and career earnings and provide a more skilled workforce for the Yelm Community; and Whereas, Graduation readiness mindset begins as early as Kindergarten and community efforts to create a graduation mindset can have a significant, positive impact on students and families; and Whereas, Yelm Community Schools will provide materials and training, at no cost, to businesses, churches and civic groups to promote the efforts of Graduate Yelm! in the community; and Whereas, Yelm Community Schools and the City of Yelm will celebrate all post -graduation choices made by students, with the goal of achieving a 100% graduation rate; Now Therefore, I, JW Foster, Mayor of the City of Yelm, Washington, do hereby proclaim that Yelm will partner with Yelm Community Schools to promote, educate and celebrate the efforts of Graduate Yelm! SIGNED IN THE CITY OF YELM, WASHINGTON, THIS 9TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2018. JW Foster, Mayor, City of Yelm Agenda Item 6a Minutes Page 1 of 3 YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2017 MINUTES PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Russ Hendrickson. 3. Agenda Approval 17-239 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - Student of the Month - Paxton Moon Proclamation -Wreaths Across America City Councilmember Russ Hendrickson Appreciation 5. Public Comment- no comment 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes - Regular meeting November 28, 2017. b. Payables - 17-240 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing - none scheduled S. New Business - a. Ordinance No. 1038, Amending the 2017 City of Yelm Budget 17-241 MOTION BY JOE DEPINTO TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1038 AMENDING THE ADOPTED 2017 BUDGET. THIS AMENDMENT MAKES NECESSARY TECHNICAL ADJUSTMENTS TO INCREASE THE GENERAL FUND REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATIONS BY $198,871. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. MOTION CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 1036, Monthly Water Rates 17-242 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 1036 WHEREBY ADOPTING THE 2018 TO 2020 MONTHLY WATER RATES TO TAKE EFFECT JANUARY 1, 2018. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. YES -CURRY, CARMODY, STILLWELL, WOOD AND HENDRICKSON. NO-DEPINTO, COLT. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Old Business - none scheduled 10. Department Updates by City Administrator Michael Grayum - • Michael thanked Public Works Director Chad Bedlington for all the time and effort he has put into bringing the Utility Ordinances forward to Council. There 12-12-17 Agenda Item 6a Minutes Page 2 of 3 will be a FAQ sheet for Water, Sewer and Stormwater that will go out to the customers explaining the rate increases. • Chad is perusing alternative funding for road improvements for $350,000. • Lemay will have dumpsters in the parking lot at the City Park from December 29 - January 15, 2018 for Christmas Trees disposal, free of charge. • Christmas in the Park was an awesome event again this year. • The December 26 Council meeting is cancelled along with the Study Session on January 2, 2018. • At the January 9, 2018 Council meeting there will be a Budget Amendment for the 2018 Budget to include the I.T. & E.R.R. Fund. The January 23, 2018 Council meeting will be about Park Fees, Road Cut Fees, Fats, Oils, and Grease Ordinance and possibly an update from the Civil Service Commission. 11. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Curry attended the Yelm Public Safety Committee meeting, the Yelm Finance Committee meeting and the SE Thurston County Fire Authority Liaison committee meeting. Councilmember Carmody attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting and the Yelm Finance Committee meeting. Councilmember Stillwell walked in the Prairie Days Parade and thanked staff for their work and stated there are a lot of good changes being made. Councilmember Wood acknowledged and thanked Councilmember Hendrickson for the years that he has been on Council. Councilmember DePinto thanked Chad and the rest of the staff for doing a great job. Mayor Foster will be sending out Committee information to Council soon so they can decide on their committees. Mayor Foster met with local partners to discuss Highway 507. He has also been spending lots of time on Water Rights issues. Christmas in the Park was another joyous event. Mayor Foster attended Leadership Thurston County and the JBLM Community connector's 601h annual First Special Forces Ball. 12. Executive Session - none scheduled 13. Correspondence included 17-243 MOTION BY RUSS HENDRICKSON TO ADJOURN, SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. MOTION CARRIED. 