05-26-05 SS MINUTES YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING STUDY SESSION MINUTES THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2005 Call to Order . Mayor Pro-Tem Harding called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 1. Roll Call . Council: Don Miller, Joe Baker, Bob Isom and Pat Fetterly. Staff: Shelly 2. Badger, Grant Beck, Jim Gibson, and Brent Dille, City Attorney. Guests: Michele Britton, WSDOT and Kirk Wilcox, Parametrix Agenda Approval – the agenda was approved as presented. 3. Special Presentations 4. a. SR 510 Yelm Loop Project Update. Michele Britton, WSDOT Project Manager and Kirk Wilcox, Parametrix provided information on expectations of how the Yelm Loop Project will proceed following release of project funds approved in the 2004- 05 legislative session. b. Yelm Transportation Committee (YTC) Update – Overview and recommendation related to updating of the City’s traffic model. Committee members (Grant Beck, Jim Gibson, Shelly Badger and Councilman Harding) provided an update of the YTC’s recent research into the need to update the city’s transportation model. All agreed that it is time to update the city’s model, including traffic counts, and asked that the YTC bring the proposal for funding such work to an upcoming Council meeting, along with a demonstration of how the model will work (by Perry Shea, Parametrix). 5. Mayor/Council Initiatives Discussion concerned rescheduling the June Council Study Session due to a date conflict with the annual Prairie Day’s Parade. Council determined that the best solution is moving the meeting back one day to be conducted immediately nd preceding the June 22 Regular Council meeting. Discussion regarding banners for community events versus an electronic reader board sign. The Chamber committee is researching the possibility of an electronic reader board sign for advertising of community events (and possibly paid advertising by businesses) in lieu of banners. Council agreed that the City would be willing to participate financially towards an electronic reader board, possibly located at city hall (new sign needed and budgeted for in 2005 budget), but with public and community announcements only (no paid advertising). Councilman Harding will take this information back to the Chamber committee to factor into their research and will report back to the Council. 6. New Business – None scheduled Yelm City Council SS Minutes Page 1 of 2 ab/city council/2005/05-26-05 YELM CITY COUNCIL MEETING STUDY SESSION MINUTES THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2005 7. Old Business Ordinance 829 relating to Yelm Municipal Code administrative provisions and Resolution 453 relating to the Mayor and City Council Protocol Manual. Discussion concerned the level of council involvement permitted by RCW in the selection, hiring, and discharge process for management level staff. After much discussion, Council asked that the ordinance and resolution be brought before th them for action at the June 8 City Council Meeting 8. Adjourn _______________________________________ Adam Rivas, Mayor Attest: ________________________________ Agnes Bennick, City Clerk Yelm City Council SS Minutes Page 2 of 2 ab/city council/2005/05-26-05