05 29 2018 Special AgendaMay 29, 2018 Agenda:
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Agenda approval
4. Public Comment—general business not including items on the agenda
5. Old Business: None
6. New Business: a Motion will be proposed to rescind or amend Resolution No. 590, Authorizing
the Purchase of Real Estate, adopted during the May 22, 2018 regular City Council Meeting.
.For more information on parliamentary procedure regarding this notice, see Chapter V, §10: Previous
Notice of Motions, in Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised. For more information on parliamentary
procedure regarding rescinding a motion, see Chapter IX, §35: Rescind: Amend Something Previously
May 25, 2018
City of Yelm
Nisqually Valley News
Yelm Community Blog
Dear Mayor and Fellow Council Members of Yelm,
We, the following members of Yelm City Council, hereby call a special meeting regarding the proposed
purchase of the Fairpoint complex, to occur on Tuesday, May 29, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at the Yelm Public
Safety Building in the main courtroom. Perthe Yelm Mayor and City Council Protocol manual, Section
"Special meetings may be called by either the Mayor or Mayor Pro -tem, or by the written request of
three Council Members. Notice of a special meeting will be made by the City Clerk by delivering
personally, by mail, or by facsimile, written notice to each member of the Council and to each local
newspaper of general circulation, and to each local radio station which has on file with the City a written
request to be notified of such special meeting or of all special meetings at least 24 hours before the time
of such meeting as specified in the notice. The all and notice shall specify the time and place of the
special meeting and the business to be transacted.
At all regular and special meetings, public comments are Invited before or during consideration of any
item on the agenda. Public comment is appropriate on any matter within the jurisdiction of the City
Cody Colt
Moly Ca dy
e DePinto