14. Adjourned 7:05 pm. Attest: JW Foster, Mayor Lori Mossman, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.ci.yelm.wa.us. 12-12-17 Agenda Item 6a Minutes Page 3 of 3 YELM CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION TUESDAY, DECEMBERS, 2017 6:00 P.M. PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA 1. Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Present: Councilmember's: EJ Curry, Tad Stillwell, Cody Colt, Joe DePinto, Molly Carmody arrived at 6:23 pm and Tracey Wood arrived at 7:25 pm. Absent: Russ Hendrickson. Staff present: City Administrator Michael Grayum, Court Administrator Sonia Ramirez, Court Clerk Donni Burnham, Building Official Chris Vaccaro, Public Works Director Chad Bedlington arrived at 6:51 pm, Community Development Director Grant Beck, and City Clerk/HR Lori Mossman. Grant Beck introduced his new Building Official Chris Vaccaro and gave a brief background. Sonia Ramirez introduced her new Court Clerk Donni Burnham and gave a brief background. 3. a. Superintendent Brian Wharton - City/School Partnership to Promote Graduation Superintendent Wharton gave a presentation and explained the program and asked that a Proclamation be given to show support at an upcoming Council meeting. 3. b. Legislative Updates for 2018 Lobbyist Kathleen Collins gave the Council an update of what can be expected from the Legislature and asked for a list of priorities for 2018 Session. 3. c. Buxton Company - Revitalization Program to recruit and retain businesses in Yelm Director of Sales, Jacob Davis was available to answer questions from the Council regarding the recruitment of businesses to Yelm. The Council was split on the decision to contract with the Buxton Company. Council will need to do more research before they can make a decision. 3. d. Water Rates Public Works Director Chad Bedlington presented Council with different scenarios for the monthly increase to the water rates. Council discussed and asked questions. The Ordinance will come before Council on December 12th for a vote. 4. Mayors Report - Mayor Foster will be sending out a list of Council Committees and asked Council to pick their top three committees. S. Council Updates - Councilmember Carmody met with Kelly Peterson and discussed the maintenance of the Yelm Creek. Councilmember Stillwell would like Council to be thinking about the upcoming Strategic Council Retreat and the things they would like to get accomplished. Councilmember DePinto gave a presentation on his proposed rock wall. Adjourn 9:00 p.m. Attest: JW Foster, Mayor Lori Mossman, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.yelmwa.gov. VOUCHER APPROVAL FORM The following is a list of checks approved for payment at IIS iiiha d 'w J a uii ilii a"u 9fl'ri council: Paayroll December 5th Payroll Paaa roll December 20th Draw Paayroll A/P Checks, EFTS, & Drafts A/P Checks/EFTS, & Drafts Utility Refunds TOTAL Mayor Check number 70042 through check number 70140 Check dates 11/23/2017 through 12/21/2017 Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member Council member CITY CLERK: ATTEST: Council member Agenda Item 6b Vouchers Pagel of 33 The above checks approved and signed by a majority of the Yelm City Council, are hereby approved for payment passed on a motion by at a regular council meeting held this 9th clay of`.Tanuaay 2018. ro 288,376.23 ri 32,490.20 m 236, ri 192,440.50 ri 2,678.22 752,240.53 Agenda Item 8a Ordinance No. 1039, Creating the Information Technology Fund Page 1 of 4 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To: Mayor J.W Foster Yelm City Council From: Joseph Wolfe, Finance Director Date: January 2, 2018 (for January 9 City Council Meeting) Subj: 2018 City of Yelm Budget Ordinances No. 1039 and 1040 Recommendation Adopt Ordinance No. 1039, creating the Information Technology Fund; this amendment creates the Information Technology Fund in the City treasury. In Ordinance No. 1040, which