01/10/90~ ~a ~\ MINU`I£S CITY OF ELM REGULAR COUNCIL NIEE<rING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1990, 7:30 PM, Yelm City Hall The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Sanders at 7:30 PM. All present joined in the flag salute. Mayor Sanders reseated the Council by position number. . . The following was added to the agenda: Old Business (a): Property purchase update Amos Lawton moved to approve the agenda as revised, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. The minutes of the December 27, 1989 Regular Council Meeting and the . January 4, 1990 Special Meeting were approved on a motion by Rick Kolilis, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Vouchers numbered 7535 - 7616 were approved on a motion by Arnold Drogseth, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Current: $17,176.64 Police: $ 6,856.64 , Water: $ 8,815.69 Street: $ 2,081.16 Garbage: $ 6,693.10 Art. Street: $13,907.67 TOTAL: $55,530.90 ~ ~~~~ At 7:34 PM, the Regular Meeting closed and the City Council went into Executive Session to discuss the City Council applicants. At 7:52 PM, the Regular Meeting reconvened. Kathy Wolf nominated Martha Parsons to fill the vacant Council position left by Bob Sanders upon his election and swearing in as Mayor. Rick Kolilis nominated Michael Cooper. Arnold Drogseth moved to close the nominations, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Mayor Sanders called for a vote: Arnold Drogseth voted for Martha Parsons Kathy Wolf voted for Martha Parsons Amos Lawton voted for Martha Parsons Rick Kolilis voted for Michael Cooper . By majority, Martha Parsons was appointed to the City Council to fill the unexpired term left by Bob Sanders. She will serve until November 1991. Shelly Badger, City Clerk, administered the "oath of office" swearing in Martha Parsons as a Yelm City Councilmember. Rick Kolilis moved to deny the Watson claim, second by Kathy Wolf. Motion carried. Well #3 - Rick Kolilis moved to authorize Mayor Sanders to sign the contract documents with low bidder, T. Miller Construction, Inc., to construct the pumphouse for well #3, in the amount of $67,052.05 and the change order lowering the contract amount to $56,433.05, second by Arnold Drogseth. Motion carried. Pre-construction meeting will be next week, with work to begin soon after. A waterline extension request was received from a property owner on West Road to extend a 2" watermain to serve an additional house. Staff has denied the request stating that any additional water hookups in that location need to be served by a 6" watermain which would have to be extended north on 4th Street and east on West Road. Rick Kolilis moved denial of the request to extend the 2" waterrnain on property north of West Road, and recommends extension of the 6" line as stated above to serve the new residence (if city water is desired), second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. Property purchase update - After the January 4, 1990 Special Meeting, staff presented offer as directed to property owner. Property owner agreed to the monthly option payment beginning March 1, 1990 and to remove property fran the market. Also included in the purch~~se prise, i.f wand when the City of Yelm implements a sewer system, a hookup for parcels 2 & 3 at no charge. Rick Kolilis moved to agree to the above option clause, second by Amos Lawton. Motion carried. ~:~~ ~~ Police Report - Glenn Dunnam updated the Council on the flood damage in Lewis County resulting in the routing of I-5 traffic through Yelm (due to I-5 closure), also ,of the evacuation of the McKenna Home residents to,Yelm High School due to the rising Nisqually River. The evacuation was successful and residents of the home have been returned safely. Also discussed was Chief Dunnam's contact with UCO Oil, owners of parking lot at Jayhawks/Thriftway, requesting that the parking problem be solved as soon as possible. Chief Dunnam is currently revising the police policy manual, draft should be completed by March 1, 1990. Mayor Sanders reported that from December 5 - 29, 1989, approximately $2,400.00 was collected by Yelm Municipal Court on past due accounts. Yelm Historic Preservation Meeting of January 3, 1990 - Commission discussed potential consultants for the 1990 Survey, plaques for Ye]m Register properties and elected officers for year 1990. Parks Advisory Committee Meeting of January 2, 1990 - Raffle tickets are on sale for the Centennial stoneware piece, drawing May 6, 1990. Proceeds will help complete the Centennial Art Projects (contract bases for the plaque and statue). Park Committee will be working on new park policies on January 13, 1990. Mayor Sanders read a letter received from the Department of Transportation in response to Yelm's declaration of emergency (regarding traffic on Yelm Ave.). The letter from Duane Berentson, Secretary of Transportation, stated that the District Administrator would be working with Yelm in the future to develop solutions to the problem. Martha Parsons moved to adjourn-the meeting at 9:00 AM, second by Kathy Wolf. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST /'9 • 4 Shelly A. B dger City Clerk May~~.t~ar~x,,s-~~ i~ i~.