10-28-03 SS MINUTES
1. Mayor Rivas called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM.
2. Roll Call
Present: Ron Harding, Bob Isom, Don Miller & John Thompson
Excused: Pat Fetterly
Staff Present: Shelly Badger and Todd Stancil
3. The agenda was approved as presented on a motion by John
Thompson, second by Ron Harding.
4. Special Presentations - None
5. Mayor/Council Initiatives Introduced/Discussed
a. Councilmember Harding: Discussion regarding City entrance sign
project. Councilmembers Harding and Thompson agreed to lead
the project including the design and construction of the 3 signs at
the east, west and south entries to Yelm, as well as check on the
status of the stone sign planned for the trailhead area just east of
City Hall.
b. Discussion by all regarding the need for economic development in
Yelm both in the commercial and industrial areas. Shelly will
consider this discussion when putting together recommendations
on the economic developrnent goal adopted by Council for 2004.
6. New Business
a. City of Yelm Emergency Disaster Plan. Police Chief Todd Stancil
went over the proposed revisions to the City's Emergency Disaster
Plan. A resolution of adoption will be presented to Council in
Novernber for their consideration.
b. Future meeting topics for discussion. The need for funding for the
Y -3 corridor was discussed. A proposal will be forthcoming at the
October 28, 2003 Budget Worksession.
c. Shelly outlined a proposed Departrnent Head reporting system to
Council to keep them apprised of activities within each department.
A schedule will be developed for 2004 where the first 30 minutes of
each Thursday study session will be dedicated to a different
departmental update. Council supported the idea and asked that it
be kept as informal as possible.
d. Due to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, the November
and Decernber study sessions were agreed to be cancelled.
7. Meeting adjourned - 8:00 PM
Minu es prepared by: Shelly Badger, City Administrator
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A&1t Bennick, City Clerk