moves appropriations form the General Operating Funds to the Information Technology Fund. Background The Council adopted the 2018 City of Yelm budget on October 24, Due to the early passage of the 2018 City budget, the allocation entries necessary to establish appropriations in the Technology available. All appropriations for technology operating costs as equipment rental and replacement costs currently reside in the G Operating Funds. Current Situation This budget amendment General Fund department as well as the Street Fund and the Utili. se funds to the Technology Fund to fund the IT staff and operating costs. This amendment transfe from the General Fund (001), Street Fund (101), and Utility Funds (400, 4 Information Technology Fund (501) and makes appropriations in the Technology Fund necessary to resources during budget year 2018. Agenda Item 8a Ordinance No. 1039, Creating the Information Technology Fund Page 2 of 4 CYON.1039 ITY OF ELM RDINANCE O AO of the City of Yelm amending Chapter 3.68 Yelm N RDINANCE Municipal Code to add the Information Technology Fund W, the Mayor, City Management, and Council Finance Committee of t HEREAS have established a priority to create a more user-friendly, budget document; and W, it is a shared priority to ensure City finances are clear and HEREAS reserve fund policies are key to this effort; and W, the Mayor and Council believe that important and costly tools HEREAS staff, such as vehicles, equipment, and computer networking and planned and budgeted in advance, and replaced on a predictable a W, the City of Yelm created an Equipment Rental and Reserve Fundas part of the 2018 HEREAS budget adoption. W, the recommendation of the Finance and Technology managers is that th HEREAS Fund should be a fund separate from the Equipment Rental and Reserve for accountability and audit purposes. N,T, the Yelm City Council does ordain: OW HEREFORE Section 1. Chapter 3.68.040 Yelm Municipal Code is hereby amended as follow Section 3.68.010 Established There is established a funds to be known as the equipment rental and reserve fund, and the " Information Technology Fund" to be used for the expenditures for salaries, wages and operations required for the repair, replacement, purchase and op and other portable equipment which the City shall decide to maintain and replace through this these funds. Section 3.68.020 Authorization The equipment rental and reserve fund and information technology fund created in this section shall be supervised by the Finance Director and administered by strator or their designee. Section 3.68.030 Scope of Equipment managed by the Fund Agenda Item 8a Ordinance No. 1039, Creating the Information Technology Fund Page 3 of 4 A.All motor vehicles and other portable equipment of the various d shall be transferred to the equipment rental and reserve fund asce Director. B.All computer, electronic and other portable office equipment of departments of the City shall be transferred to the equipment rental and reserve information technology fund as directed by the Finance Director. Section 3.68.040 Financial Management of the Funds A. The charges for the use of equipment shall be sufficient to cove operation and replacement of such equipment and the terms for th be as determined by the Finance Director, as approved by the adoption of the annual budget. Such rental rates shall be reviewed and, if needed, rev costs of maintenance, operation and replacement. B. There shall be kept, as directed by the Finance Director, such b records as are necessary to control and report the financial operat rental and reserve fund and information technology fund. Within the funds there shall be kept separate accounts for operation and maintenance and for reserve account for replacement of equipment in this fund. C. All monies deposited in the equipment rental and reserve fund and information technology fund and not expended as provided in this chapter shall remain in the from year to year and shall not betransferred to any other fund or expended for any other purpose. D. If, at any time hereafter, the City Council shall abolish the eq fund or information technology fund, then all monies on deposit therein shall revert to and be deposited in the several funds and departments participat Section 2.Severability. If any provision of this ordinance or its applica circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance or application of the provisions to other persons or circumstances shall remain unaffect Section 3.Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days provided by law. Agenda Item 8a Ordinance No. 1039, Creating the Information Technology Fund Page 4 of 4 P by the City Council of Yelm on this 9th of January, 2018. ASSED JW Foster, Mayor Authenticated: Lori Mossman, City Clerk/HR Manager Published: Nisqually Valley News on January 19, 2018 Effective: January 25, 2018 Agenda Item 8b Ordinance No. 1040, 2018 Budget Amendment Page 1 of 4 City of Yelm STAFF REPORT To: Mayor J.W Foster Yelm City Council From: Joseph Wolfe, Finance Director Date: January 2, 2018 (for January 9 City Council Meeting) Subj: 2018 City of Yelm Budget Ordinances No. 1039 and 1040 Recommendation Adopt Ordinance No. 1039, creating the Information Technology Fund; this amendment creates the Information Technology Fund in the City treasury. In Ordinance No. 1040, which moves appropriations form the General Operating Funds to the Information Technology Fund. Background The Council adopted the 2018 City of Yelm budget on October 24, Due to the early passage of the 2018 City budget, the allocation entries necessary to establish appropriations in the Technology available. All appropriations for technology operating costs as equipment rental and replacement costs currently reside in the G Operating Funds. Current Situation This budget amendment General Fund department as well as the Street Fund and the Utili. se funds to the Technology Fund to fund the IT staff and operating costs. This amendment transfe from the General Fund (001), Street Fund (101), and Utility Funds (400, 4 Information Technology Fund (501) and makes appropriations in the Technology Fund necessary to resources during budget year 2018. Agenda Item 8b Ordinance No. 1040, 2018 Budget Amendment Page 2 of 4 CITY OF YELM ORDINANCE NO. 1040 AN ORDINANCE amending the 2018 City of Yelm Budget as adopted by Ordinance No. 1033 inOctober 2017, by movingInformation Technology Fundappropriationsfrom the General Fundand Utility Operating Funds to the Information Technology Fund. WHEREAS, it is a shared priority to ensure City finances are clear and sustainable, and creating reserve fund policies are key to this effort; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council believe that important and costly tools relied upon by City staff, such as vehicles, equipment, and computer networking and desktop systems, should be planned and budgeted in advance, and replaced on a predictable and sustainable schedule; and WHEREAS, the City of Yelm has established an Equipment Rental and Reserve Fund. Therefore, the City Council of the City of Yelm, Washington ordains as follows: Section 1. 2018 budgeted expenditures from General Fundand Utility Operating Funds for technology related equipment, salaries and benefits are budgeted in the Information Technology Fund (501)as detailed in Appendices A and B. Section 2. The budget for the year 2018 as amended by the changes in ordinance number 1039shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk who is hereby directed to transmit this supplemental budget to the Auditor of the State of Washington, Division of Municipal Corporations. Section 3. Ratify and Confirmation Clause – Any action taken pursuant to this ordinance but prior to the effective date is hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect five days following publication. th PASSED and signed in authentication on this 9day of January, 2018. Passed by the City Council of Yelm on this 9th of January, 2018. JW Foster, Mayor Authenticated: Lori Mossman, City Clerk/HR Manager Published: Nisqually Valley News on January 19, 2018 Effective: January 25, 2018 Agenda Item 8b Ordinance No. 1040, 2018 Budget Amendment Page 3 of 4 CITY OF YELM 2018 Budget Appropriation Adjustment Exhibit "A" REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCESEXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES FUND Current BudgetAdjustmentRevised BudgetCurrent BudgetAdjustmentRevised Budget General Government Operating Funds General Fund 001General$ 9,139,532$ 9,139,532$ 9,139,532$ 9,139,532 Subtotal General Fund 9,139,532 - 9,139,532 9,139,532 - 9,139,532 Special Revenue Funds 101Street Operating 549,372 - 549,372 549,372 - 549,372 102Arterial Street 207,444 - 207,444 207,444 - 207,444 107Tourism Promotion 253,957 - 253,957 253,957 - 253,957 109YPD School Resource 104,045 - 104,045 104,045 - 104,045 120Transportation Facility Charge 330,293 - 330,293 330,293 - 330,293 Subtotal Special Revenue Funds 1,445,111 - 1,445,111 1,445,111 - 1,445,111 Internal Service Funds 501Information Technology 200,000 312,358 512,358 200,000 312,358 512,358 502Equipment Rental & Reserve 1,281,659 - 1,281,659 1,281,659 - 1,281,659 Subtotal Internal Service Funds 1,481,659 312,358 1,794,017 1,481,659 312,358 1,794,017 Total General Government Operating Funds 12,066,302 312,358 12,378,660 12,066,302 312,358 12,378,660 General Government Non-Operating Funds Special Revenue Funds 104Cumulative Reserve/Urban Dev. 1,013,372 - 1,013,372 1,013,372 - 1,013,372 105Park Reserve 896 - 896 896 - 896 119Deposits/Surety/Retainage 8,070 - 8,070 8,070 - 8,070 Subtotal Special Revenue Funds 1,022,338 - 1,022,338 1,022,338 - 1,022,338 Debt Service Funds 200LTGO Bond Redemption 503,084 - 503,084 503,084 - 503,084 202Killion Road LID #2 Repayments 700,673 - 700,673 700,673 - 700,673 203Sewer Revenue Bond/Loans 173,615 - 173,615 173,615 - 173,615 204Sewer Bond/Loan Reserves 427,235 - 427,235 427,235 - 427,235 205Park Reserve - - - - - - Subtotal Debt Service Funds 1,804,607 - 1,804,607 1,804,607 - 1,804,607 Capital Improvement Funds 302Municipal Building 1,491,463 - 1,491,463 1,491,463 - 1,491,463 316Road/Street Construction 1,101,133 - 1,101,133 1,101,133 - 1,101,133 Subtotal Capital Improvement Funds 2,592,596 - 2,592,596 2,592,596 - 2,592,596 Total General Govt Non-Operating Funds 5,419,541 - 5,419,541 5,419,541 - 5,419,541 Enterprise Funds 400Stormwater Utility 359,864 17,696 377,560 359,864 17,696 377,560 401Water Utility 7,609,033 - 7,609,033 7,609,033 - 7,609,033 402Utility Consumer Deposits 100,938 - 100,938 100,938 - 100,938 404Water Capital Improvements 2,182,639 - 2,182,639 2,182,639 - 2,182,639 405Water Revenue Debt Redemption 1,030,183 - 1,030,183 1,030,183 - 1,030,183 406Water Revenue Debt Reserve 939,561 - 939,561 939,561 - 939,561 412Sewer/Resuse Utility 4,095,281 8,017 4,103,298 4,095,281 8,017 4,103,298 413Sewer/Reuse Capital Reserve 6,094,811 - 6,094,811 6,094,811 - 6,094,811 415Sewer Bond Refi & Reserve 218,239 - 218,239 218,239 - 218,239 430Shortline Railroad - - - - - - 431Water Construction Fund 1,399,564 - 1,399,564 1,399,564 - 1,399,564 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 24,030,113 25,713 24,055,826 24,030,113 25,713 24,055,826 Total Enterprise Funds 24,030,113 25,713 24,055,826 24,030,113 25,713 24,055,826 Total Budget$ 41,515,956$ 338,071$ 41,854,027$ 41,515,956$ 338,071 $ 41,854,027 Agenda Item 8b Ordinance No. 1040, 2018 Budget Amendment Page 4 of 4 Exhibit B 2018 Budget Amendment REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES EXPENDITURES & OTHER USES AccountAccount DescriptionNumberAmountDescriptionNumberAmount General Fund (001)General Fund (001) Reduce Central Svcs for Creation of IT Fund-Salaries001.518.81.10.00(98,672)$ Reduce Central Svcs for Creation of IT Fund-Overtime001.518.81.12.00(500) Reduce Central Svcs for Creation of IT Fund-FICA001.518.81.20.00(7,549) Reduce Central Svcs for Creation of IT Fund-Retirement001.518.81.21.00(12,532) Reduce Central Svcs for Creation of IT Fund-Ind. Insurance001.518.81.22.00(361) Reduce Central Svcs for Creation of IT Fund-Unempl. Ins.001.518.81.23.00(493) Reduce Central Svcs for Creation of IT Fund-Medical Ins.001.518.81.24.00(24,869) Reduce Central Svcs for Creation of IT Fund-Oper. Supplies001.518.81.31.00(4,000) Reduce Central Svcs for Creation of IT Fund-Phones001.518.81.42.01(16,000) Reduce Central Svcs for Creation of IT Fund-Copiers001.518.81.42.03(19,245) Reduce Central Svcs for Creation of IT Fund-Network001.518.81.42.04(30,000) Reduce Central Svcs for Creation of IT Fund-Training001.518.81.43.00(600) Reduce Central Svcs for Creation of IT Fund-Software Maint.001.518.85.41.00(40,000) Add Operating Allocation Charge for New IT Fund - Judicial001.512.50.45.9111,110 Add Operating Allocation Charge for New IT Fund - Executive001.513.10.45.9122,220 Add Operating Allocation Charge for New IT Fund - Finance001.514.23.45.9129,626 Add Operating Allocation Charge for New IT Fund - Public Safety001.521.10.45.91114,802 Add Operating Allocation Charge for New IT Fund - Planning001.558.10.45.9133,330 Add Operating Allocation Charge for New IT Fund - Parks001.576.80.45.9122,220 Increase Ending Fund Balance to Rebalance Fund001.508.80.00.0021,513 Total General Fund Adjustment$ -Total General Fund Adjustment$ - Street Fund (101)Street Fund (101) Add Operating Allocation Charge for New IT Fund101.542.30.45.917,407$ Reduce Ending Fund Balance to Rebalance Fund101.508.80.00.00(7,407) Total Street Fund Adjustment$ -Total Street Fund Adjustment$ - Stormwater Utility Fund (400)Stormwater Utility Fund (400) Increase Stormwater Revenue Projection to Rebalance Fund400.343.83.00.0017,696$ Add Operating Allocation Charge for New IT Fund400.538.30.45.9117,696$ Total Stormwater Utility Fund Adjustment$ 17,696Total Stormwater Utility Fund Adjustment$ 17,696 Water Utility Fund (401)Water Utility Fund (401) Add Operating Allocation Charge for New IT Fund401.534.10.45.9128,598$ Reduce Salaries Due to Creation of IT Fund401.534.10.10.00(25,682) Reduce FICA Due to Creation of IT Fund401.534.10.20.00(1,965) Reduce Retirement Due to Creation of IT Fund401.534.10.21.00(3,262) Reduce Industrial Insurance Due to Creation of IT Fund401.534.10.22.00(94) Reduce Unempl. Insurance Due to Creation of IT Fund401.534.10.23.00(128) Reduce Medical Insurance Due to Creation of IT Fund401.534.10.24.00(6,473) Reduce Communications:Copier Due to Creation of IT Fund401.534.10.42.03(2,000) Increase Ending Fund Balance to Rebalance Fund401.508.80.00.0011,006 Total Water Utility Fund Adjustment$ -Total Water Utility Fund Adjustment$ - Sewer Utility Fund (412)Sewer Utility Fund (412) Increase Sewer Revenue Projection to Rebalance Fund412.343.50.00.008,017$ Add Operating Allocation Charge for New IT Fund412.535.10.45.9125,350$ Reduce Salaries Due to Creation of IT Fund412.535.10.10.00(10,813) Reduce FICA Due to Creation of IT Fund412.535.10.20.00(827) Reduce Retirement Due to Creation of IT Fund412.535.10.21.00(1,373) Reduce Industrial Insurance Due to Creation of IT Fund412.535.10.22.00(40) Reduce Unempl. Insurance Due to Creation of IT Fund412.535.10.23.00(54) Reduce Medical Insurance Due to Creation of IT Fund412.535.10.24.00(2,726) Reduce Communications:Copier Due to Creation of IT Fund412.535.10.42.03(1,500) Total Sewer Utility Fund Adjustment$ 8,017Total Sewer Utility Fund Adjustment$ 8,017 Technology Equipment Rental and Replacement Fund (501) Add Revenue for Department Operating Allocation Charges501.348.80.00.01312,358$ Add Account for Salaries Due to Creation of New Fund501.518.81.10.00135,167$ Add Account for Overtime Due to Creation of New Fund501.518.81.12.00500 Add Account for FICA Due to Creation of New Fund501.518.81.20.0010,341 Add Account for Retirement Due to Creation of New Fund501.518.81.21.0017,167 Add Account for Ind. Insurance Due to Creation of New Fund501.518.81.22.00495 Add Account for Unempl. Insurance Due to Creation of New Fund501.518.81.23.00675 Add Account for Medical Insurance Due to Creation of New Fund501.518.81.24.0034,068 Add Account for Operating Sppls Due to Creation of New Fund501.518.81.31.004,000 Add Account for Communications:Phones Due to Creation of New Fun501.518.81.42.0116,000 Add Account for Communications:Copiers Due to Creation of New Fu501.518.81.42.0322,745 Add Account for Network Due to Creation of New Fund501.518.81.42.0430,000 Add Account for Training Due to Creation of New Fund501.518.81.43.001,200 Add Account for Software Maint. Due to Creation of New Fund501.518.85.41.0040,000 Add Account for IT Infrastructure Due to Creation of New Fund501.518.85.35.0012,792 Add Account for Dept. Equip. Replc. Due to Creation of New Fund501.518.85.35.0175,600 Reduce Equipment Placeholder Account501.594.21.64.00(90,000) Rebalance Fund by Increasing Ending Fund Balance501.508.80.00.001,608 Total Information Technology Fund Adjustment$ 312,358Total Information Technology Fund Adjustment$ 312,358 GRAND TOTAL - REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS$ 338,071GRAND TOTAL - EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS$ 338,071 YELM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2018 MINUTES PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 206 MCKENZIE AVE. YELM, WA 1. Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. City Clerk, Lori Mossman swore JW Foster in for a four-year term as the City of Yelm Mayor. Mayor JW Foster swore Terry Kaminski in for a four-year term as Councilmember #7. Mayor JW Foster swore Tracey Wood in for a four-year term as Councilmember #5. Mayor JW Foster swore Tad Stillwell in for a four-year term as Councilmember #4. Mayor JW Foster swore Cody Colt in for a four-year term as Councilmember #3. 2. Roll Call Present: EJ Curry, Molly Carmody, Cody Colt, Tad Stillwell, Tracey Wood, Joe DePinto and Terry Kaminski. 3. Agenda Approval 18-001 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY EJ CURRY. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Special Presentations - December Student of the Month - Kaylee Logan Mayor Foster read the Graduate Yelm! Proclamation 5. Public Comment - Connie Ihringer asked about the Dump Station and when it would be open to the public again. Bob Sternoff owns property in Yelm and is concerned with the zoning and Economic Development of Yelm. Sandra Manwiller spoke in support of the Yelm School Bond. 6. Consent Agenda a. Minutes - Regular meeting December 12, 2017 & Study Session minutes December 5, 2017. b. Payables - 18-002 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Public Hearing - none scheduled 8. New Business - a. Ordinance No. 1039, Creating the Information Technology Fund 18-003 MOTION BY TRACEY WOOD TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1039, CREATING THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND; THIS AMENDMENT CREATES THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND IN THE CITY TREASURY. SECONCED BY MOLLY CARMODY. MOTION CARRIED. b. Ordinance No. 1040, 2018 Budget Amendment 18-004 MOTION BY MOLLY CARMODY TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1040, WHICH MOVES APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL AND UTILITY OPERATING FUNDS TO THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND. SECONCED BY CODY COLT. MOTION CARRIED. 1-9-18 C. Selection of Mayor Pro -Tem 18-005 MOTION BY EJ CURRY TO NOMINATE TRACEY WOOD FOR MAYOR PRO - TEM. SECONDED BY TAD STILLWELL. MOTION BY CODY COLT TO NOMINATE JOE DEPINTO FOR MAYOR PRO -TEM. SECONDED BY MOLLY CARMODY. ROLL CALL VOTE: EJ CURRY-TRACEY WOOD, MOLLY CARMODY-JOE DEPINTO, CODY COLT -JOE DEPINTO, TAD STILLWELL- TRACEY WOOD, TRACEY WOOD-TRACEY WOOD, JOE DEPINTO-JOE DEPINTO, TERRY KAMINSKI-TRACEY WOOD. TRACEY WOOD HAS BEEN SELECTED AS MAYOR PRO -TEM. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Old Business - none scheduled 10. Department Updates by Department Heads- • Public Works Director, Chad Bedlington reminded Council of the upcoming Open House on January 16, from 4:00 pm -7:00 pm at the Yelm Community Center for the Splash Park/Playground and the Hazardous Mitigation Plan. Chad stated that Jared Swanson has been hired as Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator. • Finance Director Joe Wolfe stated that Grace Friberg has been hired as Utility Billing Clerk. • Community Development Director Grant Beck stated that Joe Rivera has been hired as the Computer Support Specialist. 11. Mayor and Council Initiatives Councilmember Curry attended the Thurston County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAG) and the Yelm Adult Community Center meetings. Councilmember Carmody attended the Intercity Transit Board meeting. Councilmember Stillwell stated that today is "Law Enforcement Appreciation Day". Councilmember DePinto attended the South Thurston Economic Development Initiative Group (STEDI). Councilmember DePinto would like to vote on Proclamations that are on the agenda. Mayor Foster attended the Thurston Regional Planning Council meeting and the Community Investment Partnership (CIP) meetings and attended Councilmember Wood's TComm meeting. Mayor Foster handed out Council Committee Assignment sheets and would like to hear from Council about which committees that they would like to attend. 12. Executive Session - none scheduled 13. Correspondence Included 18-006 MOTION BY TERRY KAMINSKI TO ADJOURN, SECONDED BY TRACEY WOOD. MOTION CARRIED. 14.F77je rued 7:05 pm. 6-j—Attest: //77 It//tA/d17I'10/tJ J Foster, M yor Lori Mossman, City Clerk These minutes record the official actions of the Yelm City Council. Complete recordings are available on the city website at www.ci.yelm.wa.us. 1-9-18